diff --git a/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h b/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
index 934581f4f74de532b9e16f6a8dcf81926fbf6d93..4892cfe5a64c23921ffc3e3a39c478c33496d928 100644
--- a/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
+++ b/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
@@ -32,79 +32,77 @@
 #include "TObject.h"
 class TS1Data : public TObject {
    // DSSD
    // Theta strips
    // ADC
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr;
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr;
-   vector<Double_t>	fS1_Theta_E_Energy;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr;
+   vector<Double_t>   fS1_Theta_E_Energy;
    // TDC
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr;
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr;
-   vector<Double_t>	fS1_Theta_T_Time;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr;
+   vector<Double_t>   fS1_Theta_T_Time;
    // Phi strips
    // ADC
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr;
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr;
-   vector<Double_t>	fS1_Phi_E_Energy;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr;
+   vector<Double_t>   fS1_Phi_E_Energy;
    // TDC
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr;
-   vector<UShort_t>	fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr;
-   vector<Double_t>	fS1_Phi_T_Time;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr;
+   vector<UShort_t>   fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr;
+   vector<Double_t>   fS1_Phi_T_Time;
    virtual ~TS1Data();
-   void	Clear();
+   void   Clear();
    void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   void	Dump() const;
+   void   Dump() const;
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (Th,E)
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaEMult()		{return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaEDetectorNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaEStripNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetS1ThetaEEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_E_Energy.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaEMult()                 {return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.size();}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaEDetectorNbr(Int_t i)   {return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaEStripNbr(Int_t i)      {return fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetS1ThetaEEnergy(Int_t i)        {return fS1_Theta_E_Energy.at(i);}
    // (Th,T)
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaTMult()		{return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaTDetectorNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetS1ThetaTStripNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetS1ThetaTTime(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Theta_T_Time.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaTMult()                 {return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.size();}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaTDetectorNbr(Int_t i)   {return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1ThetaTStripNbr(Int_t i)      {return fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetS1ThetaTTime(Int_t i)          {return fS1_Theta_T_Time.at(i);}
    // (Ph,E)
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiEMult()			{return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiEDetectorNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiEStripNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetS1PhiEEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Phi_E_Energy.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiEMult()                {return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.size();}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiEDetectorNbr(Int_t i)  {return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiEStripNbr(Int_t i)     {return fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetS1PhiEEnergy(Int_t i)       {return fS1_Phi_E_Energy.at(i);}
    // (Ph,T)
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiTMult()			{return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiTDetectorNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetS1PhiTStripNbr(Int_t i)	{return fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetS1PhiTTime(Int_t i)		{return fS1_Phi_T_Time.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiTMult()                {return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.size();}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiTDetectorNbr(Int_t i)  {return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.at(i);}
+   UShort_t   GetS1PhiTStripNbr(Int_t i)     {return fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetS1PhiTTime(Int_t i)         {return fS1_Phi_T_Time.at(i);}
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (Th,E)
-   void	SetS1ThetaEDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)	{fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
-   void	SetS1ThetaEStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)	{fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
-   void	SetS1ThetaEEnergy(Double_t E)		{fS1_Theta_E_Energy.push_back(E);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaEDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)  {fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaEStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)      {fS1_Theta_E_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaEEnergy(Double_t E)         {fS1_Theta_E_Energy.push_back(E);}
    // (Th,T)
-   void	SetS1ThetaTDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)	{fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
-   void	SetS1ThetaTStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)	{fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
-   void	SetS1ThetaTTime(Double_t T)		{fS1_Theta_T_Time.push_back(T);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaTDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)  {fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaTStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)      {fS1_Theta_T_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
+   void   SetS1ThetaTTime(Double_t T)           {fS1_Theta_T_Time.push_back(T);}
    // (Ph,E)
-   void	SetS1PhiEDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)	{fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
-   void	SetS1PhiEStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)		{fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
-   void	SetS1PhiEEnergy(Double_t E)		{fS1_Phi_E_Energy.push_back(E);}
+   void   SetS1PhiEDetectorNbr(UShort_t det) {fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
+   void   SetS1PhiEStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)     {fS1_Phi_E_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
+   void   SetS1PhiEEnergy(Double_t E)        {fS1_Phi_E_Energy.push_back(E);}
    // (Ph,T)
-   void	SetS1PhiTDetectorNbr(UShort_t det)	{fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
-   void	SetS1PhiTStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)		{fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
-   void	SetS1PhiTTime(Double_t T)		{fS1_Phi_T_Time.push_back(T);}
+   void   SetS1PhiTDetectorNbr(UShort_t det) {fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.push_back(det);}
+   void   SetS1PhiTStripNbr(UShort_t Nr)     {fS1_Phi_T_StripNbr.push_back(Nr);}
+   void   SetS1PhiTTime(Double_t T)          {fS1_Phi_T_Time.push_back(T);}
    ClassDef(TS1Data,2)  // S1Data structure
diff --git a/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.cxx b/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.cxx
index e1b58093152f087ab5427260393a7e89481f4045..066bd41be320c90b8611e50b1dbedf167f43ae6f 100644
--- a/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.cxx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class described the raw data of a very simple DUMMYDetector         *
- *	Use it as a template for your own detector!                              *
+ *   Use it as a template for your own detector!                              *
  *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ void TDUMMYDetectorData::Dump() const
-	for(unsigned short i = 0 ; i<fDUMMYDetector_Energy.size() ; i ++)
-		{
-			cout << "DUMMYDetector Number " << fDUMMYDetector_Number[i] << " Energy: " << fDUMMYDetector_Energy[i]  << " Time: "<< fDUMMYDetector_Time[i] << endl;
-		}
+   for(unsigned short i = 0 ; i<fDUMMYDetector_Energy.size() ; i ++)
+      {
+         cout << "DUMMYDetector Number " << fDUMMYDetector_Number[i] << " Energy: " << fDUMMYDetector_Energy[i]  << " Time: "<< fDUMMYDetector_Time[i] << endl;
+      }
diff --git a/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.h b/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.h
index e340a207342c71299d248d65c604b1a8b3d9124c..c6c9743d4c3c9f5888fad677a4e190c87fbbda46 100644
--- a/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.h
+++ b/NPLib/DummyDetector/TDUMMYDetectorData.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class described the raw data of a very simple DUMMY detector        *
- *	Use it as a template for your own detector!                              *
+ *   Use it as a template for your own detector!                              *
  *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
@@ -27,43 +27,42 @@
 #include "TObject.h"
 using namespace std ;
 class TDUMMYDetectorData : public TObject {
    // ADC
-   vector<double>	  fDUMMYDetector_Energy	;	
-   vector<double>	  fDUMMYDetector_Time		;
-   vector<short>    fDUMMYDetector_Number	;
+   vector<double> fDUMMYDetector_Energy;   
+   vector<double> fDUMMYDetector_Time;
+   vector<short>  fDUMMYDetector_Number;
    virtual ~TDUMMYDetectorData();
-   void	Clear();
-   void	Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   void	Dump() const;
+   void   Clear();
+   void   Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+   void   Dump() const;
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (E)
-   double	GetEnergy(int i)			{return fDUMMYDetector_Energy[i];}
+   double   GetEnergy(int i)              {return fDUMMYDetector_Energy[i];}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTime(int i)				{return fDUMMYDetector_Time[i];}
+   double   GetTime(int i)                {return fDUMMYDetector_Time[i];}
    // (N)
-   int      GetDUMMYDetectorNumber(int i)		{return fDUMMYDetector_Number[i];}
+   int      GetDUMMYDetectorNumber(int i) {return fDUMMYDetector_Number[i];}
-   double	GetEnergySize()			{return fDUMMYDetector_Energy.size();}
+   double   GetEnergySize()               {return fDUMMYDetector_Energy.size();}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTimeSize()				{return fDUMMYDetector_Time.size();}
+   double   GetTimeSize()                 {return fDUMMYDetector_Time.size();}
    // (N)
-   int      GetDUMMYDetectorNumberSize()		{return fDUMMYDetector_Number.size();}
+   int      GetDUMMYDetectorNumberSize()  {return fDUMMYDetector_Number.size();}
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (E)
-   void	SetEnergy(double E)			{fDUMMYDetector_Energy.push_back(E);}
-   void	SetTime(double T)			{fDUMMYDetector_Time.push_back(T);}
-   void	SetDUMMYDetectorNumber(int N)		{fDUMMYDetector_Number.push_back(N);}
+   void   SetEnergy(double E)             {fDUMMYDetector_Energy.push_back(E);}
+   void   SetTime(double T)               {fDUMMYDetector_Time.push_back(T);}
+   void   SetDUMMYDetectorNumber(int N)   {fDUMMYDetector_Number.push_back(N);}
    ClassDef(TDUMMYDetectorData,1)  // DUMMYDetectorData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
index 30ec36a68468bcaa7a773a67b928eeccbb099a34..af644c48569783d13a4c423b33e8029d80477928 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "GaspardTracker.h"
 // C++ headers
-#include <iostream>	
+#include <iostream>   
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@
 #include "GaspardTrackerAnnular.h"
 #include "GaspardTrackerSquare.h"
-using namespace std ;	
+using namespace std ;   
-	: m_EventData (new TGaspardTrackerData()),
-	  m_EventPhysics (new TGaspardTrackerPhysics())
+   : m_EventData (new TGaspardTrackerData()),
+     m_EventPhysics (new TGaspardTrackerPhysics())
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ GaspardTracker::~GaspardTracker()
    delete m_EventData;
    delete m_EventPhysics;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void GaspardTracker::Clear()
 // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-void GaspardTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 	
+void GaspardTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
    // open configuration file
    ifstream ConfigFile;
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ void GaspardTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Read stream at Path and pick-up calibration parameter using Token
 // If argument is "Simulation" no change calibration is loaded
-void GaspardTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)	
+void GaspardTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)   
-   Path.c_str();	// remove warning at compilation time
+   Path.c_str();   // remove warning at compilation time
 /*   // Order of Polynom function used for calibration
    int Calibration_Si_E_Order;
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ void GaspardTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
    int Calibration_CsI_E_Order;
    // Calibration_Si_X_E[DetectorNumber][StripNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_T	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_T	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_T   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_T   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][PadNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_SiLi_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_SiLi_E   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][CrystalNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_CsI_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_CsI_E   ;
    if (Path == "Simulation") {   // Simulation case: data already calibrated
       Calibration_Si_E_Order   = 1;
@@ -178,30 +178,30 @@ void GaspardTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
       Calibration_CsI_E_Order  = 1;
       vector<double> Coef;
-      // Order 0				Order 1
-      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1) 	;
-      vector< vector<double> > StripLine 		;
-      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)			;
-      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
+      // Order 0            Order 1
+      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1)    ;
+      vector< vector<double> > StripLine       ;
+      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)         ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
    else {
 // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootInput() 		
+void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootInput()       
    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("GASPARD", true);
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootInput()
 // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootOutput() 	
+void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootOutput()    
    TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
    outputTree->Branch("GASPARD", "TGaspardTrackerPhysics", &m_EventPhysics);
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ void GaspardTracker::InitializeRootOutput()
 // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-void GaspardTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()		
+void GaspardTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()      
    if (m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEMult() > 0) {
       for (UInt_t i = 0; i < m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEMult(); i++) {
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void GaspardTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()
 // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
 // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
 // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-void GaspardTracker::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	
+void GaspardTracker::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()   
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ void GaspardTracker::DumpStrippingScheme(int moduleNumber)
-double GaspardTracker::GetEnergyDeposit()		
+double GaspardTracker::GetEnergyDeposit()      
    if (m_EventPhysics->GetEventMultiplicity() > 0) {
       return m_EventPhysics->GetTotalEnergy(0); 
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
index e6ef447677b9d4cee590a36369991b2fc7f1e96a..532de2ed64fb85cdb890d74e17eee604fcefde89 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
    virtual ~GaspardTracker();
-  void Clear()                                                                    ;
+  void Clear();
   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. 
    // The aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
@@ -87,24 +87,24 @@ public:
    void DumpStrippingScheme(int moduleNumber);
-   map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*>	m_ModulesMap;
+   map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*>   m_ModulesMap;
    // Get Root input and output objects
-   TGaspardTrackerData* 	GetEventData()		{return m_EventData;}
-   TGaspardTrackerPhysics*	GetEventPhysics()	{return m_EventPhysics;}
+   TGaspardTrackerData*    GetEventData()      {return m_EventData;}
+   TGaspardTrackerPhysics* GetEventPhysics()   {return m_EventPhysics;}
    // To be called after a build Physical Event 
-   double	GetEnergyDeposit();
-   TVector3	GetPositionOfInteraction();
+   double   GetEnergyDeposit();
+   TVector3 GetPositionOfInteraction();
    // Root Input and Output tree classes //
-   TGaspardTrackerData*		m_EventData;
-   TGaspardTrackerPhysics*	m_EventPhysics;
+   TGaspardTrackerData*      m_EventData;
+   TGaspardTrackerPhysics*   m_EventPhysics;
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cxx
index 8e3c428389eff4cdf56f03d7f3c30fc8488f2e5f..cb5c104e8650dfb304561771180db048a9d17717 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cxx
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ using namespace std;
 GaspardTrackerAnnular::GaspardTrackerAnnular(map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &Module,
                                              TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics) 
-	: m_ModuleTest(Module),
-	  m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
-	  m_EventData(0),
-	  m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
-	  m_NumberOfModule(0),
+   : m_ModuleTest(Module),
+     m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
+     m_EventData(0),
+     m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
+     m_NumberOfModule(0),
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cxx
index 5b856f3b67e3da59871b831aba05b2b5817632f1..fcda4e2145909f8d8f8562a6ef75058ceb4b6087 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cxx
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
 #include "TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h"
 GaspardTrackerDummyShape::GaspardTrackerDummyShape(map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &Module,
-						   TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics) 
-	: m_ModuleTest(Module),
-	  m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
-	  m_EventData(0),
-	  m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
-	  m_NumberOfModule(0),
-	  m_FirstStageFace(50),	// mm
-	  m_NumberOfStrips(100)
+                     TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics) 
+   : m_ModuleTest(Module),
+     m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
+     m_EventData(0),
+     m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
+     m_NumberOfModule(0),
+     m_FirstStageFace(50),   // mm
+     m_NumberOfStrips(100)
    m_StripPitch = m_FirstStageFace / (double)m_NumberOfStrips;
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h
index 9c32fb403deb97189b7d4f1ff457ff707368322a..685ac4ddab88a3ac4365d493c59ac6600033d146 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ private:
    // Geometry and stip number //
-   double m_FirstStageFace;	// mm
+   double m_FirstStageFace;   // mm
    int    m_NumberOfStrips;
    double m_StripPitch;
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerSquare.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerSquare.cxx
index 0b9db4ad55b0c6de2b2ad7df381592f88f3e9d53..5634e2e0d061918145281683381e1ef067b36468 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerSquare.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerSquare.cxx
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 GaspardTrackerSquare::GaspardTrackerSquare(map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &Module,
                                            TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics) 
-	: m_ModuleTest(Module),
-	  m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
-	  m_EventData(0),
-	  m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
-	  m_NumberOfModule(0),
+   : m_ModuleTest(Module),
+     m_EventPhysics(EventPhysics),
+     m_EventData(0),
+     m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
+     m_NumberOfModule(0),
      m_FirstStageFace(98), // mm
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx
index d2179f8ad63f8281f2d4252e1f5941d2c01ee277..a89c72b450c7c31e1810fdd351fe693e7dd34431 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::GaspardTrackerTrapezoid(map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &Module,
                                                  TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics) 
-	: m_ModuleTest(Module),
+   : m_ModuleTest(Module),
           m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
-          m_FirstStageBaseLarge(97.5),	// mm
-          m_FirstStageHeight(113.5),	// mm
+          m_FirstStageBaseLarge(97.5),   // mm
+          m_FirstStageHeight(113.5),   // mm
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h
index 567c0c5343816fd3d6fee24334d0fbd37d8cfed8..a749a8fd5e79e87777e14f77f6ca1988d93340cd 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public:
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
-   map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> 	&m_ModuleTest;
-   TGaspardTrackerPhysics* 		&m_EventPhysics;
+   map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &m_ModuleTest;
+   TGaspardTrackerPhysics*         &m_EventPhysics;
    void SetGaspardDataPointer(TGaspardTrackerData* gaspardData) {m_EventData = gaspardData;};
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ private:
    // Geometry and stip number //
-   double m_FirstStageBaseLarge;	// mm
-   double m_FirstStageHeight;		// mm
+   double m_FirstStageBaseLarge;   // mm
+   double m_FirstStageHeight;      // mm
    int    m_NumberOfStripsX;
    int    m_NumberOfStripsY;
-   double m_StripPitchX;		// mm
-   double m_StripPitchY;		// mm
+   double m_StripPitchX;      // mm
+   double m_StripPitchY;      // mm
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h b/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h
index 651730df308eed49c3265e5ff284564244b337e7..d0e14a11939f608e5081bd3d8a2eacea76107a70 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h
@@ -45,31 +45,31 @@ public:
-   void Clear();	
+   void Clear();   
    void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   vector<Int_t>	fEventType;
-   vector<Int_t>	fModuleNumber;
+   vector<Int_t>   fEventType;
+   vector<Int_t>   fModuleNumber;
    // First stage
-   vector<Double_t>	fFirstStage_Energy;
-   vector<Double_t>	fFirstStage_Time;
-   vector<Int_t>	fFirstStage_FrontPosition;
-   vector<Int_t>	fFirstStage_BackPosition;
+   vector<Double_t>  fFirstStage_Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>  fFirstStage_Time;
+   vector<Int_t>     fFirstStage_FrontPosition;
+   vector<Int_t>     fFirstStage_BackPosition;
    // Second stage
-   vector<Double_t>	fSecondStage_Energy;
-   vector<Double_t>	fSecondStage_Time;
-   vector<Int_t>	fSecondStage_Position;
+   vector<Double_t>  fSecondStage_Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>  fSecondStage_Time;
+   vector<Int_t>     fSecondStage_Position;
    // Third stage
-   vector<Double_t>	fThirdStage_Energy;
-   vector<Double_t>	fThirdStage_Time;
-   vector<Int_t>	fThirdStage_Position;
+   vector<Double_t>  fThirdStage_Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>  fThirdStage_Time;
+   vector<Int_t>     fThirdStage_Position;
-   vector<Double_t>	fTotalEnergy;
+   vector<Double_t>  fTotalEnergy;
@@ -77,50 +77,50 @@ public:
    //            SETTERS              //
    // General
-   void SetEventType(Int_t evtType)		{fEventType.push_back(evtType);}
-   void SetModuleNumber(Int_t moduleNbr)	{fModuleNumber.push_back(moduleNbr);}
-   void SetTotalEnergy(Double_t ener)		{fTotalEnergy.push_back(ener);}
+   void SetEventType(Int_t evtType)      {fEventType.push_back(evtType);}
+   void SetModuleNumber(Int_t moduleNbr)   {fModuleNumber.push_back(moduleNbr);}
+   void SetTotalEnergy(Double_t ener)      {fTotalEnergy.push_back(ener);}
    // First stage
-   void SetFirstStageEnergy(Double_t ener)	{fFirstStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-   void SetFirstStageTime(Double_t time)	{fFirstStage_Time.push_back(time);}
-   void SetFirstStageFrontPosition(Int_t x)	{fFirstStage_FrontPosition.push_back(x);}
-   void SetFirstStageBackPosition(Int_t y)	{fFirstStage_BackPosition.push_back(y);}
+   void SetFirstStageEnergy(Double_t ener)   {fFirstStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
+   void SetFirstStageTime(Double_t time)   {fFirstStage_Time.push_back(time);}
+   void SetFirstStageFrontPosition(Int_t x)   {fFirstStage_FrontPosition.push_back(x);}
+   void SetFirstStageBackPosition(Int_t y)   {fFirstStage_BackPosition.push_back(y);}
    // Second stage
-   void SetSecondStageEnergy(Double_t ener)	{fSecondStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-   void SetSecondStageTime(Double_t time)	{fSecondStage_Time.push_back(time);}
-   void SetSecondStagePosition(Int_t pos)	{fSecondStage_Position.push_back(pos);}
+   void SetSecondStageEnergy(Double_t ener)   {fSecondStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
+   void SetSecondStageTime(Double_t time)   {fSecondStage_Time.push_back(time);}
+   void SetSecondStagePosition(Int_t pos)   {fSecondStage_Position.push_back(pos);}
    // Third stage
-   void SetThirdStageEnergy(Double_t ener)	{fThirdStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-   void SetThirdStageTime(Double_t time)	{fThirdStage_Time.push_back(time);}
-   void SetThirdStagePosition(Int_t pos)	{fThirdStage_Position.push_back(pos);}
+   void SetThirdStageEnergy(Double_t ener)   {fThirdStage_Energy.push_back(ener);}
+   void SetThirdStageTime(Double_t time)   {fThirdStage_Time.push_back(time);}
+   void SetThirdStagePosition(Int_t pos)   {fThirdStage_Position.push_back(pos);}
    //            GETTERS              //
    // General
-   Int_t	GetEventMultiplicity()			{return fTotalEnergy.size();}
-   Int_t	GetEventType(Int_t i)			{return fEventType.at(i);}
-   Int_t	GetModuleNumber(Int_t i)		{return fModuleNumber.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetTotalEnergy(Int_t i)			{return fTotalEnergy.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetEventMultiplicity()         {return fTotalEnergy.size();}
+   Int_t   GetEventType(Int_t i)         {return fEventType.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetModuleNumber(Int_t i)      {return fModuleNumber.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetTotalEnergy(Int_t i)         {return fTotalEnergy.at(i);}
    // First stage
-   Double_t	GetFirstStageEnergy(Int_t i)		{return fFirstStage_Energy.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetFirstStageTime(Int_t i)		{return fFirstStage_Time.at(i);}
-   Int_t	GetFirstStageFrontPosition(Int_t i)	{return fFirstStage_FrontPosition.at(i);}
-   Int_t	GetFirstStageBackPosition(Int_t i)	{return fFirstStage_BackPosition.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetFirstStageEnergy(Int_t i)      {return fFirstStage_Energy.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetFirstStageTime(Int_t i)      {return fFirstStage_Time.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetFirstStageFrontPosition(Int_t i)   {return fFirstStage_FrontPosition.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetFirstStageBackPosition(Int_t i)   {return fFirstStage_BackPosition.at(i);}
    // Second stage
-   Double_t	GetSecondStageEnergy(Int_t i)		{return fSecondStage_Energy.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetSecondStageTime(Int_t i)		{return fSecondStage_Time.at(i);}
-   Int_t	GetSecondStagePosition(Int_t i)		{return fSecondStage_Position.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetSecondStageEnergy(Int_t i)      {return fSecondStage_Energy.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetSecondStageTime(Int_t i)      {return fSecondStage_Time.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetSecondStagePosition(Int_t i)      {return fSecondStage_Position.at(i);}
    // Third stage
-   Double_t	GetThirdStageEnergy(Int_t i)		{return fThirdStage_Energy.at(i);}
-   Double_t	GetThirdStageTime(Int_t i)		{return fThirdStage_Time.at(i);}
-   Int_t	GetThirdStagePosition(Int_t i)		{return fThirdStage_Position.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetThirdStageEnergy(Int_t i)      {return fThirdStage_Energy.at(i);}
+   Double_t   GetThirdStageTime(Int_t i)      {return fThirdStage_Time.at(i);}
+   Int_t   GetThirdStagePosition(Int_t i)      {return fThirdStage_Position.at(i);}
    ClassDef(TGaspardTrackerPhysics,1)  // TGaspardTrackerPhysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.cxx b/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.cxx
index b769adab8a756e6bf00f7c8d99cbfb7d566c4b10..841b23112af4bcffa5d3e863c68758c076429ef7 100644
--- a/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "HydeTracker.h"
 // C++ headers
-#include <iostream>	
+#include <iostream>   
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@
 // ROOT headers
 #include "TChain.h"
-using namespace std ;	
-//	Default Constructor
+using namespace std ;   
+//   Default Constructor
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    m_EventData    = new THydeTrackerData();
    m_EventPhysics = new THydeTrackerPhysics();
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ HydeTracker::~HydeTracker()
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    delete m_EventData;
    delete m_EventPhysics;
 // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 	
+void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
-   ifstream ConfigFile           	;
-   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) 	;
-   string LineBuffer          		;
-   string DataBuffer          		;	
+   ifstream ConfigFile              ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
+   string LineBuffer                ;
+   string DataBuffer                ;   
    // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
    // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       else ReadingStatus = false;
       // Reading Block
-      while (ReadingStatus) {	 
-         if (isSquare) { 	// square shape
+      while (ReadingStatus) {    
+         if (isSquare) {    // square shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             } // end test for adding a module
          } // end test for Square shape
-        else if (isDummyShape) { 	// dummyshape shape
+        else if (isDummyShape) {    // dummyshape shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             } // end test for adding a module
          } // end test for DummyShape shape
-         else if (isTrapezoid) {	// trapezoid shape
+         else if (isTrapezoid) {   // trapezoid shape
             cout << "Trapezoid treatment not implemented yet!" << endl;
          } // end test for Trapezoid shape
-         else if (isAnnular) {		// annular shape
+         else if (isAnnular) {      // annular shape
             cout << "Annular treatment not implemented yet!" << endl;
          } // end test for Annular shape
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Read stream at Path and pick-up calibration parameter using Token
 // If argument is "Simulation" no change calibration is loaded
-void HydeTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)	
+void HydeTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)   
    // Order of Polynom function used for calibration
    int Calibration_Si_E_Order;
@@ -452,16 +452,16 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
    int Calibration_CsI_E_Order;
    // Calibration_Si_X_E[DetectorNumber][StripNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_T	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_T	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_T   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_T   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][PadNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_SiLi_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_SiLi_E   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][CrystalNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_CsI_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_CsI_E   ;
    if (Path == "Simulation") {   // Simulation case: data already calibrated
       Calibration_Si_E_Order   = 1;
@@ -470,29 +470,29 @@ void HydeTracker::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
       Calibration_CsI_E_Order  = 1;
       vector<double> Coef;
-      // Order 0				Order 1
-      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1) 	;
-      vector< vector<double> > StripLine 		;
-      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)			;
-      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
+      // Order 0            Order 1
+      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1)    ;
+      vector< vector<double> > StripLine       ;
+      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)         ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
    else {
 // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void HydeTracker::InitializeRootInput() 		
+void HydeTracker::InitializeRootInput()       
    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("HYDE", true);
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ void HydeTracker::InitializeRootInput()
 // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-void HydeTracker::InitializeRootOutput() 	
+void HydeTracker::InitializeRootOutput()    
    TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
    outputTree->Branch("HYDE", "THydeTrackerPhysics", &m_EventPhysics);
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ void HydeTracker::InitializeRootOutput()
 // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-void HydeTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()		
+void HydeTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()      
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildPhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ void HydeTracker::BuildPhysicalEvent()
 // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
 // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
 // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-void HydeTracker::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	
+void HydeTracker::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()   
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 98;		// mm
+   double Face = 98;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 16;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -562,9 +562,9 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -651,10 +651,10 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 50;		// mm
+   double Face = 50;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 128;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -722,9 +722,9 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -811,10 +811,10 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ void HydeTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
-double HydeTracker::GetEnergyDeposit()		
+double HydeTracker::GetEnergyDeposit()      
    if (m_EventPhysics->TotalEnergy.size() > 0)
       return m_EventPhysics->TotalEnergy[0]; 
diff --git a/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.h b/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.h
index b9668e494354c72b274d843c7f61da883c1212aa..8c6eb3a882866d6a9e57ef8a1efa5ad87b212712 100644
--- a/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.h
+++ b/NPLib/HYDE/HydeTracker.h
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ public:
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. 
