diff --git a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
index e835d16d5c57068b99fb2c1ac4af0e1b9047b727..c2adce82cf901e9e5fa0d5fec0cd83e89db0e19f 100644
--- a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
+++ b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Target
 %%%%%%% Telescope 1 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=		10.85	105.03	146.16
 X1_Y128=	22.8	9.84	175.95
 X128_Y1=	104.09	105.03	108.76
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ CSI=	1
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 2 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=		-116.04	9.84	138.55
 X1_Y128=	-22.8	9.84	175.95
 X128_Y1=	-104.09	105.03	108.76
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ CSI=	1
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 3 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=		-10.85	-105.03	146.16
 X1_Y128=	-22.8	-9.84	175.95
 X128_Y1=	-104.09	-105.03	108.76
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ CSI=	1
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 4 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=		116.04	-9.84	138.55
 X1_Y128=	22.8	-9.84	175.95
 X128_Y1=	104.09	-105.03	108.76
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ CSI=	1
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 5 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=		-50.23	-50.23	365
 X1_Y128=	50.23	-50.23	365
 X128_Y1=	-50.23	50.23	365
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ SILI=	0
 CSI=	1		
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 6 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=	155.77	50.23	8.18
 X1_Y128=	155.77	-50.23	8.18
 X128_Y1=	133.17	50.23	-89.7
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ VIS=	all
 %	CSI= 0
 %	VIS= all					
 %%%%%%% Telescope 7 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=	27.07	50.23	-154.49
 X1_Y128=	116.58	50.23	-108.88
 X128_Y1=	27.07	-50.23	-154.49
@@ -128,30 +128,30 @@ VIS=    all
 %%%%%%%%%% Det 1 %%%%%%%%			
 A=	17.61	9.85	104.11
 B=	64.48	9.85	85.31
 C=	58.66	56.29	70.79
 D=	11.79	56.29	89.69
 %%%%%%%%%% Det 2 %%%%%%%%			
 A=	-11.79	56.29	89.59
 B=	-58.66	56.29	70.79
 C=	-64.48	9.85	85.31
 D=	-17.61	9.85	104.11
 %%%%%%%%%% Det 3 %%%%%%%%			
 A=	-17.61	-9.85	104.11
 B=	-64.48	-9.85	85.31
 C=	-58.66	-56.29	70.79
 D=	-11.79	-56.29	89.59
 %%%%%%%%%% Det 4 %%%%%%%%			
 A=	11.79	-56.29	89.59
 B=	58.66	-56.29	70.79
 C=	64.48	-9.85	85.31
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/MakePhysicalTree/Analysis.cxx b/NPAnalysis/MakePhysicalTree/Analysis.cxx
index b5b590d36b278bf3e9a50b71eb4e2f5fbf08e744..85494f36df2b8f93d9549c4a8a57310cc00eb514 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/MakePhysicalTree/Analysis.cxx
+++ b/NPAnalysis/MakePhysicalTree/Analysis.cxx
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
    clock_t end = begin;
    // main loop on entries
-   for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
+//   for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
+   for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
       if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
          end = clock();
diff --git a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
index 90e8e20a2d50fede385436cfd213f925e73b50c7..74e1fc9a1b91eb372bcbfc31b28e6fa825a4a792 100644
--- a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
@@ -221,13 +221,43 @@ void TCATSPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
 //	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 //	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInput() 					
+void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
   TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()	;
   inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CATS" , true )			;
   inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fCATS_*" , true )		;
   inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &EventData )           ;
+//   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+//   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInputPhysics() 
+  TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CATS" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ff" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeSumX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MultOverThreshX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeSumY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MultOverThreshY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX_Position" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY_Position" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberZ_Position" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionZ" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &EventPhysics );
 //	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
 void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootOutput() 		 		
diff --git a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
index b1fd2dbab9ae39d3d9c00db6a4427001701f0c30..883c40245a379861f3be41042476a01c392b621b 100644
--- a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <vector>
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
 #include "TVector3.h"
-//	NPLib
+//   NPLib
 #include "TCATSData.h"
 #include "../include/VDetector.h"
 #include "../include/CalibrationManager.h"
@@ -54,139 +54,138 @@ enum correction{NOcor,cor};
 class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
- public:	//	Constructor and Destructor
+ public:   //   Constructor and Destructor
- public:	// Output data of interest
+ public:   // Output data of interest
   //for a CATS
   // marker of the cats used
   int ff ;
-  //	Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  vector<int>  		DetNumberX			; 
-  vector<int>  		StripX					;
-  vector<double>	ChargeX					; 
-  //	Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  vector<double>	ChargeSumX				;
-  vector<int>		MultOverThreshX 	                ;  
-  vector<int>		StripMaxX 				;
-  //	Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  vector<int>  		DetNumberY				; 
-  vector<int>  		StripY					;
-  vector<double>	ChargeY					;
-  //  vector<double>	ChargeY_test	;
-  //	Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  vector<double>	ChargeSumY				;  
-  vector<int> 		MultOverThreshY		;
-  vector<int> 		StripMaxY 				;
-  // 	vector<int> 		StripMaxY_test;
-  //	Calculate
-  vector<int>		DetNumberX_Position ;
-  vector<int>    	DetNumberY_Position ;
-  vector<int>    	DetNumberZ_Position ;
-  vector<double> 	PositionX 		;
-  vector<double>	PositionY 		;
-  vector<double>	PositionZ 		;
-  double 		PositionOnTargetX	;
-  double 		PositionOnTargetY	;
-  TVector3		BeamDirection		;  //!
