diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
index e844ad496b1586b35bf9170336ccb85e6d598881..93221c8968d18d9a9b6e49e15568df98cb6864dc 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "TMust2Physics.h"
 using namespace MUST2_LOCAL;
 //   STL
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -38,1429 +38,1393 @@ using namespace MUST2_LOCAL;
-   { 
-      EventMultiplicity   = 0 ;
-      m_EventData         = new TMust2Data ;
-      m_PreTreatedData    = new TMust2Data ;
-      m_EventPhysics      = this ;
-      m_NumberOfTelescope = 0 ;
-      m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = 10;
-      m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = 0.020    ; 
-      m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = 3; 
-    // Raw Threshold
-      m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
-      m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
-      m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
-      m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold  = 8200 ;
-      // Calibrated Threshold
-      m_Si_X_E_Threshold = 0 ;
-      m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = 0 ;
-      m_SiLi_E_Threshold = 0 ;
-      m_CsI_E_Threshold  = 0;
+  EventMultiplicity   = 0 ;
+  m_EventData         = new TMust2Data ;
+  m_PreTreatedData    = new TMust2Data ;
+  m_EventPhysics      = this ;
+  m_NumberOfTelescope = 0 ;
+  m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = 10;
+  m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = 0.020    ;
+  m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = 3;
+  // Raw Threshold
+  m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+  m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+  m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+  m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold  = 8200 ;
+  // Calibrated Threshold
+  m_Si_X_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+  m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+  m_SiLi_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+  m_CsI_E_Threshold  = 0;
+  m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = false ;
+  m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = false  ;
+  m_Take_E_Y=false;
+  m_Take_T_Y=true;
+  m_SiLi_Size=32;
+  m_SiLi_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
+  m_SiLi_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i){
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[0]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[0]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[1]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[1]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[2]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[2]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[3]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[3]=80;
+    //
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[4]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[4]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[5]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[5]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[6]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[6]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[7]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[7]=112;
+    //
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[8]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[8]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[9]=112;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[9]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[10]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[10]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[11]=80;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[11]=48;
+    //
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[12]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[12]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[13]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[13]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[14]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[14]=48;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingX[15]=16;
+    m_SiLi_MatchingY[15]=16;
+  }
+  m_CsI_Size=32;
+  m_CsI_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
+  m_CsI_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i){
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[0]=112;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[0]=112;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[1]=112;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[1]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[2]=112;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[2]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[3]=112;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[3]=16;
+    //
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[4]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[4]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[5]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[5]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[6]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[6]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[7]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[7]=112;
+    //
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[8]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[8]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[9]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[9]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[10]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[10]=80;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[11]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[11]=112;
+    //
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[12]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[12]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[13]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[13]=48;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[14]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[14]=80;
-      m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = false ;
-      m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = false  ;
+    m_CsI_MatchingX[15]=16;
+    m_CsI_MatchingY[15]=112;
+  }
+void TMust2Physics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(){
+  BuildPhysicalEvent();
+void TMust2Physics::BuildPhysicalEvent(){
+  PreTreat();
+  bool check_SILI = false ;
+  bool check_CSI  = false ;
+  if( CheckEvent() == 1 ){
+    vector< TVector2 > couple = Match_X_Y() ;
+    EventMultiplicity = couple.size();
+    // Get the size of the different vector
+    unsigned int StripXTMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+    unsigned int StripYTMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+    unsigned int SiLiEMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEMult();
+    unsigned int SiLiTMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTMult();
+    unsigned int CsIEMult =  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEMult();
+    unsigned int CsITMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITMult();
+    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < couple.size() ; ++i){
+      check_SILI = false ;
+      check_CSI = false ;
-      m_Take_E_Y=false;
-      m_Take_T_Y=true;
+      int N = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
-      m_SiLi_Size=32;
-      m_SiLi_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
-      m_SiLi_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
+      int X = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
+      int Y = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(couple[i].Y()) ;
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
-        {
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[0]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[0]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[1]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[1]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[2]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[2]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[3]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[3]=80;
-          // 
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[4]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[4]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[5]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[5]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[6]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[6]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[7]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[7]=112;
-          //
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[8]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[8]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[9]=112;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[9]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[10]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[10]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[11]=80;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[11]=48;
-          //
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[12]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[12]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[13]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[13]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[14]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[14]=48;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingX[15]=16;
-          m_SiLi_MatchingY[15]=16;
-      }
-      m_CsI_Size=32;
-      m_CsI_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
-      m_CsI_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
-        {
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[0]=112;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[0]=112;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[1]=112;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[1]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[2]=112;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[2]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[3]=112;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[3]=16;
-          // 
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[4]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[4]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[5]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[5]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[6]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[6]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[7]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[7]=112;
-          //
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[8]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[8]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[9]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[9]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[10]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[10]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[11]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[11]=112;
-          //
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[12]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[12]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[13]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[13]=48;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[14]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[14]=80;
-          m_CsI_MatchingX[15]=16;
-          m_CsI_MatchingY[15]=112;
-      }
+      double Si_X_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy( couple[i].X() ) ;
+      double Si_Y_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy( couple[i].Y() ) ;
-   }
+      //  Search for associate Time
+      double Si_X_T = -1000 ;
-void TMust2Physics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
-   { 
-     BuildPhysicalEvent();
-   }
-void TMust2Physics::BuildPhysicalEvent()
-   { 
-      PreTreat();
+      for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < StripXTMult ; ++t )
+          {
+        if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(t)
+           ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(t))
+          Si_X_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTTime(t);
+          }
-      bool check_SILI = false ;
-      bool check_CSI  = false ;
-      if( CheckEvent() == 1 )
-         {
-            vector< TVector2 > couple = Match_X_Y() ;
-            EventMultiplicity = couple.size();
-            for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < couple.size() ; ++i)
-               {
-                  check_SILI = false ;
-                  check_CSI = false ;
-                  int N = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
-                  int X = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
-                  int Y = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(couple[i].Y()) ;
-                  double Si_X_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy( couple[i].X() ) ;
-                  double Si_Y_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy( couple[i].Y() ) ;  
-                  //  Search for associate Time
-                  double Si_X_T = -1000 ;
-                  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++t )
-                   {
-                     if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(t)
-                        ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(t)) 
-                       Si_X_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTTime(t);
-                   }
-                  double Si_Y_T = -1000 ;
-                  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++t )
-                   {
-                     if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(t)
-                        ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(t)) 
-                       Si_Y_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTTime(t);
-                   }
-                  Si_X.push_back(X) ; Si_Y.push_back(Y) ; TelescopeNumber.push_back(N) ;
-                  if(m_Take_E_Y) Si_E.push_back(Si_Y_E);
-                  else           Si_E.push_back(Si_X_E);
-                  if(m_Take_T_Y) Si_T.push_back(Si_Y_T);
-                  else           Si_T.push_back(Si_X_T);
-                  // Store the other value for checking purpose
-                  Si_EX.push_back(Si_X_E);            ;
-                  Si_TX.push_back(Si_X_T);            ;
-                  Si_EY.push_back(Si_Y_E);            ;
-                  Si_TY.push_back(Si_Y_T);            ;
-                  for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++j)
-                     {
-                        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
-                           {
-                                    // pad vs strip number match
-                                    if( Match_Si_SiLi( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j) ) )
-                                    {
-                                       SiLi_N.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j))   ;
-                                       SiLi_E.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(j))   ;
-                                       // Look for associate time
-                                       // Note: in case of use of SiLi "Orsay" time is not coded.
