From 9dcd093c33acd1593148d8fc7a49f9f3fd2c41df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: adrien-matta <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 10:57:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] * Adding RRC66_10He analysis project * Adding file
 for GithHub page

 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.cxx | 618 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.h   | 266 +++++++++++++
 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Makefile     |  31 ++                          |  18 +
 4 files changed, 933 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.cxx
 create mode 100755 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.h
 create mode 100755 NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Makefile
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.cxx b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b55616fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+#include "Analysis.h"
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+  // command line parsing
+  NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
+  // Instantiate RootInput
+  string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
+  RootInput:: getInstance("RunToTreat11Li.txt");
+  //    RootInput:: getInstance("RunToTreat11Li_carbonne.txt");
+  // if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
+  if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
+    string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
+    myOptionManager->SetDetectorFile(name);
+  }
+  // get input files from NPOptionManager
+  string detectorfileName    = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
+  string OutputfileName      = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
+  // Instantiate RootOutput
+  RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/"+OutputfileName, "ResultTree");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetFile()->SetCompressionLevel(9);
+  // Instantiate the detector using a file
+  NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager();
+  myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
+  // Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
+  TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
+  LoadCorrectionValueSSSD();
+  // Attach new branch
+  InitOutputBranch();
+  RootInput::getInstance()->AddFriendChain("RunToTreatData11Li.txt");
+  //   RootInput::getInstance()->AddFriendChain("RunToTreatData11Li_carbonne.txt");
+  RootInput::getInstance()->AddFriendChain("RunToTreat11Li_T6.txt");
+  //   RootInput::getInstance()->AddFriendChain("RunToTreat11Li_T6_carbonne.txt");
+  InitInputBranch();
+  //	Instantiate the Reaction
+  NPL::Reaction*  He10Reaction = new Reaction ;
+  He10Reaction	->	ReadConfigurationFile("10He.reaction") ;
+  double Mass_10He = 7482.53 + 2.*939.565378; // Mass 8He + 2 * mass neutron
+  double MassExcess_10He = (Mass_10He - 10*amu_c2 + 2* electron_mass_c2)*1000.; //keV
+  He10Reaction -> 	GetNucleus4()	->	SetMassExcess(MassExcess_10He);
+  NPL::Reaction*  He10Reaction2 = new Reaction ;
+  He10Reaction2	->	ReadConfigurationFile("10He.reaction") ;
+  He10Reaction2 -> 	GetNucleus4()	->	SetMassExcess(MassExcess_10He);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Get pointer to the different detector
+  TMust2Physics* M2  = (TMust2Physics*) myDetector -> GetDetector("MUST2");
+  TSSSDPhysics* SSSD = (TSSSDPhysics*)  myDetector -> GetDetector("SSSD");
+  LoadCorrectionTimeValue(2);
+  // Fast analysis
+  ifstream entry_file;
+  //ofstream entry_file;
+  int next_event ;
+  entry_file >> next_event ;
+  // Get number of events to treat
+  int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
+  //    int nentries = 1000000;
+  cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
+  clock_t begin = clock();
+  clock_t end = begin;
+  cout.precision(5);
+  /////////////////////////// main loop on entries ////////////////////////////
+  for (int i = 0 ; i < nentries; i++) {
+    if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0){
+      end = clock();
+      long double TimeElapsed = (long double) (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+      double percent = (double)i/nentries;
+      double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