    // The aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
    // Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-   void ClearEventPhysics()	{m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
-   void ClearEventData()	{m_EventData->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventPhysics() {m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventData()    {m_EventData->Clear();}
@@ -106,36 +106,36 @@ public:
                             double beta_w);
    // Getters to retrieve the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of a pixel defined by strips (X,Y)
-   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetNumberOfModule()	 			{ return m_NumberOfModule; }
+   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetNumberOfModule()             { return m_NumberOfModule; }
    // Get Root input and output objects
-   THydeTrackerData* 	GetEventData()		{return m_EventData;}
-   THydeTrackerPhysics*	GetEventPhysics()	{return m_EventPhysics;}
+   THydeTrackerData*    GetEventData()      {return m_EventData;}
+   THydeTrackerPhysics*   GetEventPhysics()   {return m_EventPhysics;}
    // To be called after a build Physical Event 
-   double	GetEnergyDeposit();
-   TVector3	GetPositionOfInteraction();
+   double   GetEnergyDeposit();
+   TVector3   GetPositionOfInteraction();
-   void		Print();
+   void      Print();
    // Root Input and Output tree classes //
-   THydeTrackerData*		m_EventData;
-   THydeTrackerPhysics*	m_EventPhysics;
+   THydeTrackerData*      m_EventData;
+   THydeTrackerPhysics*   m_EventPhysics;
    // Spatial Position of Strip Calculated on basis of detector position
    int m_NumberOfModule;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionX;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionY;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionX;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionY;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionZ;
diff --git a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerData.cxx b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerData.cxx
index cd0e27100df0b365eb0c268e3b60a999d4794b3c..dda3d68f024fc4eb0b77be187bf4890ddb5c87f1 100644
--- a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerData.cxx
@@ -51,20 +51,20 @@ void THydeTrackerData::Clear()
    // DSSD
    // (X,E)
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontE_StripNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontE_Energy.clear()    ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontE_StripNbr.clear()   ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontE_Energy.clear()     ;
    // (X,T)
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_DetectorNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_StripNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_Time.clear()      ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_StripNbr.clear()   ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_FrontT_Time.clear()       ;
    // (Y,E)
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_DetectorNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_StripNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_Energy.clear()    ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_DetectorNbr.clear() ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_StripNbr.clear()    ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackE_Energy.clear()      ;
    // (Y,T)
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_DetectorNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_StripNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_Time.clear()      ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_DetectorNbr.clear() ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_StripNbr.clear()    ;
+   fHYDTrk_FirstStage_BackT_Time.clear()        ;
    // Second Stage
    // E
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ void THydeTrackerData::Clear()
    // Third Stage
    // E
    fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_E_DetectorNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_E_PadNbr.clear()      ;
+   fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_E_PadNbr.clear()       ;
    fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_E_Energy.clear()       ;
    // T
    fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_T_DetectorNbr.clear()  ;
-   fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_T_PadNbr.clear()      ;
+   fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_T_PadNbr.clear()       ;
    fHYDTrk_ThirdStage_T_Time.clear()         ;
diff --git a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.cxx
index 5fa21121aec4aa3d56efb28fee5858012fb10061..4d2a6437a6aff06c641fe06a395135d29f3a2efe 100644
--- a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.cxx
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void THydeTrackerPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent(THydeTrackerData* Data)
    double FirstStage_Front_E_Threshold = 0; double FirstStage_Front_T_Threshold = 0;
    double FirstStage_Back_E_Threshold  = 0; double FirstStage_Back_T_Threshold  = 0;
    double SecondStage_E_Threshold      = 0; double SecondStage_T_Threshold      = 0;
-   double ThirdStage_E_Threshold       = 0; double ThirdStage_T_Threshold	= 0;
+   double ThirdStage_E_Threshold       = 0; double ThirdStage_T_Threshold   = 0;
    // calculate multipicity in the first stage
    int multXE = Data->GetHYDTrkFirstStageFrontEMult();
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void THydeTrackerPhysics::Clear()
-   // CsI	
+   // CsI   
diff --git a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.h b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.h
index 37baa79b55bbe0c3a77014dd2e0584f0ce7ab1b3..8326f12fb866ea8323dbf6956ebc1be18645edf5 100644
--- a/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/HYDE/THydeTrackerPhysics.h
@@ -38,39 +38,39 @@ public:
-   void Clear();	
-   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};	
+   void Clear();   
+   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};   
    void BuildPhysicalEvent(THydeTrackerData* Data);
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(THydeTrackerData* Data);
    // Provide Physical Multiplicity
-   Int_t		EventMultiplicity;
+   Int_t EventMultiplicity;
    // Provide a Classification of Event
-   vector<int>		EventType;
+   vector<int>      EventType;
    // Telescope
-   vector<int>		ModuleNumber;
+   vector<int>      ModuleNumber;
-   //	FirstStage
-   vector<double>	FirstStage_E;
-   vector<double>	FirstStage_T;
-   vector<int>		FirstStage_X;
-   vector<int>		FirstStage_Y;
+   //   FirstStage
+   vector<double>   FirstStage_E;
+   vector<double>   FirstStage_T;
+   vector<int>      FirstStage_X;
+   vector<int>      FirstStage_Y;
-   //	SecondStage
-   vector<double>	SecondStage_E;
-   vector<double>	SecondStage_T;
-   vector<int>		SecondStage_N;
+   //   SecondStage
+   vector<double>   SecondStage_E;
+   vector<double>   SecondStage_T;
+   vector<int>      SecondStage_N;
-   //	ThirdStage
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_E;
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_T;
-   vector<int>		ThirdStage_N;
+   //   ThirdStage
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_E;
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_T;
+   vector<int>      ThirdStage_N;
    // Physical Value  
-   vector<double>	TotalEnergy;
+   vector<double>   TotalEnergy;
    ClassDef(THydeTrackerPhysics,1)  // HydeTrackerPHysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.cxx b/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.cxx
index 3590f7c9445640b5b40f6aa3f6743b135deef94e..1e18c5f46392a79a0472eaa74156ebd4640336bb 100644
--- a/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.cxx
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ RootInput::RootInput(string configFileName)
    // Open file
    ifstream inputConfigFile;
    pRootFile  = NULL;
    pRootChain = new TChain();
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ RootInput::RootInput(string configFileName)
    else {
       while (!inputConfigFile.eof()) {
          getline(inputConfigFile, lineBuffer);
          // search for token giving the TTree name
          if (lineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "TTreeName") == 0) {
             inputConfigFile >> dataBuffer;
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ RootInput::RootInput(string configFileName)
    if (!CheckRootFileName || !CheckTreeName) 
       cout << "WARNING: Token not found for InputTree Declaration : Input Tree may not be instantiate properly" << endl;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void RootInput::AddFriendChain(string RunToAdd)
    // Open file
    ifstream inputConfigFile;
    TChain* localChain = new TChain();
    cout << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void RootInput::AddFriendChain(string RunToAdd)
    else {
       while (!inputConfigFile.eof()) {
          getline(inputConfigFile, lineBuffer);
          // search for token giving the TTree name
          if (lineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "TTreeName") == 0) {
             inputConfigFile >> dataBuffer;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void RootInput::AddFriendChain(string RunToAdd)
    if (!CheckRootFileName || !CheckTreeName) 
       cout << "WARNING: Token not found for InputTree Declaration : Input Tree has not be Added to the current Chain" << endl;
diff --git a/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.h b/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.h
index 4572c2937b4d3ee4d303e9c450f271357c9fbad0..463411bb02d74350c7d76de11c7b0822d170c690 100644
--- a/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.h
+++ b/NPLib/IORoot/RootInput.h
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ public:
    // Return the private chain and file
-   TChain*	GetChain()  {return pRootChain;}
+   TChain*  GetChain()  {return pRootChain;}
    TFile*   GetFile()   {return pRootFile;}
    // Add a Friend chain to the input chain
    void     AddFriendChain(string RunToAdd);
-   TChain	*pRootChain;
+   TChain   *pRootChain;
    TFile    *pRootFile;
    int NumberOfFriend;
diff --git a/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.h b/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.h
index 92d1d784c8e69bb8a78abe9f5df67f7da327b705..08e5449b96632c68666f54507e33c9dfb22c5f40 100644
--- a/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.h
+++ b/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.h
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ private:
    void InitAsciiFiles();
-   TFile*	   GetFile()                           {return pRootFile;}
-   TTree*	   GetTree()                           {return pRootTree;}
-   TList*	   GetList()                           {return pRootList;}
+   TFile*      GetFile()                           {return pRootFile;}
+   TTree*      GetTree()                           {return pRootTree;}
+   TList*      GetList()                           {return pRootList;}
    TAsciiFile* GetAsciiFileEventGenerator()        {return pEventGenerator;}
    TAsciiFile* GetAsciiFileDetectorConfiguration() {return pDetectorConfiguration;}
    TAsciiFile* GetAsciiFileCalibration()           {return pCalibrationFile;}
diff --git a/NPLib/InitialConditions/TInitialConditions.h b/NPLib/InitialConditions/TInitialConditions.h
index 67430e715990e4f61e8b006a8088f4c600e0f03a..3b11f4a1ec66537f5b82053857932c29b7a74168 100644
--- a/NPLib/InitialConditions/TInitialConditions.h
+++ b/NPLib/InitialConditions/TInitialConditions.h
@@ -36,28 +36,28 @@ class TInitialConditions : public TObject
    // Incident particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Position_X;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Position_Y;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Position_Z;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Position_X;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Position_Y;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Position_Z;
    // Theta and Phi angles for the emittance
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi;
    // Incident particle angles
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi;
    // Incident particle energy
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Incident_Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Incident_Energy;
    // Emitted particle properties (after interactions in the target)
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM;
    // Emitted particle angles in the incident frame
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame;
    // Emitted particle angles in the world frame
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame;
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame;
    // Emittedparticle energy
-   vector<Double_t>	fIC_Emitted_Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>   fIC_Emitted_Energy;
@@ -71,57 +71,57 @@ public:
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // Incident particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   void SetICPositionX(Double_t PositionX) 		{fIC_Position_X.push_back(PositionX);}
-   void SetICPositionY(Double_t PositionY) 		{fIC_Position_Y.push_back(PositionY);}
-   void SetICPositionZ(Double_t PositionZ)		{fIC_Position_Z.push_back(PositionZ);}
+   void SetICPositionX(Double_t PositionX)      {fIC_Position_X.push_back(PositionX);}
+   void SetICPositionY(Double_t PositionY)      {fIC_Position_Y.push_back(PositionY);}
+   void SetICPositionZ(Double_t PositionZ)      {fIC_Position_Z.push_back(PositionZ);}
    // Theta and Phi angles for the emittance
-   void SetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Double_t Theta)	{fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta.push_back(Theta);}
-   void SetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Double_t Phi)		{fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi.push_back(Phi);}
+   void SetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Double_t Theta)   {fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta.push_back(Theta);}
+   void SetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Double_t Phi)       {fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi.push_back(Phi);}
    // Incident particle angles
-   void SetICIncidentAngleTheta(Double_t AngleTheta)	{fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta.push_back(AngleTheta);}
-   void SetICIncidentAnglePhi(Double_t AnglePhi)	{fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi.push_back(AnglePhi);}
+   void SetICIncidentAngleTheta(Double_t AngleTheta) {fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta.push_back(AngleTheta);}
+   void SetICIncidentAnglePhi(Double_t AnglePhi)     {fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi.push_back(AnglePhi);}
    // Incident particle energy
-   void SetICIncidentEnergy(Double_t Energy)		{fIC_Incident_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+   void SetICIncidentEnergy(Double_t Energy)         {fIC_Incident_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
    // Emitted particle angles
    // Center of mass
-   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(Double_t AngleTheta)			{fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM.push_back(AngleTheta);}
+   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(Double_t AngleTheta) {fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM.push_back(AngleTheta);}
    // Angles in the incident frame
-   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(Double_t AngleTheta)	{fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame.push_back(AngleTheta);}
-   void SetICEmittedAnglePhiIncidentFrame(Double_t AnglePhi)		{fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame.push_back(AnglePhi);}
+   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(Double_t AngleTheta)   {fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame.push_back(AngleTheta);}
+   void SetICEmittedAnglePhiIncidentFrame(Double_t AnglePhi)          {fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame.push_back(AnglePhi);}
    // Angles in the world frame
-   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(Double_t AngleTheta)	{fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame.push_back(AngleTheta);}
-   void SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(Double_t AnglePhi)		{fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame.push_back(AnglePhi);}
+   void SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(Double_t AngleTheta)   {fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame.push_back(AngleTheta);}
+   void SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(Double_t AnglePhi)          {fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame.push_back(AnglePhi);}
    // Emitted particle energy
-   void SetICEmittedEnergy(Double_t Energy)				{fIC_Emitted_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+   void SetICEmittedEnergy(Double_t Energy) {fIC_Emitted_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // Incident particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   Double_t GetICPositionX(Int_t i) 		{return fIC_Position_X.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICPositionY(Int_t i) 		{return fIC_Position_Y.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICPositionZ(Int_t i)		{return fIC_Position_Z.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICPositionX(Int_t i) {return fIC_Position_X.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICPositionY(Int_t i) {return fIC_Position_Y.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICPositionZ(Int_t i) {return fIC_Position_Z.at(i);}
    // Theta and Phi angles for the emittance
-   Double_t GetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Int_t i) {return fIC_Incident_Emittance_Theta.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Int_t i)   {return fIC_Incident_Emittance_Phi.at(i);}
    // Incident particle angles
-   Double_t GetICIncidentAngleTheta(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICIncidentAnglePhi(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICIncidentAngleTheta(Int_t i)   {return fIC_Incident_Angle_Theta.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICIncidentAnglePhi(Int_t i)     {return fIC_Incident_Angle_Phi.at(i);}
    // Incident particle energy
-   Double_t GetICIncidentEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Incident_Energy.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICIncidentEnergy(Int_t i)   {return fIC_Incident_Energy.at(i);}
    // Emitted particle angles
    // Center of Mass
-   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(Int_t i)			{return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(Int_t i) {return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaCM.at(i);}
    // Angles in the incident frame
-   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICEmittedAnglePhiIncidentFrame(Int_t i)		{return fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(Int_t i) {return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_IncidentFrame.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedAnglePhiIncidentFrame(Int_t i)      {return fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_IncidentFrame.at(i);}
    // Angles in the world frame
-   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(Int_t i)	{return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(Int_t i)		{return fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(Int_t i) {return fIC_Emitted_Angle_ThetaLab_WorldFrame.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(Int_t i)      {return fIC_Emitted_Angle_Phi_WorldFrame.at(i);}
    // Emitted particle energy
-   Double_t GetICEmittedEnergy(Int_t i)				{return fIC_Emitted_Energy.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetICEmittedEnergy(Int_t i) {return fIC_Emitted_Energy.at(i);}
    ClassDef(TInitialConditions, 1) // InitialConditions structure
diff --git a/NPLib/InteractionCoordinates/TInteractionCoordinates.h b/NPLib/InteractionCoordinates/TInteractionCoordinates.h
index c3668039d9b5146942689c92086f95b0ff820aa6..2b9c9124cbe7209d260eb9e832b57672df196a54 100644
--- a/NPLib/InteractionCoordinates/TInteractionCoordinates.h
+++ b/NPLib/InteractionCoordinates/TInteractionCoordinates.h
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ class TInteractionCoordinates : public TObject
    // Detected particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   vector<Double_t>	fDetected_Position_X;
-   vector<Double_t>	fDetected_Position_Y;
-   vector<Double_t>	fDetected_Position_Z;
+   vector<Double_t>   fDetected_Position_X;
+   vector<Double_t>   fDetected_Position_Y;
+   vector<Double_t>   fDetected_Position_Z;
    // Particle angles
-   vector<Double_t>	fDetected_Angle_Theta;
-   vector<Double_t>	fDetected_Angle_Phi;
+   vector<Double_t>   fDetected_Angle_Theta;
+   vector<Double_t>   fDetected_Angle_Phi;
@@ -57,24 +57,24 @@ public:
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // Incident particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   void SetDetectedPositionX(Double_t PositionX) 		{fDetected_Position_X.push_back(PositionX);}
-   void SetDetectedPositionY(Double_t PositionY) 		{fDetected_Position_Y.push_back(PositionY);}
-   void SetDetectedPositionZ(Double_t PositionZ)		{fDetected_Position_Z.push_back(PositionZ);}
+   void SetDetectedPositionX(Double_t PositionX)      {fDetected_Position_X.push_back(PositionX);}
+   void SetDetectedPositionY(Double_t PositionY)      {fDetected_Position_Y.push_back(PositionY);}
+   void SetDetectedPositionZ(Double_t PositionZ)      {fDetected_Position_Z.push_back(PositionZ);}
    // Incident particle angles
-   void SetDetectedAngleTheta(Double_t AngleTheta)	{fDetected_Angle_Theta.push_back(AngleTheta);}
-   void SetDetectedAnglePhi(Double_t AnglePhi)		{fDetected_Angle_Phi.push_back(AnglePhi);}
+   void SetDetectedAngleTheta(Double_t AngleTheta)  {fDetected_Angle_Theta.push_back(AngleTheta);}
+   void SetDetectedAnglePhi(Double_t AnglePhi)      {fDetected_Angle_Phi.push_back(AnglePhi);}
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // Number of interactions (multiplicity)
-   Int_t    GetDetectedMultiplicity()		{return fDetected_Position_X.size();}
+   Int_t    GetDetectedMultiplicity()      {return fDetected_Position_X.size();}
    // Incident particle properties (before interactions in the target)
    // Vertex of interaction
-   Double_t GetDetectedPositionX(Int_t i) 	{return fDetected_Position_X.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetDetectedPositionY(Int_t i) 	{return fDetected_Position_Y.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetDetectedPositionZ(Int_t i)	{return fDetected_Position_Z.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetDetectedPositionX(Int_t i)   {return fDetected_Position_X.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetDetectedPositionY(Int_t i)   {return fDetected_Position_Y.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetDetectedPositionZ(Int_t i)   {return fDetected_Position_Z.at(i);}
    // Incident particle angles
-   Double_t GetDetectedAngleTheta(Int_t i)	{return fDetected_Angle_Theta.at(i);}
-   Double_t GetDetectedAnglePhi(Int_t i)	{return fDetected_Angle_Phi.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetDetectedAngleTheta(Int_t i) {return fDetected_Angle_Theta.at(i);}
+   Double_t GetDetectedAnglePhi(Int_t i)   {return fDetected_Angle_Phi.at(i);}
    ClassDef(TInteractionCoordinates, 1) // InteractionCoordinates structure
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.cxx
index 50fc48303522d333d30489dff7fe3db2cade995d..bc84ca952fab6b4df7bb507497f642831836f721 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.cxx
@@ -28,43 +28,43 @@ ClassImp(TMust2Data)
-	// Default constructor
-	// DSSD
-	// (X,E)
-	fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// (X,T)
-	fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXT_Time.clear()		;
-	// (Y,E)
-	fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;	
-	fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// (Y,T)
-	fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYT_Time.clear()		;
-	// SiLi E
-	fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_SiLiE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// SiLi T
-	fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_SiLiT_Time.clear()			;
-	// CsI E
-	fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_CsIE_Energy.clear()			;
-	// CsI T
-	fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_CsIT_Time.clear()			;
+   // Default constructor
+   // DSSD
+   // (X,E)
+   fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXE_Energy.clear();
+   // (X,T)
+   fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXT_Time.clear();
+   // (Y,E)
+   fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.clear();   
+   fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYE_Energy.clear();
+   // (Y,T)
+   fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYT_Time.clear();
+   // SiLi E
+   fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiE_Energy.clear();
+   // SiLi T
+   fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiT_Time.clear();
+   // CsI E
+   fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.clear() ;
+   fMM_CsIE_Energy.clear();
+   // CsI T
+   fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIT_Time.clear();
@@ -72,41 +72,41 @@ TMust2Data::~TMust2Data()
 void TMust2Data::Clear()
-	// DSSD
-	// (X,E)
-	fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// (X,T)
-	fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripXT_Time.clear()		;
-	// (Y,E)
-	fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// (Y,T)
-	fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_StripYT_Time.clear()		;
-	// SiLi E
-	fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_SiLiE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// SiLi T
-	fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_SiLiT_Time.clear()			;
-	// CsI E
-	fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_CsIE_Energy.clear()			;
-	// CsI T
-	fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.clear()		;
-	fMM_CsIT_Time.clear()			;
+   // DSSD
+   // (X,E)
+   fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXE_Energy.clear();
+   // (X,T)
+   fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripXT_Time.clear();
+   // (Y,E)
+   fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYE_Energy.clear();
+   // (Y,T)
+   fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fMM_StripYT_Time.clear();
+   // SiLi E
+   fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiE_Energy.clear();
+   // SiLi T
+   fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.clear();
+   fMM_SiLiT_Time.clear();
+   // CsI E
+   fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIE_Energy.clear();
+   // CsI T
+   fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.clear();
+   fMM_CsIT_Time.clear();
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.h b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.h
index 1ee17b69a86bb78ea83684188097ba0eb2e353c0..2bdac82baf2e31d853ee556315564c168e6cef12 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.h
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Data.h
@@ -26,142 +26,142 @@
 using namespace std ;
 class TMust2Data : public TObject {
-	private:
-		// DSSD
-		// X strips
-		// Energy
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripXE_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_StripXE_Energy;
-		// Time
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripXT_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_StripXT_Time;
-		// Y strips
-		// Energy
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripYE_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_StripYE_Energy;
-		// Time
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_StripYT_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_StripYT_Time;
+   private:
+      // DSSD
+      // X strips
+      // Energy
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripXE_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_StripXE_Energy;
+      // Time
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripXT_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_StripXT_Time;
+      // Y strips
+      // Energy
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripYE_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_StripYE_Energy;
+      // Time
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_StripYT_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_StripYT_Time;
-		// SiLi
-		// Energy
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_SiLiE_Energy;
-		// Time
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_SiLiT_Time;
+      // SiLi
+      // Energy
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_SiLiE_Energy;
+      // Time
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_SiLiT_Time;
-		// CsI
-		// Energy
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_CsIE_Energy;
-		// Time
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fMM_CsIT_Time;
+      // CsI
+      // Energy
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_CsIE_Energy;
+      // Time
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fMM_CsIT_Time;
-	public:
-		TMust2Data();
-		virtual ~TMust2Data();
+   public:
+      TMust2Data();
+      virtual ~TMust2Data();
-		void	Clear();
+      void   Clear();
     void  Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-		void	Dump() const;
+      void   Dump() const;
-		/////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
-		// DSSD
-		// (X,E)
-		void	SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripXEStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripXEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)      {fMM_StripXE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
-		// (X,T)
-		void	SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripXTStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripXTTime(const Double_t Time)          {fMM_StripXT_Time.push_back(Time);}
-		// (Y,E)
-		void	SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripYEStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripYEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)      {fMM_StripYE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
-		// (Y,T)
-		void	SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripYTStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
-		void	SetMMStripYTTime(const Double_t Time)          {fMM_StripYT_Time.push_back(Time);}
+      /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
+      // DSSD
+      // (X,E)
+      void   SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripXEStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripXE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripXEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)      {fMM_StripXE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+      // (X,T)
+      void   SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripXTStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripXT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripXTTime(const Double_t Time)          {fMM_StripXT_Time.push_back(Time);}
+      // (Y,E)
+      void   SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripYEStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripYE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripYEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)      {fMM_StripYE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+      // (Y,T)
+      void   SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr) {fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripYTStripNbr(const UShort_t StripNbr)  {fMM_StripYT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr);}
+      void   SetMMStripYTTime(const Double_t Time)          {fMM_StripYT_Time.push_back(Time);}
-		// SiLi
-		//(E)
-		void	SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(const Short_t DetNbr)   {fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMSiLiEPadNbr(const UShort_t PadNbr)        {fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.push_back(PadNbr);}
-		void	SetMMSiLiEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)        {fMM_SiLiE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
-		//(T)
-		void	SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)   {fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMSiLiTPadNbr(const UShort_t PadNbr)        {fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.push_back(PadNbr);}
-		void	SetMMSiLiTTime(const Double_t Time)            {fMM_SiLiT_Time.push_back(Time);}
+      // SiLi
+      //(E)
+      void   SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(const Short_t DetNbr)    {fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMSiLiEPadNbr(const UShort_t PadNbr)        {fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr.push_back(PadNbr);}
+      void   SetMMSiLiEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)        {fMM_SiLiE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+      //(T)
+      void   SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)   {fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMSiLiTPadNbr(const UShort_t PadNbr)        {fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr.push_back(PadNbr);}
+      void   SetMMSiLiTTime(const Double_t Time)            {fMM_SiLiT_Time.push_back(Time);}
-		// CsI
-		// (E)
-		void	SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)    {fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMCsIECristalNbr(const UShort_t CristalNbr) {fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.push_back(CristalNbr);}
-		void	SetMMCsIEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)         {fMM_CsIE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
-		// (T)
-		void	SetMMCsITDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)    {fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
-		void	SetMMCsITCristalNbr(const UShort_t CristalNbr) {fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.push_back(CristalNbr);}
-		void	SetMMCsITTime(const Double_t Time)             {fMM_CsIT_Time.push_back(Time);}
+      // CsI
+      // (E)
+      void   SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)    {fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMCsIECristalNbr(const UShort_t CristalNbr) {fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr.push_back(CristalNbr);}
+      void   SetMMCsIEEnergy(const Double_t Energy)         {fMM_CsIE_Energy.push_back(Energy);}
+      // (T)
+      void   SetMMCsITDetectorNbr(const UShort_t DetNbr)    {fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);}
+      void   SetMMCsITCristalNbr(const UShort_t CristalNbr) {fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr.push_back(CristalNbr);}
+      void   SetMMCsITTime(const Double_t Time)             {fMM_CsIT_Time.push_back(Time);}
-		/////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
-		// DSSD
-		// (X,E)
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXEMult()                     const {return fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXEStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripXE_StripNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMStripXEEnergy(const Int_t i)      const {return fMM_StripXE_Energy[i];}
-		// (X,T)
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXTMult()                     const {return fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripXTStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripXT_StripNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMStripXTTime(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_StripXT_Time[i];}
-		// (Y,E)
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYEMult()                     const {return fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYEStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripYE_StripNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMStripYEEnergy(const Int_t i)      const {return fMM_StripYE_Energy[i];}
-		// (Y,T)
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYTMult()                     const {return fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMStripYTStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripYT_StripNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMStripYTTime(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_StripYT_Time[i];}
+      /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
+      // DSSD
+      // (X,E)
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXEMult()                     const {return fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripXE_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXEStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripXE_StripNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMStripXEEnergy(const Int_t i)      const {return fMM_StripXE_Energy[i];}
+      // (X,T)
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXTMult()                     const {return fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripXT_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripXTStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripXT_StripNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMStripXTTime(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_StripXT_Time[i];}
+      // (Y,E)
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYEMult()                     const {return fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripYE_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYEStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripYE_StripNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMStripYEEnergy(const Int_t i)      const {return fMM_StripYE_Energy[i];}
+      // (Y,T)
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYTMult()                     const {return fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i) const {return fMM_StripYT_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMStripYTStripNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_StripYT_StripNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMStripYTTime(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_StripYT_Time[i];}
-		// SiLi
-		//(E)
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiEMult()								      const {return fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)  const {return fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMSiLiEEnergy(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiE_Energy[i];}
-		//(T)
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiTMult()								      const {return fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)  const {return fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMSiLiTTime(const Int_t i)         const {return fMM_SiLiT_Time[i];}
+      // SiLi
+      //(E)
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiEMult()                              const {return fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)  const {return fMM_SiLiE_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiE_PadNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMSiLiEEnergy(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiE_Energy[i];}
+      //(T)
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiTMult()                              const {return fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)  const {return fMM_SiLiT_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(const Int_t i)       const {return fMM_SiLiT_PadNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMSiLiTTime(const Int_t i)         const {return fMM_SiLiT_Time[i];}
-		// CsI 
-		//(E)
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsIEMult()									      const {return fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)   const {return fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsIECristalNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMCsIEEnergy(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_CsIE_Energy[i];}
-		//(T)
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsITMult()					              const {return fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.size();}
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)   const {return fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr[i];}
-		UShort_t	GetMMCsITCristalNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr[i];}
-		Double_t	GetMMCsITTime(const Int_t i)          const {return fMM_CsIT_Time[i];}
+      // CsI 
+      //(E)
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsIEMult()                                 const {return fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)   const {return fMM_CsIE_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsIECristalNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_CsIE_CristalNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMCsIEEnergy(const Int_t i)        const {return fMM_CsIE_Energy[i];}
+      //(T)
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsITMult()                             const {return fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr.size();}
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(const Int_t i)   const {return fMM_CsIT_DetectorNbr[i];}
+      UShort_t   GetMMCsITCristalNbr(const Int_t i)    const {return fMM_CsIT_CristalNbr[i];}
+      Double_t   GetMMCsITTime(const Int_t i)          const {return fMM_CsIT_Time[i];}
-		ClassDef(TMust2Data,2)  // Must2Data structure
+      ClassDef(TMust2Data,2)  // Must2Data structure
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
index 9742a6e26fe404ad1b43f17c0c652ca490b69f45..cd4ad87f31f64e14beb97f9e4b70c599f1270fbc 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
@@ -20,523 +20,521 @@
 #include "TMust2Physics.h"
 using namespace MUST2_LOCAL;
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <limits>
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "RootInput.h"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
 #include "TAsciiFile.h"
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TChain.h"
-	{ 
-		EventMultiplicity 	= 0 							  ;
-		m_EventData 					= new TMust2Data	;
-		m_PreTreatedData			= new TMust2Data	;
-		m_EventPhysics 				= this						;
-		m_NumberOfTelescope		= 0							;
-		m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = 10;
-		m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = 0.020    ; 
-		m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = 3; 
+   { 
+      EventMultiplicity   = 0 ;
+      m_EventData         = new TMust2Data ;
+      m_PreTreatedData    = new TMust2Data ;
+      m_EventPhysics      = this ;
+      m_NumberOfTelescope = 0 ;
+      m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = 10;
+      m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = 0.020    ; 
+      m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma = 3; 
     // Raw Threshold
-		m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200	;
-		m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200	;
-		m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200	;
-		m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold	 = 8200 ;
-		// Calibrated Threshold
-		m_Si_X_E_Threshold = 0	;
-		m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = 0	;
-		m_SiLi_E_Threshold = 0	;
-		m_CsI_E_Threshold	 = 0  ;
+      m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+      m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+      m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold = 8200 ;
+      m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold  = 8200 ;
+      // Calibrated Threshold
+      m_Si_X_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+      m_Si_Y_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+      m_SiLi_E_Threshold = 0 ;
+      m_CsI_E_Threshold  = 0;
-    m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = false ;
-		m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = false  ;
-		m_Take_E_Y=false;
-		m_Take_T_Y=true;
-		m_SiLi_Size=32;
-		m_SiLi_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
-		m_SiLi_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
-		  {
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[0]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[0]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[1]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[1]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[2]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[2]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[3]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[3]=80;
-		    // 
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[4]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[4]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[5]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[5]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[6]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[6]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[7]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[7]=112;
-		    //
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[8]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[8]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[9]=112;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[9]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[10]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[10]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[11]=80;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[11]=48;
-		    //
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[12]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[12]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[13]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[13]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[14]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[14]=48;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingX[15]=16;
-		    m_SiLi_MatchingY[15]=16;
+      m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi = false ;
+      m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI = false  ;
+      m_Take_E_Y=false;
+      m_Take_T_Y=true;
+      m_SiLi_Size=32;
+      m_SiLi_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
+      m_SiLi_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
+        {
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[0]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[0]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[1]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[1]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[2]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[2]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[3]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[3]=80;
+          // 
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[4]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[4]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[5]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[5]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[6]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[6]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[7]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[7]=112;
+          //
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[8]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[8]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[9]=112;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[9]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[10]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[10]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[11]=80;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[11]=48;
+          //
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[12]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[12]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[13]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[13]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[14]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[14]=48;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingX[15]=16;
+          m_SiLi_MatchingY[15]=16;
-		m_CsI_Size=32;
-		m_CsI_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
-		m_CsI_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
-		  {
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[0]=112;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[0]=112;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[1]=112;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[1]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[2]=112;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[2]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[3]=112;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[3]=16;
-		    // 
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[4]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[4]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[5]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[5]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[6]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[6]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[7]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[7]=112;
-		    //
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[8]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[8]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[9]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[9]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[10]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[10]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[11]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[11]=112;
-		    //
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[12]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[12]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[13]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[13]=48;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[14]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[14]=80;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingX[15]=16;
-		    m_CsI_MatchingY[15]=112;
+      m_CsI_Size=32;
+      m_CsI_MatchingX.resize(16,0);
+      m_CsI_MatchingY.resize(16,0);
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
+        {
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[0]=112;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[0]=112;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[1]=112;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[1]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[2]=112;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[2]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[3]=112;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[3]=16;
+          // 
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[4]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[4]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[5]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[5]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[6]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[6]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[7]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[7]=112;
+          //
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[8]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[8]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[9]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[9]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[10]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[10]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[11]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[11]=112;
+          //
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[12]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[12]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[13]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[13]=48;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[14]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[14]=80;
+          m_CsI_MatchingX[15]=16;
+          m_CsI_MatchingY[15]=112;
-	}
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
-	{ 
-	  BuildPhysicalEvent();
-	}
+   { 
+     BuildPhysicalEvent();
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::BuildPhysicalEvent()
-	{ 
-		PreTreat();
-		bool check_SILI = false ;
-		bool check_CSI  = false ;
-		if( CheckEvent() == 1 )
-			{
-				vector< TVector2 > couple = Match_X_Y() ;
-				EventMultiplicity = couple.size();
-				for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < couple.size() ; ++i)
-					{
-						check_SILI = false ;
-						check_CSI = false ;
-						int N = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(couple[i].X())	;
-						int X = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(couple[i].X())			;
-						int Y = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(couple[i].Y())			;
-						double Si_X_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy( couple[i].X() ) 	;
-						double Si_Y_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy( couple[i].Y() ) 	;  
-						//  Search for associate Time
-						  double Si_X_T = -1000 ;
-						  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++t )
-						    {
-						      if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(t)
-						         ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(t)) 
-						        Si_X_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTTime(t);
-						    }
-						  double Si_Y_T = -1000 ;
-						  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++t )
-						    {
-						      if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(t)
-						         ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(t)) 
-						        Si_Y_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTTime(t);
-						    }
-						Si_X.push_back(X) ; Si_Y.push_back(Y) ; TelescopeNumber.push_back(N) ;
-				    if(m_Take_E_Y) Si_E.push_back(Si_Y_E);
-				    else           Si_E.push_back(Si_X_E);
-				    if(m_Take_T_Y) Si_T.push_back(Si_Y_T)	;
-				    else           Si_T.push_back(Si_X_T)	;
-						// Store the other value for checking purpose
-						Si_EX.push_back(Si_X_E);				;
-	          Si_TX.push_back(Si_X_T);				;
-	          Si_EY.push_back(Si_Y_E);				;
-	          Si_TY.push_back(Si_Y_T);				;
-						for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++j)
-							{
-								if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
-									{
-												// pad vs strip number match
-												if( Match_Si_SiLi( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j) ) )
-												{
-													SiLi_N.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j))	;
-													SiLi_E.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(j))	;
-													// Look for associate time
-													// Note: in case of use of SiLi "Orsay" time is not coded.
