From b2b680f49f5be14af962d37d1a2bae951beaa3fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nicolas <nicolas@nptool>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:34:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH]  * Remove compilation warnings in Plastic and Helios

 NPSimulation/src/ |  38 ++++-----
 NPSimulation/src/             | 104 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index deeb15672..76708e634 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
    // Copper
    a = 63.546 * g / mole;
    density = 8.96 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Copper;
-   Copper = new G4Material("Cu", z = 29., a, density);
+//   G4Material* Copper;
+//   Copper = new G4Material("Cu", z = 29., a, density);
    //  Vacuum
    G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , symbol = "N"  , z = 7  , a = 14.01  * g / mole);
@@ -197,15 +197,12 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
    ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
-   // Little trick to avoid warning in compilation: Use a PVPlacement "buffer".
-   // If don't you will have a Warning unused variable 'myPVP'
-   G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer;
    G4String Name = "HeliosDummyShape" + DetectorNumber ;
    G4Box*           solidHeliosDummyShape = new G4Box(Name, 0.5*FaceFrontWidth, 0.5*FaceFrontLength, 0.5*Thickness);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicHeliosDummyShape = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHeliosDummyShape, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
-   PVPBuffer     = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos) ,
+   new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos) ,
                                      logicHeliosDummyShape           ,
                                      Name                         ,
                                      world                        ,
@@ -249,7 +246,7 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4Box*           solidFirstStage = new G4Box("solidFirstStage", 0.5*FirstStageFaceWidth, 0.5*FirstStageFaceLength, 0.5*FirstStageThickness);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, Silicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, 
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, 
 //                                    "G" + DetectorNumber + "FirstStage", 
@@ -315,8 +312,9 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    G4double Ax , Bx , Cx , Dx , Ay , By , Cy , Dy , Az , Bz , Cz , Dz          ;
    G4ThreeVector A , B , C , D                                                 ;
    G4double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0 ;
-   int FIRSTSTAGE = 0 , SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
-   int NSTRIP = 128;
+   int FIRSTSTAGE = 0;
+//   int SECONDSTAGE = 0 , THIRDSTAGE = 0                       ;
+ //  int NSTRIP = 128;
    bool ReadingStatus = false;
@@ -328,12 +326,12 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    bool check_Theta = false;
    bool check_Phi   = false;
    bool check_R     = false;
-   bool check_beta  = false;
+//   bool check_beta  = false;
    bool check_FirstStage = false;
-   bool check_SecondStage = false;
-   bool check_ThirdStage = false;
-   bool check_NStrip = false;
+//   bool check_SecondStage = false;
+//   bool check_ThirdStage = false;
+//   bool check_NStrip = false;
    bool checkVis = false;
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {
@@ -434,7 +432,7 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             cout << "R:  " << R / mm << endl;
          else if (, 5, "BETA=") == 0) {
-            check_beta = true;
+//            check_beta = true;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
             beta_u = beta_u * deg   ;
@@ -452,22 +450,22 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             FIRSTSTAGE = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-         else if (, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-            check_SecondStage = true ;
+/*         else if (, 12, "SECONDSTAGE=") == 0) {
+//            check_SecondStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             SECONDSTAGE = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (, 11, "THIRDSTAGE=") == 0) {
-            check_ThirdStage = true ;
+//            check_ThirdStage = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             THIRDSTAGE = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
          else if (, 7, "NSTRIP=") == 0) {
-            check_NStrip = true ;
+//            check_NStrip = true ;
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             NSTRIP = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-         }
+         }*/
          else if (, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
             checkVis = true ;
@@ -499,7 +497,7 @@ void HeliosDetDummyShape::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             check_Theta = false;
    	    check_Phi   = false;
    	    check_R     = false;
-   	    check_beta  = false;
+//   	    check_beta  = false;
 	    check_FirstStage = false;
 	    checkVis = false;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index 5ea1de1bc..1ee8234d1 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -393,76 +393,74 @@ void Plastic::VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber, G4LogicalVolume*
       ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
-      G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
       // Name of the module
-         std::ostringstream DetectorNumber                  ;
-         DetectorNumber << DetNumber                         ;
+      std::ostringstream DetectorNumber                  ;
+      DetectorNumber << DetNumber                         ;
       G4String Name = "Plastic" + DetectorNumber.str()   ;
       int i = DetNumber-1;
       G4Material* PlasticMaterial ;
-          if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC400"    ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400    ;
+      if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC400"    ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400    ;
       else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_2"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_2    ;
       else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_5"  ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_5   ;
       else if(m_Scintillator[i] == "BC452_10" ) PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC452_10   ;
       else {   
-            G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : BC400" << endl ; 