-                                       for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++k)
-                                          {
-                                             // Same Pad, same Detector
-                                             if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(k) )
-                                                { SiLi_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTTime(k) ) ; break ;}
-                                          }
-                                       check_SILI = true ;
-                                    }
-                           }
-                     }
-                  for( int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
-                     {
-                        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
-                           {
-                                 if(Match_Si_CsI( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) )
-                                       {
-                                           CsI_N.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) ;
-                                           CsI_E.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(j) ) ;
-                                          //   Look for associate Time                                                                              
-                                          for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++k)
-                                             {
-                                                // Same Cristal; Same Detector
-                                                if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(k) )
-                                                   { CsI_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITTime(j) ) ; break ;}
-                                             }
-                                          check_CSI = true ;
-                                       }
-                              }
-                        }
-               if(!check_SILI)
-                     {
-                        SiLi_N.push_back(0)       ;
-                        SiLi_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
-                        SiLi_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
-                     }
-                  if(!check_CSI) 
-                     {
-                        CsI_N.push_back(0)       ;
-                        CsI_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
-                        CsI_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
-                     }
-               }
-         }
-      return;
-   }   
-void TMust2Physics::PreTreat()
-   {
-      ClearPreTreatedData();
-      //   X
-         //   E
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)>m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i)) )
-                        {
-                           double EX = fSi_X_E(m_EventData , i); 
-                           if( EX > m_Si_X_E_Threshold )
-                              {
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEEnergy( EX );
-                              }
-                        }
-            }
-         //   T
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if(IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTTime( fSi_X_T(m_EventData , i) );
-                        }
-            }
-      //   Y
-         //   E
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)<m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           double EY = fSi_Y_E(m_EventData , i); 
-                           if( EY >m_Si_Y_E_Threshold )
-                              {
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEEnergy( EY );
-                              }
-                        }
-            }
+      double Si_Y_T = -1000 ;
+      for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < StripYTMult ; ++t )
+          {
+        if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(t)
+           ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(t))
+          Si_Y_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTTime(t);
+          }
+      Si_X.push_back(X) ; Si_Y.push_back(Y) ; TelescopeNumber.push_back(N) ;
+      if(m_Take_E_Y) Si_E.push_back(Si_Y_E);
+      else           Si_E.push_back(Si_X_E);
+      if(m_Take_T_Y) Si_T.push_back(Si_Y_T);
+      else           Si_T.push_back(Si_X_T);
+      // Store the other value for checking purpose
+      Si_EX.push_back(Si_X_E);            ;
+      Si_TX.push_back(Si_X_T);            ;
+      Si_EY.push_back(Si_Y_E);            ;
+      Si_TY.push_back(Si_Y_T);            ;
+      for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < SiLiEMult; ++j){
+        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==N){
+          // pad vs strip number match
+          if( Match_Si_SiLi( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j) ) ){
+            SiLi_N.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j))   ;
+            SiLi_E.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(j))   ;
-         //   T
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if(IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTTime( fSi_Y_T(m_EventData , i) );
-                        }
-            }
-      //   CsI
-         //   E
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++i)
-            {
+            // Look for associate time
+            // Note: in case of use of SiLi "Orsay" time is not coded.
+            for(unsigned int k =0 ; k  < SiLiTMult ; ++k){
+              // Same Pad, same Detector
+              if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(k))
+                SiLi_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTTime(k) ) ; break ;}
-                     if( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)>m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           double ECsI = fCsI_E(m_EventData , i); 
-                           if( ECsI > m_CsI_E_Threshold )
-                              {
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIECristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEEnergy( ECsI );
-                              }
-                        }
-            }
+              check_SILI = true ;
-         //   T
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if(IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITCristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITTime( fCsI_T(m_EventData , i) );
-                        }   
+              }
+          }
+      for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < CsIEMult ; ++j){
+        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==N){
+          if(Match_Si_CsI( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) ){
+            CsI_N.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) ;
+            CsI_E.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(j) ) ;
-      //   SiLi
-         //   E
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)>m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           double ESiLi = fSiLi_E(m_EventData , i); 
-                           if( ESiLi > m_SiLi_E_Threshold )
-                              {
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) );
-                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEEnergy( ESiLi );
-                              }
-                        }
+            //   Look for associate Time
+            for(unsigned int k =0 ; k  <CsITMult ; ++k){
+              // Same Cristal; Same Detector
+              if(   m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(k)
+                 && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(k) )
+                  CsI_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITTime(j) ) ; break ;
-         //   T
-         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++i)
-            {
-                     if(IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i)))
-                        {
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) );
-                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTTime( fSiLi_T(m_EventData , i) );
-                        }
+            check_CSI = true ;
+        }
+    }
+      if(!check_SILI){
+        SiLi_N.push_back(0)       ;
+        SiLi_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
+        SiLi_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
+      }
+      if(!check_CSI){
+        CsI_N.push_back(0)       ;
+        CsI_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
+        CsI_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
+      }
+        }
+      }
+  return;
-      return;
-   }
+void TMust2Physics::PreTreat(){
+  ClearPreTreatedData();
+  unsigned int StripXEMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  unsigned int StripYEMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  unsigned int StripXTMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+  unsigned int StripYTMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+  unsigned int SiLiEMult = m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEMult();
+  unsigned int SiLiTMult = m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTMult();
+  unsigned int CsIEMult =  m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult();
+  unsigned int CsITMult = m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult();
+  //   X
+  //   E
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < StripXEMult ; ++i){
+    if( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)>m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i)) ){
+      double EX = fSi_X_E(m_EventData , i);
+      if( EX > m_Si_X_E_Threshold ){
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEEnergy( EX );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //   T
