diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/AnnularS1.hh b/NPSimulation/include/AnnularS1.hh
index 71e6c97b25b052f8d40163e76d27177f99d239f4..50a8cbfccda7a4d893e2c647e4c057075d51ebc2 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/AnnularS1.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/AnnularS1.hh
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ private:
    // Used for "By Point Definition"
-   vector<G4double>	m_PosZ;
+   vector<G4double>   m_PosZ;
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
-   bool			m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation;
+   bool         m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/Chamber.hh b/NPSimulation/include/Chamber.hh
index 1da4e750f8701ce671796641fc8ba5b8c3489048..a543eaa107af00731b25db113f9acaffb11778ee 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/Chamber.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/Chamber.hh
@@ -40,71 +40,71 @@ using namespace std;
 class Chamber : public VDetector
-	public:
-	   Chamber();
-	   ~Chamber(){};
-	public:
-		//	Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
-		//	Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-		void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
-		//	Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
-		//	Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-		void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
-		//	Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
-		//	Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-		void InitializeRootOutput();
-		//	Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
-		//	Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-		void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
-	public:
-		//	Return Material from the Chamber Material Library
-		G4Material* GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature = 0, G4double Pressure = 0);
-		//	Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
-		void 				WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleDefinition* Particle,G4double Emin,G4double Emax);
-	public:
-		G4double    GetChamberRmin()	{return m_ChamberRmin;}
-		G4double    GetChamberRmax()			{return m_ChamberRmax;}
-		G4double    GetChamberPhiMin()			{return m_ChamberPhiMin;}
-		G4double    GetChamberPhiMax()			{return m_ChamberPhiMax;}
-		G4double    GetChamberThetaMin()		{return m_ChamberThetaMin;}
-		G4double    GetChamberThetaMax()		{return m_ChamberThetaMax;}
-		G4Material* GetChamberMaterial()		{return m_ChamberMaterial;}
-  //G4int       GetChamberNbLayers()		{return m_ChamberNbLayers;}
-	private:
-		// Chamber type : true = normal ; false = cryo
-		bool     m_ChamberType;
-		// Standard parameter
-		G4double    m_ChamberRmin;
-		G4double    m_ChamberRmax;
-		G4double    m_ChamberPhiMin;
-		G4double    m_ChamberPhiMax;
-		G4double    m_ChamberThetaMin;
-		G4double    m_ChamberThetaMax;
-		G4Material* m_ChamberMaterial;
-		G4int       m_ChamberNbLayers;
+   public:
+      Chamber();
+      ~Chamber(){};
+   public:
+      //   Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
+      //   Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
+      void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
+      //   Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
+      //   Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+      void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+      //   Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
+      //   Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+      void InitializeRootOutput();
+      //   Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
+      //   Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
+      void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
+   public:
+      //   Return Material from the Chamber Material Library
+      G4Material* GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature = 0, G4double Pressure = 0);
+      //   Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
+      void             WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleDefinition* Particle,G4double Emin,G4double Emax);
+   public:
+      G4double    GetChamberRmin()     {return m_ChamberRmin;}
+      G4double    GetChamberRmax()     {return m_ChamberRmax;}
+      G4double    GetChamberPhiMin()   {return m_ChamberPhiMin;}
+      G4double    GetChamberPhiMax()   {return m_ChamberPhiMax;}
+      G4double    GetChamberThetaMin() {return m_ChamberThetaMin;}
+      G4double    GetChamberThetaMax() {return m_ChamberThetaMax;}
+      G4Material* GetChamberMaterial() {return m_ChamberMaterial;}
+  //G4int       GetChamberNbLayers()      {return m_ChamberNbLayers;}
+   private:
+      // Chamber type : true = normal ; false = cryo
+      bool     m_ChamberType;
+      // Standard parameter
+      G4double    m_ChamberRmin;
+      G4double    m_ChamberRmax;
+      G4double    m_ChamberPhiMin;
+      G4double    m_ChamberPhiMax;
+      G4double    m_ChamberThetaMin;
+      G4double    m_ChamberThetaMax;
+      G4Material* m_ChamberMaterial;
+      G4int       m_ChamberNbLayers;
-		// For Cryo Chamber
-		G4double    m_ChamberTemperature;
-		G4double    m_ChamberPressure;
-		G4double    m_WindowsThickness;
-		G4Material* m_WindowsMaterial;
-		// Positioning
-		G4double    m_ChamberX;
-		G4double    m_ChamberY;
-		G4double    m_ChamberZ;
+      // For Cryo Chamber
+      G4double    m_ChamberTemperature;
+      G4double    m_ChamberPressure;
+      G4double    m_WindowsThickness;
+      G4Material* m_WindowsMaterial;
+      // Positioning
+      G4double    m_ChamberX;
+      G4double    m_ChamberY;
+      G4double    m_ChamberZ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/DetectorConstruction.hh b/NPSimulation/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
index e34f8d012833f9536781f1949315e0c178b2352c..48a79b434bfcc7b5362012110bca6c981d85b8f7 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : January 2009                                             *
- * Last update    : January 2010                                                         *
+ * Last update    : January 2010                                             *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This Class manage the virtual detector and call their method.            *
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ private: // Data about the target
    Chamber*  m_Chamber;
 public:  // Getter and Setter
-   Target*  GetTarget()		{return m_Target;}
-   Chamber*  GetChamber()		{return m_Chamber;}
+   Target*  GetTarget()    {return m_Target;}
+   Chamber*  GetChamber()  {return m_Chamber;}
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/DummyDetector.hh b/NPSimulation/include/DummyDetector.hh
index 21b01f77daed6aea31d55bf7b239ff780b4ceed7..89ccc759ad4b6edb19f288d240360b9cb64b4db3 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/DummyDetector.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/DummyDetector.hh
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class describe a simple Dummy Detector :                            *
- *	a simple cylinder of predifined material. user can choose to place it    *
+ *   a simple cylinder of predifined material. user can choose to place it    *
  *  where he want using spherical coordinate and choose between two naterial *
- *	                                                                         *
+ *                                                                            *
  *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ public:
    // By Angle Method
-   void AddDUMMYDetector(	 G4double    R        							,
-        									 G4double    Theta    							,
-         									 G4double    Phi         						,
-						         			 G4double	 DUMMYDetectorThickness		,
-						         			 G4double	 DUMMYDetectorRadius			,
-						         			 G4String 	Scintillator						 );  
-	void VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber,G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
+   void AddDUMMYDetector(  G4double    R                       ,
+                           G4double    Theta                   ,
+                           G4double    Phi                     ,
+                           G4double    DUMMYDetectorThickness  ,
+                           G4double    DUMMYDetectorRadius     ,
+                           G4String    Scintillator            );  
+   void VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber,G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
    /////////  Inherite from VDetector class ///////////
@@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ public:
    void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)     ;
 public: // Material 
-	void InitializeMaterial() 		;
-	// The dummy materials
-	G4Material* m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1		; //the dummy material 2
-	G4Material* m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2		; //the dummy material 2
+   void InitializeMaterial()       ;
+   // The dummy materials
+   G4Material* m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1      ; //the dummy material 2
+   G4Material* m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2      ; //the dummy material 2
-public:	//	Scorer
-	//	Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
-	void InitializeScorers() ;
+public:   //   Scorer
+   //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
+   void InitializeScorers() ;
-	//	Silicon Associate Scorer
-	G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_DUMMYDetectorScorer				 ;
+   //   Silicon Associate Scorer
+   G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_DUMMYDetectorScorer             ;
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ private:
-   vector<double>		m_DUMMYDetectorThickness	;
-   vector<double>		m_DUMMYDetectorRadius		;
+   vector<double>      m_DUMMYDetectorThickness   ;
+   vector<double>      m_DUMMYDetectorRadius      ;
    // Used for "By Angle Definition"
    vector<G4double>  m_R         ; //  |
    vector<G4double>  m_Theta     ; //  > Spherical coordinate DUMMYDetector volume center
-   vector<G4double>  m_Phi    	 ; //  |
+   vector<G4double>  m_Phi        ; //  |
-	//	Scintillator type
-	vector<G4String> m_Scintillator ;
+   //   Scintillator type
+   vector<G4String> m_Scintillator ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorBeam.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorBeam.hh
index e18dba96b3f3f5a5573acc982280f4011999cb8f..4a2f425f7cc0d9ff664df353fad85ee63fe81651 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorBeam.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorBeam.hh
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator Class
 private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
-   TInitialConditions*	m_InitConditions;
+   TInitialConditions*   m_InitConditions;
 private: // Source parameter
-   G4ParticleDefinition*	m_particle;  // Kind of particle to shoot
-   G4int 				m_beamA;
-   G4int				m_beamZ;
-   G4double			m_BeamEnergy;
-   G4double			m_BeamEnergySpread;
-   G4double			m_SigmaX;
-   G4double			m_SigmaY;
-   G4double			m_SigmaThetaX;
-   G4double			m_SigmaPhiY;
+   G4ParticleDefinition*   m_particle;  // Kind of particle to shoot
+   G4int     m_beamA;
+   G4int     m_beamZ;
+   G4double  m_BeamEnergy;
+   G4double  m_BeamEnergySpread;
+   G4double  m_SigmaX;
+   G4double  m_SigmaY;
+   G4double  m_SigmaThetaX;
+   G4double  m_SigmaPhiY;
 private: // Target Value
    Target* m_Target;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.hh
index 600d6cae02c9b4293c595b42d054807c4fdad850..a2bd958a46f3b099eeffc544e558b72fab4d55c5 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.hh
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  *  channel during an experiment. Manage up to 18 body phase space           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
- *   					                                     													 *
+ *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
 // C++ header
@@ -39,68 +39,68 @@ using namespace std;
 class EventGeneratorPhaseSpace : public VEventGenerator
-	public:     // Constructors and Destructors
-	   // Default constructor used to allocate memory
-	   EventGeneratorPhaseSpace();
-	   // This is the constructor to be used
-	   EventGeneratorPhaseSpace(	G4ParticleDefinition*   				BeamParticle   						,
-  															G4ParticleDefinition*   				TargetParticle 						,
-		         										vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>		ReactionProducts					,
-		         										double   												BeamEnergy       					,      
-		         										double  	 											BeamEnergySpread 					,
-		         										double   												SigmaX         						,
-		         										double   												SigmaY         						,
-		         										double   												SigmaThetaX      					,
-		         										double   												SigmaPhiY       					);
-	   // Default Destructor
-	   virtual ~EventGeneratorPhaseSpace();
-	public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
-	   void        ReadConfiguration(string)              ;
-	   void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*)       ;
-	   void        SetTarget(Target* Target);
-	private: // Particle Shoot Option
-	   bool        m_ShootLight         ;
-	   bool        m_ShootHeavy         ;
-	   bool        m_ShootDecayProduct  ;
-	private: // Value to store in the output tree : initial value of beam and reaction and phase space event weight
-		TInitialConditions*	m_InitConditions;
-		//	When the Phase Space Generator is called, the weight of the current configuration is return and stored in this variable
-		//	Spectrum then need to be weighted by this paramater to be realistic
-		//	NB: This procedure avoid long calculation time of the rejection methods previously instantiate and therefore allow simulation of manybody phase space decay 	 	
-		double 			m_EventWeight				;
-	private: // Target Parameter
-    	Target*        m_Target;
-	private: //	Experimental Parameter
-		G4ParticleDefinition* 	  			m_BeamParticle   						;
-		G4ParticleDefinition*   				m_TargetParticle 						;
-		double   												m_BeamEnergy        				;      
-		double  	 											m_BeamEnergySpread  				;
-		double   												m_SigmaX         						;
-		double   												m_SigmaY         						;
-		double   												m_SigmaThetaX    					  ;
-		double   												m_SigmaPhiY       					;
-		vector<G4ParticleDefinition*> 	m_ReactionProducts 					;
-	private:   //Other
-	   void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
-	   void     SetEverything(	G4ParticleDefinition*   				BeamParticle   		,
-		         									G4ParticleDefinition*   				TargetParticle 		,
-		         									vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>		ReactionProducts	,
-		         									double   												BeamEnergy        ,      
-		         									double  	 											BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		         									double   												SigmaX         		,
-		         									double   												SigmaY         		,
-		         									double   												SigmaThetaX       ,
-		         									double   												SigmaPhiY       	);
+   public:     // Constructors and Destructors
+      // Default constructor used to allocate memory
+      EventGeneratorPhaseSpace();
+      // This is the constructor to be used
+      EventGeneratorPhaseSpace(  G4ParticleDefinition*          BeamParticle,
+                                 G4ParticleDefinition*          TargetParticle,
+                                 vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>  ReactionProducts,
+                                 double                         BeamEnergy,      
+                                 double                         BeamEnergySpread,
+                                 double                         SigmaX,
+                                 double                         SigmaY,
+                                 double                         SigmaThetaX,
+                                 double                         SigmaPhiY );
+      // Default Destructor
+      virtual ~EventGeneratorPhaseSpace();
+   public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
+      void  ReadConfiguration(string);
+      void  GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*);
+      void  SetTarget(Target* Target);
+   private: // Particle Shoot Option
+      bool  m_ShootLight;
+      bool  m_ShootHeavy;
+      bool  m_ShootDecayProduct;
+   private: // Value to store in the output tree : initial value of beam and reaction and phase space event weight
+      TInitialConditions*   m_InitConditions;
+      //   When the Phase Space Generator is called, the weight of the current configuration is return and stored in this variable
+      //   Spectrum then need to be weighted by this paramater to be realistic
+      //   NB: This procedure avoid long calculation time of the rejection methods previously instantiate and therefore allow simulation of manybody phase space decay        
+      double m_EventWeight;
+   private: // Target Parameter
+       Target* m_Target;
+   private: //   Experimental Parameter
+      G4ParticleDefinition*         m_BeamParticle ;
+      G4ParticleDefinition*         m_TargetParticle ;
+      double                        m_BeamEnergy ;      
+      double                        m_BeamEnergySpread ;
+      double                        m_SigmaX ;
+      double                        m_SigmaY ;
+      double                        m_SigmaThetaX ;
+      double                        m_SigmaPhiY ;
+      vector<G4ParticleDefinition*> m_ReactionProducts ;
+   private:   //Other
+      void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
+      void     SetEverything( G4ParticleDefinition*         BeamParticle ,
+                              G4ParticleDefinition*         TargetParticle ,
+                              vector<G4ParticleDefinition*> ReactionProducts ,
+                              double                        BeamEnergy ,      
+                              double                        BeamEnergySpread ,
+                              double                        SigmaX ,
+                              double                        SigmaY ,
+                              double                        SigmaThetaX ,
+                              double                        SigmaPhiY );
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
index 819acf4905c9e1a576b32721c1fbed3d97102c1c..b1676d2e848f8fdf6b27ff8daf7be7433ee1454d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ public:     // Constructors and Destructors
    // This is the constructor to be used
-   EventGeneratorTransfert(string name1             ,        // Beam nuclei
-                           string name2             ,        // Target nuclei
-                           string name3             ,        // Product of reaction
-                           string name4             ,        // Product of reaction
-                           double BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
-                           double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-                           double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-                           double BeamEnergySpread  ,
-                           double SigmaX            ,
-                           double SigmaY            ,
-                           double SigmaThetaX       ,
-                           double SigmaPhiY         ,
-                           bool   ShootLight        ,
-                           bool   ShootHeavy        ,
-                           string Path);                     // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+   EventGeneratorTransfert(   string name1                  ,        // Beam nuclei
+                              string name2                  ,        // Target nuclei
+                              string name3                  ,        // Product of reaction
+                              string name4                  ,        // Product of reaction
+                              double BeamEnergy             ,        // Beam Energy
+                              double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                              double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+                              double BeamEnergySpread       ,
+                              double SigmaX                 ,
+                              double SigmaY                 ,
+                              double SigmaThetaX            ,
+                              double SigmaPhiY              ,
+                              bool   ShootLight             ,
+                              bool   ShootHeavy             ,
+                              string Path                   );       // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
    // Default Destructor
    virtual ~EventGeneratorTransfert();
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:     // Constructors and Destructors
 public: // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
    void        ReadConfiguration(string);
    void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*);
-   void	       SetTarget(Target* Target) ;
+   void          SetTarget(Target* Target) ;
 private: // Particle Shoot Option
@@ -98,28 +98,28 @@ private: // Beam Parameters
 private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
-   TInitialConditions*	m_InitConditions;
+   TInitialConditions*   m_InitConditions;
    // Other methods
    void        Print() const;
    void        InitializeRootOutput();
-   void        SetEverything(string name1             ,        // Beam nuclei
-	                     string name2             ,        // Target nuclei
-	                     string name3             ,        // Product of reaction
-	                     string name4             ,        // Product of reaction
-	                     double BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
-	                     double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-	                     double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-	                     double BeamEnergySpread  ,
-	                     double SigmaX            ,
-	                     double SigmaY            ,
-	                     double SigmaThetaX       ,
-	                     double SigmaPhiY         ,
-	                     bool   ShootLight        ,
-	                     bool   ShootHeavy        ,
-	                     string Path);                     // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+   void        SetEverything( string name1                     ,        // Beam nuclei
+                              string name2                     ,        // Target nuclei
+                              string name3                     ,        // Product of reaction
+                              string name4                     ,        // Product of reaction
+                              double BeamEnergy                ,        // Beam Energy
+                              double ExcitationEnergyLight     ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                              double ExcitationEnergyHeavy     ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+                              double BeamEnergySpread          ,
+                              double SigmaX                    ,
+                              double SigmaY                    ,
+                              double SigmaThetaX               ,
+                              double SigmaPhiY                 ,
+                              bool   ShootLight                ,
+                              bool   ShootHeavy                ,
+                              string Path                      );       // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
index 579a1d97071f8afed8ddc022b3aa98b2adf378fd..5557b49aa98a39c8218acbad468b5a78c7912a5d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body TransfertReaction.    *
  *  A Phase Space calculation is then performed to decay the Heavy product.  *
  *  The TGenPhaseSpace from ROOT is used to calculate a phase space decay    *
- *  with flat distribution	                                                  *
+ *  with flat distribution                                                     *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *    + 20/01/2011: Add support for excitation energy for light ejectile     *
  *                  (N. de Sereville)                                        *
- *   					                                                           *
+ *                                                                             *
  *                                                                           *
 // C++ header
@@ -45,103 +45,103 @@ using namespace NPL ;
 class EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance : public VEventGenerator
-	public:     // Constructors and Destructors
-	   // Default constructor used to allocate memory
-	   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
-	   // This is the constructor to be used
-	   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(string   name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
-	         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
-	         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
-	         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
-	         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
-	         double   ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        //Excitation of Light Nuclei
-	         double   ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-	         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
-	         double   SigmaX         ,
-	         double   SigmaY         ,
-	         double   SigmaThetaX       ,
-	         double	  SigmaPhiY,
-	         double   ResonanceWidth,
-	         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
-	         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
-	         bool  ShootLight        ,
-	         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
-	         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
-	         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
-	   // Default Destructor
-	   virtual ~EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
-	public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
-	   void        ReadConfiguration(string)              ;
-	   void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*)       ;
-	   void        SetTarget(Target* Target);
-	private: // Particle Shoot Option
-	   bool        m_ShootLight         ;
-	   bool        m_ShootHeavy         ;
-	   bool        m_ShootDecayProduct       ;
-	private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
-	   TInitialConditions*	m_InitConditions;
-	private: // Beam Parameter
-	   double         m_BeamEnergy ;
-	   double         m_BeamEnergySpread      ;
-	   double         m_SigmaX          ;
-	   double         m_SigmaY          ;
-	   double         m_SigmaThetaX        ;
-	   double         m_SigmaPhiY        ;
-	private: // Target Parameter
-    	Target*        m_Target;
-	private: // Reaction
-		Reaction*	m_Reaction				;
-	private: // Resonance decay channel
-		double			m_ResonanceWidth		;
-		double			m_ResonanceMean			;
-	   	int       m_ResonanceDecayZ   ;
-	   	int       m_ResonanceDecayA   ;
-	  //	When the Phase Space Generator is called, the weight of the current configuration is return and stored in this variable
-	  //	Spectrum then need to be weighted by this paramater to be realistic
-	  //	NB: This procedure avoid long calculation time of the rejection methods previously instantiate and therefore allow simulation of manybody phase space decay 	 	
-	  double 			m_EventWeight				;
-	   //Other
-	   void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
-	   void     ResonanceDecay(	G4double EnergyHeavy    ,
-					         	G4double ThetaHeavy     ,
-						        G4double PhiHeavy       ,
-						        G4double x0             ,
-						        G4double y0             ,
-						        G4double z0             ,
-						        G4Event* anEvent        ,
-						        G4ParticleGun* particleGun);
-	   void     SetEverything(string    name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
-		         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
-		         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
-		         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
-		         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
-		         double   ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        //Excitation of Light Nuclei
-		         double   ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-		         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		         double   SigmaX         ,
-		         double   SigmaY         ,
-		         double   SigmaThetaX       ,
-		         double   SigmaPhiY       ,
-		         double   ResonanceWidth,
-		         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
-		         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
-		         bool  ShootLight        ,
-		         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
-		         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
-		         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+   public:     // Constructors and Destructors
+      // Default constructor used to allocate memory
+      EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
+      // This is the constructor to be used
+      EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance( string   name1                   ,         //Beam nuclei
+                                          string   name2                   ,        //Target nuclei
+                                          string   name3                   ,        //Product of reaction
+                                          string   name4                   ,        //Product of reaction
+                                          double   BeamEnergy              ,        //Beam Energy
+                                          double   ExcitationEnergyLight   ,        //Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                                          double   ExcitationEnergyHeavy   ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+                                          double   BeamEnergySpread        ,
+                                          double   SigmaX                  ,
+                                          double   SigmaY                  ,
+                                          double   SigmaThetaX             ,
+                                          double   SigmaPhiY               ,
+                                          double   ResonanceWidth          ,
+                                          int      ResonanceDecayZ         ,
+                                          int      ResonanceDecayA         ,
+                                          bool     ShootLight              ,
+                                          bool     ShootHeavy              ,
+                                          bool     ShootDecayProduct       ,
+                                          string   Path                    );       //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+      // Default Destructor
+      virtual ~EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
+   public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
+      void        ReadConfiguration(string);
+      void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*);
+      void        SetTarget(Target* Target);
+   private: // Particle Shoot Option
+      bool        m_ShootLight;
+      bool        m_ShootHeavy;
+      bool        m_ShootDecayProduct;
+   private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
+      TInitialConditions*   m_InitConditions;
+   private: // Beam Parameter
+      double         m_BeamEnergy ;
+      double         m_BeamEnergySpread ;
+      double         m_SigmaX ;
+      double         m_SigmaY ;
+      double         m_SigmaThetaX ;
+      double         m_SigmaPhiY ;
+   private: // Target Parameter
+      Target*        m_Target;
+   private: // Reaction
+      Reaction*   m_Reaction ;
+   private: // Resonance decay channel
+      double   m_ResonanceWidth  ;
+      double   m_ResonanceMean   ;
+         int   m_ResonanceDecayZ ;
+         int   m_ResonanceDecayA ;
+     //   When the Phase Space Generator is called, the weight of the current configuration is return and stored in this variable
+     //   Spectrum then need to be weighted by this paramater to be realistic
+     //   NB: This procedure avoid long calculation time of the rejection methods previously instantiate and therefore allow simulation of manybody phase space decay        
+     double    m_EventWeight ;
+      //Other
+      void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
+      void     ResonanceDecay(  G4double EnergyHeavy        ,
+                                G4double ThetaHeavy         ,
+                                G4double PhiHeavy           ,
+                                G4double x0                 ,
+                                G4double y0                 ,
+                                G4double z0                 ,
+                                G4Event* anEvent            ,
+                                G4ParticleGun* particleGun  );
+      void     SetEverything( string   name1                   ,         //Beam nuclei
+                              string   name2                   ,        //Target nuclei
+                              string   name3                   ,        //Product of reaction
+                              string   name4                   ,        //Product of reaction
+                              double   BeamEnergy              ,        //Beam Energy
+                              double   ExcitationEnergyLight   ,        //Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                              double   ExcitationEnergyHeavy   ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+                              double   BeamEnergySpread        ,
+                              double   SigmaX                  ,
+                              double   SigmaY                  ,
+                              double   SigmaThetaX             ,
+                              double   SigmaPhiY               ,
+                              double   ResonanceWidth          ,
+                              int      ResonanceDecayZ         ,
+                              int      ResonanceDecayA         ,
+                              bool     ShootLight              ,
+                              bool     ShootHeavy              ,
+                              bool     ShootDecayProduct       ,
+                              string   Path                    );       //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
index 042e2217935ab56eb4a3195191f78dec1897a420..0588131883a00af6362f2c88d0243c5bf65dd543 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ private:
    vector<G4double> m_Rmax;
    // for debugging purpose
-   G4ThreeVector	MMpos;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMu;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMv;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMw;
-   G4ThreeVector	CT;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMpos;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMu;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMv;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMw;
+   G4ThreeVector   CT;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
index bed592c4eacb72f17f40ebcbecaff62d8d1a0f6f..85e3f785773c967a12f86ec1a1e9221f395bfb8d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from GaspardTrackerModule
    // This is mandatory since the GaspardTracker*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0426;	// = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0426;	// = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0213;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0426;   // = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0426;   // = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ namespace GPDDUMMYSHAPE
 //   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 2*mm;
    // for testing the excitation energy reconstruction
 //   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 1.3*cm;
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 10; // 5 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 25; // 2 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 50; // 1 mm strip pitch
-   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 100; // 0.5 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 500; // 0.1 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 10; // 5 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 25; // 2 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 50; // 1 mm strip pitch
+   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 100; // 0.5 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 500; // 0.1 mm strip pitch
    // Second stage
    const G4double SecondStageFace      = FirstStageFace;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerModule.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerModule.hh
index 489643a65c76c8eba02955a0c85c1e46d5245fbb..43335d27f7a9df0b5c9054ef8ca66630f8b077d6 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerModule.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerModule.hh
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ public:
    void InitializeIndex();
-   TGaspardTrackerData*		GetEventPointer() 	{return ms_Event;};
+   TGaspardTrackerData*      GetEventPointer()    {return ms_Event;};
    // Class to store the result of simulation
-   static TGaspardTrackerData*		ms_Event;
+   static TGaspardTrackerData*      ms_Event;
    // Set to true if you want this stage on you telescope
    vector<bool>      m_wFirstStage;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerSquare.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerSquare.hh
index 02e97477a6674190ef4cab0beeb1c7cfdd0efb75..97354b96fc20f726f84f980efe49f611f603fabc 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerSquare.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerSquare.hh
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from GaspardTrackerModule
    // This is mandatory since the GaspardTracker*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GeneralScorers.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GeneralScorers.hh
index 063db646c24ce97ffbf86aa089dca1d42eef9d31..59d77d7f0721e19fd0a45dcea3c8e1530521cc24 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GeneralScorers.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GeneralScorers.hh
@@ -28,215 +28,215 @@
 #include "G4THitsMap.hh"
-	{
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			//	This Threshold is used in the above scorer. Any energy deposit under this threshold will not create an entry.
-			const double TriggerThreshold = 100*keV ;
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			//	The following function is used in many scorer. following the Detector Volume Nomenclature
-			//	DetectorNameX_SubPart_SubPart
-			//  where X stand for the detector number.
-			int PickUpDetectorNumber(G4Step* aStep, std::string DetName);
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSDetectorNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-				public: // with description
-				   PSDetectorNumber(G4String name, G4String VolumeName = "xxx", G4int depth = 0 );
-				   virtual ~PSDetectorNumber();
-				protected: // with description
-				   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-				public:
-				   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void clear();
-				   virtual void DrawAll();
-				   virtual void PrintAll();
-				private:
-					 G4String m_VolumeName; 
-				   G4int HCID;
-				   G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
-				};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......			
-			class PSEnergy : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-					{
-						public: // with description
-						   PSEnergy(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-						   virtual ~PSEnergy();
-						protected: // with description
-						   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-						public:
-						   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-						   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-						   virtual void clear();
-						   virtual void DrawAll();
-						   virtual void PrintAll();
-						private:
-								G4String m_VolumeName;
-						   G4int HCID;
-						   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-					};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSTOF : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-					{
-						public: // with description
-						   PSTOF(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-						   virtual ~PSTOF();
-						protected: // with description
-						   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-						public:
-						   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-						   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-						   virtual void clear();
-						   virtual void DrawAll();
-						   virtual void PrintAll();
-						private:
-								G4String m_VolumeName;
-						   	G4int HCID;
-						   	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-					};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSInteractionCoordinatesX : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-				public: // with description
-				   PSInteractionCoordinatesX(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-				   virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesX();
-				protected: // with description
-				   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-				public:
-				   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void clear();
-				   virtual void DrawAll();
-				   virtual void PrintAll();
-				private:
-						G4String m_VolumeName;
-				   G4int HCID;
-				   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-				};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSInteractionCoordinatesY : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-				public: // with description
-				   PSInteractionCoordinatesY(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-				   virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesY();
-				protected: // with description
-				   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-				public:
-				   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void clear();
-				   virtual void DrawAll();
-				   virtual void PrintAll();
-				private:
-						G4String m_VolumeName;
-				   G4int HCID;
-				   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-				};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSInteractionCoordinatesZ : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-				public: // with description
-				   PSInteractionCoordinatesZ(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-				   virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesZ();
-				protected: // with description
-				   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-				public:
-				   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-				   virtual void clear();
-				   virtual void DrawAll();
-				   virtual void PrintAll();
-				private:
-						G4String m_VolumeName;
-				   G4int HCID;
-				   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-				};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-					public: // with description
-					   PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-					   virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta();
-					protected: // with description
-					   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-					public:
-					   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-					   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-					   virtual void clear();
-					   virtual void DrawAll();
-					   virtual void PrintAll();
-					private:
-								G4String m_VolumeName;
-					   G4int HCID;
-					   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-				};
-			//....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
-			class PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-				{
-					public: // with description
-					   PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
-					   virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi();
-					protected: // with description
-					   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-					public:
-					   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-					   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-					   virtual void clear();
-					   virtual void DrawAll();
-					   virtual void PrintAll();
-					private:
-						 G4String m_VolumeName;
-					   G4int HCID;
-					   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
-				};
-	}
+   {
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         //   This Threshold is used in the above scorer. Any energy deposit under this threshold will not create an entry.
+         const double TriggerThreshold = 100*keV ;
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         //   The following function is used in many scorer. following the Detector Volume Nomenclature
+         //   DetectorNameX_SubPart_SubPart
+         //  where X stand for the detector number.
+         int PickUpDetectorNumber(G4Step* aStep, std::string DetName);
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSDetectorNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+            public: // with description
+               PSDetectorNumber(G4String name, G4String VolumeName = "xxx", G4int depth = 0 );
+               virtual ~PSDetectorNumber();
+            protected: // with description
+               virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+            public:
+               virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void clear();
+               virtual void DrawAll();
+               virtual void PrintAll();
+            private:
+                G4String m_VolumeName; 
+               G4int HCID;
+               G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
+            };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......         