+  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
+  vector<int>        DetNumberX; 
+  vector<int>        StripX;
+  vector<double>     ChargeX; 
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
+  vector<double>   ChargeSumX;
+  vector<int>      MultOverThreshX;  
+  vector<int>      StripMaxX;
+  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
+  vector<int>        DetNumberY; 
+  vector<int>        StripY;
+  vector<double>     ChargeY;
+  //  vector<double>   ChargeY_test   ;
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
+  vector<double>    ChargeSumY;  
+  vector<int>       MultOverThreshY;
+  vector<int>       StripMaxY;
+  //    vector<int>       StripMaxY_test;
+  //   Calculate
+  vector<int>       DetNumberX_Position;
+  vector<int>       DetNumberY_Position;
+  vector<int>       DetNumberZ_Position;
+  vector<double>    PositionX;
+  vector<double>    PositionY;
+  vector<double>    PositionZ;
+  double            PositionOnTargetX;
+  double            PositionOnTargetY;
+  TVector3      BeamDirection      ;  //!
   double                Chargex[28];  //!
   double                Chargey[28];  //!
   int HitX;    //!
   int HitY;    //!
-  vector<reconstruction>       ReconstructionMethodX;
-  vector<reconstruction>       ReconstructionMethodY;
+  vector<reconstruction>   ReconstructionMethodX;
+  vector<reconstruction>   ReconstructionMethodY;
   // vector<reconstruction>       FailedReconstructionX;
-  vector<reconstruction>       FailedReconstructionY;
- private:	//	Root Input and Output tree classes
-  TCATSData* 	  	  EventData			;//!
-  TCATSPhysics* 	  EventPhysics		;//!
- public:		//	Innherited from VDetector Class
-  //	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-  void ReadConfiguration(string) 				;
-  //	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-  void AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	;		
-  //	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-  //	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-  void InitializeRootInput() 					;
-  //	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-  void InitializeRootOutput() 		 		;
-  //	This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-  void BuildPhysicalEvent()					;
-  //	Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-  //	This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-  //	NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-  void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()				;
-  //	Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-  void ClearEventPhysics()		{Clear();}		
-  void ClearEventData()			{EventData->Clear();}		
+  vector<reconstruction> FailedReconstructionY;
+ private:   //   Root Input and Output tree classes
+  TCATSData*      EventData;//!
+  TCATSPhysics*   EventPhysics;//!
+ public:      //   Innherited from VDetector Class
+   //   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
+   void ReadConfiguration(string);
+   //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
+   //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+   void InitializeRootOutput() ;
+   //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
+   void BuildPhysicalEvent();
+   //   Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
+   //   This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
+   //   NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
+   void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
+   //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
+   void ClearEventPhysics() {Clear();}      
+   void ClearEventData()    {EventData->Clear();}      
  private :
   // redundant information : could be optimized in the future
-  vector< vector< vector<double> > >      StripPositionX  ;   //!
-  vector< vector< vector<double> > >      StripPositionY  ;   //!
-  vector<double>  		          StripPositionZ  ;   //!  
-  int NumberOfCATS	                                  ;   //!	
-  vector< vector <double> > 		 Pedestal_X 	  ;   //!
-  vector< vector <double> > 		 Pedestal_Y 	  ;   //!
-  vector< vector <double> > 	         Threshold_X      ;   //!     