-													for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++k)
-														{
-															// Same Pad, same Detector
-															if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(k) )
-																{ SiLi_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTTime(k) ) ; break ;}
-														}
-													check_SILI = true ;
-												}
-									}
-							}
-						 for( int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
-							{
-								if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
-									{
-											if(Match_Si_CsI( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) )
-													{
-														 CsI_N.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) ;
-														 CsI_E.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(j) ) ;
-														//	Look for associate Time																										
-														for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++k)
-															{
-																// Same Cristal; Same Detector
-																if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(k) )
-																	{ CsI_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITTime(j) ) ; break ;}
-															}
-														check_CSI = true ;
-													}
-										}
-								}
-					if(!check_SILI)
-							{
-								SiLi_N.push_back(0)			;
-								SiLi_E.push_back(-1000)	;
-								SiLi_T.push_back(-1000)	;
-							}
-						if(!check_CSI) 
-							{
-								CsI_N.push_back(0)			;
-								CsI_E.push_back(-1000)	;
-								CsI_T.push_back(-1000)	;
-							}
-					}
-			}
-		return;
-	}	
+   { 
+      PreTreat();
+      bool check_SILI = false ;
+      bool check_CSI  = false ;
+      if( CheckEvent() == 1 )
+         {
+            vector< TVector2 > couple = Match_X_Y() ;
+            EventMultiplicity = couple.size();
+            for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < couple.size() ; ++i)
+               {
+                  check_SILI = false ;
+                  check_CSI = false ;
+                  int N = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
+                  int X = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(couple[i].X()) ;
+                  int Y = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(couple[i].Y()) ;
+                  double Si_X_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy( couple[i].X() ) ;
+                  double Si_Y_E = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy( couple[i].Y() ) ;  
+                  //  Search for associate Time
+                  double Si_X_T = -1000 ;
+                  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++t )
+                   {
+                     if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(t)
+                        ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( couple[i].X() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(t)) 
+                       Si_X_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTTime(t);
+                   }
+                  double Si_Y_T = -1000 ;
+                  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++t )
+                   {
+                     if(  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(t)
+                        ||m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( couple[i].Y() ) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(t)) 
+                       Si_Y_T = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTTime(t);
+                   }
+                  Si_X.push_back(X) ; Si_Y.push_back(Y) ; TelescopeNumber.push_back(N) ;
+                  if(m_Take_E_Y) Si_E.push_back(Si_Y_E);
+                  else           Si_E.push_back(Si_X_E);
+                  if(m_Take_T_Y) Si_T.push_back(Si_Y_T);
+                  else           Si_T.push_back(Si_X_T);
+                  // Store the other value for checking purpose
+                  Si_EX.push_back(Si_X_E);            ;
+                  Si_TX.push_back(Si_X_T);            ;
+                  Si_EY.push_back(Si_Y_E);            ;
+                  Si_TY.push_back(Si_Y_T);            ;
+                  for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++j)
+                     {
+                        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
+                           {
+                                    // pad vs strip number match
+                                    if( Match_Si_SiLi( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j) ) )
+                                    {
+                                       SiLi_N.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j))   ;
+                                       SiLi_E.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(j))   ;
+                                       // Look for associate time
+                                       // Note: in case of use of SiLi "Orsay" time is not coded.
+                                       for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++k)
+                                          {
+                                             // Same Pad, same Detector
+                                             if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(k) )
+                                                { SiLi_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTTime(k) ) ; break ;}
+                                          }
+                                       check_SILI = true ;
+                                    }
+                           }
+                     }
+                  for( int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
+                     {
+                        if(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==N)
+                           {
+                                 if(Match_Si_CsI( X, Y , m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) )
+                                       {
+                                           CsI_N.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j) ) ;
+                                           CsI_E.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(j) ) ;
+                                          //   Look for associate Time                                                                              
+                                          for(int k =0 ; k  < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++k)
+                                             {
+                                                // Same Cristal; Same Detector
+                                                if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(k) && m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(j)==m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(k) )
+                                                   { CsI_T.push_back( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITTime(j) ) ; break ;}
+                                             }
+                                          check_CSI = true ;
+                                       }
+                              }
+                        }
+               if(!check_SILI)
+                     {
+                        SiLi_N.push_back(0)       ;
+                        SiLi_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
+                        SiLi_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
+                     }
+                  if(!check_CSI) 
+                     {
+                        CsI_N.push_back(0)       ;
+                        CsI_E.push_back(-1000)   ;
+                        CsI_T.push_back(-1000)   ;
+                     }
+               }
+         }
+      return;
+   }   
 void TMust2Physics::PreTreat()
-	{
-		ClearPreTreatedData();
-		//	X
-			//	E
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)>m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i)) )
-								{
-									double EX = fSi_X_E(m_EventData , i); 
-									if( EX > m_Si_X_E_Threshold )
-										{
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) )				;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEEnergy( EX )																					;
-										}
-								}
-				}
-			//	T
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if(IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i)))
-								{
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) )				;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTTime( fSi_X_T(m_EventData , i) )												;
-								}
-				}
-		//	Y
-			//	E
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)<m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i)))
-								{
-									double EY = fSi_Y_E(m_EventData , i); 
-									if( EY >m_Si_Y_E_Threshold )
-										{
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) )				;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEEnergy( EY )																					;
-										}
-								}
-				}
-			//	T
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if(IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i)))
-								{
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) )				;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTTime( fSi_Y_T(m_EventData , i) )												;
-								}
-				}
-		//	CsI
-			//	E
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)>m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i)))
-								{
-									double ECsI = fCsI_E(m_EventData , i); 
-									if( ECsI > m_CsI_E_Threshold )
-										{
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) )		;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIECristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) )			;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEEnergy( ECsI )																				;
-										}
-								}
-				}
-			//	T
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if(IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i)))
-								{
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) )		;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITCristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) )			;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITTime( fCsI_T(m_EventData , i) )												;
-								}	
-				}
-		//	SiLi
-			//	E
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)>m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i)))
-								{
-									double ESiLi = fSiLi_E(m_EventData , i); 
-									if( ESiLi > m_SiLi_E_Threshold )
-										{
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) )						;
-											m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEEnergy( ESiLi )										;
-										}
-								}
-				}
-			//	T
-			for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++i)
-				{
-							if(IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i)))
-								{
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) )	;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) )						;
-									m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTTime( fSiLi_T(m_EventData , i) )											;
-								}
-				}
-		return;
-	}
+   {
+      ClearPreTreatedData();
+      //   X
+         //   E
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)>m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i)) )
+                        {
+                           double EX = fSi_X_E(m_EventData , i); 
+                           if( EX > m_Si_X_E_Threshold )
+                              {
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXEEnergy( EX );
+                              }
+                        }
+            }
+         //   T
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if(IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripXTTime( fSi_X_T(m_EventData , i) );
+                        }
+            }
+      //   Y
+         //   E
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)<m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           double EY = fSi_Y_E(m_EventData , i); 
+                           if( EY >m_Si_Y_E_Threshold )
+                              {
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYEEnergy( EY );
+                              }
+                        }
+            }
+         //   T
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if(IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTStripNbr( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMStripYTTime( fSi_Y_T(m_EventData , i) );
+                        }
+            }
+      //   CsI
+         //   E
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)>m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           double ECsI = fCsI_E(m_EventData , i); 
+                           if( ECsI > m_CsI_E_Threshold )
+                              {
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIECristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsIEEnergy( ECsI );
+                              }
+                        }
+            }
+         //   T
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if(IsValidChannel("CsI", m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITCristalNbr( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMCsITTime( fCsI_T(m_EventData , i) );
+                        }   
+            }
+      //   SiLi
+         //   E
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)>m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold && IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           double ESiLi = fSiLi_E(m_EventData , i); 
+                           if( ESiLi > m_SiLi_E_Threshold )
+                              {
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) );
+                                 m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiEEnergy( ESiLi );
+                              }
+                        }
+            }
+         //   T
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+                     if(IsValidChannel("SiLi", m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i)))
+                        {
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTPadNbr( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) );
+                           m_PreTreatedData->SetMMSiLiTTime( fSiLi_T(m_EventData , i) );
+                        }
+            }
+      return;
+   }
 int TMust2Physics :: CheckEvent()
-	{
-		// Check the size of the different elements
-				 if(			m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() /*&& m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() &&  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult()*/  )
-					return 1 ; // Regular Event
-		else if(			m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()+1 || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()-1  )
-					return 2 ; // Pseudo Event, potentially interstrip
-		else 	return -1 ; // Rejected Event
-	}
+   {
+      // Check the size of the different elements
+      if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() /*&& m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() &&  m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult()*/  )
+         return 1 ; // Regular Event
+      else if(         m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()+1 || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult()-1  )
+         return 2 ; // Pseudo Event, potentially interstrip
+      else    
+         return -1 ; // Rejected Event
+   }
 bool TMust2Physics :: ResolvePseudoEvent()
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
+   {
+      return false;
+   }
 vector < TVector2 > TMust2Physics :: Match_X_Y()
-	{
-		vector < TVector2 > ArrayOfGoodCouple ;
-		// Prevent code from treating very high multiplicity Event
-		// Those event are not physical anyway and that improve speed.
-		if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed )
-			return ArrayOfGoodCouple;
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult(); ++i)
-			{
-						for(int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult(); j++)
-							{
-										//	if same detector check energy
-										if ( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(j) )
-											{
-													//	Look if energy match
-													if( abs( (m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)-m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(j))/2. ) < m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma*m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma )
-														{
-														  // Special Option, if the event is between two CsI cristal, it is rejected.
-														  if(m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI)
-														    {
-														      bool check_validity=false;
-														      for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
-														       {
-														        if( Match_Si_CsI(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
-														          check_validity=true;
-														       }
-														      if(check_validity)
-														       ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;	
-														    }
-														   // Special Option, if the event is between two SiLi pad , it is rejected.
-														   if(m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi)
-														    {
-														      bool check_validity=false;
-														      for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
-														       {
-														        if( Match_Si_SiLi(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
-														          check_validity=true;
-														       }
-														      if(check_validity)
-														       ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;	
-														    }
-														  // Regular case, keep the event
-														  else ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;	
-														}
-											}
-							}
-			}
-		//	Prevent to treat event with ambiguous matchin beetween X and Y
-		if( ArrayOfGoodCouple.size() > m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() ) ArrayOfGoodCouple.clear() ;
-		return ArrayOfGoodCouple;	
-	}
+   {
+      vector < TVector2 > ArrayOfGoodCouple ;
+      // Prevent code from treating very high multiplicity Event
+      // Those event are not physical anyway and that improve speed.
+      if( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed || m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult() > m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed )
+         return ArrayOfGoodCouple;
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult(); ++i)
+         {
+            for(int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult(); j++)
+               {
+                  //   if same detector check energy
+                  if ( m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) == m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(j) )
+                     {
+                        //   Look if energy match
+                        if( abs( (m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)-m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(j))/2. ) < m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma*m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma )
+                           {
+                             // Special Option, if the event is between two CsI cristal, it is rejected.
+                             if(m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI)
+                               {
+                                 bool check_validity=false;
+                                 for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
+                                  {
+                                   if( Match_Si_CsI(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
+                                     check_validity=true;
+                                  }
+                                 if(check_validity)
+                                  ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
+                               }
+                              // Special Option, if the event is between two SiLi pad , it is rejected.
+                              if(m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi)
+                               {
+                                 bool check_validity=false;
+                                 for (int hh = 0 ; hh<16 ; ++hh )
+                                  {
+                                   if( Match_Si_SiLi(m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(j) , hh+1) )
+                                     check_validity=true;
+                                  }
+                                 if(check_validity)
+                                  ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
+                               }
+                             // Regular case, keep the event
+                             else ArrayOfGoodCouple . push_back ( TVector2(i,j) ) ;   
+                           }
+                     }
+               }
+         }
+      //   Prevent to treat event with ambiguous matchin beetween X and Y
+      if( ArrayOfGoodCouple.size() > m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult() ) ArrayOfGoodCouple.clear() ;
+      return ArrayOfGoodCouple;   
+   }
 bool TMust2Physics :: IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int telescope , const int channel) 
-	{
-		if(DetectorType == "CsI")
-			return *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-		else if(DetectorType == "SiLi")
-			return *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-		else if(DetectorType == "X")
-			return *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-		else if(DetectorType == "Y")
-			return *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
-		else return false;
-	}
+   {
+      if(DetectorType == "CsI")
+         return *(m_CsIChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else if(DetectorType == "SiLi")
+         return *(m_SiLiChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else if(DetectorType == "X")
+         return *(m_XChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else if(DetectorType == "Y")
+         return *(m_YChannelStatus[telescope-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else return false;
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
@@ -738,719 +736,710 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
 bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_SiLi(int X, int Y , int PadNbr)
-	{
-	    //remove the central part and surrounding
+   {
+       //remove the central part and surrounding
       if( // Outter Part
            X < 8  ||  X > 120
         //|| Y < 0  ||  Y > 128   
           // Central Part
         || (Y < 68 &&  Y > 60) 
-	      {
-	      return false;
-	      }
+         {
+         return false;
+         }
       if( abs(m_SiLi_MatchingX[PadNbr-1] - X) < m_SiLi_Size/2.&&
           abs(m_SiLi_MatchingY[PadNbr-1] - Y) < m_SiLi_Size/2.)
         return true ;
     else return false;
-	}
+   }
 bool TMust2Physics :: Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y , int CristalNbr)
-	{ 
-	        if( abs(m_CsI_MatchingX[CristalNbr-1] - X) < m_CsI_Size/2.&&
-	            abs(m_CsI_MatchingY[CristalNbr-1] - Y) < m_CsI_Size/2.)
-	            return true ;
-	        else return false;
-	}
+   { 
+           if( abs(m_CsI_MatchingX[CristalNbr-1] - X) < m_CsI_Size/2.&&
+               abs(m_CsI_MatchingY[CristalNbr-1] - Y) < m_CsI_Size/2.)
+               return true ;
+           else return false;
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::Clear()
-	{
-		EventMultiplicity= 0		;
-		TelescopeNumber	.clear()	;
-		EventType				.clear()	;
-		TotalEnergy			.clear()	;
-		// Si X
-		Si_E.clear()	;
-		Si_T.clear()	;
-		Si_X.clear()	;
-		Si_Y.clear()	;
-		// Si(Li)
-		SiLi_E.clear()	;
-		SiLi_T.clear()	;
-		SiLi_N.clear()	;
-		// CsI	
-		CsI_E.clear()	;
-		CsI_T.clear()	;
-		CsI_N.clear()	;
-		Si_EX.clear()				;
-		Si_TX.clear()				;
-		Si_EY.clear()			;
-		Si_TY.clear()				;
-		TelescopeNumber_X.clear()				;
-		TelescopeNumber_Y.clear()				;
-	}
+   {
+      EventMultiplicity= 0 ;
+      TelescopeNumber.clear();
+      EventType.clear();
+      TotalEnergy.clear();
+      // Si X
+      Si_E.clear();
+      Si_T.clear();
+      Si_X.clear();
+      Si_Y.clear();
+      // Si(Li)
+      SiLi_E.clear();
+      SiLi_T.clear();
+      SiLi_N.clear();
+      // CsI   
+      CsI_E.clear();
+      CsI_T.clear();
+      CsI_N.clear();
+      Si_EX.clear();
+      Si_TX.clear();
+      Si_EY.clear();
+      Si_TY.clear();
+      TelescopeNumber_X.clear();
+      TelescopeNumber_Y.clear();
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::ReadCalibrationRun()
-	{
-		//	X
-			//	E	
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();++i)
-			{
-						TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i));
-						Si_EX.push_back( fSi_X_E( m_EventData , i) )				;
-						Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i));
-			}
-			//	T
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();++i)
-			{
-						TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i));
-						Si_TX.push_back( fSi_X_T( m_EventData , i) )				;
-						Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i));
-			}
-		//	Y
-			//	E
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult();++i)
-			{
-						TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i));
-						Si_EY.push_back( fSi_Y_E( m_EventData , i) )				;
-						Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i));
-			}
-			//	T
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult();++i)
-			{ 
-						TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i));
-						Si_TY.push_back( fSi_Y_T( m_EventData , i) )				;
-						Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i));
-			}
-	  //CsI Energy
-		for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
-		  {				
-				   CsI_N.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j))	;								
-					 CsI_E.push_back(fCsI_E(m_EventData , j))							;
-		  }
-		//CsI Time
-		for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++j)
-		  {			
-				   //CsI_N.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(j))	;								
-					 CsI_T.push_back(fCsI_T(m_EventData , j))							;
-		  }
-	}
-////	Innherited from VDetector Class	////				
-//	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 	
+   {
+      //   X
+         //   E   
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXEMult();++i)
+         {
+            TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i));
+            Si_EX.push_back( fSi_X_E( m_EventData , i) );
+            Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i));
+         }
+         //   T
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripXTMult();++i)
+         {
+            TelescopeNumber_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i));
+            Si_TX.push_back( fSi_X_T( m_EventData , i) );
+            Si_X.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i));
+         }
+      //   Y
+         //   E
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYEMult();++i)
+         {
+            TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i));
+            Si_EY.push_back( fSi_Y_E( m_EventData , i) );
+            Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i));
+         }
+         //   T
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetMMStripYTMult();++i)
+         { 
+            TelescopeNumber_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i));
+            Si_TY.push_back( fSi_Y_T( m_EventData , i) );
+            Si_Y.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i));
+         }
+     //CsI Energy
+      for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsIEMult() ; ++j)
+        {            
+            CsI_N.push_back(m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(j)) ;                        
+            CsI_E.push_back(fCsI_E(m_EventData , j)) ;
+        }
+      //CsI Time
+      for( int j = 0 ; j < m_EventData->GetMMCsITMult() ; ++j)
+        {         
+            CsI_T.push_back(fCsI_T(m_EventData , j)) ;
+        }
+   }
+////   Innherited from VDetector Class   ////            
+//   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
+void TMust2Physics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
-   ifstream ConfigFile           	;
-   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) 	;
-   string LineBuffer          		;
-   string DataBuffer          		;	
+   ifstream ConfigFile              ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
+   string LineBuffer                ;
+   string DataBuffer                ;   
    // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
    // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
    // C:X1_Y128   --> X:1    Y:128
    // D:X128_Y128 --> X:128  Y:128
-   double Ax , Bx , Cx , Dx , Ay , By , Cy , Dy , Az , Bz , Cz , Dz           	;
-   TVector3 A , B , C , D                                          				;
-   double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0    ;
+   double Ax , Bx , Cx , Dx , Ay , By , Cy , Dy , Az , Bz , Cz , Dz;
+   TVector3 A , B , C , D;
+   double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0;
-   bool check_A = false 	;
-   bool check_C = false  	;
-   bool check_B = false 	;
-   bool check_D = false  	;
+   bool check_A = false ;
+   bool check_C = false ;
+   bool check_B = false ;
+   bool check_D = false ;
    bool check_Theta = false ;
-   bool check_Phi  	= false ;
+   bool check_Phi   = false ;
    bool check_R     = false ;
-   bool check_beta 	= false ;
+   bool check_beta  = false ;
    bool ReadingStatus = false ;
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
-   	{
+      {
+         getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+      //   If line is a Start Up Must2 bloc, Reading toggle to true      
+         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "M2Telescope")==0) 
+            {
+               cout << "///" << endl                 ;
+                  cout << "Telescope found: " << endl   ;        
+               ReadingStatus = true                ;
+            }
+      //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+      else ReadingStatus = false ;
-      	getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-		//	If line is a Start Up Must2 bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-      	if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 11, "M2Telescope")==0) 
-	      	{
-	        	 cout << "///" << endl           		;
-	       		  cout << "Telescope found: " << endl   ;        
-	        	 ReadingStatus = true 					;
-		   	}
-		//	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-		else ReadingStatus = false ;
-		//	Reading Block
-		while(ReadingStatus)
-			{
-				ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-				//	Comment Line 
-					if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
-						 	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
-						}
-					//	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-				else if (DataBuffer=="M2Telescope") {
-						cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-						ReadingStatus = false ;
-						}
-					//	Position method
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y1=") {
-		            check_A = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Ax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Ax = Ax  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Ay = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Ay = Ay  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Az = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Az = Az  ;
-		            A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
-		            cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y1=") {
-		            check_B = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Bx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Bx = Bx  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            By = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            By = By  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Bz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Bz = Bz  ;
-		            B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
-		            cout << "X128 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y128=") {
-		            check_C = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Cx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Cx = Cx  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Cy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Cy = Cy  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Cz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Cz = Cz  ;
-		            C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
-		            cout << "X1 Y128 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
-		         }
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y128=") {
-		            check_D = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Dx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Dx = Dx  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Dy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Dy = Dy  ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Dz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Dz = Dz  ;
-		            D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
-		            cout << "X128 Y128 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
-		         }
-				//	End Position Method
-		         //	Angle method
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
-		            check_Theta = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Theta = Theta ;
-		            cout << "Theta:  " << Theta << endl;
-		         }
-		         //Angle method
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
-		            check_Phi = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            Phi = Phi ;
-		            cout << "Phi:  " << Phi << endl;
-		         }
-		         //Angle method
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
-		            check_R = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            R = R ;
-		            cout << "R:  " << R << endl;
-		         }
-		         //Angle method
-		         else if (DataBuffer=="BETA=") {
-		            check_beta = true;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            beta_u = beta_u    ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            beta_v = beta_v    ;
-		            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-		            beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-		            beta_w = beta_w    ;
-		            cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u << " " << beta_v << " " << beta_w << endl  ;
-		         }
-		         /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		         //	If All necessary information there, toggle out
-		         if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta)  ) 
-		         	{ 
-		         	ReadingStatus = false; 
-		         	///Add The previously define telescope
-         			//With position method
-		         	if ( check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D ) 
-		         		{
-				            AddTelescope(	A   ,
-				                  				B   ,
-				                 					C   ,
-				                  				D   ) ;
-				         }
-		         	    //with angle method
-       				  else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta ) 
-       				  	{
-				            AddTelescope(	Theta   ,
-				                  				Phi   	,
-				                  				R       ,
-				                  				beta_u  ,
-				                  				beta_v  ,
-				                  				beta_w  );
-      					}
-			        check_A = false 	;
-							check_B = false 	;
-		  				check_C = false  	;
-		  				check_D = false  	;
-		   				check_Theta = false   ;
-		   				check_Phi  = false  	;
-		   				check_R    = false   	;
-		   				check_beta = false  	;
-		         	}
-		}
-	}
-		InitializeStandardParameter();        
-    ReadAnalysisConfig();
-	cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl << endl;
+      //   Reading Block
+      while(ReadingStatus)
+         {
+            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+            //   Comment Line 
+               if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+                      ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+                  }
+               //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+            else if (DataBuffer=="M2Telescope") {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Telescope is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;
+                  }
+               //   Position method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y1=") {
+                  check_A = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Ax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Ax = Ax  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Ay = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Ay = Ay  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Az = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Az = Az  ;
+                  A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
+                  cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y1=") {
+                  check_B = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Bx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Bx = Bx  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  By = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  By = By  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Bz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Bz = Bz  ;
+                  B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
+                  cout << "X128 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer=="X1_Y128=") {
+                  check_C = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Cx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Cx = Cx  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Cy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Cy = Cy  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Cz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Cz = Cz  ;
+                  C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
+                  cout << "X1 Y128 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer=="X128_Y128=") {
+                  check_D = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Dx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Dx = Dx  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Dy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Dy = Dy  ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Dz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Dz = Dz  ;
+                  D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
+                  cout << "X128 Y128 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
+               }
+            //   End Position Method
+               //   Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
+                  check_Theta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Theta = Theta ;
+                  cout << "Theta:  " << Theta << endl;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
+                  check_Phi = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  Phi = Phi ;
+                  cout << "Phi:  " << Phi << endl;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
+                  check_R = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  R = R ;
+                  cout << "R:  " << R << endl;
+               }
+               //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="BETA=") {
+                  check_beta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_u = beta_u    ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_v = beta_v    ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+                  beta_w = beta_w    ;
+                  cout << "Beta:  " << beta_u << " " << beta_v << " " << beta_w << endl  ;
+               }
+               /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+               if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta)  ) 
+                  { 
+                     ReadingStatus = false; 
+                     ///Add The previously define telescope
+                     //With position method
+                     if ( check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D ) 
+                        {
+                           AddTelescope(  A,
+                                          B,
+                                          C,
+                                          D) ;
+                        }
+                      //with angle method
+                     else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta ) 
+                        {
+                           AddTelescope(  Theta,
+                                          Phi,
+                                          R,
+                                          beta_u,
+                                          beta_v,
+                                          beta_w);
+                        }
+                     check_A = false ;
+                     check_B = false ;
+                     check_C = false ;
+                     check_D = false ;
+                     check_Theta = false ;
+                     check_Phi  = false ;
+                     check_R    = false ;
+                     check_beta = false ;
+                  }
+         }
+      }
+   InitializeStandardParameter();        
+   ReadAnalysisConfig();
+   cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl << endl;
-//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	
-	{
-		CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)
-			{
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j)
-					{
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")	;
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")	;
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")	;
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")	;	
-					}
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
-					{
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")	;
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")	;
-					}
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
-					{
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")		;
-						Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")		;
-					}
-			}
-		return;
-	}
-//	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-//	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInput() 		
-	{
-		TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()	;
-		inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true )				      ;
-		inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fMM_*" , true )				      ;
-		inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventData )		  ;
-	}
-//	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootOutput() 	
-	{
-		TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()		;
-		outputTree->Branch( "MUST2" , "TMust2Physics" , &m_EventPhysics )	;
-	}
-/////	Specific to MUST2Array	////
-void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(	TVector3 C_X1_Y1 		,
-			 					TVector3 C_X128_Y1 		, 
-			 					TVector3 C_X1_Y128 		, 
-			 					TVector3 C_X128_Y128	)
-	{
-		// To avoid warning
-		C_X128_Y128 *= 1;
-		m_NumberOfTelescope++;