+      cout  << "                                                        "<< flush;
+      cout  << "\r Progression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" 
+        <<  TimeToWait <<"s |  Analysis Rate : "<< (double) i/TimeElapsed 
+        << flush;
+    }
+    else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
+    if(i == next_event){
+      entry_file >> next_event;
+      // get data
+      Chain -> GetEntry(i);
+      ReInitValue();
+      TreatRIPS();
+      // Beam Check:
+      bool BeamCheck = false;
+      // F2Pla vs F3Pla Time
+      if( PlaF2_E > 490 && PlaF2_E < 730)
+        if( PlaF3_T >33.5 && PlaF3_T < 39.5 )
+          BeamCheck = true;
+      double BeamTimeOfFlight;
+      double BeamTOF_F3_Target;
+      BeamEnergy=-1000;
+      if(BeamCheck){
+        // Calculate beam energy from Time of Flight between F2 and F3
+        //BeamTimeOfFlight = a_BeamTof*PlaF3_T +b_BeamTof;
+        // second order calibration
+        double rawTOF = PlaF3_T-PlaF2_T;
+        BeamTimeOfFlight = a_BeamTof + b_BeamTof*rawTOF + c_BeamTof*rawTOF*rawTOF;
+        // relativiste formula
+        BeamEnergy =  sqrt( 10286.*10286./(1.-pow((1./(299792458.*BeamTimeOfFlight*1e-9/F2_F3_distance)),2)) )- 10286.;
+        //cout << BeamTimeOfFlight << " " << BeamEnergy << endl ;
+        BeamTOF_F3_Target = 0 ;
+        if(BeamEnergy<630){
+          // Slow down the beam inside the F3 plastic and PPAC
+          BeamEnergy = Li11_Mylar.Slow( BeamEnergy, 2.*2* 12.*micrometer + 3*1.5*2*micrometer, BeamDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,1)));
+          BeamEnergy = Li11_BC400.Slow( BeamEnergy, 0.3*mm, BeamDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,1)));
+          BeamEnergy = Li11_Mylar.Slow( BeamEnergy, 2.*2* 12.*micrometer + 3*1.5*2*micrometer, BeamDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,1)));
+          // Calculate the time of flight of the Beam between F3 and the target
+          BeamTOF_F3_Target = 1e-9*(  F3_Target_distance /sqrt( 1-(10286.*10286.)/(BeamEnergy+10286.)/(BeamEnergy+10286.) ) ) / (299792458.);
+          // Slow down the beam inside the target
+          BeamEnergy = Li11_CD2.Slow( BeamEnergy, TargetThickness/2., BeamDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,1)));
+          He10Reaction->SetBeamEnergy(BeamEnergy);
+        }
+        else
+          BeamEnergy = -1000;
+      }
+      int RealMultiplicity = 0;
+      for(unsigned int countSSSD = 0 ; countSSSD < SSSD->Energy.size() ; countSSSD++){
+        for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2->Si_E.size() ; countMust2++){
+          int TelescopeNumber = M2->TelescopeNumber[countMust2];
+          int SiNumber = SSSD->DetectorNumber[countSSSD];
+          if(TelescopeNumber==SiNumber)
+            RealMultiplicity++ ;
+        }
+      }
+      /// Rejection Analysis
+      if(!BeamCheck) RejectBeam++;
+      if(RealMultiplicity!=MaximumMultiplicity) RejectMultiplicity++;
+      if(RealMultiplicity == 0 ) Multiplicity0++ ;
+      if(RealMultiplicity > 1 ) MultiplicitySup1++ ;
+      if(!BeamCheck || RealMultiplicity!=MaximumMultiplicity) RejectTotal++;
+      if(BeamCheck &&  RealMultiplicity==MaximumMultiplicity && XTarget>-1000 && YTarget>-1000){
+        //entry_file << i << endl ;
+        if(T6->Si_E.size()==1){
+          T6_SiE = T6->Si_E[0] ;
+          if(T6->CsI_E.size()==1){
+            T6_CsIE = T6->CsI_E[0];
+            T6_CsIN = T6->CsI_N[0];
+          }
+        }
+        RunNumber = RIPSData->GetRunNumber();
+        //////////////////////////// LOOP on MUST2 + SSSD Hit //////////////////
+        for(unsigned int countSSSD = 0 ; countSSSD < SSSD->Energy.size() ; countSSSD++){
+          for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2->Si_E.size() ; countMust2++){
+            /************************************************/
+            //Part 0 : Get the usefull Data
+            // MUST2
+            int X = M2->Si_X[countMust2];
+            int Y = M2->Si_Y[countMust2];
+            int TelescopeNumber = M2->TelescopeNumber[countMust2];
+            Si_X_M2 = X ;
+            Si_Y_M2 = Y ;
+            //SSSD
+            int SiNumber = SSSD->DetectorNumber[countSSSD];
+            /************************************************/
+            if(TelescopeNumber==SiNumber ){
+              DetectorNumber = TelescopeNumber ;