-  vector< vector <double> > 		 Threshold_Y 	  ;   //!
- public :	//	Specific to CATS
-  void	Clear();
-  void	Dump();
+  vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionX;//!
+  vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionY;//!
+  vector<double>                       StripPositionZ;//!  
+  int NumberOfCATS;//!   
+  vector< vector <double> >   Pedestal_X;//!
+  vector< vector <double> >   Pedestal_Y;//!
+  vector< vector <double> >   Threshold_X;//!     
+  vector< vector <double> >   Threshold_Y;//!
+ public :   //   Specific to CATS
+  void   Clear();
+  void   Dump();
   void AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y28, TVector3 C_X28_Y28);
   void ReadPedestal(string PedestalPath);
-  double AnalyseX(int ff,
-		  int NumberOfDetector);
+  double AnalyseX(int ff,int NumberOfDetector);
-  double AnalyseY(int ff,
-		  int NumberOfDetector);
+  double AnalyseY(int ff,int NumberOfDetector);
-  double CalculatePositionX( double     CalculatedStripX, 
-			     correction method);
+  double CalculatePositionX( double CalculatedStripX, correction method);
-  double CalculatePositionY( double     CalculatedStripY, 
-			     correction method);
+  double CalculatePositionY( double CalculatedStripY, correction method);
   reconstruction ChooseReconstruction(TString type);
-  //	Calculate Strip touch using an array of Charge on Strip and Strip with Maximum Charge
+  //   Calculate Strip touch using an array of Charge on Strip and Strip with Maximum Charge
   double HyperbolicSequentMethodX();
   double GaussianMethodX();
   double Barycentric5MethodX(); 
@@ -195,29 +194,29 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
   double HyperbolicSequentMethodY();
   double GaussianMethodY();
   double Barycentric5MethodY(); 
   double Barycentric4MethodY(); 
   double Barycentric3MethodY(); 
   double CorrectedPositionX3(double Position, double a) ;
   double CorrectedPositionY3(double Position, double a) ;
   double CorrectedPositionX4(double Position, double b); 
   double CorrectedPositionY4(double Position, double b); 
   // X
-  //	Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  int	    GetCATSDetNumberX(int i)         {return DetNumberX.at(i);}
-  int	    GetCATSStripX(int i)             {return StripX.at(i);}
+  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
+  int       GetCATSDetNumberX(int i)         {return DetNumberX.at(i);}
+  int       GetCATSStripX(int i)             {return StripX.at(i);}
   double    GetCATSChargeX(int i)            {return ChargeX.at(i);}
-  int	    GetCATSMultX()	             {return DetNumberX.size();}
-  //	Vector of dim = number of CATS
+  int       GetCATSMultX()                {return DetNumberX.size();}
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
   double    GetCATSChargeSumX(int i)          ;
-  int 	    GetCATSMultOverThreshX(int i)     ;
+  int        GetCATSMultOverThreshX(int i)     ;
   int       GetCATSStripMaxX(int i)           ;
   // int       GetCATSDetNumberX_Position(int i) ;
   double    GetCATSPositionX(int i)           ;
@@ -226,20 +225,20 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
   // Y
-  //	Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  int	    GetCATSDetNumberY(int i)         {return DetNumberY.at(i);}
-  int	    GetCATSStripY(int i)             {return StripY.at(i);}
+  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
+  int       GetCATSDetNumberY(int i)         {return DetNumberY.at(i);}
+  int       GetCATSStripY(int i)             {return StripY.at(i);}
   double    GetCATSChargeY(int i)            {return ChargeY.at(i);}
-  int	    GetCATSMultY()	             {return DetNumberY.size();}
-  //	Vector of dim = number of CATS
+  int       GetCATSMultY()                {return DetNumberY.size();}
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
   double    GetCATSChargeSumY(int i)         ;
-  int 	    GetCATSMultOverThreshY(int i)    ;
+  int        GetCATSMultOverThreshY(int i)    ;
   int       GetCATSStripMaxY(int i)          ;
   //  int       GetCATSDetNumberY_Position(int i);
   double    GetCATSPositionY(int i)          ;
   double    GetPositionOnTargetY()           {return PositionOnTargetY;}
   int       GetCATSMult()                    {return PositionX.size();}
@@ -256,7 +255,7 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
 namespace LOCAL_CATS
-  //	tranform an integer to a string
+  //   tranform an integer to a string
   string itoa(int value);
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
index a79d166b861ee4a17971a7dbbff53f8e167a48f3..a6b0ca16dacf05bfaf6b23fd362f9000c247a330 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadCalibrationRun()
 ////   Innherited from VDetector Class   ////            
-//   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
 void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
    ifstream ConfigFile              ;
@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-//   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
 void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()   
       CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
@@ -1126,18 +1126,44 @@ void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
-//   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-//   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInput()       
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
       TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()   ;
       inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true )               ;
       inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fMM_*" , true )               ;
       inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventData )      ;
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputPhysics() 
+   {
+      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventMultiplicity" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventType" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_E" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_T" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_X" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_Y" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EX" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TX" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EY" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TY" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_X" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_Y" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_E" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_T" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_N" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_E" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_T" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_N" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TotalEnergy" , true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventPhysics);
+   }