-		//	Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-		TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1 				;	
-		double Ushift = (U.Mag()-98)/2. ;
-		U = U.Unit()									;
-		//	Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
-		TVector3 V = C_X1_Y128 - C_X1_Y1 				;
-		double Vshift = (V.Mag() -98)/2. ;
-		V = V.Unit()									;
-		//	Position Vector of Strip Center
-		TVector3 StripCenter = TVector3(0,0,0)			;
-		//	Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip 
-		TVector3 Strip_1_1 								;		
-		//	Geometry Parameter
-		double Face = 98					 					  	; //mm
-		double NumberOfStrip = 128 							; 
-		double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip	; //mm
-		//	Buffer object to fill Position Array
-		vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionX	;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionY	;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionZ	;
-		//	Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
-		Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.) 	;
+//   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+void TMust2Physics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()   
+   {
+      CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)
+         {
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j)
+               {
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_Si_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;   
+               }
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
+               {
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")   ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_SiLi"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")   ;
+               }
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; ++j)
+               {
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_E")      ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("MUST2", "T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T","MUST2_T"+itoa(i+1)+"_CsI"+itoa(j+1)+"_T")      ;
+               }
+         }
+      return;
+   }
+//   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+//   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootInput()       
+   {
+      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()   ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MUST2" , true )               ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fMM_*" , true )               ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "MUST2" , &m_EventData )      ;
+   }
+//   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootOutput()    
+   {
+      TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
+      outputTree->Branch( "MUST2" , "TMust2Physics" , &m_EventPhysics );
+   }
+/////   Specific to MUST2Array   ////
+void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(   TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
+                         TVector3 C_X128_Y1, 
+                         TVector3 C_X1_Y128, 
+                         TVector3 C_X128_Y128)
+   {
+      // To avoid warning
+      C_X128_Y128 *= 1;
+      m_NumberOfTelescope++;
+      //   Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
+      TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1 ;   
+      double Ushift = (U.Mag()-98)/2.;
+      U = U.Unit();
+      //   Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
+      TVector3 V = C_X1_Y128 - C_X1_Y1 ;
+      double Vshift = (V.Mag() -98)/2. ;
+      V = V.Unit() ;
+      //   Position Vector of Strip Center
+      TVector3 StripCenter = TVector3(0,0,0);
+      //   Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip 
+      TVector3 Strip_1_1;      
+      //   Geometry Parameter
+      double Face = 98; //mm
+      double NumberOfStrip = 128; 
+      double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip ; //mm
+      //   Buffer object to fill Position Array
+      vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
+      //   Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
+      Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.)    ;
     Strip_1_1+= U*Ushift+V*Vshift ;
-		for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
-			{
-				lineX.clear()	;
-				lineY.clear()	;
-				lineZ.clear()	;
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
-					{
-						StripCenter  = Strip_1_1 + StripPitch*( i*U + j*V  )	;
-						//StripCenter += -TargetPosition		;
-						lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() )	;
-						lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() )	;
-						lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() )	;	
-					}
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)	;
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY)	;
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ)	;
-			}
-		m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
-		m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
-		m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;	
-	}
+      for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
+         {
+            lineX.clear()   ;
+            lineY.clear()   ;
+            lineZ.clear()   ;
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
+               {
+                  StripCenter  = Strip_1_1 + StripPitch*( i*U + j*V  );
+                  lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
+                  lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
+                  lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
+               }
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX);
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY);
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ);
+         }
+      m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
+      m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
+      m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;   
+   }
 void TMust2Physics::InitializeStandardParameter()
-	{
-		//	Enable all channel
-		vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
-    m_XChannelStatus.clear()    ;
-    m_YChannelStatus.clear()    ;
-    m_SiLiChannelStatus.clear() ;
-    m_CsIChannelStatus.clear()  ;
+   {
+      //   Enable all channel
+      vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
+      m_XChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+      m_YChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+      m_SiLiChannelStatus.clear() ;
+      m_CsIChannelStatus.clear()  ;
-		ChannelStatus.resize(128,true);
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)		
-			{
-				m_XChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-				m_YChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-			}
-		ChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)		
-			{
-				m_SiLiChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
-				m_CsIChannelStatus[i]  = ChannelStatus;
-			}
-		m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = m_NumberOfTelescope	;
-		return;
-	}	
-void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(	double theta 	, 
-								double phi 		, 
-								double distance , 
-								double beta_u 	, 
-								double beta_v 	, 
-								double beta_w	)
-	{
-		m_NumberOfTelescope++;
-		double Pi = 3.141592654 ;
-		// convert from degree to radian:
-		theta = theta * Pi/180. ; 
-		phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
-		//Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-		TVector3 U ;	
-		//Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
-		TVector3 V ;
-		//Vector W normal to Telescope Face (pointing CsI)
-		TVector3 W ;
-		//Vector position of Telescope Face center
-		TVector3 C ;
-		C = TVector3 (	distance * sin(theta) * cos(phi) ,
-						distance * sin(theta) * sin(phi) ,
-						distance * cos(theta)			 );
-    	TVector3 P = TVector3(	cos(theta ) * cos(phi)	, 
-    							cos(theta ) * sin(phi)	,
-    							-sin(theta)				);
-		W = C.Unit() ;
-		U = W .Cross ( P ) ;
-	  V = W .Cross ( U );
-		U = U.Unit();
-		V = V.Unit();
-		U.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
-		V.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
-		U.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
-		V.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
-		U.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
-		V.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
-		double Face = 98 					  	; //mm
-		double NumberOfStrip = 128 				;
-		double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip	; //mm
-		vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionX	;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionY	;
-		vector< vector< double > >	OneTelescopeStripPositionZ	;
-		double X , Y , Z  ;
-		//Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
-		C.SetX( C.X() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.X() + U.X() ) )  ; 
-		C.SetY( C.Y() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Y() + U.Y() ) )  ; 
-		C.SetZ( C.Z() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Z() + U.Z() ) )  ; 
-		for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
-			{
-				lineX.clear()	;
-				lineY.clear()	;
-				lineZ.clear()	;
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
-					{
-						X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )	;
-						Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )	;
-						Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )	;
-						lineX.push_back(X)	;
-						lineY.push_back(Y)	;
-						lineZ.push_back(Z)	;		
-					}
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)	;
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY)	;
-				OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ)	;
-			}
-		m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
-		m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
-		m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;
-	}
+      ChannelStatus.resize(128,true);
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)      
+         {
+            m_XChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+            m_YChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+         }
+      ChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfTelescope ; ++i)      
+         {
+            m_SiLiChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+            m_CsIChannelStatus[i]  = ChannelStatus;
+         }
+      m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = m_NumberOfTelescope   ;
+      return;
+   }   
+void TMust2Physics::AddTelescope(   double theta, 
+                                    double phi, 
+                                    double distance, 
+                                    double beta_u, 
+                                    double beta_v, 
+                                    double beta_w)
+   {
+      m_NumberOfTelescope++;
+      double Pi = 3.141592654 ;
+      // convert from degree to radian:
+      theta = theta * Pi/180. ; 
+      phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
+      //Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
+      TVector3 U ;   
+      //Vector V on Telescope Face (parallele to X Strip)
+      TVector3 V ;
+      //Vector W normal to Telescope Face (pointing CsI)
+      TVector3 W ;
+      //Vector position of Telescope Face center
+      TVector3 C ;
+      C = TVector3 ( distance * sin(theta) * cos(phi) ,
+                     distance * sin(theta) * sin(phi) ,
+                     distance * cos(theta) );
+       TVector3 P = TVector3( cos(theta ) * cos(phi) , 
+                              cos(theta ) * sin(phi) ,
+                              -sin(theta) );
+      W = C.Unit() ;
+      U = W .Cross ( P ) ;
+      V = W .Cross ( U );
+      U = U.Unit();
+      V = V.Unit();
+      U.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
+      V.Rotate( beta_u * Pi/180. , U ) ;
+      U.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
+      V.Rotate( beta_v * Pi/180. , V ) ;
+      U.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
+      V.Rotate( beta_w * Pi/180. , W ) ;
+      double Face = 98                     ; //mm
+      double NumberOfStrip = 128             ;
+      double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip   ; //mm
+      vector<double> lineX ; vector<double> lineY ; vector<double> lineZ ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionX   ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionY   ;
+      vector< vector< double > >   OneTelescopeStripPositionZ   ;
+      double X , Y , Z  ;
+      //Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
+      C.SetX( C.X() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.X() + U.X() ) )  ; 
+      C.SetY( C.Y() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Y() + U.Y() ) )  ; 
+      C.SetZ( C.Z() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Z() + U.Z() ) )  ; 
+      for( int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
+         {
+            lineX.clear()   ;
+            lineY.clear()   ;
+            lineZ.clear()   ;
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j )
+               {
+                  X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )   ;
+                  Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )   ;
+                  Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )   ;
+                  lineX.push_back(X)   ;
+                  lineY.push_back(Y)   ;
+                  lineZ.push_back(Z)   ;      
+               }
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)   ;
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionY.push_back(lineY)   ;
+            OneTelescopeStripPositionZ.push_back(lineZ)   ;
+         }
+      m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionX ) ;
+      m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionY ) ;
+      m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneTelescopeStripPositionZ ) ;
+   }
 TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const 
-	{
-		TVector3 Position = TVector3 (	GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] ) 	,
-																		GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )		,
-																		GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )		) ;
-		return(Position) ;	
-	}
+   {
+      TVector3 Position = TVector3 (   GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )    ,
+                                                      GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ,
+                                                      GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , Si_X[i] , Si_Y[i] )      ) ;
+      return(Position) ;   
+   }
 TVector3 TMust2Physics::GetTelescopeNormal( const int i) const 
-	{
-				TVector3 U = 	TVector3 (	GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) 	,
-																	GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 )		,
-																	GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 )		)
-									- 	TVector3 (	GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) 		,
-																	GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 )			,
-																	GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 )			);
-				TVector3 V = 	TVector3 (	GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
-																	GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 )	,
-																	GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 )	)
-										-	TVector3 (	GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) 	,
-																	GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 )		,
-																	GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 )		);
-				TVector3 Normal = U.Cross(V);
-		return(Normal.Unit()) ;	
-	}	
+   {
+      TVector3 U =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) )
+                     -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 1 , 1 ) );
+      TVector3 V =    TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 128 ) )
+                     -TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionY( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) ,
+                                 GetStripPositionZ( TelescopeNumber[i] , 128 , 1 ) );
+      TVector3 Normal = U.Cross(V);
+      return(Normal.Unit()) ;
+   }   
 namespace MUST2_LOCAL
-	{
-		//	tranform an integer to a string
-		string itoa(int value)
-			{
-			  std::ostringstream o;
-			  if (!(o << value))
-			    return ""	;
-			  return o.str();
-			}
-		//	DSSD
-		//	X
-		double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) ) + "_E",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i) );
-			}
-		double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMStripXTTime(i) );
-			}
-		//	Y	
-		double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i) );
-			}
-		double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMStripYTTime(i) );
-			}
-		//	SiLi
-		double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) ) +"_E",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i) );
-			}
-		double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) )+"_T",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTTime(i) );
-			}
-		//	CsI
-		double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) ) +"_E",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i) );
-			}
-		double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
-			{
-				return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) ) +"_T",	
-																																		m_EventData->GetMMCsITTime(i) );
-			}
-	}
+   {
+      //   tranform an integer to a string
+      string itoa(int value)
+         {
+           std::ostringstream o;
+           if (!(o << value))
+             return ""   ;
+           return o.str();
+         }
+      //   DSSD
+      //   X
+      double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i) ) + "_E",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i) );
+         }
+      double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripXTTime(i) );
+         }
+      //   Y   
+      double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i) );
+         }
+      double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Si_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMStripYTTime(i) );
+         }
+      //   SiLi
+      double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i) );
+         }
+      double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_SiLi" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i) )+"_T",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMSiLiTTime(i) );
+         }
+      //   CsI
+      double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i) ) +"_E",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i) );
+         }
+      double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* m_EventData , const int i)
+         {
+            return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "MUST2/T" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_CsI" + itoa( m_EventData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i) ) +"_T",   
+                                                                                                      m_EventData->GetMMCsITTime(i) );
+         }
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
index 9f9569b4448967e14009e7efb135be8bd4767040..2392d71cd77895a5f7c4c2e9df9f3127b9ff2b13 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.h
@@ -2,25 +2,25 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2009-2010   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
- *                                                                           *
+ *                 *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
- *                                                                           *
- * Creation Date  : febuary 2009                                             *
- * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *                 *
+ * Creation Date  : febuary 2009                *
+ * Last update    :                             *
- * Decription:                                                               *
- *  This class hold must2 treated data                                       *
- *                                                                           *
+ * Decription:     *
+ *  This class hold must2 treated data          *
+ *                 *
- * Comment:                                                                  *
- *                                                                           *
- *                                                                           *
- *                                                                           *
+ * Comment:        *
+ *                 *
+ *                 *
+ *                 *
 // STL
 #include <vector>
@@ -38,233 +38,233 @@ using namespace std ;
 class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
-	public:
-		TMust2Physics()	;
-		~TMust2Physics() {};
+   public:
+      TMust2Physics();
+      ~TMust2Physics() {};
-	public: 
-	void Clear()									;	
-  void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+   public: 
+      void Clear();   
+      void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-	public: 
-	vector < TVector2 > Match_X_Y() ;
-	bool Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y , int CristalNbr);
-	bool Match_Si_SiLi(int X, int Y , int PadNbr);
-	bool ResolvePseudoEvent();
-	int  CheckEvent();
-	public:
-	//	Provide Physical Multiplicity
-	Int_t			EventMultiplicity	;
-	//	Provide a Classification of Event
-	vector<int>		EventType			;
-	// Telescope
-	vector<int>		TelescopeNumber		;
-	//	Si
-	vector<double>	Si_E										;
-	vector<double>	Si_T										;
-	vector<int>			Si_X										;
-	vector<int>			Si_Y										;
+   public: 
+      vector < TVector2 > Match_X_Y() ;
+      bool Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y , int CristalNbr);
+      bool Match_Si_SiLi(int X, int Y , int PadNbr);
+      bool ResolvePseudoEvent();
+      int  CheckEvent();
+   public:
+      //   Provide Physical Multiplicity
+      Int_t EventMultiplicity;
+      //   Provide a Classification of Event
+      vector<int> EventType ;
+      // Telescope
+      vector<int> TelescopeNumber ;
+      //   Si
+      vector<double> Si_E ;
+      vector<double> Si_T ;
+      vector<int>    Si_X ;
+      vector<int>    Si_Y ;
-	// Use for checking purpose
-	vector<double>	Si_EX				;
-	vector<double>	Si_TX				;
-	vector<double>	Si_EY				;
-	vector<double>	Si_TY				;
-	vector<int>			TelescopeNumber_X				;
-	vector<int>			TelescopeNumber_Y				;
-	//	Si(Li)
-	vector<double>	SiLi_E				;
-	vector<double>	SiLi_T				;
-	vector<int>			SiLi_N				;
-	//	CsI
-	vector<double>	CsI_E				;
-	vector<double>	CsI_T				;
-	vector<int>			CsI_N				;	
-	// Physical Value  
-	vector<double>	TotalEnergy			;
-	public:		//	Innherited from VDetector Class
-		//	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-		void ReadConfiguration(string) 				;
+      // Use for checking purpose
+      vector<double> Si_EX ;
+      vector<double> Si_TX ;
+      vector<double> Si_EY ;
+      vector<double> Si_TY ;
+      vector<int>    TelescopeNumber_X ;
+      vector<int>    TelescopeNumber_Y ;
+      //   Si(Li)
+      vector<double>  SiLi_E ;
+      vector<double>  SiLi_T ;
+      vector<int>     SiLi_N ;
+      //   CsI
+      vector<double>  CsI_E ;
+      vector<double>  CsI_T ;
+      vector<int>     CsI_N ;   
+      // Physical Value  
+      vector<double>   TotalEnergy ;
+   public:      //   Innherited from VDetector Class
+      //   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
+      void ReadConfiguration(string) ;
-		//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-		void AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	;		
-		//	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-		//	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-		void InitializeRootInput() 					;
+      //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+      void AddParameterToCalibrationManager() ;      
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInput() ;
-		//	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-		void InitializeRootOutput() 		 		;
-		//	This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-		void BuildPhysicalEvent()					;
-		//	Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-		//	This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-		//	NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-		void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()				;
+      //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+      void InitializeRootOutput() ;
+      //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
+      void BuildPhysicalEvent() ;
+      //   Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
+      //   This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
+      //   NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
+      void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent() ;
-		//	Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-		void ClearEventPhysics()		{Clear();}		
-		void ClearEventData()				{m_EventData->Clear();}	
-	public:		//	Specific to MUST2 Array
-		//	Clear The PreTeated object
-		void ClearPreTreatedData()	{m_PreTreatedData->Clear();}
-		//	Remove bad channel, calibrate the data and apply threshold
-		void PreTreat();
-		//	Return false if the channel is disabled by user
-			//	Frist argument is either "X","Y","SiLi","CsI"
-		bool IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int telescope , const int channel);
-		//	Initialize the standard parameter for analysis
-			//	ie: all channel enable, maximum multiplicity for strip = number of telescope
-		void InitializeStandardParameter();
-		//	Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
-		void ReadAnalysisConfig();
-		//	Add a Telescope using Corner Coordinate information
-		void AddTelescope(	TVector3 C_X1_Y1 			,
-						 						TVector3 C_X128_Y1 		, 
-						 						TVector3 C_X1_Y128 		, 
-						 						TVector3 C_X128_Y128	);
-		//	Add a Telescope using R Theta Phi of Si center information
-		void AddTelescope(	double theta 		, 
-												double phi 			, 
-												double distance , 
-												double beta_u 	, 
-												double beta_v 	, 
-												double beta_w		);
-		// Use for reading Calibration Run, very simple methods; only apply calibration, no condition
-		void ReadCalibrationRun();
-		// Use to access the strip position
-		double GetStripPositionX( const int N , const int X , const int Y )	const{ return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
-		double GetStripPositionY( const int N , const int X , const int Y )	const{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
-		double GetStripPositionZ( const int N , const int X , const int Y )	const{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
+      //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
+      void ClearEventPhysics() {Clear();}      
+      void ClearEventData()    {m_EventData->Clear();}   
+   public:      //   Specific to MUST2 Array
+      //   Clear The PreTeated object
+      void ClearPreTreatedData()   {m_PreTreatedData->Clear();}
+      //   Remove bad channel, calibrate the data and apply threshold
+      void PreTreat();
+      //   Return false if the channel is disabled by user
+         //   Frist argument is either "X","Y","SiLi","CsI"
+      bool IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int telescope , const int channel);
+      //   Initialize the standard parameter for analysis
+         //   ie: all channel enable, maximum multiplicity for strip = number of telescope
+      void InitializeStandardParameter();
+      //   Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
+      void ReadAnalysisConfig();
+      //   Add a Telescope using Corner Coordinate information
+      void AddTelescope(   TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
+                           TVector3 C_X128_Y1, 
+                           TVector3 C_X1_Y128, 
+                           TVector3 C_X128_Y128);
+      //   Add a Telescope using R Theta Phi of Si center information
+      void AddTelescope( double theta, 
+                         double phi, 
+                         double distance, 
+                         double beta_u, 
+                         double beta_v, 
+                         double beta_w);
+      // Use for reading Calibration Run, very simple methods; only apply calibration, no condition
+      void ReadCalibrationRun();
+      // Use to access the strip position
+      double GetStripPositionX( const int N , const int X , const int Y )   const{ return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
+      double GetStripPositionY( const int N , const int X , const int Y )   const{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
+      double GetStripPositionZ( const int N , const int X , const int Y )   const{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1] ; }  ;
-		double GetNumberOfTelescope() const { return m_NumberOfTelescope ; }  	;
+      double GetNumberOfTelescope() const { return m_NumberOfTelescope ; };
-		// To be called after a build Physical Event 
-		int GetEventMultiplicity() const { return EventMultiplicity; } ;
-		double GetEnergyDeposit(const int i) const{ return TotalEnergy[i] ;} ;
-		TVector3 GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const  ;	
-		TVector3 GetTelescopeNormal(const int i) const 	 ;
+      // To be called after a build Physical Event 
+      int GetEventMultiplicity() const { return EventMultiplicity; };
+      double GetEnergyDeposit(const int i) const{ return TotalEnergy[i] ;};
+      TVector3 GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const;   
+      TVector3 GetTelescopeNormal(const int i) const;
-		private:	//	Parameter used in the analysis
-		// By default take EX and TY.
-		bool m_Take_E_Y;//!
-		bool m_Take_T_Y;//!
-		//	Event over this value after pre-treatment are not treated / avoid long treatment time on spurious event	
-			int m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed  ;//!
-		//	Give the allowance in percent of the difference in energy between X and Y
-			double m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma  ; //!
-			double m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma  ; //!
-		// Raw Threshold
-		int m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
-		int m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
-		int m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
-		int m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold	 ;//!
-		// Calibrated Threshold
-		double m_Si_X_E_Threshold ;//!
-		double m_Si_Y_E_Threshold ;//!
-		double m_SiLi_E_Threshold ;//!
-		double m_CsI_E_Threshold	;//!
-		// Geometric Matching
-		// size in strip of a pad
-		int m_SiLi_Size;//!
-		// center position of the pad on X
-		vector< int > m_SiLi_MatchingX;//!
-		// center position of the pad on Y
-		vector< int > m_SiLi_MatchingY;//!
-		// size in strip of a cristal
-		int m_CsI_Size;//!
-		// center position of the cristal on X
-		vector< int > m_CsI_MatchingX;//!
-		// center position of the cristal on X
-		vector< int > m_CsI_MatchingY;//!
-		// If set to true, all event that do not come in front of a cristal will be ignore all time (crossing or not),
-		// Warning, this option reduce statistic, however it help eliminating unrealevent event that cross the DSSD
-		// And go between pad or cristal. 
-		bool m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi;//!
-		bool m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI;//!
-	 	private:	//	Root Input and Output tree classes
-				TMust2Data* 	  	m_EventData				;//!
-				TMust2Data* 	  	m_PreTreatedData	;//!
-				TMust2Physics* 	  m_EventPhysics		;//!
+      private:   //   Parameter used in the analysis
+         // By default take EX and TY.
+         bool m_Take_E_Y;//!
+         bool m_Take_T_Y;//!
+         //   Event over this value after pre-treatment are not treated / avoid long treatment time on spurious event   
+         int m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed  ;//!
+         //   Give the allowance in percent of the difference in energy between X and Y
+         double m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma  ; //!
+         double m_StripEnergyMatchingNumberOfSigma  ; //!
+         // Raw Threshold
+         int m_Si_X_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
+         int m_Si_Y_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
+         int m_SiLi_E_RAW_Threshold ;//!
+         int m_CsI_E_RAW_Threshold    ;//!
+         // Calibrated Threshold
+         double m_Si_X_E_Threshold ;//!
+         double m_Si_Y_E_Threshold ;//!
+         double m_SiLi_E_Threshold ;//!
+         double m_CsI_E_Threshold   ;//!
+         // Geometric Matching
+         // size in strip of a pad
+         int m_SiLi_Size;//!
+         // center position of the pad on X
+         vector< int > m_SiLi_MatchingX;//!
+         // center position of the pad on Y
+         vector< int > m_SiLi_MatchingY;//!
+         // size in strip of a cristal
+         int m_CsI_Size;//!
+         // center position of the cristal on X
+         vector< int > m_CsI_MatchingX;//!
+         // center position of the cristal on X
+         vector< int > m_CsI_MatchingY;//!
+         // If set to true, all event that do not come in front of a cristal will be ignore all time (crossing or not),
+         // Warning, this option reduce statistic, however it help eliminating unrealevent event that cross the DSSD
+         // And go between pad or cristal. 
+         bool m_Ignore_not_matching_SiLi;//!
+         bool m_Ignore_not_matching_CsI;//!
+       private:   //   Root Input and Output tree classes
+         TMust2Data*         m_EventData;//!
+         TMust2Data*         m_PreTreatedData;//!
+         TMust2Physics*      m_EventPhysics;//!
-		private:	//	Map of activated channel
-				map< int, vector<bool> > m_XChannelStatus 		;//!
-				map< int, vector<bool> > m_YChannelStatus 		;//! 
-				map< int, vector<bool> > m_SiLiChannelStatus 	;//!
-				map< int, vector<bool> > m_CsIChannelStatus 	;//! 
+      private:   //   Map of activated channel
+         map< int, vector<bool> > m_XChannelStatus;//!
+         map< int, vector<bool> > m_YChannelStatus;//! 
+         map< int, vector<bool> > m_SiLiChannelStatus;//!
+         map< int, vector<bool> > m_CsIChannelStatus;//! 
-		private:	//	Spatial Position of Strip Calculated on bases of detector position
-			int m_NumberOfTelescope	;//!
-			vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionX			;//!
-			vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionY			;//!
-			vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionZ			;//!
-	ClassDef(TMust2Physics,1)  // Must2Physics structure
+      private:   //   Spatial Position of Strip Calculated on bases of detector position
+         int m_NumberOfTelescope;//!
+         vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionX;//!
+         vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionY;//!
+         vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionZ;//!
+   ClassDef(TMust2Physics,1)  // Must2Physics structure
 namespace MUST2_LOCAL
-	{
+   {
-		//	tranform an integer to a string
-		string itoa(int value);
-		//	DSSD
-		//	X
-		double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		//	Y	
-		double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		//	SiLi
-		double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		//	CsI
-		double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-		double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
-	}
+      //   tranform an integer to a string
+      string itoa(int value);
+      //   DSSD
+      //   X
+      double fSi_X_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      double fSi_X_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      //   Y   
+      double fSi_Y_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      double fSi_Y_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      //   SiLi
+      double fSiLi_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      double fSiLi_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      //   CsI
+      double fCsI_E(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+      double fCsI_T(const TMust2Data* Data, const int i);
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Paris/Paris.cxx b/NPLib/Paris/Paris.cxx
index 8e0ab39149fbe822514af47f0f472f5db902b8b9..1e7256424da3886cfd03a70df01c56a26d0796e6 100644
--- a/NPLib/Paris/Paris.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Paris/Paris.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "Paris.h"
 // C++ headers
-#include <iostream>	
+#include <iostream>   
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 // ROOT headers
 #include "TChain.h"
-using namespace std ;	
-//	Default Constructor
+using namespace std ;   
+//   Default Constructor
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    m_EventData    = new TParisData();
    m_EventPhysics = new TParisPhysics();
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ Paris::~Paris()
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    delete m_EventData;
    delete m_EventPhysics;
 // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-void Paris::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 	
+void Paris::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
-   ifstream ConfigFile           	;
-   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) 	;
-   string LineBuffer          		;
-   string DataBuffer          		;	
+   ifstream ConfigFile              ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
+   string LineBuffer                ;
+   string DataBuffer                ;   
    // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
    // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ void Paris::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       else ReadingStatus = false;
       // Reading Block
-      while (ReadingStatus) {	 
-         if (isCluster) { 	// square shape
+      while (ReadingStatus) {    
+         if (isCluster) {    // square shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void Paris::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             } // end test for adding a module
          } // end test for ParisCluster shape
-        else if (isPhoswich) { 	// ParisPhoswich shape
+        else if (isPhoswich) {    // ParisPhoswich shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ void Paris::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Read stream at Path and pick-up calibration parameter using Token
 // If argument is "Simulation" no change calibration is loaded
-void Paris::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)	
+void Paris::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)   
    // Order of Polynom function used for calibration
    int Calibration_Si_E_Order;
@@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ void Paris::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
    int Calibration_CsI_E_Order;
    // Calibration_Si_X_E[DetectorNumber][StripNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_T	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_T	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_T   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_T   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][PadNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_SiLi_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_SiLi_E   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][CrystalNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_CsI_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_CsI_E   ;
    if (Path == "Simulation") {   // Simulation case: data already calibrated
       Calibration_Si_E_Order   = 1;
@@ -449,29 +449,29 @@ void Paris::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
       Calibration_CsI_E_Order  = 1;
       vector<double> Coef;
-      // Order 0				Order 1
-      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1) 	;
-      vector< vector<double> > StripLine 		;
-      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)			;
-      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
+      // Order 0            Order 1
+      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1)    ;
+      vector< vector<double> > StripLine       ;
+      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)         ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
    else {
 // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void Paris::InitializeRootInput() 		
+void Paris::InitializeRootInput()       
    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("PARIS", true);
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ void Paris::InitializeRootInput()
 // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-void Paris::InitializeRootOutput() 	
+void Paris::InitializeRootOutput()    
    TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
    outputTree->Branch("PARIS", "TParisPhysics", &m_EventPhysics);
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void Paris::InitializeRootOutput()
 // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-void Paris::BuildPhysicalEvent()		
+void Paris::BuildPhysicalEvent()      
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildPhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ void Paris::BuildPhysicalEvent()
 // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
 // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
 // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-void Paris::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	
+void Paris::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()   
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 98;		// mm
+   double Face = 98;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 128;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ void Paris::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -629,10 +629,10 @@ void Paris::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 50;		// mm
+   double Face = 50;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 128;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -700,9 +700,9 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -788,10 +788,10 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ void Paris::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
-double Paris::GetEnergyDeposit()		
+double Paris::GetEnergyDeposit()      
    if (m_EventPhysics->ParisTotalEnergy.size() > 0)
       return m_EventPhysics->ParisTotalEnergy[0]; 
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ double Paris::GetEnergyDeposit()
       return -1000;
-double Paris::GetEnergyInDeposit()	// inner Layer	
+double Paris::GetEnergyInDeposit()   // inner Layer   
    if (m_EventPhysics->ParisInTotalEnergy.size() > 0)
       return m_EventPhysics->ParisInTotalEnergy[0]; 
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ double Paris::GetEnergyInDeposit()	// inner Layer
       return -1000;
-double Paris::GetEnergyOutDeposit()	// Outer Layer	
+double Paris::GetEnergyOutDeposit()   // Outer Layer   
    if (m_EventPhysics->ParisOutTotalEnergy.size() > 0)
       return m_EventPhysics->ParisOutTotalEnergy[0]; 
diff --git a/NPLib/Paris/Paris.h b/NPLib/Paris/Paris.h
index cae59358bd5bfdb93d16caaea612475ce72a9ef4..090913088f93cad8124ba95070238651c2735ff2 100644
--- a/NPLib/Paris/Paris.h
+++ b/NPLib/Paris/Paris.h
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ public:
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. 