+              /************************************************/
+              //Part1: Time Correction
+              if(CorrectionTimeMust2[TelescopeNumber-1][Y-1]!=500 && M2->CsI_E[countMust2]<0 ){
+                T_M2 = CorrectionTimeMust2[TelescopeNumber-1][Y-1]+M2->Si_T[countMust2] ;
+                T_M2_corr = T_M2+BeamTimeOfFlight+BeamTOF_F3_Target;
+              }
+              else 
+                T_M2=-100;
+              /************************************************/
+              /************************************************/
+              //Part 2 : Impact Angle
+              ThetaM2Surface = 0;
+              ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
+              if(XTarget>-1000 && YTarget>-1000){
+                TVector3 BeamImpact(XTarget,YTarget,0);
+                TVector3 HitDirection = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2) - BeamImpact ;
+                ThetaLab = HitDirection.Angle( BeamDirection );
+                ThetaM2Surface = HitDirection.Angle(- M2 -> GetTelescopeNormal(countMust2) );
+                ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle( TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
+                X_M2 = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).X() ;
+                Y_M2 = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Y() ;
+                Z_M2 = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Z() ;
+              }
+              else{
+                BeamDirection = TVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+                ThetaM2Surface    = -1000  ;
+                ThetaNormalTarget = -1000  ;
+              }
+              /************************************************/
+              /************************************************/
+              //Part 3 : Impact Energy
+              Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
+              CsI_E_M2= M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
+              E_SSSD = SSSD->Energy[countSSSD];
+              // if CsI
+              if(Si_E_M2 < 440 && Si_E_M2>0.01 && ThetaM2Surface!=-1000&& ThetaNormalTarget!=-1000){
+                if(CsI_E_M2>0 ){
+                  // The energy in CsI is calculate form dE/dx Table bevause calibration for 3He is not good
+                  Energy = He3Si.EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(Si_E_M2,SiThicknessMUST2[TelescopeNumber-1],ThetaM2Surface, 0.01*MeV, 450.*MeV,0.001*MeV ,1000);
+                  CsI_E_M2_calculated = Energy;
+                  E_M2=CsI_E_M2;
+                }
+                else
+                  Energy = Si_E_M2;
+                E_M2 += Si_E_M2;
+                // Evaluate energy using the measured effective thickness (Silicon equivalent)
+                if(CorrectionA[DetectorNumber-1][(X-1)][(Y-1)]!=-100 ){
+                  E_Corr = NormalisationA*SSSD->Energy[countSSSD]/(CorrectionA[DetectorNumber-1][(X-1)][(Y-1)]/cos(ThetaM2Surface));
+                  ELab   = He3Si.EvaluateInitialEnergy( Energy ,CorrectionA[DetectorNumber-1][(X-1)][(Y-1)]*micrometer , ThetaM2Surface);
+                  Energy = Energy + E_SSSD;
+                  // Target Correction
+                  ELab   = He3CD2.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab ,TargetThickness/2. - ZTarget, ThetaNormalTarget);
+                }
+                else {
+                  Energy  =  -100;
+                  ELab    =-100;
+                  E_Corr=-100;
+                }
+              }
+              /************************************************/
+              /***********M2->Si_E[countMust2];*************************************/
+              //Part 4 : Excitation Energy Calculation
+              ExcitationEnergy = He10Reaction -> ReconstructRelativistic( ELab , ThetaLab );
+              /************************************************/
+              /************************************************/
+              //Part 5 : Theta CM Calculation
+              ThetaCM  = He10Reaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab , 0)/deg;
+              ThetaCM2 = He10Reaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab , ThetaLab/rad)/deg;
+              /************************************************/