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < StripXTMult ; ++i){
+    if(IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i))){
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTTime( fSi_X_T(m_EventData , i) );
+    }
+  }
+  //   Y
+  //   E
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < StripYEMult ; ++i){
+    if( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)<m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i))){
+      double EY = fSi_Y_E(m_EventData , i);
+      if( EY >m_Si_Y_E_Threshold ){
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEEnergy( EY );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //   T
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < StripYTMult ; ++i){
+    if(IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i))){
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTTime( fSi_Y_T(m_EventData , i) );
+    }
+  }
+  //   CsI
+  //   E
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < CsIEMult ; ++i){
+    if( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)>m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i))){
+      double ECsI = fCsI_E(m_EventData , i);
+      if( ECsI > m_CsI_E_Threshold ){
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIECristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEEnergy( ECsI );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //   T
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < CsITMult ; ++i){
+    if(IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i))){
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITCristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITTime( fCsI_T(m_EventData , i) );
+    }
+  }
+  //   SiLi
+  //   E
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < SiLiEMult ; ++i){
+    if( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)>m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i))){
+      double ESiLi = fSiLi_E(m_EventData , i);
+      if( ESiLi > m_SiLi_E_Threshold ){
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) );
+        m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEEnergy( ESiLi );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //   T
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < SiLiTMult ; ++i){
+    if(IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i))){
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) );
+      m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTTime( fSiLi_T(m_EventData , i) );
+    }
+  }
+  return;
-int TMust2Physics :: CheckEvent()
-   {
-      // Check the size of the different elements
-      if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() /*&& m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() &&  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult()*/  )
-         return 1 ; // Regular Event
-      else if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()+1 || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()-1  )
-         return 2 ; // Pseudo Event, potentially interstrip
-      else    
-         return -1 ; // Rejected Event
+int TMust2Physics :: CheckEvent(){
+  // Check the size of the different elements
+  if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() /*&& m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() &&  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult()*/  )
+    return 1 ; // Regular Event
+  else if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()+1 || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()-1  )
+    return 2 ; // Pseudo Event, potentially interstrip
+  else
+    return -1 ; // Rejected Event
-   }
+bool TMust2Physics :: ResolvePseudoEvent(){
+  return false;
-bool TMust2Physics :: ResolvePseudoEvent()
-   {
-      return false;
-   }
+vector < TVector2 > TMust2Physics :: Match_X_Y(){
+  vector < TVector2 > ArrayOfGoodCouple ;
+  unsigned int StripXEMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  unsigned int StripYEMult = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  // Prevent code from treating very high multiplicity Event
+  // Those event are not physical anyway and that improve speed.
+  if( StripXEMult > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed || StripYEMult > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed )
+    return ArrayOfGoodCouple;
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < StripXEMult ; ++i){
+    for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < StripYEMult ; j++){
+      //   if same detector check energy
+      if ( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(j) ){
+        //   Look if energy match
+        if( abs( (m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)-m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(j))/2. ) < m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma*m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma ){
+          // Special Option, if the event is between two CsI cristal, it is rejected.
+          if(m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI){
+            bool check_validity=false;
+            for (unsigned int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh ){
+              if( Match_Si_CsI(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
+                check_validity=true;
+              }
+            if(check_validity)
+              ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;
+          }
+          // Special Option, if the event is between two SiLi pad , it is rejected.
+          if(m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi){
+            bool check_validity=false;
+            for (unsigned int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh ){
+              if( Match_Si_SiLi(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
+                check_validity=true;
+            }
+            if(check_validity)
+              ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;
+          }
+          // Regular case, keep the event
+          else ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //   Prevent to treat event with ambiguous matchin beetween X and Y
+  if( ArrayOfGoodCouple.size() > StripXEMult ) ArrayOfGoodCouple.clear() ;
+  return ArrayOfGoodCouple;
+bool TMust2Physics :: IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int telescope , const int channel){
+  if(DetectorType == "CsI")
+    return *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+  else if(DetectorType == "SiLi")
+    return *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+  else if(DetectorType == "X")
+    return *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+  else if(DetectorType == "Y")
+    return *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+  else return false;
-vector < TVector2 > TMust2Physics :: Match_X_Y()
-   {
-      vector < TVector2 > ArrayOfGoodCouple ;
+void TMust2Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig(){
+  bool ReadingStatus = false;
+  // path to file
+  string FileName = "./configs/ConfigMust2.dat";
+  // open analysis config file
+  ifstream AnalysisConfigFile;
+  AnalysisConfigFile.open(FileName.c_str());
+  if (!AnalysisConfigFile.is_open()) {
+    cout << " No ConfigMust2.dat found: Default parameter loaded for Analayis " << FileName << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << " Loading user parameter for Analysis from ConfigMust2.dat " << endl;
+  // Save it in a TAsciiFile
+  TAsciiFile* asciiConfig = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileAnalysisConfig();
+  asciiConfig->AppendLine("%%% ConfigMust2.dat %%%");
+  asciiConfig->Append(FileName.c_str());
+  asciiConfig->AppendLine("");
+  // read analysis config file
+  string LineBuffer,DataBuffer,whatToDo;
+  while (!AnalysisConfigFile.eof()) {
+    // Pick-up next line
+    getline(AnalysisConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+    // search for "header"
+    if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ConfigMust2") == 0) ReadingStatus = true;
+    // loop on tokens and data
+    while (ReadingStatus ) {
-      // Prevent code from treating very high multiplicity Event
-      // Those event are not physical anyway and that improve speed.
-      if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed )
-         return ArrayOfGoodCouple;
+      whatToDo="";
+      AnalysisConfigFile >> whatToDo;
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult(); ++i)
-         {
-            for(int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult(); j++)
-               {
-                  //   if same detector check energy
-                  if ( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(j) )
-                     {
-                        //   Look if energy match
-                        if( abs( (m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)-m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(j))/2. ) < m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma*m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma )
-                           {
-                             // Special Option, if the event is between two CsI cristal, it is rejected.
-                             if(m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI)
-                               {
-                                 bool check_validity=false;
-                                 for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
-                                  {
-                                   if( Match_Si_CsI(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
-                                     check_validity=true;
-                                  }
-                                 if(check_validity)
-                                  ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
-                               }
-                              // Special Option, if the event is between two SiLi pad , it is rejected.