    // The aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
    // Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-   void ClearEventPhysics()	{m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
-   void ClearEventData()	{m_EventData->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventPhysics()  {m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventData()     {m_EventData->Clear();}
@@ -102,38 +102,38 @@ public:
                             double beta_w);
    // Getters to retrieve the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of a pixel defined by strips (X,Y)
-   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetNumberOfModule()	 			{ return m_NumberOfModule; }
+   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetNumberOfModule()             { return m_NumberOfModule; }
    // Get Root input and output objects
-   TParisData* 	GetEventData()		{return m_EventData;}
-   TParisPhysics*	GetEventPhysics()	{return m_EventPhysics;}
+   TParisData*    GetEventData()      {return m_EventData;}
+   TParisPhysics*   GetEventPhysics()   {return m_EventPhysics;}
    // To be called after a build Physical Event 
-   double	GetEnergyDeposit();
-   double	GetEnergyInDeposit();
-   double	GetEnergyOutDeposit();
-   TVector3	GetPositionOfInteraction();
+   double   GetEnergyDeposit();
+   double   GetEnergyInDeposit();
+   double   GetEnergyOutDeposit();
+   TVector3   GetPositionOfInteraction();
-   void		Print();
+   void      Print();
    // Root Input and Output tree classes //
-   TParisData*		m_EventData;
-   TParisPhysics*	m_EventPhysics;
+   TParisData*      m_EventData;
+   TParisPhysics*   m_EventPhysics;
    // Spatial Position of Strip Calculated on basis of detector position
    int m_NumberOfModule;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionX;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionY;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionX;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionY;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionZ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Paris/TParisData.h b/NPLib/Paris/TParisData.h
index 4d43088ec6c1feb1cc081b86101a439ec8fda3ab..57419e5f0faf98c9f8755c3408e09181606cbd4a 100644
--- a/NPLib/Paris/TParisData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Paris/TParisData.h
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ class TParisData : public TObject {
-   vector<double>	fParis_Energy;
-   vector<double>	fParis_Time;
-   vector<short>	fParis_Number;
+   vector<double>   fParis_Energy;
+   vector<double>   fParis_Time;
+   vector<short>   fParis_Number;
    virtual ~TParisData();
-   void	Clear();
-   void	Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   void	Dump() const;
+   void   Clear();
+   void   Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+   void   Dump() const;
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
@@ -143,16 +143,16 @@ class TParisData : public TObject {
    // (E)
-   //double	GetEnergy(int i)		{return fParis_Energy[i];}
+   //double   GetEnergy(int i)      {return fParis_Energy[i];}
    // (T)
-   //double	GetTime(int i)			{return fParis_Time[i];}
+   //double   GetTime(int i)         {return fParis_Time[i];}
    // (N)
-   int		GetParisNumber(int i)		{return fParis_Number[i];}   
-   double	GetEnergySize()			{return fParis_Energy.size();}
+   int      GetParisNumber(int i)      {return fParis_Number[i];}   
+   double   GetEnergySize()         {return fParis_Energy.size();}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTimeSize()			{return fParis_Time.size();}
+   double   GetTimeSize()         {return fParis_Time.size();}
    // (N)
-   int      	GetParisNumberSize()		{return fParis_Number.size();}
+   int         GetParisNumberSize()      {return fParis_Number.size();}
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ class TParisData : public TObject {
    // (E)
-   void	SetEnergy(double E)			{fParis_Energy.push_back(E);}
-   void	SetTime(double T)			{fParis_Time.push_back(T);}
-   void	SetParisNumber(int N)			{fParis_Number.push_back(N);}
+   void   SetEnergy(double E)         {fParis_Energy.push_back(E);}
+   void   SetTime(double T)         {fParis_Time.push_back(T);}
+   void   SetParisNumber(int N)         {fParis_Number.push_back(N);}
    ClassDef(TParisData,1)  // ParisData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.cxx
index 8fb3b62e5148b5d034f714dd49f1b6c1ede910dd..c6e1baf55fbbd94c8eb0dd794a811aeb66cf330c 100644
--- a/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.cxx
@@ -70,41 +70,41 @@ void TParisPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent(TParisData* Data)
       double EnergyTot=0.;
-	//cout << "cava1b" <<endl;
-	//cout <<  Data->GetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(0) <<endl;
-	//cout << "cava1b" <<endl;
+   //cout << "cava1b" <<endl;
+   //cout <<  Data->GetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(0) <<endl;
+   //cout << "cava1b" <<endl;
             double EnergyStripFront;
-	    double EnergyStrip;
+       double EnergyStrip;
-	    for(int j=0;j<multLaBrE;j++)
-	    {
-	     EnergyStripFront= Data->GetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(j);
+       for(int j=0;j<multLaBrE;j++)
+       {
+        EnergyStripFront= Data->GetPARISLaBr3StageEEnergy(j);
              EnergyStrip  = EnergyStripFront;
              EnergyTot += EnergyStrip;
-	     //cout << "Energytot LaBr=" << EnergyTot << endl;
-	    }
+        //cout << "Energytot LaBr=" << EnergyTot << endl;
+       }
       // Fill total energy in inner shell
-	double EnergySecond;
-	double EnergyTotSecond;
-	    for(int j=0;j<multCsIE;j++)
-	    {
-	      EnergySecond = Data->GetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(j);
-	      ParisCsI_E.push_back(EnergySecond);
-	      EnergyTotSecond +=EnergySecond;
-	      EnergyTot += EnergySecond;
-	      //cout << "Energy CsI=" << EnergySecond << endl;
-	      //cout << "Energytot CsI=" << EnergyTot << endl;
-	    }
+   double EnergySecond;
+   double EnergyTotSecond;
+       for(int j=0;j<multCsIE;j++)
+       {
+         EnergySecond = Data->GetPARISCsIStageEEnergy(j);
+         ParisCsI_E.push_back(EnergySecond);
+         EnergyTotSecond +=EnergySecond;
+         EnergyTot += EnergySecond;
+         //cout << "Energy CsI=" << EnergySecond << endl;
+         //cout << "Energytot CsI=" << EnergyTot << endl;
+       }
       // Fill total energy in outter shell
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void TParisPhysics::Clear()
-   // CsI	
+   // CsI   
diff --git a/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.h b/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.h
index 9a7159949404bbbea9f133909e5d7b805441284f..566a9980b77c10de97b00d533272b8f27a90b9c3 100644
--- a/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Paris/TParisPhysics.h
@@ -38,43 +38,43 @@ public:
-   void Clear();	
-   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};	
+   void Clear();   
+   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};   
    void BuildPhysicalEvent(TParisData* Data);
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(TParisData* Data);
    // Provide Physical Multiplicity
-   Int_t		ParisEventMult;
+   Int_t      ParisEventMult;
    // Provide a Classification of Event
-   //vector<int>		EventType;
+   //vector<int>      EventType;
    // Telescope
-   //vector<int>		ModuleNumber;
+   //vector<int>      ModuleNumber;
-   //	FirstStage
-   vector<double>	ParisLaBr_E;
-   //vector<double>	FirstStage_T;
-   //vector<int>		FirstStage_X;
-   //vector<int>		FirstStage_Y;
+   //   FirstStage
+   vector<double>   ParisLaBr_E;
+   //vector<double>   FirstStage_T;
+   //vector<int>      FirstStage_X;
+   //vector<int>      FirstStage_Y;
-   //	SecondStage
-   vector<double>	ParisCsI_E;
-   //vector<double>	SecondStage_T;
-   //vector<int>		SecondStage_N;
+   //   SecondStage
+   vector<double>   ParisCsI_E;
+   //vector<double>   SecondStage_T;
+   //vector<int>      SecondStage_N;
-   //	ThirdStage
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_E;
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_T;
-   vector<int>		ThirdStage_N;
+   //   ThirdStage
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_E;
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_T;
+   vector<int>      ThirdStage_N;
    // Physical Value  
-   vector<double>	ParisTotalEnergy;
-   vector<double>	ParisInTotalEnergy;
-   vector<double>	ParisOutTotalEnergy;
+   vector<double>   ParisTotalEnergy;
+   vector<double>   ParisInTotalEnergy;
+   vector<double>   ParisOutTotalEnergy;
    ClassDef(TParisPhysics,1)  // GaspardTrackerPHysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.cxx
index 3bd1c02ad9c346b2cecb058ba25a8b6f2847c0f0..778a712b7b4b81edcb8b159979b9eef9cfb2d932 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009    this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
  *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -43,263 +43,263 @@ using namespace std;
 #include "TSpline.h"
 #include "TAxis.h"
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 using namespace NPL;
-	{fInter = NULL	;}
+   {fInter = NULL   ;}
-	{}
+   {}
 EnergyLoss::EnergyLoss(string Path , string Source, int NumberOfSlice=100 ,  int LiseColumn , int NumberOfMass) 
-	{ 
-	fNumberOfSlice = NumberOfSlice ; 
-	fNumberOfMass  = NumberOfMass  ;
-	string globalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-	string StandardPath = globalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Path;
+   { 
+   fNumberOfSlice = NumberOfSlice ; 
+   fNumberOfMass  = NumberOfMass  ;
+   string globalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
+   string StandardPath = globalPath + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/" + Path;
    cout << endl;
-	cout << "/////////// Energy loss ///////////" << endl ;
-	cout << "Initializing an EnergyLoss object " << endl ;
-		ifstream TableFile	;
-		TableFile.open(StandardPath.c_str())	;
- 		// Opening dE/dX file
-	  if(TableFile.is_open()) 	cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ; 
-  	// In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
-       else 
-        {
-          TableFile.open( Path.c_str() );
-          if(TableFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ;}
-          else { cout << "ERROR: TABLE FILE NOT FOUND" << endl; return; }
-        }
-	 if (Source == "G4Table")
-	 	{
-			// Reading Data
-			double energy, total;
-			string dummy;
-			//skipped first line
-			getline(TableFile,dummy);
-			while ( TableFile >> energy)
-	     {
-				fEnergy.push_back ( energy*MeV )				;
-				TableFile >> total;
-				fdEdX_Total.push_back ( total*MeV/micrometer )	;
-				}
-	  		// Close File
-	   		TableFile.close();
-			}
-		else if (Source == "SRIM")	
-	   	{
-				// Reading Data
-				double energy, nuclear, electronic;
-				string unit, dummy;
-				while ( TableFile >> energy >> unit 
-						>> electronic >> nuclear 
-						>> dummy >> dummy >> dummy 
-				    	>> dummy >> dummy >> dummy )
-				     {
-						if ( unit == "keV" ) energy = energy*keV				;
-						if ( unit == "MeV" ) energy = energy*MeV				;
-						if ( unit == "GeV" ) energy = energy*GeV				;
-						fEnergy				.push_back ( energy )				;
-						fdEdX_Nuclear		.push_back ( nuclear ) 				;
-						fdEdX_Electronic	.push_back ( electronic ) 			;
-						fdEdX_Total			.push_back ( nuclear + electronic )	;
-					}
-		  		// Close File
-		   		TableFile.close();
-	   	}
-		else if(Source == "LISE")
-			{
-		   	cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ;
-				// Reading Data
-				double energy=0, energyloss=0;
-				string dummy;				
-				// skipping comment first line		
-				getline(TableFile,dummy);
-				while ( TableFile >> energy )
-					{ 
-						for (int k = 0 ; k < 11 ; k++ )
-							{
-								TableFile >> dummy ;
-								if (k+1==LiseColumn) energyloss = atof(dummy.c_str()) ;
-							}
-						fEnergy.push_back (energy*MeV) ;
-						fdEdX_Total.push_back(energyloss*MeV/micrometer);
-					}
-		  		// Close File
-		   		TableFile.close();
-			}
-		else
-			{
-				cout << "ERROR : Wrong Source Type" << endl ;
-			}
-			fInter = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Total	)		;
-	}
+   cout << "/////////// Energy loss ///////////" << endl ;
+   cout << "Initializing an EnergyLoss object " << endl ;
+   ifstream TableFile   ;
+   TableFile.open(StandardPath.c_str())   ;
+   // Opening dE/dX file
+   if(TableFile.is_open())    cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ; 
+   // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
+   else 
+      {
+       TableFile.open( Path.c_str() );
+       if(TableFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ;}
+       else { cout << "ERROR: TABLE FILE NOT FOUND" << endl; return; }
+      }
+   if (Source == "G4Table")
+      {
+         // Reading Data
+         double energy, total;
+         string dummy;
+         //skipped first line
+         getline(TableFile,dummy);
+         while ( TableFile >> energy)
+            {
+               fEnergy.push_back ( energy*MeV );
+               TableFile >> total;
+               fdEdX_Total.push_back ( total*MeV/micrometer );
+            }
+         // Close File
+         TableFile.close();
+      }
+   else if (Source == "SRIM")   
+      {
+         // Reading Data
+         double energy, nuclear, electronic;
+         string unit, dummy;
+         while (  TableFile >> energy >> unit 
+                  >> electronic >> nuclear 
+                  >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy 
+                  >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy )
+            {
+               if ( unit == "keV" ) energy = energy*keV;
+               if ( unit == "MeV" ) energy = energy*MeV;
+               if ( unit == "GeV" ) energy = energy*GeV;
+               fEnergy           .push_back ( energy );
+               fdEdX_Nuclear     .push_back ( nuclear );
+               fdEdX_Electronic  .push_back ( electronic );
+               fdEdX_Total       .push_back ( nuclear + electronic );
+            }
+         // Close File
+         TableFile.close();
+      }
+      else if(Source == "LISE")
+         {
+            cout << "Reading Energy Loss File: " << Path << endl ;
+            // Reading Data
+            double energy=0, energyloss=0;
+            string dummy;            
+            // skipping comment first line      
+            getline(TableFile,dummy);
+            while ( TableFile >> energy )
+               { 
+                  for (int k = 0 ; k < 11 ; k++ )
+                     {
+                        TableFile >> dummy ;
+                        if (k+1==LiseColumn) energyloss = atof(dummy.c_str()) ;
+                     }
+                  fEnergy.push_back (energy*MeV) ;
+                  fdEdX_Total.push_back(energyloss*MeV/micrometer);
+               }
+              // Close File
+               TableFile.close();
+         }
+      else
+         {
+            cout << "ERROR : Wrong Source Type" << endl ;
+         }
+         fInter = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Total   )      ;
+   }
 void EnergyLoss::Draw() const
-	{
-	   /*TGraph *gr = new TGraph(fDim, fEnergy, fDedx_Tot);
-	   gr->Draw("A*");
-	   gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E (MeV)");
-	   gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx   (MeV / (mg/cm^{2})");
-	   gr->Draw("A");
-	   // use a cubic spline to smooth the graph
-	   TSpline3 *s = new TSpline3("grs",gr)	;
-	   s->SetLineColor(kRed)				;
-	   s->Draw("same")						;*/
-	}
+   {
+      /*TGraph *gr = new TGraph(fDim, fEnergy, fDedx_Tot);
+      gr->Draw("A*");
+      gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E (MeV)");
+      gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dE/dx   (MeV / (mg/cm^{2})");
+      gr->Draw("A");
+      // use a cubic spline to smooth the graph
+      TSpline3 *s = new TSpline3("grs",gr)   ;
+      s->SetLineColor(kRed)            ;
+      s->Draw("same")                  ;*/
+   }
 double EnergyLoss::EvaluateNuclearLoss(double Energy) const
-	{
-		if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Nuclear.size()==0)
-			{
-				cout << "No Nuclear table for this Energy loss" ;
-				return -1000;			
-			}
-	   Interpolator* s = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Nuclear );   
-	   double val = s->Eval(Energy);
-	   delete s		;   
-	   return val	;
-	}
+   {
+      if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Nuclear.size()==0)
+         {
+            cout << "No Nuclear table for this Energy loss" ;
+            return -1000;         
+         }
+      Interpolator* s = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Nuclear );   
+      double val = s->Eval(Energy);
+      delete s      ;   
+      return val   ;
+   }
 double EnergyLoss::EvaluateElectronicLoss(double Energy) const
-	{
-		if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Electronic.size()==0)
-			{
-				cout << "No Electronic table for this Energy loss" ;
-				return -1000;
-			}
-	   Interpolator* s = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Electronic ); 
-	   double val = s->Eval(Energy);
-	   delete s		;   
-	   return val	;
-	}
+   {
+      if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Electronic.size()==0)
+         {
+            cout << "No Electronic table for this Energy loss" ;
+            return -1000;
+         }
+      Interpolator* s = new Interpolator( fEnergy , fdEdX_Electronic ); 
+      double val = s->Eval(Energy);
+      delete s      ;   
+      return val   ;
+   }
 double EnergyLoss::EvaluateTotalLoss(double Energy) const
-	{
-		if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Total.size()==0)
-			{
-				cout << "No Total table for this Energy loss" ;
-				return -1000;
-			}
-	   double val = fInter->Eval(Energy)									;
-	   return val	;
-	}
+   {
+      if (fEnergy.size()==0 || fdEdX_Total.size()==0)
+         {
+            cout << "No Total table for this Energy loss" ;
+            return -1000;
+         }
+      double val = fInter->Eval(Energy)                           ;
+      return val   ;
+   }
 void EnergyLoss::Print() const
-	{
-	   cout << "Total Energy Loss : " << endl;
-	   int size = fdEdX_Total.size() ;
-	   for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
-	   			cout << fEnergy[i]/MeV << " MeV " << fdEdX_Total[i]/MeV*micrometer << " MeV/um " << endl;
-	}
+   {
+      cout << "Total Energy Loss : " << endl;
+      int size = fdEdX_Total.size() ;
+      for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
+               cout << fEnergy[i]/MeV << " MeV " << fdEdX_Total[i]/MeV*micrometer << " MeV/um " << endl;
+   }
-double EnergyLoss::EnergyLossCalulation(	double Energy 			, // Energy of the detected particle
-		                             					double TargetThickness	, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		                             					double Angle			) // Particle Angle
-		                             					const
-	{
+double EnergyLoss::EnergyLossCalulation( double Energy          , // Energy of the detected particle
+                                         double TargetThickness , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                         double Angle           ) // Particle Angle
+                                         const
+   {
    return(Energy - Slow(Energy,TargetThickness,Angle) ) ;
-	}
+   }
-double EnergyLoss::Slow(	double Energy 			, // Energy of the detected particle
-		   					double TargetThickness	, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		   					double Angle			) // Particle Angle
-		   					const
-	{
-    //	Lise file are given in MeV/u
-		//	For SRIM and geant4 file fNumberOfMass = 1 whatever is the nucleus, file are given in MeV
-		Energy = Energy / (double) fNumberOfMass ;
-		if (Angle > halfpi) Angle = pi-Angle								;
-		TargetThickness = TargetThickness / ( cos(Angle) ) 					;
-		double SliceThickness = TargetThickness / (double)fNumberOfSlice 	;
-		for (int i = 0; i < fNumberOfSlice ; i++) 
-			{
-			    double de = fInter->Eval(Energy) * SliceThickness	;
-			    Energy	 -= de/fNumberOfMass											;
-			    if(Energy<0) {Energy=0;break;}
-			}
-		return (Energy*fNumberOfMass)	;
-	}
+double EnergyLoss::Slow(   double Energy          , // Energy of the detected particle
+                           double TargetThickness , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                           double Angle           ) // Particle Angle
+                           const
+   {
+    //   Lise file are given in MeV/u
+      //   For SRIM and geant4 file fNumberOfMass = 1 whatever is the nucleus, file are given in MeV
+      Energy = Energy / (double) fNumberOfMass ;
+      if (Angle > halfpi) Angle = pi-Angle;
+      TargetThickness = TargetThickness / ( cos(Angle) );
+      double SliceThickness = TargetThickness / (double)fNumberOfSlice;
+      for (int i = 0; i < fNumberOfSlice ; i++) 
+         {
+             double de = fInter->Eval(Energy) * SliceThickness;
+             Energy    -= de/fNumberOfMass;
+             if(Energy<0) {Energy=0;break;}
+         }
+      return (Energy*fNumberOfMass)   ;
+   }
-double EnergyLoss::EvaluateInitialEnergy(	double Energy 					, // Energy of the detected particle
-		   																		double TargetThickness	, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		   																		double Angle						) // Particle Angle
-		   																		const
-	{
-		//	Lise file are given in MeV/u
-		//	For SRIM and geant4 file fNumberOfMass = 1 whatever is the nucleus, file are given in MeV
-		Energy = Energy / (double) fNumberOfMass ;
-		if (Angle > halfpi) Angle = pi-Angle								;
-		TargetThickness = TargetThickness / ( cos(Angle) ) 					;
-		double SliceThickness = TargetThickness / (double)fNumberOfSlice 	;
-		for (int i = 0; i < fNumberOfSlice ; i++) 
-			{
-			    double de = fInter->Eval(Energy) * SliceThickness	;
-			    Energy	+= de/fNumberOfMass												;
-			}
-		return (Energy*fNumberOfMass)	;
-	}
+double EnergyLoss::EvaluateInitialEnergy( double Energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
+                                          double TargetThickness  , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                          double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
+                                          const
+   {
+      //   Lise file are given in MeV/u
+      //   For SRIM and geant4 file fNumberOfMass = 1 whatever is the nucleus, file are given in MeV
+      Energy = Energy / (double) fNumberOfMass ;
+      if (Angle > halfpi) Angle = pi-Angle;
+      TargetThickness = TargetThickness / ( cos(Angle) );
+      double SliceThickness = TargetThickness / (double)fNumberOfSlice;
+      for (int i = 0; i < fNumberOfSlice ; i++) 
+         {
+             double de = fInter->Eval(Energy) * SliceThickness ;
+             Energy   += de/fNumberOfMass ;
+         }
+      return (Energy*fNumberOfMass) ;
+   }
-double	EnergyLoss::EvaluateMaterialThickness(	double InitialEnergy 	, // Energy of the detected particle
-		   									            double FinalEnergy	  ,
-                                    double ThicknessLimit,
-                                    double ThicknessStep) // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		   									            const 
+double   EnergyLoss::EvaluateMaterialThickness( double InitialEnergy    , // Energy of the detected particle
+                                                double FinalEnergy      ,
+                                                double ThicknessLimit   ,
+                                                double ThicknessStep    ) // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                                const 
     double Thickness = ThicknessStep ;
     double Energy = InitialEnergy;
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.h b/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.h
index 200cfdef9aac92243b669953b41fad587d2021e5..a19d6bc57c97a3fbe17c88abc059b0e640ff6f58 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.h
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPEnergyLoss.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef __EnergyLoss__
 #define __EnergyLoss__
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009    this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
  *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std ;
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 //#include "TObject.h"
 // Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
@@ -50,68 +50,68 @@ using namespace CLHEP ;
 using namespace ROOT::Math;
 namespace NPL 
-	{
-		 class EnergyLoss {
-		 public :	//	Constructor
-		   EnergyLoss();
-		   EnergyLoss(   	string Path 				,	//	Path of dE/dX table file
-		   								string Source  			, // Type of file : Geant4,Lise,SRIM
-		   				 				int NumberOfSlice		, //	Low number = Faster, High Number = more accurate / typical: 100 to 1000
-		   								int LiseColumns=0		,	//	Indicate which model to read in a lise File, set to 0 (Default value) for a SRIM / Geant4 file
-		   				 				int NumberOfMass=1	);//	Number of mass A of the nucleus (used only for Lise file)	
-		   ~EnergyLoss();
-		 private :	//	dE/dX, slice parameter
-		   int				      fNumberOfSlice    ;  	 // Number Of Slice used to evaluate energy loss
-		   int				      fNumberOfMass     ;	 // Number of mass A of the nucleus (used only for Lise file)	
-		   vector<double> 	fEnergy           ;    // Energy
-		   vector<double> 	fdEdX_Nuclear		  ;    // Nuclear Stopping Power
-		   vector<double> 	fdEdX_Electronic	;    // Electronic Stopping Power
-		   vector<double> 	fdEdX_Total       ;    // Total Stopping Power
-		   Interpolator*    fInter            ;	 // Interpolator Used to evaluate Energy loss at given energy
-		public : 	//	General Function on dE/dX table		
-		   double	EvaluateNuclearLoss     (double ener) 	const;
-		   double	EvaluateElectronicLoss	(double ener) 	const;
-		   double	EvaluateTotalLoss		    (double ener) 	const;
-		public :	//	Function to Slow down particle or reconstruct their initial energy
-		   //	Calculate Energy of a particle after crossing material
-		   double	Slow(	double Energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
-	         					double TargetThickness  , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-	         					double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
-	         					const;
-      //	Calculate Energy Loss of a particle inside a material		   					
-		   double EnergyLossCalulation(	double Energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
-                           					double TargetThickness	, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-                           					double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
-                           					const;					
-		   //	Evaluate Initial Energy of particle before crossing material knowing Angle, final Energy 
-		   //   and Target Thickness.
-		   double	EvaluateInitialEnergy(	double energy            , // Energy of the detected particle
-		                 									double TargetThickness	, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		                 									double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
-		                 									const ;
-		   // Evaluate the thickness the particle has been through using the energy loss and initial energy
-		   // usefull for thickness measurement using particle sources
-		   double	EvaluateMaterialThickness(	double InitialEnergy 	, // Energy of the detected particle
-		   									                  double FinalEnergy	  ,
-                                          double ThicknessLimit ,
-                                          double ThicknessStep = 0.1*micrometer) // Target Thickness at 0 degree
-		   									                  const ;
-		public	:	//	Usefull function
-			//	Display parameter	
-		   void Print() const;
-		   	//	Draw (CERN ROOT)
-		   void Draw() const;
+   {
+       class EnergyLoss {
+       public :   //   Constructor
+         EnergyLoss();
+         EnergyLoss( string Path          , //   Path of dE/dX table file
+                     string Source        , // Type of file : Geant4,Lise,SRIM
+                     int NumberOfSlice    , //   Low number = Faster, High Number = more accurate / typical: 100 to 1000
+                     int LiseColumns=0    , //   Indicate which model to read in a lise File, set to 0 (Default value) for a SRIM / Geant4 file
+                     int NumberOfMass=1   );//   Number of mass A of the nucleus (used only for Lise file)   
+         ~EnergyLoss();
+       private :   //   dE/dX, slice parameter
+         int               fNumberOfSlice    ; // Number Of Slice used to evaluate energy loss
+         int               fNumberOfMass     ; // Number of mass A of the nucleus (used only for Lise file)   
+         vector<double>    fEnergy           ; // Energy
+         vector<double>    fdEdX_Nuclear     ; // Nuclear Stopping Power
+         vector<double>    fdEdX_Electronic  ; // Electronic Stopping Power
+         vector<double>    fdEdX_Total       ; // Total Stopping Power
+         Interpolator*    fInter             ; // Interpolator Used to evaluate Energy loss at given energy
+      public :    //   General Function on dE/dX table      
+         double   EvaluateNuclearLoss     (double ener)    const;
+         double   EvaluateElectronicLoss  (double ener)    const;
+         double   EvaluateTotalLoss       (double ener)    const;
+      public :   //   Function to Slow down particle or reconstruct their initial energy
+         //   Calculate Energy of a particle after crossing material
+         double   Slow( double Energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
+                        double TargetThickness  , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                        double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
+                        const;
+      //   Calculate Energy Loss of a particle inside a material                        
+         double EnergyLossCalulation(  double Energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
+                                       double TargetThickness  , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                       double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
+                                       const;               
+         //   Evaluate Initial Energy of particle before crossing material knowing Angle, final Energy 
+         //   and Target Thickness.