+              /************************************************/
+              // Part 6: Corrected Kinematical information
+              if(ELab>0 && ThetaLab>0 && ThetaCM==ThetaCM){
+                He10Reaction2 -> SetExcitationHeavy(ExcitationEnergy);
+                He10Reaction2 -> SetThetaCM(ThetaCM*deg);
+                He10Reaction2 -> KineRelativistic(Corrected_ThetaLab3,Corrected_EnergyLab3 ,Corrected_ThetaLab4,Corrected_EnergyLab4);
+                Corrected_ThetaLab3 = Corrected_ThetaLab3/deg; 
+                Corrected_ThetaLab4 = Corrected_ThetaLab4/deg; 
+                cout << ELab << " " << ThetaLab/deg << " " << Corrected_ThetaLab3 <<" " << Corrected_EnergyLab3 << endl ;
+                // Test if we have nan (not a number)
+                if(Corrected_ThetaLab3!=Corrected_ThetaLab3){
+                  Corrected_ThetaLab3 = -1000;
+                  Corrected_EnergyLab3 = -1000;
+                  Corrected_ThetaLab4 = -1000;
+                  Corrected_EnergyLab4 = -1000;
+                }
+              }
+              /************************************************/
+            }
+          } //end loop SSSD
+        }//end loop MUST2
+        /************************************************/
+        //Part 6 : Final Check
+        if(ELab<0) ThetaLab = -100;
+        else       ThetaLab = ThetaLab/deg;
+        if(BeamDirection.X()==-1000){
+          ReInitValue();
+        }
+        /************************************************/
+        // final file, fill only on interresting event for faster analysis
+        else if(ELab>0 && BeamEnergy>0)
+          RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill();
+      } //beam check
+    } // if selected event for fast analysis
+  } // loop over events
+  cout << "A total of " << nentries << " event has been annalysed " << endl ;
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
+  RootInput::getInstance()->Destroy();
+  NPOptionManager::getInstance()->Destroy();
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  cout << "Event rejected Beam : " << RejectBeam << endl ;
+  cout << "Event rejected Mult : " << RejectMultiplicity << endl ;
+  cout << "Event rejected Mult >1 : " << MultiplicitySup1 << endl ;
+  cout << "Event rejected Mult =0 : " << Multiplicity0 << endl ;
+  cout << "Event rejected Total : " << RejectTotal << endl ;
+  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  return 0 ;
+void InitOutputBranch()
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("T_M2",&T_M2,"T_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("T_M2_corr",&T_M2_corr,"T_M2_corr/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("X_M2",&X_M2,"X_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Y_M2",&Y_M2,"Y_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Z_M2",&Z_M2 ,"Z_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ZD1_E",&ZD1_E,"ZD1_E/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ZD2_E",&ZD2_E ,"ZD2_E/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ZD1_T",&ZD1_T,"ZD1_T/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ZD2_T",&ZD2_T ,"ZD2_T/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BeamEnergy",&BeamEnergy,"BeamEnergy/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PlaF2_E",&PlaF2_E,"PlaF2_E/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PlaF2_T",&PlaF2_T,"PlaF2_T/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PlaF3_E",&PlaF3_E,"PlaF3_E/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PlaF3_T",&PlaF3_T,"PlaF3_T/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PlaF3_TL",&PlaF3_TL,"PlaF3_TL/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PPACT0",&PPACT0,"PPACT0/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PPACT1",&PPACT1,"PPACT1/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PPAC0",&PPAC0,"PPAC0/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("PPAC1",&PPAC1,"PPAC1/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("XTarget",&XTarget,"XTarget/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("YTarget",&YTarget,"YTarget/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Energy",&Energy,"Energy/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("RunNumber", &RunNumber,"RunNumber/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("DetectorNumber", &DetectorNumber,"DetectorNumber/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Si_E_M2", &Si_E_M2,"Si_E_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("CsI_E_M2", &CsI_E_M2,"CsI_E_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("CsI_E_M2_calculated", &CsI_E_M2_calculated,"CsI_E_M2_calculated/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Si_X_M2", &Si_X_M2,"Si_X_M2/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Si_Y_M2", &Si_Y_M2,"Si_Y_M2/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("T6_SiE",&T6_SiE,"T6_SiE/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("T6_CsIE",&T6_CsIE,"T6_CsIE/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("T6_CsNE",&T6_CsIN,"T6_CsIN/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("E_M2",&E_M2,"E_M2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("E_SSSD",&E_SSSD,"E_SSSD/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ELab",&ELab,"ELab/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaLab",&ThetaLab,"ThetaLab/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaLabHeavy",&ThetaLabHeavy,"ThetaLabHeavy/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaCM",&ThetaCM,"ThetaCM/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaCM2 ",&ThetaCM2,"ThetaCM2/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergy",&ExcitationEnergy,"ExcitationEnergy/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("E_Corr",&E_Corr,"E_Corr/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Corrected_ThetaLab3",&Corrected_ThetaLab3,"Corrected_ThetaLab3/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Corrected_EnergyLab3",&Corrected_EnergyLab3,"Corrected_EnergyLab3/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Corrected_ThetaLab4",&Corrected_ThetaLab4,"Corrected_ThetaLab4/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Corrected_EnergyLab4",&Corrected_EnergyLab4,"Corrected_EnergyLab4/D");
+void InitInputBranch(){
+  RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("RIPS",&RIPSData);
+  RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("GATCONF",&GATCONF);
+  RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("T6Tree.MUST2",&T6);
+void LoadCorrectionValueSSSD(){
+  // Initialize the Correction Array
+  vector<double> BufferCoeffX; BufferCoeffX.resize(128,-100);
+  vector< vector<double> > BufferCoeffXY; BufferCoeffXY.resize(128,BufferCoeffX);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
+    CorrectionA.push_back(BufferCoeffXY);
+  }
+  // Read Value from the file
+  TString basename = "./SSSDThickness";
+  // Load Time Correction Value
+  double Buffer;
+  ifstream Correction_file;
+  for(int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++){
+    TString filename = basename + Form("/Si%d_RealThickness.dat", k+1);
+    for(int j = 0 ; j <  128  ; j++){
+      for(int i = 0 ; i <  128 ; i++){
+        //ignore the first 2s value
+        Correction_file >> Buffer >> Buffer ;
+        Correction_file >> Buffer ;
+        CorrectionA[k][j][i] = Buffer;
+      }
+    }
+    Correction_file.close();
+  }
+void LoadCorrectionTimeValue(int i){
+  cout << endl << " Load Version "<< i << " of Time Correction" << endl;
+  CorrectionTimeVersion = i ;
+  string buffer;
+  CorrectionTimeMust2.clear();
+  TString basename = "./macro/Must2_ver2/Coeff";
+  if(i == 1) basename+="_9Li";
+  if(i == 2) basename+="_Li11";
+  // Load Time Correction Value
+  double BufferTime;
+  vector<double> LineTimeBuffer;
+  ifstream Time_file;
+  for(int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++){
+    LineTimeBuffer.clear();
+    TString filename = basename + Form("/Cal_Str_Y_T_MM%d.peak", k+1);
+    for(int j = 0 ; j<  128 ; j++){
+      Time_file >> buffer >> BufferTime;
+      LineTimeBuffer.push_back(BufferTime);
+    }
+    CorrectionTimeMust2.push_back(LineTimeBuffer);
+    Time_file.close();
+  }
+void ReInitValue(){
+  T_M2 = -1000 ;
+  T_M2_corr = -1000;
+  X_M2 = -1000 ;
+  Y_M2 = -1000 ;
+  Z_M2 = -1000 ;
+  ZD1_E = -1000;
+  ZD2_E = -1000;
+  ZD1_T = -1000;
+  ZD2_T = -1000;
+  BeamEnergy=-1000;
+  XTarget = -1000 ;
+  YTarget = -1000 ;
+  Energy = -1000 ;
+  Si_E_M2 = -1000 ;
+  CsI_E_M2 = -1000;
+  CsI_E_M2_calculated= -1000;
+  Si_X_M2 = -1000 ;
+  Si_Y_M2 = -1000 ;
+  E_M2 = -1000 ;
+  E_SSSD = -1000 ;
+  T6_SiE = -1000 ;
+  T6_CsIE = -1000 ;
+  T6_CsIN = -1000 ;