-                              if(m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi)
-                               {
-                                 bool check_validity=false;
-                                 for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
-                                  {
-                                   if( Match_Si_SiLi(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
-                                     check_validity=true;
-                                  }
-                                 if(check_validity)
-                                  ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
-                               }
-                             // Regular case, keep the event
-                             else ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
-                           }
-                     }
-               }
-         }
-      //   Prevent to treat event with ambiguous matchin beetween X and Y
-      if( ArrayOfGoodCouple.size() > m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() ) ArrayOfGoodCouple.clear() ;
+      // Search for comment symbol (%)
+      if (whatToDo.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+        AnalysisConfigFile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+      }
-      return ArrayOfGoodCouple;   
-   }
-bool TMust2Physics :: IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int telescope , const int channel) 
-   {
-      if(DetectorType == "CsI")
-         return *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else if (whatToDo=="MAX_STRIP_MULTIPLICITY") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str() );
+        cout << "MAXIMUN STRIP MULTIPLICITY " << m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed << endl;
+      }
-      else if(DetectorType == "SiLi")
-         return *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-      else if(DetectorType == "X")
-         return *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-      else if(DetectorType == "Y")
-         return *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-      else return false;
-   }
-void TMust2Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
-   bool ReadingStatus = false;
-   // path to file
-   string FileName = "./configs/ConfigMust2.dat";
-   // open analysis config file
-   ifstream AnalysisConfigFile;
-   AnalysisConfigFile.open(FileName.c_str());
-   if (!AnalysisConfigFile.is_open()) {
-      cout << " No ConfigMust2.dat found: Default parameter loaded for Analayis " << FileName << endl;
-      return;
-   }
-   cout << " Loading user parameter for Analysis from ConfigMust2.dat " << endl;
-   // Save it in a TAsciiFile
-   TAsciiFile* asciiConfig = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileAnalysisConfig();
-   asciiConfig->AppendLine("%%% ConfigMust2.dat %%%");
-   asciiConfig->Append(FileName.c_str());
-   asciiConfig->AppendLine("");
-   // read analysis config file
-   string LineBuffer,DataBuffer,whatToDo;
-   while (!AnalysisConfigFile.eof()) {
-      // Pick-up next line
-      getline(AnalysisConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-      // search for "header"
-      if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "ConfigMust2") == 0) ReadingStatus = true;
-      // loop on tokens and data
-      while (ReadingStatus ) {
-          whatToDo="";
-          AnalysisConfigFile >> whatToDo;
-         // Search for comment symbol (%)
-         if (whatToDo.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
-            AnalysisConfigFile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
-         }
-           else if (whatToDo=="MAX_STRIP_MULTIPLICITY") { 
-            AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-            m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str() );
-            cout << "MAXIMUN STRIP MULTIPLICITY " << m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed << endl;
-         }
-          else if (whatToDo=="STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_SIGMA") {
-            AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-            m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = atof(DataBuffer.c_str() );
-            cout << "STRIP ENERGY MATCHING SIGMA " << m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma <<endl;
-         }
-         else if (whatToDo=="STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_NUMBER_OF_SIGMA") {
-            AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-            m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str() );
-            cout << "STRIP ENERGY MATCHING NUMBER OF SIGMA " << m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma << endl;
-         }
-         else if (whatToDo== "DISABLE_ALL") {
-               AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-               cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
-               int telescope = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(2,1).c_str());
-               vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
-               ChannelStatus.resize(128,false);
-               m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
-               m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
-               ChannelStatus.resize(16,false);
-               m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
-               m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1]  = ChannelStatus;
-            }
-        else if (whatToDo == "DISABLE_CHANNEL") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
-           int telescope = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(2,1).c_str());
-           int channel = -1;
-           if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"STRX") == 0) {
-              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
-              *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-           }
-           else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"STRY") == 0) {
-              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
-              *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-           }
-           else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"SILI") == 0) {
-              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
-              *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-           }
-           else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,3,"CSI") == 0) {
-              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(6).c_str());
-              *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-           }
-           else cout << "Warning: detector type for Must2 unknown!" << endl;
-        } 
-        else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_E_Y") {
-           m_Take_E_Y = true;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
-        } 
-        else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_T_Y") {
-           m_Take_T_Y = true;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      else if (whatToDo=="STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_SIGMA") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = atof(DataBuffer.c_str() );
+        cout << "STRIP ENERGY MATCHING SIGMA " << m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma <<endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_NUMBER_OF_SIGMA") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str() );
+        cout << "STRIP ENERGY MATCHING NUMBER OF SIGMA " << m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo== "DISABLE_ALL") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+        int telescope = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(2,1).c_str());
+        vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
+        ChannelStatus.resize(128,false);
+        m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
+        m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
+        ChannelStatus.resize(16,false);
+        m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1] = ChannelStatus;
+        m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1]  = ChannelStatus;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo == "DISABLE_CHANNEL") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+        int telescope = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(2,1).c_str());
+        int channel = -1;
+        if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"STRX") == 0) {
+          channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
+          *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-        else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_E_X") {
-           m_Take_E_Y = false;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
+        else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"STRY") == 0) {
+          channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
+          *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-        else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_T_X") {
-           m_Take_T_Y = false;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
+        else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,4,"SILI") == 0) {
+          channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(7).c_str());
+          *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
-        else if (whatToDo== "IGNORE_NOT_MATCHING_CSI") {
-           m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = true;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
+        else if (DataBuffer.compare(3,3,"CSI") == 0) {
+          channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(6).c_str());
+          *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
+        else cout << "Warning: detector type for Must2 unknown!" << endl;
+      }
-        else if (whatToDo=="CSI_SIZE") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_CsI_Size = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_Size << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo=="IGNORE_NOT_MATCHING_SILI") {
-           m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = true;
-           cout << whatToDo << endl;
-        }
+      else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_E_Y") {
+        m_Take_E_Y = true;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      }
-        else if (whatToDo=="SILI_SIZE") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_SiLi_Size = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_Size << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo=="SI_X_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
-        }  
-        else if (whatToDo=="SI_Y_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo=="SILI_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo== "CSI_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_CsI_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_E_Threshold << endl;
-        }
+      else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_T_Y") {
+        m_Take_T_Y = true;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      }
-        else if (whatToDo=="SI_X_E_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_Si_X_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_X_E_Threshold << endl;
-        }  
-        else if (whatToDo== "SI_Y_E_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_Y_E_Threshold << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo=="SILI_E_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_SiLi_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_E_Threshold << endl;
-        }
-        else if (whatToDo=="CSI_E_THRESHOLD") {
-           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-           m_CsI_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-           cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_E_Threshold << endl;
-        }
-       else {
-          ReadingStatus = false;
-       }
+      else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_E_X") {
+        m_Take_E_Y = false;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
-   }
-bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_SiLi(int X, int Y , int PadNbr)
-   {
-       //remove the central part and surrounding
-      if( // Outter Part
-           X < 8  ||  X > 120
-        //|| Y < 0  ||  Y > 128   
-          // Central Part
-        || (Y < 68 &&  Y > 60) 
-        )
-         {
-         return false;
-         }
-      if( abs(m_SiLi_MatchingX[PadNbr-1] - X) < m_SiLi_Size/2.&&
-          abs(m_SiLi_MatchingY[PadNbr-1] - Y) < m_SiLi_Size/2.)
-        return true ;
-    else return false;
-   }
-bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y , int CristalNbr)
-   { 
-           if( abs(m_CsI_MatchingX[CristalNbr-1] - X) < m_CsI_Size/2.&&
-               abs(m_CsI_MatchingY[CristalNbr-1] - Y) < m_CsI_Size/2.)