+         double   EvaluateInitialEnergy( double energy           , // Energy of the detected particle
+                                         double TargetThickness  , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                         double Angle            ) // Particle Angle
+                                         const ;
+         // Evaluate the thickness the particle has been through using the energy loss and initial energy
+         // usefull for thickness measurement using particle sources
+         double   EvaluateMaterialThickness( double InitialEnergy, // Energy of the detected particle
+                                             double FinalEnergy,
+                                             double ThicknessLimit ,
+                                             double ThicknessStep = 0.1*micrometer) // Target Thickness at 0 degree
+                                             const ;
+      public   :   //   Usefull function
+         //   Display parameter   
+         void Print() const;
+         //   Draw (CERN ROOT)
+         void Draw() const;
-		};
-	}
+      };
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.cxx
index dde3bc218c6ee2c64a0206cb0e9e7e3f3b894041..0115cc0edfee8e08b25079039d2fc015e0bf3168 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.cxx
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ using namespace NPL;
    //----------- Default Constructor ----------
-   fName	 = "XX DEFAULT XX";
-   fCharge	 = 0;
-   fAtomicWeight = 0;
-   fMassExcess	 = 0;
-   fSpinParity	 = "";
-   fSpin	 = 0;
-   fParity	 = "";
+   fName= "XX DEFAULT XX";
+   fCharge= 0;
+   fAtomicWeight= 0;
+   fMassExcess= 0;
+   fSpinParity= "";
+   fSpin= 0;
+   fParity= "";
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ Nucleus::Nucleus(string isotope)
       while (!inFile.eof()) {
-	 s_name = line.substr(11,7);
-	 space = s_name.find_first_of(" "); 
-	 s_name.resize(space);
+    s_name = line.substr(11,7);
+    space = s_name.find_first_of(" "); 
+    s_name.resize(space);
-	 if (s_name.find(Isotope) != string::npos && s_name.length() == isotope.length()) break;
+    if (s_name.find(Isotope) != string::npos && s_name.length() == isotope.length()) break;
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ Nucleus::Nucleus(int Z, int A)
    if (inFile.is_open()) {
       while (!inFile.eof()) {
-	 s_mass   = line.substr(0,3);
-	 s_charge = line.substr(4,4);
-	 charge = atoi(s_charge.data());
-	 mass   = atoi(s_mass.data());
-	 if (mass == A && charge == Z*10) break;
+    s_mass   = line.substr(0,3);
+    s_charge = line.substr(4,4);
+    charge = atoi(s_charge.data());
+    mass   = atoi(s_mass.data());
+    if (mass == A && charge == Z*10) break;
@@ -143,28 +143,28 @@ void Nucleus::Extract(const char* line)
    if (found_p != string::npos) fParity = "+";
    if (found_m != string::npos) fParity = "-";
    // spin
-   if (s_spinparity.find("0")    != string::npos) fSpin = 0		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("1")    != string::npos) fSpin = 1		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("2")    != string::npos) fSpin = 2		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("3")    != string::npos) fSpin = 3		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("4")    != string::npos) fSpin = 4		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("5")    != string::npos) fSpin = 5		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("6")    != string::npos) fSpin = 6		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("7")    != string::npos) fSpin = 7		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("8")    != string::npos) fSpin = 8		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("9")    != string::npos) fSpin = 9		;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("10")   != string::npos) fSpin = 10	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("1/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 0.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("3/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 1.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("5/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 2.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("7/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 3.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("9/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 4.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("11/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 5.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("13/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 6.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("15/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 7.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("17/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 8.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("19/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 9.5	;
-   if (s_spinparity.find("21/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 10.5	;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("0")    != string::npos) fSpin = 0     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("1")    != string::npos) fSpin = 1     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("2")    != string::npos) fSpin = 2     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("3")    != string::npos) fSpin = 3     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("4")    != string::npos) fSpin = 4     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("5")    != string::npos) fSpin = 5     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("6")    != string::npos) fSpin = 6     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("7")    != string::npos) fSpin = 7     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("8")    != string::npos) fSpin = 8     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("9")    != string::npos) fSpin = 9     ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("10")   != string::npos) fSpin = 10    ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("1/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 0.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("3/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 1.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("5/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 2.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("7/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 3.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("9/2")  != string::npos) fSpin = 4.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("11/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 5.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("13/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 6.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("15/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 7.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("17/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 8.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("19/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 9.5   ;
+   if (s_spinparity.find("21/2") != string::npos) fSpin = 10.5 ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.h b/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.h
index 79142544abe6e77ad0d78e706f35e762d72541fe..a8e5f0001a222c4586f1148065b8d4c06555f950 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.h
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPNucleus.h
@@ -24,57 +24,49 @@
 #define uma      931.49432
 #include <string>
 using namespace std;
 namespace NPL 
-	{
-		class Nucleus {
-		public:
-		   Nucleus();
-		   Nucleus(string isotope);
-		   Nucleus(int Z, int A);
-		   ~Nucleus();
-		 private :
-		   const char*		fName;			// Nucleus name
-		   int				fCharge;		// Nucleus charge
-		   int				fAtomicWeight;	// Nucleus atomic weight
-		   double			fMassExcess;	// Nucleus mass excess in keV
-		   const char*		fSpinParity;	// Nucleus spin and parity
-		   double			fSpin;			// Nucleus spin
-		   const char*		fParity;		// Nucleus parity
-		 protected :
-		   void Extract(const char* line);
-		 public :
-		   string		    GetName() 			const	;
-		   int				GetZ() 				const 				{return fCharge;}
-		   int				GetA() 				const 				{return fAtomicWeight;}
-		   double			GetMassExcess() 	const 				{return fMassExcess;}
-		   const char*		GetSpinParity() 	const 				{return fSpinParity;}
-		   double			GetSpin() 			const 				{return fSpin;}
-		   const char*		GetParity() 		const 				{return fParity;}
-		   void				SetName(const char* name) 				{fName = name;}
-		   void				SetZ(int charge) 						{fCharge = charge;}
-		   void				SetA(int mass) 							{fAtomicWeight = mass;}
-		   void				SetMassExcess(double massexcess) 		{fMassExcess = massexcess;}
-		   void				SetSpinParity(const char* spinparity) 	{fSpinParity = spinparity;}
-		   void				SetSpin(double spin) 					{fSpin = spin;}
-		   void				SetParity(const char* parity) 			{fParity = parity;}
-		   // Nuclear mass in MeV
-		   double			Mass() const {return (fAtomicWeight*uma + fMassExcess/1000.);}
-		   void				Print() const	;
-		};
+   {
+      class Nucleus {
+      public:
+         Nucleus();
+         Nucleus(string isotope);
+         Nucleus(int Z, int A);
+         ~Nucleus();
-	}
+       private :
+         const char* fName;         // Nucleus name
+         int         fCharge;      // Nucleus charge
+         int         fAtomicWeight;   // Nucleus atomic weight
+         double      fMassExcess;   // Nucleus mass excess in keV
+         const char* fSpinParity;   // Nucleus spin and parity
+         double      fSpin;         // Nucleus spin
+         const char* fParity;      // Nucleus parity
+       protected :
+         void Extract(const char* line);
+       public :
+         string      GetName()          const;
+         int         GetZ()             const               {return fCharge;}
+         int         GetA()             const               {return fAtomicWeight;}
+         double      GetMassExcess()    const               {return fMassExcess;}
+         const char* GetSpinParity()    const               {return fSpinParity;}
+         double      GetSpin()          const               {return fSpin;}
+         const char* GetParity()        const               {return fParity;}
+         void        SetName(const char* name)              {fName = name;}
+         void        SetZ(int charge)                       {fCharge = charge;}
+         void        SetA(int mass)                         {fAtomicWeight = mass;}
+         void        SetMassExcess(double massexcess)       {fMassExcess = massexcess;}
+         void        SetSpinParity(const char* spinparity)  {fSpinParity = spinparity;}
+         void        SetSpin(double spin)                   {fSpin = spin;}
+         void        SetParity(const char* parity)          {fParity = parity;}
+         // Nuclear mass in MeV
+         double      Mass() const {return (fAtomicWeight*uma + fMassExcess/1000.);}
+         void        Print() const   ;
+      };
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
index cb3f6a9cf213c9310ef1310f131dedbf8ca1958e..805317b20de9e3ef0f3e8f6abde9c39519089d51 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 	this file is part of the NPTool Project        *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010    this file is part of the NPTool Project        *
  *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@
  * Last update     : January 2011                                            *
  * Decription:                                                               *
- *	 This class deal with Two Body transfert Reaction                         *
- *	 Physical parameter (Nuclei mass) are loaded from the nubtab03.asc file   *
- *	 (2003 nuclear table of isotopes mass).                                   *
- *	                                                                          *
- *	 KineRelativistic: Used in NPSimulation                                   *
- *	 A relativistic calculation is made to compute Light and Heavy nuclei     * 
- *	 angle given the Theta CM angle.                                          *
- *	                                                                          * 
- *	 ReconstructRelativistic: Used in NPAnalysis                              *
- *	 A relativistic calculation is made to compute Excitation energy given the*
- *	 light angle and energy in Lab frame.                                     *
- *	                                                                          *
+ *  This class deal with Two Body transfert Reaction                         *
+ *  Physical parameter (Nuclei mass) are loaded from the nubtab03.asc file   *
+ *  (2003 nuclear table of isotopes mass).                                   *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *  KineRelativistic: Used in NPSimulation                                   *
+ *  A relativistic calculation is made to compute Light and Heavy nuclei     * 
+ *  angle given the Theta CM angle.                                          *
+ *                                                                           * 
+ *  ReconstructRelativistic: Used in NPAnalysis                              *
+ *  A relativistic calculation is made to compute Excitation energy given the*
+ *  light angle and energy in Lab frame.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *    + 20/01/2011: Add support for excitation energy for light ejectile     *
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ Reaction::Reaction()
    //------------- Default Constructor -------------
-   fNuclei1       = new Nucleus()		;
-   fNuclei2       = new Nucleus()		;
-   fNuclei3       = new Nucleus()		;
-   fNuclei4       = new Nucleus()		;
-   fBeamEnergy = 0								;
-   fThetaCM    = 0								;
-   fExcitationLight = 0								;
-   fExcitationHeavy = 0								;
-   fQValue     = 0								;
-   initializePrecomputeVariable()	;
+   fNuclei1       = new Nucleus() ;
+   fNuclei2       = new Nucleus() ;
+   fNuclei3       = new Nucleus() ;
+   fNuclei4       = new Nucleus() ;
+   fBeamEnergy = 0                ;
+   fThetaCM    = 0                ;
+   fExcitationLight = 0           ;
+   fExcitationHeavy = 0           ;
+   fQValue     = 0                ;
+   initializePrecomputeVariable() ;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Reaction::Reaction()
 Reaction::Reaction(string name1, string name2, string name3, string name4, double BeamEnergy, double ExcitationEnergyLight, double ExcitationEnergyHeavy ,string Path)
-	SetEveryThing( name1, name2, name3, name4, BeamEnergy, ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path) ;
+   SetEveryThing( name1, name2, name3, name4, BeamEnergy, ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path) ;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void Reaction::SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string na
    fExcitationLight = ExcitationEnergyLight;
    fExcitationHeavy = ExcitationEnergyHeavy;
    fQValue     = (  fNuclei1->GetMassExcess() + fNuclei2->GetMassExcess()
-		  - fNuclei3->GetMassExcess() - fNuclei4->GetMassExcess()) / 1000;
+        - fNuclei3->GetMassExcess() - fNuclei4->GetMassExcess()) / 1000;
    int masse  = fNuclei1->GetA() + fNuclei2->GetA() - fNuclei3->GetA() - fNuclei4->GetA();
    int charge = fNuclei1->GetZ() + fNuclei2->GetZ() - fNuclei3->GetZ() - fNuclei4->GetZ();
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ void Reaction::SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string na
       else {cout << "Cross Section File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
-	double CSBuffer,AngleBuffer;
-	vector<double> CrossSectionBuffer ;
+   double CSBuffer,AngleBuffer;
+   vector<double> CrossSectionBuffer ;
      CSFile >> AngleBuffer;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void Reaction::SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string na
    CrossSectionSize = CrossSectionBuffer.size();
    CrossSection = new double[CrossSectionSize] ;
-   for(int i = 0 ; i <CrossSectionSize ; i++ )	CrossSection[i] = CrossSectionBuffer[i];
+   for(int i = 0 ; i <CrossSectionSize ; i++ )   CrossSection[i] = CrossSectionBuffer[i];
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ Reaction::~Reaction()
 bool Reaction::CheckKinematic()
-	// Check if kinematics is allowed
+   // Check if kinematics is allowed
    // case of inverse kinematics
    double theta = fThetaCM;
    if (m1 > m2) theta = M_PI - fThetaCM;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ bool Reaction::CheckKinematic()
 void Reaction::KineRelativistic(double &ThetaLab3, double &EnergieLab3,
-			                       double &ThetaLab4, double &EnergieLab4) const
+                                double &ThetaLab4, double &EnergieLab4) const
 // 2-body relativistic kinematics: direct + inverse
 // EnergieLab3,4 : lab energy in MeV of the 2 ejectiles
@@ -210,85 +210,85 @@ double Reaction::ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab) cons
    double E4 = fBeamEnergy+m1+m2-(EnergyLab+m3);
    double m4e = sqrt((E4*E4)-(P4*P4));
    double Eex= m4e-fNuclei4->Mass();
    return Eex;
-//Return ThetaCM									
+//Return ThetaCM                           
 double  Reaction::EnergyLabToThetaCM( double EnergyLab , double ExcitationEnergy ) const
-	{
-		if(ExcitationEnergy == -500) ExcitationEnergy = fExcitationHeavy; 
-		double E1 = (fBeamEnergy+m1)			;
-		double E3 = (EnergyLab+m3)				;
-		// Compute Mandelstan variable
-		double s =  2*m2*E1 + m1*m1 + m2*m2	;
-		double u = -2*m2*E3 + m2*m2 + m3*m3	;
-		// Compute CM impulsion:
-		//before reaction
-		double P2CM =  ( sqrt(  ( s-(m1-m2)*(m1-m2) )*( s-(m1+m2)*(m1+m2) )  ) ) / (2*sqrt(s))	;
-		// after reaction
-		double P3CM =  ( sqrt(  ( s-(m3-m4)*(m3-m4) )*( s-(m3+m4)*(m3+m4) )  ) ) / (2*sqrt(s))	;
-		// Compute CM Energy
-		double E2CM = (s + m2*m2 -m1*m1)/(2*sqrt(s))			;
-		double E3CM = (s + m3*m3 -m4*m4)/(2*sqrt(s))			;
-		double u0 = m2*m2 + m3*m3 - 2*(E2CM*E3CM + P2CM*P3CM)	;
-		double Pi = 3.141592654 	;
-		double ThetaCM = Pi - acos (  1-(u-u0)/(2*P2CM*P3CM)  )	;
-		return(ThetaCM);
-	}
+   {
+      if(ExcitationEnergy == -500) ExcitationEnergy = fExcitationHeavy; 
+      double E1 = (fBeamEnergy+m1) ;
+      double E3 = (EnergyLab+m3)   ;
+      // Compute Mandelstan variable
+      double s =  2*m2*E1 + m1*m1 + m2*m2 ;
+      double u = -2*m2*E3 + m2*m2 + m3*m3 ;
+      // Compute CM impulsion:
+      //before reaction
+      double P2CM =  ( sqrt(  ( s-(m1-m2)*(m1-m2) )*( s-(m1+m2)*(m1+m2) )  ) ) / (2*sqrt(s))   ;
+      // after reaction
+      double P3CM =  ( sqrt(  ( s-(m3-m4)*(m3-m4) )*( s-(m3+m4)*(m3+m4) )  ) ) / (2*sqrt(s))   ;
+      // Compute CM Energy
+      double E2CM = (s + m2*m2 -m1*m1)/(2*sqrt(s)) ;
+      double E3CM = (s + m3*m3 -m4*m4)/(2*sqrt(s)) ;
+      double u0 = m2*m2 + m3*m3 - 2*(E2CM*E3CM + P2CM*P3CM) ;
+      double Pi = 3.141592654    ;
+      double ThetaCM = Pi - acos (  1-(u-u0)/(2*P2CM*P3CM)  ) ;
+      return(ThetaCM);
+   }
 void Reaction::Print() const
-	{
-		// Print informations concerning the reaction
-		cout << "Reaction : " << fNuclei2->GetName() << "(" << fNuclei1->GetName() 
-			 << "," << fNuclei3->GetName() << ")" << fNuclei4->GetName() << "  @  " 
-			 << fBeamEnergy << " MeV" 
-		<< endl	;
-		cout << "Exc Light = " << fExcitationLight << " MeV" << endl;
-		cout << "Exc Heavy = " << fExcitationHeavy << " MeV" << endl;
-		cout << "Qgg = " << fQValue << " MeV" << endl;
-	}
+   {
+      // Print informations concerning the reaction
+      cout << "Reaction : " << fNuclei2->GetName() << "(" << fNuclei1->GetName() 
+          << "," << fNuclei3->GetName() << ")" << fNuclei4->GetName() << "  @  " 
+          << fBeamEnergy << " MeV" 
+      << endl   ;
+      cout << "Exc Light = " << fExcitationLight << " MeV" << endl;
+      cout << "Exc Heavy = " << fExcitationHeavy << " MeV" << endl;
+      cout << "Qgg = " << fQValue << " MeV" << endl;
+   }
 void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
-	{   
-		////////General Reading needs////////
-		   string LineBuffer;
-		   string DataBuffer;
-		////////Reaction Setting needs///////
-		   string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
-		   double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergyLight = 0, ExcitationEnergyHeavy = 0;		   
-		   bool ReadingStatus = false ;
-		   bool check_Beam = false ;
-		   bool check_Target = false ;
-		   bool check_Light = false ;
-		   bool check_Heavy = false ;
-		   bool check_ExcitationEnergyLight = false ;
-		   bool check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = false ;
-		   bool check_BeamEnergy = false ;
-		   bool check_CrossSectionPath = false ;
-		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		   ifstream ReactionFile;
-		   string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
- 		   string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
-		   ReactionFile.open(StandardPath.c_str());
-		   if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl ;}
+   {   
+      ////////General Reading needs////////
+         string LineBuffer;
+         string DataBuffer;
+      ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
+         string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
+         double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergyLight = 0, ExcitationEnergyHeavy = 0;         
+         bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+         bool check_Beam = false ;
+         bool check_Target = false ;
+         bool check_Light = false ;
+         bool check_Heavy = false ;
+         bool check_ExcitationEnergyLight = false ;
+         bool check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = false ;
+         bool check_BeamEnergy = false ;
+         bool check_CrossSectionPath = false ;
+      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+         ifstream ReactionFile;
+         string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
+          string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
+         ReactionFile.open(StandardPath.c_str());
+         if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl ;}
        // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
@@ -299,121 +299,121 @@ void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
           else {cout << "Reaction File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
-		   while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
-		      //Pick-up next line
-		      getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
-		      if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Transfert") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
-		while(ReadingStatus){
-		 			 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-		 			 //Search for comment Symbol %
-			      	 if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/* Do Nothing */;}
-			         else if (DataBuffer=="Beam=") {
-			         	check_Beam = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            Beam = DataBuffer;
-			            cout << "Beam " << Beam << endl;
-			         }
-			         else if (DataBuffer=="Target=") {
-			            check_Target = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            Target = DataBuffer;
-			            cout << "Target " << Target << endl;
-			         }
-			         else if (DataBuffer=="Light=") {
-			         	check_Light = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            Light = DataBuffer;
-			            cout << "Light " << Light << endl;
-			         }
-			        else if  (DataBuffer== "Heavy=") {
-			            check_Heavy = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            Heavy = DataBuffer;
-			            cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << endl;
-			         }
-			        else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyLight=") {
-			        	check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-			            cout << "Excitation Energy Light" << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-			         }
-			        else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") {
-			        	check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-			            cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy" << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-			         }
-			        else if  (DataBuffer=="BeamEnergy=") {
-			        	check_BeamEnergy = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-			            BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-			            cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-			         }
-			        else if  (DataBuffer== "CrossSectionPath=") {
-			        	check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
-			            ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
-			            cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << endl ;
-			         }
-		         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-					//	If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-			         else 
-			         	{/*Ignore Token used by G4*/}
-			         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-					//	If all Token found toggle out
-			         if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight 
-			         	&& check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy && check_BeamEnergy && check_CrossSectionPath)
-			         	ReadingStatus = false;
-				}
-			}
-		   SetEveryThing(Beam, Target, Light, Heavy,BeamEnergy,ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy,CrossSectionPath);
+         while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
+            //Pick-up next line
+            getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
+            if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Transfert") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
+      while(ReadingStatus){
+                 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                 //Search for comment Symbol %
+                   if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/* Do Nothing */;}
+                  else if (DataBuffer=="Beam=") {
+                     check_Beam = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     Beam = DataBuffer;
+                     cout << "Beam " << Beam << endl;
+                  }
+                  else if (DataBuffer=="Target=") {
+                     check_Target = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     Target = DataBuffer;
+                     cout << "Target " << Target << endl;
+                  }
+                  else if (DataBuffer=="Light=") {
+                     check_Light = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     Light = DataBuffer;
+                     cout << "Light " << Light << endl;
+                  }
+                 else if  (DataBuffer== "Heavy=") {
+                     check_Heavy = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     Heavy = DataBuffer;
+                     cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << endl;
+                  }
+                 else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyLight=") {
+                    check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+                     cout << "Excitation Energy Light" << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+                  }
+                 else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") {
+                    check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+                     cout << "Excitation Energy Heavy" << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+                  }
+                 else if  (DataBuffer=="BeamEnergy=") {
+                    check_BeamEnergy = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+                     BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+                     cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+                  }
+                 else if  (DataBuffer== "CrossSectionPath=") {
+                    check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
+                     ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
+                     cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << endl ;
+                  }
+                  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
+                  else 
+                     {/*Ignore Token used by G4*/}
+                  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               //   If all Token found toggle out
+                  if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight 
+                     && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy && check_BeamEnergy && check_CrossSectionPath)
+                     ReadingStatus = false;
+            }
+         }
+         SetEveryThing(Beam, Target, Light, Heavy,BeamEnergy,ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy,CrossSectionPath);
-	}
+   }
 void Reaction::initializePrecomputeVariable()
-	{ 
-		 m1 = fNuclei1->Mass();
-		 m2 = fNuclei2->Mass();
-		 m3 = fNuclei3->Mass() + fExcitationLight;
-		 m4 = fNuclei4->Mass() + fExcitationHeavy;
-		// center-of-mass velocity
-		 WtotLab = (fBeamEnergy + m1) + m2;
-		 P1 = sqrt(pow(fBeamEnergy,2) + 2*m1*fBeamEnergy);
-		 B = P1 / WtotLab;
-		 G = 1 / sqrt(1 - pow(B,2));
-		// total energy of the ejectiles in the center-of-mass
-		 W3cm = (pow(WtotLab,2) + pow(G,2)*(pow(m3,2) - pow(m4,2)))
-			   / (2 * G * WtotLab);
-		 W4cm = (pow(WtotLab,2) + pow(G,2)*(pow(m4,2) - pow(m3,2)))
-			   / (2 * G * WtotLab);
-		// velocity of the ejectiles in the center-of-mass
-		 beta3cm  = sqrt(1 - pow(m3,2)/pow(W3cm,2));
-		 beta4cm  = sqrt(1 - pow(m4,2)/pow(W4cm,2));
-		// Constants of the kinematics
-		 K3 = B / beta3cm;
-		 K4 = B / beta4cm;
-	}
+   { 
+       m1 = fNuclei1->Mass();
+       m2 = fNuclei2->Mass();
+       m3 = fNuclei3->Mass() + fExcitationLight;
+       m4 = fNuclei4->Mass() + fExcitationHeavy;
+      // center-of-mass velocity
+       WtotLab = (fBeamEnergy + m1) + m2;
+       P1 = sqrt(pow(fBeamEnergy,2) + 2*m1*fBeamEnergy);
+       B = P1 / WtotLab;
+       G = 1 / sqrt(1 - pow(B,2));
+      // total energy of the ejectiles in the center-of-mass
+       W3cm = (pow(WtotLab,2) + pow(G,2)*(pow(m3,2) - pow(m4,2)))
+            / (2 * G * WtotLab);
+       W4cm = (pow(WtotLab,2) + pow(G,2)*(pow(m4,2) - pow(m3,2)))
+            / (2 * G * WtotLab);
+      // velocity of the ejectiles in the center-of-mass
+       beta3cm  = sqrt(1 - pow(m3,2)/pow(W3cm,2));
+       beta4cm  = sqrt(1 - pow(m4,2)/pow(W4cm,2));
+      // Constants of the kinematics
+       K3 = B / beta3cm;
+       K4 = B / beta4cm;
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.cxx b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.cxx
index f7d677090215f65d3d7c578849f53d9ee9b5703d..c3f1263c5aa9178bd102d39febbee63a106ae056 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.cxx
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ void TPlasticData::Dump() const
-	for(unsigned short i = 0 ; i<fPlastic_Energy.size() ; i ++)
-		{
-			cout << "Plastic Number " << fPlastic_Number[i] << " Energy: " << fPlastic_Energy[i]  << " Time: "<< fPlastic_Time[i] << endl;
-		}
+   for(unsigned short i = 0 ; i<fPlastic_Energy.size() ; i ++)
+      {
+         cout << "Plastic Number " << fPlastic_Number[i] << " Energy: " << fPlastic_Energy[i]  << " Time: "<< fPlastic_Time[i] << endl;
+      }
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.h b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.h
index ebd2eb3f79c1ca83b7710a75c8f26ac949d7bb1e..df564bebf2c9f282cbafee6aae902979569fa7d7 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticData.h
@@ -10,40 +10,39 @@ using namespace std ;
 class TPlasticData : public TObject {
    // ADC
-   vector<double>	  fPlastic_Energy	;	
-   vector<double>	  fPlastic_Time		;
-   vector<short>    fPlastic_Number	;
+   vector<double>  fPlastic_Energy;   
+   vector<double>  fPlastic_Time ;
+   vector<short>   fPlastic_Number ;
    virtual ~TPlasticData();
-   void	Clear();
-   void	Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   void	Dump() const;
+   void   Clear();
+   void   Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+   void   Dump() const;
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (E)
-   double	GetEnergy(int i)					{	return fPlastic_Energy[i]			;}
+   double   GetEnergy(int i) { return fPlastic_Energy[i] ;}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTime(int i)						{	return fPlastic_Time[i]				;}
+   double   GetTime(int i)   { return fPlastic_Time[i] ;}
    // (N)
-   int    GetPlasticNumber(int i)		{	return fPlastic_Number[i]			;}
+   int    GetPlasticNumber(int i) { return fPlastic_Number[i] ;}
    // E
-   double	GetEnergyMult()						{	return fPlastic_Energy.size()	;}
+   double   GetEnergyMult() { return fPlastic_Energy.size() ;}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTimeMult()							{	return fPlastic_Time.size()		;}
+   double   GetTimeMult()   { return fPlastic_Time.size() ;}
    // (N)
-   int    GetPlasticNumberMult()		{	return fPlastic_Number.size()	;}
+   int      GetPlasticNumberMult() { return fPlastic_Number.size() ;}
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // (E)
-   void	SetEnergy(double E)					{	fPlastic_Energy.push_back(E)	;}
-   void	SetTime(double T)						{	fPlastic_Time.push_back(T)		;}
-   void	SetPlasticNumber(int N)			{	fPlastic_Number.push_back(N)	;}
+   void   SetEnergy(double E) { fPlastic_Energy.push_back(E) ;}
+   void   SetTime(double T)   { fPlastic_Time.push_back(T) ;}
+   void   SetPlasticNumber(int N) { fPlastic_Number.push_back(N) ;}
    ClassDef(TPlasticData,1)  // PlasticData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
index bfc3c1fb2d251a1b5c9a9d4851cd41432b05ef8c..f84eb48e9df7675c27936da56f1aea7c6e51973d 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.cxx
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
  *                                                                           *
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "TPlasticPhysics.h"
 #include "../include/RootOutput.h"
 #include "../include/RootInput.h"
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <fstream>
@@ -33,272 +33,260 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 using namespace std;
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TChain.h"
-//	tranform an integer to a string
-		string itoa(int value)
-			{
-			  std::ostringstream o;
-			  if (!(o << value))
-			    return ""	;
-			  return o.str();
-			}
+//   tranform an integer to a string
+      string itoa(int value)
+         {
+           std::ostringstream o;
+           if (!(o << value))
+             return ""   ;
+           return o.str();
+         }
-	{		
-		NumberOfDetector = 0 					;
-		EventData = new TPlasticData	;
-		EventPhysics = this						;
-	}
+   {      
+      NumberOfDetector = 0 ;
+      EventData = new TPlasticData ;
+      EventPhysics = this ;
+   }
-	{}
+   {}
 void TPlasticPhysics::Clear()
-	{
-		DetectorNumber	.clear()	;
-		Energy					.clear()	;
-		Time						.clear()	;
-	}
+   {
+      DetectorNumber.clear() ;
+      Energy.clear() ;
+      Time.clear() ;
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 
-	{
-		ifstream ConfigFile           ;
-		ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
-		string LineBuffer          ;
-		string DataBuffer          ;
+   {
+      ifstream ConfigFile           ;
+      ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
+      string LineBuffer             ;
+      string DataBuffer             ;
-		bool check_Theta = false   				;
-		bool check_Phi  = false  					;
-		bool check_R     = false   				;
-		bool check_Thickness = false  		;
-		bool check_Radius = false  				;
-		bool check_LeadThickness = false	;
-		bool check_Scintillator = false		;
-		bool check_Height = false 				;
-		bool check_Width = false 					;
-		bool check_Shape = false 					;
-		bool check_X = false 							;
-		bool check_Y = false 							;
-		bool check_Z = false 							;		
-		bool ReadingStatus = false 				;
+      bool check_Theta = false          ;
+      bool check_Phi  = false           ;
+      bool check_R     = false          ;
+      bool check_Thickness = false      ;
+      bool check_Radius = false         ;
+      bool check_LeadThickness = false  ;
+      bool check_Scintillator = false   ;
+      bool check_Height = false         ;
+      bool check_Width = false          ;
+      bool check_Shape = false          ;
+      bool check_X = false              ;
+      bool check_Y = false              ;
+      bool check_Z = false              ;      
+      bool ReadingStatus = false        ;
-	 while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
-	 	{
-		      	getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
+       {
+         getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-				//	If line is a Start Up Plastic bloc, Reading toggle to true      
-		      	if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Plastic") == 0) 
-			      	{
-			        	 cout << "///" << endl           ;
-			       		  cout << "Platic found: " << endl   ;        
-			        	 ReadingStatus = true ;
-				   	}
-				//	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
-				else ReadingStatus = false ;
-				//	Reading Block
-				while(ReadingStatus)
-					{
-							// Pickup Next Word 
-						ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+         //   If line is a Start Up Plastic bloc, Reading toggle to true      
+         if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 7, "Plastic") == 0) 
+            {
+               cout << "///" << endl ;
+               cout << "Platic found: " << endl ;        
+               ReadingStatus = true ;
+            }
+         //   Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
+         else ReadingStatus = false ;
+         //   Reading Block
+         while(ReadingStatus)
+            {
+               // Pickup Next Word 
+               ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-						//	Comment Line 
-						if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+               //   Comment Line 
+               if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-							//	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
-						else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Plastic") == 0) {
-							cout << "WARNING: Another Detector is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
-							ReadingStatus = false ;
-						}
-													//Angle method
-						else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
-							check_Theta = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Theta:  " << atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) << "deg" << endl;
-						}
+                  //   Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
+               else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 6, "Plastic") == 0) {
+                  cout << "WARNING: Another Detector is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl ;
+                  ReadingStatus = false ;
+               }
+                                    //Angle method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="THETA=") {
+                  check_Theta = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Theta:  " << atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) << "deg" << endl;
+               }
-						else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
-							check_Phi = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Phi:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "deg" << endl;
-						}
+               else if (DataBuffer=="PHI=") {
+                  check_Phi = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Phi:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "deg" << endl;
+               }
-						else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
-							check_R = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "R:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						//Position method
-						else if (DataBuffer=="X=") {
-							check_X = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "X:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