+         class PSEnergy : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+               {
+                  public: // with description
+                     PSEnergy(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+                     virtual ~PSEnergy();
+                  protected: // with description
+                     virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+                  public:
+                     virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                     virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                     virtual void clear();
+                     virtual void DrawAll();
+                     virtual void PrintAll();
+                  private:
+                        G4String m_VolumeName;
+                     G4int HCID;
+                     G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+               };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSTOF : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+               {
+                  public: // with description
+                     PSTOF(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+                     virtual ~PSTOF();
+                  protected: // with description
+                     virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+                  public:
+                     virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                     virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                     virtual void clear();
+                     virtual void DrawAll();
+                     virtual void PrintAll();
+                  private:
+                        G4String m_VolumeName;
+                        G4int HCID;
+                        G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+               };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSInteractionCoordinatesX : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+            public: // with description
+               PSInteractionCoordinatesX(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+               virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesX();
+            protected: // with description
+               virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+            public:
+               virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void clear();
+               virtual void DrawAll();
+               virtual void PrintAll();
+            private:
+                  G4String m_VolumeName;
+               G4int HCID;
+               G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+            };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSInteractionCoordinatesY : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+            public: // with description
+               PSInteractionCoordinatesY(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+               virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesY();
+            protected: // with description
+               virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+            public:
+               virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void clear();
+               virtual void DrawAll();
+               virtual void PrintAll();
+            private:
+                  G4String m_VolumeName;
+               G4int HCID;
+               G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+            };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSInteractionCoordinatesZ : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+            public: // with description
+               PSInteractionCoordinatesZ(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+               virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesZ();
+            protected: // with description
+               virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+            public:
+               virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+               virtual void clear();
+               virtual void DrawAll();
+               virtual void PrintAll();
+            private:
+                  G4String m_VolumeName;
+               G4int HCID;
+               G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+            };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+               public: // with description
+                  PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+                  virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta();
+               protected: // with description
+                  virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+               public:
+                  virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                  virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                  virtual void clear();
+                  virtual void DrawAll();
+                  virtual void PrintAll();
+               private:
+                        G4String m_VolumeName;
+                  G4int HCID;
+                  G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+            };
+         //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
+         class PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+            {
+               public: // with description
+                  PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth);
+                  virtual ~PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi();
+               protected: // with description
+                  virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+               public:
+                  virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                  virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+                  virtual void clear();
+                  virtual void DrawAll();
+                  virtual void PrintAll();
+               private:
+                   G4String m_VolumeName;
+                  G4int HCID;
+                  G4THitsMap<G4double>* EvtMap;
+            };
+   }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerAnnular.hh b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerAnnular.hh
index 47710424818090696a4f53677e622415ea64c2e3..d7b219030a4ab6c7af444c34e145e9cabb4afc8f 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerAnnular.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerAnnular.hh
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ private:
    vector<G4double> m_Rmax;
    // for debugging purpose
-   G4ThreeVector	MMpos;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMu;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMv;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMw;
-   G4ThreeVector	CT;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMpos;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMu;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMv;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMw;
+   G4ThreeVector   CT;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerDummyShape.hh b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerDummyShape.hh
index 3d260ad59c14730d81c1f27beac8d2e1c09a36da..8564b8e320d138d300da1062506e87b33cbb93dc 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerDummyShape.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerDummyShape.hh
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from HydeTrackerModule
    // This is mandatory since the HydeTracker*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   //const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0426;	// = 100 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   //const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.00426426;	// = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0128;	// =  30 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   //const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0426;	// = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0128;	// =  30 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   //const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0213;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0426;   // = 100 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   //const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.00426426;   // = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0128;   // =  30 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   //const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0426;   // = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0128;   // =  30 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ namespace HYDDUMMYSHAPE
 //   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 2*mm;
    // for testing the excitation energy reconstruction
 //   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 1.3*cm;
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 10; // 5 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 16; // 3.125 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 25; // 2 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 50; // 1 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 64; // 0.781 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 100; // 0.5 mm strip pitch
-     const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 16; // 0.391 mm strip pitch
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 500; // 0.1 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 10; // 5 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 16; // 3.125 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 25; // 2 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 50; // 1 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 64; // 0.781 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 100; // 0.5 mm strip pitch
+     const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 16; // 0.391 mm strip pitch
+//   const G4int NumberOfStrips          = 500; // 0.1 mm strip pitch
    // Second stage
    const G4double SecondStageFace      = FirstStageFace;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerModule.hh b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerModule.hh
index 217572af03d1cc3d9dcdcf12e0cd91e64c3c0210..d3c8cdc13ef901f669491142f385571a9de357c1 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerModule.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerModule.hh
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ public:
    void InitializeIndex();
-   THydeTrackerData*		GetEventPointer() 	{return ms_Event;};
+   THydeTrackerData*      GetEventPointer()    {return ms_Event;};
    // Class to store the result of simulation
-   static THydeTrackerData*		ms_Event;
+   static THydeTrackerData*      ms_Event;
    // Set to true if you want this stage on you telescope
    vector<bool>      m_wFirstStage;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerSquare.hh b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerSquare.hh
index 43574df26bb431670c8ffb2394d2d27a99f70d8e..be0a871e0e894bad2d590d8771080d476713a7ad 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerSquare.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerSquare.hh
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from HydeTrackerModule
    // This is mandatory since the HydeTracker*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ private:
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_w ; //  |
    // for debugging purpose
-   G4ThreeVector	MMpos;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMu;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMv;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMw;
-   G4ThreeVector	CT;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMpos;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMu;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMv;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMw;
+   G4ThreeVector   CT;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.hh b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.hh
index 535a94024c593644b4b6b60e16ddacb6f661b19a..63d7a2eb3f3eea82b04a32208edd2e8fb7cc804c 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.hh
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ private:
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_w ; //  |
    // for debugging purpose
-   G4ThreeVector	MMpos;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMu;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMv;
-   G4ThreeVector	MMw;
-   G4ThreeVector	CT;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMpos;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMu;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMv;
+   G4ThreeVector   MMw;
+   G4ThreeVector   CT;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/MUST2Array.hh b/NPSimulation/include/MUST2Array.hh
index b2d794b383625789c9748755ee72c6ff045a1e9a..f6def05976b46af8ab393f4725b00841ab11f92e 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/MUST2Array.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/MUST2Array.hh
@@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ namespace MUST2
    const G4double ResoStrip    = 0.022          ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    // Geometry
-   const G4double FaceFront = 11.*cm   ;
-   const G4double FaceBack = 16.5*cm   ;
-   const G4double Length  = 7.2*cm  ;
-   const G4double AluStripThickness = 0.4*micrometer        ;
-   const G4double SiliconThickness  = 300*micrometer           ;
-   const G4double SiliconFace       = 98*mm                    ;
-   const G4double VacBoxThickness   = 3*cm                     ;
-   const G4double SiLiThickness     = 5.1*mm             ;  // Must be checked
-   const G4double SiLiFaceX         = 48.25*mm              ;
-   const G4double SiLiFaceY         = 92*mm                 ;
-   const G4double MylarCsIThickness = 3*micrometer          ;
+   const G4double FaceFront = 11.*cm ;
+   const G4double FaceBack = 16.5*cm ;
+   const G4double Length  = 7.2*cm ;
+   const G4double AluStripThickness = 0.4*micrometer ;
+   const G4double SiliconThickness  = 300*micrometer ;
+   const G4double SiliconFace       = 98*mm ;
+   const G4double VacBoxThickness   = 3*cm ;
+   const G4double SiLiThickness     = 5.1*mm;  // Must be checked
+   const G4double SiLiFaceX         = 48.25*mm;
+   const G4double SiLiFaceY         = 92*mm;
+   const G4double MylarCsIThickness = 3*micrometer;
    const G4double CsIThickness      = 4.*cm + 2*MylarCsIThickness ;
-   const G4double CsIFaceFront      = 12.2*cm                  ;
-   const G4double CsIFaceBack    	= 16*cm                    ;
-   const G4double DistInterCsI 		= 0.2 * mm;
+   const G4double CsIFaceFront      = 12.2*cm;
+   const G4double CsIFaceBack       = 16*cm;
+   const G4double DistInterCsI      = 0.2*mm;
    // Starting at the front and going to CsI
-   const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ   = Length* -0.5 + 0.5*AluStripThickness                       ;
-   const G4double Silicon_PosZ      = AluStripFront_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5*SiliconThickness     ;
-   const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ = Silicon_PosZ + 0.5*SiliconThickness + 0.5*AluStripThickness     ;
-   const G4double VacBox_PosZ    = AluStripBack_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5* VacBoxThickness      ;
-   const G4double CsI_PosZ       = VacBox_PosZ + 0.5*VacBoxThickness + 0.5*CsIThickness               ;
+   const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ   = Length* -0.5 + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
+   const G4double Silicon_PosZ      = AluStripFront_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5*SiliconThickness;
+   const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ = Silicon_PosZ + 0.5*SiliconThickness + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
+   const G4double VacBox_PosZ    = AluStripBack_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5* VacBoxThickness;
+   const G4double CsI_PosZ       = VacBox_PosZ + 0.5*VacBoxThickness + 0.5*CsIThickness;
 class MUST2Array : public VDetector
@@ -80,33 +80,33 @@ public:
    // By Position Method
-   void AddTelescope(G4ThreeVector  TL       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  BL       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  BR       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  CT       ,
-         bool        wSi         ,
-         bool        wSiLi       ,
-         bool        wCsI);
+   void AddTelescope(   G4ThreeVector  TL       ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  BL       ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  BR       ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  CT       ,
+                        bool           wSi      ,
+                        bool           wSiLi    ,
+                        bool           wCsI     );
    // By Angle Method
-   void AddTelescope(G4double    R        ,
-         G4double    Theta    ,
-         G4double    Phi         ,
-         G4double    beta_u       ,
-         G4double    beta_v       ,
-         G4double    beta_w       ,
-         bool        wSi      ,
-         bool        wSiLi       ,
-         bool        wCsI);
+   void AddTelescope(   G4double    R        ,
+                        G4double    Theta    ,
+                        G4double    Phi      ,
+                        G4double    beta_u   ,
+                        G4double    beta_v   ,
+                        G4double    beta_w   ,
+                        bool        wSi      ,
+                        bool        wSiLi    ,
+                        bool        wCsI     );
    // Effectively construct Volume
    // Avoid to have two time same code for Angle and Point definition
-   void VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber    ,
-         G4ThreeVector     MMpos ,
-         G4RotationMatrix* MMrot ,
-         bool           wSi      ,
-         bool           wSiLi ,
-         bool           wCsI  ,
-         G4LogicalVolume*  world);
+   void VolumeMaker( G4int             TelescopeNumber   ,
+                     G4ThreeVector     MMpos             ,
+                     G4RotationMatrix* MMrot             ,
+                     bool              wSi               ,
+                     bool              wSiLi             ,
+                     bool              wCsI              ,
+                     G4LogicalVolume*  world             );
@@ -115,26 +115,26 @@ public:
    // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
    // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-   void ReadConfiguration(string Path)          ;
+   void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
    // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)  ;
+   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
    // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void InitializeRootOutput()            ;
+   void InitializeRootOutput();
    // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
    // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)     ;
+   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
    ///////////Event class to store Data////////////////
-   TMust2Data* m_Event     ;
+   TMust2Data* m_Event;
    ///////////////Private intern Data//////////////////
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ private:
    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X128_Y128 ; // Center Corner Position Vector
    // Used for "By Angle Definition"
-   vector<G4double>  m_R         ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_Theta     ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
+   vector<G4double>  m_R      ; //  |
+   vector<G4double>  m_Theta  ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
    vector<G4double>  m_Phi    ; //  |
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_u ; //  |
@@ -160,52 +160,52 @@ private:
    // If Set to true if you want this stage on you telescope
    vector<bool>      m_wSi    ; // Silicium Strip 300um 128*128 Strip
-   vector<bool>      m_wSiLi     ; // Si(Li) 2*4 Pad
-   vector<bool>      m_wCsI      ; // CsI 4*4 crystal
+   vector<bool>      m_wSiLi  ; // Si(Li) 2*4 Pad
+   vector<bool>      m_wCsI   ; // CsI 4*4 crystal
    vector<bool>      m_wAddSi ; // Additionnal Thin Silicium Strip
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
-   bool           m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
+   bool m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	///////////////////// Scorer ///////////////////////
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////// Scorer ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//	Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
-	void InitializeScorers() ;
-	//	Silicon Associate Scorer
-	G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_StripScorer				 ;
-  	//	SiLi Associate Scorer
-  	G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_SiLiScorer	;
+   //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
+   void InitializeScorers() ;
+   //   Silicon Associate Scorer
+   G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_StripScorer ;
+     //   SiLi Associate Scorer
+     G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_SiLiScorer ;
-    //	CsI Associate Scorer 
-    G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_CsIScorer	;
+    //   CsI Associate Scorer 
+    G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_CsIScorer ;
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//////////////////// Material //////////////////////
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////// Material //////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//	Declare all material used by the MUST2Array
-	void InitializeMaterial() ;
-	// Si
-	G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon;
-	// Al
-	G4Material* m_MaterialAluminium;
-	// Iron
-	G4Material* m_MaterialIron;
-	// CsI
-	G4Material* m_MaterialCsI;
-	//  Vacuum
-	G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum ;
-	//  Mylar
-	G4Material* m_MaterialMyl;
-	// Havar
-	G4Material* m_MaterialHarvar;
+   //   Declare all material used by the MUST2Array
+   void InitializeMaterial() ;
+   // Si
+   G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon;
+   // Al
+   G4Material* m_MaterialAluminium;
+   // Iron
+   G4Material* m_MaterialIron;
+   // CsI
+   G4Material* m_MaterialCsI;
+   //  Vacuum
+   G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum ;
+   //  Mylar
+   G4Material* m_MaterialMyl;
+   // Havar
+   G4Material* m_MaterialHarvar;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/Must2Scorers.hh b/NPSimulation/include/Must2Scorers.hh
index 2eb5431d8dfceb91e36736a76959945e9ae986d9..a5e1ebea64bdf1a66390c1144495eecf7d571f0e 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/Must2Scorers.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/Must2Scorers.hh
@@ -27,82 +27,82 @@
 #include "G4VPrimitiveScorer.hh"
 #include "G4THitsMap.hh"
 namespace MUST2 {
-	class PSStripNumberX : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-	{
-	public: // with description
-	   PSStripNumberX(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 98, G4int NumberOfStrip = 128);
-	   virtual ~PSStripNumberX();
-	protected: // with description
-	   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-	public:
-	   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void clear();
-	   virtual void DrawAll();
-	   virtual void PrintAll();
-	private:
-	   G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
-	   G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
-	   G4double  m_StripPitch		 ;
-	   G4int HCID;
-	   G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
-	};
-	class PSStripNumberY : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-	{
-	public: // with description
-	   PSStripNumberY(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 98, G4int NumberOfStrip = 128);
-	   virtual ~PSStripNumberY();
-	protected: // with description
-	   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-	public:
-	   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void clear();
-	   virtual void DrawAll();
-	   virtual void PrintAll();
-	private:
-	   G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
-	   G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
-	   G4double  m_StripPitch		 ;
-	   G4int HCID;
-	   G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
-	};
-		class PSPadOrCristalNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-	{
-	public: // with description
-	   PSPadOrCristalNumber(G4String name, G4int depth = 0);
-	   virtual ~PSPadOrCristalNumber();
-	protected: // with description
-	   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-	public:
-	   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void clear();
-	   virtual void DrawAll();
-	   virtual void PrintAll();
-	private:
-	   G4int HCID;
-	   G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
-	};
+   class PSStripNumberX : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+   {
+   public: // with description
+      PSStripNumberX(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 98, G4int NumberOfStrip = 128);
+      virtual ~PSStripNumberX();
+   protected: // with description
+      virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+   public:
+      virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void clear();
+      virtual void DrawAll();
+      virtual void PrintAll();
+   private:
+      G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
+      G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
+      G4double  m_StripPitch;
+      G4int HCID;
+      G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
+   };
+   class PSStripNumberY : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+   {
+   public: // with description
+      PSStripNumberY(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 98, G4int NumberOfStrip = 128);
+      virtual ~PSStripNumberY();
+   protected: // with description
+      virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+   public:
+      virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void clear();
+      virtual void DrawAll();
+      virtual void PrintAll();
+   private:
+      G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
+      G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
+      G4double  m_StripPitch;
+      G4int HCID;
+      G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
+   };
+      class PSPadOrCristalNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+   {
+   public: // with description
+      PSPadOrCristalNumber(G4String name, G4int depth = 0);
+      virtual ~PSPadOrCristalNumber();
+   protected: // with description
+      virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+   public:
+      virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void clear();
+      virtual void DrawAll();
+      virtual void PrintAll();
+   private:
+      G4int HCID;
+      G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
+   };
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ParisCluster.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ParisCluster.hh
index 466506e67588879fc31cba1584d38b79220083e8..da11f06369b13e68c69b8bd6c97d951f3ae9efb1 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ParisCluster.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ParisCluster.hh
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from ParisModule
    // This is mandatory since the Paris*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0085;	// = 3% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0366;	// = 13% at .662 MeV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0;	// = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0085;   // = 3% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0366;   // = 13% at .662 MeV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0;   // = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ParisModule.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ParisModule.hh
index d63fdc58a1fc523ac957e42fa3a1afb33d30747b..bdaca9670698d6cd1f4a4d5841f253180fe8023d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ParisModule.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ParisModule.hh
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ public:
    void InitializeIndex();
-   TParisData*		GetEventPointer() 	{return ms_Event;};
+   TParisData*      GetEventPointer()    {return ms_Event;};
    // Class to store the result of simulation
-   static TParisData*		ms_Event;
+   static TParisData*      ms_Event;
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
    bool              m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ParisPhoswich.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ParisPhoswich.hh
index a7f7669be53b44b8946cfc4fec678be570aeb3ab..650fff8c1c1f918ffe3c7386315ec980641ba84a 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ParisPhoswich.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ParisPhoswich.hh
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from ParisModule
    // This is mandatory since the Paris*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ namespace PARISPHOSWICH
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-     const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0099;	// = 3.5% at .662MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-     const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0366;	// = 13% at .662 MeV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+     const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0099;   // = 3.5% at .662MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+     const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0366;   // = 13% at .662 MeV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0213;   // = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/Plastic.hh b/NPSimulation/include/Plastic.hh
index 02f2020db831720ef16a52c84de051b2b506bf36..85ec1739cb0d93dbaed91c2178aa0adf4c5ded00 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/Plastic.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/Plastic.hh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class describe a Modular cylindrical Plastic Scintillator           *
- *	Few Material are instantiate and user can choose position and dimension	 * 
+ *   Few Material are instantiate and user can choose position and dimension    * 
  *  but also the adding of a lead plate on the rear side of the detector     *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -55,61 +55,61 @@ public:
    // Cylindric plastic
-   void AddPlastic(	 G4double   R       					,
-			        			 G4double   Theta    					,
-			         			 G4double   Phi         			,
-			         			 G4double	 	PlasticThickness	,
-			         			 G4double		PlasticRadius			,
-			         			 G4String 	Scintillator			,
-			         			 G4double   LeadThickness  		);  
+   void AddPlastic(  G4double   R                  ,
+                     G4double   Theta              ,
+                     G4double   Phi                ,
+                     G4double   PlasticThickness   ,
+                     G4double   PlasticRadius      ,
+                     G4String   Scintillator       ,
+                     G4double   LeadThickness      );  
    // Squared Plastic
-   void AddPlastic(	G4double   R       				,
-			      				G4double   Theta    			,
-			      				G4double   Phi   					,
-			      				G4double   Height					,
-			      				G4double   Width					,
-			      				G4double   Thickness			,
-			      				G4String   Scintillator		,
-			      				G4double   LeadThickness	);
-	void VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber,G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
+   void AddPlastic(  G4double   R               ,
+                     G4double   Theta           ,
+                     G4double   Phi             ,
+                     G4double   Height          ,
+                     G4double   Width           ,
+                     G4double   Thickness       ,
+                     G4String   Scintillator    ,
+                     G4double   LeadThickness   );
+   void VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber,G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
    /////////  Inherite from VDetector class ///////////
    // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
    // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-   void ReadConfiguration(string Path)          ;
+   void ReadConfiguration(string Path) ;
    // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)  ;
+   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
    // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void InitializeRootOutput()            ;
+   void InitializeRootOutput() ;
    // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
    // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)     ;
+   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event) ;
 public: // Material 
-	void InitializeMaterial() 		;
-	// Platic
-	G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC400			; //BC-400 type plastic
-	G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2		; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 2%Pb type plastic
-	G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5		; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 5%Pb type plastic
-	G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10	; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 10%Pb type plastic
-	// Lead
-	G4Material* m_MaterialLead		;
-public:	//	Scorer
-	//	Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
-	void InitializeScorers() ;
-	//	Silicon Associate Scorer
-	G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_PlasticScorer				 ;
+   void InitializeMaterial() ;
+   // Platic
+   G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC400     ; //BC-400 type plastic
+   G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2   ; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 2%Pb type plastic
+   G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5   ; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 5%Pb type plastic
+   G4Material* m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10  ; //BC452:BC-400 loaded with 10%Pb type plastic
+   // Lead
+   G4Material* m_MaterialLead ;
+public:   //   Scorer
+   //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
+   void InitializeScorers() ;
+   //   Silicon Associate Scorer
+   G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_PlasticScorer ;
    ///////////Event class to store Data////////////////
@@ -124,20 +124,20 @@ private:
    // Lead plate is added in front or back of the detector
-   vector<double>	  m_LeadThickness	;
+   vector<double>     m_LeadThickness ;
-   vector<double>		m_PlasticThickness	;
-   vector<double>		m_PlasticRadius			; // cylindrical shape
-   vector<double>		m_PlasticHeight			; // squared shape
-   vector<double>		m_PlasticWidth			; // squared shape
+   vector<double>      m_PlasticThickness ;
+   vector<double>      m_PlasticRadius    ; // cylindrical shape
+   vector<double>      m_PlasticHeight    ; // squared shape
+   vector<double>      m_PlasticWidth     ; // squared shape
    // Used for "By Angle Definition"
-   vector<G4double>  m_R         ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_Theta     ; //  > Spherical coordinate plastic volume center
-   vector<G4double>  m_Phi    	 ; //  |
+   vector<G4double>  m_R      ; //  |
+   vector<G4double>  m_Theta  ; //  > Spherical coordinate plastic volume center
+   vector<G4double>  m_Phi    ; //  |
-	//	Scintillator type
-	vector<G4String> m_Scintillator ;
+   //   Scintillator type
+   vector<G4String> m_Scintillator ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh b/NPSimulation/include/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh
index 9638cea6a00e59c86cd7f1cab1e9870b70c9bdf6..dfc2cce7eb73817152a64b419d232d009400b809 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ public:
    void GeneratePrimaries(G4Event*);
-   G4ParticleGun* GetParticleGun()	{return m_particleGun;}
+   G4ParticleGun* GetParticleGun()   {return m_particleGun;}
    void ReadEventGeneratorFile(string Path);
-   G4ParticleGun*		m_particleGun;
-   DetectorConstruction*	m_detector;
-   VEventGenerator*		m_EventGenerator;
+   G4ParticleGun*        m_particleGun;
+   DetectorConstruction* m_detector;
+   VEventGenerator*      m_EventGenerator;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldClParis.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldClParis.hh
index cc106b5219a9d301e0d32436b9b5aa17a256c779..c0d489dcff75595b7fc70ac909c249ce88e979db 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldClParis.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldClParis.hh
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from ParisModule
    // This is mandatory since the Paris*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0366;	// = 13% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0366;   // = 13% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldModule.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldModule.hh
index 6027baca21c0d42d40ac5158d3bbe25f1c7a5fd1..cd0ff65d8ac69f40ee16a26409c4136728cbb0bb 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldModule.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldModule.hh
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ public:
    void InitializeIndex();
-   TShieldData*		GetEventPointer() 	{return ms_Event;};
+   TShieldData*      GetEventPointer()    {return ms_Event;};
    // Class to store the result of simulation
-   static TShieldData*		ms_Event;
+   static TShieldData*      ms_Event;
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
    bool              m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldPhParis.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldPhParis.hh
index 36ba8e5a22156ab99f853ec49abe578f7589fc8f..3dc7e800afa67f3694bcb618102d0abab8edd21b 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ShieldPhParis.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ShieldPhParis.hh
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
    // deriving from ParisModule
    // This is mandatory since the Paris*** does not derive from VDetector
    void SetInterCoordPointer(TInteractionCoordinates* interCoord);
-   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()	{return ms_InterCoord;};
+   TInteractionCoordinates* GetInterCoordPointer()   {return ms_InterCoord;};
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0366;	// = 3% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0;   // = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0366;   // = 3% at .662 MeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh b/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
index 285b175e29b80b444057b0976ad6d2c623c63f25..19f38b357b9ca6da3ebfd56210bfe150a7730766 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
@@ -45,87 +45,87 @@ using namespace std;
 class Target : public VDetector
-	public:
-	   Target();
-	   ~Target(){};
-	public:
-		//	Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
-		//	Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-		void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
-		//	Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
-		//	Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-		void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
-		//	Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
-		//	Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-		void InitializeRootOutput();
-		//	Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
-		//	Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-		void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
-	public:
-		//	method for debug purpose (still to be implemented)
-		//	This method should check if the results of the beam interaction within the target
-		//	(interaction coordinates) are well located inside the target volume
-		bool IsInsideTarget() {return false;};
-		// Used to calculate the incident beam direction (taking into account
-		// the emittance) and the vertex of interaction in target
-		// Also compute the energy lost by the beam in the target before interacting
-		void CalculateBeamInteraction(double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double MeanPosTheta, double SigmaPosTheta,
-		                              double MeanPosY, double SigmaPosY, double MeanPosPhi,   double SigmaPosPhi,
-		                              double IncidentBeamEnergy,
-		                              G4ParticleDefinition* BeamName,
-		                              G4ThreeVector &InterCoord, double &AngleEmittanceTheta, double &AngleEmittancePhi,
-		                              double &AngleIncidentTheta, double &AngleIncidentPhi,
-		                              double &FinalBeamEnergy);
-		// Used to simulate beam emmitance effect
-		void RandomGaussian2D(double MeanX, double MeanY, double SigmaX, double SigmaY, double &X, double &Y, double NumberOfSigma = 10000);
-	public:
-		//	Return Material from the Target Material Library
-		G4Material* GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature = 0, G4double Pressure = 0);
-		//	Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
-		void 				WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleDefinition* Particle,G4double Emin,G4double Emax);
-	public:
-		G4double    GetTargetThickness()	{return m_TargetThickness;}
-		G4Material* GetTargetMaterial()		{return m_TargetMaterial;}
-		G4double    GetTargetRadius()			{return m_TargetRadius;}
-		G4double    GetTargetAngle()			{return m_TargetAngle;}
-		G4double    GetTargetX()					{return m_TargetX;}
-		G4double    GetTargetY()					{return m_TargetY;}
-		G4double    GetTargetZ()					{return m_TargetZ;}
-		G4int       GetTargetNbLayers()		{return m_TargetNbLayers;}
-	private:
-		// Target type : true = normal ; false = cryo
-		bool     m_TargetType;
-		// Standard parameter
-		G4double    m_TargetThickness;
-		G4double    m_TargetRadius;
-		G4double    m_TargetAngle;
-		G4Material* m_TargetMaterial;
-		G4int       m_TargetNbLayers;
-		// For Cryo Target
-		G4double    m_TargetTemperature;
-		G4double    m_TargetPressure;
-		G4double    m_WindowsThickness;
-		G4Material* m_WindowsMaterial;
-		// Positioning
-		G4double    m_TargetX;
-		G4double    m_TargetY;
-		G4double    m_TargetZ;
+   public:
+      Target();
+      ~Target(){};
+   public:
+      //   Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
+      //   Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
+      void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
+      //   Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
+      //   Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+      void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+      //   Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
+      //   Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+      void InitializeRootOutput();
+      //   Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
+      //   Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
+      void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
+   public:
+      //   method for debug purpose (still to be implemented)
+      //   This method should check if the results of the beam interaction within the target
+      //   (interaction coordinates) are well located inside the target volume
+      bool IsInsideTarget() {return false;};
+      // Used to calculate the incident beam direction (taking into account
+      // the emittance) and the vertex of interaction in target
+      // Also compute the energy lost by the beam in the target before interacting
+      void CalculateBeamInteraction(double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double MeanPosTheta, double SigmaPosTheta,
+                                    double MeanPosY, double SigmaPosY, double MeanPosPhi,   double SigmaPosPhi,
+                                    double IncidentBeamEnergy,
+                                    G4ParticleDefinition* BeamName,
+                                    G4ThreeVector &InterCoord, double &AngleEmittanceTheta, double &AngleEmittancePhi,
+                                    double &AngleIncidentTheta, double &AngleIncidentPhi,
+                                    double &FinalBeamEnergy);
+      // Used to simulate beam emmitance effect
+      void RandomGaussian2D(double MeanX, double MeanY, double SigmaX, double SigmaY, double &X, double &Y, double NumberOfSigma = 10000);
+   public:
+      //   Return Material from the Target Material Library
+      G4Material* GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature = 0, G4double Pressure = 0);
+      //   Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
+      void             WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleDefinition* Particle,G4double Emin,G4double Emax);
+   public:
+      G4double    GetTargetThickness()   {return m_TargetThickness;}
+      G4Material* GetTargetMaterial()    {return m_TargetMaterial;}
+      G4double    GetTargetRadius()      {return m_TargetRadius;}
+      G4double    GetTargetAngle()       {return m_TargetAngle;}
+      G4double    GetTargetX()           {return m_TargetX;}
+      G4double    GetTargetY()           {return m_TargetY;}
+      G4double    GetTargetZ()           {return m_TargetZ;}
+      G4int       GetTargetNbLayers()    {return m_TargetNbLayers;}
+   private:
+      // Target type : true = normal ; false = cryo
+      bool     m_TargetType;
+      // Standard parameter
+      G4double    m_TargetThickness;
+      G4double    m_TargetRadius;
+      G4double    m_TargetAngle;
+      G4Material* m_TargetMaterial;
+      G4int       m_TargetNbLayers;
+      // For Cryo Target
+      G4double    m_TargetTemperature;
+      G4double    m_TargetPressure;
+      G4double    m_WindowsThickness;
+      G4Material* m_WindowsMaterial;
+      // Positioning
+      G4double    m_TargetX;
+      G4double    m_TargetY;
+      G4double    m_TargetZ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ThinSi.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ThinSi.hh
index 562c0d4d7577850786f28d23791c76bf3cdd7985..7d96c6020951b391776522f5cdf2e35a0c19a300 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ThinSi.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ThinSi.hh
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ namespace THINSI
    const G4double ResoEnergy  = 0.064  ;// = 150keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
    // Geometry
-   const G4double DetectorSize   	= 68*mm           ;
+   const G4double DetectorSize      = 68*mm           ;
    const G4double SiliconThickness  = 20*micrometer   ;
    const G4double FrameThickness    = 3*mm            ;
-   const G4double SiliconSize    	= 50*mm           ;
+   const G4double SiliconSize       = 50*mm           ;
    const G4double AluThickness      = 0.4*micrometer  ;
-   const G4int  NumberOfStrip    	= 16       		  ;
+   const G4int  NumberOfStrip       = 16              ;
-   const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ 	= -0.5*SiliconThickness - 0.5*AluThickness ;
-   const G4double Si_PosZ        		= 0                                 ;
-   const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ  	= 0.5*SiliconThickness + 0.5*AluThickness  ;
+   const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ   = -0.5*SiliconThickness - 0.5*AluThickness   ;
+   const G4double Si_PosZ              = 0                                          ;
+   const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ    = 0.5*SiliconThickness + 0.5*AluThickness    ;
@@ -76,24 +76,24 @@ public:
    // By Position Method
-   void AddTelescope(G4ThreeVector  TL       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  BL       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  BR       ,
-         G4ThreeVector  TR       );
+   void AddTelescope(   G4ThreeVector  TL    ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  BL    ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  BR    ,
+                        G4ThreeVector  TR    );
    // By Angle Method
-   void AddTelescope(G4double    R        ,
-         G4double    Theta    ,
-         G4double    Phi         ,
-         G4double    beta_u       ,
-         G4double    beta_v       ,
-         G4double    beta_w       );
+   void AddTelescope(   G4double    R        ,
+                        G4double    Theta    ,
+                        G4double    Phi      ,
+                        G4double    beta_u   ,
+                        G4double    beta_v   ,
+                        G4double    beta_w   );
    // Effectively construct Volume
    // Avoid to have two time same code for Angle and Point definition
-   void VolumeMaker(G4int DetectorNumber     ,
-         G4ThreeVector     MMpos ,
-         G4RotationMatrix* MMrot ,
-         G4LogicalVolume*  world );
+   void VolumeMaker(    G4int DetectorNumber    ,
+                        G4ThreeVector     MMpos ,
+                        G4RotationMatrix* MMrot ,
+                        G4LogicalVolume*  world );
@@ -102,19 +102,19 @@ public:
    // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
    // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-   void ReadConfiguration(string Path)          ;
+   void ReadConfiguration(string Path) ;
    // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)  ;
+   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
    // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void InitializeRootOutput()            ;
+   void InitializeRootOutput() ;
    // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
    // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)     ;
+   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event) ;
@@ -123,27 +123,27 @@ public:
    TSSSDData*    m_Event ;
-	 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ///////////////// Scorer Related ///////////////////
-		//	Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
-		void InitializeScorers() ;
-		//	Scorer Associate to the 20um Silicon stage
-		G4MultiFunctionalDetector*	m_StripScorer ; 
+      //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
+      void InitializeScorers() ;
+      //   Scorer Associate to the 20um Silicon stage
+      G4MultiFunctionalDetector*   m_StripScorer ; 
-		// 	Initialize mmaterial used in detector definition
-		void InitializeMaterial();
+      //    Initialize mmaterial used in detector definition
+      void InitializeMaterial();
-		//	List of material
-		G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon 	;
-   	G4Material* m_MaterialAl 				;
-   	G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum 		;
+      //   List of material
+      G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon ;
+      G4Material* m_MaterialAl      ;
+      G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum  ;
    ///////////////Private intern Data//////////////////
@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ private:
    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_TR     ; // Center Corner Position Vector
    // Used for "By Angle Definition"
-   vector<G4double>  m_R         ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_Theta     ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
+   vector<G4double>  m_R      ; //  |
+   vector<G4double>  m_Theta  ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
    vector<G4double>  m_Phi    ; //  |
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_u ; //  |
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_v ; //  >Tilt angle of the Telescope
    vector<G4double>  m_beta_w ; //  |
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
-   bool           m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
+   bool m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/ThinSiScorers.hh b/NPSimulation/include/ThinSiScorers.hh
index a2dc8630b4fdcddcd38f27773435446aa9dd6974..fb2b72c5dbae243eb2392e3bfcec7b7191ce69f1 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/ThinSiScorers.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/ThinSiScorers.hh
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@
 #include "G4THitsMap.hh"
 namespace THINSI {
-	class PSStripNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
-	{
-	public: // with description
-	   PSStripNumber(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 50*mm, G4int NumberOfStrip = 16);
-	   virtual ~PSStripNumber();
-	protected: // with description
-	   virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
-	public:
-	   virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
-	   virtual void clear();
-	   virtual void DrawAll();
-	   virtual void PrintAll();
-	private:
-	   G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
-	   G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
-	   G4double  m_StripPitch    ;
-	   G4int HCID;
-	   G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
-	};
+   class PSStripNumber : public G4VPrimitiveScorer
+   {
+   public: // with description
+      PSStripNumber(G4String name, G4int depth = 0, G4double StripPlaneSize = 50*mm, G4int NumberOfStrip = 16);
+      virtual ~PSStripNumber();
+   protected: // with description
+      virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);
+   public:
+      virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
+      virtual void clear();
+      virtual void DrawAll();
+      virtual void PrintAll();
+   private:
+      G4double  m_StripPlaneSize;
+      G4int     m_NumberOfStrip ;
+      G4double  m_StripPitch    ;
+      G4int HCID;
+      G4THitsMap<G4int>* EvtMap;
+   };
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/VDetector.hh b/NPSimulation/include/VDetector.hh
index 4b05066eb9d6405e7ebe372e210238d115446900..c5a5a12f0ccbedf973a767baade259169c5dbdbb 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/VDetector.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/VDetector.hh
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
  *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
- *	Detector inheriting from VDetector should follow this Naming convention  *
+ * Detector inheriting from VDetector should follow this Naming convention   *
  *    for logical volume:                                                    *
- *		DetectorNameX_SubPart                                                  *
- *		                                                                       *
- *		-DetectorName is the name of the detector, like "MUST2Array",          * 
- *		note that use of _ within the name is prohibitted.                     *
+ *    DetectorNameX_SubPart                                                  *
  *                                                                           *
- *		-X is the detector Number, for example if you have two plastic then you*
- *		will have Plastic1 and Plastic2                                        *
+ *    -DetectorName is the name of the detector, like "MUST2Array",          * 
+ *    note that use of _ within the name is prohibitted.                     *
  *                                                                           *
- *		-SubPart is the optionnal sub part, like for examples Si and CsI in    *
+ *    -X is the detector Number, for example if you have two plastic then you*
+ *    will have Plastic1 and Plastic2                                        *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *    -SubPart is the optionnal sub part, like for examples Si and CsI in    *
  *      MUST2. Note that you can add as many as _SubPart you need            *
  *                                                                           *
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc b/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
index 9c904669d19b1bf4d9cfee5be62c4e6095ebe1d4..40bf715b3c35768e6b0f89ada56abed8e037d788 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
@@ -269,22 +269,22 @@ void AnnularS1::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Search for comment Symbol %
-	 if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+    if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
             ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
-	    check_Z = true;
-	    ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-	    Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-	    Z = Z * mm;
-	    cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
-	 }
+       check_Z = true;
+       ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+       Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+       Z = Z * mm;
+       cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
+    }
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
             check_VIS = true;
-	    ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	    if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
+       ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+       if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
          else {
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/Chamber.cc b/NPSimulation/src/Chamber.cc