+  ELab = -1000 ;
+  ThetaLab = -1000 ;
+  ThetaLabHeavy = -1000 ;
+  ThetaCM  = -1000 ;
+  ThetaCM2  = -1000 ;
+  ExcitationEnergy = -1000 ;
+  DetectorNumber = -1000 ;
+  RunNumber = -1000 ;
+  PlaF2_E= -1000 ;
+  PlaF2_T= -1000 ;
+  PlaF3_E= -1000 ;
+  PlaF3_T= -1000 ;
+  PlaF3_TL= -1000 ;
+  BeamDirection = TVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+  PPACT0 = -1000 ;
+  PPACT1 = -1000 ;
+  PPAC0 = -1000 ;
+  PPAC1 = -1000 ;
+  ThetaM2Surface=-1000;
+  ThetaNormalTarget=-1000;
+  E_Corr = -1000;
+  Corrected_ThetaLab3=-1000;
+  Corrected_EnergyLab3=-1000;
+  Corrected_ThetaLab4=-1000;
+  Corrected_EnergyLab4=-1000;
+void TreatRIPS(){
+  // Treat Plastic
+  for(int pla = 0 ; pla < RIPSData->GetMultPlastic() ; pla++){
+    int plastic_number= RIPSData->GetPlasticN(pla);
+    if ( plastic_number== 0){
+      PlaF2_E = RIPSData->GetPlasticE(pla);
+      PlaF2_T = RIPSData->GetPlasticTR(pla);
+    }
+    else if (plastic_number == 1){
+      PlaF3_E  = RIPSData->GetPlasticE(pla);
+      PlaF3_T  = (RIPSData->GetPlasticTR(pla)+RIPSData->GetPlasticTL(pla))/2.;
+    }
+    else if (plastic_number == 2){
+      ZD1_E = RIPSData->GetPlasticE(pla);
+      ZD1_T = RIPSData->GetPlasticTR(pla);
+    }
+    else if (plastic_number == 3){
+      ZD2_E = RIPSData->GetPlasticE(pla);
+      ZD2_T = RIPSData->GetPlasticTR(pla);
+    }
+  }
+  // Treat PPAC
+  double X0=0,Y0=0,Z0=0,Z0X=0,Z0Y=0;
+  double X1=0,Y1=0,Z1=0,Z1X=0,Z1Y=0;
+  bool check0=false,check1=false;
+  ZTarget = 0 ;
+  for(int ppac = 0 ; ppac < RIPSData->GetMultPPAC() ; ppac++ ){
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // First group of PPAC outside the reaction chamber
+    if(RIPSData->GetPPACN(ppac)==0){ // priority is given to ppac A
+      X0 = RIPSData->GetPPACX(ppac) ;
+      Y0 = RIPSData->GetPPACY(ppac) ;
+      PPACT0 = RIPSData->GetPPACT(ppac) ;
+      Z0 = ZPPAC_A - ZTarget;
+      Z0X = ZPPAC_A_X - ZTarget;
+      Z0Y = ZPPAC_A_Y - ZTarget;
+      PPAC0 = 0 ;
+      check0=true;
+    }
+    else if (RIPSData->GetPPACN(ppac)==1 && !check0){
+      X0 = RIPSData->GetPPACX(ppac) ;
+      Y0 = RIPSData->GetPPACY(ppac) ;
+      PPACT0 = RIPSData->GetPPACT(ppac) ;
+      Z0 = ZPPAC_B - ZTarget;
+      Z0X = ZPPAC_B_X - ZTarget;
+      Z0Y = ZPPAC_B_Y - ZTarget;
+      PPAC0 = 1 ;
+      check0=true;
+    }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Second group of PPAC (tandem), inside the reaction chamber
+    if(RIPSData->GetPPACN(ppac)==3){ // priority is given to ppac TB, more stable
+      X1 = RIPSData->GetPPACX(ppac) ;
+      Y1 = RIPSData->GetPPACY(ppac) ;
+      PPACT1 = RIPSData->GetPPACT(ppac) ;
+      Z1 = ZPPAC_TB - ZTarget;
+      Z1X = ZPPAC_TB_X - ZTarget;
+      Z1Y = ZPPAC_TB_Y - ZTarget;
+      PPAC1 = 3;
+      check1=true;
+      // Mizuki correction
+      X1 = X1 + 2.038 - 0.166 * X1 ;
+      Y1 = Y1 - 1.98  - 0.098 * Y1 ;
+    }
+    else if (RIPSData->GetPPACN(ppac)==2 && !check1){
+      X1 = RIPSData->GetPPACX(ppac) ;
+      Y1 = RIPSData->GetPPACY(ppac) ;
+      PPACT1 = RIPSData->GetPPACT(ppac) ;
+      Z1 = ZPPAC_TA - ZTarget;
+      Z1X = ZPPAC_TA_X - ZTarget;
+      Z1Y = ZPPAC_TA_Y - ZTarget;
+      PPAC1 = 2 ;
+      check1=true;
+      // Mizuki correction
+      X1 = X1 + 2.47 - 0.1135 * X1 ;
+      Y1 = Y1 - 1.05 - 0.0911 * Y1 ;
+    }
+  }
+  /// Build my own position on target
+  if(check0 && check1){
+    // Reverse X and Y
+    X0 = -X0 ; X1 = -X1 ;
+    XTarget = X1 + (X1-X0)*( (ZTarget-Z1X)/(Z1X-Z0X) );
+    YTarget = Y1 + (Y1-Y0)*( (ZTarget-Z1Y)/(Z1Y-Z0Y) );
+    BeamDirection = TVector3(X1-X0,Y1-Y0,Z1-Z0);
+  }
+  else{
+    XTarget = -1000;
+    YTarget = -1000;
+  }
+  ZTarget = Rand.Uniform(-TargetThickness/2.,TargetThickness/2.); // ZTarget is randomly shoot in micrometer unit
+  ZTarget = ZTarget/mm ;// convert to mm unit to be consistent with X and Y
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.h b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..292fda00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Analysis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// You can use this file to declare your spectra, file, energy loss , ... and whatever you want.
+// This way you can remove all unnecessary declaration in the main programm.
+// In order to help debugging and organizing we use Name Space.