-//   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
 void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootOutput()    
       TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
index 2392d71cd77895a5f7c4c2e9df9f3127b9ff2b13..717d00cb5cfcf169fe40e8a57168ab7e25b2372a 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
@@ -99,17 +99,18 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
       //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
       void AddParameterToCalibrationManager() ;      
       //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
       //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-      void InitializeRootInput() ;
+      void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
       //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
       void InitializeRootOutput() ;
       //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
       void BuildPhysicalEvent() ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
index f84eb48e9df7675c27936da56f1aea7c6e51973d..aea90e2ecc87e594a0354387e2ba3c95565f3b2f 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
@@ -257,14 +257,23 @@ void TPlasticPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
-void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootInput()
+void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
       TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()     ;
       inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Plastic"       , true )        ;
       inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "fPlastic_*"    , true )        ;
       inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "Plastic"       , &EventData )  ;
-   }   
+   }
+void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootInputPhysics()
+   {
+      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Plastic", true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "DetectorNumber", true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Energy", true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Time", true );
+      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "Plastic", &EventPhysics );
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootOutput()
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
index 6e4114a8e39333a22e71d3db3794bdc40a27cef4..07f61f6e30e0f13bd9db1573aed1d1974a6eedc8 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
@@ -53,11 +53,14 @@ class TPlasticPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
       //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
       void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
       //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
       //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-      void InitializeRootInput();
+      void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
       //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
index a79aff3d03e029f81f805d04bdc773e2c22bcb30..af8b71ccbf7f4495ac60de58c2398551ae881db7 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
     getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
     //  If line is a Start Up SSSD bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-        if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "SSSD") == 0) 
+        if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "SSSD") == 0 &&LineBuffer.compare(0, 5, "SSSDA") != 0) 
             cout << "SSSD found: " << endl   ;        
             ReadingStatus = true ;
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
         if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {  ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
           //  Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-        else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 4, "SSSD") == 0) {
-          cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+        else if (DataBuffer=="SSSD") {
+          cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is founnd before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in detector definition" << endl ;
           ReadingStatus = false ;
@@ -265,14 +265,25 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
-void TSSSDPhysics::InitializeRootInput()
+void TSSSDPhysics::InitializeRootInputRaw()
-    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()  ;
-    inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "SSSD"     , true )          ;
-    inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "fSSSD_*"   , true )          ;
-    inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "SSSD"     , &EventData )    ;
-  }  
+    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+    inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "SSSD"     , true );
+    inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "fSSSD_*"  , true );
+    inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "SSSD"     , &EventData );
+  }     
+void TSSSDPhysics::InitializeRootInputPhysics()
+   {
+   TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "SSSD"          , true );
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "DetectorNumber", true );
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "StripNumber"   , true );
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Energy"        , true );
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Time"          , true );
+   inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "SSSD"          , &EventPhysics );
+   }
 void TSSSDPhysics::InitializeRootOutput()
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
index a584a970ea4d070debbd7d356c46f3a1a74c8c12..4617901d5a00c9ed5183c2651bf1155d5de87f4b 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
@@ -52,11 +52,14 @@ class TSSSDPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
    void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
-   // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-   // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-   void InitializeRootInput();
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
    // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
    void InitializeRootOutput();
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
index 82fd97a46607ecbfe7bfe156319ebd9786ce6af2..9ffec525f9d324592327e9800dddca83cae85227 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv)
    fRunToReadFileName          = fDefaultRunToReadFileName;
    fCalibrationFileName        = fDefaultCalibrationFileName;
    fDisableAllBranchOption = false;
+   fInputPhysicalTreeOption = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
       string argument = argv[i];
@@ -79,6 +80,10 @@ NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv)
       else if (argument == "-C" && argc >= i + 1)     fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
       else if (argument == "--disable-branch")    fDisableAllBranchOption = true ;