index 2d897e630399cbd1a9fbec0f7aec827780c4dc72..e0a61bb1d2f42a8b69f4beb1ffb1285884047423 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/Chamber.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/Chamber.cc
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ using namespace std;
 // Specific Method of this class
-   m_ChamberType	= true;
-   m_ChamberRmin	= 0   ;
-   m_ChamberRmax	= 0   ;
-   m_ChamberPhiMin	= 0   ;
-   m_ChamberPhiMax	= 0   ;
-   m_ChamberThetaMin	= 0   ;
-   m_ChamberThetaMax	= 0   ;
+   m_ChamberType     = true;
+   m_ChamberRmin     = 0   ;
+   m_ChamberRmax     = 0   ;
+   m_ChamberPhiMin   = 0   ;
+   m_ChamberPhiMax   = 0   ;
+   m_ChamberThetaMin = 0   ;
+   m_ChamberThetaMax = 0   ;
 G4Material* Chamber::GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature, G4double Pressure)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void Chamber::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string LineBuffer;
    string DataBuffer;
    bool ReadingStatusChamber = false ;
    //   bool ReadingStatusCryoChamber = false ;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void Chamber::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    bool check_ThetaMax = false ;
    bool check_Material = false ;
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {
       getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 8, "Chamber") == 0) {
@@ -142,70 +142,70 @@ void Chamber::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       while (ReadingStatusChamber) {
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-      		//Search for comment Symbol %
-      		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Rmin=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Rmin = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberRmin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	             cout << "Chamber inner radius: "  << m_ChamberRmin << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Rmax=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Rmax = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberRmax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	             cout << "Chamber outer radius: "  << m_ChamberRmax << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 8, "PhiMin=") == 0) {
-	        	check_PhiMin = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberPhiMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            cout << "Chamber PhiMin: "     <<  m_ChamberPhiMin      << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 8, "PhiMax=") == 0) {
-	        	check_PhiMax = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberPhiMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            cout << "Chamber PhiMax: "     <<  m_ChamberPhiMax      << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "ThetaMin=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ThetaMin = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberThetaMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            cout << "Chamber ThetaMin: "     <<  m_ChamberThetaMin      << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "ThetaMax=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ThetaMax = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberThetaMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            cout << "Chamber ThetaMax: "     <<  m_ChamberThetaMax      << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Material = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_ChamberMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
-	            cout << "Chamber Material: "      << m_ChamberMaterial  << endl  ;
-	         }
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatusChamber = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if( check_Rmin && check_Rmax && check_Material && check_PhiMin && check_PhiMax && check_ThetaMin && check_ThetaMax )
-	         	ReadingStatusChamber = false ;	
-		}				
+            //Search for comment Symbol %
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Rmin=") == 0) {
+              check_Rmin = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberRmin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                cout << "Chamber inner radius: "  << m_ChamberRmin << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Rmax=") == 0) {
+              check_Rmax = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberRmax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                cout << "Chamber outer radius: "  << m_ChamberRmax << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 8, "PhiMin=") == 0) {
+              check_PhiMin = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberPhiMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+               cout << "Chamber PhiMin: "     <<  m_ChamberPhiMin      << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 8, "PhiMax=") == 0) {
+              check_PhiMax = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberPhiMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+               cout << "Chamber PhiMax: "     <<  m_ChamberPhiMax      << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "ThetaMin=") == 0) {
+              check_ThetaMin = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberThetaMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+               cout << "Chamber ThetaMin: "     <<  m_ChamberThetaMin      << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "ThetaMax=") == 0) {
+              check_ThetaMax = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberThetaMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+               cout << "Chamber ThetaMax: "     <<  m_ChamberThetaMax      << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
+              check_Material = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_ChamberMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
+               cout << "Chamber Material: "      << m_ChamberMaterial  << endl  ;
+            }
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
+            else 
+               {ReadingStatusChamber = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If all Token found toggle out
+            if( check_Rmin && check_Rmax && check_Material && check_PhiMin && check_PhiMax && check_ThetaMin && check_ThetaMax )
+               ReadingStatusChamber = false ;   
+      }            
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ void Chamber::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
 // If don't you will have a Warning unused variable 'myPVP'
    G4VPhysicalVolume* PVPBuffer ;
-   if (m_ChamberType) {	// case of standard Chamber
+   if (m_ChamberType) {   // case of standard Chamber
-	 G4Sphere* solidChamber
-	   = new G4Sphere("solidChamber", m_ChamberRmin, m_ChamberRmax, m_ChamberPhiMin, m_ChamberPhiMax, m_ChamberThetaMin, m_ChamberThetaMax );
+    G4Sphere* solidChamber
+      = new G4Sphere("solidChamber", m_ChamberRmin, m_ChamberRmax, m_ChamberPhiMin, m_ChamberPhiMax, m_ChamberThetaMin, m_ChamberThetaMax );
-	 G4LogicalVolume* logicChamber = new G4LogicalVolume(solidChamber, m_ChamberMaterial, "logicChamber");
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicChamber = new G4LogicalVolume(solidChamber, m_ChamberMaterial, "logicChamber");
          // rotation of target
          //G4RotationMatrix *rotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ void Chamber::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
          G4VisAttributes* ChamberVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 1., 1.));
-	 //  }
+    //  }
-   else {	// case of cryogenic target
+   else {   // case of cryogenic target
@@ -253,4 +253,4 @@ void Chamber::InitializeRootOutput()
 // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
 void Chamber::ReadSensitive(const G4Event*)
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc b/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
index cd892fa83e096eaf9ff3397a8e85e2775085a02d..031fe2d8d20492bd69450f76eba91c807b519076 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
       :  world_log(0), world_phys(0)
-   m_Target	= 0;
-   m_Chamber	= 0;
+   m_Target   = 0;
+   m_Chamber  = 0;
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
    bool cAddThinSi       = false;
    bool cGeneralTarget   = false;
    bool cGeneralChamber  = false;
-   bool cGPDTracker      = false;	// Gaspard Tracker
+   bool cGPDTracker      = false;   // Gaspard Tracker
    bool cHYDTracker      = false;   // Hyde detector
    bool cS1              = false;
    bool cPlastic         = false;
    bool cDummy           = false;
-   bool cParis           = false;	// Paris Calorimeter
-   bool cShield          = false;	// Paris Shield CsI
+   bool cParis           = false;   // Paris Calorimeter
+   bool cShield          = false;   // Paris Shield CsI
    bool cW1              = false;   // W1 Micron DSSD
    ifstream ConfigFile;
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
-      ////////// Search for Plastic	   ///////////
+      ////////// Search for Plastic      ///////////
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 19, "ScintillatorPlastic") == 0 && cPlastic == false) {
          cPlastic = true ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/DummyDetector.cc b/NPSimulation/src/DummyDetector.cc
index bf79671be489264c32293b2edd725569a39cf672..ada0b0e2f9275b2cddcad5d79ed63e7a0437e6c5 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/DummyDetector.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/DummyDetector.cc
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class describe a simple Dummy Detector :                            *
- *	a simple cylinder of predifined material. user can choose to place it    *
+ *   a simple cylinder of predifined material. user can choose to place it    *
  *  where he want using spherical coordinate and choose between two naterial *
- *	                                                                         *
+ *                                                                            *
  *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    // Energy and time Resolution
-   const G4double ResoTime    = 4.2      	;// = 10ns of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoEnergy  = 5.0   		;// Resolution in %
+   const G4double ResoTime    = 4.2         ;// = 10ns of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoEnergy  = 5.0         ;// Resolution in %
@@ -71,32 +71,32 @@ using namespace DUMMYDETECTOR ;
 // DUMMYDetector Specific Method
-	InitializeMaterial();
-	m_Event = new TDUMMYDetectorData() ;
+   InitializeMaterial();
+   m_Event = new TDUMMYDetectorData() ;
-	delete m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1		; 
-	delete m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2	;
-	delete m_DUMMYDetectorScorer						;
+   delete m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1; 
+   delete m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2;
+   delete m_DUMMYDetectorScorer;
-void DUMMYDetector::AddDUMMYDetector(	G4double  R        					,
-				        					G4double  Theta    					,
-				         			 		G4double  Phi         			,
-				         			 		G4double	DUMMYDetectorThickness	,
-				         			 		G4double	DUMMYDetectorRadius			,
-				         			 		G4String 	Scintillator			)
+void DUMMYDetector::AddDUMMYDetector( G4double  R                       ,
+                                      G4double  Theta                   ,
+                                      G4double  Phi                     ,
+                                      G4double  DUMMYDetectorThickness  ,
+                                      G4double  DUMMYDetectorRadius     ,
+                                      G4String  Scintillator            ) 
-  m_R.push_back(R)              									;
-  m_Theta.push_back(Theta)        								;
-  m_Phi.push_back(Phi)          									;
-  m_DUMMYDetectorThickness.push_back(DUMMYDetectorThickness)	;
- 	m_DUMMYDetectorRadius.push_back(DUMMYDetectorRadius)				;
- 	m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator)					;
+  m_R.push_back(R);
+  m_Theta.push_back(Theta);
+  m_Phi.push_back(Phi);
+  m_DUMMYDetectorThickness.push_back(DUMMYDetectorThickness);
+    m_DUMMYDetectorRadius.push_back(DUMMYDetectorRadius);
+    m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator);
@@ -109,134 +109,134 @@ void DUMMYDetector::AddDUMMYDetector(	G4double  R        					,
 // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
 void DUMMYDetector::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-	ifstream ConfigFile           ;
-	ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
-	string LineBuffer          ;
-	string DataBuffer          ;
-	G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , Thickness = 0 , Radius = 0 ;
-	G4String Scintillator ;
-	bool check_Theta = false   ;
-	bool check_Phi  = false  ;
-	bool check_R     = false   ;
-	bool check_Thickness = false  		;
-	bool check_Radius = false  			;\
-	bool check_Scintillator = false		;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   ifstream ConfigFile           ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
+   string LineBuffer             ;
+   string DataBuffer             ;
+   G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , Thickness = 0 , Radius = 0 ;
+   G4String Scintillator ;
+   bool check_Theta = false       ;
+   bool check_Phi  = false        ;
+   bool check_R     = false       ;
+   bool check_Thickness = false   ;
+   bool check_Radius = false      ;
+   bool check_Scintillator = false;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false     ;
  while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
- 	{
+    {
-	      	getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-			//	If line is a Start Up DUMMYDetector bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-	      	if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DUMMYDetector") == 0) 
-		      	{
-		        	 G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
-		       		  G4cout << "Dummy Module found: " << G4endl   ;        
-		        	 ReadingStatus = true ;
-			   	}
-			//	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-			else ReadingStatus = false ;
-			//	Reading Block
-			while(ReadingStatus)
-				{
-						// Pickup Next Word 
-					ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-					//	Comment Line 
-					if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-						//	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DUMMYDetector") == 0) {
-						cout << "WARNING: Another Detector is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-						ReadingStatus = false ;
-					}
-					//Angle method
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
-						check_Theta = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Theta = Theta * deg;
-						cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
-						check_Phi = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Phi = Phi * deg;
-						cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
-						check_R = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						R = R * mm;
-						cout << "R:  " << R/mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Radius=") == 0) {
-						check_Radius = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Radius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Radius = Radius * mm;
-						cout << "DUMMYDetector Radius:  " << Radius/mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "Thickness=") == 0) {
-						check_Thickness = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Thickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Thickness = Thickness * mm;
-						cout << "DUMMYDetector Thickness:  " << Thickness/mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "Material=") == 0) {
-						check_Scintillator = true ;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Scintillator = DataBuffer ;
-						cout << "DUMMYDetector material type:  " << Scintillator << endl;
-					}
-			     			///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-								//	If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-			         else 
-			         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
-			         	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			         	//	If All necessary information there, toggle out
-			         if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Scintillator) 
-			         	{ 
-		         		  AddDUMMYDetector(	R       		,
-		                  				Theta    		,
-		                  				Phi   			,
-		                  				Thickness		,
-		                  				Radius			,
-		                  				Scintillator		);
-					        //	Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
-							check_Theta = false   			;
-							check_Phi  = false  			;
-							check_R     = false   			;
-							check_Thickness = false  		;
-							check_Radius = false  			;
-							check_Scintillator = false 		;
-							ReadingStatus = false 			;	
-							cout << "///"<< endl ;	         
-			         	}
-				}
-	}
+            getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+         //   If line is a Start Up DUMMYDetector bloc, Reading toggle to true      
+            if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DUMMYDetector") == 0) 
+               {
+                  G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
+                     G4cout << "Dummy Module found: " << G4endl   ;        
+                  ReadingStatus = true ;
+               }
+         //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+         else ReadingStatus = false ;
+         //   Reading Block
+         while(ReadingStatus)
+            {
+                  // Pickup Next Word 
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+               //   Comment Line 
+               if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+                  //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DUMMYDetector") == 0) {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Detector is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
+                  check_Theta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Theta = Theta * deg;
+                  cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
+                  check_Phi = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Phi = Phi * deg;
+                  cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
+                  check_R = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  R = R * mm;
+                  cout << "R:  " << R/mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Radius=") == 0) {
+                  check_Radius = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Radius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Radius = Radius * mm;
+                  cout << "DUMMYDetector Radius:  " << Radius/mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "Thickness=") == 0) {
+                  check_Thickness = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Thickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Thickness = Thickness * mm;
+                  cout << "DUMMYDetector Thickness:  " << Thickness/mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "Material=") == 0) {
+                  check_Scintillator = true ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Scintillator = DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "DUMMYDetector material type:  " << Scintillator << endl;
+               }
+                       ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+                  else 
+                     {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
+                     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                     //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+                  if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Scintillator) 
+                     { 
+                       AddDUMMYDetector(  R              ,
+                                          Theta          ,
+                                          Phi            ,
+                                          Thickness      ,
+                                          Radius         ,
+                                          Scintillator   );
+                       //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
+                     check_Theta = false          ;
+                     check_Phi  = false           ;
+                     check_R     = false          ;
+                     check_Thickness = false      ;
+                     check_Radius = false         ;
+                     check_Scintillator = false   ;
+                     ReadingStatus = false        ;   
+                     cout << "///"<< endl         ;            
+                     }
+            }
+   }
@@ -244,78 +244,74 @@ void DUMMYDetector::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
 void DUMMYDetector::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   	G4ThreeVector Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
+      G4ThreeVector Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
    for (unsigned short i = 0 ; i < m_R.size() ; i++) 
-   	{
+      {
          G4double wX = m_R[i] * sin(m_Theta[i] ) * cos(m_Phi[i] )   ;
          G4double wY = m_R[i] * sin(m_Theta[i] ) * sin(m_Phi[i] )   ;
-         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(m_Theta[i] )             		;
+         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(m_Theta[i] )                    ;
-         Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ)                 ;
+         Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ) ;
 //         G4LogicalVolume* logicDUMMYDetector = NULL ;
-		VolumeMaker(Det_pos , i+1, world) ;
+      VolumeMaker(Det_pos , i+1, world) ;
 void DUMMYDetector::VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber, G4LogicalVolume* world)
-	{
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////		
-		G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
-		// Name of the module
-   		std::ostringstream DetectorNumber         			;
-   		DetectorNumber << DetNumber                 	  	;
-		G4String Name = "DUMMYDetector" + DetectorNumber.str()	;
-		int i = DetNumber-1;
-		G4Material* DUMMYDetectorMaterial ;
-			 if(m_Scintillator[i] == "material1"    ) DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1 	;
-		else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "material2"  ) DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2 	;
-		else {	
-				G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : material1" << endl ; 
-				DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1;
-			}
-		// Definition of the volume containing the sensitive detector
-		if(m_DUMMYDetectorThickness[i]>0 && m_DUMMYDetectorRadius[i]>0)
-			{ 
-				G4Tubs* solidDUMMYDetector = new G4Tubs(	Name					, 
-			                            								0						,
-			                            								m_DUMMYDetectorRadius[i]		,
-			                            								m_DUMMYDetectorThickness[i]/2	,
-			                            								0*deg					, 
-			                            								360*deg					);
-				G4LogicalVolume* logicDUMMYDetector = new G4LogicalVolume(solidDUMMYDetector, DUMMYDetectorMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
-				logicDUMMYDetector->SetSensitiveDetector(m_DUMMYDetectorScorer);
-				G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
-   				logicDUMMYDetector->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
-				PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(	0				,
-												Det_pos			,
-		                                     	logicDUMMYDetector    ,
-		                                     	Name  + "_Scintillator"          ,
-		                                     	world           ,
-		                                     	false           ,
-		                                     	0				);	
-			}
-	}
+   {
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      
+      G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
+      // Name of the module
+         std::ostringstream DetectorNumber                  ;
+         DetectorNumber << DetNumber                         ;
+      G4String Name = "DUMMYDetector" + DetectorNumber.str()   ;
+      int i = DetNumber-1;
+      G4Material* DUMMYDetectorMaterial ;
+           if(m_Scintillator[i] == "material1"  ) DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1    ;
+      else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "material2"  ) DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2    ;
+      else {   
+            G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : material1"  << endl ; 
+            DUMMYDetectorMaterial = m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1;
+         }
+      // Definition of the volume containing the sensitive detector
+      if(m_DUMMYDetectorThickness[i]>0 && m_DUMMYDetectorRadius[i]>0)
+         { 
+            G4Tubs* solidDUMMYDetector = new G4Tubs(   Name, 
+                                                       0 ,
+                                                       m_DUMMYDetectorRadius[i],
+                                                       m_DUMMYDetectorThickness[i]/2,
+                                                       0*deg, 
+                                                       360*deg);
+            G4LogicalVolume* logicDUMMYDetector = new G4LogicalVolume(solidDUMMYDetector, DUMMYDetectorMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
+            logicDUMMYDetector->SetSensitiveDetector(m_DUMMYDetectorScorer);
+            G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
+            logicDUMMYDetector->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
+            PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0,
+                                             Det_pos,
+                                             logicDUMMYDetector,
+                                             Name  + "_Scintillator",
+                                             world,
+                                             false,
+                                             0 );   
+         }
+   }
 // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
@@ -330,81 +326,81 @@ void DUMMYDetector::InitializeRootOutput()
 // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
 void DUMMYDetector::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-   G4String DetectorNumber 	;
-   m_Event->Clear()			;
+   G4String DetectorNumber    ;
+   m_Event->Clear()         ;
 //////////////////////// Used to Read Event Map of detector //////////////////////////
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr    ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr     	;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr    		;
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  DetectorNumberHitMap				;      
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap              		;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap             			;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr    ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr        ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr          ;
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>*     DetectorNumberHitMap            ;      
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap                    ;
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap                      ;
     // Read the Scorer associate to the Silicon Strip
-	//Detector Number
-	G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/DUMMYDetectorNumber")  	;
-	DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID))       	;
-	DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                               ;
+   //Detector Number
+   G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/DUMMYDetectorNumber") ;
+   DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID)) ;
+   DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin() ;
-	//Energy
-	G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/Energy")   	;
-	EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID))           ;
-	Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                          		;
+   //Energy
+   G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/Energy") ;
+   EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID));
+   Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin() ;
-	//Time of Flight
-	G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/Time")    		;
-	TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID))               ;
-	Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                              		;
+   //Time of Flight
+   G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("DUMMYDetectorScorer/Time") ;
+   TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID)) ;
+   Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-  	G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries() 	;
-    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries() 			;
-    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries() 			;
+     G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries();
     // Loop on DUMMYDetector Number
     for (G4int l = 0 ; l < sizeN ; l++) {
-        G4int N     =      *(DetectorNumber_itr->second)    ;
-        G4int NTrackID  =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N  ;
+        G4int N         =  *(DetectorNumber_itr->second) ;
+        G4int NTrackID  =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;
         if (N > 0) {
-	        m_Event->SetDUMMYDetectorNumber(N) ;
-			//  Energy
-	        Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
-	            G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N      ;
-	            G4double E     = *(Energy_itr->second)      	;
-	            if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, E*ResoEnergy/100./2.35))    ;
-	            }
-	            Energy_itr++;
-	        	}
-	        //  Time
-	        Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
-	            G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N    ;
-	            G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second)      ;
-	            if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime)) ;
-	            }
-	            Time_itr++;
-	        }
+           m_Event->SetDUMMYDetectorNumber(N) ;
+         //  Energy
+           Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+           for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
+               G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N      ;
+               G4double E      = *(Energy_itr->second)         ;
+               if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
+                   m_Event->SetEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, E*ResoEnergy/100./2.35))    ;
+               }
+               Energy_itr++;
+              }
+           //  Time
+           Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+           for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
+               G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first - N ;
+               G4double T      = *(Time_itr->second)   ;
+               if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
+                   m_Event->SetTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime)) ;
+               }
+               Time_itr++;
+           }
@@ -412,62 +408,61 @@ void DUMMYDetector::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
     // clear map for next event
-    TimeHitMap				->clear()	;    
-    DetectorNumberHitMap    ->clear()	;
-    EnergyHitMap   			->clear() 	; 
+    TimeHitMap            ->clear() ;    
+    DetectorNumberHitMap  ->clear() ;
+    EnergyHitMap          ->clear() ; 
 void DUMMYDetector::InitializeMaterial()
-	{
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		/////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		   G4String symbol               						;
-		   G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0   				;
-		   G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0, fractionmass = 0	;
-			// for DUMMYDetector
-		   	G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" 	, symbol = "H"  	, z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
-		   	G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   	, symbol = "C"  	, z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
-		 		G4Element* Pb  = new G4Element("Lead"   	, symbol = "Pb"  	, z = 82 , a = 207.2  * g / mole);
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		/////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		   // DUMMYDetector BC-400
-		   density = 1.032 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1 = new G4Material("DUMMYDetector_material1", density, ncomponents = 2);
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1->AddElement(H , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   // DUMMYDetector BC-452 Pb 2%
-		   density = 1.05 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2 = new G4Material("DUMMYDetector_material2", density, ncomponents = 3);
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=2*perCent);
-	}
+   {
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         G4String symbol                                 ;
+         G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0               ;
+         G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0, fractionmass = 0   ;
+         // for DUMMYDetector
+            G4Element* H   = new G4Element ("Hydrogen"    , symbol = "H"     , z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
+            G4Element* C   = new G4Element ("Carbon"      , symbol = "C"     , z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
+            G4Element* Pb  = new G4Element ("Lead"        , symbol = "Pb"    , z = 82 , a = 207.2  * g / mole);
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         // DUMMYDetector BC-400
+         density = 1.032 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1 = new G4Material("DUMMYDetector_material1", density, ncomponents = 2);
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1->AddElement(H , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material1->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         // DUMMYDetector BC-452 Pb 2%
+         density = 1.05 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2 = new G4Material("DUMMYDetector_material2", density, ncomponents = 3);
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         m_MaterialDUMMYDetector_material2->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=2*perCent);
+   }
 void DUMMYDetector::InitializeScorers() 
-	{ 
-		m_DUMMYDetectorScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("DUMMYDetectorScorer") ;
-		G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_DUMMYDetectorScorer);
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr = new PSDetectorNumber("DUMMYDetectorNumber","DUMMYDetector", 0) ;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy = new PSEnergy("Energy","DUMMYDetector", 0)             		;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Time   = new PSTOF("Time","DUMMYDetector", 0)             				;
-		//and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
-		m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr)             				;
-		m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy)             				;
-		m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Time)             					;		
-	}
+   { 
+      m_DUMMYDetectorScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("DUMMYDetectorScorer") ;
+      G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_DUMMYDetectorScorer);
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr = new PSDetectorNumber("DUMMYDetectorNumber","DUMMYDetector", 0) ;
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy = new PSEnergy("Energy","DUMMYDetector", 0);
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* Time   = new PSTOF("Time","DUMMYDetector", 0);
+      //and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
+      m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr);
+      m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy);
+      m_DUMMYDetectorScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Time);      
+   }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
index 5d263936109277fc965f0ec36e28c2c0aeb9ebda..bbc6f420a98067cb4b31f353fe0afb3316284caa 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    m_InitConditions = new TInitialConditions();
-   m_Target         = NULL	;
-   m_beamA					= 0 		;
-   m_beamZ					= 0 		;
-   m_particle 			= NULL 	;
+   m_Target         = NULL    ;
+   m_beamA          = 0       ;
+   m_beamZ          = 0       ;
+   m_particle       = NULL    ;
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ EventGeneratorBeam::~EventGeneratorBeam()
-void	EventGeneratorBeam::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
+void   EventGeneratorBeam::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
-   	if(Target!=0)	
-   		{
-   			m_Target = Target;
-   		}
+      if(Target!=0)   
+         {
+            m_Target = Target;
+         }
@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    ifstream ReactionFile;
-	bool ReadingStatus 			= false ;
-	bool check_Z 				= false ;
-	bool check_A 				= false ;
-	bool check_Energy 			= false ;
-	bool check_EnergySpread 	= false ;
-	bool check_FWHMX 			= false ;
-	bool check_FWHMY 			= false ;
-	bool check_SigmaThetaX	 	= false ;
-	bool check_SigmaPhiY  	 	= false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus       = false ;
+   bool check_Z             = false ;
+   bool check_A             = false ;
+   bool check_Energy        = false ;
+   bool check_EnergySpread  = false ;
+   bool check_FWHMX         = false ;
+   bool check_FWHMY         = false ;
+   bool check_SigmaThetaX   = false ;
+   bool check_SigmaPhiY     = false ;
    if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {} else {
@@ -97,106 +97,106 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ReadingStatus = true ;
-	while(ReadingStatus){
-			 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-      		//Search for comment Symbol %
-      		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+   while(ReadingStatus){
+          ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            //Search for comment Symbol %
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleZ=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Z = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_beamZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            if(check_A)
-	            		G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;
-	         }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleZ=") == 0) {
+               check_Z = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_beamZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               if(check_A)
+                     G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleA=") == 0) {
-	         	check_A = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_beamA = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            if(check_Z)
-	            		G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;
-	         }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleA=") == 0) {
+               check_A = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_beamA = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               if(check_Z)
+                     G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Energy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy: " << m_BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
+               check_Energy = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+               G4cout << "Beam Energy: " << m_BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
-	         	check_EnergySpread = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread: " << m_BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
+               check_EnergySpread = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+               G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread: " << m_BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
-	         	check_FWHMX = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Sigma X: " << m_SigmaX / mm << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
+               check_FWHMX = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               G4cout << "Sigma X: " << m_SigmaX / mm << " mm" << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
-	            check_FWHMY = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Sigma Y: " << m_SigmaY / mm << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
+               check_FWHMY = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               G4cout << "Sigma Y: " << m_SigmaY / mm << " mm" << G4endl;
+            }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
-	            check_SigmaThetaX = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Sigma Theta X: " << m_SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
-	         	check_SigmaPhiY = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Sigma Phi Y: " << m_SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if( check_Z && check_A && check_Energy && check_EnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_SigmaThetaX && check_SigmaPhiY )
-	         	ReadingStatus = false ;	
-     	}
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
+               check_SigmaThetaX = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+               G4cout << "Sigma Theta X: " << m_SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+            }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
+               check_SigmaPhiY = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+               G4cout << "Sigma Phi Y: " << m_SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+            }
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
+            else 
+               {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If all Token found toggle out
+            if( check_Z && check_A && check_Energy && check_EnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_SigmaThetaX && check_SigmaPhiY )
+               ReadingStatus = false ;   
+        }
-   if( !check_Z || !check_A || !check_Energy || !check_EnergySpread || !check_FWHMX || !check_FWHMY || !check_SigmaThetaX || !check_SigmaPhiY )	
-   		{cout << "WARNING : Token Sequence Incomplete, Beam definition could not be Fonctionnal" << endl ;}
+   if( !check_Z || !check_A || !check_Energy || !check_EnergySpread || !check_FWHMX || !check_FWHMY || !check_SigmaThetaX || !check_SigmaPhiY )   
+         {cout << "WARNING : Token Sequence Incomplete, Beam definition could not be Fonctionnal" << endl ;}
   cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << endl ;
 void EventGeneratorBeam::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent, G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
-	//--------------write the DeDx Table -------------------
+   //--------------write the DeDx Table -------------------
   if( anEvent->GetEventID()==0)
-		{
-	 		m_particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_beamZ, m_beamA , 0.);
-			if(m_Target!=0 )
-				m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_particle ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-		}
+      {
+          m_particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_beamZ, m_beamA , 0.);
+         if(m_Target!=0 )
+            m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_particle ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+      }
@@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent, G4ParticleGun* particle
    G4double FinalBeamEnergy = 0 ;
    G4double InitialBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
-	m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction(	0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
-                            					0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
-				                            	InitialBeamEnergy,
-				                            	m_particle,
-				                           	 	InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
-                            					Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
-				                           	 	FinalBeamEnergy);
+   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction( 0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
+                                       0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
+                                       InitialBeamEnergy,
+                                       m_particle,
+                                       InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
+                                       Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
+                                       FinalBeamEnergy);
    // write vertex position to ROOT file
    G4double x0 = InterCoord.x();
    G4double y0 = InterCoord.y();
@@ -243,16 +243,16 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent, G4ParticleGun* particle
    G4double particle_energy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
    // Direction of particle, energy and laboratory angle
-   G4double momentum_x = sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi)       	;
-   G4double momentum_y = sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi)      	;
-   G4double momentum_z = cos(Beam_theta)             		;
+   G4double momentum_x = sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi) ;
+   G4double momentum_y = sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi) ;
+   G4double momentum_z = cos(Beam_theta) ;
    //Set the gun to shoot
-   particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(momentum_x, momentum_y, momentum_z))   	;
-   particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(particle_energy)                                  				;
-   particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))                           			;
+   particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(momentum_x, momentum_y, momentum_z)) ;
+   particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(particle_energy) ;
+   particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0)) ;
    //Shoot the light particle
-   particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)        ;
+   particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorIsotropic.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorIsotropic.cc
index e2e9b384be677fa8b7159bca56a072cecc92f2cf..3771fb438a1fa90c538e04ec986c4a9c09ea0ce7 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorIsotropic.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorIsotropic.cc
@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ void EventGeneratorIsotropic::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string LineBuffer;
    string DataBuffer;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
-	bool check_EnergyLow = false ;
-	bool check_EnergyHigh = false ;
-	bool check_HalfOpenAngleMin = false ;
-	bool check_HalfOpenAngleMax = false ;
-	bool check_x0 = false ;
-	bool check_y0 = false ;
-	bool check_z0 = false ;
-	bool check_particle = false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool check_EnergyLow = false ;
+   bool check_EnergyHigh = false ;
+   bool check_HalfOpenAngleMin = false ;
+   bool check_HalfOpenAngleMax = false ;
+   bool check_x0 = false ;
+   bool check_y0 = false ;
+   bool check_z0 = false ;
+   bool check_particle = false ;
    ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
    string particle   ;
@@ -85,98 +85,98 @@ void EventGeneratorIsotropic::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {} 
    else {
-      		return;
- 		}
+            return;
+       }
    while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
-	      //Pick-up next line
-	      getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
-	 		 if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Isotropic") == 0) {
-	         G4cout << "Isotropic Source Found" << G4endl ;
-	         ReadingStatus = true;}
-	    while (ReadingStatus)
-	    	{
-	    		 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	    		 //Search for comment Symbol %
-			     if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "EnergyLow=") == 0) {
-		         	check_EnergyLow = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_EnergyLow = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-		            G4cout << "Minimum energy " << m_EnergyLow / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "EnergyHigh=") == 0) {
-		         	check_EnergyHigh = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_EnergyHigh = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-		            G4cout << "Maximum energy " << m_EnergyHigh / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMin=") == 0) {
-		         	check_HalfOpenAngleMin = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_HalfOpenAngleMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-		            G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMin " << m_HalfOpenAngleMin / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMax=") == 0) {
-		         	check_HalfOpenAngleMax = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_HalfOpenAngleMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-		            G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMax " << m_HalfOpenAngleMax / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "x0=") == 0) {
-		         	check_x0 = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_x0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-		            G4cout << "x0 " << m_x0 << " mm" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "y0=") == 0) {
-		            check_y0 = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_y0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-		            G4cout << "y0 " << m_y0 << " mm" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "z0=") == 0) {
-		         	check_z0 = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            m_y0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-		            G4cout << "y0 " << m_y0 << " mm" << G4endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "particle=") == 0) {
-		         	check_particle = true ;
-		            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		            particle = DataBuffer;
-		            G4cout << "particle  " << particle << G4endl;
-		            m_particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(particle);
-		         }
-		         //	If no isotropic Token and no comment, toggle out
-		         else 
-		         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-		         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-				//	If all Token found toggle out
-		         if( 	check_EnergyLow && check_EnergyHigh && check_HalfOpenAngleMin && check_HalfOpenAngleMax && check_x0 && check_y0 && check_z0 && check_particle )
-		         	ReadingStatus = false ;	
-	    	}
+         //Pick-up next line
+         getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
+           if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Isotropic") == 0) {
+            G4cout << "Isotropic Source Found" << G4endl ;
+            ReadingStatus = true;}
+       while (ReadingStatus)
+          {
+              ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+              //Search for comment Symbol %
+              if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "EnergyLow=") == 0) {
+                  check_EnergyLow = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_EnergyLow = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+                  G4cout << "Minimum energy " << m_EnergyLow / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "EnergyHigh=") == 0) {
+                  check_EnergyHigh = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_EnergyHigh = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+                  G4cout << "Maximum energy " << m_EnergyHigh / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMin=") == 0) {
+                  check_HalfOpenAngleMin = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_HalfOpenAngleMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+                  G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMin " << m_HalfOpenAngleMin / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMax=") == 0) {
+                  check_HalfOpenAngleMax = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_HalfOpenAngleMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+                  G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMax " << m_HalfOpenAngleMax / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "x0=") == 0) {
+                  check_x0 = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_x0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                  G4cout << "x0 " << m_x0 << " mm" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "y0=") == 0) {
+                  check_y0 = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_y0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                  G4cout << "y0 " << m_y0 << " mm" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "z0=") == 0) {
+                  check_z0 = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  m_y0 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                  G4cout << "y0 " << m_y0 << " mm" << G4endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "particle=") == 0) {
+                  check_particle = true ;
+                  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                  particle = DataBuffer;
+                  G4cout << "particle  " << particle << G4endl;
+                  m_particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(particle);
+               }
+               //   If no isotropic Token and no comment, toggle out
+               else 
+                  {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+               ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //   If all Token found toggle out
+               if(    check_EnergyLow && check_EnergyHigh && check_HalfOpenAngleMin && check_HalfOpenAngleMax && check_x0 && check_y0 && check_z0 && check_particle )
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;   
+          }
-   if( 	!check_EnergyLow || !check_EnergyHigh || !check_HalfOpenAngleMin || !check_HalfOpenAngleMax || !check_x0 || !check_y0 || !check_z0 || !check_particle )
-	 		{cout << "WARNING : Token Sequence Incomplete, Isotropic definition could not be Fonctionnal" << endl ;}
+   if(    !check_EnergyLow || !check_EnergyHigh || !check_HalfOpenAngleMin || !check_HalfOpenAngleMax || !check_x0 || !check_y0 || !check_z0 || !check_particle )
+          {cout << "WARNING : Token Sequence Incomplete, Isotropic definition could not be Fonctionnal" << endl ;}
   cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << endl ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.cc
index ed612b9adef5a5aeec3d7f4077247ca93788a707..e858d6f52c65cc3bccb284e9742a5a48dffbc35f 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorPhaseSpace.cc
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  *  channel during an experiment. Manage up to 18 body phase space           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
- *   					                                     													 *
+ *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -52,51 +52,51 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    //------------- Default Constructor -------------
-	m_InitConditions	= new TInitialConditions()	;
-	m_Target 					= new Target()							;
-	m_SigmaX       		= 0 												;
-	m_SigmaY       		= 0 												;
-	m_SigmaThetaX     = 0 												;
-	m_SigmaPhiY 			= 0 												;
-	m_EventWeight     =	0 												;
+   m_InitConditions   = new TInitialConditions()   ;
+   m_Target           = new Target()               ;
+   m_SigmaX           = 0                          ;
+   m_SigmaY           = 0                          ;
+   m_SigmaThetaX      = 0                          ;
+   m_SigmaPhiY        = 0                          ;
+   m_EventWeight      = 0                          ;
   //------------- Default Destructor ------------
-	delete m_InitConditions	;
+   delete m_InitConditions   ;
-void	EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
+void   EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
-   	if(Target!=0)	
-   			m_Target = Target;
+      if(Target!=0)   
+            m_Target = Target;
-EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::EventGeneratorPhaseSpace(	G4ParticleDefinition*   				BeamParticle   						,
-																										G4ParticleDefinition*   				TargetParticle 						,
-												         										vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>		ReactionProducts					,
-												         										double   												BeamEnergy       					,      