+               else if (DataBuffer=="R=") {
+                  check_R = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "R:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               //Position method
+               else if (DataBuffer=="X=") {
+                  check_X = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "X:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
-						else if (DataBuffer=="Y=") {
-							check_Y = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Y:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm"<< endl;
-						}
-						else if (DataBuffer=="Z=") {
-							check_Z = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Z:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						//General
-						else if (DataBuffer=="Shape=") {
-							check_Shape = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Shape:  " << DataBuffer << endl;
-						}
-						// Cylindrical shape
-						else if (DataBuffer== "Radius=") {
-							check_Radius = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Plastic Radius:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						// Squared shape
-						else if (DataBuffer=="Width=") {
-							check_Width = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Plastic Width:  " <<atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						else if (DataBuffer== "Height=") {
-							check_Height = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Plastic Height:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						// Common
-						else if (DataBuffer=="Thickness=") {
-							check_Thickness = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Plastic Thickness:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-						else if (DataBuffer== "Scintillator=") {
-							check_Scintillator = true ;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Plastic Scintillator type:  " << DataBuffer << endl;
-						}
-						else if (DataBuffer=="LeadThickness=") {
-							check_LeadThickness = true;
-							ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-							cout << "Lead Thickness :  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
-						}
-		         	///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-							//	If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-				         else 
-				         	{ReadingStatus = false; cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << endl ;}
-				         	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
-				         	//	If All necessary information there, toggle out
-				         if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius &&	check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator &&	check_Height &&	check_Width && check_Shape && check_X && check_Y && check_Z ) 
-				         	{ 
-			         		  NumberOfDetector++;
-						      //	Reinitialisation of Check Boolean  
-									check_Theta = false   			;
-									check_Phi  = false  				;
-									check_R     = false   			;
-									check_Thickness = false  		;
-									check_Radius = false  			;
-									check_LeadThickness = false	;
-									check_Scintillator = false 	;
-									check_Height = false 				;
-									check_Width = false 				;
-									check_Shape = false 				;
-									check_X = false 						;
-									check_Y = false 						;
-									check_Z = false 						;
-									ReadingStatus = false 			;	
-									cout << "///"<< endl 				;	             
-				         	}
-					}
-		}
-	}
+               else if (DataBuffer=="Y=") {
+                  check_Y = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Y:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm"<< endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer=="Z=") {
+                  check_Z = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Z:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               //General
+               else if (DataBuffer=="Shape=") {
+                  check_Shape = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Shape:  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+               }
+               // Cylindrical shape
+               else if (DataBuffer== "Radius=") {
+                  check_Radius = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Radius:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               // Squared shape
+               else if (DataBuffer=="Width=") {
+                  check_Width = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Width:  " <<atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer== "Height=") {
+                  check_Height = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Height:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               // Common
+               else if (DataBuffer=="Thickness=") {
+                  check_Thickness = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Thickness:  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer== "Scintillator=") {
+                  check_Scintillator = true ;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Plastic Scintillator type:  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+               }
+               else if (DataBuffer=="LeadThickness=") {
+                  check_LeadThickness = true;
+                  ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+                  cout << "Lead Thickness :  " << atof( DataBuffer.c_str() ) << "mm" << endl;
+               }
+               ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+               //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+               else 
+                  {ReadingStatus = false; cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << endl ;}
+                  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                  //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+               if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_Thickness && check_Radius &&   check_LeadThickness && check_Scintillator &&   check_Height &&   check_Width && check_Shape && check_X && check_Y && check_Z ) 
+                  { 
+                     NumberOfDetector++;
+                     //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean  
+                     check_Theta = false          ;
+                     check_Phi  = false           ;
+                     check_R     = false          ;
+                     check_Thickness = false      ;
+                     check_Radius = false         ;
+                     check_LeadThickness = false  ;
+                     check_Scintillator = false   ;
+                     check_Height = false         ;
+                     check_Width = false          ;
+                     check_Shape = false          ;
+                     check_X = false              ;
+                     check_Y = false              ;
+                     check_Z = false              ;
+                     ReadingStatus = false        ;   
+                     cout << "///"<< endl         ;                
+                  }
+            }
+      }
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()
-	{
-		CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDetector ; i++)
-			{
-				for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j++)
-					{
-						Cal->AddParameter("Plastic", "Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_E","Plastic_Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_E")	;
-						Cal->AddParameter("Plastic", "Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_T","Plastic_Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_T")	;	
-					}
-			}
-	}
+   {
+      CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDetector ; i++)
+         {
+            for( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j++)
+               {
+                  Cal->AddParameter("Plastic", "Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_E","Plastic_Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_E")   ;
+                  Cal->AddParameter("Plastic", "Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_T","Plastic_Detector"+itoa(i+1)+"_T")   ;   
+               }
+         }
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootInput()
-	{
-		TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()			;
-		inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Plastic" 		, true )					;
-		inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "fPlastic_*" 	, true )					;
-		inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "Plastic" 		, &EventData )		;
-	}	
+   {
+      TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()     ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "Plastic"       , true )        ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchStatus ( "fPlastic_*"    , true )        ;
+      inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "Plastic"       , &EventData )  ;
+   }   
 void TPlasticPhysics::InitializeRootOutput()
-	{
-		TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()						;
-		outputTree->Branch( "Plastic" , "TPlasticPhysics" , &EventPhysics )	;
-	}
+   {
+      TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()            ;
+      outputTree->Branch( "Plastic" , "TPlasticPhysics" , &EventPhysics ) ;
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent()
-	{
-		BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	;
-	}
+   {
+      BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()   ;
+   }
 void TPlasticPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
-	{
-				for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < EventData->GetEnergyMult() ; i++)
-					{
-						DetectorNumber	.push_back( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) )	;
-						Energy					.push_back(
-							CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"Plastic/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) ) +"_E",	
-																																		EventData->GetEnergy(i) )
-																			)	;
-						Time						.push_back(
-							CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(	"Plastic/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) ) +"_T",	
-																																		EventData->GetTime(i) )
-																			)	;
-					}
+   {
+      for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < EventData->GetEnergyMult() ; i++)
+         {
+            DetectorNumber.push_back( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) )   ;
+            Energy.push_back( CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration("Plastic/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) ) +"_E",EventData->GetEnergy(i) ) );
+            Time.push_back( CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(   "Plastic/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetPlasticNumber(i) ) +"_T",EventData->GetTime(i) ) );
+         }
-	}
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
index 9bf4f9af0a4a093ca78c4284e44a84b352f1a2ca..6e4114a8e39333a22e71d3db3794bdc40a27cef4 100644
--- a/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Plastic/TPlasticPhysics.h
@@ -22,70 +22,70 @@
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std ;
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "TPlasticData.h"
 #include "../include/VDetector.h"
 #include "../include/CalibrationManager.h"
 class TPlasticPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
-	public:	//	Constructor and Destructor
-		TPlasticPhysics();
-		~TPlasticPhysics();
+   public:   //   Constructor and Destructor
+      TPlasticPhysics();
+      ~TPlasticPhysics();
-	public:	//	Calibrated Data
+   public:   //   Calibrated Data
-		vector<UShort_t>	DetectorNumber	;
-		vector<Double_t>	Energy					;
-		vector<Double_t>	Time						;
+      vector<UShort_t>   DetectorNumber ;
+      vector<Double_t>   Energy;
+      vector<Double_t>   Time;
-	public:	//	inherrited from VDetector
-		//	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-		void ReadConfiguration(string) 				;
+   public:   //   inherrited from VDetector
+      //   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
+      void ReadConfiguration(string);
-		//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-		void AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	;		
-		//	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-		//	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-		void InitializeRootInput() 					;
+      //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+      void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInput();
-		//	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-		void InitializeRootOutput() 		 		;
-		//	This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-		void BuildPhysicalEvent()					;
-		//	Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-		//	This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-		//	NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-		void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()				;
+      //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+      void InitializeRootOutput();
+      //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
+      void BuildPhysicalEvent();
+      //   Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
+      //   This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
+      //   NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
+      void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
-		//	Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-		void ClearEventPhysics()		{Clear();}		
-		void ClearEventData()				{EventData->Clear();}		
+      //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
+      void ClearEventPhysics() {Clear();}      
+      void ClearEventData()    {EventData->Clear();}      
-	private:	// Data not writted in the tree
-				int									NumberOfDetector	;//!
-				TPlasticData* 	  	EventData					;//!
-				TPlasticPhysics* 	  EventPhysics			;//!
+   private:   // Data not writted in the tree
+      int                   NumberOfDetector ;//!
+      TPlasticData*         EventData ;//!
+      TPlasticPhysics*      EventPhysics ;//!
-		void	Clear();
-    void  Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-		ClassDef(TPlasticPhysics,1)  // PlasticPhysics structure
+      void   Clear();
+      void  Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+      ClassDef(TPlasticPhysics,1)  // PlasticPhysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.cxx b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.cxx
index f672bae35865888cdc0de6885006fd4ae62e91dd..9efd57db1fb296ee4eb1835417b582b316a4621a 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.cxx
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ ClassImp(TSSSDData)
-	// Default constructor
+   // Default constructor
-	// SSSD
-	// Energy
-	fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripE_Energy.clear()		;
-	// Time
-	fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripT_Time.clear()		;
+   // SSSD
+   // Energy
+   fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripE_Energy.clear();
+   // Time
+   fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripT_Time.clear();
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ TSSSDData::~TSSSDData()
 void TSSSDData::Clear()
-	// DSSD
-	// Energy
-	fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripE_Energy.clear()		; 
-	// Time
-	fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.clear()	;
-	fSSSD_StripT_Time.clear()		;
+   // DSSD
+   // Energy
+   fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripE_Energy.clear(); 
+   // Time
+   fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.clear();
+   fSSSD_StripT_Time.clear();
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.h b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.h
index e647c50209e27af1281cf92adbb505ba35704f7f..ae60ec953deb07afb6b461b845d9a35ff76c1498 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.h
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDData.h
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 using namespace std ;
 class TSSSDData : public TObject {
-	private:
-		// SSSD
-		// Energy
-		vector<UShort_t>	fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fSSSD_StripE_Energy;
-		// Time
-		vector<UShort_t>	fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr;
-		vector<UShort_t>	fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr;
-		vector<Double_t>	fSSSD_StripT_Time;
+   private:
+      // SSSD
+      // Energy
+      vector<UShort_t>   fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fSSSD_StripE_Energy;
+      // Time
+      vector<UShort_t>   fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr;
+      vector<UShort_t>   fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr;
+      vector<Double_t>   fSSSD_StripT_Time;
-	public:
-		TSSSDData();
-		virtual ~TSSSDData();
+   public:
+      TSSSDData();
+      virtual ~TSSSDData();
-		void	Clear();
+      void   Clear();
     void    Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-		void	Dump() const;
+      void   Dump() const;
-		/////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
-		// DSSD
-		// (X,E)
-		void	SetEnergyDetectorNbr	(const UShort_t DetNbr) 	{ fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr)	;}
-		void	SetEnergyStripNbr			(const UShort_t StripNbr) { fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr)		;}
-		void	SetEnergy							(const Double_t Energy)   { fSSSD_StripE_Energy.push_back(Energy)				;}
-		// (X,T)
-		void	SetTimeDetectorNbr		(const UShort_t DetNbr) 	{ fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr)	;}
-		void	SetTimeStripNbr				(const UShort_t StripNbr) { fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr)		;}
-		void	SetTime								(const Double_t Time)     { fSSSD_StripT_Time.push_back(Time)						;}
+      /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
+      // DSSD
+      // (X,E)
+      void   SetEnergyDetectorNbr   (const UShort_t DetNbr)   { fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr) ;}
+      void   SetEnergyStripNbr      (const UShort_t StripNbr) { fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr) ;}
+      void   SetEnergy              (const Double_t Energy)   { fSSSD_StripE_Energy.push_back(Energy) ;}
+      // (X,T)
+      void   SetTimeDetectorNbr     (const UShort_t DetNbr)   { fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr) ;}
+      void   SetTimeStripNbr        (const UShort_t StripNbr) { fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr.push_back(StripNbr) ;}
+      void   SetTime                (const Double_t Time)     { fSSSD_StripT_Time.push_back(Time) ;}
-		/////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
-		// DSSD
-		// (X,E)
-		UShort_t	GetEnergyMult					()           	const {	return fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.size()	;}
-		UShort_t	GetEnergyDetectorNbr	(const Int_t i) 		const {	return fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr[i]		;}
-		UShort_t	GetEnergyStripNbr			(const Int_t i)    	const {	return fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr[i]			;}
-		Double_t	GetEnergy							(const Int_t i)     const {	return fSSSD_StripE_Energy[i]				;}
-		// (X,T)
-		UShort_t	GetTimeMult						()            const {	return fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.size()	;}
-		UShort_t	GetTimeDetectorNbr		(const Int_t i) 		const {	return fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr[i]		;}
-		UShort_t	GetTimeStripNbr				(const Int_t i)   	const {	return fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr[i]			;}
-		Double_t	GetTime								(const Int_t i)     const {	return fSSSD_StripT_Time[i]					;}
-		ClassDef(TSSSDData,1)  // SSSDData structure
+      /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
+      // DSSD
+      // (X,E)
+      UShort_t   GetEnergyMult        ()              const {   return fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr.size() ;}
+      UShort_t   GetEnergyDetectorNbr (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripE_DetectorNbr[i] ;}
+      UShort_t   GetEnergyStripNbr    (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripE_StripNbr[i] ;}
+      Double_t   GetEnergy            (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripE_Energy[i] ;}
+      // (X,T)
+      UShort_t   GetTimeMult          ()              const {   return fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr.size() ;}
+      UShort_t   GetTimeDetectorNbr   (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripT_DetectorNbr[i] ;}
+      UShort_t   GetTimeStripNbr      (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripT_StripNbr[i] ;}
+      Double_t   GetTime              (const Int_t i) const {   return fSSSD_StripT_Time[i] ;}
+      ClassDef(TSSSDData,1)  // SSSDData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
index f7af8c0515a8985d36e774e953382b7d930d0886..fab51df17807ae324d04528d826f4572595b6599 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.cxx
@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ using namespace SSSD_LOCAL;
 #include "TChain.h"
 //  tranform an integer to a string
-    string itoa(int value)
-      {
-        std::ostringstream o;
-        if (!(o << value))
-          return ""  ;
-        return o.str();
-      }
+string itoa(int value)
+  std::ostringstream o;
+  if (!(o << value))
+    return ""  ;
+  return o.str();
-    NumberOfDetector = 0         ;
-    EventData = new TSSSDData    ;
-    PreTreatedData = new TSSSDData    ;
-    EventPhysics = this          ;
-    m_E_Threshold = 0             ;
-    m_Pedestal_Threshold = 0      ;
+    NumberOfDetector = 0;
+    EventData = new TSSSDData;
+    PreTreatedData = new TSSSDData;
+    EventPhysics = this;
+    m_E_Threshold = 0;
+    m_Pedestal_Threshold = 0;
@@ -63,30 +63,30 @@ TSSSDPhysics::~TSSSDPhysics()
 void TSSSDPhysics::Clear()
-    DetectorNumber  .clear()  ;
-    StripNumber      .clear()  ;
-    Energy          .clear()  ;
-    Time            .clear()  ;
+    DetectorNumber  .clear() ;
+    StripNumber     .clear() ;
+    Energy          .clear() ;
+    Time            .clear() ;
 void TSSSDPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 
    ifstream ConfigFile           ;
    ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) ;
-   string LineBuffer          ;
-   string DataBuffer          ;
+   string LineBuffer             ;
+   string DataBuffer             ;
    double TLX , BLX , BRX , TRX , TLY , BLY , BRY , TRY , TLZ , BLZ , BRZ , TRZ   ;
    double Theta = 0 , Phi = 0 , R = 0 , beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0      ;
-   bool check_A = false   ;
+   bool check_A = false ;
    bool check_B = false ;
-   bool check_C = false   ;
+   bool check_C = false ;
    bool check_D = false ;
    bool check_Theta = false   ;
-   bool check_Phi  = false  ;
+   bool check_Phi  = false    ;
    bool check_R     = false   ;
-   bool check_beta = false  ;
+   bool check_beta = false    ;
    bool ReadingStatus = false ;
  while (!ConfigFile.eof()) 
@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
                     //  Reinitialisation of Check Boolean 
-                check_A = false   ;
+                check_A = false ;
                 check_B = false ;
-                check_C = false   ;
+                check_C = false ;
                 check_D = false ;
-                check_Theta   = false   ;
-                check_Phi     = false  ;
-                check_R       = false   ;
-                check_beta    = false  ;
+                check_Theta   = false ;
+                check_Phi     = false ;
+                check_R       = false ;
+                check_beta    = false ;
                 ReadingStatus = false ;
@@ -317,37 +317,37 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::PreTreat()
           if(EventData->GetEnergy(i) > m_Pedestal_Threshold && ChannelStatus[EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i)][EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i)])
-	            double E = fSi_E(EventData , i); 
-	            if( E > m_E_Threshold )
-	                {
-	                  PreTreatedData->SetEnergyDetectorNbr( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) )  ;
-	                  PreTreatedData->SetEnergyStripNbr( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) )        ;
-	                  PreTreatedData->SetEnergy( E )                                              ;
-	                }
-		        } 
-		    }
-	      //  T
-	      for(int i = 0 ; i < EventData->GetTimeMult() ; ++i)
-		      {
-		        if(ChannelStatus[EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i)][EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i)])
-		          {
-	              PreTreatedData->SetTimeDetectorNbr( EventData->GetTimeDetectorNbr(i) )  ;
-	              PreTreatedData->SetTimeStripNbr( EventData->GetTimeStripNbr(i) )        ;
-	              PreTreatedData->SetTime( fSi_T(EventData , i) )                         ;
-		          }
-		      }
+               double E = fSi_E(EventData , i); 
+               if( E > m_E_Threshold )
+                   {
+                     PreTreatedData->SetEnergyDetectorNbr( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) )  ;
+                     PreTreatedData->SetEnergyStripNbr( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) )        ;
+                     PreTreatedData->SetEnergy( E )                                              ;
+                   }
+              } 
+          }
+         //  T
+         for(int i = 0 ; i < EventData->GetTimeMult() ; ++i)
+            {
+              if(ChannelStatus[EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i)][EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i)])
+                {
+                 PreTreatedData->SetTimeDetectorNbr( EventData->GetTimeDetectorNbr(i) )  ;
+                 PreTreatedData->SetTimeStripNbr( EventData->GetTimeStripNbr(i) )        ;
+                 PreTreatedData->SetTime( fSi_T(EventData , i) )                         ;
+                }
+            }
 void TSSSDPhysics::InitializeStandardParameter()
-  	//  Enable all channel
-		vector<bool> TempChannelStatus;
+     //  Enable all channel
+      vector<bool> TempChannelStatus;
-		TempChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
-		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDetector ; ++i)	
-		    ChannelStatus[i+1] = TempChannelStatus;
+      TempChannelStatus.resize(16,true);
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDetector ; ++i)   
+          ChannelStatus[i+1] = TempChannelStatus;
 void TSSSDPhysics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
@@ -430,23 +430,23 @@ void TSSSDPhysics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
-	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	double SSSD_LOCAL::fSi_E( const TSSSDData* EventData , const int i )
-	  {
-	    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(  "SSSD/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Strip" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",  
-									    EventData->GetEnergy(i) );
-	  }
-	double SSSD_LOCAL::fSi_T( const TSSSDData* EventData , const int i )
-	  {
-	    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(  "SSSD/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Strip" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",  
-									    EventData->GetTime(i) );
-	  }  
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   double SSSD_LOCAL::fSi_E( const TSSSDData* EventData , const int i )
+     {
+       return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(  "SSSD/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Strip" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) ) +"_E",  
+                               EventData->GetEnergy(i) );
+     }
+   double SSSD_LOCAL::fSi_T( const TSSSDData* EventData , const int i )
+     {
+       return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(  "SSSD/Detector" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyDetectorNbr(i) ) + "_Strip" + itoa( EventData->GetEnergyStripNbr(i) ) +"_T",  
+                               EventData->GetTime(i) );
+     }  
diff --git a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
index 64e74ac0e0358cca383cdeb54cf8fe31a67be29c..1814e0f0b8b0fa0c277f9749da26675b1015a54d 100644
--- a/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/SSSD/TSSSDPhysics.h
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
  *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std ;
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "TSSSDData.h"
 #include "../include/VDetector.h"
 #include "../include/CalibrationManager.h"
@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@ using namespace std ;
 class TSSSDPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
- public:	//	Constructor and Destructor
+ public:   //   Constructor and Destructor
- public:	//	Calibrated Data
-   vector<UShort_t>	DetectorNumber;
-   vector<UShort_t>	StripNumber;
-   vector<Double_t>	Energy;
-   vector<Double_t>	Time;
+ public:   //   Calibrated Data
+   vector<UShort_t>   DetectorNumber;
+   vector<UShort_t>   StripNumber;
+   vector<Double_t>   Energy;
+   vector<Double_t>   Time;
- public:	//	inherrited from VDetector
+ public:   //   inherrited from VDetector
    // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
    void ReadConfiguration(string);
    // Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();		
+   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
    // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
    // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
    void InitializeRootInput();
@@ -63,22 +63,22 @@ class TSSSDPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
    // Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-   void ClearEventPhysics()	{Clear();}
-   void ClearEventData()	{EventData->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventPhysics()   {Clear();}
+   void ClearEventData()   {EventData->Clear();}
- public: //	Specific to SSSD
+ public: //   Specific to SSSD
    // Clear The PreTeated object
-   void ClearPreTreatedData()	{PreTreatedData->Clear();}
+   void ClearPreTreatedData()   {PreTreatedData->Clear();}
    // Remove bad channel, calibrate the data and apply threshold
    void PreTreat();
@@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ class TSSSDPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // ie: all channel enable, maximum multiplicity for strip = number of telescope
    void InitializeStandardParameter();
-   //	Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
-	 void ReadAnalysisConfig();
+   //   Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
+    void ReadAnalysisConfig();
- private:	// Data not written in the tree
-   int			      NumberOfDetector;	//!
-   TSSSDData* 	  EventData;		    //!
-   TSSSDData* 	  PreTreatedData;		//!
-   TSSSDPhysics*  EventPhysics;	  	//!
+ private:   // Data not written in the tree
+   int           NumberOfDetector;//!
+   TSSSDData*    EventData;//!
+   TSSSDData*    PreTreatedData;//!
+   TSSSDPhysics* EventPhysics;//!
-   double m_E_Threshold;		//!
-   double m_Pedestal_Threshold;	//!
+   double m_E_Threshold;//!
+   double m_Pedestal_Threshold;//!
  private: //  Map of activated Channel
    map< int, vector<bool> > ChannelStatus;//!
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ class TSSSDPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
  public:  //  Return True if the channel is activated
    // bool IsValidChannel(int DetectorNbr, int StripNbr) ;
-   void	Clear();
+   void Clear();
    void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
    ClassDef(TSSSDPhysics,1)  // SSSDPhysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Shield/Shield.cxx b/NPLib/Shield/Shield.cxx
index 56c9a8ef1f906acde74600ce4846cd0aa6c96847..9fffc340bdc3971879196668355307186dd5f3fa 100644
--- a/NPLib/Shield/Shield.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Shield/Shield.cxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "Shield.h"
 // C++ headers
-#include <iostream>	
+#include <iostream>   
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 // ROOT headers
 #include "TChain.h"
-using namespace std ;	
-//	Default Constructor
+using namespace std ;   
+//   Default Constructor
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    m_EventData    = new TShieldData();
    m_EventPhysics = new TShieldPhysics();
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ Shield::~Shield()
    m_NumberOfModule = 0;
    delete m_EventData;
    delete m_EventPhysics;
 // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-void Shield::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 	
+void Shield::ReadConfiguration(string Path)    
-   ifstream ConfigFile           	;
-   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str()) 	;
-   string LineBuffer          		;
-   string DataBuffer          		;	
+   ifstream ConfigFile              ;
+   ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str())    ;
+   string LineBuffer                ;
+   string DataBuffer                ;   
    // A:X1_Y1     --> X:1    Y:1
    // B:X128_Y1   --> X:128  Y:1
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ void Shield::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       else ReadingStatus = false;
       // Reading Block
-      while (ReadingStatus) {	 
-         if (isCluster) { 	// square shape
+      while (ReadingStatus) {    
+         if (isCluster) {    // square shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void Shield::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
             } // end test for adding a module
          } // end test for ShieldCluster shape
-        else if (isPhoswich) { 	// ShieldPhoswich shape
+        else if (isPhoswich) {    // ShieldPhoswich shape
             ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
             // Comment Line 
             if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ void Shield::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 // Read stream at Path and pick-up calibration parameter using Token
 // If argument is "Simulation" no change calibration is loaded
-void Shield::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)	
+void Shield::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)   
    // Order of Polynom function used for calibration
    int Calibration_Si_E_Order;
@@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ void Shield::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
    int Calibration_CsI_E_Order;
    // Calibration_Si_X_E[DetectorNumber][StripNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_X_T	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_E	;
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_Si_Y_T	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_X_T   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_E   ;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_Si_Y_T   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][PadNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_SiLi_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_SiLi_E   ;
    // Calibration_SiLi_E[DetectorNumber][CrystalNumber][Order of Coeff]
-   vector< vector< vector< double > > >	Calibration_CsI_E	;
+   vector< vector< vector< double > > >   Calibration_CsI_E   ;
    if (Path == "Simulation") {   // Simulation case: data already calibrated
       Calibration_Si_E_Order   = 1;
@@ -449,29 +449,29 @@ void Shield::ReadCalibrationFile(string Path)
       Calibration_CsI_E_Order  = 1;
       vector<double> Coef;
-      // Order 0				Order 1
-      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1) 	;
-      vector< vector<double> > StripLine 		;
-      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)			;
-      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
-      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)	;
+      // Order 0            Order 1
+      Coef.push_back(0) ; Coef.push_back(1)    ;
+      vector< vector<double> > StripLine       ;
+      StripLine.resize( 128 , Coef)         ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_X_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_Si_Y_T.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_SiLi_E.resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
+      Calibration_CsI_E .resize( m_NumberOfModule , StripLine)   ;
    else {
 // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-void Shield::InitializeRootInput() 		
+void Shield::InitializeRootInput()       
    TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
    inputChain->SetBranchStatus("SHIELD", true);
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ void Shield::InitializeRootInput()
 // Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-void Shield::InitializeRootOutput() 	
+void Shield::InitializeRootOutput()    
    TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree();
    outputTree->Branch("SHIELD", "TShieldPhysics", &m_EventPhysics);
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void Shield::InitializeRootOutput()
 // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-void Shield::BuildPhysicalEvent()		
+void Shield::BuildPhysicalEvent()      
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildPhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ void Shield::BuildPhysicalEvent()
 // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
 // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
 // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-void Shield::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	
+void Shield::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()   
    m_EventPhysics -> BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(m_EventData);
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 98;		// mm
+   double Face = 98;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 128;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ void Shield::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -629,10 +629,10 @@ void Shield::AddModuleSquare(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    TVector3 Strip_1_1;
    // Geometry Parameter
-   double Face = 50;		// mm
+   double Face = 50;      // mm
    double NumberOfStrip = 128;
    double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
@@ -700,9 +700,9 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
    vector<double> lineY; 
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    // Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
    Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2.);
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
          lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
          lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
-         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );	
+         lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );   
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    phi   = phi   * Pi/180. ;
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
-   TVector3 U ;	
+   TVector3 U ;   
    // Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
    TVector3 V ;
    // Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
@@ -788,10 +788,10 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
    vector<double> lineY;
    vector<double> lineZ;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionX;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionY;
-   vector< vector< double > >	OneModuleStripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionX;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionY;
+   vector< vector< double > >   OneModuleStripPositionZ;
    double X, Y, Z;
    // Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ void Shield::AddModuleDummyShape(double theta,
-double Shield::GetEnergyDeposit()		
+double Shield::GetEnergyDeposit()      
    if (m_EventPhysics->ShieldTotalEnergy.size() > 0)
       return m_EventPhysics->ShieldTotalEnergy[0]; 
diff --git a/NPLib/Shield/Shield.h b/NPLib/Shield/Shield.h
index cea85f802b346942c2ba89a37ac41681c7e1aa43..eb99c5a69e21f5e1ab5cc27cbb41cc008ae5bbe7 100644
--- a/NPLib/Shield/Shield.h
+++ b/NPLib/Shield/Shield.h
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ public:
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. 