+      else if (argument == "--input-physical")    fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
+      else if (argument == "-IP")    fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
       else ;
@@ -220,15 +225,17 @@ void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const
 void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp()
-   cout << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << endl ;
+   cout << endl << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << endl << endl ;
    cout << "List of Option " << endl ;
+   cout << "\t --help -H -h\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Display this help message" << endl ;
    cout << "\t --detector -D <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the detector configuration file" << endl ;
    cout << "\t --event-generator -E <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the event generator file" << endl ;
-   cout << "\t --cal -C <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the calibration file list" << endl ;
-   cout << "\t --help -H -h\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Display this help message" << endl ;
    cout << "\t --output -O <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the Output File Name (output tree)" << endl ;
+   cout << endl << "NPAnalysis only:"<<endl;
    cout << "\t --run -R <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the run to read file list" << endl  ;
+   cout << "\t --cal -C <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the calibration file list" << endl ;
    cout << "\t --disable-branch\t \t \t \t \t \t Disable of branch of Input tree except the one of the detector (faster)" << endl  ;
+   cout << "\t --input-physical -IP\t \t \t \t \t \t Consider the Input file is containing Physics Class instead of Data Class. Output branches associate to the detector are not activated" << endl  ;
    cout << endl << endl ;
    // exit current program
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
index ad55564b5d3dd443a62b31f990e2674b47567018..410ffd87d85dcb89ea9efbcbf8aecb201f38e4dc 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
@@ -77,13 +77,14 @@ class NPOptionManager
       string GetDefaultCalibrationFile()  {return fDefaultCalibrationFileName;}
       string GetDefaultOutputFile()       {return fDefaultOutputFileName;}
       // assigned values
-      string GetReactionFile()            {return fReactionFileName;}
-      string GetDetectorFile()            {return fDetectorFileName;}
-      string GetRunToReadFile()           {return fRunToReadFileName;}
-      string GetCalibrationFile()         {return fCalibrationFileName;}
-      string GetOutputFile()              {return fOutputFileName;}
-      bool   GetDisableAllBranchOption()  {return fDisableAllBranchOption;}
+      string GetReactionFile()             {return fReactionFileName;}
+      string GetDetectorFile()             {return fDetectorFileName;}
+      string GetRunToReadFile()            {return fRunToReadFileName;}
+      string GetCalibrationFile()          {return fCalibrationFileName;}
+      string GetOutputFile()               {return fOutputFileName;}
+      bool   GetDisableAllBranchOption()   {return fDisableAllBranchOption;}
+      bool   GetInputPhysicalTreeOption()  {return fInputPhysicalTreeOption;}
       // Setters
       void SetReactionFile(string name)   {fReactionFileName = name;}
       void SetDetectorFile(string name)   {fDetectorFileName = name;}
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ class NPOptionManager
       string fCalibrationFileName;
       string fOutputFileName;
       bool   fDisableAllBranchOption;
+      bool   fInputPhysicalTreeOption;
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
index f9cfad7eebfd28ebf803ecbdff71741a591bd7b9..ec5406ac08c07d850f5bdffd4bb262bbace95707 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
@@ -402,9 +402,13 @@ void DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput()
    map<string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
-   for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
-      it->second->InitializeRootInput();
-   }
+   if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
+      for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
+         it->second->InitializeRootInputPhysics();
+   else // Default Case
+      for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
+         it->second->InitializeRootInputRaw();
@@ -414,9 +418,9 @@ void DetectorManager::InitializeRootOutput()
    map<string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
-   for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
-      it->second->InitializeRootOutput();
-   }   
+   if(!NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
+      for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
+         it->second->InitializeRootOutput();
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
index e0cfc532b4632758d1daa8ef7a7511fc0cef89c7..6fff66f4591f0e580cc060de41e67c3c153be9cf 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
@@ -44,10 +44,14 @@ namespace NPA
             //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
             virtual void AddParameterToCalibrationManager() {} ;      
             //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
             //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-            virtual void InitializeRootInput() {} ;
+            virtual void InitializeRootInputRaw() {} ;
+            //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+            //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+            virtual void InitializeRootInputPhysics() {} ;
             //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
             virtual void InitializeRootOutput() {} ;
diff --git a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
index de11d61cc6552311b66e5b55a099794ca28a3672..74df997817c465d8a5dd5c8e864f1e471e44f883 100644
--- a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
@@ -286,18 +286,27 @@ void TW1Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
-void TW1Physics::InitializeRootInput()
+void  TW1Physics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("W1"   , true);
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fW1_*", true);
    inputChain->SetBranchAddress("W1"  , &m_EventData);
+void  TW1Physics::InitializeRootInputPhysics() 
+   TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("W1"   , true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fEventType", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fDetectorNumber", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fEnergy", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fTime", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fFrontStrip", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchStatus("fBackStrip", true);
+   inputChain->SetBranchAddress("W1"  , &m_EventPhysics);
 void TW1Physics::InitializeRootOutput()
diff --git a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