-												         										double  	 											BeamEnergySpread 					,
-												         										double   												SigmaX         						,
-												         										double   												SigmaY         						,
-												         										double   												SigmaThetaX      					,
-												         										double   												SigmaPhiY       					)
+EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::EventGeneratorPhaseSpace(   G4ParticleDefinition*          BeamParticle,
+                                                      G4ParticleDefinition*          TargetParticle,
+                                                      vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>  ReactionProducts,
+                                                      double                         BeamEnergy,      
+                                                      double                         BeamEnergySpread,
+                                                      double                         SigmaX,
+                                                      double                         SigmaY,
+                                                      double                         SigmaThetaX,
+                                                      double                         SigmaPhiY)
    //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
-   	SetEverything(	BeamParticle   						,
-										TargetParticle 						,
-  									ReactionProducts					,
-  									BeamEnergy       					,      
-  									BeamEnergySpread 					,
-  									SigmaX         						,
-  									SigmaY         						,
-  									SigmaThetaX      					,
-  									SigmaPhiY       					);
-    m_EventWeight		=	0 											;
+   SetEverything( BeamParticle,
+                  TargetParticle,
+                  ReactionProducts,
+                  BeamEnergy,      
+                  BeamEnergySpread,
+                  SigmaX,
+                  SigmaY,
+                  SigmaThetaX,
+                  SigmaPhiY);
+    m_EventWeight = 0;
@@ -127,16 +127,16 @@ void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4ParticleDefinition* BeamParticle   = NULL ;
    G4ParticleDefinition* TargetParticle = NULL ;
-   bool ReadingStatus 					=	false ;
-   bool check_Beam 							= false ;
-   bool check_Target 						= false ;
-   bool check_ReactionProducts 	= false ;
-   bool check_BeamEnergy 				= false ;
-   bool check_BeamEnergySpread 	= false ;
-   bool check_FWHMX 						= false ;
-   bool check_FWHMY 						= false ;
-   bool check_EmmitanceTheta 		= false ;
-   bool check_EmmitancePhi 			= false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus          =   false ;
+   bool check_Beam             = false ;
+   bool check_Target           = false ;
+   bool check_ReactionProducts = false ;
+   bool check_BeamEnergy       = false ;
+   bool check_BeamEnergySpread = false ;
+   bool check_FWHMX            = false ;
+   bool check_FWHMY            = false ;
+   bool check_EmmitanceTheta   = false ;
+   bool check_EmmitancePhi     = false ;
    ifstream ReactionFile;
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {} 
    else {
-      		return;
-  		 	}
+            return;
+            }
    while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
       //Pick-up next line
@@ -154,163 +154,163 @@ void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 10, "PhaseSpace") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
- 			 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
- 			 //Search for comment Symbol %
-	      	 if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Beam = true ;
-	          ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
-	            G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
-	            BeamParticle = ParticleBuffer ;
-	            G4cout << "Beam : A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
-	            check_Target = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
-	            G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
-	            TargetParticle = ParticleBuffer ;
-	            G4cout << "Target : A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMX = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMY = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-					else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DecayProduct=") == 0) {
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
-	            G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer ;
-	         		if 			( A==1 && Z==0 )
-	            	ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
-	            else if ( A==1 && Z==1)
-	            	ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
-//	            else if ( A==2 && Z==0)
-//	            	ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
-//	            	ParticleBuffer->SetPDGMass( ParticleBuffer->GetPDGMass*2);
-	            else
-	            	ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
-	            ReactionProducts.push_back(ParticleBuffer);
-	            G4cout << "Decay Product: A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 21, "EndOfDecayProductList") == 0) {
-	        		check_ReactionProducts = true ;
-	         }
-         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if(   	check_Beam && check_Target &&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
-	         	&&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_ReactionProducts)
-	         	ReadingStatus = false ;	
-		}
-	}
+      while(ReadingStatus){
+           ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+           //Search for comment Symbol %
+             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
+               check_Beam = true ;
+             ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
+               G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
+               BeamParticle = ParticleBuffer ;
+               G4cout << "Beam : A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
+               check_Target = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;  ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
+               G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
+               TargetParticle = ParticleBuffer ;
+               G4cout << "Target : A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
+              check_BeamEnergy = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+               G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
+              check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+               G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
+              check_FWHMX = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
+              check_FWHMY = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
+              check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+               G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+            }
+           else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
+              check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+               G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+            }
+               else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "DecayProduct=") == 0) {
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int A = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int Z = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer; ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+               int EXX = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
+               G4ParticleDefinition* ParticleBuffer ;
+                  if          ( A==1 && Z==0 )
+                  ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
+               else if ( A==1 && Z==1)
+                  ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
+//               else if ( A==2 && Z==0)
+//                  ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
+//                  ParticleBuffer->SetPDGMass( ParticleBuffer->GetPDGMass*2);
+               else
+                  ParticleBuffer = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(Z, A, EXX) ;
+               ReactionProducts.push_back(ParticleBuffer);
+               G4cout << "Decay Product: A=" << A << " Z=" << Z << " Excitation Energy = " << EXX/MeV << "MeV" << G4endl;
+            }
+            else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 21, "EndOfDecayProductList") == 0) {
+                 check_ReactionProducts = true ;
+            }
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
+            else 
+               {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If all Token found toggle out
+            if(      check_Beam && check_Target &&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
+               &&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_ReactionProducts)
+               ReadingStatus = false ;   
+         }
+   }
-   SetEverything(	BeamParticle   						,
-									TargetParticle 						,
-									ReactionProducts					,
-									BeamEnergy       					,      
-									BeamEnergySpread 					,
-									SigmaX         						,
-									SigmaY         						,
-									SigmaThetaX      					,
-									SigmaPhiY       					);
-   		ReactionFile.close();
+   SetEverything( BeamParticle,
+                  TargetParticle,
+                  ReactionProducts,
+                  BeamEnergy,      
+                  BeamEnergySpread,
+                  SigmaX,
+                  SigmaY,
+                  SigmaThetaX,
+                  SigmaPhiY);
+   ReactionFile.close();
 void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
-	//	If first time, write the DeDx table
-	if(anEvent->GetEventID()==0 && m_Target!=0)
-		{
-  		m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_BeamParticle ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-  		for(unsigned int k = 0 ; k < m_ReactionProducts.size() ; k++)
-  			{
-  			 m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_ReactionProducts[k] ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-  			}
-		}
+   //   If first time, write the DeDx table
+   if(anEvent->GetEventID()==0 && m_Target!=0)
+      {
+        m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_BeamParticle ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+        for(unsigned int k = 0 ; k < m_ReactionProducts.size() ; k++)
+           {
+            m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_ReactionProducts[k] ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+           }
+      }
    // Clear contents of Precedent event (now stored in ROOTOutput)
-   m_InitConditions->Clear()	;
-	 m_EventWeight = 0 					;
-	 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   m_InitConditions->Clear()   ;
+    m_EventWeight = 0                ;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ///// Calculate the incident beam direction as well as the vertex /////
    ///// of interaction in target and Energy Loss of the beam within /////
    ///// the target.                                                 /////
@@ -322,15 +322,15 @@ void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* p
    G4double FinalBeamEnergy = 0 ;
    G4double InitialBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
-	 m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction(	0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
-                            						0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
-				                            		InitialBeamEnergy,
-				                            		m_BeamParticle,
-				                           	 		InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
-                            						Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
-				                           	 		FinalBeamEnergy);
-  	m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy / MeV);
+   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction( 0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
+                                       0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
+                                       InitialBeamEnergy,
+                                       m_BeamParticle,
+                                       InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
+                                       Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
+                                       FinalBeamEnergy);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy / MeV);
    // write vertex position to ROOT file
    G4double x0 = InterCoord.x();
@@ -352,86 +352,86 @@ void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* p
    //////////////// Phase Space Calculation /////////////////
-    // Masses array of ecay products in GeV (unit used by ROOT)
-    int NumberOfReactionProducts = m_ReactionProducts.size() ;
-    double* masses = new double[NumberOfReactionProducts];  
-    for(int k = 0 ; k < NumberOfReactionProducts ; k++ )
-    	{
-        masses[k] = m_ReactionProducts[k]-> GetPDGMass()/GeV ;
-    	}
+   // Masses array of ecay products in GeV (unit used by ROOT)
+   int NumberOfReactionProducts = m_ReactionProducts.size() ;
+   double* masses = new double[NumberOfReactionProducts];  
+   for(int k = 0 ; k < NumberOfReactionProducts ; k++ )
+    {
+     masses[k] = m_ReactionProducts[k]-> GetPDGMass()/GeV ;
+    }
-    // Kinematics of reaction
-    G4double M =  m_BeamParticle -> GetPDGMass() 																										; 
-   	G4double InitialE      	  = FinalBeamEnergy + M   																							;
-		G4double InitialMomentumX = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi) 		;
-		G4double InitialMomentumY = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi) 		;
-		G4double InitialMomentumZ = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * cos(Beam_theta)                 		;
-		TLorentzVector Initial = TLorentzVector(InitialMomentumX/GeV, InitialMomentumY/GeV, InitialMomentumZ/GeV,InitialE/GeV) + TLorentzVector(0,0,0,m_TargetParticle -> GetPDGMass() / GeV);
-		// Instentiate a Phase Space Generator, with flat distrution
-		TGenPhaseSpace TPhaseSpace ;
-    if( !TPhaseSpace.SetDecay(Initial, NumberOfReactionProducts , masses) ) cout << "Warning: Phase Space Decay forbiden by kinematic, or more than 18 particles "<<endl;
-   	//	Generate event and store the associate weight. Think to use this weigt to get correcte spectrum
-   	m_EventWeight = TPhaseSpace.Generate() 		;
-   	TLorentzVector* ProductLV ;
-		for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfReactionProducts ; u++) 
-			{
-				ProductLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(u);
-				G4ThreeVector Momentum (	ProductLV->X()*GeV	,
-																	ProductLV->Y()*GeV	,
-																	ProductLV->Z()*GeV 	);
-				Momentum.unit() ;
-				G4double Energy   = ProductLV->E()*GeV-masses[u]*GeV ;
-				//Set the gun to shoot
-				particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(m_ReactionProducts[u])          ;
-				particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     				;
-				particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
-				particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
-				// Shoot the Daugter
-				particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
-				// get theta and phi in the world frame
-				G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
-				G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
-				if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
-				// write angles in ROOT file
-				m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
-				m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);		
-				m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
-			}
+   // Kinematics of reaction
+   G4double M =  m_BeamParticle -> GetPDGMass(); 
+   G4double InitialE         = FinalBeamEnergy + M ;
+   G4double InitialMomentumX = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi);
+   G4double InitialMomentumY = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi);
+   G4double InitialMomentumZ = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * cos(Beam_theta);
+   TLorentzVector Initial = TLorentzVector(InitialMomentumX/GeV, InitialMomentumY/GeV, InitialMomentumZ/GeV,InitialE/GeV) + TLorentzVector(0,0,0,m_TargetParticle -> GetPDGMass() / GeV);
+   // Instentiate a Phase Space Generator, with flat distrution
+   TGenPhaseSpace TPhaseSpace ;
+   if( !TPhaseSpace.SetDecay(Initial, NumberOfReactionProducts , masses) ) cout << "Warning: Phase Space Decay forbiden by kinematic, or more than 18 particles "<<endl;
+   //   Generate event and store the associate weight. Think to use this weigt to get correcte spectrum
+   m_EventWeight = TPhaseSpace.Generate();
+      TLorentzVector* ProductLV ;
+      for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfReactionProducts ; u++) 
+         {
+            ProductLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(u);
+            G4ThreeVector Momentum (   ProductLV->X()*GeV   ,
+                                       ProductLV->Y()*GeV   ,
+                                       ProductLV->Z()*GeV   );
+            Momentum.unit() ;
+            G4double Energy   = ProductLV->E()*GeV-masses[u]*GeV ;
+            //Set the gun to shoot
+            particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(m_ReactionProducts[u]);
+            particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum);
+            particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy);
+            particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+            // Shoot the Daugter
+            particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+            // get theta and phi in the world frame
+            G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
+            G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
+            if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+            // write angles in ROOT file
+            m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
+            m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);      
+            m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
+         }
-void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::SetEverything(	G4ParticleDefinition*   				BeamParticle   						,
-																							G4ParticleDefinition*   				TargetParticle 						,
-												         							vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>		ReactionProducts					,
-									         										double   												BeamEnergy       					,      
-									         										double  	 											BeamEnergySpread 					,
-									         										double   												SigmaX         						,
-									         										double   												SigmaY         						,
-									         										double   												SigmaThetaX      					,
-									         										double   												SigmaPhiY       					)
+void EventGeneratorPhaseSpace::SetEverything(   G4ParticleDefinition*            BeamParticle,
+                                                G4ParticleDefinition*            TargetParticle,
+                                                vector<G4ParticleDefinition*>    ReactionProducts,
+                                                double                           BeamEnergy,      
+                                                double                           BeamEnergySpread,
+                                                double                           SigmaX,
+                                                double                           SigmaY,
+                                                double                           SigmaThetaX,
+                                                double                           SigmaPhiY)
    //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
-	m_BeamParticle 			= BeamParticle			;
-	m_TargetParticle 		= TargetParticle		;
-	m_ReactionProducts 	= ReactionProducts	;
-  m_BeamEnergy        = BeamEnergy				;
-  m_BeamEnergySpread  = BeamEnergySpread  ;
-  m_SigmaX       			= SigmaX         		;
-  m_SigmaY       			= SigmaY         		;
-  m_SigmaThetaX    		= SigmaThetaX    	 	;
-  m_SigmaPhiY    			= SigmaPhiY    	 		;
+   m_BeamParticle      = BeamParticle;
+   m_TargetParticle    = TargetParticle;
+   m_ReactionProducts  = ReactionProducts;
+   m_BeamEnergy        = BeamEnergy;
+   m_BeamEnergySpread  = BeamEnergySpread;
+   m_SigmaX            = SigmaX;
+   m_SigmaY            = SigmaY;
+   m_SigmaThetaX       = SigmaThetaX;
+   m_SigmaPhiY         = SigmaPhiY;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
index c19188bf92880bf69f4b4e4196c31e45a2191364..517e6bb73d459996b0c81657f37d6d1afcf82dd0 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    //------------- Default Constructor -------------
-   m_InitConditions	= new TInitialConditions();
-   m_Reaction 		= new Reaction();
-   m_Target		= 0;
-   m_BeamEnergy		= 0;
-   m_BeamEnergySpread	= 0;
-   m_SigmaX		= 0;
-   m_SigmaY		= 0;
-   m_SigmaThetaX	= 0;
-   m_SigmaPhiY		= 0;
-   m_ShootLight		= 0;
-   m_ShootHeavy		= 0;
+   m_InitConditions = new TInitialConditions();
+   m_Reaction       = new Reaction();
+   m_Target         = 0;
+   m_BeamEnergy       = 0;
+   m_BeamEnergySpread = 0;
+   m_SigmaX           = 0;
+   m_SigmaY           = 0;
+   m_SigmaThetaX      = 0;
+   m_SigmaPhiY        = 0;
+   m_ShootLight       = 0;
+   m_ShootHeavy       = 0;
@@ -84,37 +84,37 @@ EventGeneratorTransfert::~EventGeneratorTransfert()
-EventGeneratorTransfert::EventGeneratorTransfert(string name1             ,        // Beam nuclei
-		             string name2             ,        // Target nuclei
-		             string name3             ,        // Product of reaction
-		             string name4             ,        // Product of reaction
-		             double BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
-		             double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-		             double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-		             double BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		             double SigmaX         ,
-		             double SigmaY         ,
-		             double SigmaThetaX       ,
-		             double SigmaPhiY  ,
-		             bool   ShootLight        ,
-		             bool   ShootHeavy        ,
-		             string Path)                     // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+EventGeneratorTransfert::EventGeneratorTransfert(  string name1                  ,  // Beam nuclei
+                                                   string name2                  ,  // Target nuclei
+                                                   string name3                  ,  // Product of reaction
+                                                   string name4                  ,  // Product of reaction
+                                                   double BeamEnergy             ,  // Beam Energy
+                                                   double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,  // Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                                                   double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,  // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+                                                   double BeamEnergySpread       ,
+                                                   double SigmaX                 ,
+                                                   double SigmaY                 ,
+                                                   double SigmaThetaX            ,
+                                                   double SigmaPhiY              ,
+                                                   bool   ShootLight             ,
+                                                   bool   ShootHeavy             ,
+                                                   string Path                   )  // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
- SetEverything(		name1             ,        // Beam nuclei
-		              name2             ,        // Target nuclei
-		              name3             ,        // Product of reaction
-		              name4             ,        // Product of reaction
-		              BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
-		              ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-		              ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-		              BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		              SigmaX         ,
-		              SigmaY         ,
-		              SigmaThetaX       ,
-		              SigmaPhiY  ,
-		               ShootLight        ,
-		                ShootHeavy        ,
-		             Path);        
+ SetEverything(   name1,       
+                  name2,        
+                  name3,       
+                  name4,        
+                  BeamEnergy,        
+                  ExcitationEnergyLight,        
+                  ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
+                  BeamEnergySpread,
+                  SigmaX,
+                  SigmaY,
+                  SigmaThetaX,
+                  SigmaPhiY,
+                  ShootLight,
+                  ShootHeavy,
+                  Path);      
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
    G4double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergyLight = 0, ExcitationEnergyHeavy = 0;
    G4double BeamEnergySpread = 0 , SigmaX = 0 , SigmaY = 0 , SigmaThetaX = 0 , SigmaPhiY=0;
-   bool  ShootLight     = false ;
-   bool  ShootHeavy      = false ;
+   bool  ShootLight = false ;
+   bool  ShootHeavy = false ;
    bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    bool check_Beam = false ;
@@ -186,159 +186,159 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Transfert") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
- 			 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
- 			 //Search for comment Symbol %
-	      	 if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Beam = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Beam = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Beam " << Beam << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
-	            check_Target = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Target = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Target " << Target << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Light=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Light = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Light = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Light " << Light << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Heavy=") == 0) {
-	            check_Heavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Heavy = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyLight=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Light" << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy" << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMX = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMY = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "CrossSectionPath=") == 0) {
-	        	check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
-	            G4cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << G4endl ;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootLight=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ShootLight = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootLight = true ;
-	            if (ShootLight)    G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-	            else           G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootHeavy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ShootHeavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootHeavy = true ;
-	            if (ShootHeavy)    G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-	            else           G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-	         }
-         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if(check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy 
-	         	&&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
-	         	&&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_CrossSectionPath && check_ShootLight && check_ShootHeavy)
-	         	ReadingStatus = false ;	
-		}
-	}
+   while(ReadingStatus){
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        //Search for comment Symbol %
+          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
+            check_Beam = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            Beam = DataBuffer;
+            G4cout << "Beam " << Beam << G4endl;
+         }
+         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
+            check_Target = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            Target = DataBuffer;
+            G4cout << "Target " << Target << G4endl;
+         }
+         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Light=") == 0) {
+            check_Light = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            Light = DataBuffer;
+            G4cout << "Light " << Light << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Heavy=") == 0) {
+            check_Heavy = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            Heavy = DataBuffer;
+            G4cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyLight=") == 0) {
+           check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Light" << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") == 0) {
+           check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy" << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
+           check_BeamEnergy = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+            G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
+           check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
+           check_FWHMX = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
+           check_FWHMY = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
+           check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
+           check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "CrossSectionPath=") == 0) {
+           check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
+            G4cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << G4endl ;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootLight=") == 0) {
+           check_ShootLight = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootLight = true ;
+            if (ShootLight)    G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : yes" << G4endl;
+            else           G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : no"  << G4endl;
+         }
+        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootHeavy=") == 0) {
+           check_ShootHeavy = true ;
+            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootHeavy = true ;
+            if (ShootHeavy)    G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : yes" << G4endl;
+            else           G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : no"  << G4endl;
+         }
+         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
+         else 
+            {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If all Token found toggle out
+         if(check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy 
+            &&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
+            &&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_CrossSectionPath && check_ShootLight && check_ShootHeavy)
+            ReadingStatus = false ;   
+         }
+   }
-   SetEverything(Beam            ,
-         Target            ,
-         Light          ,
-         Heavy          ,
-         BeamEnergy        ,
-         ExcitationEnergyLight  ,
-         ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,
-         BeamEnergySpread  ,
-         SigmaX         ,
-         SigmaY         ,
-         SigmaThetaX       ,
-         SigmaPhiY	,
-         ShootLight        ,
-         ShootHeavy        ,
-         CrossSectionPath);
+   SetEverything( Beam,
+                  Target,
+                  Light,
+                  Heavy,
+                  BeamEnergy,
+                  ExcitationEnergyLight,
+                  ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
+                  BeamEnergySpread,
+                  SigmaX,
+                  SigmaY,
+                  SigmaThetaX,
+                  SigmaPhiY,
+                  ShootLight,
+                  ShootHeavy,
+                  CrossSectionPath);
-   		ReactionFile.close();
+   ReactionFile.close();
 void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
    // If first time, write the DeDx table
    if (anEvent->GetEventID() == 0) {
       //-------------- Before living, wrtie the DeDx Table -------------------
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* pa
       if (m_Target != 0) {
          m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZx,LightAx, 0.) ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-         m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(BeamZx,BeamAx, 0.) ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+         m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(BeamZx,BeamAx, 0.)   ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
@@ -391,14 +391,14 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* pa
    G4double FinalBeamEnergy = 0 ;
    G4double InitialBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
-   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction(0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
-                                      0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
-				      InitialBeamEnergy,
-				      BeamName,
-				      InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
-                                      Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
-				      FinalBeamEnergy);
+   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction( 0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
+                                       0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
+                                       InitialBeamEnergy,
+                                       BeamName,
+                                       InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
+                                       Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
+                                       FinalBeamEnergy);
    m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy / MeV);
@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* pa
-void EventGeneratorTransfert::SetEverything(string name1,		// Beam nuclei
-                                            string name2,		// Target nuclei
-                                            string name3,		// Product of reaction
-                                            string name4,		// Product of reaction
-                                            double BeamEnergy,		// Beam Energy
-                                            double ExcitationEnergyLight,	// Excitation of Light Nuclei
-                                            double ExcitationEnergyHeavy,	// Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+void EventGeneratorTransfert::SetEverything(string name1,                // Beam nuclei
+                                            string name2,                // Target nuclei
+                                            string name3,                // Product of reaction
+                                            string name4,                // Product of reaction
+                                            double BeamEnergy,           // Beam Energy
+                                            double ExcitationEnergyLight,// Excitation of Light Nuclei
+                                            double ExcitationEnergyHeavy,// Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
                                             double BeamEnergySpread,
                                             double SigmaX,
                                             double SigmaY,
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::SetEverything(string name1,		// Beam nuclei
                                             bool   ShootHeavy,
                                             string Path) 
-   m_Reaction = new Reaction(name1, name2, name3, name4, BeamEnergy, ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path);	
+   m_Reaction = new Reaction(name1, name2, name3, name4, BeamEnergy, ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path);   
    m_BeamEnergy       =  BeamEnergy;
    m_BeamEnergySpread =  BeamEnergySpread;
    m_SigmaX           =  SigmaX;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
index 7094ad899a84011b39259a1421f478232bdb78dc..c03be291d69ce013c0e28d6a716483e688e1bc73 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body TransfertReaction.    *
  *  A Phase Space calculation is then performed to decay the Heavy product.  *
  *  The TGenPhaseSpace from ROOT is used to calculate a phase space decay    *
- *  with flat distribution	                                                  *
+ *  with flat distribution                                                   *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *    + 20/01/2011: Add support for excitation energy for light ejectile     *
  *                  (N. de Sereville)                                        *
- *   									                                               *
+ *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -58,75 +58,75 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    //------------- Default Constructor -------------
-	m_InitConditions	= new TInitialConditions()	;
-	m_Reaction 				= new Reaction() 						;
-	m_Target 					= new Target()							;
-	m_SigmaX       		=  0 												;
-	m_SigmaY       		=  0 												;
-	m_SigmaThetaX     =  0 												;
-	m_SigmaPhiY 			=  0 												;
-	m_ResonanceDecayZ = 0 												;
-	m_ResonanceDecayA = 0 												;
-	m_EventWeight     =	0 												;
+   m_InitConditions   = new TInitialConditions();
+   m_Reaction         = new Reaction();
+   m_Target           = new Target();
+   m_SigmaX           = 0;
+   m_SigmaY           = 0;
+   m_SigmaThetaX      = 0;
+   m_SigmaPhiY        = 0;
+   m_ResonanceDecayZ  = 0;
+   m_ResonanceDecayA  = 0;
+   m_EventWeight      = 0;
   //------------- Default Destructor ------------
-	delete m_InitConditions	;
-	delete m_Reaction 			;
+   delete m_InitConditions;
+   delete m_Reaction;
-void	EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
+void   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
-   	if(Target!=0)	
-   			m_Target = Target;
+      if(Target!=0)   
+            m_Target = Target;
-EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(	  string  	name1          		,
-																	      string   	name2          		,
-																	      string   	name3          		,
-																	      string   	name4          		,
-																	      double   	BeamEnergy        	,
-																	      double   	ExcitationEnergyLight    ,
-																	      double   	ExcitationEnergyHeavy    ,
-																	      double   	BeamEnergySpread  	,
-																	      double   	SigmaX         	,
-																	      double   	SigmaY         	,
-																	      double   	SigmaThetaX  ,
-																	      double   	SigmaPhiY    ,
-																	      double    ResonanceWidth,
-																	      int      	ResonanceDecayZ     ,
-																	      int      	ResonanceDecayA     ,
-																	      bool  	ShootLight        	,
-																	      bool  	ShootHeavy        	,
-																	      bool  	ShootDecayProduct   ,
-																	      string   	Path				)
+EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance( string   name1,
+                                                                        string   name2,
+                                                                        string   name3,
+                                                                        string   name4,
+                                                                        double   BeamEnergy,
+                                                                        double   ExcitationEnergyLight,
+                                                                        double   ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
+                                                                        double   BeamEnergySpread,
+                                                                        double   SigmaX,
+                                                                        double   SigmaY,
+                                                                        double   SigmaThetaX,
+                                                                        double   SigmaPhiY,
+                                                                        double   ResonanceWidth,
+                                                                        int      ResonanceDecayZ,
+                                                                        int      ResonanceDecayA,
+                                                                        bool     ShootLight,
+                                                                        bool     ShootHeavy,
+                                                                        bool     ShootDecayProduct,
+                                                                        string   Path)
    //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
-   	SetEverything(  name1          		,        //Beam nuclei
-		            name2          		,        //Target nuclei
-		            name3          		,        //Product of reaction
-		            name4          		,        //Product of reaction
-		            BeamEnergy        	,        //Beam Energy
-		            ExcitationEnergyLight 	,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-		            ExcitationEnergyHeavy 	,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-		            BeamEnergySpread  	,
-		            SigmaX         	,
-		            SigmaY         	,
-		            SigmaThetaX  ,
-		            SigmaPhiY    ,
-		            ResonanceWidth ,
-		            ResonanceDecayZ     ,
-		            ResonanceDecayA     ,
-		           	ShootLight        	,
-		           	ShootHeavy        	,
-		           	ShootDecayProduct   ,
-		            Path				);        
-    m_EventWeight     =	0 												;
+   SetEverything( name1,        
+                  name2,
+                  name3,
+                  name4,
+                  BeamEnergy,
+                  ExcitationEnergyLight,
+                  ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
+                  BeamEnergySpread,
+                  SigmaX,
+                  SigmaY,
+                  SigmaThetaX,
+                  SigmaPhiY,
+                  ResonanceWidth,
+                  ResonanceDecayZ,
+                  ResonanceDecayA,
+                  ShootLight,
+                  ShootHeavy,
+                  ShootDecayProduct,
+                  Path);        
+   m_EventWeight = 0;
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
    G4double BeamEnergy = 0, ExcitationEnergyLight = 0, ExcitationEnergyHeavy = 0;
    G4double BeamEnergySpread = 0 , SigmaX = 0 , SigmaY = 0 , SigmaThetaX = 0 , SigmaPhiY=0,  ResonanceWidth = 0 ,ResonanceDecayZ = 0 , ResonanceDecayA = 0  ;
-   bool  ShootLight     = false ;
-   bool  ShootHeavy      = false ;
+   bool  ShootLight = false ;
+   bool  ShootHeavy = false ;
    bool ShootDecayProduct = false ;
    bool ReadingStatus = false ;
@@ -195,214 +195,214 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 20, "TransfertToResonance") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
- 			 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
- 			 //Search for comment Symbol %
-	      	 if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Beam = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Beam = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Beam " << Beam << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
-	            check_Target = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Target = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Target " << Target << G4endl;
-	         }
-	         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Light=") == 0) {
-	         	check_Light = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Light = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Light " << Light << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Heavy=") == 0) {
-	            check_Heavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            Heavy = DataBuffer;
-	            G4cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyLight=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Light " << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy " << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
-	        	check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMX = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_FWHMY = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
-	        	check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	         }
-			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 15, "ResonanceWidth=") == 0) {
-				check_ResonanceWidth = true ;
-            	ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-            	ResonanceWidth = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
-            	G4cout << "Resonance Width " << ResonanceWidth/MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-         	 }
-			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "ResonanceDecayZ=") == 0) {
-				check_ResonanceDecayZ = true ;
-            	ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-            	ResonanceDecayZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-            	G4cout << "ResonanceDecayZ " << ResonanceDecayZ << G4endl;
-         	 }
-         	else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "ResonanceDecayA=") == 0) {
-         		check_ResonanceDecayA = true ;
-            	ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-            	ResonanceDecayA = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-            	G4cout << "ResonanceDecayA " << ResonanceDecayA << G4endl;
-         	}
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "CrossSectionPath=") == 0) {
-	        	check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
-	            G4cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << G4endl ;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootLight=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ShootLight = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootLight = true ;
-	            if (ShootLight)    G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-	            else           G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-	         }
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootHeavy=") == 0) {
-	        	check_ShootHeavy = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootHeavy = true ;
-	            if (ShootHeavy)    G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-	            else           G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-	         }
-        	else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 18, "ShootDecayProduct=") == 0) {
-        		check_ShootDecayProduct = true ;
-	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootDecayProduct = true  ;
-	            if (ShootDecayProduct)  G4cout << "Shoot DecayProducts from decay : yes" << G4endl;
-	            else           G4cout << "Shoot DecayProducts from decay : no"  << G4endl;
-	         }
-         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy
-	         	&&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
-	         	&&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_CrossSectionPath && check_ShootLight && check_ShootHeavy 
-	         	&& check_ResonanceWidth && check_ResonanceDecayZ && check_ResonanceDecayA && check_ShootDecayProduct)
-	         	ReadingStatus = false ;	
-		}
-	}
+   while(ReadingStatus){
+     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+     //Search for comment Symbol %
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Beam=") == 0) {
+         check_Beam = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         Beam = DataBuffer;
+         G4cout << "Beam " << Beam << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Target=") == 0) {
+         check_Target = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         Target = DataBuffer;
+         G4cout << "Target " << Target << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Light=") == 0) {
+         check_Light = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         Light = DataBuffer;
+         G4cout << "Light " << Light << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Heavy=") == 0) {
+         check_Heavy = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         Heavy = DataBuffer;
+         G4cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyLight=") == 0) {
+        check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+         G4cout << "Excitation Energy Light " << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 22, "ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") == 0) {
+        check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+         G4cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy " << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
+        check_BeamEnergy = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+         G4cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
+        check_BeamEnergySpread = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+         G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
+        check_FWHMX = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+         G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
+        check_FWHMY = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+         G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
+        check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+         G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
+        check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+         G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 15, "ResonanceWidth=") == 0) {
+      check_ResonanceWidth = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         ResonanceWidth = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*MeV;
+         G4cout << "Resonance Width " << ResonanceWidth/MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
+       }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "ResonanceDecayZ=") == 0) {
+      check_ResonanceDecayZ = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         ResonanceDecayZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+         G4cout << "ResonanceDecayZ " << ResonanceDecayZ << G4endl;
+       }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "ResonanceDecayA=") == 0) {
+         check_ResonanceDecayA = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         ResonanceDecayA = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+         G4cout << "ResonanceDecayA " << ResonanceDecayA << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "CrossSectionPath=") == 0) {
+        check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
+         G4cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << G4endl ;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootLight=") == 0) {
+        check_ShootLight = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootLight = true ;
+         if (ShootLight)    G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : yes" << G4endl;
+         else           G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : no"  << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ShootHeavy=") == 0) {
+        check_ShootHeavy = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootHeavy = true ;
+         if (ShootHeavy)    G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : yes" << G4endl;
+         else           G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : no"  << G4endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 18, "ShootDecayProduct=") == 0) {
+        check_ShootDecayProduct = true ;
+         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+         if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootDecayProduct = true  ;
+         if (ShootDecayProduct)  G4cout << "Shoot DecayProducts from decay : yes" << G4endl;
+         else           G4cout << "Shoot DecayProducts from decay : no"  << G4endl;
+      }
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
+      else 
+         {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If all Token found toggle out
+      if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy
+         &&  check_BeamEnergy && check_BeamEnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_EmmitanceTheta 
+         &&  check_EmmitancePhi && check_CrossSectionPath && check_ShootLight && check_ShootHeavy 
+         && check_ResonanceWidth && check_ResonanceDecayZ && check_ResonanceDecayA && check_ShootDecayProduct)
+         ReadingStatus = false ;   
+      }
+   }
-   SetEverything(	Beam            		,
-			         		Target            	,
-			         		Light          			,
-			         		Heavy          			,
-			         		BeamEnergy       		,
-			         		ExcitationEnergyLight  	,
-			         		ExcitationEnergyHeavy  	,
-			         		BeamEnergySpread  	,
-			         		SigmaX         			,
-			        		SigmaY         			,
-			         		SigmaThetaX				 	,
-			         		SigmaPhiY 					,
-			         		ResonanceWidth			,
-			         		ResonanceDecayZ    	,
-			         		ResonanceDecayA    	,
-			         		ShootLight        	,
-			         		ShootHeavy        	,
-			        		ShootDecayProduct  	,
-			         		CrossSectionPath		);
-   		ReactionFile.close();
+   SetEverything( Beam,
+               Target,
+               Light,
+               Heavy,
+               BeamEnergy,
+               ExcitationEnergyLight,
+               ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
+               BeamEnergySpread,
+               SigmaX,
+               SigmaY,
+               SigmaThetaX,
+               SigmaPhiY,
+               ResonanceWidth,
+               ResonanceDecayZ,
+               ResonanceDecayA,
+               ShootLight,
+               ShootHeavy,
+               ShootDecayProduct,
+               CrossSectionPath);
+   ReactionFile.close();
 void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
-	// Initialize event weight to one.
-	m_EventWeight = 1 ;
-	//	If first time, write the DeDx table
-	if(anEvent->GetEventID()==0)
-		{
-			//-------------- Before living, wrtie the DeDx Table -------------------
-			G4int LightZx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetZ() ;
-		  G4int LightAx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetA() ;
-		  G4int BeamZx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetZ() ;
-		  G4int BeamAx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetA() ;
-		  if(m_Target!=0)
-		  	{
-		  		m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZx,LightAx, 0.) ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-		  		m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(BeamZx,BeamAx, 0.) ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
-		  	}
-		}
+   // Initialize event weight to one.
+   m_EventWeight = 1 ;
+   //   If first time, write the DeDx table
+   if(anEvent->GetEventID()==0)
+      {
+         //-------------- Before living, wrtie the DeDx Table -------------------
+         G4int LightZx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetZ() ;
+        G4int LightAx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetA() ;
+        G4int BeamZx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetZ() ;
+        G4int BeamAx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetA() ;
+        if(m_Target!=0)
+           {
+              m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZx,LightAx, 0.) ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+              m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(BeamZx,BeamAx, 0.)   ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
+           }
+      }
    // Clear contents of Precedent event (now stored in ROOTOutput)
@@ -417,24 +417,24 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4Part
    G4ParticleDefinition* LightName
    = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZ, LightA, 0.);
-	 // Shoot the Resonance energy following the mean and width value
-	 // EXX should always be more than specific heat of the reaction