-               return true ;
-           else return false;
-   }
-void TMust2Physics::Clear()
-   {
-      EventMultiplicity= 0 ;
-      TelescopeNumber.clear();
-      EventType.clear();
-      TotalEnergy.clear();
+      else if (whatToDo=="TAKE_T_X") {
+        m_Take_T_Y = false;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      }
-      // Si X
-      Si_E.clear();
-      Si_T.clear();
-      Si_X.clear();
-      Si_Y.clear();
+      else if (whatToDo== "IGNORE_NOT_MATCHING_CSI") {
+        m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = true;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      }
-      // Si(Li)
-      SiLi_E.clear();
-      SiLi_T.clear();
-      SiLi_N.clear();
+      else if (whatToDo=="CSI_SIZE") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_CsI_Size = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_Size << endl;
+      }
-      // CsI   
-      CsI_E.clear();
-      CsI_T.clear();
-      CsI_N.clear();
+      else if (whatToDo=="IGNORE_NOT_MATCHING_SILI") {
+        m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = true;
+        cout << whatToDo << endl;
+      }
-      Si_EX.clear();
-      Si_TX.clear();
-      Si_EY.clear();
-      Si_TY.clear();
-      TelescopeNumber_X.clear();
-      TelescopeNumber_Y.clear();
-   }
-void TMust2Physics::ReadCalibrationRun()
-   {
-      //   X
-         //   E   
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();++i)
-         {
-            TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i));
-            Si_EX.push_back( fSi_X_E( m_EventData , i) );
-            Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i));
-         }
-         //   T
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();++i)
-         {
-            TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i));
-            Si_TX.push_back( fSi_X_T( m_EventData , i) );
-            Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i));
-         }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SILI_SIZE") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_SiLi_Size = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_Size << endl;
+      }
-      //   Y
-         //   E
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult();++i)
-         {
-            TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i));
-            Si_EY.push_back( fSi_Y_E( m_EventData , i) );
-            Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i));
-         }
-         //   T
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult();++i)
-         { 
-            TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i));
-            Si_TY.push_back( fSi_Y_T( m_EventData , i) );
-            Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i));
-         }
-     //CsI Energy
-      for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
-        {            
-            CsI_N.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)) ;                        
-            CsI_E.push_back(fCsI_E(m_EventData , j)) ;
-        }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SI_X_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
-      //CsI Time
-      for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++j)
-        {         
-            CsI_T.push_back(fCsI_T(m_EventData , j)) ;
-        }
-   }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SI_Y_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SILI_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo== "CSI_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_CsI_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SI_X_E_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_Si_X_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_X_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo== "SI_Y_E_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_Si_Y_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="SILI_E_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_SiLi_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_SiLi_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="CSI_E_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_CsI_E_Threshold = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_CsI_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else {
+        ReadingStatus = false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
-////   Innherited from VDetector Class   ////            
-void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
-   ifstream ConfigFile              ;
-   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
-   string LineBuffer                ;
-   string DataBuffer                ;   
+bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_SiLi(int X, int Y , int PadNbr)
+  //remove the central part and surrounding
+  if( // Outter Part
+     X < 8  ||  X > 120
+     //|| Y < 0  ||  Y > 128
+     // Central Part
+     || (Y < 68 &&  Y > 60)
+     )
+      {
+    return false;
+      }
+  if( abs(m_SiLi_MatchingX[PadNbr-1] - X) < m_SiLi_Size/2.&&
+     abs(m_SiLi_MatchingY[PadNbr-1] - Y) < m_SiLi_Size/2.)
+    return true ;
+  else return false;
-   // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
-   // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
-   // C:X1_Y128   --> X:1    Y:128
-   // D:X128_Y128 --> X:128  Y:128
-   double Ax , Bx , Cx , Dx , Ay , By , Cy , Dy , Az , Bz , Cz , Dz;
-   TVector3 A , B , C , D;
-   double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0;
+bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y , int CristalNbr){
+  if( abs(m_CsI_MatchingX[CristalNbr-1] - X) < m_CsI_Size/2.&&
+     abs(m_CsI_MatchingY[CristalNbr-1] - Y) < m_CsI_Size/2.)
+    return true ;
+  else return false;
-   bool check_A = false ;
-   bool check_C = false ;
-   bool check_B = false ;
-   bool check_D = false ;
+void TMust2Physics::Clear(){
+  EventMultiplicity= 0 ;
+  TelescopeNumber.clear();
+  EventType.clear();
+  TotalEnergy.clear();
+  // Si X
+  Si_E.clear();
+  Si_T.clear();
+  Si_X.clear();
+  Si_Y.clear();
+  // Si(Li)
+  SiLi_E.clear();
+  SiLi_T.clear();
+  SiLi_N.clear();
+  // CsI
+  CsI_E.clear();
+  CsI_T.clear();
+  CsI_N.clear();
+  Si_EX.clear();
+  Si_TX.clear();
+  Si_EY.clear();
+  Si_TY.clear();
+  TelescopeNumber_X.clear();
+  TelescopeNumber_Y.clear();
-   bool check_Theta = false ;
-   bool check_Phi   = false ;
-   bool check_R     = false ;
-   bool check_beta  = false ;
-   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+void TMust2Physics::ReadCalibrationRun(){
+  int StripXEMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  int StripYEMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();
+  int StripXTMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+  int StripYTMult = m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();
+  int CsIEMult =  m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult();
+  int CsITMult = m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult();
+  //   X
+  //   E
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < StripXEMult;++i)
+      {
+    TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i));
+    Si_EX.push_back( fSi_X_E( m_EventData , i) );
+    Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i));
+      }
+  //   T
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < StripXTMult;++i)
+      {
+    TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i));
+    Si_TX.push_back( fSi_X_T( m_EventData , i) );
+    Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i));
+      }
+  //   Y
+  //   E
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < StripYEMult;++i)
+      {
+    TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i));
+    Si_EY.push_back( fSi_Y_E( m_EventData , i) );
+    Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i));
+      }
+  //   T
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < StripYTMult;++i)
+      {
+        TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i));
+        Si_TY.push_back( fSi_Y_T( m_EventData , i) );
+        Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i));
+      }
+  //CsI Energy
+  for( int j = 0 ; j < CsIEMult ; ++j)
+      {
+        CsI_N.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)) ;
+        CsI_E.push_back(fCsI_E(m_EventData , j)) ;
+      }
+  //CsI Time
+  for( int j = 0 ; j < CsITMult ; ++j)
+      {
+        CsI_T.push_back(fCsI_T(m_EventData , j)) ;
+      }
-   while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
+////   Innherited from VDetector Class   ////
+void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path){
+  ifstream ConfigFile              ;
+  ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
+  string LineBuffer                ;
+  string DataBuffer                ;
+  // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
+  // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
+  // C:X1_Y128   --> X:1    Y:128
+  // D:X128_Y128 --> X:128  Y:128
+  double Ax , Bx , Cx , Dx , Ay , By , Cy , Dy , Az , Bz , Cz , Dz;
+  TVector3 A , B , C , D;
+  double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0;
+  bool check_A = false ;
+  bool check_C = false ;
+  bool check_B = false ;
+  bool check_D = false ;
+  bool check_Theta = false ;
+  bool check_Phi   = false ;
+  bool check_R     = false ;
+  bool check_beta  = false ;
+  bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+  while (!ConfigFile.eof())
+    getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+    //   If line is a Start Up Must2 bloc, Reading toggle to true
+    if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "M2Telescope")==0)
+        {
+      cout << "///" << endl                 ;
+      cout << "Telescope found: " << endl   ;
+      ReadingStatus = true                ;
-         getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-      //   If line is a Start Up Must2 bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "M2Telescope")==0) 
-            {
-               cout << "///" << endl                 ;
-                  cout << "Telescope found: " << endl   ;        
-               ReadingStatus = true                ;
-            }
+        }
+    //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+    else ReadingStatus = false ;
+    //   Reading Block
+    while(ReadingStatus)
+        {
-      //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-      else ReadingStatus = false ;
+      ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+      //   Comment Line
+      if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+        ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+      }
-      //   Reading Block
-      while(ReadingStatus)
-         {
-            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-            //   Comment Line 
-               if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
-                      ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
-                  }
-               //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-            else if (DataBuffer=="M2Telescope") {
-                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-                  ReadingStatus = false ;
-                  }
-               //   Position method
-               else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y1=") {
-                  check_A = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Ax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Ax = Ax  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Ay = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Ay = Ay  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Az = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Az = Az  ;