index c7fbd2f7b7ec408554306c5a0269d9bb19ae0536..945eddc2f22e266b8c95f67683fe4d3e13afd8f9 100644
--- a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
+++ b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
@@ -82,10 +82,14 @@ class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
    void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
-   // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-   // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-   void InitializeRootInput();
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+   void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
    // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
    void InitializeRootOutput();
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc b/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
index 031fe2d8d20492bd69450f76eba91c807b519076..43dccfde964fe7558a1f3ee677e4a7f649386a6c 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 16, "TheDUMMYDetector") == 0 && cDummy == false) {
          cDummy = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// DUMMY DETECTOR ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// DUMMY DETECTOR ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new DUMMYDetector()                  ;
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 14, "GaspardTracker") == 0 && cGPDTracker == false) {
          cGPDTracker = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Gaspard Tracker ////////" << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// Gaspard Tracker ////////" << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new GaspardTracker()                  ;
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "HydeTracker") == 0 && cHYDTracker == false) {
          cHYDTracker = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Hyde Tracker ////////" << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// Hyde Tracker ////////" << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new HydeTracker()                  ;
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 5, "Paris") == 0 && cParis == false) {
          cParis = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Paris  ////////" << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// Paris  ////////" << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new Paris()                  ;
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Shield") == 0 && cShield == false) {
          cShield = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Shield  ////////" << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// Shield  ////////" << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new Shield()                  ;
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "AnnularS1") == 0 && cS1 == false) {
          cS1 = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// S1 Annular detector ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// S1 Annular detector ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new AnnularS1()                 ;
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 2, "W1") == 0 && cW1 == false) {
          cW1 = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// W1 Square detector ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// W1 Square detector ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new W1();
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 10, "MUST2Array") == 0 && cMUST2 == false) {
          cMUST2 = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// MUST2 Array ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// MUST2 Array ////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new MUST2Array()                 ;
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       ////////// Search for     ThinSi ///////////
-      else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "AddThinSi") == 0 && cAddThinSi == false) {
+      else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "SSSDArray") == 0 && cAddThinSi == false) {
          cAddThinSi = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Thin Si ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// SSSD ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new ThinSi()                  ;
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 19, "ScintillatorPlastic") == 0 && cPlastic == false) {
          cPlastic = true ;
-         G4cout << "//////// Plastic ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "//////// Plastic ////////" << G4endl << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
          VDetector* myDetector = new Plastic()                  ;
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 13, "GeneralTarget") == 0 && cGeneralTarget == false) {
          cGeneralTarget = true ;
-         G4cout << "////////// Target ///////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "////////// Target ///////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Objects
          VDetector* myDetector = new Target();
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ void DetectorConstruction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
       else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 14, "GeneralChamber") == 0 && cGeneralChamber == false) {
          cGeneralChamber = true ;
-         G4cout << "////////// Chamber ///////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
+         G4cout << G4endl << "////////// Chamber ///////////" << G4endl   << G4endl   ;
          // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Objects
          VDetector* myDetector = new Chamber();
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
index aaaee54e767ab880f9ca53d8363155191e648653..cc94b60f93cd8d509f79a2b08bdf9ec605471676 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/ThinSi.cc
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void ThinSi::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
          getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
          //   If line is a Start Up ThinSi bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) 
+         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "SSSD") == 0 && LineBuffer.compare(0, 5, "SSSDA") != 0) 
                G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
                   G4cout << "Detector found: " << G4endl   ;        
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ void ThinSi::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
                if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
                   //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "ThinSi") == 0) {
-                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+               else if (DataBuffer=="SSSD") {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is found before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in detector definition" << endl ;
                   ReadingStatus = false ;