- //   double EXX = RandBreitWigner::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;	 
- double EXX = RandGauss::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;	 
+    // Shoot the Resonance energy following the mean and width value
+    // EXX should always be more than specific heat of the reaction
+ //   double EXX = RandBreitWigner::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;    
+ double EXX = RandGauss::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;    
     m_Reaction->SetExcitationHeavy( EXX );
-		while ( m_Reaction->CheckKinematic()==false ) 
-   		{
-//   			EXX = RandBreitWigner::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;
-				EXX = RandGauss::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;	 
-  	  	m_Reaction->SetExcitationHeavy( EXX );
-  	  }
+      while ( m_Reaction->CheckKinematic()==false ) 
+         {
+//            EXX = RandBreitWigner::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;
+            EXX = RandGauss::shoot(m_ResonanceMean,m_ResonanceWidth) ;    
+          m_Reaction->SetExcitationHeavy( EXX );
+       }
    // Beam
    G4int BeamZ = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetZ();
    G4int BeamA = m_Reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetA();
    G4ParticleDefinition* BeamName = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(BeamZ, BeamA, 0);
-	 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ///// Calculate the incident beam direction as well as the vertex /////
    ///// of interaction in target and Energy Loss of the beam within /////
    ///// the target.                                                 /////
@@ -446,17 +446,16 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4Part
    G4double FinalBeamEnergy = 0 ;
    G4double InitialBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
-	m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction(	0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
-                            					0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
-				                            	InitialBeamEnergy,
-				                            	BeamName,
-				                           	 	InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
-                            					Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
-				                           	 	FinalBeamEnergy);
-	m_Reaction->SetBeamEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy);
-  m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy / MeV);
+   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction( 0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
+                                       0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
+                                       InitialBeamEnergy,
+                                       BeamName,
+                                       InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
+                                       Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
+                                       FinalBeamEnergy);
+   m_Reaction->SetBeamEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy / MeV);
    // write vertex position to ROOT file
    G4double x0 = InterCoord.x();
@@ -542,8 +541,8 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4Part
       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);
          // write angles/energy to ROOT file
-   		m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(ThetaLight / deg);
-   		m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(EnergyLight/MeV);
+         m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(ThetaLight / deg);
+         m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(EnergyLight/MeV);
       //Set the gun to shoot
       //Shoot the light particle
@@ -561,35 +560,34 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4Part
       if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
       if(m_ShootHeavy || m_ShootDecayProduct)
-      EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(	EnergyHeavy    	,
-      																										theta_world     ,
-												      														phi_world      	,
-												      														x0            	,
-												      														y0            	,
-												      														z0             	,
-												      														anEvent        	,
-												      														particleGun		  );
+      EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(   EnergyHeavy,
+                                                            theta_world,
+                                                            phi_world,
+                                                            x0,
+                                                            y0,
+                                                            z0,
+                                                            anEvent,
+                                                            particleGun);
-void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(  G4double EnergyHeavy    		,
-													      G4double ThetaHeavy     		,
-													      G4double PhiHeavy       		,
-													      G4double x0             		,
-													      G4double y0             		,
-													      G4double z0             		,
-													      G4Event* anEvent        		,
-													      G4ParticleGun* particleGun	)
+void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay( G4double EnergyHeavy,
+                                                         G4double ThetaHeavy,
+                                                         G4double PhiHeavy,
+                                                         G4double x0,
+                                                         G4double y0,
+                                                         G4double z0,
+                                                         G4Event* anEvent,
+                                                         G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
    G4double parentZ = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetZ() ;
    G4double parentA = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetA() ;
-   G4int NumberOfNeutrons = (parentA - parentZ) - (m_ResonanceDecayA - m_ResonanceDecayZ)  	;
-   G4int NumberOfProtons  = parentZ - m_ResonanceDecayZ                  				  					;
-   G4int NumberOfDecayProducts = NumberOfNeutrons + NumberOfProtons         			  				;
+   G4int NumberOfNeutrons = (parentA - parentZ) - (m_ResonanceDecayA - m_ResonanceDecayZ) ;
+   G4int NumberOfProtons  = parentZ - m_ResonanceDecayZ ;
+   G4int NumberOfDecayProducts = NumberOfNeutrons + NumberOfProtons ;
    if (NumberOfNeutrons < 0 || NumberOfProtons < 0) {
       G4cout << "Error input for Resonance decay" << G4endl;
@@ -597,205 +595,206 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(  G4double EnergyHeavy
    else {
-		//Obtain Mass of daughter Nuclei
-		G4ParticleDefinition* parent
-		= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(parentZ, parentA, 0 )     ;
-		G4ParticleDefinition* daughter
-		= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_ResonanceDecayZ, m_ResonanceDecayA, 0.) ;
-		G4ParticleDefinition* neutron
-		=  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
-		G4ParticleDefinition* proton
-		=  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
-		G4double M  = parent   -> GetPDGMass() + m_Reaction->GetExcitation()*MeV     ;
-		G4double md = daughter -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-		G4double mn = neutron  -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-		G4double mp = proton   -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-		// Check that we are above threshold:
-		// If the Resonnance go below the threshold, decay is forced at thereshold
-		if (M < md + NumberOfNeutrons*mn + NumberOfProtons*mp)
-			{
-				double NewExx  = parent   -> GetPDGMass() - md - NumberOfNeutrons*mn - NumberOfProtons*mp ;
-				M = parent   -> GetPDGMass() + NewExx ;
-			}
-		G4double InitialE      	  = EnergyHeavy + M   			;
-		G4double InitialMomentumX = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(ThetaHeavy) * cos(PhiHeavy) 		;
-		G4double InitialMomentumY = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(ThetaHeavy) * sin(PhiHeavy) 		;
-		G4double InitialMomentumZ = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * cos(ThetaHeavy)                 		;
-		TLorentzVector Initial = TLorentzVector(InitialMomentumX/GeV, InitialMomentumY/GeV, InitialMomentumZ/GeV,InitialE/GeV);
-		// Array of masses express in GeV/c2
-		double* masses = new double[NumberOfDecayProducts+1];
-		//	Filling Array
-		masses[0] = md/GeV ;
-		int ll = 1 ;
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfNeutrons ; i++)
-				{masses[ll] = mn/GeV ; ll++;}
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfProtons ; i++)
-				{masses[ll] = mp/GeV ; ll++;}
-		// Instentiate a Phase Space Generator, with flat distrution
-		TGenPhaseSpace TPhaseSpace ;
-		if( !TPhaseSpace.SetDecay(Initial, NumberOfDecayProducts+1, masses) ) cout << "Warning: Phase Space Decay forbiden by kinematic, or more than 18 particles "<<endl;
-		//	Generate an event and store is weight in the Output Tree
-		m_EventWeight = TPhaseSpace.Generate() 		;
-		TLorentzVector* daugterLV ;
-		double Energy;
-		G4ThreeVector Momentum;
-		 if (m_ShootHeavy) 
-		 	{
-		 		daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(0);
-		 		Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
-											daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
-											daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);				
-				Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-md ;
-				Momentum.unit() ;		 	
-				//Set the gun to shoot
-				particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(daughter)                    ;
-				particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
-				particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
-				particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
-				// Shoot the Daugter
-				particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
-			   // get theta and phi in the world frame
-		       G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
-		       G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
-		       if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
-		       // write angles in ROOT file
-		       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
-		       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);		
-			   m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
-			}
-		if (m_ShootDecayProduct) 
-			{
-				G4int jj = 1   ;
-				for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfNeutrons ; u++) 
-					{
-						daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
-						Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
-													daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
-													daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);
-						Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-mn ;
-						Momentum.unit() ;
-						//Set the gun to shoot
-						particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(neutron)                    	;
-						particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
-						particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
-						particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
-						// Shoot the Daugter
-						particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
-						// get theta and phi in the world frame
-						G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
-						G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
-						if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
-						// write angles in ROOT file
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);		
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
-						jj++;
-					}
-				for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfProtons ; u++) 
-					{
-						daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
-						Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
-													daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
-													daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);
-						Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-mp ;
-						Momentum.unit() ;
-						//Set the gun to shoot
-						particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(proton)                      ;
-						particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
-						particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
-						particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
-						// Shoot the Daugter
-						particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
-					 	// get theta and phi in the world frame
-						G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
-						G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
-						if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
-						// write angles in ROOT file
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);		
-						m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
-						jj++;
-					}
-		}
-		delete masses 	;
-	}
+      //Obtain Mass of daughter Nuclei
+      G4ParticleDefinition* parent
+      = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(parentZ, parentA, 0 );
+      G4ParticleDefinition* daughter
+      = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_ResonanceDecayZ, m_ResonanceDecayA, 0.);
+      G4ParticleDefinition* neutron
+      =  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
+      G4ParticleDefinition* proton
+      =  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
+      G4double M  = parent   -> GetPDGMass() + m_Reaction->GetExcitation()*MeV;
+      G4double md = daughter -> GetPDGMass() ;
+      G4double mn = neutron  -> GetPDGMass() ;
+      G4double mp = proton   -> GetPDGMass() ;
+      // Check that we are above threshold:
+      // If the Resonnance go below the threshold, decay is forced at thereshold
+      if (M < md + NumberOfNeutrons*mn + NumberOfProtons*mp)
+         {
+            double NewExx  = parent   -> GetPDGMass() - md - NumberOfNeutrons*mn - NumberOfProtons*mp ;
+            M = parent   -> GetPDGMass() + NewExx ;
+         }
+      G4double InitialE           = EnergyHeavy + M            ;
+      G4double InitialMomentumX = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(ThetaHeavy) * cos(PhiHeavy) ;
+      G4double InitialMomentumY = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * sin(ThetaHeavy) * sin(PhiHeavy) ;
+      G4double InitialMomentumZ = sqrt( InitialE*InitialE - M*M) * cos(ThetaHeavy)                 ;
+      TLorentzVector Initial = TLorentzVector(InitialMomentumX/GeV, InitialMomentumY/GeV, InitialMomentumZ/GeV,InitialE/GeV);
+      // Array of masses express in GeV/c2
+      double* masses = new double[NumberOfDecayProducts+1];
+      //   Filling Array
+      masses[0] = md/GeV ;
+      int ll = 1 ;
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfNeutrons ; i++)
+            {masses[ll] = mn/GeV ; ll++;}
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfProtons ; i++)
+            {masses[ll] = mp/GeV ; ll++;}
+      // Instentiate a Phase Space Generator, with flat distrution
+      TGenPhaseSpace TPhaseSpace ;
+      if( !TPhaseSpace.SetDecay(Initial, NumberOfDecayProducts+1, masses) ) cout << "Warning: Phase Space Decay forbiden by kinematic, or more than 18 particles "<<endl;
+      //   Generate an event and store is weight in the Output Tree
+      m_EventWeight = TPhaseSpace.Generate()       ;
+      TLorentzVector* daugterLV ;
+      double Energy;
+      G4ThreeVector Momentum;
+       if (m_ShootHeavy) 
+          {
+             daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(0);
+             Momentum = G4ThreeVector(   daugterLV->X()*GeV   ,
+                                 daugterLV->Y()*GeV   ,
+                                 daugterLV->Z()*GeV    );            
+            Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-md ;
+            Momentum.unit() ;          
+            //Set the gun to shoot
+            particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(daughter);
+            particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum);
+            particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy);
+            particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+            // Shoot the Daugter
+            particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+            // get theta and phi in the world frame
+             G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
+             G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
+             if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+             // write angles in ROOT file
+             m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
+             m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);      
+            m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
+         }
+      if (m_ShootDecayProduct) 
+         {
+            G4int jj = 1   ;
+            for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfNeutrons ; u++) 
+               {
+                  daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
+                  Momentum = G4ThreeVector(  daugterLV->X()*GeV,
+                                             daugterLV->Y()*GeV,
+                                             daugterLV->Z()*GeV);
+                  Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-mn ;
+                  Momentum.unit() ;
+                  //Set the gun to shoot
+                  particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(neutron);
+                  particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum);
+                  particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy);
+                  particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+                  // Shoot the Daugter
+                  particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+                  // get theta and phi in the world frame
+                  G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
+                  G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
+                  if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+                  // write angles in ROOT file
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);      
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
+                  jj++;
+               }
+            for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfProtons ; u++) 
+               {
+                  daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
+                  Momentum = G4ThreeVector(  daugterLV->X()*GeV,
+                                             daugterLV->Y()*GeV,
+                                             daugterLV->Z()*GeV);
+                  Energy   = daugterLV->E()*GeV-mp ;
+                  Momentum.unit() ;
+                  //Set the gun to shoot
+                  particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(proton);
+                  particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum);
+                  particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy);
+                  particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+                  // Shoot the Daugter
+                  particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent);
+                   // get theta and phi in the world frame
+                  G4double theta_world = Momentum.theta();
+                  G4double phi_world   = Momentum.phi();
+                  if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+                  // write angles in ROOT file
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);      
+                  m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(Energy);
+                  jj++;
+               }
+      }
+      delete masses    ;
+   }
-void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(	  string    name1          			,
-													      string   name2          			,
-													      string   name3          			,
-													      string   name4          			,
-													      double   BeamEnergy        		,
-													      double   ExcitationLight        		,
-													      double   ExcitationHeavy        		,
-													      double   BeamEnergySpread  		,
-													      double   SigmaX         			,
-													      double   SigmaY         			,
-													      double   SigmaThetaX      		,
-													      double   SigmaPhiY       			,
-													      double    ResonanceWidth          ,
-													      int      ResonanceDecayZ      	,
-													      int      ResonanceDecayA      	,
-													      bool  ShootLight        			,
-													      bool  ShootHeavy        			,
-													      bool  ShootDecayProduct      		,
-													      string   Path						)
+void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(  string   name1,
+                                                         string   name2,
+                                                         string   name3,
+                                                         string   name4,
+                                                         double   BeamEnergy,
+                                                         double   ExcitationLight,
+                                                         double   ExcitationHeavy,
+                                                         double   BeamEnergySpread,
+                                                         double   SigmaX,
+                                                         double   SigmaY,
+                                                         double   SigmaThetaX,
+                                                         double   SigmaPhiY,
+                                                         double   ResonanceWidth,
+                                                         int      ResonanceDecayZ,
+                                                         int      ResonanceDecayA,
+                                                         bool     ShootLight,
+                                                         bool     ShootHeavy,
+                                                         bool     ShootDecayProduct,
+                                                         string   Path)
    //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
-	m_Reaction = new Reaction (	name1 ,
-								name2 ,
-								name3 ,
-								name4 ,
-								BeamEnergy,
-								ExcitationLight,
-								ExcitationHeavy,
-								Path) ;
-   m_BeamEnergy         = BeamEnergy;
-   m_BeamEnergySpread   =  BeamEnergySpread  ;
-   m_SigmaX       =  SigmaX         	;
-   m_SigmaY       =  SigmaY         	;
-   m_SigmaThetaX    =  SigmaThetaX    	 ;
-   m_SigmaPhiY    =  SigmaPhiY    	 ;
-   m_ResonanceWidth	=	ResonanceWidth	;
-   m_ResonanceMean	= ExcitationHeavy		;
-   m_ResonanceDecayZ =  ResonanceDecayZ      ;
-   m_ResonanceDecayA =  ResonanceDecayA      ;
-   m_ShootLight      =  ShootLight       	 ;
-   m_ShootHeavy      =  ShootHeavy        	;
-   m_ShootDecayProduct    =  ShootDecayProduct      	;
+   m_Reaction = new Reaction (   name1 ,
+                                 name2 ,
+                                 name3 ,
+                                 name4 ,
+                                 BeamEnergy,
+                                 ExcitationLight,
+                                 ExcitationHeavy,
+                                 Path) ;
+   m_BeamEnergy         =  BeamEnergy;
+   m_BeamEnergySpread   =  BeamEnergySpread;
+   m_SigmaX             =  SigmaX;
+   m_SigmaY             =  SigmaY;
+   m_SigmaThetaX        =  SigmaThetaX;
+   m_SigmaPhiY          =  SigmaPhiY;
+   m_ResonanceWidth     =  ResonanceWidth;
+   m_ResonanceMean      =  ExcitationHeavy;
+   m_ResonanceDecayZ    =  ResonanceDecayZ;
+   m_ResonanceDecayA    =  ResonanceDecayA;
+   m_ShootLight         =  ShootLight;
+   m_ShootHeavy         =  ShootHeavy;
+   m_ShootDecayProduct  =  ShootDecayProduct;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
index 45c708fe51787b715f44eb53ef6b540f81708be6..8b51e0d425f9cef42cf9e04d0275ac6062dd9cf8 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
       ///Visualisation of Silicon Strip
-      G4VisAttributes* SiliconVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;	// blue
+      G4VisAttributes* SiliconVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;   // blue
       logicSilicon->SetVisAttributes(SiliconVisAtt)                        ;
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionSecondStage, logicSecondStage, Name + "_SecondStage", logicMM, false, 0);
       ///Visualisation of Second Stage
-      G4VisAttributes* SecondStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.9, 0, 0));	// red
+      G4VisAttributes* SecondStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.9, 0, 0));   // red
       // Set Second Stage sensible
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionThirdStage, logicThirdStage, Name + "_ThirdStage", logicMM, false, 0);
       ///Visualisation of Third Stage
-      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.)) ;	// green
+      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.)) ;   // green
       logicThirdStage->SetVisAttributes(ThirdStageVisAtt)                        ;
       // Set Third Stage sensible
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
          G4cout << "Annular element found: " << G4endl   ;
          ReadingStatus = true ;}
-	while(ReadingStatus){
+   while(ReadingStatus){
-		         ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;		
-		//	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;      
+      //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          //Position method
@@ -387,19 +387,19 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "FIRSTSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_FirstStage = true ;
+            check_FirstStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             FIRSTSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "THIRDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_ThirdStage = true ;
+            check_ThirdStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             THIRDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -409,19 +409,19 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
-		else {
+      else {
         G4cout << "WARNIG: Wrong Token Sequence, GaspardTrackerAnnular: Annular Element not added" << G4endl;
-        	}
+           }
          if (check_Z && check_Rmin && check_Rmax && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
              check_Z    = false ;
-  			 check_Rmin = false ;
-  			 check_Rmax = false ;
-  			 check_FirstStage = false ;
-   			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-   			 check_ThirdStage = false ;
+            check_Rmin = false ;
+            check_Rmax = false ;
+            check_FirstStage = false ;
+             check_SecondStage = false ;
+             check_ThirdStage = false ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cc
index e4dcf07c007ae19acd419c3172edefb1ba5fe622..753c3f58c76a464b2322e7ff239559ed24876025 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cc
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerDummyShape::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       ///Visualisation of FirstStage Strip
-      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));	// blue
+      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));   // blue
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerDummyShape::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       ///Visualisation of Third Stage
-      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));	// green
+      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));   // green
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@ void GaspardTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          // With position method
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
-            ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    check_FirstStage = false;
-	    check_SecondStage = false;
-	    check_ThirdStage = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+             ReadingStatus = false;
+             check_A = false;
+             check_C = false;
+             check_B = false;
+             check_D = false;
+             check_FirstStage = false;
+             check_SecondStage = false;
+             check_ThirdStage = false;
+             checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D, FIRSTSTAGE  == 1, SECONDSTAGE == 1, THIRDSTAGE == 1);
@@ -512,14 +512,14 @@ void GaspardTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
             check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    check_FirstStage = false;
-	    check_SecondStage = false;
-	    check_ThirdStage = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+            check_Phi   = false;
+            check_R     = false;
+            check_beta  = false;
+            check_FirstStage = false;
+            check_SecondStage = false;
+            check_ThirdStage = false;
+            checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w, FIRSTSTAGE  == 1, SECONDSTAGE == 1, THIRDSTAGE == 1);
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
index 99f3974a02a9bd8ceeb260967feb075a00dd113c..c6b0e9f6422c96cce5d52ab01e93e726ebacf0d6 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       ///Visualisation of FirstStage Strip
-      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));	// blue
+      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));   // blue
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       ///Visualisation of Third Stage
-      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));	// green
+      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));   // green
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
    int FIRSTSTAGE = 0 , SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_C = false ;
@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-         //	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+         //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-		 // Angle method
+       // Angle method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
             check_Theta = true;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
-         	checkVis = true ;
+            checkVis = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
@@ -531,14 +531,14 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
-		    check_A = false ;
-		    check_C = false ;
-		    check_B = false ;
-		    check_D = false ;
-		    check_FirstStage = false ;
-		    check_SecondStage = false ;
-		    check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		    checkVis = false ;
+          check_A = false ;
+          check_C = false ;
+          check_B = false ;
+          check_D = false ;
+          check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+          check_ThirdStage = false ;
+          checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(A                ,
                       B                ,
@@ -551,16 +551,16 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          //with angle method
         if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-         	ReadingStatus = false ;
-         	 check_Theta = false ;
-   			 check_Phi   = false ;
-   			 check_R     = false ;
-   			 check_beta  = false ;
-		     check_FirstStage = false ;
-			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-		     check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		     checkVis = false ;
+            ReadingStatus = false ;
+             check_Theta = false ;
+             check_Phi   = false ;
+             check_R     = false ;
+             check_beta  = false ;
+           check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+           check_ThirdStage = false ;
+           checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(R                ,
                       Theta            ,
                       Phi              ,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
index 259923c65a62c1d8a58a5cdc3f7199d89969f43c..28b384ce2bbbd044e241b7554299b25fe6c97bde 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
       ///Visualisation of FirstStage Strip
-      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));	// blue
+      G4VisAttributes* FirstStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9));   // blue
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
       ///Visualisation of Third Stage
-      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));	// red
+      G4VisAttributes* ThirdStageVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.9, 0.0));   // red
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
    int FIRSTSTAGE = 0 , SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_C = false ;
@@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-         //	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+         //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-		 // Angle method
+       // Angle method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
             check_Theta = true;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
-         	checkVis = true ;
+            checkVis = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
@@ -540,14 +540,14 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
-		    check_A = false ;
-		    check_C = false ;
-		    check_B = false ;
-		    check_D = false ;
-		    check_FirstStage = false ;
-		    check_SecondStage = false ;
-		    check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		    checkVis = false ;
+          check_A = false ;
+          check_C = false ;
+          check_B = false ;
+          check_D = false ;
+          check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+          check_ThirdStage = false ;
+          checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(A                ,
                       B                ,
@@ -560,16 +560,16 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          //with angle method
         if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-         	ReadingStatus = false ;
-         	 check_Theta = false ;
-   			 check_Phi   = false ;
-   			 check_R     = false ;
-   			 check_beta  = false ;
-		     check_FirstStage = false ;
-			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-		     check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		     checkVis = false ;
+            ReadingStatus = false ;
+             check_Theta = false ;
+             check_Phi   = false ;
+             check_R     = false ;
+             check_beta  = false ;
+           check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+           check_ThirdStage = false ;
+           checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(R                ,
                       Theta            ,
                       Phi              ,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
index f068349871453018a8aed90a93f165290dd2022a..57a4c74f0dedabc1029797e8c9804566e97f26df 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ using namespace GENERALSCORERS ;
-//	The following function is used in many scorer. following the Detector Volume Nomenclature
-//	DetectorNameX_SubPart_SubPart
+//   The following function is used in many scorer. following the Detector Volume Nomenclature
+//   DetectorNameX_SubPart_SubPart
 //  where X stand for the detector number.
 int GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(G4Step* aStep, std::string DetName)
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ PSDetectorNumber::~PSDetectorNumber()
 G4bool PSDetectorNumber::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	{
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   {
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void PSDetectorNumber::PrintAll()
 PSEnergy::PSEnergy(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+   m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ PSEnergy::~PSEnergy()
 G4bool PSEnergy::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	 int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+    int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
    if (edep < TriggerThreshold) return FALSE;
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void PSTOF::PrintAll()
 PSInteractionCoordinatesX::PSInteractionCoordinatesX(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	 m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+    m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ PSInteractionCoordinatesX::~PSInteractionCoordinatesX()
 G4bool PSInteractionCoordinatesX::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    G4double pos_x = POS.x() / mm;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void PSInteractionCoordinatesX::PrintAll()
 PSInteractionCoordinatesY::PSInteractionCoordinatesY(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	 m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+    m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ PSInteractionCoordinatesY::~PSInteractionCoordinatesY()
 G4bool PSInteractionCoordinatesY::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    G4double pos_y = POS.y() / mm;
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ void PSInteractionCoordinatesY::PrintAll()
 PSInteractionCoordinatesZ::PSInteractionCoordinatesZ(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	 m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+    m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ PSInteractionCoordinatesZ::~PSInteractionCoordinatesZ()
 G4bool PSInteractionCoordinatesZ::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    G4double pos_z = POS.z() / mm;
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ void PSInteractionCoordinatesZ::PrintAll()
 PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta::PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	 m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+    m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta::~PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta()
 G4bool PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    G4double angle_theta = POS.theta() / deg;
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta::PrintAll()
 PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi::PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi(G4String name, G4String VolumeName, G4int depth)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-	 m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
+    m_VolumeName = VolumeName;
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi::~PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi()
 G4bool PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
+   int DetNumber = PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, m_VolumeName) ; 
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    G4double angle_phi = POS.phi() / deg;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerAnnular.cc b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerAnnular.cc
index bd4603eb7dcdb5570467ba5ec6eb7613b75b63fa..90e24deb831ce7cd387562a363f4a0fbc1f46eb2 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerAnnular.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerAnnular.cc
@@ -360,13 +360,13 @@ void HydeTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
          G4cout << "Annular element found: " << G4endl   ;
          ReadingStatus = true ;}
-	while(ReadingStatus){
+   while(ReadingStatus){
-		         ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;		
-		//	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;      
+      //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          //Position method
@@ -397,19 +397,19 @@ void HydeTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "FIRSTSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_FirstStage = true ;
+            check_FirstStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             FIRSTSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "THIRDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_ThirdStage = true ;
+            check_ThirdStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             THIRDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -419,19 +419,19 @@ void HydeTrackerAnnular::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
-		else {
+      else {
         G4cout << "WARNIG: Wrong Token Sequence, HydeTrackerAnnular: Annular Element not added" << G4endl;
-        	}
+           }
          if (check_Z && check_Rmin && check_Rmax && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
              check_Z    = false ;
-  			 check_Rmin = false ;
-  			 check_Rmax = false ;
-  			 check_FirstStage = false ;
-   			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-   			 check_ThirdStage = false ;
+            check_Rmin = false ;
+            check_Rmax = false ;
+            check_FirstStage = false ;
+             check_SecondStage = false ;
+             check_ThirdStage = false ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerDummyShape.cc b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerDummyShape.cc
index 1040abe187de3a1d0e236de9f4c470e2912634ee..c7bc923670dab3b6a2f361af6eeb84f812083183 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerDummyShape.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerDummyShape.cc
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void HydeTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@ void HydeTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          // With position method
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
-            ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    check_FirstStage = false;
-	    check_SecondStage = false;
-	    check_ThirdStage = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+             ReadingStatus = false;
+             check_A = false;
+             check_C = false;
+             check_B = false;
+             check_D = false;
+             check_FirstStage = false;
+             check_SecondStage = false;
+             check_ThirdStage = false;
+             checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D, FIRSTSTAGE  == 1, SECONDSTAGE == 1, THIRDSTAGE == 1);
@@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ void HydeTrackerDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          // With angle method
          if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && 
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-            ReadingStatus = false;
-            check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    check_FirstStage = false;
-	    check_SecondStage = false;
-	    check_ThirdStage = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+             ReadingStatus = false;
+             check_Theta = false;
+             check_Phi   = false;
+             check_R     = false;
+             check_beta  = false;
+             check_FirstStage = false;
+             check_SecondStage = false;
+             check_ThirdStage = false;
+             checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w, FIRSTSTAGE  == 1, SECONDSTAGE == 1, THIRDSTAGE == 1);
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerSquare.cc b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerSquare.cc
index 446ec2bc1fc9847d2193d7eaae573827f1409282..18a7ee81ada4fdd415df0af71d442b2a3d9a318e 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerSquare.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerSquare.cc
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
    int FIRSTSTAGE = 0 , SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_C = false ;
@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-         //	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+         //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-		 // Angle method
+       // Angle method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
             check_Theta = true;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
-         	checkVis = true ;
+            checkVis = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
@@ -658,14 +658,14 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
-		    check_A = false ;
-		    check_C = false ;
-		    check_B = false ;
-		    check_D = false ;
-		    check_FirstStage = false ;
-		    check_SecondStage = false ;
-		    check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		    checkVis = false ;
+          check_A = false ;
+          check_C = false ;
+          check_B = false ;
+          check_D = false ;
+          check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+          check_ThirdStage = false ;
+          checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(A                ,
                       B                ,
@@ -678,16 +678,16 @@ void HydeTrackerSquare::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          //with angle method
         if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-         	ReadingStatus = false ;
-         	 check_Theta = false ;
-   			 check_Phi   = false ;
-   			 check_R     = false ;
-   			 check_beta  = false ;
-		     check_FirstStage = false ;
-			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-		     check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		     checkVis = false ;
+            ReadingStatus = false ;
+             check_Theta = false ;
+             check_Phi   = false ;
+             check_R     = false ;
+             check_beta  = false ;
+           check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+           check_ThirdStage = false ;
+           checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(R                ,
                       Theta            ,
                       Phi              ,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.cc b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.cc
index 6c696c87b281f63f5c2340c506bfb32aee4e5a70..11a8f03630e30e905d92ef9177feb9543c3addcb 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/HydeTrackerTrapezoid.cc
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
    int FIRSTSTAGE = 0 , SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
-	bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_C = false ;
@@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-         //	Comment Line 
-		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
+         //   Comment Line 
+      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-		 // Angle method
+       // Angle method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
             check_Theta = true;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-         	check_SecondStage = true ;
+            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
-         	checkVis = true ;
+            checkVis = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
@@ -550,14 +550,14 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false ;
-		    check_A = false ;
-		    check_C = false ;
-		    check_B = false ;
-		    check_D = false ;
-		    check_FirstStage = false ;
-		    check_SecondStage = false ;
-		    check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		    checkVis = false ;
+          check_A = false ;
+          check_C = false ;
+          check_B = false ;
+          check_D = false ;
+          check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+          check_ThirdStage = false ;
+          checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(A                ,
                       B                ,
@@ -570,16 +570,16 @@ void HydeTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          //with angle method
         if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_FirstStage && check_SecondStage && check_ThirdStage && checkVis) && !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-         	ReadingStatus = false ;
-         	 check_Theta = false ;
-   			 check_Phi   = false ;
-   			 check_R     = false ;
-   			 check_beta  = false ;
-		     check_FirstStage = false ;
-			 check_SecondStage = false ;
-		     check_ThirdStage = false ;
-		     checkVis = false ;
+            ReadingStatus = false ;
+             check_Theta = false ;
+             check_Phi   = false ;
+             check_R     = false ;
+             check_beta  = false ;
+           check_FirstStage = false ;
+          check_SecondStage = false ;
+           check_ThirdStage = false ;
+           checkVis = false ;
             AddModule(R                ,
                       Theta            ,
                       Phi              ,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
index 70ac9243977861603a9d7b37058007cbb55372a3..e55ea8bf1ed427c01705abb29a4efe128ecc95fe 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ using namespace MUST2   ;
    m_Event = new TMust2Data() ;
-   InitializeMaterial()	;
+   InitializeMaterial();
@@ -76,77 +76,77 @@ MUST2Array::~MUST2Array()
-void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(G4ThreeVector X1_Y1        ,
-      G4ThreeVector X128_Y1      ,
-      G4ThreeVector X1_Y128      ,
-      G4ThreeVector X128_Y128    ,
-      bool wSi                ,
-      bool wSiLi              ,
-      bool wCsI)
+void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(   G4ThreeVector X1_Y1,
+                                 G4ThreeVector X128_Y1,
+                                 G4ThreeVector X1_Y128,
+                                 G4ThreeVector X128_Y128,
+                                 bool wSi,
+                                 bool wSiLi,
+                                 bool wCsI)
-   m_DefinitionType.push_back(true) ;
-   m_X1_Y1     .push_back(X1_Y1)   ;
-   m_X128_Y1   .push_back(X128_Y1)   ;
-   m_X1_Y128   .push_back(X1_Y128)   ;
-   m_X128_Y128 .push_back(X128_Y128)   ;
-   m_wSi.push_back(wSi)          ;
-   m_wSiLi.push_back(wSiLi)         ;
-   m_wCsI.push_back(wCsI)           ;
-   m_R.push_back(0)              ;
-   m_Theta.push_back(0)          ;
-   m_Phi.push_back(0)               ;
-   m_beta_u.push_back(0)            ;
-   m_beta_v.push_back(0)            ;
-   m_beta_w.push_back(0)            ;
+   m_DefinitionType.push_back(true);
+   m_X1_Y1     .push_back(X1_Y1);
+   m_X128_Y1   .push_back(X128_Y1);
+   m_X1_Y128   .push_back(X1_Y128);
+   m_X128_Y128 .push_back(X128_Y128);
+   m_wSi.push_back(wSi);
+   m_wSiLi.push_back(wSiLi);
+   m_wCsI.push_back(wCsI);
+   m_R.push_back(0);
+   m_Theta.push_back(0);
+   m_Phi.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_u.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_v.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_w.push_back(0);
-void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(G4double R              ,
-      G4double Theta          ,
-      G4double Phi            ,
-      G4double beta_u               ,
-      G4double beta_v               ,
-      G4double beta_w               ,
-      bool wSi                ,
-      bool wSiLi              ,
-      bool wCsI)
+void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(   G4double R,
+                                 G4double Theta,
+                                 G4double Phi,
+                                 G4double beta_u,
+                                 G4double beta_v,
+                                 G4double beta_w,
+                                 bool wSi,
+                                 bool wSiLi,
+                                 bool wCsI)
-   G4ThreeVector empty = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)   ;
+   G4ThreeVector empty = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
-   m_DefinitionType.push_back(false)   ;
+   m_DefinitionType.push_back(false);
-   m_R.push_back(R)              ;
-   m_Theta.push_back(Theta)         ;
-   m_Phi.push_back(Phi)          ;
-   m_beta_u.push_back(beta_u)       ;
-   m_beta_v.push_back(beta_v)       ;
-   m_beta_w.push_back(beta_w)       ;
-   m_wSi.push_back(wSi)          ;
-   m_wSiLi.push_back(wSiLi)         ;
-   m_wCsI.push_back(wCsI)           ;
+   m_R.push_back(R);
+   m_Theta.push_back(Theta);
+   m_Phi.push_back(Phi);
+   m_beta_u.push_back(beta_u);
+   m_beta_v.push_back(beta_v);
+   m_beta_w.push_back(beta_w);
+   m_wSi.push_back(wSi);
+   m_wSiLi.push_back(wSiLi);
+   m_wCsI.push_back(wCsI);
-   m_X1_Y1     .push_back(empty)    ;
-   m_X128_Y1   .push_back(empty)    ;
-   m_X1_Y128   .push_back(empty)    ;
-   m_X128_Y128 .push_back(empty)    ;
+   m_X1_Y1     .push_back(empty) ;
+   m_X128_Y1   .push_back(empty) ;
+   m_X1_Y128   .push_back(empty) ;
+   m_X128_Y128 .push_back(empty) ;
-void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber ,
-      G4ThreeVector MMpos     ,
-      G4RotationMatrix* MMrot ,
-      bool wSi          ,
-      bool wSiLi           ,
-      bool wCsI            ,
-      G4LogicalVolume* world)
+void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
+                              G4ThreeVector MMpos,
+                              G4RotationMatrix* MMrot,
+                              bool wSi,
+                              bool wSiLi,
+                              bool wCsI,
+                              G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   G4double NbrTelescopes = TelescopeNumber        ;
-   G4String DetectorNumber                   ;
-   std::ostringstream Number                 ;
-   Number << NbrTelescopes                   ;
-   DetectorNumber = Number.str()             ;
+   G4double NbrTelescopes = TelescopeNumber;
+   G4String DetectorNumber;
+   std::ostringstream Number;
+   Number << NbrTelescopes ;
+   DetectorNumber = Number.str();
 ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
@@ -158,17 +158,17 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber ,
    G4Trd*           solidMM = new G4Trd("MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*Length);
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicMM = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMM, m_MaterialIron, "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0, 0, 0)                                ;
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicMM = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMM, m_MaterialIron, "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0, 0, 0);
    G4String Name = "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber ;
    PVPBuffer =    new G4PVPlacement(	G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos)      ,
-														         	logicMM                           ,
-														         	Name                              ,
-														         	world                             ,
-														         	false                             ,
-														         	0                                 );
+									         	logicMM                           ,
+									         	Name                              ,
+									         	world                             ,
+									         	false                             ,
+									         	0                                 );
@@ -231,24 +231,23 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber ,
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi, m_MaterialAluminium, Name + "_SiLi" , 0, 0, 0);
-			PVPBuffer =  new G4PVPlacement( G4Transform3D(*rotSiLi, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0) ) 	,
-													            logicSiLi               												,
-													            Name + "_SiLi"           												,
-													            logicVacBox              												,
-													            false                    												,
-													            0												 												);
+			PVPBuffer =  new G4PVPlacement(  G4Transform3D(*rotSiLi, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0) ) 	,
+									               logicSiLi ,
+									               Name + "_SiLi",
+									               logicVacBox ,
+									               false ,
+									               0);
       // SiLi are placed inside of the VacBox...
       // Left/Right define when looking to detector from Si to CsI
-      G4double SiLi_HighY_Upper 	= 19.86 * mm	;
-      G4double SiLi_HighY_Center 	= 25.39 * mm 	;
-      G4double SiLi_WidthX_Left  	= 22.85 * mm	;
-      G4double SiLi_WidthX_Right 	= 24.9	* mm  ;
-      G4double SiLi_ShiftX    		= 0.775 * mm 	;
-			//	SiLi are organized by two group of 8 Up(9 to 15) and Down(1 to 8).
-			G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiUp 	 = G4ThreeVector(-0.25 * SiliconFace - 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
+      G4double SiLi_HighY_Upper 	= 19.86 * mm;
+      G4double SiLi_HighY_Center = 25.39 * mm;
+      G4double SiLi_WidthX_Left  = 22.85 * mm;
+      G4double SiLi_WidthX_Right = 24.9  * mm;
+      G4double SiLi_ShiftX    	= 0.775 * mm;
+		//	SiLi are organized by two group of 8 Up(9 to 15) and Down(1 to 8).