-                  A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
-                  cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
-               }
-               else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y1=") {
-                  check_B = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Bx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Bx = Bx  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  By = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  By = By  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Bz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Bz = Bz  ;
-                  B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
-                  cout << "X128 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
-               }
-               else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y128=") {
-                  check_C = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Cx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Cx = Cx  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Cy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Cy = Cy  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Cz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Cz = Cz  ;
-                  C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
-                  cout << "X1 Y128 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
-               }
-               else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y128=") {
-                  check_D = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Dx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Dx = Dx  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Dy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Dy = Dy  ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Dz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Dz = Dz  ;
-                  D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
-                  cout << "X128 Y128 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
-               }
-            //   End Position Method
-               //   Angle method
-               else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
-                  check_Theta = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Theta = Theta ;
-                  cout << "Theta:  " << Theta << endl;
-               }
-               //Angle method
-               else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
-                  check_Phi = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  Phi = Phi ;
-                  cout << "Phi:  " << Phi << endl;
-               }
-               //Angle method
-               else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
-                  check_R = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  R = R ;
-                  cout << "R:  " << R << endl;
-               }
-               //Angle method
-               else if (DataBuffer=="BETA=") {
-                  check_beta = true;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  beta_u = beta_u    ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  beta_v = beta_v    ;
-                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-                  beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-                  beta_w = beta_w    ;
-                  cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u << " " << beta_v << " " << beta_w << endl  ;
-               }
-               /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-               //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
-               if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta)  ) 
-                  { 
-                     ReadingStatus = false; 
-                     ///Add The previously define telescope
-                     //With position method
-                     if ( check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D ) 
-                        {
-                           AddTelescope(  A,
-                                          B,
-                                          C,
-                                          D) ;
-                        }
-                      //with angle method
-                     else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta ) 
-                        {
-                           AddTelescope(  Theta,
-                                          Phi,
-                                          R,
-                                          beta_u,
-                                          beta_v,
-                                          beta_w);
-                        }
-                     check_A = false ;
-                     check_B = false ;
-                     check_C = false ;
-                     check_D = false ;
-                     check_Theta = false ;
-                     check_Phi  = false ;
-                     check_R    = false ;
-                     check_beta = false ;
-                  }
-         }
+      //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+      else if (DataBuffer=="M2Telescope") {
+        cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+        ReadingStatus = false ;
-   InitializeStandardParameter();        
-   ReadAnalysisConfig();
-   cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl << endl;
+      //   Position method
+      else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y1=") {
+        check_A = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Ax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Ax = Ax  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Ay = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Ay = Ay  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Az = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Az = Az  ;
+        A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
+        cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y1=") {
+        check_B = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Bx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Bx = Bx  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        By = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        By = By  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Bz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Bz = Bz  ;
+        B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
+        cout << "X128 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y128=") {
+        check_C = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Cx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Cx = Cx  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Cy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Cy = Cy  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Cz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Cz = Cz  ;
+        C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
+        cout << "X1 Y128 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y128=") {
+        check_D = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Dx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Dx = Dx  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Dy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Dy = Dy  ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Dz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Dz = Dz  ;
+        D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
+        cout << "X128 Y128 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
+      }
+      //   End Position Method
+      //   Angle method
+      else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
+        check_Theta = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Theta = Theta ;
+        cout << "Theta:  " << Theta << endl;
+      }
+      //Angle method
+      else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
+        check_Phi = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        Phi = Phi ;
+        cout << "Phi:  " << Phi << endl;
+      }
+      //Angle method
+      else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
+        check_R = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        R = R ;
+        cout << "R:  " << R << endl;
+      }
+      //Angle method
+      else if (DataBuffer=="BETA=") {
+        check_beta = true;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        beta_u = beta_u    ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        beta_v = beta_v    ;
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+        beta_w = beta_w    ;
+        cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u << " " << beta_v << " " << beta_w << endl  ;
+      }
+      /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+      if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta)  )
+          {
+            ReadingStatus = false;
+            ///Add The previously define telescope
+            //With position method
+            if ( check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D )
+                {
+              AddTelescope(  A,
+                           B,
+                           C,
+                           D) ;
+                }
+            //with angle method
+            else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta )
+                {
+              AddTelescope(  Theta,
+                           Phi,
+                           R,
+                           beta_u,
+                           beta_v,
+                           beta_w);
+                }
+            check_A = false ;
+            check_B = false ;
+            check_C = false ;
+            check_D = false ;
+            check_Theta = false ;
+            check_Phi  = false ;
+            check_R    = false ;
+            check_beta = false ;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+  InitializeStandardParameter();
+  ReadAnalysisConfig();
+  cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl << endl;
-void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()   
-   {
-      CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)
-         {
-            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j)
-               {
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;   
-               }
-            for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
-               {
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
-               }
-            for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
-               {
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")      ;
-                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")      ;
-               }
-         }
-      return;
-   }
+void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
+  CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i){
+    for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j){
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
+    }
+    for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j){
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
+    }
+    for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j){
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")      ;
+      Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")      ;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
-   {
-      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()   ;
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true )               ;
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fMM_*" , true )               ;