-            PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400;
-         }
+         G4cout << "WARNING: Material Not found, default material set : BC400" << endl ; 
+         PlasticMaterial = m_MaterialPlastic_BC400;
+      }
       // Definition of the volume containing the sensitive detector
       // Cylindrical Case
+      {
+         if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
+         { 
+            G4Tubs* solidPlastic = new G4Tubs(   Name                              ,    
+                  0                                    ,
+                  m_PlasticRadius[i]         ,
+                  m_PlasticThickness[i]/2   ,
+                  0*deg                              , 
+                  360*deg                           );
+            G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
+            logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
+            G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
+            logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
+            new G4PVPlacement(   0                                       ,
+                  Det_pos                              ,
+                  logicPlastic                   ,
+                  Name  + "_Scintillator"   ,
+                  world                          ,
+                  false                          ,
+                  0                                       );   
+         }
+         if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
-            if(m_PlasticThickness[i]>0 && m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
-               { 
-                  G4Tubs* solidPlastic = new G4Tubs(   Name                              ,    
-                                                          0                                    ,
-                                                          m_PlasticRadius[i]         ,
-                                                          m_PlasticThickness[i]/2   ,
-                                                          0*deg                              , 
-                                                          360*deg                           );
-                  G4LogicalVolume* logicPlastic = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPlastic, PlasticMaterial, Name+ "_Scintillator", 0, 0, 0);
-                  logicPlastic->SetSensitiveDetector(m_PlasticScorer);
-                  G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
-                     logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
-                  PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                       ,
-                                                                  Det_pos                              ,
-                                                logicPlastic                   ,
-                                                Name  + "_Scintillator"   ,
-                                                world                          ,
-                                                false                          ,
-                                                0                                       );   
-               }
-              if(m_LeadThickness[i]>0&& m_PlasticRadius[i]>0)
-                 {
-                      G4Tubs* solidLead = new G4Tubs(   Name+"_Lead"              ,    
-                                                          0                                 ,
-                                                          m_PlasticRadius[i]      ,
-                                                          m_LeadThickness[i]/2   ,
-                                                          0*deg                           , 
-                                                          360*deg                        );
+            G4Tubs* solidLead = new G4Tubs(   Name+"_Lead"              ,    
+                  0                                 ,
+                  m_PlasticRadius[i]      ,
+                  m_LeadThickness[i]/2   ,
+                  0*deg                           , 
+                  360*deg                        );
                      G4LogicalVolume* logicLead = new G4LogicalVolume(solidLead, m_MaterialLead, Name+"_Lead", 0, 0, 0);
                      G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
                         logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
-                     PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
+                     G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
                                                                      Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()   ,
                                                    logicLead                                                                                           ,
                                                    Name+"_Lead"                                                                                   ,   
@@ -486,7 +484,7 @@ void Plastic::VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber, G4LogicalVolume*
                   G4VisAttributes* PlastVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.9)) ;
                   logicPlastic->SetVisAttributes(PlastVisAtt) ;
-                  PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                    ,
+                  new G4PVPlacement(   0                                    ,
                                                                   Det_pos                           ,
                                                 logicPlastic                ,
                                                  Name  + "_Scintillator" ,
@@ -503,7 +501,7 @@ void Plastic::VolumeMaker(G4ThreeVector Det_pos, int DetNumber, G4LogicalVolume*
                         G4VisAttributes* LeadVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) ;
                         logicLead->SetVisAttributes(LeadVisAtt) ;
-                        PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
+                        new G4PVPlacement(   0                                                                                                         ,
                                                                         Det_pos+(m_PlasticThickness[i]/2+m_LeadThickness[i]/2)*Det_pos.unit()   ,
                                                               logicLead                                                                                             ,
                                                                  Name+"_Lead"                                                                                   ,   