+		G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiUp 	 = G4ThreeVector(-0.25 * SiliconFace - 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
       G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiDown  = G4ThreeVector(0.25  * SiliconFace + 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
       // SiLi : left side of SiLi detector
@@ -263,137 +262,137 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber ,
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LT    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LT   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LT"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RT    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RT   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RT"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC1 	, m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC1 	, m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC1  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC1  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LB    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LB   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LB"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RB    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RB   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RB"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC2 	, m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC2 	, m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC2  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC2  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
       G4double interSiLi = 0.5 * mm;
       // Top
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_up = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX            ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi   ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_up = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_LT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_LT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_up = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi   ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_up = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                         0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_RT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_RT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_up = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX           ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi                 ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_up = G4ThreeVector( -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_LC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_LC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_up = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi                 ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_up = G4ThreeVector( 0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                         0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_RC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_RC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_up = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX            ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi  ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_up = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi ,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_LB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_LB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_up = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi  ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_up = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi ,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_RB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_RB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_up = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX           ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi                ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_up = G4ThreeVector( -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_LC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_LC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_up = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                    ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi                ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_up = G4ThreeVector( 0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+                                                         -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi  ,
+                                                         0);
-			positionSiLi_RC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+		positionSiLi_RC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
        // Down
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_down = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX            ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi   ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_down = G4ThreeVector(   -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_LT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_LT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_down = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi   ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_down = G4ThreeVector(   0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_RT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_RT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_down = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX           ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi                 ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_down = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_LC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_LC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_down = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi                 ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_down = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi ,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_RC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_RC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_down = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX            ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi  ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_down = G4ThreeVector(   -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_LB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_LB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_down = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                     ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi  ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_down = G4ThreeVector(   0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_RB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_RB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_down = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX           ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi                ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_down = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_LC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_LC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
-      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_down = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX                    ,
-            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi                ,
-            0);
+      G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_down = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+                                                            -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+                                                            0);
-			positionSiLi_RC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+		positionSiLi_RC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
 			// up
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_up  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad9"   , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_up  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad10"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_up , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad11" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_up , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad12" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_up , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad11" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_up , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad12" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_up  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad16"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
       PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_up  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad15"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_up , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad14" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) 	;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_up , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad13" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)	;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_up , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad14" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_up , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad13" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
 			// down
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_down  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad2"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_down  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad1"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_down , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad4" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_down , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad3" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_down  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad2"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_down  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad1"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_down , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad4" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_down , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad3" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_down  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad7"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_down  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad8"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_down , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad5" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) 	;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_down , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad6" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0)	;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_down  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad7"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_down  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad8"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_down , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad5" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_down , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad6" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
@@ -803,55 +802,53 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 		         //	If All necessary information there, toggle out
 		         if ( ( check_SI && check_SILI && check_CSI && check_VIS ) && ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R) ) ) 
-		         	ReadingStatus = false; 
-		         	///Add The previously define telescope
-         			//With position method
-		         	if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) 
-		         		{
-				            AddTelescope(A    ,
-				                  B     ,
-				                  C     ,
-				                  D        ,
-				                  SI == 1    ,
-				                  SILI == 1  ,
-				                  CSI == 1);
-				         }
-		         	    //with angle method
-       				  else if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R) || !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) 
-       				  	{
-					            AddTelescope(R       ,
-					                  Theta    ,
-					                  Phi   ,
-					                  beta_u   ,
-					                  beta_v   ,
-					                  beta_w   ,
-					                  SI == 1    ,
-					                  SILI == 1 ,
-					                  CSI == 1);
-      					}
+		            	ReadingStatus = false; 
+		            	///Add The previously define telescope
+            			//With position method
+		            	if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) 
+		            		{
+				               AddTelescope(  A,
+				                              B,
+				                              C,
+				                              D,
+				                              SI == 1,
+				                              SILI == 1,
+				                              CSI == 1);
+				            }
+		            	    //with angle method
+          				  else if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R) || !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) 
+          				  	{
+					               AddTelescope(  R,
+					                              Theta,
+					                              Phi,
+					                              beta_u,
+					                              beta_v,
+					                              beta_w,
+					                              SI == 1,
+					                              SILI == 1,
+					                              CSI == 1);
+         					}
-			        	check_A = false 	;
-		  				check_C = false  	;
-		  				check_B = false 	;
-		  				check_D = false  	;
-		   				check_Theta = false   	;
-		   				check_Phi  = false  	;
-		   				check_R    = false   	;
-		   				check_beta = false  	;
-		   				check_SI = false   		;
-		   				check_SILI  = false  	;
-		   				check_CSI   = false   	;
-		   				check_VIS = false  		;	
+			           	check_A = false 	;
+		     				check_C = false  	;
+		     				check_B = false 	;
+		     				check_D = false  	;
+	      				check_Theta = false   	;
+	      				check_Phi  = false  	;
+	      				check_R    = false   	;
+	      				check_beta = false  	;
+	      				check_SI = false   		;
+	      				check_SILI  = false  	;
+	      				check_CSI   = false   	;
+	      				check_VIS = false  		;	
@@ -860,17 +857,17 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
 void MUST2Array::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   G4RotationMatrix* MMrot  		= NULL              			;
-   G4ThreeVector     MMpos  		= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) 	;
-   G4ThreeVector     MMu       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) 	;
-   G4ThreeVector     MMv       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) 	;
-   G4ThreeVector     MMw       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) 	;
-   G4ThreeVector     MMCenter 	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
-   bool           	 Si     		= true           					;
-   bool          	 	 SiLi   		= true           					;
-   bool           	 CsI    		= true           					;
-   G4int             NumberOfTelescope = m_DefinitionType.size() ;
+   G4RotationMatrix* MMrot  		= NULL ;
+   G4ThreeVector     MMpos  		= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector     MMu       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector     MMv       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector     MMw       	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector     MMCenter 	= G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0) ;
+   bool           	Si     		= true ;
+   bool          	 	SiLi   		= true ;
+   bool           	CsI    		= true ;
+   G4int NumberOfTelescope = m_DefinitionType.size() ;
    for (G4int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfTelescope ; i++) {
       // By Point
@@ -905,10 +902,10 @@ void MUST2Array::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
          // w perpendicular to (u,v) plan and pointing ThirdStage
          // Phi is angle between X axis and projection in (X,Y) plan
          // Theta is angle between  position vector and z axis
-         G4double wX = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * cos(Phi / rad)   ;
-         G4double wY = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * sin(Phi / rad)   ;
-         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(Theta / rad)             ;
-         MMw = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ)                ;
+         G4double wX = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * cos(Phi / rad) ;
+         G4double wY = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * sin(Phi / rad) ;
+         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(Theta / rad);
+         MMw = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ) ;
          // vector corresponding to the center of the module
          G4ThreeVector CT = MMw;
@@ -968,127 +965,127 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 // Si
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr    ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr     		;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr    				;
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator X_itr       				;
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator Y_itr       				;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_X_itr     	  	;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_Y_itr     	  	;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_Z_itr       		;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Ang_Theta_itr      ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Ang_Phi_itr       	;
+	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator X_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator Y_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_X_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_Y_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Pos_Z_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Ang_Theta_itr;
+	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Ang_Phi_itr;
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  DetectorNumberHitMap							;      
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap              				;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap             						;
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>* XHitMap                						;	
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>* YHitMap               						;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosXHitMap                				;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosYHitMap                				;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosZHitMap                				;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* AngThetaHitMap               			;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* AngPhiHitMap                			;
+	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  DetectorNumberHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4int>* XHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4int>* YHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosXHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosYHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* PosZHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* AngThetaHitMap;
+	G4THitsMap<G4double>* AngPhiHitMap;
 // Si(Li)
-   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator SiLiEnergy_itr 		;
-   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator SiLiPadNbr_itr 		;
-   G4THitsMap<G4double>* 				SiLiEnergyHitMap					;
-   G4THitsMap<G4int>* 				SiLiPadNbrHitMap					;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator SiLiEnergy_itr;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator SiLiPadNbr_itr;
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* 				 SiLiEnergyHitMap;
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>* 				    SiLiPadNbrHitMap;
 // CsI
-   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator CsIEnergy_itr  		;
-   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator CsICristalNbr_itr ;
-   G4THitsMap<G4double>* 				CsIEnergyHitMap 					;
-   G4THitsMap<G4int>* 				CsICristalNbrHitMap 			;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator CsIEnergy_itr;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator    CsICristalNbr_itr;
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* 				    CsIEnergyHitMap;
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>* 				       CsICristalNbrHitMap;
     // Read the Scorer associate to the Silicon Strip
 	    //Detector Number
-	    G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/DetectorNumber") 		;
-	    DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID))       				;
-	    DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                               			;
+	    G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/DetectorNumber");
+	    DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID));
+	    DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-	    G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripEnergy") 		;
-	    EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID))           			;
-	    Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                          						;
+	    G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripEnergy") ;
+	    EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID)) ;
+	    Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Time of Flight
-	    G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripTime")    		;
-	    TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID))               			;
-	    Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                              						;
+	    G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripTime");
+	    TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID));
+	    Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Strip Number X
-	    G4int StripXCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripNumberX")    		;
-	    XHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripXCollectionID))                     			;
-	    X_itr = XHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                    						;
+	    G4int StripXCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripNumberX") ;
+	    XHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripXCollectionID));
+	    X_itr = XHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Strip Number Y
-	    G4int StripYCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripNumberY")    		;
-	    YHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripYCollectionID))                     			;
-	    Y_itr = YHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                    						;
+	    G4int StripYCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/StripNumberY");
+	    YHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripYCollectionID));
+	    Y_itr = YHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Interaction Coordinate X
-	    G4int InterCoordXCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordX")    ;
-	    PosXHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordXCollectionID))              			;
-	    Pos_X_itr = PosXHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                   			;
+	    G4int InterCoordXCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordX");
+	    PosXHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordXCollectionID));
+	    Pos_X_itr = PosXHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Interaction Coordinate Y
-	    G4int InterCoordYCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordY")    ;
-	    PosYHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordYCollectionID))             		 	;
-	    Pos_Y_itr = PosYHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                  			  ;
+	    G4int InterCoordYCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordY");
+	    PosYHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordYCollectionID));
+	    Pos_Y_itr = PosYHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Interaction Coordinate Z
-	    G4int InterCoordZCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordZ")    ;
-	    PosZHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordZCollectionID))              			;
-	    Pos_Z_itr = PosXHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                    			;
+	    G4int InterCoordZCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordZ");
+	    PosZHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordZCollectionID));
+	    Pos_Z_itr = PosXHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Interaction Coordinate Angle Theta
 	    G4int InterCoordAngThetaCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordAngTheta");
-	    AngThetaHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordAngThetaCollectionID))                 	;
-	    Ang_Theta_itr = AngThetaHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                    				;
+	    AngThetaHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordAngThetaCollectionID));
+	    Ang_Theta_itr = AngThetaHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	    //Interaction Coordinate Angle Phi
-	    G4int InterCoordAngPhiCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordAngPhi")   	;	
-	    AngPhiHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordAngPhiCollectionID))											;
-	    Ang_Phi_itr = AngPhiHitMap->GetMap()->begin()																																								;			
+	    G4int InterCoordAngPhiCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_StripScorer/InterCoordAngPhi");	
+	    AngPhiHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(InterCoordAngPhiCollectionID));
+	    Ang_Phi_itr = AngPhiHitMap->GetMap()->begin();			
     // Read the Scorer associate to the SiLi
-        G4int SiLiEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_SiLiScorer/SiLiEnergy")   						;
-        SiLiEnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(SiLiEnergyCollectionID))    		 							;
-        SiLiEnergy_itr = SiLiEnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                     									;
+        G4int SiLiEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_SiLiScorer/SiLiEnergy");
+        SiLiEnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(SiLiEnergyCollectionID));
+        SiLiEnergy_itr = SiLiEnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-        G4int SiLiPadNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_SiLiScorer/SiLiPadNbr")   						;
-        SiLiPadNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(SiLiPadNbrCollectionID))    		 							;
-        SiLiPadNbr_itr = SiLiPadNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                     									;
+        G4int SiLiPadNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_SiLiScorer/SiLiPadNbr");
+        SiLiPadNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(SiLiPadNbrCollectionID));
+        SiLiPadNbr_itr = SiLiPadNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
     // Read the Scorer associate to the CsI crystal
-        G4int CsIEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_CsIScorer/CsIEnergy")     		  				;
-        CsIEnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(CsIEnergyCollectionID))      									;
-        CsIEnergy_itr = CsIEnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                       									;
+        G4int CsIEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_CsIScorer/CsIEnergy");
+        CsIEnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(CsIEnergyCollectionID));
+        CsIEnergy_itr = CsIEnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-        G4int CsICristalNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_CsIScorer/CsICristalNbr")     		 	;
-        CsICristalNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(CsICristalNbrCollectionID))      					;
-        CsICristalNbr_itr = CsICristalNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                       					;
+        G4int CsICristalNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("MUST2_CsIScorer/CsICristalNbr");
+        CsICristalNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(CsICristalNbrCollectionID));
+        CsICristalNbr_itr = CsICristalNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-  	G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries() 	;
-    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries() 			;
-    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries() 			;
-    G4int sizeX = XHitMap->entries()      			;
-    G4int sizeY = YHitMap->entries()    			;
+  	G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeX = XHitMap->entries();
+    G4int sizeY = YHitMap->entries();
  // Loop on Telescope Number entry
     for (G4int l = 0 ; l < sizeN ; l++) {
-        G4int N     =      *(DetectorNumber_itr->second)    ;
-        G4int NTrackID  =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N  ;
+        G4int N         =  *(DetectorNumber_itr->second);
+        G4int NTrackID  =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;
         if (N > 0) {
@@ -1101,12 +1098,12 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 			//  Energy
 	        Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
-	            G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N      ;
-	            G4double E     = *(Energy_itr->second)      	;
+	            G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first - N;
+	            G4double E      = *(Energy_itr->second);
 	            if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                 	m_Event->SetMMStripXEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoStrip))    ;
-	        					m_Event->SetMMStripYEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoStrip))    ;
+	                 	m_Event->SetMMStripXEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoStrip));
+	        					m_Event->SetMMStripYEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoStrip));
@@ -1116,8 +1113,8 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 	        //  Time
 	        Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
-	            G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N    ;
-	            G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second)      ;
+	            G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first - N;
+	            G4double T      = *(Time_itr->second);
 	            if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
 	                m_Event->SetMMStripXTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeMust)) ;
@@ -1131,11 +1128,11 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 					// X
 	        X_itr = XHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeX ; h++) {
-	            G4int XTrackID  =   X_itr->first  - N   ;
-	            G4int X     = *(X_itr->second)      ;
+	            G4int XTrackID  =   X_itr->first  - N;
+	            G4int X         = *(X_itr->second);
 	            if (XTrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetMMStripXEStripNbr(X)   ;
-	                m_Event->SetMMStripXTStripNbr(X)   ;
+	                m_Event->SetMMStripXEStripNbr(X);
+	                m_Event->SetMMStripXTStripNbr(X);
@@ -1144,11 +1141,11 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 	        // Y
 	        Y_itr = YHitMap->GetMap()->begin()  ;
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeY ; h++) {
-	            G4int YTrackID  =   Y_itr->first  - N  ;
-	            G4int Y     = *(Y_itr->second)      ;
+	            G4int YTrackID  =   Y_itr->first  - N ;
+	            G4int Y         = *(Y_itr->second);
 	            if (YTrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetMMStripYEStripNbr(Y)   ;
-	                m_Event->SetMMStripYTStripNbr(Y)   ;
+	                m_Event->SetMMStripYEStripNbr(Y);
+	                m_Event->SetMMStripYTStripNbr(Y);
@@ -1157,8 +1154,8 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 	        // Pos X
 	        Pos_X_itr = PosXHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < PosXHitMap->entries() ; h++) {
-	            G4int PosXTrackID =   Pos_X_itr->first  - N   ;
-	            G4double PosX     = *(Pos_X_itr->second)      ;
+	            G4int PosXTrackID =   Pos_X_itr->first  - N ;
+	            G4double PosX     = *(Pos_X_itr->second) ;
 	            if (PosXTrackID == NTrackID) {
 	                ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionX(PosX) ;
@@ -1168,8 +1165,8 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
 	        // Pos Y
 	        Pos_Y_itr = PosYHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
 	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < PosYHitMap->entries() ; h++) {
-	            G4int PosYTrackID =   Pos_Y_itr->first  - N   ;
-	            G4double PosY     = *(Pos_Y_itr->second)      ;
+	            G4int PosYTrackID =   Pos_Y_itr->first  - N ;
+	            G4double PosY     = *(Pos_Y_itr->second) ;
 	            if (PosYTrackID == NTrackID) {
 	                ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionY(PosY) ;
@@ -1264,20 +1261,20 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
     // clear map for next event
-    DetectorNumberHitMap	->clear()	;
-    EnergyHitMap   				->clear() ;
-    TimeHitMap     				->clear() ;
-    XHitMap        				->clear() ;
-    YHitMap        				->clear() ;
+    DetectorNumberHitMap	->clear();
+    EnergyHitMap   			->clear() ;
+    TimeHitMap     			->clear() ;
+    XHitMap        			->clear() ;
+    YHitMap        			->clear() ;
     SiLiEnergyHitMap			->clear() ;
     SiLiPadNbrHitMap			->clear() ;
-    CsIEnergyHitMap				->clear() ;
+    CsIEnergyHitMap			->clear() ;
     CsICristalNbrHitMap		->clear() ;
-    PosXHitMap						->clear() ; 
-    PosYHitMap						->clear() ;
-    PosZHitMap						->clear() ;
-    AngThetaHitMap				->clear() ;
-    AngPhiHitMap					->clear() ;
+    PosXHitMap					->clear() ; 
+    PosYHitMap					->clear() ;
+    PosZHitMap					->clear() ;
+    AngThetaHitMap			->clear() ;
+    AngPhiHitMap				->clear() ;
@@ -1288,56 +1285,52 @@ void MUST2Array::InitializeScorers()
 		//	Silicon Associate Scorer
 		m_StripScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("MUST2_StripScorer");
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr 														= new GENERALSCORERS::PSDetectorNumber("DetectorNumber","MUST2Telescope", 0)             						;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy 														= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("StripEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0)             											;			
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* TOF 															= new GENERALSCORERS::PSTOF("StripTime","MUST2Telescope", 0)                  											;          					 		 
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr 									= new GENERALSCORERS::PSDetectorNumber("DetectorNumber","MUST2Telescope", 0);
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy 									= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("StripEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0);			
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* TOF 										= new GENERALSCORERS::PSTOF("StripTime","MUST2Telescope", 0);          					 		 
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionX										= new PSStripNumberX("StripNumberX", 0, SiliconFace, 128)  																					;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionY										= new PSStripNumberY("StripNumberY", 0, SiliconFace, 128)   																				;  		
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesX 					= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesX("InterCoordX","MUST2Telescope", 0) 									;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesY						= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesY("InterCoordY","MUST2Telescope", 0) 									;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesZ  					= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesZ("InterCoordZ","MUST2Telescope", 0) 									;	 		 
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta	= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta("InterCoordAngTheta","MUST2Telescope", 0) 	;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi    = new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi("InterCoordAngPhi","MUST2Telescope", 0) 			;	    
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionX							= new PSStripNumberX("StripNumberX", 0, SiliconFace, 128);
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionY							= new PSStripNumberY("StripNumberY", 0, SiliconFace, 128);  		
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesX 				= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesX("InterCoordX","MUST2Telescope", 0);
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesY				= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesY("InterCoordY","MUST2Telescope", 0);
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesZ  			= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesZ("InterCoordZ","MUST2Telescope", 0);	 		 
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta	= new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta("InterCoordAngTheta","MUST2Telescope", 0);
+		G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi    = new GENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi("InterCoordAngPhi","MUST2Telescope", 0) ;	    
 		//and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr)             				;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy)             				;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(TOF)                				;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripPositionX)       	 			;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripPositionY)        			;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesX) 			;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesY) 			;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesZ) 			;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta) 	;
-		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi) 	;
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(TOF);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripPositionX);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripPositionY);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesX);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesY);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesZ);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesAngleTheta);
+		m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(InteractionCoordinatesAnglePhi);
 	  	//	SiLi Associate Scorer
-	  	m_SiLiScorer	= new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("MUST2_SiLiScorer")			;
-	    G4VPrimitiveScorer* SiLiEnergy 			= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("SiLiEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0) ;
-	    G4VPrimitiveScorer* SiLiPadNbr 			= new PSPadOrCristalNumber("SiLiPadNbr",0) ;
-			m_SiLiScorer->RegisterPrimitive(SiLiEnergy) 							;
-			m_SiLiScorer->RegisterPrimitive(SiLiPadNbr) 							;
+	  	m_SiLiScorer	= new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("MUST2_SiLiScorer");
+	   G4VPrimitiveScorer* SiLiEnergy 			= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("SiLiEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0) ;
+	   G4VPrimitiveScorer* SiLiPadNbr 			= new PSPadOrCristalNumber("SiLiPadNbr",0) ;
+		m_SiLiScorer->RegisterPrimitive(SiLiEnergy);
+		m_SiLiScorer->RegisterPrimitive(SiLiPadNbr);
 	    //	CsI Associate Scorer 
-	    m_CsIScorer	= new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("MUST2_CsIScorer")				;
-	    G4VPrimitiveScorer* CsIEnergy 			= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("CsIEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0) 	;
+	    m_CsIScorer	= new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("MUST2_CsIScorer");
+	    G4VPrimitiveScorer* CsIEnergy 		= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("CsIEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0) 	;
 	    G4VPrimitiveScorer* CsICristalNbr 	= new PSPadOrCristalNumber("CsICristalNbr",0) ;
-	    m_CsIScorer->RegisterPrimitive(CsIEnergy)								;
-	    m_CsIScorer->RegisterPrimitive(CsICristalNbr)						;
+	    m_CsIScorer->RegisterPrimitive(CsIEnergy) ;
+	    m_CsIScorer->RegisterPrimitive(CsICristalNbr) ;
 	    //	Add All Scorer to the Global Scorer Manager
 	    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_StripScorer) ;
-	    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_SiLiScorer)	;
-	    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_CsIScorer)	;
+	    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_SiLiScorer)	 ;
+	    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_CsIScorer)	 ;
 void MUST2Array::InitializeMaterial()
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/Must2Scorers.cc b/NPSimulation/src/Must2Scorers.cc
index 0493519a3b5f7a65833b5b64b81c89a82857ca7c..d5551cdd9e7cd43f4800ad25acbe189c80647bae 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/Must2Scorers.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/Must2Scorers.cc
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ PSStripNumberX::PSStripNumberX(G4String name, G4int depth, G4double StripPlaneSi
    m_StripPlaneSize = StripPlaneSize ;
    m_NumberOfStrip  = NumberOfStrip  ;
-	 m_StripPitch			= m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
+   m_StripPitch    = m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PSStripNumberX::~PSStripNumberX()
 G4bool PSStripNumberX::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	 int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
+    int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    POS = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(POS);
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ PSStripNumberY::PSStripNumberY(G4String name, G4int depth, G4double StripPlaneSi
    m_StripPlaneSize =   StripPlaneSize ;
    m_NumberOfStrip    = NumberOfStrip  ;
-	 m_StripPitch			= m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
+    m_StripPitch         = m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ PSStripNumberY::~PSStripNumberY()
 G4bool PSStripNumberY::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	 int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
+    int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
@@ -180,30 +180,30 @@ PSPadOrCristalNumber::~PSPadOrCristalNumber()
 G4bool PSPadOrCristalNumber::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-		std::string name = aStep->GetTrack()->GetVolume()->GetName();
-		std::string nbr ;
-		G4int temp1,temp2 ;
-		G4int VolumeNumber;
-		nbr = name[name.length()-1]	;
-		temp1 = atoi( nbr.c_str() )	;
-		nbr = name[name.length()-2]	;
-		temp2 = atoi( nbr.c_str() )	;
-		nbr.clear();
-		if(temp2!=0) { nbr+= name[name.length()-2]	; nbr+= name[name.length()-1]	; VolumeNumber = atoi( nbr.c_str() )	;}
-		else 				 { nbr= name[name.length()-1]	; VolumeNumber = atoi( nbr.c_str() )	;}
-	 	G4int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
-		G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
-		if (edep < 100*keV) return FALSE;
-		G4int  index =  aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
-		EvtMap->set(index+DetNbr, VolumeNumber);
-		return TRUE;
+      std::string name = aStep->GetTrack()->GetVolume()->GetName();
+      std::string nbr ;
+      G4int temp1,temp2 ;
+      G4int VolumeNumber;
+      nbr = name[name.length()-1]   ;
+      temp1 = atoi( nbr.c_str() )   ;
+      nbr = name[name.length()-2]   ;
+      temp2 = atoi( nbr.c_str() )   ;
+      nbr.clear();
+      if(temp2!=0) { nbr+= name[name.length()-2]   ; nbr+= name[name.length()-1]   ; VolumeNumber = atoi( nbr.c_str() )   ;}
+      else              { nbr= name[name.length()-1]   ; VolumeNumber = atoi( nbr.c_str() )   ;}
+       G4int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "MUST2Telescope");
+      G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+      if (edep < 100*keV) return FALSE;
+      G4int  index =  aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
+      EvtMap->set(index+DetNbr, VolumeNumber);
+      return TRUE;
 void PSPadOrCristalNumber::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent* HCE)
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ParisCluster.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ParisCluster.cc
index 3ff1f1c10c6c8c3816e8b96f0033b6d584c9d305..c80d9b9c44656b900a0acb5a744082dc4cbafb64 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ParisCluster.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ParisCluster.cc
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -512,11 +512,11 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+       check_A = false;
+       check_C = false;
+       check_B = false;
+       check_D = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D);
@@ -526,11 +526,11 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
             check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+          check_Phi   = false;
+          check_R     = false;
+          check_beta  = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w);
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
    G4int sizeNCsI= CsIDetectorNumberHitMap->entries();
    G4int sizeECsI= CsIStageEnergyHitMap->entries();
-   sizeC *= 1;		// remove warning at compilation
-   sizeECsI *= 1;	// remove warning at compilation
+   sizeC *= 1;      // remove warning at compilation
+   sizeECsI *= 1;   // remove warning at compilation
    //G4cout <<"SizeN=" << sizeN << endl;
    //G4cout <<"SizeC=" << sizeC << endl;
    //G4cout <<"SizeN CsI =" << sizeNCsI << endl;
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
        G4double T = *(Time_itr->second);
        G4int NCryst= *(CrystalNumber_itr->second);
-       NCryst *= 1; 	//remove warning at compilation
+       NCryst *= 1;    //remove warning at compilation
        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
        //G4cout <<"N_first=" << N_first << G4endl;
        //G4cout <<"CrystalNumber_first=" << NCryst << G4endl;
@@ -815,92 +815,92 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-	 {
-	   Energy_itr++;
-	   Time_itr++;
-	   CrystalNumber_itr++;
-	   DetectorNumber_itr++;
+    {
+      Energy_itr++;
+      Time_itr++;
+      CrystalNumber_itr++;
+      DetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int N= *(DetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NTrackID =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
+        G4int N= *(DetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NTrackID =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(N==N_first)
-	       {
-		 E += *(Energy_itr->second);
+        if(N==N_first)
+          {
+       E += *(Energy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-		       //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+             //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+             // Fill Time
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
+           }
-		   N_first=N;
-		   E=*(Energy_itr->second);
+         N_first=N;
+         E=*(Energy_itr->second);
-		 }
+       }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));	       
-	     }
-	     Energy_itr++;
-	     DetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+      if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));          
+        }
+        Energy_itr++;
+        DetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
@@ -921,87 +921,87 @@ void ParisCluster::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
        //G4cout <<"CsI Energy first=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
-	 {
-	   CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
+    {
+      CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeNCsI ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeNCsI ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int NCsI= *(CsIDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NCsITrackID =   CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first - NCsI;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NCsI=" << NCsI << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NCsITrackID=" << NCsITrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(NCsI==NCsI_first)
-	       {
-		 E_CsI += *(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E_CsI!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-		       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
-		    NCsI_first=NCsI;
-		    E_CsI=*(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
-		 }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy_CsI=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+        G4int NCsI= *(CsIDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NCsITrackID =   CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first - NCsI;           // ID of the track
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NCsI=" << NCsI << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NCsITrackID=" << NCsITrackID << G4endl;
+        if(NCsI==NCsI_first)
+          {
+       E_CsI += *(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E_CsI!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+             // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+             // Fill Time
+             //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+           }
+          NCsI_first=NCsI;
+          E_CsI=*(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
+       }
+        //G4cout <<"Energy_CsI=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeNCsI-1) && E_CsI!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	     CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
-	     CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E_CsI!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+      if(l==(sizeNCsI-1) && E_CsI!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+        CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
+        CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E_CsI!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Cluster"] + NCsI_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ParisPhoswich.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ParisPhoswich.cc
index a0a956a8114f1989945a5223c3f295ad594f4c87..14ef9081c51543212e80f6891a804aa9e5657d5b 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ParisPhoswich.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ParisPhoswich.cc
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -422,12 +422,12 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          // With position method
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
-            ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+             ReadingStatus = false;
+             check_A = false;
+             check_C = false;
+             check_B = false;
+             check_D = false;
+             checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D);
@@ -435,13 +435,13 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          // With angle method
          if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && checkVis) && 
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-            ReadingStatus = false;
-            check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+             ReadingStatus = false;
+             check_Theta = false;
+             check_Phi   = false;
+             check_R     = false;
+             check_beta  = false;
+             checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w);
@@ -684,15 +684,15 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
    G4int sizeNCsI= CsIDetectorNumberHitMap->entries();
    G4int sizeECsI= CsIStageEnergyHitMap->entries();
-   sizeC *= 1;		// remove warning at compilation
-   sizeECsI *= 1;	// remove warning at compilation
+   sizeC *= 1;      // remove warning at compilation
+   sizeECsI *= 1;   // remove warning at compilation
    //G4cout <<"SizeN=" << sizeN << endl;
    //G4cout <<"SizeC=" << sizeC << endl;
    //G4cout <<"SizeN CsI =" << sizeNCsI << endl;
    //G4cout <<"SizeE CsI =" << sizeECsI << endl;
     if (sizeE != sizeT) {
       G4cout << "No match size PARIS Event Map: sE:"
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
        G4double E = *(Energy_itr->second);
        G4double T = *(Time_itr->second);
        G4int NCryst= *(CrystalNumber_itr->second);
-       NCryst *= 1;	// remove warning at compilation
+       NCryst *= 1;   // remove warning at compilation
        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
@@ -728,92 +728,92 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-	 {
-	   Energy_itr++;
-	   Time_itr++;
-	   CrystalNumber_itr++;
-	   DetectorNumber_itr++;
+    {
+      Energy_itr++;
+      Time_itr++;
+      CrystalNumber_itr++;
+      DetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int N= *(DetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NTrackID =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
+        G4int N= *(DetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NTrackID =   DetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(N==N_first)
-	       {
-		 E += *(Energy_itr->second);
+        if(N==N_first)
+          {
+       E += *(Energy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-	               // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+                  // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+             // Fill Time
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
+           }
-		   N_first=N;
-		   E=*(Energy_itr->second);
+         N_first=N;
+         E=*(Energy_itr->second);
-		 }
+       }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		       E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		       if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));	       
-	     }
-	     Energy_itr++;
-	     DetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		       E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		       if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+      if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+             E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+             if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));          
+        }
+        Energy_itr++;
+        DetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+             E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+             if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISLaBr3StageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
@@ -835,86 +835,86 @@ void ParisPhoswich::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
        //G4cout <<"CsI Energy first=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
-	 {
-	   CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
+    {
+      CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeNCsI ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeNCsI ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int NCsI= *(CsIDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NCsITrackID =   CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first - NCsI;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NCsI=" << NCsI << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NCsITrackID=" << NCsITrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(NCsI==NCsI_first)
-	       {
-		 E_CsI += *(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E_CsI!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-		       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
-		    NCsI_first=NCsI;
-		    E_CsI=*(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
-		 }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy_CsI=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+        G4int NCsI= *(CsIDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NCsITrackID =   CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first - NCsI;           // ID of the track
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NCsI=" << NCsI << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << CsIDetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NCsITrackID=" << NCsITrackID << G4endl;
+        if(NCsI==NCsI_first)
+          {
+       E_CsI += *(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E_CsI!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+             //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+             // Fill Time
+             //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+           }
+          NCsI_first=NCsI;
+          E_CsI=*(CsIStageEnergy_itr->second);
+       }
+        //G4cout <<"Energy_CsI=" << E_CsI << G4endl;
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeNCsI-1) && E_CsI!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	     CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
-	     CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E_CsI!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
-		           E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+      if(l==(sizeNCsI-1) && E_CsI!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+        CsIStageEnergy_itr++;
+        CsIDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E_CsI!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTDetectorNbr(m_index["Phoswich"] + NCsI_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage));
+                 E_CsI=RandGauss::shoot(E_CsI, ResoSecondStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(E_CsI); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E_CsI>EGammaMin && E_CsI<EGammaMax)ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          //ms_Event->SetPARISCsIStageTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T_CsI, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/PhysicsList.cc b/NPSimulation/src/PhysicsList.cc
index 464c52a63b510d9a80bf9d56dcace633fa039d67..d96cdcab839db56f351c34bf66c845a8f2455771 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/PhysicsList.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/PhysicsList.cc
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
-	  // ie: no secondaries
+     // ie: no secondaries
    defaultCutValue = 1000 * pc;
@@ -213,16 +213,16 @@ void PhysicsList::ConstructEM()
       if (particleName == "gamma") {
          // gamma
-	//standard Geant4
-	pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect)          ;
+   //standard Geant4
+   pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect)          ;
         pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4ComptonScattering)            ;
-	pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion)              ;
-	//Low energy
-	//pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric)          ;
+   pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion)              ;
+   //Low energy
+   //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric)          ;
         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyCompton)            ;
         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyGammaConversion)              ;
         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyRayleigh)              ;
-	 // Penelope
+    // Penelope
          //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopePhotoElectric)          ;
          //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeCompton)            ;
          //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeGammaConversion)              ;
@@ -231,28 +231,28 @@ void PhysicsList::ConstructEM()
       } else if (particleName == "e-") {
          pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1)     ;
-	 //standard geant4:
-	 pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-	 pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
-	 // Low energy:
-	 //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-	 //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
-	 // Penelope:
-	 // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-	 // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+    //standard geant4:
+    pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+    pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+    // Low energy:
+    //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+    //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+    // Penelope:
+    // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+    // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
       } else if (particleName == "e+") {
-	pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1 );
-	// standard Geant4 and Low energy
-	pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
-	pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
-	pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eplusAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
-	//Penelope:
-	//pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
-	//pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
-	//pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
+   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1 );
+   // standard Geant4 and Low energy
+   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
+   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
+   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eplusAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
+   //Penelope:
+   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
+   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
+   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/Plastic.cc b/NPSimulation/src/Plastic.cc
index a8ea8618837d62f6d511dbd9b013a29da78da7c5..38af5fda4f5e8a31b15479968f5b88e10c8e79a4 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/Plastic.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/Plastic.cc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class describe a Modular cylindrical Plastic Scintillator           *
- *	Few Material are instantiate and user can choose position and dimension	 * 
+ *   Few Material are instantiate and user can choose position and dimension    * 
  *  but also the adding of a lead plate on the rear side of the detector     *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
 namespace PLASTIC
    // Energy and time Resolution
-   const G4double ResoTime    = 4.2      	;// = 10ns of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoEnergy  = 5.0   		;// Resolution in %
+   const G4double ResoTime    = 4.2         ;// = 10ns of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoEnergy  = 5.0         ;// Resolution in %
@@ -70,61 +70,61 @@ using namespace PLASTIC ;
 // Plastic Specific Method
-	InitializeMaterial();
-	m_Event = new TPlasticData() ;
+   InitializeMaterial();
+   m_Event = new TPlasticData() ;
-	delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC400		; 
-	delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2	;
-	delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5	;
-	delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10	;
-	delete m_MaterialLead							;
-	delete m_PlasticScorer						;
+   delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC400      ; 
+   delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2   ;
+   delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5   ;
+   delete m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10   ;
+   delete m_MaterialLead                     ;
+   delete m_PlasticScorer                  ;
-void Plastic::AddPlastic(	G4double  R        					,
-				        					G4double  Theta    					,
-				         			 		G4double  Phi         			,
-				         			 		G4double	PlasticThickness	,
-				         			 		G4double	PlasticRadius			,
-				         			 		G4String 	Scintillator			,
-				         			 		G4double 	LeadThickness			)
-	{
-	  m_R.push_back(R)              									;
-	  m_Theta.push_back(Theta)        								;
-	  m_Phi.push_back(Phi)          									;
-	  m_PlasticThickness.push_back(PlasticThickness)	;
-	 	m_LeadThickness.push_back(LeadThickness)				;
-	 	m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator)					;
-    m_PlasticRadius.push_back(PlasticRadius)				; // cylindrical shape
-	 	m_PlasticHeight.push_back(-1)										; // squared shape
-   	m_PlasticWidth.push_back(-1)										; // squared shape
-	}
-void Plastic::AddPlastic(	G4double R       					,
-						      				G4double Theta    				,
-						      				G4double Phi   						,
-						      				G4double Height						,
-						      				G4double Width						,
-						      				G4double PlasticThickness	,
-						      				G4String Scintillator			,
-						      				G4double LeadThickness		)
-	{
-		m_R.push_back(R)              									;
-	  m_Theta.push_back(Theta)        								;
-	  m_Phi.push_back(Phi)          									;
-	  m_PlasticThickness.push_back(PlasticThickness)	;
-	 	m_LeadThickness.push_back(LeadThickness)				;
-	 	m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator)					;
-    m_PlasticRadius.push_back(-1)				; // cylindrical shape
-	 	m_PlasticHeight.push_back(Height)								; // squared shape
-   	m_PlasticWidth.push_back(Width)									; // squared shape
-	}
+void Plastic::AddPlastic(   G4double  R                       ,
+                                   G4double  Theta                   ,
+                                     G4double  Phi                  ,
+                                     G4double   PlasticThickness   ,
+                                     G4double   PlasticRadius         ,
+                                     G4String    Scintillator         ,
+                                     G4double    LeadThickness         )
+   {
+     m_R.push_back(R)                                         ;
+     m_Theta.push_back(Theta)                                ;
+     m_Phi.push_back(Phi)                                     ;
+     m_PlasticThickness.push_back(PlasticThickness)   ;
+       m_LeadThickness.push_back(LeadThickness)            ;
+       m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator)               ;
+    m_PlasticRadius.push_back(PlasticRadius)            ; // cylindrical shape
+       m_PlasticHeight.push_back(-1)                              ; // squared shape
+      m_PlasticWidth.push_back(-1)                              ; // squared shape
+   }
+void Plastic::AddPlastic(   G4double R                      ,
+                                    G4double Theta                ,
+                                    G4double Phi                     ,
+                                    G4double Height                  ,
+                                    G4double Width                  ,
+                                    G4double PlasticThickness   ,
+                                    G4String Scintillator         ,
+                                    G4double LeadThickness      )
+   {
+      m_R.push_back(R)                                         ;
+     m_Theta.push_back(Theta)                                ;
+     m_Phi.push_back(Phi)                                     ;
+     m_PlasticThickness.push_back(PlasticThickness)   ;
+       m_LeadThickness.push_back(LeadThickness)            ;
+       m_Scintillator.push_back(Scintillator)               ;
+    m_PlasticRadius.push_back(-1)            ; // cylindrical shape
+       m_PlasticHeight.push_back(Height)                        ; // squared shape
+      m_PlasticWidth.push_back(Width)                           ; // squared shape
+   }
@@ -137,234 +137,234 @@ void Plastic::AddPlastic(	G4double R       					,
 // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
 void Plastic::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-	ifstream ConfigFile           ;
-	ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
-	string LineBuffer          ;
-	string DataBuffer          ;
-	G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , Thickness = 0 , Radius = 0 , LeadThickness = 0, X = 0 , Y = 0 , Z = 0 , Width = 0 , Height = 0 ;
-	G4String Scintillator, Shape ;
-	bool check_Theta = false   				;
-	bool check_Phi  = false  					;
-	bool check_R     = false   				;
-	bool check_Thickness = false  		;
-	bool check_Radius = false  				;
-	bool check_LeadThickness = false	;
-	bool check_Scintillator = false		;
-	bool check_Height = false 				;
-	bool check_Width = false 					;
-	bool check_Shape = false 					;
-	bool check_X = false 							;
-	bool check_Y = false 							;
-	bool check_Z = false 							;		
-	bool ReadingStatus = false 				;
+   ifstream ConfigFile           ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
+   string LineBuffer          ;
+   string DataBuffer          ;
+   G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , Thickness = 0 , Radius = 0 , LeadThickness = 0, X = 0 , Y = 0 , Z = 0 , Width = 0 , Height = 0 ;
+   G4String Scintillator, Shape ;
+   bool check_Theta = false               ;
+   bool check_Phi  = false                 ;
+   bool check_R     = false               ;
+   bool check_Thickness = false        ;
+   bool check_Radius = false              ;
+   bool check_LeadThickness = false   ;
+   bool check_Scintillator = false      ;
+   bool check_Height = false             ;
+   bool check_Width = false                ;
+   bool check_Shape = false                ;
+   bool check_X = false                      ;
+   bool check_Y = false                      ;
+   bool check_Z = false                      ;      
+   bool ReadingStatus = false             ;
  while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
- 	{
+    {
-	      	getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-			//	If line is a Start Up Plastic bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-	      	if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Plastic") == 0) 
-		      	{
-		        	 G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
-		       		  G4cout << "Platic found: " << G4endl   ;        
-		        	 ReadingStatus = true ;
-			   	}
-			//	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-			else ReadingStatus = false ;
-			//	Reading Block
-			while(ReadingStatus)
-				{
-						// Pickup Next Word 
-					ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-					//	Comment Line 
-					if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-						//	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Plastic") == 0) {
-						cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-						ReadingStatus = false ;
-					}
-					//Angle method
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
-						check_Theta = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Theta = Theta * deg;
-						cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
-						check_Phi = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Phi = Phi * deg;
-						cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
-						check_R = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						R = R * mm;
-						cout << "R:  " << R/mm << endl;
-					}
-					//Position method
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
-						check_X = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						X = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						X = X * mm;
-						cout << "X:  " << X / mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
-						check_Y = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Y = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Y = Y * mm;
-						cout << "Y:  " << Y / mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
-						check_Z = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Z = Z * mm;
-						cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
-					}
-					//General
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Shape=") == 0) {
-						check_Shape = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Shape = DataBuffer ;
-						cout << "Shape:  " << Shape << endl;
-					}
-					// Cylindrical shape
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Radius=") == 0) {
-						check_Radius = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Radius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Radius = Radius * mm;
-						cout << "Plastic Radius:  " << Radius/mm << endl;
-					}
-					// Squared shape
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Width=") == 0) {
-						check_Width = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Width = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Width = Width * mm;
-						cout << "Plastic Width:  " << Width/mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Height=") == 0) {
-						check_Height = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Height = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Height = Height * mm;
-						cout << "Plastic Height:  " << Height/mm << endl;
-					}
-					// Common
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "Thickness=") == 0) {
-						check_Thickness = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Thickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Thickness = Thickness * mm;
-						cout << "Plastic Thickness:  " << Thickness/mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "Scintillator=") == 0) {
-						check_Scintillator = true ;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Scintillator = DataBuffer ;
-						cout << "Plastic Scintillator type:  " << Scintillator << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 14, "LeadThickness=") == 0) {
-						check_LeadThickness = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						LeadThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						LeadThickness = LeadThickness * mm;
-						cout << "Lead Thickness :  " << LeadThickness/mm << endl;
-					}
-			         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-						//	If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-			         else 
-			         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
-			         	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			         	//	If All necessary information there, toggle out
-			         if ( 		( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator && check_Shape) // Cylindrical case
-			         			|| 	( check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator )
-			         			||	( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Width && check_Height && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator && check_Shape ) // Squared case
-			         			||	( check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_Thickness && check_Width && check_Height && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator )
-			         		) 
-			         	{ 
-			         		if (check_X && check_Y && check_Z)
-			         			{
-			         				R 		= sqrt (X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z)			;
-			         				Theta	=	acos(Z / (R) )		;
-			         				Phi 	= atan2(Y,X) 	;
-			         			}
-			         		if (Shape == "Cylinder")
-			         		  AddPlastic(	R       			,
-			                  				Theta    			,
-			                  				Phi   				,
-			                  				Thickness			,
-			                  				Radius				,
-			                  				Scintillator	,
-			                  				LeadThickness	);
-		              else if (Shape == "Square")
-		              	AddPlastic(	R       			,
-			                  				Theta    			,
-			                  				Phi   				,
-			                  				Height				,
-			                  				Width					,
-			                  				Thickness			,
-			                  				Scintillator	,
-			                  				LeadThickness	);
-					        //	Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
-							check_Theta = false   			;
-							check_Phi  = false  				;
-							check_R     = false   			;
-							check_Thickness = false  		;
-							check_Radius = false  			;
-							check_LeadThickness = false	;
-							check_Scintillator = false 	;
-							check_Height = false 				;
-							check_Width = false 				;
-							check_Shape = false 				;
-							check_X = false 						;
-							check_Y = false 						;
-							check_Z = false 						;
-							ReadingStatus = false 			;	
-							cout << "///"<< endl 				;	         
-			         	}
-				}
-	}
+            getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+         //   If line is a Start Up Plastic bloc, Reading toggle to true      
+            if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Plastic") == 0) 
+               {
+                  G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
+                     G4cout << "Platic found: " << G4endl   ;        
+                  ReadingStatus = true ;
+               }
+         //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+         else ReadingStatus = false ;
+         //   Reading Block
+         while(ReadingStatus)
+            {
+                  // Pickup Next Word 
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+               //   Comment Line 
+               if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+                  //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Plastic") == 0) {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