+// -------------------------------------- VARIOUS INCLUDE ---------------------------------------
+// NPL
+#include "DetectorManager.h"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+#include "NPReaction.h"
+// STL C++
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+// ROOT
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TLeaf.h>
+#include <TVector3.h>
+#include <TRandom.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+// NPL
+#include "RootInput.h"
+#include "RootOutput.h"
+#include "TMust2Physics.h"
+#include "TSSSDPhysics.h"
+#include "TRIPSData.h"
+#include "NPPhysicalConstants.h"
+#include "NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TreatRIPS();
+void InitOutputBranch() ;
+void InitInputBranch() ;
+void ReInitValue() ;
+void LoadCorrectionValueSSSD() ;
+void LoadCorrectionTimeValue(int i) ;  
+// ----------------------------------- DOUBLE, INT, BOOL AND MORE -------------------------------
+namespace VARIABLE
+	{
+		//	Declare your Variable here:
+		TRandom Rand;
+		// Parameter 
+		int MaximumMultiplicity = 1;
+		double AlThicknessMUST2[4]={0.50*micrometer,0.65*micrometer,0.66*micrometer,0.57*micrometer};
+		double SiThicknessMUST2[4]={311.*micrometer,308.*micrometer,300.*micrometer,297.*micrometer};
+		double AlThicknessSSSD[4]={0.70*micrometer,0.76*micrometer,0.78*micrometer,0.76*micrometer};
+		double TargetThickness = 18.*micrometer;
+		double ZTarget = 0.;
+		double ZPPAC_A =  (-1569.1  -1560.9)/2.;
+		double ZPPAC_B =  (-1269.1  -1260.9)/2.;
+		double ZPPAC_TA = (-418.4   -407.4 )/2.;
+		double ZPPAC_TB = (-380.0   -388.2 )/2.;
+		double ZPPAC_A_X =  -1569.1;
+		double ZPPAC_B_X =  -1269.1;
+		double ZPPAC_TA_X = -418.4 ;
+		double ZPPAC_TB_X = -380.0 ;
+		double ZPPAC_A_Y =  -1560.9;
+		double ZPPAC_B_Y =  -1260.9;
+		double ZPPAC_TA_Y = -407.4 ;
+		double ZPPAC_TB_Y = -388.2 ;
+		double PPACT0 = 0 ;
+		double PPACT1 = 0 ;
+		int PPAC0 = 0 ;
+		int PPAC1 = 0 ;
+    // Corrected Kinematic	
+    double Corrected_ThetaLab3;
+    double Corrected_EnergyLab3;
+    double Corrected_ThetaLab4;
+    double Corrected_EnergyLab4;
+		TVector3 BeamDirection=TVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+		double ThetaM2Surface=-1000;
+		double ThetaNormalTarget=-1000;
+		// Array of Correction for the SSSD
+		int PixelMappingResolution = 4;
+      vector< vector <vector <double>  > > CorrectionA;
+      Double_t NormalisationA = 20.   ;// Normalise to 20um
+		// Array of Correction for the MUST2 Time
+      vector< vector< double > > CorrectionTimeMust2;
+		int CorrectionTimeVersion=0;
+		// Time calibration for the time of flight between F2 and F3
+		double F2_F3_distance = 5.322;//m
+		double F3_Target_distance = 1.5691;//m stated to be equal to PPAC distance (to be confirmed)
+  //Original
+  double a_BeamTof_old = 1.17227;
+  double b_BeamTof_old = 13.6638;
+  // Fit Li11 Method:
+  //double b_BeamTof = 263.652  ;//  +/-   107.387
+  //double a_BeamTof = -5.76768 ;//  +/-   3.8222
+  // Fit Li11+B15 Method:
+  //double b_BeamTof = 24.0225  ;//  +/-   2.86038
+  //double a_BeamTof = 0.848848 ;//  +/-   0.0881467
+  // Fit B15 + Li11 broh:
+  /****************************************
+  Minimizer is Linear
+  Chi2                      =            0
+  NDf                       =            0
+  p0                        =      16.7007   +/-   5.43661
+  p1                        =      1.07849   +/-   0.167561*/
+  // Mean Method:
+  //double a_BeamTof = 1.07849;
+  //double b_BeamTof = 16.7007;
+  // Max Method:
+  //double a_BeamTof = 0.802397;
+  //double b_BeamTof = 25.046684;
+  // Multi Nuclei Method, second order:
+  double a_BeamTof =     49.5567  ;//oth order +/-   0.591581
+  double b_BeamTof =      1.27266 ;//1st order +/-   0.0845456
+  double c_BeamTof =   -0.0386691 ;//2nd order +/-   0.014403
+		// Inputs
+		TRIPSData* RIPSData = new TRIPSData();
+		TMust2Physics* T6 = new TMust2Physics();
+      int     GATCONF;
+		// Outputs 
+		Double_t PlaF2_E = 0 ;
+		Double_t PlaF2_T = 0;
+		Double_t PlaF3_E = 0;
+		Double_t PlaF3_T = 0;
+		Double_t PlaF3_Tprec = 0 ;
+		Double_t PlaF3_TL = 0;
+		Double_t BeamEnergy=0;
+		Double_t T_M2 = 0 ;
+		Double_t T_M2_corr = 0 ;