-      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventData )      ;
-   }
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputRaw()
+  TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()   ;
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true )               ;
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fMM_*" , true )               ;
+  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventData )      ;
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputPhysics() 
-   {
-      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventMultiplicity" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventType" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_E" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_T" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_X" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_Y" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EX" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TX" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EY" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TY" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_X" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_Y" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_E" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_T" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_N" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_E" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_T" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_N" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TotalEnergy" , true );
-      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventPhysics);
-   }
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInputPhysics()
+  TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventMultiplicity" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "EventType" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_E" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_T" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_X" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_Y" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TX" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_EY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "Si_TY" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_X" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TelescopeNumber_Y" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_E" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_T" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "SiLi_N" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_E" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_T" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CsI_N" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "TotalEnergy" , true );
+  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventPhysics);
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootOutput()    
-   {
-      TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
-      outputTree->Branch( "MUST2" , "TMust2Physics" , &m_EventPhysics );
-   }
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootOutput()
+  TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
+  outputTree->Branch( "MUST2" , "TMust2Physics" , &m_EventPhysics );
 /////   Specific to MUST2Array   ////
 void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(   TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
-                         TVector3 C_X128_Y1, 
-                         TVector3 C_X1_Y128, 
-                         TVector3 C_X128_Y128)
-   {
-      // To avoid warning
-      C_X128_Y128 *= 1;
-      m_NumberOfTelescope++;
-      //   Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-      TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1 ;   
-      double Ushift = (U.Mag()-98)/2.;
-      U = U.Unit();
-      //   Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
-      TVector3 V = C_X1_Y128 - C_X1_Y1 ;
-      double Vshift = (V.Mag() -98)/2. ;
-      V = V.Unit() ;
+                                 TVector3 C_X128_Y1,
+                                 TVector3 C_X1_Y128,
+                                 TVector3 C_X128_Y128)
+  // To avoid warning
+  C_X128_Y128 *= 1;
+  m_NumberOfTelescope++;
+  //   Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
+  TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1 ;
+  double Ushift = (U.Mag()-98)/2.;
+  U = U.Unit();
+  //   Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
+  TVector3 V = C_X1_Y128 - C_X1_Y1 ;
+  double Vshift = (V.Mag() -98)/2. ;
+  V = V.Unit() ;
+  //   Position Vector of Strip Center
+  TVector3 StripCenter = TVector3(0,0,0);
+  //   Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip
+  TVector3 Strip_1_1;
+  //   Geometry Parameter
+  double Face = 98; //mm
+  double NumberOfStrip = 128;
+  double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip ; //mm
+                                           //   Buffer object to fill Position Array
+  vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
+  //   Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
+  Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.)    ;
+  Strip_1_1+= U*Ushift+V*Vshift ;
+  for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
+      {
+    lineX.clear()   ;
+    lineY.clear()   ;
+    lineZ.clear()   ;
+    for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
+        {
+      StripCenter  = Strip_1_1 + StripPitch*( i*U + j*V  );
+      lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
+      lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
+      lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );
+        }
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX);
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY);
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ);
+      }
+  m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
+  m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
+  m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;
-      //   Position Vector of Strip Center
-      TVector3 StripCenter = TVector3(0,0,0);
-      //   Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip 
-      TVector3 Strip_1_1;      
-      //   Geometry Parameter
-      double Face = 98; //mm
-      double NumberOfStrip = 128; 
-      double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip ; //mm
-      //   Buffer object to fill Position Array
-      vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeStandardParameter()
+  //   Enable all channel
+  vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
+  m_XChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+  m_YChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+  m_SiLiChannelStatus.clear() ;
+  m_CsIChannelStatus.clear()  ;
+  ChannelStatus.resize(128,true);
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)
+      {
+    m_XChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+    m_YChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+      }
+  ChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)
+      {
+    m_SiLiChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+    m_CsIChannelStatus[i]  = ChannelStatus;
+      }
+  m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = m_NumberOfTelescope   ;
+  return;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
-      //   Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
-      Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.)    ;
-    Strip_1_1+= U*Ushift+V*Vshift ;
+void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(   double theta,
+                                 double phi,
+                                 double distance,
+                                 double beta_u,
+                                 double beta_v,
+                                 double beta_w)
+  m_NumberOfTelescope++;
+  double Pi = 3.141592654 ;
+  // convert from degree to radian:
+  theta = theta * Pi/180. ;
+  phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
+  //Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
+  TVector3 U ;
+  //Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
+  TVector3 V ;
+  //Vector W normal to Telescope Face (pointing CsI)
+  TVector3 W ;
+  //Vector position of Telescope Face center
+  TVector3 C ;
+  C = TVector3 ( distance * sin(theta) * cos(phi) ,
+                distance * sin(theta) * sin(phi) ,
+                distance * cos(theta) );
+  TVector3 P = TVector3( cos(theta ) * cos(phi) ,
+                        cos(theta ) * sin(phi) ,
+                        -sin(theta) );
+  W = C.Unit() ;
+  U = W .Cross ( P ) ;
+  V = W .Cross ( U );
+  U = U.Unit();
+  V = V.Unit();
+  U.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
+  V.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
+  U.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
+  V.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
+  U.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
+  V.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
+  double Face = 98                     ; //mm
+  double NumberOfStrip = 128             ;
+  double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip   ; //mm
+  vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
+  vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
+  double X , Y , Z  ;
+  //Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
+  C.SetX( C.X() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.X() + U.X() ) )  ;
+  C.SetY( C.Y() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Y() + U.Y() ) )  ;
+  C.SetZ( C.Z() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Z() + U.Z() ) )  ;
+  for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
+      {
-      for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
-         {
-            lineX.clear()   ;
-            lineY.clear()   ;
-            lineZ.clear()   ;
-            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
-               {
-                  StripCenter  = Strip_1_1 + StripPitch*( i*U + j*V  );
-                  lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
-                  lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-                  lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
-               }
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX);
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY);
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ);
-         }
-      m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
-      m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
-      m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;   
-   }
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeStandardParameter()
-   {
-      //   Enable all channel
-      vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
-      m_XChannelStatus.clear()    ;
-      m_YChannelStatus.clear()    ;
-      m_SiLiChannelStatus.clear() ;
-      m_CsIChannelStatus.clear()  ;
+    lineX.clear()   ;
+    lineY.clear()   ;
+    lineZ.clear()   ;
-      ChannelStatus.resize(128,true);
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)      
-         {
-            m_XChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-            m_YChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-         }
+    for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
+        {
+      X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )   ;
+      Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )   ;
+      Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )   ;
-      ChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
-      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)      