+                  check_Theta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Theta = Theta * deg;
+                  cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
+                  check_Phi = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Phi = Phi * deg;
+                  cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
+                  check_R = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  R = R * mm;
+                  cout << "R:  " << R/mm << endl;
+               }
+               //Position method
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
+                  check_X = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  X = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  X = X * mm;
+                  cout << "X:  " << X / mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
+                  check_Y = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Y = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Y = Y * mm;
+                  cout << "Y:  " << Y / mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
+                  check_Z = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Z = Z * mm;
+                  cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
+               }
+               //General
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Shape=") == 0) {
+                  check_Shape = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Shape = DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Shape:  " << Shape << endl;
+               }
+               // Cylindrical shape
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Radius=") == 0) {
+                  check_Radius = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Radius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Radius = Radius * mm;
+                  cout << "Plastic Radius:  " << Radius/mm << endl;
+               }
+               // Squared shape
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Width=") == 0) {
+                  check_Width = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Width = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Width = Width * mm;
+                  cout << "Plastic Width:  " << Width/mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Height=") == 0) {
+                  check_Height = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Height = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Height = Height * mm;
+                  cout << "Plastic Height:  " << Height/mm << endl;
+               }
+               // Common
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "Thickness=") == 0) {
+                  check_Thickness = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Thickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Thickness = Thickness * mm;
+                  cout << "Plastic Thickness:  " << Thickness/mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 13, "Scintillator=") == 0) {
+                  check_Scintillator = true ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Scintillator = DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Scintillator type:  " << Scintillator << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 14, "LeadThickness=") == 0) {
+                  check_LeadThickness = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  LeadThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  LeadThickness = LeadThickness * mm;
+                  cout << "Lead Thickness :  " << LeadThickness/mm << endl;
+               }
+                     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                  //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+                  else 
+                     {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
+                     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                     //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+                  if (       ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator && check_Shape) // Cylindrical case
+                           ||    ( check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator )
+                           ||   ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Width && check_Height && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator && check_Shape ) // Squared case
+                           ||   ( check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_Thickness && check_Width && check_Height && check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator )
+                        ) 
+                     { 
+                        if (check_X && check_Y && check_Z)
+                           {
+                              R       = sqrt (X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z)         ;
+                              Theta   =   acos(Z / (R) )      ;
+                              Phi    = atan2(Y,X)    ;
+                           }
+                        if (Shape == "Cylinder")
+                          AddPlastic(   R                ,
+                                       Theta             ,
+                                       Phi               ,
+                                       Thickness         ,
+                                       Radius            ,
+                                       Scintillator   ,
+                                       LeadThickness   );
+                    else if (Shape == "Square")
+                       AddPlastic(   R                ,
+                                       Theta             ,
+                                       Phi               ,
+                                       Height            ,
+                                       Width               ,
+                                       Thickness         ,
+                                       Scintillator   ,
+                                       LeadThickness   );
+                       //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
+                     check_Theta = false            ;
+                     check_Phi  = false              ;
+                     check_R     = false            ;
+                     check_Thickness = false        ;
+                     check_Radius = false           ;
+                     check_LeadThickness = false   ;
+                     check_Scintillator = false    ;
+                     check_Height = false             ;
+                     check_Width = false             ;
+                     check_Shape = false             ;
+                     check_X = false                   ;
+                     check_Y = false                   ;
+                     check_Z = false                   ;
+                     ReadingStatus = false          ;   
+                     cout << "///"<< endl             ;            
+                     }
+            }
+   }
@@ -372,149 +372,149 @@ void Plastic::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
 void Plastic::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   	G4ThreeVector Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
+      G4ThreeVector Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
    for (unsigned short i = 0 ; i < m_R.size() ; i++) 
-   	{
+      {
          G4double wX = m_R[i] * sin(m_Theta[i] ) * cos(m_Phi[i] )   ;
          G4double wY = m_R[i] * sin(m_Theta[i] ) * sin(m_Phi[i] )   ;
-         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(m_Theta[i] )             		;
+         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(m_Theta[i] )                   ;
          Det_pos = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ)                 ;
 //         G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = NULL ;
-		VolumeMaker(Det_pos , i+1, world) ;
+      VolumeMaker(Det_pos , i+1, world) ;
 void Plastic::VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber, G4LogicalVolume* world)
-	{
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////		
-		G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
-		// Name of the module
-   		std::ostringstream DetectorNumber         			;
-   		DetectorNumber << DetNumber                 	  	;
-		G4String Name = "Plastic" + DetectorNumber.str()	;
-		int i = DetNumber-1;
-		G4Material* PlasticMaterial ;
-			 if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC400"    ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400 	;
-		else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_2"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2 	;
-		else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_5"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5	;
-		else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_10" ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10	;
-		else {	
-				G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : BC400" << endl ; 
-				PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400;
-			}
-		// Definition of the volume containing the sensitive detector
-		// Cylindrical Case
-		if(m_PlasticRadius[i]!=-1)
-			{
-				if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
-					{ 
-						G4Tubs* solidPlastic = new G4Tubs(	Name										,	 
-							                            			0												,
-							                            			m_PlasticRadius[i]			,
-							                            			m_PlasticThickness[i]/2	,
-							                            			0*deg										, 
-							                            			360*deg									);
-						G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
-						logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
-						G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
-		   				logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
-						PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(	0													,
-																						Det_pos										,
-				                                    logicPlastic    					,
-				                                    Name  + "_Scintillator"   ,
-				                                    world           					,
-				                                    false           					,
-				                                    0													);	
-					}
-		        if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
-		        	{
-			    			G4Tubs* solidLead = new G4Tubs(	Name+"_Lead"  				,	 
-							                            			0											,
-							                            			m_PlasticRadius[i]		,
-							                            			m_LeadThickness[i]/2	,
-							                            			0*deg									, 
-							                            			360*deg								);
-							G4LogicalVolume* logicLead = new G4LogicalVolume(solidLead, m_MaterialLead, Name+"_Lead", 0, 0, 0);
-							G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
-			   				logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
-							PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(	0																																			,
-																							Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()	,
-					                                    logicLead    																													,
-					                                    Name+"_Lead"        																									,	
-					                                    world           																											,
-					                                    false           																											,
-					                                    0																																			);
-		        	}	
-			}
-		// Squared case
-		if(m_PlasticHeight[i]!=-1)
-			{
-				if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticHeight[i]>0 && m_PlasticWidth[i]>0)
-					{ 
-						G4Box* solidPlastic = new G4Box(Name, 0.5*m_PlasticWidth[i], 0.5*m_PlasticHeight[i], 0.5*m_PlasticThickness[i]);
-						G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
-						logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
-						G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
-		   			logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
-						PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(	0												,
-																						Det_pos									,
-				                                    logicPlastic    				,
-					                                  Name  + "_Scintillator" ,
-				                                    world           				,
-				                                    false           				,
-				                                    0												);	
-					}
-		        if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticHeight[i]>0 && m_PlasticWidth[i]>0)
-		        	{
-		        		G4Box* solidLead = new G4Box(Name+"_Lead", 0.5*m_PlasticWidth[i], 0.5*m_PlasticHeight[i], 0.5*m_LeadThickness[i]);
-								G4LogicalVolume* logicLead = new G4LogicalVolume(solidLead, m_MaterialLead, Name+"_Lead", 0, 0, 0);
-								G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
-			   				logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
-								PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(	0																																			,
-																								Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()	,
-													                    	logicLead																															,
-													                   	 	Name+"_Lead"        																									,	
-													                   	 	world           																											,
-													                   	 	false           																											,
-													                    	0																																			);
-		        	}	
-			}
-	}
+   {
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      
+      G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
+      // Name of the module
+         std::ostringstream DetectorNumber                  ;
+         DetectorNumber << DetNumber                         ;
+      G4String Name = "Plastic" + DetectorNumber.str()   ;
+      int i = DetNumber-1;
+      G4Material* PlasticMaterial ;
+          if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC400"    ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400    ;
+      else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_2"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2    ;
+      else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_5"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5   ;
+      else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_10" ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10   ;
+      else {   
+            G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : BC400" << endl ; 
+            PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400;
+         }
+      // Definition of the volume containing the sensitive detector
+      // Cylindrical Case
+      if(m_PlasticRadius[i]!=-1)
+         {
+            if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
+               { 
+                  G4Tubs* solidPlastic = new G4Tubs(   Name                              ,    
+                                                          0                                    ,
+                                                          m_PlasticRadius[i]         ,
+                                                          m_PlasticThickness[i]/2   ,
+                                                          0*deg                              , 
+                                                          360*deg                           );
+                  G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
+                  logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
+                  G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
+                     logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
+                  PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                       ,
+                                                                  Det_pos                              ,
+                                                logicPlastic                   ,
+                                                Name  + "_Scintillator"   ,
+                                                world                          ,
+                                                false                          ,
+                                                0                                       );   
+               }
+              if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
+                 {
+                      G4Tubs* solidLead = new G4Tubs(   Name+"_Lead"              ,    
+                                                          0                                 ,
+                                                          m_PlasticRadius[i]      ,
+                                                          m_LeadThickness[i]/2   ,
+                                                          0*deg                           , 
+                                                          360*deg                        );
+                     G4LogicalVolume* logicLead = new G4LogicalVolume(solidLead, m_MaterialLead, Name+"_Lead", 0, 0, 0);
+                     G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
+                        logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
+                     PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
+                                                                     Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()   ,
+                                                   logicLead                                                                                           ,
+                                                   Name+"_Lead"                                                                                   ,   
+                                                   world                                                                                            ,
+                                                   false                                                                                            ,
+                                                   0                                                                                                         );
+                 }   
+         }
+      // Squared case
+      if(m_PlasticHeight[i]!=-1)
+         {
+            if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticHeight[i]>0 && m_PlasticWidth[i]>0)
+               { 
+                  G4Box* solidPlastic = new G4Box(Name, 0.5*m_PlasticWidth[i], 0.5*m_PlasticHeight[i], 0.5*m_PlasticThickness[i]);
+                  G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
+                  logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
+                  G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
+                  logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
+                  PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                    ,
+                                                                  Det_pos                           ,
+                                                logicPlastic                ,
+                                                 Name  + "_Scintillator" ,
+                                                world                       ,
+                                                false                       ,
+                                                0                                    );   
+               }
+              if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticHeight[i]>0 && m_PlasticWidth[i]>0)
+                 {
+                    G4Box* solidLead = new G4Box(Name+"_Lead", 0.5*m_PlasticWidth[i], 0.5*m_PlasticHeight[i], 0.5*m_LeadThickness[i]);
+                        G4LogicalVolume* logicLead = new G4LogicalVolume(solidLead, m_MaterialLead, Name+"_Lead", 0, 0, 0);
+                        G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
+                        logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
+                        PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
+                                                                        Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()   ,
+                                                              logicLead                                                                                             ,
+                                                                 Name+"_Lead"                                                                                   ,   
+                                                                 world                                                                                            ,
+                                                                 false                                                                                            ,
+                                                              0                                                                                                         );
+                 }   
+         }
+   }
 // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
@@ -529,44 +529,44 @@ void Plastic::InitializeRootOutput()
 // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
 void Plastic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-   G4String DetectorNumber 	;
-   m_Event->Clear()			;
+   G4String DetectorNumber    ;
+   m_Event->Clear()         ;
 //////////////////////// Used to Read Event Map of detector //////////////////////////
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr    ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr     	;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr    		;
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  DetectorNumberHitMap				;      
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap              		;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap             			;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetectorNumber_itr    ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr        ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr          ;
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>*     DetectorNumberHitMap            ;      
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap                    ;
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap                      ;
     // Read the Scorer associate to the Silicon Strip
-	//Detector Number
-	G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/PlasticNumber")  	;
-	DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID))       	;
-	DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                               ;
+   //Detector Number
+   G4int StripDetCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/PlasticNumber")     ;
+   DetectorNumberHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripDetCollectionID))          ;
+   DetectorNumber_itr =  DetectorNumberHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                               ;
-	//Energy
-	G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/Energy")   	;
-	EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID))           ;
-	Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                          		;
+   //Energy
+   G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/Energy")      ;
+   EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID))           ;
+   Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                ;
-	//Time of Flight
-	G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/Time")    		;
-	TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID))               ;
-	Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                              		;
+   //Time of Flight
+   G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("PlasticScorer/Time")          ;
+   TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID))               ;
+   Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                                    ;
-  	G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries() 	;
-    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries() 			;
-    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries() 			;
+     G4int sizeN = DetectorNumberHitMap->entries()    ;
+    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap->entries()          ;
+    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap->entries()          ;
     // Loop on Plastic Number
     for (G4int l = 0 ; l < sizeN ; l++) {
@@ -576,34 +576,34 @@ void Plastic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
         if (N > 0) {
-	        m_Event->SetPlasticNumber(N) ;
-			//  Energy
-	        Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
-	            G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N      ;
-	            G4double E     = *(Energy_itr->second)      	;
-	            if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, E*ResoEnergy/100./2.35))    ;
-	            }
-	            Energy_itr++;
-	        	}
-	        //  Time
-	        Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-	        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
-	            G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N    ;
-	            G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second)      ;
-	            if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
-	                m_Event->SetTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime)) ;
-	            }
-	            Time_itr++;
-	        }
+           m_Event->SetPlasticNumber(N) ;
+         //  Energy
+           Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+           for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
+               G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N      ;
+               G4double E     = *(Energy_itr->second)         ;
+               if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
+                   m_Event->SetEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, E*ResoEnergy/100./2.35))    ;
+               }
+               Energy_itr++;
+              }
+           //  Time
+           Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+           for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
+               G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N    ;
+               G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second)      ;
+               if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
+                   m_Event->SetTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime)) ;
+               }
+               Time_itr++;
+           }
@@ -611,81 +611,81 @@ void Plastic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
     // clear map for next event
-    TimeHitMap				->clear()	;    
-    DetectorNumberHitMap    ->clear()	;
-    EnergyHitMap   			->clear() 	; 
+    TimeHitMap            ->clear()   ;    
+    DetectorNumberHitMap    ->clear()   ;
+    EnergyHitMap            ->clear()    ; 
 void Plastic::InitializeMaterial()
-	{
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		/////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		   G4String symbol               						;
-		   G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0   				;
-		   G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0, fractionmass = 0	;
-			// for Plastic
-		   	G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" 	, symbol = "H"  	, z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
-		   	G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   	, symbol = "C"  	, z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
-		 	G4Element* Pb  = new G4Element("Lead"   	, symbol = "Pb"  	, z = 82 , a = 207.2  * g / mole);
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		/////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		   // Pb
-		   a = 207.2 * g / mole;
-		   density = 11.34 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialLead = new G4Material("Lead", z = 82 , a, density);
-		   // Plastic BC-400
-		   density = 1.032 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC400 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC400", density, ncomponents = 2);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC400->AddElement(H , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC400->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   // Plastic BC-452 Pb 2%
-		   density = 1.05 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_2", density, ncomponents = 3);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=2*perCent);
-		   // Plastic BC-452 Pb 5%
-		   density = 1.08 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_5", density, ncomponents = 3);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=5*perCent);
-		   // Plastic BC-452 Pb 10%
-		   density = 1.17 * g / cm3;
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_10", density, ncomponents = 3);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
-		   m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=10*perCent);		   
-	}
+   {
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         G4String symbol                                 ;
+         G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0               ;
+         G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0, fractionmass = 0   ;
+         // for Plastic
+            G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen"    , symbol = "H"     , z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
+            G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"      , symbol = "C"     , z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
+          G4Element* Pb  = new G4Element("Lead"      , symbol = "Pb"     , z = 82 , a = 207.2  * g / mole);
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
+      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         // Pb
+         a = 207.2 * g / mole;
+         density = 11.34 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialLead = new G4Material("Lead", z = 82 , a, density);
+         // Plastic BC-400
+         density = 1.032 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC400 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC400", density, ncomponents = 2);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC400->AddElement(H , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC400->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         // Plastic BC-452 Pb 2%
+         density = 1.05 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_2", density, ncomponents = 3);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=2*perCent);
+         // Plastic BC-452 Pb 5%
+         density = 1.08 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_5", density, ncomponents = 3);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=5*perCent);
+         // Plastic BC-452 Pb 10%
+         density = 1.17 * g / cm3;
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10 = new G4Material("Plastic_BC452_10", density, ncomponents = 3);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(H  , natoms = 10);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(C  , natoms = 9);
+         m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10->AddElement(Pb , fractionmass=10*perCent);         
+   }
 void Plastic::InitializeScorers() 
-	{ 
-		m_PlasticScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("PlasticScorer") ;
-		G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr = new PSDetectorNumber("PlasticNumber","Plastic", 0) ;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy = new PSEnergy("Energy","Plastic", 0)             		;
-		G4VPrimitiveScorer* Time   = new PSTOF("Time","Plastic", 0)             				;
-		//and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
-		m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr)             				;
-		m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy)             				;
-		m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Time)             					;		
-	}
+   { 
+      m_PlasticScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("PlasticScorer") ;
+      G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr = new PSDetectorNumber("PlasticNumber","Plastic", 0) ;
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy = new PSEnergy("Energy","Plastic", 0)                   ;
+      G4VPrimitiveScorer* Time   = new PSTOF("Time","Plastic", 0)                         ;
+      //and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
+      m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr)                         ;
+      m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy)                         ;
+      m_PlasticScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Time)                            ;      
+   }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc b/NPSimulation/src/PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc
index 458bb015f43d0c0606fb9faa9efb6da5bcd1ef83..50f0ae0dfa800d508a632693e806e6ddb25bde01 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc
@@ -107,25 +107,25 @@ void PrimaryGeneratorAction::ReadEventGeneratorFile(string Path)
       //Search for Isotropic source
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Isotropic") == 0  && !check_Isotropic) {
-         check_Isotropic = true                       ;
-         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorIsotropic()   ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.close()                   ;
-         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path)       ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str())           ;
-         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput()           ;
-         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator             ;
+         check_Isotropic = true;
+         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorIsotropic();
+         EventGeneratorFile.close();
+         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str());
+         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput();
+         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator;
       //Search for Beam
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "Beam") == 0  && !check_Beam) {
-         check_Beam = true                                           ;
-         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorBeam()                    ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.close()                                  ;
-         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path)                      ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str())                          ;
-         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput()           ;
-         myEventGenerator->SetTarget(m_detector->GetTarget())  ;
-         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator                            ;
+         check_Beam = true;
+         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorBeam();
+         EventGeneratorFile.close();
+         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str());
+         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput();
+         myEventGenerator->SetTarget(m_detector->GetTarget());
+         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator;
@@ -143,26 +143,26 @@ void PrimaryGeneratorAction::ReadEventGeneratorFile(string Path)
       //Search for Transfert To Resonance
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 21, "TransfertToResonance") == 0 && !check_TransfertToResonance) {
-         check_TransfertToResonance = true                              ;
-         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance()       ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.close()                                  ;
-         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path)                      ;
-         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str())                          ;
-         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput()           ;
+         check_TransfertToResonance = true;
+         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
+         EventGeneratorFile.close();
+         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str());
+         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput();
-         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator                            ;
+         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator;
       //Search for Transfert To Resonance
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 10, "PhaseSpace") == 0 && !check_PhaseSpace) {
-         check_PhaseSpace = true                             								 	;
-         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorPhaseSpace()  	;
-         EventGeneratorFile.close()                                  					;
-         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path)                      			;	
-         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str())                          			;
-         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput()           									;
-         myEventGenerator->SetTarget(m_detector->GetTarget())									;
-         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator                            			;
+         check_PhaseSpace = true;
+         VEventGenerator* myEventGenerator = new EventGeneratorPhaseSpace();
+         EventGeneratorFile.close();
+         myEventGenerator->ReadConfiguration(Path);   
+         EventGeneratorFile.open(Path.c_str());
+         myEventGenerator->InitializeRootOutput();
+         myEventGenerator->SetTarget(m_detector->GetTarget());
+         m_EventGenerator = myEventGenerator;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ShieldClParis.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ShieldClParis.cc
index f3fe6a464dddf0450840d05d4fa8e398faea9632..17d2af2c9bb59cb4853ae2921fd079430faf0d2c 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ShieldClParis.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ShieldClParis.cc
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ void ShieldClParis::VolumeMaker(G4int             DetecNumber,
    // Mother Volume
    G4Trap*           solidShieldClParis = new G4Trap(Name, Length/2, 16.3543*deg, 225.*deg, 
-						     12.*mm,102.375*mm, 102.375*mm, 0.*deg, 
-						     43.125*mm, 133.5*mm, 133.5*mm,0.*deg);
+                       12.*mm,102.375*mm, 102.375*mm, 0.*deg, 
+                       43.125*mm, 133.5*mm, 133.5*mm,0.*deg);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldClParis = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldClParis, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
    PVPBuffer     = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos) ,
@@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ void ShieldClParis::VolumeMaker(G4int             DetecNumber,
    G4ThreeVector  positionCsI = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
    G4Trap*           solidShieldCsI = new G4Trap("solidShieldCsI", Length/2, 16.3543*deg, 225.*deg, 
-						     12.*mm,102.375*mm, 102.375*mm, 0.*deg, 
-						     43.125*mm, 133.5*mm, 133.5*mm,0.*deg);
+                       12.*mm,102.375*mm, 102.375*mm, 0.*deg, 
+                       43.125*mm, 133.5*mm, 133.5*mm,0.*deg);
    //G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldCsI, CsI, "logicShieldCsI", 0, 0, 0);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldCsI, NaI, "logicShieldCsI", 0, 0, 0);
    PVPBuffer     = new G4PVPlacement(0,
-				     positionCsI              ,
+                 positionCsI              ,
                                      logicShieldCsI           ,
                                      Name + "_ShieldCsI"      ,
                                      logicShieldClParis       ,
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void ShieldClParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -410,11 +410,11 @@ void ShieldClParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+       check_A = false;
+       check_C = false;
+       check_B = false;
+       check_D = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D);
@@ -424,11 +424,11 @@ void ShieldClParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
             check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+          check_Phi   = false;
+          check_R     = false;
+          check_beta  = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w);
@@ -647,90 +647,90 @@ void ShieldClParis::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-	 {
-	   CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
-	   CsIShieldTime_itr++;
-	   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
+    {
+      CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
+      CsIShieldTime_itr++;
+      CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int N= *(CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NTrackID =   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
+        G4int N= *(CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NTrackID =   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(N==N_first)
-	       {
-		 E += *(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
+        if(N==N_first)
+          {
+       E += *(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-		       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+             // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+             // Fill Time
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
+           }
-		   N_first=N;
-		   E=*(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
+         N_first=N;
+         E=*(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
-		 }
+       }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));	       
-	     }
-	     CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
-	     CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+      if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));          
+        }
+        CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
+        CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldCl"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ShieldPhParis.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ShieldPhParis.cc
index 8d8edc55db700584e415c66ac2189649a034cdba..87feef2850813951651b70fcd56f7dafc58dceca 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ShieldPhParis.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ShieldPhParis.cc
@@ -221,34 +221,34 @@ void ShieldPhParis::VolumeMaker(G4int             DetecNumber,
    G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldPhParis = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldPhParis, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
-   PVPBuffer     = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos) ,
-                                     logicShieldPhParis           ,
-                                     Name                         ,
-                                     world                        ,
-                                     false                        ,
-                                     0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement( G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos),
+                                  logicShieldPhParis,
+                                  Name,
+                                  world,
+                                  false,
+                                  0);
    //if (m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation) logicShieldPhParis->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)));
    // Daughter Volume
    // CsI
-   G4ThreeVector  positionCsI = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
+   G4ThreeVector positionCsI = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
-   G4Polyhedra*           solidShield = new G4Polyhedra("solidShield",0.*deg, 360.*deg, 3, 2, z_values, Rmin_values, Rmax_values);  
+   G4Polyhedra* solidShield = new G4Polyhedra("solidShield",0.*deg, 360.*deg, 3, 2, z_values, Rmin_values, Rmax_values);  
-   G4SubtractionSolid*           solidShieldCsI = new G4SubtractionSolid("solidShieldCsI",solidShield, solidSubtractBox, 0, G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,Length/2)); 
+   G4SubtractionSolid* solidShieldCsI = new G4SubtractionSolid("solidShieldCsI",solidShield, solidSubtractBox, 0, G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,Length/2)); 
    //G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldCsI, CsI, "logicShieldCsI", 0, 0, 0);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicShieldCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidShieldCsI, NaI, "logicShieldCsI", 0, 0, 0);
-   PVPBuffer     = new G4PVPlacement(0,
-				     positionCsI              ,
-                                     logicShieldCsI           ,
-                                     Name + "_ShieldCsI"      ,
-                                     logicShieldPhParis       ,
-                                     false                    ,
-                                     0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement( 0,
+                                  positionCsI,
+                                  logicShieldCsI,
+                                  Name + "_ShieldCsI",
+                                  logicShieldPhParis,
+                                  false,
+                                  0);
    // Set CsI sensible
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ void ShieldPhParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Comment Line 
          if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*do nothing */;}
          // Position method
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
             check_A = true;
@@ -420,11 +420,11 @@ void ShieldPhParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D && checkVis) && 
              !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
-	    check_A = false;
-	    check_C = false;
-	    check_B = false;
-	    check_D = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+       check_A = false;
+       check_C = false;
+       check_B = false;
+       check_D = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(A, B, C, D);
@@ -434,11 +434,11 @@ void ShieldPhParis::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
              !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
             ReadingStatus = false;
             check_Theta = false;
-   	    check_Phi   = false;
-   	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
-	    checkVis = false;
+          check_Phi   = false;
+          check_R     = false;
+          check_beta  = false;
+       checkVis = false;
             AddModule(R, Theta, Phi, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w);
@@ -657,89 +657,89 @@ void ShieldPhParis::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-	 {
-	   CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
-	   CsIShieldTime_itr++;
-	   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
+    {
+      CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
+      CsIShieldTime_itr++;
+      CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
+      for (G4int l = 1; l < sizeN ; l++) {                    // loop on all the other tracks
-	     G4int N= *(CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
-	     NTrackID =   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
-	     //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
-	     if(N==N_first)
-	       {
-		 E += *(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
-	       }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
-		 {
-		   if(E!=0)
-		     {
-		       // Fill detector number
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-		       // Fill Energy
-		       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-		       // Fill Time
-		       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-		     }
-		   N_first=N;
-		   E=*(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
-		 }
-	     //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
-	     //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
+        G4int N= *(CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->second);            // ID of det hit
+        NTrackID =   CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr->first - N;           // ID of the track
+        //G4cout <<"l=" << l << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"N=" << N << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"DetectorNumber_itr->first =" << DetectorNumber_itr->first << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"NTrackID=" << NTrackID << G4endl;
+        if(N==N_first)
+          {
+       E += *(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
+          }else  // we fill the tree for the first detector hit and move to the next detector hit
+       {
+         if(E!=0)
+           {
+             // Fill detector number
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+             // Fill Energy
+             // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+             // Fill Time
+             ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+           }
+         N_first=N;
+         E=*(CsIShieldEnergy_itr->second);
+       }
+        //G4cout <<"Energy=" << E << G4endl;
+        //G4cout <<"Time =" << T << G4endl;
-	     // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
-	   if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
-	     {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));	       
-	     }
-	     CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
-	     CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
-	   }
-	 }else
-	   {
-	     // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
-	     if(E!=0)
-	       {
-	       // Fill detector number
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
-	       // Fill Energy
-	       // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
-		           E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
-		           ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
-		           if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
-	       // Fill Time
-	       ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
-	       }
-	   }
+        // Always fill the tree at the end of the loop:
+      if(l==(sizeN-1) && E!=0)
+        {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));          
+        }
+        CsIShieldEnergy_itr++;
+        CsIShieldDetectorNumber_itr++;
+      }
+    }else
+      {
+        // Fill the tree if sizeN=1:
+        if(E!=0)
+          {
+          // Fill detector number
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTDetectorNbr(m_index["ShieldPh"] + N_first);
+          // Fill Energy
+          // ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage));
+                 E=RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoFirstStage);
+                 ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(E); // Fill the tree
+                 if(E>EGammaMin && E<EGammaMax) ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldEffphpeak(EGamma);
+          // Fill Time
+          ms_Event->SetPARISCsIShieldTTime(RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTimeGpd));
+          }
+      }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/Target.cc b/NPSimulation/src/Target.cc
index aa668a3648b463572d32148b012e301c732c8dbd..a0d85eb46634fc482e5068ded90e05d6ca946e56 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/Target.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/Target.cc
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ using namespace std;
 // Specific Method of this class
-   m_TargetType		= true;
-   m_TargetThickness	= 0   ;
-   m_TargetAngle	= 0   ;
-   m_TargetRadius	= 0   ;
+   m_TargetType      = true;
+   m_TargetThickness   = 0   ;
+   m_TargetAngle   = 0   ;
+   m_TargetRadius   = 0   ;
    m_WindowsThickness   = 0   ;
    m_TargetTemperature  = 0   ;
-   m_TargetPressure  	= 0   ;
-   m_TargetNbLayers     = 50;	// Number of steps by default
+   m_TargetPressure     = 0   ;
+   m_TargetNbLayers     = 50;   // Number of steps by default
 G4Material* Target::GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature, G4double Pressure)
@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ G4Material* Target::GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Tempe
             G4cout << "CryoTarget temp set to 26K" << G4endl;
-				else if (Pressure == 0.7) {
+            else if (Pressure == 0.7) {
         G4cout << "CryoTarget pressure set to 0.7 bar" << G4endl;
-	        if (Temperature == 26) {
-	          density = 0.0013125 * g / cm3;
-	          G4cout << "CryoTarget temp set to 26K" << G4endl;
-	        }
+           if (Temperature == 26) {
+             density = 0.0013125 * g / cm3;
+             G4cout << "CryoTarget temp set to 26K" << G4endl;
+           }
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void Target::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string LineBuffer;
    string DataBuffer;
    bool ReadingStatusTarget = false ;
    bool ReadingStatusCryoTarget = false ;
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void Target::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    bool check_Pressure = false ;
    bool check_WinThickness = false ;
    bool check_WinMaterial = false ;
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {
       getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Target") == 0) {
@@ -284,172 +284,172 @@ void Target::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       while (ReadingStatusTarget) {
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-      		//Search for comment Symbol %
-      		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "THICKNESS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Thickness = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
-	             cout << "Target Thickness: "  << m_TargetThickness / micrometer << " micrometer" << endl;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ANGLE=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Angle = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetAngle = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-	             cout << "Target Angle: "  << m_TargetAngle / deg << endl     ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "RADIUS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Radius = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetRadius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout << "Target Radius: "     <<  m_TargetRadius / mm << " mm " << endl;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Material = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
-	            cout << "Target Material: "      << m_TargetMaterial  << endl  ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
-	        	check_X = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout << "Target coordinate (mm): ( " << m_TargetX / mm << " ; ";
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Y = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	             cout << m_TargetY / mm << " ; ";
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Z = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout  << m_TargetZ / mm << " )" << endl ;           
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "NBLAYERS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_m_TargetNbLayers = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetNbLayers = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            cout  << "Number of steps for slowing down the beam in target: " << m_TargetNbLayers << endl;
-	         }
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatusTarget = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if( check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Material && check_X && check_Y && check_Z )
-	         	ReadingStatusTarget = false ;	
-		}				
-     	while(ReadingStatusCryoTarget){
+            //Search for comment Symbol %
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "THICKNESS=") == 0) {
+              check_Thickness = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
+                cout << "Target Thickness: "  << m_TargetThickness / micrometer << " micrometer" << endl;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ANGLE=") == 0) {
+              check_Angle = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetAngle = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+                cout << "Target Angle: "  << m_TargetAngle / deg << endl     ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "RADIUS=") == 0) {
+              check_Radius = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetRadius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout << "Target Radius: "     <<  m_TargetRadius / mm << " mm " << endl;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
+              check_Material = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
+               cout << "Target Material: "      << m_TargetMaterial  << endl  ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
+              check_X = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout << "Target coordinate (mm): ( " << m_TargetX / mm << " ; ";
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
+              check_Y = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                cout << m_TargetY / mm << " ; ";
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
+              check_Z = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout  << m_TargetZ / mm << " )" << endl ;           
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "NBLAYERS=") == 0) {
+              check_m_TargetNbLayers = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetNbLayers = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               cout  << "Number of steps for slowing down the beam in target: " << m_TargetNbLayers << endl;
+            }
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
+            else 
+               {ReadingStatusTarget = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If all Token found toggle out
+            if( check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Material && check_X && check_Y && check_Z )
+               ReadingStatusTarget = false ;   
+      }            
+        while(ReadingStatusCryoTarget){
-	       ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-      		//Search for comment Symbol %
-      		if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*Do Nothing*/;}
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "THICKNESS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Thickness = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
-	            cout << "Target Thickness: "  << m_TargetThickness / micrometer  << "um" << endl   ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "RADIUS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Radius = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetRadius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	             cout << "Target Radius: "     <<  m_TargetRadius / mm           << "mm" << endl ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "TEMPERATURE=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Temperature = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetTemperature = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "PRESSURE=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Pressure = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetPressure = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
-	        	check_Material = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer, m_TargetTemperature, m_TargetPressure);
-	            cout << "Target Material: "      << m_TargetMaterial          << endl         ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "WINDOWSTHICKNESS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_WinThickness = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_WindowsThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
-	            cout << "Windows Thickness: " <<    m_WindowsThickness / micrometer << "um" << endl   ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 16, "WINDOWSMATERIAL=") == 0) {
-	        	check_WinMaterial = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_WindowsMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
-	            cout << "Windows Material: "  <<    m_WindowsMaterial         << endl         ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
-	        	check_X = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout << "Target coordinate (mm): ( " << m_TargetX / mm << " ; ";
-	         }
-	       else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
-	            check_Y = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout << m_TargetY / mm << " ; ";
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
-	            check_Z = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            cout << m_TargetZ / mm << " )" << endl ;
-	         }
-	        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "NBLAYERS=") == 0) {
-	        	check_m_TargetNbLayers = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            m_TargetNbLayers = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-	            cout  << "Number of steps for slowing down the beam in target: " << m_TargetNbLayers << endl;
-	         }
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
-	         else 
-	         	{ReadingStatusCryoTarget = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-	        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			//	If all Token found toggle out
-	         if( check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Material && check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_WinThickness && check_WinMaterial && check_Pressure && check_Temperature)
-	         	ReadingStatusCryoTarget = false ;	       
-	      }
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+            //Search for comment Symbol %
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/*Do Nothing*/;}
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "THICKNESS=") == 0) {
+              check_Thickness = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
+               cout << "Target Thickness: "  << m_TargetThickness / micrometer  << "um" << endl   ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "RADIUS=") == 0) {
+              check_Radius = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetRadius = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+                cout << "Target Radius: "     <<  m_TargetRadius / mm           << "mm" << endl ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "TEMPERATURE=") == 0) {
+              check_Temperature = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetTemperature = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "PRESSURE=") == 0) {
+              check_Pressure = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetPressure = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "MATERIAL=") == 0) {
+              check_Material = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer, m_TargetTemperature, m_TargetPressure);
+               cout << "Target Material: "      << m_TargetMaterial          << endl         ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "WINDOWSTHICKNESS=") == 0) {
+              check_WinThickness = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_WindowsThickness = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * micrometer;
+               cout << "Windows Thickness: " <<    m_WindowsThickness / micrometer << "um" << endl   ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 16, "WINDOWSMATERIAL=") == 0) {
+              check_WinMaterial = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_WindowsMaterial = GetMaterialFromLibrary(DataBuffer);
+               cout << "Windows Material: "  <<    m_WindowsMaterial         << endl         ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "X=") == 0) {
+              check_X = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout << "Target coordinate (mm): ( " << m_TargetX / mm << " ; ";
+            }
+          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Y=") == 0) {
+               check_Y = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout << m_TargetY / mm << " ; ";
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
+               check_Z = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+               cout << m_TargetZ / mm << " )" << endl ;
+            }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 9, "NBLAYERS=") == 0) {
+              check_m_TargetNbLayers = true ;
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+               m_TargetNbLayers = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+               cout  << "Number of steps for slowing down the beam in target: " << m_TargetNbLayers << endl;
+            }
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
+            else 
+               {ReadingStatusCryoTarget = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
+           ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         //   If all Token found toggle out
+            if( check_Thickness && check_Radius && check_Material && check_X && check_Y && check_Z && check_WinThickness && check_WinMaterial && check_Pressure && check_Temperature)
+               ReadingStatusCryoTarget = false ;          
+         }
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ void Target::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
 // If don't you will have a Warning unused variable 'myPVP'
    G4VPhysicalVolume* PVPBuffer ;
-   if (m_TargetType) {	// case of standard target
+   if (m_TargetType) {   // case of standard target
       if (m_TargetThickness > 0) {
          G4Tubs*            solidTarget = new G4Tubs("solidTarget", 0, m_TargetRadius, 0.5*m_TargetThickness, 0*deg, 360*deg);
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ void Target::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   else {	// case of cryogenic target
+   else {   // case of cryogenic target
       if (m_TargetThickness > 0) {
          G4Tubs*            solidTarget = new G4Tubs("solidTarget", 0, m_TargetRadius, 0.5*m_TargetThickness, 0*deg, 360*deg);
@@ -507,20 +507,20 @@ void Target::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
          G4LogicalVolume*   logicWindowsB = new G4LogicalVolume(solidWindowsB, m_WindowsMaterial, "logicTargetWindowsB");
          PVPBuffer =
-            new G4PVPlacement(	0                                                           										,
-                  							TargetPos + G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.5*(m_TargetThickness + m_WindowsThickness)) ,
-                  							logicWindowsF                                                  									,
-                 							 	"Target Window Front"                                            							 	,
-                 	 							world                                                       										,
-                 	 							false, 0																																				);
+            new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                         ,
+                                       TargetPos + G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.5*(m_TargetThickness + m_WindowsThickness)) ,
+                                       logicWindowsF                                                                             ,
+                                          "Target Window Front"                                                                     ,
+                                          world                                                                                     ,
+                                          false, 0                                                                                                            );
          PVPBuffer =
-            new G4PVPlacement(	0                                                           											,
-							                  TargetPos + G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -0.5*(m_TargetThickness + m_WindowsThickness))  ,
-							                  logicWindowsB                                                  										,
-							                  "Target Window Back"                                           										,
-							                  world                                                       											,
-							                  false, 0																																					);
+            new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                            ,
+                                       TargetPos + G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -0.5*(m_TargetThickness + m_WindowsThickness))  ,
+                                       logicWindowsB                                                                                ,
+                                       "Target Window Back"                                                                         ,
+                                       world                                                                                        ,
+                                       false, 0                                                                                                               );
          G4VisAttributes* WindowsVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.5, 1., 0.5));
@@ -539,21 +539,21 @@ void Target::InitializeRootOutput()
 // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
 void Target::ReadSensitive(const G4Event*)
-void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(	double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double MeanPosTheta, double SigmaPosTheta,
-				                                double MeanPosY, double SigmaPosY, double MeanPosPhi,   double SigmaPosPhi,
-				                                double IncidentBeamEnergy,
-                                 				G4ParticleDefinition* BeamName,
-				                                G4ThreeVector &InterCoord, double &AngleEmittanceTheta, double &AngleEmittancePhi,
-				                                double &AngleIncidentTheta, double &AngleIncidentPhi,
-				                                double &FinalBeamEnergy)
+void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(   double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double MeanPosTheta, double SigmaPosTheta,
+                                            double MeanPosY, double SigmaPosY, double MeanPosPhi,   double SigmaPosPhi,
+                                            double IncidentBeamEnergy,
+                                             G4ParticleDefinition* BeamName,
+                                            G4ThreeVector &InterCoord, double &AngleEmittanceTheta, double &AngleEmittancePhi,
+                                            double &AngleIncidentTheta, double &AngleIncidentPhi,
+                                            double &FinalBeamEnergy)
       // target parameters
-			G4ThreeVector TargetNormal = G4ThreeVector(		sin(m_TargetAngle)		,
-      																							0											,
-      																							cos(m_TargetAngle)		);
+         G4ThreeVector TargetNormal = G4ThreeVector(      sin(m_TargetAngle)      ,
+                                                                           0                                 ,
+                                                                           cos(m_TargetAngle)      );
       // beam interaction parameters
       double x0 = 1000 * cm;
       double y0 = 1000 * cm;
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(	double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double
       double dz =    0 * cm;
       // calculate emittance parameters (x,theta) and (y,phi)
-      if (m_TargetRadius != 0) {	// case of finite target dimensions
+      if (m_TargetRadius != 0) {   // case of finite target dimensions
          while (sqrt(x0*x0 + y0*y0) > m_TargetRadius) {
             RandomGaussian2D(MeanPosX, MeanPosTheta, SigmaPosX, SigmaPosTheta, x0, AngleEmittanceTheta);
             RandomGaussian2D(MeanPosY, MeanPosPhi,   SigmaPosY, SigmaPosPhi,   y0, AngleEmittancePhi);
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(	double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double
          // x is the vertical axis
          dz = x0 * tan(m_TargetAngle);
-      else {			// if no target radius is given consider a point-like target
+      else {         // if no target radius is given consider a point-like target
          RandomGaussian2D(0, 0, 0, SigmaPosTheta, x0, AngleEmittanceTheta);
          RandomGaussian2D(0, 0, 0, SigmaPosPhi,   y0, AngleEmittancePhi);
@@ -579,12 +579,12 @@ void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(	double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double
       double Xdir = sin(AngleEmittanceTheta);
       double Ydir = sin(AngleEmittancePhi);
       double Zdir = cos(AngleEmittanceTheta) + cos(AngleEmittancePhi);
-			G4ThreeVector BeamDir = G4ThreeVector(Xdir,Ydir,Zdir)	;
-      AngleIncidentTheta = BeamDir.theta() 	;
-      AngleIncidentPhi   = BeamDir.phi()		;
-      if (AngleIncidentPhi   < 0)    AngleIncidentPhi += 2*pi	;
-      if (AngleIncidentTheta < 1e-6) AngleIncidentPhi  = 0		;
+         G4ThreeVector BeamDir = G4ThreeVector(Xdir,Ydir,Zdir)   ;
+      AngleIncidentTheta = BeamDir.theta()    ;
+      AngleIncidentPhi   = BeamDir.phi()      ;
+      if (AngleIncidentPhi   < 0)    AngleIncidentPhi += 2*pi   ;
+      if (AngleIncidentTheta < 1e-6) AngleIncidentPhi  = 0      ;
       // effective target thickness is dz and z-position of interaction
       // when the target is tilted wrt the beam axis
@@ -601,41 +601,41 @@ void Target::CalculateBeamInteraction(	double MeanPosX, double SigmaPosX, double
       z0 += m_TargetZ;
       InterCoord = G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0);
-		if(m_TargetType)
-			{
-				G4EmCalculator emCalculator;		
-				if(m_TargetThickness!=0)
-					{
-						for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
-							{
-								G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_TargetMaterial);
-								G4double de   = dedx * EffectiveTargetThicknessBeforeInteraction / m_TargetNbLayers;
-								IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
-							}
-					}
-			}
-		else
-			{		G4EmCalculator emCalculator;		
-					//	Windows
-					if(m_WindowsThickness!=0)
-					for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
-						{
-							G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_WindowsMaterial);
-							G4double de   = dedx * m_WindowsThickness * uniform / (cos(AngleIncidentTheta)*m_TargetNbLayers);
-							IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
-						}
-					// Target
-					if(m_TargetThickness!=0)
-					for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
-						{
-							G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_TargetMaterial);
-							G4double de   = dedx * EffectiveTargetThicknessBeforeInteraction / m_TargetNbLayers;
-							IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
-						}
-			}
+      if(m_TargetType)
+         {
+            G4EmCalculator emCalculator;      
+            if(m_TargetThickness!=0)
+               {
+                  for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
+                     {
+                        G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_TargetMaterial);
+                        G4double de   = dedx * EffectiveTargetThicknessBeforeInteraction / m_TargetNbLayers;
+                        IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
+                     }
+               }
+         }
+      else
+         {      G4EmCalculator emCalculator;      
+               //   Windows
+               if(m_WindowsThickness!=0)
+               for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
+                  {
+                     G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_WindowsMaterial);
+                     G4double de   = dedx * m_WindowsThickness * uniform / (cos(AngleIncidentTheta)*m_TargetNbLayers);
+                     IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
+                  }
+               // Target
+               if(m_TargetThickness!=0)
+               for (G4int i = 0; i < m_TargetNbLayers; i++) 
+                  {
+                     G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(IncidentBeamEnergy, BeamName, m_TargetMaterial);
+                     G4double de   = dedx * EffectiveTargetThicknessBeforeInteraction / m_TargetNbLayers;
+                     IncidentBeamEnergy -= de;
+                  }
+         }
@@ -660,46 +660,46 @@ void Target::RandomGaussian2D(double MeanX, double MeanY, double SigmaX, double
-//	Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
+//   Generate a DEDX file table using the material used in the target
 void Target::WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleDefinition* Particle ,G4double Emin,G4double Emax)
-	{
-		//	Opening hte output file
-		G4String GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-   	G4String Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Particle->GetParticleName() + "_" + m_TargetMaterial->GetName() + ".G4table";
-		ofstream File		;
-		File.open(Path)	;
-		if(!File) return ;
-		File	<< "Table from Geant4 generate using NPSimulation \t"
-					<< "Particle: " << Particle->GetParticleName() << "\tMaterial: " << m_TargetMaterial->GetName() << endl ;
-		G4EmCalculator emCalculator;
-		for (G4double E=Emin; E < Emax; E+=(Emax-Emin)/10000.) 