+		Double_t X_M2 = 0 ;
+		Double_t Y_M2 = 0 ;
+		Double_t Z_M2 = 0 ;
+		Double_t ZD1_E = 0;
+		Double_t ZD2_E = 0;
+		Double_t ZD1_T = 0;
+		Double_t ZD2_T = 0;
+		Double_t XTarget = 0 ;
+		Double_t XTarget_Prec = 0 ;
+		Double_t YTarget = 0 ;
+		Double_t Energy = 0 ;
+		Int_t RunNumber = 0 ;
+		Int_t DetectorNumber = 0 ;
+		Double_t Si_E_M2 = 0 ;
+		Double_t CsI_E_M2 = 0;
+		Double_t CsI_E_M2_calculated= 0;
+		Int_t Si_X_M2 = 0 ;
+		Int_t Si_Y_M2 = 0 ;
+      Double_t E_M2 = 0 ;
+      Double_t E_SSSD = 0 ;
+	   Double_t T6_SiE = 0 ;
+	   Double_t T6_CsIE = 0 ;
+	   Int_t T6_CsIN = 0 ;
+	   Double_t ELab = 0 ;
+	   Double_t ThetaLab = 0 ;
+	   Double_t ThetaLabHeavy = 0 ;
+	   Double_t ThetaCM  = 0 ;
+	   Double_t ThetaCM2  = 0 ;
+      Double_t ExcitationEnergy = 0 ;	
+      // Corrected Value for particle ID
+      Double_t E_Corr = 0 ;
+      // Counter
+      int RejectBeam=0;  
+      int RejectTotal=0;  
+      int RejectMultiplicity=0;  
+      int MultiplicitySup1=0;  
+      int Multiplicity0=0;
+      int MultiplicityCsI=0;
+	}
+using namespace VARIABLE ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------GRAPH------------------------------------------------------
+#include <TObject.h>
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TH1F.h>
+#include <TH2.h>
+#include <TH2F.h>
+#include <TGraph2D.h>
+namespace GRAPH
+	{
+		//	Declare your Spectra here:
+	}
+using namespace GRAPH ;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------CUT------------------------------------------------------
+#include <TCutG.h>
+namespace CUT
+	{
+		//	Declare your Cut here:
+	}
+using namespace CUT ;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------ENERGY LOSS----------------------------------------------
+#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
+using namespace NPL ;
+namespace ENERGYLOSS
+	{
+		//	Declare your Energy loss here	:
+			// For 3He
+			EnergyLoss He3CD2 = EnergyLoss 	("He3_CD2.G4table","G4Table",10 );
+		   EnergyLoss He3Al = EnergyLoss 	("He3_Aluminium.G4table","G4Table",1);
+		   EnergyLoss He3Si = EnergyLoss 	("He3_Si.G4table","G4Table",10);
+		   // For 11Li
+		   EnergyLoss Li11_BC400 = EnergyLoss ("Li11[0.0]_Plastic_BC400.G4table","G4Table",10);
+		   EnergyLoss Li11_Mylar = EnergyLoss ("Li11[0.0]_Mylar.G4table","G4Table",10);
+		   EnergyLoss Li11_CD2 = EnergyLoss ("Li11[0.0]_CD2.G4table","G4Table",10);
+		   //	Declare your Energy loss here	:
+//			EnergyLoss He3CD2 = EnergyLoss 	("He3_CD2.srim","SRIM",10 );
+//		   EnergyLoss He3Al = EnergyLoss 	("He3_Al.srim","SRIM",1);
+//		   EnergyLoss He3Si = EnergyLoss 	("He3_Si.srim","SRIM",10);
+	}
+using namespace ENERGYLOSS ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Makefile b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..702853b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPAnalysis/RRC66_10He/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# include same architecture file than for NPLib
+# so that consistency is ensured
+include $(NPLIB)/Makefile.arch
+# additional libraries
+LIBRARY  = `$(NPLIB)/liblist`
+PROGRAMS	= Analysis
+all:	$(PROGRAMS)
+Analysis:	Analysis.o
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(LIBRARY) $(OutPutOpt) $@
+	@echo "$@ done"
+# rule for creating .o from .cxx
+.SUFFIXES: .$(SrcSuf)
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $<
+# some cleaning
+	rm -rf *.o
+	make clean; rm $(PROGRAMS)
+# dependences
+Analysis.o:	Analysis.cxx	Analysis.h
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46bc729e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+The NPTool package is based on Root and Geant4. It is aimed to assist experimental nuclear physicist is performing complex data analysis and simulations. NPTool phylosophy is to provide an open framework for the community, hence liscence under GPL2. If you wish to contribute, contact Adrien MATTA at
+In order to compile the core libraries NPLib, you will need ROOT to be installed with the librairy. This is suffisant to compile NPLib and any analysis project. In order to compile NPSimulation, you will need a recent installation of Geant4.
+The first step is to define the variable of environment that the system needs.