-         {
-            m_SiLiChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-            m_CsIChannelStatus[i]  = ChannelStatus;
-         }
-      m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = m_NumberOfTelescope   ;
+      lineX.push_back(X)   ;
+      lineY.push_back(Y)   ;
+      lineZ.push_back(Z)   ;
-      return;
-   }   
-void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(   double theta, 
-                                    double phi, 
-                                    double distance, 
-                                    double beta_u, 
-                                    double beta_v, 
-                                    double beta_w)
-   {
-      m_NumberOfTelescope++;
-      double Pi = 3.141592654 ;
-      // convert from degree to radian:
-      theta = theta * Pi/180. ; 
-      phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
+        }
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)   ;
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY)   ;
+    OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ)   ;
+      }
+  m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
+  m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
+  m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;
-      //Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-      TVector3 U ;   
-      //Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
-      TVector3 V ;
-      //Vector W normal to Telescope Face (pointing CsI)
-      TVector3 W ;
-      //Vector position of Telescope Face center
-      TVector3 C ;
-      C = TVector3 ( distance * sin(theta) * cos(phi) ,
-                     distance * sin(theta) * sin(phi) ,
-                     distance * cos(theta) );
-       TVector3 P = TVector3( cos(theta ) * cos(phi) , 
-                              cos(theta ) * sin(phi) ,
-                              -sin(theta) );
-      W = C.Unit() ;
-      U = W .Cross ( P ) ;
-      V = W .Cross ( U );
-      U = U.Unit();
-      V = V.Unit();
-      U.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
-      V.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
-      U.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
-      V.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
-      U.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
-      V.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
-      double Face = 98                     ; //mm
-      double NumberOfStrip = 128             ;
-      double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip   ; //mm
-      vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
-      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
-      double X , Y , Z  ;
+TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const
+  TVector3 Position = TVector3 (   GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )    ,
+                                GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ,
+                                GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ) ;
+  return(Position) ;
-      //Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
-      C.SetX( C.X() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.X() + U.X() ) )  ; 
-      C.SetY( C.Y() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Y() + U.Y() ) )  ; 
-      C.SetZ( C.Z() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Z() + U.Z() ) )  ; 
-      for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
-         {
-            lineX.clear()   ;
-            lineY.clear()   ;
-            lineZ.clear()   ;
-            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
-               {
-                  X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )   ;
-                  Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )   ;
-                  Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )   ;
-                  lineX.push_back(X)   ;
-                  lineY.push_back(Y)   ;
-                  lineZ.push_back(Z)   ;      
-               }
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)   ;
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY)   ;
-            OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ)   ;
-         }
-      m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
-      m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
-      m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;
-   }
-TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const 
-   {
-      TVector3 Position = TVector3 (   GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )    ,
-                                                      GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ,
-                                                      GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ) ;
-      return(Position) ;   
-   }
-TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetTelescopeNormal( const int i) const 
-   {
-      TVector3 U =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) )
-                     -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) );
-      TVector3 V =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) )
-                     -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
-                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) );
-      TVector3 Normal = U.Cross(V);
-      return(Normal.Unit()) ;
-   }   
+TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetTelescopeNormal( const int i) const
+  TVector3 U =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                            GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                            GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) )
+  -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
+             GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
+             GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) );
+  TVector3 V =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
+                            GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
+                            GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) )
+  -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+             GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+             GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) );
+  TVector3 Normal = U.Cross(V);
+  return(Normal.Unit()) ;
 namespace MUST2_LOCAL
-   {
-      //   tranform an integer to a string
-      string itoa(int value)
-      {
-         char buffer [33];
-         sprintf(buffer,"%d",value);
-         return buffer;
-      }
-      //   DSSD
-      //   X
-      double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) ) + "_E",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i) );
-         }
-      double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripXTTime(i) );
-         }
-      //   Y   
-      double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i) );
-         }
-      double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripYTTime(i) );
-         }
-      //   SiLi
-      double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i) );
-         }
-      double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) )+"_T",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTTime(i) );
-         }
-      //   CsI
-      double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i) );
-         }
-      double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-         {
-            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
-                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMCsITTime(i) );
-         }
-   }
+  //   tranform an integer to a string
+  string itoa(int value)
+  {
+char buffer [33];
+return buffer;
+  }
+  //   DSSD
+  //   X
+  double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) ) + "_E",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i) );
+  }
+  double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMStripXTTime(i) );
+  }
+  //   Y
+  double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i) );
+  }
+  double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMStripYTTime(i) );
+  }
+  //   SiLi
+  double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) ) +"_E",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i) );
+  }
+  double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) )+"_T",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTTime(i) );
+  }
+  //   CsI
+  double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) ) +"_E",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i) );
+  }
+  double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+  {
+return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) ) +"_T",
+                                                           m_EventData->GetMMCsITTime(i) );
+  }
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
index 2e3f4feb084c606ecd1fa64afe34155da5cd2b16..f794c96dcb4d16347c6e3d4c3ecbb4c0494fe11c 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
          //   Event over this value after pre-treatment are not treated / avoid long treatment time on spurious event   
-         int m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed  ;//!
+         unsigned int m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed  ;//!
          //   Give the allowance in percent of the difference in energy between X and Y
          double m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma  ; //!
          double m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma  ; //!
diff --git a/NPLib/Sharc/TSharcData.cxx b/NPLib/Sharc/TSharcData.cxx
index fed30479dd84556c6c57012957757feb100a0dfa..9e888f9cff414d3773547b4529522bd9a2db87c7 100644
--- a/NPLib/Sharc/TSharcData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Sharc/TSharcData.cxx
@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@ void TSharcData::ReadFSPCFile(string FSPCPath){
 void TSharcData::FillData(TTigEventFragment* TigEvent){
   vector<int> channel_number = TigEvent->channel_number;
   for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < channel_number.size() ; i++){
@@ -203,7 +202,6 @@ void TSharcData::FillData(TTigEventFragment* TigEvent){
       int DetNbr = m_FSPC2Detector[channel_number[i]][0];
       int type = m_FSPC2Detector[channel_number[i]][1];
       int FB = m_FSPC2Detector[channel_number[i]][2];
       if(type == 0 ){
              if (FB == 0 ) FillQQQFront(DetNbr , i , TigEvent);
         else if (FB == 1 ) FillQQQBack (DetNbr , i , TigEvent);
diff --git a/NPLib/Tigress/TTigressDataDict.cxx b/NPLib/Tigress/TTigressDataDict.cxx
index 474a588a7754843504057002f893ac60a795d38c..78cd49dfe49b299395ac514d094879aa37e273f1 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tigress/TTigressDataDict.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tigress/TTigressDataDict.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// File generated by rootcint at Mon Dec 10 16:31:37 2012
+// File generated by rootcint at Tue Dec 11 11:02:42 2012
 // Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated
diff --git a/NPLib/scripts/NPToolLogon.C b/NPLib/scripts/NPToolLogon.C
index d862a44a68d82fe54f2d90b918cd5ea301af139e..aad5c368c7b328750b3f37e507cdd891413be6d3 100644
--- a/NPLib/scripts/NPToolLogon.C
+++ b/NPLib/scripts/NPToolLogon.C
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void NPToolLogon(bool verbosemode = false)
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".L $NPTOOL/NPLib/include/RootInput.h+");   
    // Since the libdir.GetListOfFiles() commands cds to the
    // libidr directory, one has to return to the initial
    // directory