-						{
-							G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(E, Particle, m_TargetMaterial);
-							File << E/MeV << "\t" << dedx/(MeV/micrometer) << endl ;
-						}
-		File.close();
-		if(!m_TargetType)
-			{
-				G4String Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Particle->GetParticleName() + "_" + m_WindowsMaterial->GetName() + ".G4table";
-				File.open(Path)		;
-				if(!File) return 	;
-				File	<< "Table from Geant4 generate using NPSimulation \t " 
-					<< "Particle: " << Particle->GetParticleName() << "\tMaterial: " << m_WindowsMaterial->GetName() << endl ;
-				for (G4double E=Emin; E < Emax; E+=(Emax-Emin)/10000.) 
-						{
-//							G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(E, Particle, m_WindowsMaterial);
-							  G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeDEDX(	E, Particle ,
-                       																		"ionIoni",  m_WindowsMaterial);
-								File << E/MeV << "\t" << dedx/(MeV/micrometer) << endl ;
-						}
-			}
-		File.close();
-	}
+   {
+      //   Opening hte output file
+      G4String GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
+      G4String Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Particle->GetParticleName() + "_" + m_TargetMaterial->GetName() + ".G4table";
+      ofstream File      ;
+      File.open(Path)   ;
+      if(!File) return ;
+      File   << "Table from Geant4 generate using NPSimulation \t"
+               << "Particle: " << Particle->GetParticleName() << "\tMaterial: " << m_TargetMaterial->GetName() << endl ;
+      G4EmCalculator emCalculator;
+      for (G4double E=Emin; E < Emax; E+=(Emax-Emin)/10000.) 
+                  {
+                     G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(E, Particle, m_TargetMaterial);
+                     File << E/MeV << "\t" << dedx/(MeV/micrometer) << endl ;
+                  }
+      File.close();
+      if(!m_TargetType)
+         {
+            G4String Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Particle->GetParticleName() + "_" + m_WindowsMaterial->GetName() + ".G4table";
+            File.open(Path)      ;
+            if(!File) return    ;
+            File   << "Table from Geant4 generate using NPSimulation \t " 
+               << "Particle: " << Particle->GetParticleName() << "\tMaterial: " << m_WindowsMaterial->GetName() << endl ;
+            for (G4double E=Emin; E < Emax; E+=(Emax-Emin)/10000.) 
+                  {
+//                     G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(E, Particle, m_WindowsMaterial);
+                       G4double dedx = emCalculator.ComputeDEDX(   E, Particle ,
+                                                                             "ionIoni",  m_WindowsMaterial);
+                        File << E/MeV << "\t" << dedx/(MeV/micrometer) << endl ;
+                  }
+         }
+      File.close();
+   }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
index cff1647f8d797ce9ae8dd6e4ba93c1b6d055636e..aaaee54e767ab880f9ca53d8363155191e648653 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
@@ -62,74 +62,74 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
 // ThinSi Specific Method
-		InitializeMaterial()			;
-		m_Event = new TSSSDData()	;
+      InitializeMaterial();
+      m_Event = new TSSSDData();
-		delete m_MaterialSilicon 		;
-   	delete m_MaterialAl 				;
-   	delete m_MaterialVacuum 		;
+      delete m_MaterialSilicon;
+      delete m_MaterialAl;
+      delete m_MaterialVacuum;
-void ThinSi::AddTelescope(G4ThreeVector TL         ,
-      G4ThreeVector BL        ,
-      G4ThreeVector BR        ,
-      G4ThreeVector TR        )
+void ThinSi::AddTelescope( G4ThreeVector TL,
+                           G4ThreeVector BL,
+                           G4ThreeVector BR,
+                           G4ThreeVector TR)
-   m_DefinitionType.push_back(true) ;
-   m_TL.push_back(TL)               ;
-   m_BL.push_back(BL)               ;
-   m_BR.push_back(BR)               ;
-   m_TR.push_back(TR)               ;
-   m_R.push_back(0)              ;
-   m_Theta.push_back(0)          ;
-   m_Phi.push_back(0)               ;
-   m_beta_u.push_back(0)            ;
-   m_beta_v.push_back(0)            ;
-   m_beta_w.push_back(0)            ;
+   m_DefinitionType.push_back(true);
+   m_TL.push_back(TL);
+   m_BL.push_back(BL);
+   m_BR.push_back(BR);
+   m_TR.push_back(TR);
+   m_R.push_back(0);
+   m_Theta.push_back(0);
+   m_Phi.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_u.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_v.push_back(0);
+   m_beta_w.push_back(0);
-void ThinSi::AddTelescope(G4double R      ,
-      G4double Theta ,
-      G4double Phi   ,
-      G4double beta_u   ,
-      G4double beta_v   ,
-      G4double beta_w   )
+void ThinSi::AddTelescope( G4double R,
+                           G4double Theta,
+                           G4double Phi,
+                           G4double beta_u,
+                           G4double beta_v,
+                           G4double beta_w)
-   G4ThreeVector empty = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)   ;
+   G4ThreeVector empty = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
-   m_DefinitionType.push_back(false)   ;
+   m_DefinitionType.push_back(false);
-   m_R.push_back(R)              ;
-   m_Theta.push_back(Theta)         ;
-   m_Phi.push_back(Phi)          ;
-   m_beta_u.push_back(beta_u)       ;
-   m_beta_v.push_back(beta_v)       ;
-   m_beta_w.push_back(beta_w)       ;
+   m_R.push_back(R);
+   m_Theta.push_back(Theta);
+   m_Phi.push_back(Phi);
+   m_beta_u.push_back(beta_u);
+   m_beta_v.push_back(beta_v);
+   m_beta_w.push_back(beta_w);
-   m_TL.push_back(empty)            ;
-   m_BL.push_back(empty)            ;
-   m_BR.push_back(empty)            ;
-   m_TR.push_back(empty)            ;
+   m_TL.push_back(empty);
+   m_BL.push_back(empty);
+   m_BR.push_back(empty);
+   m_TR.push_back(empty);
-void ThinSi::VolumeMaker(	G4int            	DetNumber      	,
-      						G4ThreeVector     	Det_pos        	,
-      						G4RotationMatrix*   Det_rot        	,
-      						G4LogicalVolume*  	world       	)
+void ThinSi::VolumeMaker(  G4int             DetNumber ,
+                           G4ThreeVector     Det_pos ,
+                           G4RotationMatrix* Det_rot ,
+                           G4LogicalVolume*  world   )
-   G4double NbrTelescopes = DetNumber           ;
-   G4String DetectorNumber                   ;
-   std::ostringstream Number                 ;
-   Number << NbrTelescopes                   ;
-   DetectorNumber = Number.str()             ;
+   G4double NbrTelescopes = DetNumber  ;
+   G4String DetectorNumber ;
+   std::ostringstream Number ;
+   Number << NbrTelescopes ;
+   DetectorNumber = Number.str() ;
@@ -148,70 +148,63 @@ void ThinSi::VolumeMaker(	G4int            	DetNumber      	,
    G4LogicalVolume* logicThinSi =
       new G4LogicalVolume(solidThinSi, m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0);
-   PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*Det_rot, Det_pos)  ,
-            logicThinSi                ,
-            Name                    ,
-            world                   ,
-            false                   ,
-            0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   G4Transform3D(*Det_rot, Det_pos)  ,
+                                    logicThinSi                ,
+                                    Name                    ,
+                                    world                   ,
+                                    false                   ,
+                                    0);
    // Frame is made of 4 thick box (2 Horizontal and 2 Vertical)
    G4Box* solidFrameHorizontal = new G4Box(Name + "_Frame", 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*(DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2, 0.5*FrameThickness*mm)   ;
    G4Box* solidFrameVertical  = new G4Box(Name + "_Frame", 0.5*(DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2, 0.5*DetectorSize, 0.5*FrameThickness*mm)   ;
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicFrameHorizontal =
-      new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrameHorizontal, m_MaterialAl, Name, 0, 0);
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicFrameVertical =
-      new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrameVertical, m_MaterialAl, Name, 0, 0);
-   G4ThreeVector FrameTopPosition      = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0.5 * SiliconSize + 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0) ;
-   G4ThreeVector FrameBottomPosition   = G4ThreeVector(0 , -0.5 * SiliconSize - 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0) ;
-   G4ThreeVector FrameLeftPosition  = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiliconSize + 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0 , 0) ;
-   G4ThreeVector FrameRightPosition = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiliconSize - 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0 , 0) ;
-   PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0                 ,
-            FrameTopPosition     ,
-            logicFrameHorizontal ,
-            Name + "_Frame"         ,
-            logicThinSi          ,
-            false             ,
-            0);
-   PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0                 ,
-            FrameBottomPosition     ,
-            logicFrameHorizontal ,
-            Name + "_Frame"         ,
-            logicThinSi          ,
-            false             ,
-            0);
-   PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0                 ,
-            FrameLeftPosition    ,
-            logicFrameVertical      ,
-            Name + "_Frame"         ,
-            logicThinSi          ,
-            false             ,
-            0);
-   PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0                 ,
-            FrameRightPosition      ,
-            logicFrameVertical      ,
-            Name + "_Frame"         ,
-            logicThinSi          ,
-            false             ,
-            0);
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicFrameHorizontal = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrameHorizontal, m_MaterialAl, Name, 0, 0);
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicFrameVertical = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrameVertical, m_MaterialAl, Name, 0, 0);
+   G4ThreeVector FrameTopPosition    = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0.5 * SiliconSize + 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0) ; 
+   G4ThreeVector FrameBottomPosition = G4ThreeVector(0 , -0.5 * SiliconSize - 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector FrameLeftPosition   = G4ThreeVector(0.5 * SiliconSize + 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0 , 0) ;
+   G4ThreeVector FrameRightPosition  = G4ThreeVector(-0.5 * SiliconSize - 0.5 * (DetectorSize - SiliconSize) / 2 , 0 , 0) ;
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0,
+                                    FrameTopPosition,
+                                    logicFrameHorizontal,
+                                    Name + "_Frame",
+                                    logicThinSi,
+                                    false,
+                                    0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0,
+                                    FrameBottomPosition,
+                                    logicFrameHorizontal,
+                                    Name + "_Frame",
+                                    logicThinSi,
+                                    false,
+                                    0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0,
+                                    FrameLeftPosition,
+                                    logicFrameVertical,
+                                    Name + "_Frame",
+                                    logicThinSi,
+                                    false,
+                                    0);
+   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0,
+                                    FrameRightPosition,
+                                    logicFrameVertical,
+                                    Name + "_Frame",
+                                    logicThinSi,
+                                    false,
+                                    0);
    G4ThreeVector posAluFront  = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0  ,  AluStripFront_PosZ)  ;
-   G4ThreeVector posSi        = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0  ,  0)  ;
-   G4ThreeVector posAluBack   = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0  ,  AluStripBack_PosZ)  ;
+   G4ThreeVector posSi        = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0  ,  0                 )  ;
+   G4ThreeVector posAluBack   = G4ThreeVector(0 ,  0  ,  AluStripBack_PosZ )  ;
    G4Box*   solidAlu  =
       new G4Box("ThinSiAlu", 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*AluThickness) ;
@@ -227,13 +220,13 @@ void ThinSi::VolumeMaker(	G4int            	DetNumber      	,
    G4Box*   solidSi  =
-      new G4Box("ThinSi", 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*SiliconThickness)   ;
+      new G4Box("ThinSi", 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*SiliconSize, 0.5*SiliconThickness);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicSi  =
-      new G4LogicalVolume(solidSi, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSi", 0, 0, 0)           ;
+      new G4LogicalVolume(solidSi, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSi", 0, 0, 0);
    PVPBuffer =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0, posSi, logicSi, Name + "_Si", logicThinSi, true, 0)   ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, posSi, logicSi, Name + "_Si", logicThinSi, true, 0);
    //attach it to the Silicon plate
    logicSi ->SetSensitiveDetector(m_StripScorer);
@@ -252,209 +245,209 @@ void ThinSi::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    ifstream ConfigFile           ;
    ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
-   string LineBuffer          ;
-   string DataBuffer          ;
+   string LineBuffer             ;
+   string DataBuffer             ;
-   G4double TLX , BLX , BRX , TRX , TLY , BLY , BRY , TRY , TLZ , BLZ , BRZ , TRZ   ;
-   G4ThreeVector TL , BL , BR , TR                                      ;
-   G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0                     ;
-   bool check_A = false   ;
+   G4double TLX , BLX , BRX , TRX , TLY , BLY , BRY , TRY , TLZ , BLZ , BRZ , TRZ;
+   G4ThreeVector TL , BL , BR , TR ;
+   G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
+   bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_B = false ;
-   bool check_C = false   ;
+   bool check_C = false ;
    bool check_D = false ;
-   bool check_Theta = false   ;
-   bool check_Phi  = false  ;
-   bool check_R     = false   ;
-   bool check_beta = false  ;
-   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool check_Theta   = false;
+   bool check_Phi     = false;
+   bool check_R       = false;
+   bool check_beta    = false;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false;
  while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
- 	{
+    {
-	      	getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-			//	If line is a Start Up ThinSi bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-	      	if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) 
-		      	{
-		        	 G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
-		       		  G4cout << "Detector found: " << G4endl   ;        
-		        	 ReadingStatus = true ;
-			   	}
-			//	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-			else ReadingStatus = false ;
-			//	Reading Block
-			while(ReadingStatus)
-				{
-						// Pickup Next Word 
-					ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-					//	Comment Line 
-					if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-						//	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) {
-						cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-						ReadingStatus = false ;
-					}
-						 //Position method
-			         else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "A=") == 0) {
-			            check_A = true;
-			            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-			            TLX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-			            TLX = TLX * mm;
-			            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-			            TLY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-			            TLY = TLY * mm;
-			            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-			            TLZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-			            TLZ = TLZ * mm;
-			            TL = G4ThreeVector(TLX, TLY, TLZ);
-			            cout << "Top Left position : (" << TLX << ";" << TLY << ";" << TLZ << ")" << endl;
-			         }
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "B=") == 0) {
-						check_B = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BLX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BLX = BLX * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BLY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BLY = BLY * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BLZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BLZ = BLZ * mm;
-						BL = G4ThreeVector(BLX, BLY, BLZ);
-						cout << "Top Right position : (" << BLX << ";" << BLY << ";" << BLZ << ")" << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "C=") == 0) {
-						check_C = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BRX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BRX = BRX * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BRY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BRY = BRY * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						BRZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						BRZ = BRZ * mm;
-						BR = G4ThreeVector(BRX, BRY, BRZ);
-						cout << "Bottom Right position : (" << BRX << ";" << BRY << ";" << BRZ << ")" << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "D=") == 0) {
-						check_D = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						TRX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						TRX = TRX * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						TRY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						TRY = TRY * mm;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						TRZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						TRZ = TRZ * mm;
-						TR = G4ThreeVector(TRX, TRY, TRZ);
-						G4cout << "Center position : (" << TRX << ";" << TRY << ";" << TRZ << ")" << G4endl << G4endl;
-					}
-					//Angle method
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
-						check_Theta = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Theta = Theta * deg;
-						cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
-						check_Phi = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						Phi = Phi * deg;
-						cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
-						check_R = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						R = R * mm;
-						cout << "R:  " << R*mm << endl;
-					}
-					else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "BETA=") == 0) {
-						check_beta = true;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						beta_u = beta_u * deg   ;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						beta_v = beta_v * deg   ;
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-						beta_w = beta_w * deg   ;
-						G4cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u / deg <<  " " << beta_v / deg << " " << beta_w / deg << G4endl       ;
-					}
-			         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-						//	If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-			         else 
-			         	{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
-			         	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
-			         	//	If All necessary information there, toggle out
-			         if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta) ) 
-			         	{ 
-					         	ReadingStatus = false; 
-					         	///Add The previously define telescope
-			         			//With position method
-					         	 if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
-							            	  AddTelescope(	TL      	,
-							                  				BL    		,
-							                  				BR    		,
-							                  				TR    		);
-							         }
-						         //with angle method
-						         else if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R) || !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
-							         		  AddTelescope(	R       	,
-							                  				Theta    	,
-							                  				Phi   		,
-							                  				beta_u   	,
-							                  				beta_v   	,
-							                  				beta_w   	);
-							         }
-							        //	Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
-									check_A = false   ;
-									check_B = false ;
-									check_C = false   ;
-									check_D = false ;
-									check_Theta = false   ;
-									check_Phi  = false  ;
-									check_R     = false   ;
-									check_beta = false  ;
-									ReadingStatus = false ;
-			         	}
-				}
-	}
+         getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+         //   If line is a Start Up ThinSi bloc, Reading toggle to true      
+         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) 
+            {
+               G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
+                  G4cout << "Detector found: " << G4endl   ;        
+               ReadingStatus = true ;
+            }
+         //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+         else ReadingStatus = false ;
+         //   Reading Block
+         while(ReadingStatus)
+            {
+                  // Pickup Next Word 
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+               //   Comment Line 
+               if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+                  //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;
+               }
+                   //Position method
+                  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "A=") == 0) {
+                     check_A = true;
+                     ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                     TLX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                     TLX = TLX * mm;
+                     ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                     TLY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                     TLY = TLY * mm;
+                     ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                     TLZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                     TLZ = TLZ * mm;
+                     TL = G4ThreeVector(TLX, TLY, TLZ);
+                     cout << "Top Left position : (" << TLX << ";" << TLY << ";" << TLZ << ")" << endl;
+                  }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "B=") == 0) {
+                  check_B = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BLX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BLX = BLX * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BLY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BLY = BLY * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BLZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BLZ = BLZ * mm;
+                  BL = G4ThreeVector(BLX, BLY, BLZ);
+                  cout << "Top Right position : (" << BLX << ";" << BLY << ";" << BLZ << ")" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "C=") == 0) {
+                  check_C = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BRX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BRX = BRX * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BRY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BRY = BRY * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  BRZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  BRZ = BRZ * mm;
+                  BR = G4ThreeVector(BRX, BRY, BRZ);
+                  cout << "Bottom Right position : (" << BRX << ";" << BRY << ";" << BRZ << ")" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "D=") == 0) {
+                  check_D = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  TRX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  TRX = TRX * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  TRY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  TRY = TRY * mm;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  TRZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  TRZ = TRZ * mm;
+                  TR = G4ThreeVector(TRX, TRY, TRZ);
+                  G4cout << "Center position : (" << TRX << ";" << TRY << ";" << TRZ << ")" << G4endl << G4endl;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
+                  check_Theta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Theta = Theta * deg;
+                  cout << "Theta:  " << Theta / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
+                  check_Phi = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Phi = Phi * deg;
+                  cout << "Phi:  " << Phi / deg << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 2, "R=") == 0) {
+                  check_R = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  R = R * mm;
+                  cout << "R:  " << R*mm << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 5, "BETA=") == 0) {
+                  check_beta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_u = beta_u * deg   ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_v = beta_v * deg   ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_w = beta_w * deg   ;
+                  G4cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u / deg <<  " " << beta_v / deg << " " << beta_w / deg << G4endl       ;
+               }
+                     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                  //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+                  else 
+                     {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
+                     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                     //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+                  if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta) ) 
+                     { 
+                           ReadingStatus = false; 
+                           ///Add The previously define telescope
+                           //With position method
+                            if ((check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || !(check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R)) {
+                                      AddTelescope(   TL ,
+                                                      BL ,
+                                                      BR ,
+                                                      TR );
+                              }
+                           //with angle method
+                           else if ((check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R) || !(check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D)) {
+                                      AddTelescope(   R ,
+                                                      Theta ,
+                                                      Phi ,
+                                                      beta_u ,
+                                                      beta_v ,
+                                                      beta_w );
+                              }
+                             //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
+                           check_A = false ;
+                           check_B = false ;
+                           check_C = false ;
+                           check_D = false ;
+                           check_Theta   = false ;
+                           check_Phi     = false ;
+                           check_R       = false ;
+                           check_beta    = false ;
+                           ReadingStatus = false ;
+                     }
+            }
+   }
@@ -462,13 +455,13 @@ void ThinSi::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
 void ThinSi::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
-   G4RotationMatrix* Det_rot     = NULL               ;
-   G4ThreeVector     Det_pos     = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
-   G4ThreeVector     Det_u    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
-   G4ThreeVector     Det_v    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
-   G4ThreeVector     Det_w    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)  ;
+   G4RotationMatrix* Det_rot  = NULL;
+   G4ThreeVector     Det_pos  = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
+   G4ThreeVector     Det_u    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
+   G4ThreeVector     Det_v    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
+   G4ThreeVector     Det_w    = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
-   G4int NumberOfDetector = m_DefinitionType.size()      ;
+   G4int NumberOfDetector = m_DefinitionType.size();
    for (G4int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDetector ; i++) {
       // By Point
@@ -476,12 +469,12 @@ void ThinSi::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
          // (u,v,w) unitary vector associated to telescope referencial
          // (u,v) // to silicon plan
          // w perpendicular to (u,v) plan and pointing outside
-         Det_u = m_TL[i] - m_BL[i]     ;
-         Det_u = Det_u.unit()       ;
-         Det_v = m_BR[i] - m_BL[i]     ;
-         Det_v = Det_v.unit()       ;
-         Det_w = Det_u.cross(Det_v)    ;
-         Det_w = Det_w.unit()            ;
+         Det_u = m_TL[i] - m_BL[i];
+         Det_u = Det_u.unit();
+         Det_v = m_BR[i] - m_BL[i];
+         Det_v = Det_v.unit();
+         Det_w = Det_u.cross(Det_v);
+         Det_w = Det_w.unit();
          // Passage Matrix from Lab Referential to Telescope Referential
          // MUST2
          Det_rot = new G4RotationMatrix(Det_u, Det_v, Det_w);
@@ -491,18 +484,13 @@ void ThinSi::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
       // By Angle
       else {
-         G4double Theta = m_Theta[i]   ;
-         G4double Phi   = m_Phi[i]  ;
+         G4double Theta = m_Theta[i];
+         G4double Phi   = m_Phi[i];
          //This part because if Phi and Theta = 0 equation are false
-         if (Theta == 0)      {
-            Theta   = 0.0001             ;
-         }
-         if (Theta == 2*cos(0))   {
-            Theta   = 2 * acos(0) - 0.00001  ;
-         }
-         if (Phi   == 0)         {
-            Phi     = 0.0001             ;
-         }
+         if (Theta == 0) Theta   = 0.0001;
+         if (Theta == 2*cos(0)) Theta   = 2 * acos(0) - 0.00001;
+         if (Phi   == 0) Phi = 0.0001;
          // (u,v,w) unitary vector associated to telescope referencial
          // (u,v) // to silicon plan
@@ -511,8 +499,8 @@ void ThinSi::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world)
          // Theta is angle between  position vector and z axis
          G4double wX = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * cos(Phi / rad)   ;
          G4double wY = m_R[i] * sin(Theta / rad) * sin(Phi / rad)   ;
-         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(Theta / rad)             ;
-         Det_w = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ)                ;
+         G4double wZ = m_R[i] * cos(Theta / rad);
+         Det_w = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ);
          // vector corresponding to the center of the module
          G4ThreeVector CT = Det_w;
@@ -561,160 +549,160 @@ void ThinSi::InitializeRootOutput()
 // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
 void ThinSi::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event)
-  	m_Event->Clear();
+     m_Event->Clear();
 //////////////////////// Used to Read Event Map of detector //////////////////////////
 // Si
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  DetNbrHitMap							;  
-	G4THitsMap<G4int>*	  StripNbrHitMap						;    
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* EnergyHitMap            	;
-	G4THitsMap<G4double>* TimeHitMap             		;
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetNbr_itr  	;
-	std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator StripNbr_itr  ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr ;
-	std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr   ;
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>*     DetNbrHitMap;  
+   G4THitsMap<G4int>*     StripNbrHitMap;    
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>*  EnergyHitMap;
+   G4THitsMap<G4double>*  TimeHitMap;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator DetNbr_itr     ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4int*>::iterator StripNbr_itr  ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Energy_itr ;
+   std::map<G4int, G4double*>::iterator Time_itr   ;
-      // Read the Scorer associate to the Silicon Strip
-			//DetectorNumber	
-      G4int DetNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/DetectorNumber")   	;
-      DetNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(DetNbrCollectionID))                 				;
-      DetNbr_itr = DetNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin()                                                       								;
-      //StripNumber	
-      G4int StripNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripNumber")  			;
-      StripNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripNbrCollectionID))                 			;
-      //Energy
-      G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripEnergy")   		;
-      EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID))                 		;
-			//Time
-      G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripTime")   				;
-      TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID))                 				;
-		  G4int sizeN = DetNbrHitMap		->entries() 	;
-		  G4int sizeS = StripNbrHitMap	->entries() ;
-	    G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap		->entries() 	;
-	    G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap			->entries() 		;
+   // Read the Scorer associate to the Silicon Strip
+      //DetectorNumber   
+   G4int DetNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/DetectorNumber");
+   DetNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(DetNbrCollectionID));
+   DetNbr_itr = DetNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+   //StripNumber   
+   G4int StripNbrCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripNumber");
+   StripNbrHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4int>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripNbrCollectionID));
+   //Energy
+   G4int StripEnergyCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripEnergy");
+   EnergyHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripEnergyCollectionID));
+      //Time
+   G4int StripTimeCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("ThinSi_StripScorer/StripTime");
+   TimeHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(StripTimeCollectionID));
+   G4int sizeN = DetNbrHitMap      ->entries();
+   G4int sizeS = StripNbrHitMap    ->entries();
+   G4int sizeE = EnergyHitMap       ->entries();
+   G4int sizeT = TimeHitMap         ->entries();
-		// Loop on Det Number
+      // Loop on Det Number
     for (G4int l = 0 ; l < sizeN ; l++) 
-				{
-	        G4int N     =      *(DetNbr_itr->second)    ;
-	        G4int NTrackID  =   DetNbr_itr->first - N		;
-	        if (N > 0) 
-						{
-								m_Event->SetEnergyDetectorNbr(N)						;
-								m_Event->SetTimeDetectorNbr(N)						;
-						//  Strip Number
-				        StripNbr_itr = StripNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-				        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeS ; h++) {
-				            G4int STrackID  =   StripNbr_itr->first  - N    ;
-				            G4int S         = *(StripNbr_itr->second)      	;
-				            if (STrackID == NTrackID) {
-				             	 m_Event->SetEnergyStripNbr(S)		;
-				             	 m_Event->SetTimeStripNbr(S)		;
-				            }
-				            StripNbr_itr++;
-				        	}
-						//  Energy
-				        Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-				        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
-				            G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N    ;
-				            G4double E      = *(Energy_itr->second)      	;
-				            if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
-				               m_Event->SetEnergy( RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoEnergy ) )    ;
-				            }
-				            Energy_itr++;
-				        	}
-				        //  Time
-				        Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
-				        for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
-				            G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N    ;
-				            G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second)      ;
-				            if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
-				               	m_Event->SetTime( RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime ) )    ;
-				            }
-				            Time_itr++;
-				        }
-	       	 }
-	        DetNbr_itr++;
-   		}
+            {
+           G4int N     =      *(DetNbr_itr->second);
+           G4int NTrackID  =   DetNbr_itr->first - N;
+           if (N > 0) 
+                  {
+                        m_Event->SetEnergyDetectorNbr(N);
+                        m_Event->SetTimeDetectorNbr(N);
+                  //  Strip Number
+                    StripNbr_itr = StripNbrHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+                    for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeS ; h++) {
+                        G4int STrackID  =   StripNbr_itr->first  - N ;
+                        G4int S         = *(StripNbr_itr->second);
+                        if (STrackID == NTrackID) {
+                             m_Event->SetEnergyStripNbr(S);
+                             m_Event->SetTimeStripNbr(S);
+                        }
+                        StripNbr_itr++;
+                       }
+                  //  Energy
+                    Energy_itr = EnergyHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+                    for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeE ; h++) {
+                        G4int ETrackID  =   Energy_itr->first  - N;
+                        G4double E      = *(Energy_itr->second);
+                        if (ETrackID == NTrackID) {
+                           m_Event->SetEnergy( RandGauss::shoot(E, ResoEnergy ) );
+                        }
+                        Energy_itr++;
+                       }
+                    //  Time
+                    Time_itr = TimeHitMap->GetMap()->begin();
+                    for (G4int h = 0 ; h < sizeT ; h++) {
+                        G4int TTrackID  =   Time_itr->first   - N ;
+                        G4double T     = *(Time_itr->second);
+                        if (TTrackID == NTrackID) {
+                              m_Event->SetTime( RandGauss::shoot(T, ResoTime ) );
+                        }
+                        Time_itr++;
+                    }
+              }
+           DetNbr_itr++;
+         }
     // clear map for next event
-    DetNbrHitMap    	->clear()	;
-    StripNbrHitMap    ->clear()	;
-    EnergyHitMap   		->clear() ; 
-    TimeHitMap				->clear()	;    
+    DetNbrHitMap   ->clear();
+    StripNbrHitMap ->clear();
+    EnergyHitMap   ->clear(); 
+    TimeHitMap     ->clear();    
 void ThinSi::InitializeScorers()
-	{
-		//	Silicon Associate Scorer
-			m_StripScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("ThinSi_StripScorer");
-			G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr 														= new GENERALSCORERS::PSDetectorNumber("DetectorNumber","ThinSi_", 0)  	;
-			G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripNbr 													= new PSStripNumber("StripNumber",0,SiliconSize, NumberOfStrip)		; 
-			G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy 														= new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("StripEnergy","ThinSi_", 0)             	;			
-			G4VPrimitiveScorer* TOF 															= new GENERALSCORERS::PSTOF("StripTime","ThinSi_", 0)                  	;          					 		 
-		//and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
-			m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr)             				;
-			m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripNbr)             			;
-			m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy)             				;
-			m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(TOF)                				;
-	 	//	Add All Scorer to the Global Scorer Manager
-		  G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_StripScorer) ;
-		}
+   {
+      //   Silicon Associate Scorer
+         m_StripScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("ThinSi_StripScorer");
+         G4VPrimitiveScorer* DetNbr   = new GENERALSCORERS::PSDetectorNumber("DetectorNumber","ThinSi_", 0);
+         G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripNbr = new PSStripNumber("StripNumber",0,SiliconSize, NumberOfStrip); 
+         G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy   = new GENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("StripEnergy","ThinSi_", 0);         
+         G4VPrimitiveScorer* TOF      = new GENERALSCORERS::PSTOF("StripTime","ThinSi_", 0);                                 
+      //and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
+         m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(DetNbr);
+         m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(StripNbr);
+         m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(Energy);
+         m_StripScorer->RegisterPrimitive(TOF);
+       //   Add All Scorer to the Global Scorer Manager
+        G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_StripScorer) ;
+      }
 /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
 void ThinSi::InitializeMaterial()
-	{
-		 G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , "N"  , 7  , 14.01  * g / mole);
-	   G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , "O"  , 8  , 16.00  * g / mole);
-	   G4double a, z, density;
-	   // Si
-	   a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
-	   density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
-	   m_MaterialSilicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
-	   // Al
-	   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-	   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-	   m_MaterialAl = new G4Material("Al", z = 13., a, density);
-	   //  Vacuum
-	   density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
-	   m_MaterialVacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, 2);
-	   m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
-	   m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(O, .3);
-	}
+   {
+       G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , "N"  , 7  , 14.01  * g / mole);
+      G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , "O"  , 8  , 16.00  * g / mole);
+      G4double a, z, density;
+      // Si
+      a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
+      density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
+      m_MaterialSilicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
+      // Al
+      density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
+      a = 26.98 * g / mole;
+      m_MaterialAl = new G4Material("Al", z = 13., a, density);
+      //  Vacuum
+      density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
+      m_MaterialVacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, 2);
+      m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
+      m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(O, .3);
+   }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSiScorers.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSiScorers.cc
index 6ea27810b730fc892bf4bf3b4825e3bebba72496..ec0371438c1848e43ed74a3ca29eb0fc18ce9556 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSiScorers.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSiScorers.cc
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ using namespace THINSI ;
 PSStripNumber::PSStripNumber(G4String name, G4int depth, G4double StripPlaneSize, G4int NumberOfStrip)
       : G4VPrimitiveScorer(name, depth), HCID(-1)
-   m_StripPlaneSize 	= StripPlaneSize 											;
-   m_NumberOfStrip    = NumberOfStrip  											;
-   m_StripPitch 			= m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip	;
+   m_StripPlaneSize  = StripPlaneSize                                  ;
+   m_NumberOfStrip   = NumberOfStrip                                   ;
+   m_StripPitch      = m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip   ;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PSStripNumber::~PSStripNumber()
 G4bool PSStripNumber::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-	 int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "ThinSi");
+    int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "ThinSi");
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
    POS = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(POS);
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/W1.cc b/NPSimulation/src/W1.cc
index 65858527a51d85ce0b2bed1b290223614ca804fd..7e772c0064cce53550aa6bee6afec3e0e0a44246 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/W1.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/W1.cc
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ void W1::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
          // Search for comment Symbol %
-	      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+         if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
             ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ void W1::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
             checkVis = true;
-	         ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	         if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
+            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
          else {