    // The aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
    // Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-   void ClearEventPhysics()	{m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
-   void ClearEventData()	{m_EventData->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventPhysics() {m_EventPhysics->Clear();}
+   void ClearEventData()    {m_EventData->Clear();}
@@ -103,36 +103,36 @@ public:
                             double beta_w);
    // Getters to retrieve the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of a pixel defined by strips (X,Y)
-   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)	{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
-   double GetNumberOfModule()	 			{ return m_NumberOfModule; }
+   double GetStripPositionX(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionX[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionY(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionY[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetStripPositionZ(int N ,int X ,int Y)   { return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][X-1][Y-1]; }
+   double GetNumberOfModule()             { return m_NumberOfModule; }
    // Get Root input and output objects
-   TShieldData* 	GetEventData()		{return m_EventData;}
-   TShieldPhysics*	GetEventPhysics()	{return m_EventPhysics;}
+   TShieldData*    GetEventData()      {return m_EventData;}
+   TShieldPhysics*   GetEventPhysics()   {return m_EventPhysics;}
    // To be called after a build Physical Event 
-   double	GetEnergyDeposit();
-   TVector3	GetPositionOfInteraction();
+   double   GetEnergyDeposit();
+   TVector3   GetPositionOfInteraction();
-   void		Print();
+   void      Print();
    // Root Input and Output tree classes //
-   TShieldData*		m_EventData;
-   TShieldPhysics*	m_EventPhysics;
+   TShieldData*      m_EventData;
+   TShieldPhysics*   m_EventPhysics;
    // Spatial Position of Strip Calculated on basis of detector position
    int m_NumberOfModule;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionX;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionY;
-   vector< vector < vector < double > > >	m_StripPositionZ;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionX;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionY;
+   vector< vector < vector < double > > >   m_StripPositionZ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldData.h b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldData.h
index 7ad37cfb69f672d5757d546fc570ff1bc1ce5186..604c28e8af788cd3bdc66d540a10a33b4ecb13ce 100644
--- a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldData.h
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ class TShieldData : public TObject {
-   vector<double>	fParis_Energy;
-   vector<double>	fParis_Time;
-   vector<short>	fParis_Number;
+   vector<double>   fParis_Energy;
+   vector<double>   fParis_Time;
+   vector<short>   fParis_Number;
    virtual ~TShieldData();
-   void	Clear();
-   void	Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-   void	Dump() const;
+   void   Clear();
+   void   Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+   void   Dump() const;
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
@@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ class TShieldData : public TObject {
    // (E)
-   //double	GetEnergy(int i)		{return fParis_Energy[i];}
+   //double   GetEnergy(int i)      {return fParis_Energy[i];}
    // (T)
-   //double	GetTime(int i)			{return fParis_Time[i];}
+   //double   GetTime(int i)         {return fParis_Time[i];}
    // (N)
-   int		GetParisNumber(int i)		{return fParis_Number[i];}   
-   double	GetEnergySize()			{return fParis_Energy.size();}
+   int      GetParisNumber(int i)      {return fParis_Number[i];}   
+   double   GetEnergySize()         {return fParis_Energy.size();}
    // (T)
-   double	GetTimeSize()			{return fParis_Time.size();}
+   double   GetTimeSize()         {return fParis_Time.size();}
    // (N)
-   int      	GetParisNumberSize()		{return fParis_Number.size();}
+   int         GetParisNumberSize()      {return fParis_Number.size();}
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ class TShieldData : public TObject {
    // (E)
-   void	SetEnergy(double E)			{fParis_Energy.push_back(E);}
-   void	SetTime(double T)			{fParis_Time.push_back(T);}
-   void	SetParisNumber(int N)			{fParis_Number.push_back(N);}
+   void   SetEnergy(double E)         {fParis_Energy.push_back(E);}
+   void   SetTime(double T)         {fParis_Time.push_back(T);}
+   void   SetParisNumber(int N)         {fParis_Number.push_back(N);}
    ClassDef(TShieldData,1)  // ParisData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.cxx
index 524a5b6cdde574899065c08c6b578f55b50918ef..5f517e55dc14965d414410b6bade2626a39bd546 100644
--- a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.cxx
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ void TShieldPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent(TShieldData* Data)
     for(int j=0;j<multE;j++)
-	EnergyStripFront= Data->GetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(j);
-	EnergyStrip  = EnergyStripFront;
-	ShieldCsI_E.push_back(EnergyStrip);
+   EnergyStripFront= Data->GetPARISCsIShieldEEnergy(j);
+   EnergyStrip  = EnergyStripFront;
+   ShieldCsI_E.push_back(EnergyStrip);
-	EnergyTot += EnergyStrip; // addback between CsIShield 
+   EnergyTot += EnergyStrip; // addback between CsIShield 
     // Fill total energy
diff --git a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.h b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.h
index d820214f3c4709121d138cf7a13511a2dc31d707..3f2535f113f004ac95402bcc897f8f7e8059cd70 100644
--- a/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Shield/TShieldPhysics.h
@@ -38,42 +38,42 @@ public:
-   void Clear();	
-   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};	
+   void Clear();   
+   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};   
    void BuildPhysicalEvent(TShieldData* Data);
    void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent(TShieldData* Data);
    // Provide Physical Multiplicity
-   Int_t		ShieldEventMult;
+   Int_t      ShieldEventMult;
    // Provide a Classification of Event
-   //vector<int>		EventType;
+   //vector<int>      EventType;
    // Telescope
-   //vector<int>		ModuleNumber;
+   //vector<int>      ModuleNumber;
-   //	FirstStage
-   vector<double>	ShieldCsI_E;
-   //vector<double>	FirstStage_T;
-   //vector<int>		FirstStage_X;
-   //vector<int>		FirstStage_Y;
+   //   FirstStage
+   vector<double>   ShieldCsI_E;
+   //vector<double>   FirstStage_T;
+   //vector<int>      FirstStage_X;
+   //vector<int>      FirstStage_Y;
-   //	SecondStage
-   vector<double>	SecondStage_E;
-   //vector<double>	SecondStage_T;
-   //vector<int>		SecondStage_N;
+   //   SecondStage
+   vector<double>   SecondStage_E;
+   //vector<double>   SecondStage_T;
+   //vector<int>      SecondStage_N;
-   //	ThirdStage
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_E;
-   vector<double>	ThirdStage_T;
-   vector<int>		ThirdStage_N;
+   //   ThirdStage
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_E;
+   vector<double>   ThirdStage_T;
+   vector<int>      ThirdStage_N;
    // Physical Value  
-   vector<double>	ShieldTotalEnergy;
+   vector<double>   ShieldTotalEnergy;
    ClassDef(TShieldPhysics,1)  // ShieldPhysics structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
index 33217f8feb2dbe286268d5359cb928f74fb66aff..b232fa85f1a4100fcd898c7eae1dc01cc0670ef2 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "TAsciiFile.h"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <limits>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -33,26 +33,26 @@
 CalibrationManager* CalibrationManager::instance = 0;
 CalibrationManager* CalibrationManager::getInstance(string configFileName)
-	{
-	   // A new instance of CalibrationManager is created if it does not exist:
-	   if (instance == 0) {
-	      instance = new CalibrationManager(configFileName);
-	   }
+   {
+      // A new instance of CalibrationManager is created if it does not exist:
+      if (instance == 0) {
+         instance = new CalibrationManager(configFileName);
+      }
-	   // The instance of CalibrationManager is returned:
-	   return instance;
-	}
+      // The instance of CalibrationManager is returned:
+      return instance;
+   }
 CalibrationManager::CalibrationManager(string configFileName)
-	{
+   {
    // Read configuration file Buffer
    string lineBuffer, dataBuffer;
    // Open file
    ifstream inputConfigFile;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "/////////// Calibration Information ///////////" << endl;
    cout << "Getting list of Calibration File" << endl;
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ CalibrationManager::CalibrationManager(string configFileName)
-		{
-   		cout << "Reading list of file from :" << configFileName << endl; 
+      {
+         cout << "Reading list of file from :" << configFileName << endl; 
       while (!inputConfigFile.eof()) {
          getline(inputConfigFile, lineBuffer);
          // search for token giving the list of Root files to treat
          if ( lineBuffer.compare(0, 19, "CalibrationFilePath") == 0 ) {
              while (!inputConfigFile.eof()) {
                inputConfigFile >> dataBuffer;
                // ignore comment Line 
                if (dataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
                   inputConfigFile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
@@ -82,133 +82,133 @@ CalibrationManager::CalibrationManager(string configFileName)
                   cout << "Adding file " << dataBuffer << " to Calibration" << endl;
-	            }
-	         }
-	      }
-	  	}
-   	cout << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+        }
+      cout << "/////////////////////////////////" << endl;
-	{}
+   {}
 bool CalibrationManager::AddParameter(string DetectorName , string ParameterName , string Token )
-	{
-		string ParameterPath = DetectorName + "/" + ParameterName ;
-		fToken[Token] = ParameterPath ;
-		return true;
-	}
+   {
+      string ParameterPath = DetectorName + "/" + ParameterName ;
+      fToken[Token] = ParameterPath ;
+      return true;
+   }
 void CalibrationManager::LoadParameterFromFile()
-	{
-		ifstream CalibFile 	;
-		string	 DataBuffer	;
-		string   LineBuffer ;
-		// Get pointer to the TAsciifile CalibrationFile in RootOuput
-		TAsciiFile* AcsiiCalibration = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileCalibration();
-		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < fFileList.size() ; i++)
-			{
-				CalibFile.open( fFileList[i].c_str() );
-				map<string,string>::iterator it ;
-				if(!CalibFile)
-					{
-						cout << " WARNING: FILE " << fFileList[i] << " IS MISSING "				  														<< endl ;
-					}
-				else 
-				{
-				  // Append the Calibration File to the RootOuput for Back-up
-		      string comment = "%%% From File " + fFileList[i] + "%%%";
-		      AcsiiCalibration->AppendLine(comment.c_str());
-		      AcsiiCalibration->Append(fFileList[i].c_str());
-				  while( !CalibFile.eof() )
-					  {
-						  // Read the file Line by line
-						  getline(CalibFile, LineBuffer);
-						  // Create a istringstream to manipulate the line easely
-					    istringstream theLine (LineBuffer,istringstream::in);
-						  theLine >> DataBuffer ;
-						  // Comment support, comment symbole is %
-						  if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
-						   	CalibFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-						  //	Search word in the token list
-						  it=fToken.find(DataBuffer);
-						  //	if the word is find, values are read
-						  if( it!=fToken.end() )
-							  {
-								  vector<double> Coeff ;
-								  while( !theLine.eof() )
-									  {
-										  theLine >> DataBuffer ; Coeff.push_back( atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ) ;
-									  }
-								  //	Check this parameter is not already define
-								  if( fCalibrationCoeff.find(it->second) != fCalibrationCoeff.end() ) 
-									  cout << "WARNING: Parameter " << it->second << " Already found. It will be rewritted " << endl;
-								  //	Add the list of Coeff to the Coeff map using Parameter Path as index
-								  fCalibrationCoeff[ it->second ] = Coeff ;
-							  }
-					  }
-				}
-				CalibFile.close() ;
-			}
-	}
+   {
+      ifstream CalibFile    ;
+      string    DataBuffer   ;
+      string   LineBuffer ;
+      // Get pointer to the TAsciifile CalibrationFile in RootOuput
+      TAsciiFile* AcsiiCalibration = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileCalibration();
+      for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < fFileList.size() ; i++)
+         {
+            CalibFile.open( fFileList[i].c_str() );
+            map<string,string>::iterator it ;
+            if(!CalibFile)
+               {
+                  cout << " WARNING: FILE " << fFileList[i] << " IS MISSING "                                                        << endl ;
+               }
+            else 
+            {
+              // Append the Calibration File to the RootOuput for Back-up
+            string comment = "%%% From File " + fFileList[i] + "%%%";
+            AcsiiCalibration->AppendLine(comment.c_str());
+            AcsiiCalibration->Append(fFileList[i].c_str());
+              while( !CalibFile.eof() )
+                 {
+                    // Read the file Line by line
+                    getline(CalibFile, LineBuffer);
+                    // Create a istringstream to manipulate the line easely
+                   istringstream theLine (LineBuffer,istringstream::in);
+                    theLine >> DataBuffer ;
+                    // Comment support, comment symbole is %
+                    if(DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+                        CalibFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+                    //   Search word in the token list
+                    it=fToken.find(DataBuffer);
+                    //   if the word is find, values are read
+                    if( it!=fToken.end() )
+                       {
+                          vector<double> Coeff ;
+                          while( !theLine.eof() )
+                             {
+                                theLine >> DataBuffer ; Coeff.push_back( atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ) ;
+                             }
+                          //   Check this parameter is not already define
+                          if( fCalibrationCoeff.find(it->second) != fCalibrationCoeff.end() ) 
+                             cout << "WARNING: Parameter " << it->second << " Already found. It will be rewritted " << endl;
+                          //   Add the list of Coeff to the Coeff map using Parameter Path as index
+                          fCalibrationCoeff[ it->second ] = Coeff ;
+                       }
+                 }
+            }
+            CalibFile.close() ;
+         }
+   }
 double CalibrationManager::ApplyCalibration(const string& ParameterPath , const double& RawValue)
-	{
-		map< string , vector<double> >::iterator it ;
-		//	Find the good parameter in the Map
-		// Using Find method of stl is the fastest way
-		it = fCalibrationCoeff.find(ParameterPath)  ;
-		// If the find methods return the end iterator it's mean the parameter was not found
-		if(it == fCalibrationCoeff.end() )
-			{
-				cout << " ERROR: PARAMETER " << ParameterPath << " IS NOT FOUND IN THE CALIBRATION DATA BASE  " << endl ;
-				return RawValue ;
-			}
-		// Else we take the second part of the element (first is index, ie: parameter path)
-		// Second is the vector of Coeff
-		vector<double> Coeff = it->second  ;
-		// The vector size give the degree of calibration
-		// We just apply the coeff and returned the calibrated value
-		double CalibratedValue = 0 ;
-		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Coeff.size() ; i++)
-			{
-				CalibratedValue += Coeff[i]*pow(RawValue, (double)i);
-			}
-		return CalibratedValue ;
-	}
+   {
+      map< string , vector<double> >::iterator it ;
+      //   Find the good parameter in the Map
+      // Using Find method of stl is the fastest way
+      it = fCalibrationCoeff.find(ParameterPath)  ;
+      // If the find methods return the end iterator it's mean the parameter was not found
+      if(it == fCalibrationCoeff.end() )
+         {
+            cout << " ERROR: PARAMETER " << ParameterPath << " IS NOT FOUND IN THE CALIBRATION DATA BASE  " << endl ;
+            return RawValue ;
+         }
+      // Else we take the second part of the element (first is index, ie: parameter path)
+      // Second is the vector of Coeff
+      vector<double> Coeff = it->second  ;
+      // The vector size give the degree of calibration
+      // We just apply the coeff and returned the calibrated value
+      double CalibratedValue = 0 ;
+      for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Coeff.size() ; i++)
+         {
+            CalibratedValue += Coeff[i]*pow(RawValue, (double)i);
+         }
+      return CalibratedValue ;
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
index deb2c3c397cabaccc3a0b7856c12f4fca95dd44e..f319facec6ae8d6b08bf5f648259ef8eff4cd758 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  *   This class is a singleton                                               *
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL
+//   STL
@@ -31,51 +31,51 @@
 using namespace std ;
 class CalibrationManager
-	{
-		protected:	//	Constructor and Destructor are protected because the class is a singleton
-			CalibrationManager(string configFileName);
-			~CalibrationManager();
-		public: // Accessor
-			//	return a pointer to the calibration manager instance.
-			//	if the instance does not exist it is created.
-			static CalibrationManager* getInstance(string configFileName="XXX");
-		private: // the instance
-			//	Hold a pointer on itself
-			static CalibrationManager* instance ;
-		public:	//	File Management
-			inline void AddFile(string Path) { fFileList.push_back(Path) ;} ;
-		public:	// Calibration Parameter Related
-			// call like : myCalibrationManager->AddParameter( "MUST2" ,"Telescope5_Si_X38_E", "T5_Si_X38_E" )
-			// return false if the token is not found in the file list
-			bool AddParameter(string DetectorName , string ParameterName , string Token)    ;		
-			// call like : myCalibrationManager->ApplyCalibration( "MUST2/Telescope5_Si_X38_E" , RawEnergy )
-			// return the Calibrated value
-			double ApplyCalibration(const string& ParameterPath , const double& RawValue);
-		public:	//	To be called after initialisation
-			//	Loop over the file list and catch the file used for calibration
-			void LoadParameterFromFile();
-		private:
-			//	This map hold a vector of the calibration coefficient. Index is the Parameter path, like "MUST2/Telescope5_Si_X38_E"
-			map< string , vector<double> >	fCalibrationCoeff ;
-			//	Hold the path of all the registered file of coeff
-			vector<string>	fFileList	;
-			//	Hold The list of Token. Index is the Token, value the parameter path.
-			map< string , string >	fToken		;
-	};
+   {
+      protected:   //   Constructor and Destructor are protected because the class is a singleton
+         CalibrationManager(string configFileName);
+         ~CalibrationManager();
+      public: // Accessor
+         //   return a pointer to the calibration manager instance.
+         //   if the instance does not exist it is created.
+         static CalibrationManager* getInstance(string configFileName="XXX");
+      private: // the instance
+         //   Hold a pointer on itself
+         static CalibrationManager* instance ;
+      public:   //   File Management
+         inline void AddFile(string Path) { fFileList.push_back(Path) ;} ;
+      public:   // Calibration Parameter Related
+         // call like : myCalibrationManager->AddParameter( "MUST2" ,"Telescope5_Si_X38_E", "T5_Si_X38_E" )
+         // return false if the token is not found in the file list
+         bool AddParameter(string DetectorName , string ParameterName , string Token)    ;      
+         // call like : myCalibrationManager->ApplyCalibration( "MUST2/Telescope5_Si_X38_E" , RawEnergy )
+         // return the Calibrated value
+         double ApplyCalibration(const string& ParameterPath , const double& RawValue);
+      public:   //   To be called after initialisation
+         //   Loop over the file list and catch the file used for calibration
+         void LoadParameterFromFile();
+      private:
+         //   This map hold a vector of the calibration coefficient. Index is the Parameter path, like "MUST2/Telescope5_Si_X38_E"
+         map< string , vector<double> >   fCalibrationCoeff ;
+         //   Hold the path of all the registered file of coeff
+         vector<string>   fFileList   ;
+         //   Hold The list of Token. Index is the Token, value the parameter path.
+         map< string , string >   fToken      ;
+   };
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.cxx
index 51be7299bfb19d5ddd119e73dcb1233dce37884a..65424df9667acf9d0449c6de8806a0225aca31f6 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009    this file is part of the NPTool Project             *
  *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
  * Last update     :                                                         *
  * Decription:                                                               *
- *	This class will held a set of string, that can be used as a TAG manager  *
+ *   This class will held a set of string, that can be used as a TAG manager *
  * Users can write macro and add different TAG to that object based on users *
  * condition. Then the TAG branch can be open and close alone to select event*
  * without loading the whole tree.                                           *
- *	                                                                         *
+ *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -35,20 +35,20 @@ NPTagManager::~NPTagManager(){}
 bool NPTagManager::Is(string condition)
-	{
-	  // return True is the element is find, false other wise
+   {
+     // return True is the element is find, false other wise
    return !( fTAG.find(condition)==fTAG.end() );
 void NPTagManager::AddCondition(string condition)
-	{
+   {
-	}
+   }
 void NPTagManager::PrintCondition()
-	{
-    set<string>::iterator it ;	
+   {
+    set<string>::iterator it ;   
     cout << "------------------  Event Condition  ------------------" << endl ;
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ void NPTagManager::PrintCondition()
     cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl ;
-	}
+   }
 void NPTagManager::PrintConditionToFile(string filename)
-	{
+   {
     ofstream file;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void NPTagManager::PrintConditionToFile(string filename)
-        set<string>::iterator it ;	
+        set<string>::iterator it ;   
         file << "------------------  Event Condition  ------------------" << endl ;
@@ -85,6 +85,6 @@ void NPTagManager::PrintConditionToFile(string filename)
-	}
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.h
index 982822c281651ba0b47ffd5bba53faf05d9b362c..cec5783a4b3cb0bcdbb5306beae9570700a3157a 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPTagManager.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef _TAG_
 #define _TAG_
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009   this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
  *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
  * Last update     :                                                         *
  * Decription:                                                               *
- *	This class will held a set of string, that can be used as a TAG manager  *
+ * This class will held a set of string, that can be used as a TAG manager   *
  * Users can write macro and add different TAG to that object based on users *
  * condition. Then the TAG branch can be open and close alone to select event*
  * without loading the whole tree.                                           *
- *	                                                                         *
+ *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *                                                                           *
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/TAsciiFile.h b/NPLib/Tools/TAsciiFile.h
index df9f63f34dde35c64ba9122df97851651d97b111..dab22eed971342530e4d8fc7b4366e8afc171a53 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/TAsciiFile.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/TAsciiFile.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ using namespace std;
 class TAsciiFile : public TNamed {
  private :
-   vector<string>	fLines;
+   vector<string>   fLines;
  protected :
    void ReadFile(const char* inputAsciiFile);
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class TAsciiFile : public TNamed {
    void Print(UInt_t begin, UInt_t end) const;
    bool IsEmpty() const;
-   ClassDef(TAsciiFile, 1);	// Class TAsciiFile for storing ascii text
+   ClassDef(TAsciiFile, 1);   // Class TAsciiFile for storing ascii text
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
index 4b62e2a520f96d75d6149d5eb80f20f4d44255c2..5749c8e56f5363fd36d304ed6ae91e62c52175a9 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 #include "DetectorManager.h"
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <cstdlib>
-//	Detector	
+//   Detector   
 #include "TMust2Physics.h"
 #include "TSSSDPhysics.h"
 #include "TPlasticPhysics.h"
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
 #include "NPOptionManager.h"
 #include "RootInput.h"
-//	Default Constructor
+//   Default Constructor
-//	Default Desstructor
+//   Default Desstructor
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ DetectorManager::~DetectorManager()
-//	Read stream at ConfigFile and pick-up Token declaration of Detector
-void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)	
+//   Read stream at ConfigFile and pick-up Token declaration of Detector
+void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)   
    ////////General Reading needs////////
    string LineBuffer;
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
-void DetectorManager::BuildPhysicalEvent()						
+void DetectorManager::BuildPhysicalEvent()                  
    map<string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ void DetectorManager::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
-void DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput()						
+void DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput()                  
   if( NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetDisableAllBranchOption() )
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ void DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput()
-void DetectorManager::InitializeRootOutput()	
+void DetectorManager::InitializeRootOutput()   
    map<string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
@@ -421,4 +421,4 @@ void DetectorManager::ClearEventData()
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.h b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.h
index 8f39b6d50c689eaa20858fa5e119ece0e4c59851..3b272c9915788426e7fa5d5e3df89c9a1142a8e4 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 #ifndef DetectorManager_h
 #define DetectorManager_h
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "VDetector.h"
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <string>
 #include <map>
@@ -13,50 +13,50 @@ using namespace NPA ;
 // This class manage a map of virtual detector
 namespace NPA
-	{
-		class DetectorManager
-			{
-				public:
-				   DetectorManager();
-				   ~DetectorManager();
-				public:
-				   // Read stream at Path and pick-up Token declaration of Detector
-				   void	ReadConfigurationFile(string Path);
-				   void	BuildPhysicalEvent();
-				   void	BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
-				   void	InitializeRootInput();
-				   void	InitializeRootOutput();
-				   void	AddDetector(string,VDetector*);
-				   void	ClearEventPhysics();
-				   void	ClearEventData();
-				public:	
-				   // The map containning all detectors
-				   // Using a Map one can access to any detector using its name
-				   map<string,VDetector*> m_Detector;
-				   // Special treatment for the target for the moment
-				   // If necessary we should change it to treat it as 
-				   // a full "detector"
-				private:
-				   double m_TargetThickness;
-				   double m_TargetAngle;
-				   double m_TargetRadius;
-				   string m_TargetMaterial;
-				   double m_TargetX;
-				   double m_TargetY;
-				   double m_TargetZ;
-				public:
-				   double GetTargetThickness()     {return m_TargetThickness;}
-				   string GetTargetMaterial()      {return m_TargetMaterial;}
-				   double GetTargetRadius()        {return m_TargetRadius;}
-				   double GetTargetAngle()         {return m_TargetAngle;}
-				   double GetTargetX()             {return m_TargetX;}
-				   double GetTargetY()             {return m_TargetY;}
-				   double GetTargetZ()             {return m_TargetZ;}
-			};
-	}
+   {
+      class DetectorManager
+         {
+            public:
+               DetectorManager();
+               ~DetectorManager();
+            public:
+               // Read stream at Path and pick-up Token declaration of Detector
+               void   ReadConfigurationFile(string Path);
+               void   BuildPhysicalEvent();
+               void   BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
+               void   InitializeRootInput();
+               void   InitializeRootOutput();
+               void   AddDetector(string,VDetector*);
+               void   ClearEventPhysics();
+               void   ClearEventData();
+            public:   
+               // The map containning all detectors
+               // Using a Map one can access to any detector using its name
+               map<string,VDetector*> m_Detector;
+               // Special treatment for the target for the moment
+               // If necessary we should change it to treat it as 
+               // a full "detector"
+            private:
+               double m_TargetThickness;
+               double m_TargetAngle;
+               double m_TargetRadius;
+               string m_TargetMaterial;
+               double m_TargetX;
+               double m_TargetY;
+               double m_TargetZ;
+            public:
+               double GetTargetThickness()     {return m_TargetThickness;}
+               string GetTargetMaterial()      {return m_TargetMaterial;}
+               double GetTargetRadius()        {return m_TargetRadius;}
+               double GetTargetAngle()         {return m_TargetAngle;}
+               double GetTargetX()             {return m_TargetX;}
+               double GetTargetY()             {return m_TargetY;}
+               double GetTargetZ()             {return m_TargetZ;}
+         };
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.cxx b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.cxx
index 877bb38e373022ae6bca8dd8bbea14ad2c3a6699..60fa250bd60cbacf4755e3b2824b7e12fca7c8e0 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.cxx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
- * 				                                                             *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009    this file is part of the NPTool Project             *
+ *                                                                           *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * All detector class used in NPAnalysis should derived from this virtual    *
  *  class. Those VDetector daughter will deal with geometry, calibration and *
  *  basic data treatment.                                                    *
- *  	                                                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *   See MUST2 array for exemple of VDetector derived class                  *
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
index ee2a631eacbc6d792e6a37c750b92f9849acd0b9..e0cfc532b4632758d1daa8ef7a7511fc0cef89c7 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #ifndef VDectector_H
 #define VDectector_H
- * Copyright (C) 2009 	this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
- * 				                                                             *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009    this file is part of the NPTool Project              *
+ *                                                                          *
  * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
  * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
@@ -18,78 +18,78 @@
  * All detector class used in NPAnalysis should derived from this virtual    *
  *  class. Those VDetector daughter will deal with geometry, calibration and *
  *  basic data treatment.                                                    *
- *  	                                                                     *
+ *                                                                          *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
  *   See MUST2 array for exemple of VDetector derived class                  *
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL header
+//   STL header
 #include <string>
 using namespace std;
 namespace NPA 
-	{
-		class VDetector
-		{
-			public:
+   {
+      class VDetector
+      {
+         public:
-				//	Default Constructor and destructor
-				VDetector()   ;
-				virtual ~VDetector()   ;
-				//	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-				virtual void ReadConfiguration(string) 		{}		;
-				//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-				virtual void AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	{} ;		
+            //   Default Constructor and destructor
+            VDetector()   ;
+            virtual ~VDetector()   ;
+            //   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
+            virtual void ReadConfiguration(string) {} ;
+            //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+            virtual void AddParameterToCalibrationManager() {} ;      
-				//	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-				//	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-				virtual void InitializeRootInput() 			{}		;
+            //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+            //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+            virtual void InitializeRootInput() {} ;
-				//	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-				virtual void InitializeRootOutput() 		{} 	;
-				//	This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-				virtual void BuildPhysicalEvent()			{}		;
-				//	Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-				//	This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-				//	NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-				virtual void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()	{}		;
-				//	Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-				virtual void ClearEventPhysics()		{}		;
-				virtual void ClearEventData()			{}		;
-			private:	//	The list below is here to help you building your own detector
-			/*
-				//	GRU and Simulated Tree output are made of Data Object wich contain all the RAW parameter output by Detectors during an experiment.
-				//	You need to add a pointer to those kind of object in order to received data from the Tree at each getEntry call. Just replace Detector
-				//	by your Detector name, like Must2Data for Must2
-				DetectorData* EventData	;
-				//	Aime of analysis is to treat those raw data and output some physical data, during this process, Raw data will be calibrated, threshold applied,
-				//	and whatever you need to do. Those Physical data are output in a DetectorPhysics object, attached in the output Tree
-				DetectorPhysics* EventPhysics ;
-				//	Position of detector: An array which held geometric information of detector, such as Strip position,...
-				//	Dimension must be suited for your need
+            //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+            virtual void InitializeRootOutput() {} ;
+            //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
+            virtual void BuildPhysicalEvent() {} ;
+            //   Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
+            //   This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
+            //   NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
+            virtual void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent() {} ;
+            //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
+            virtual void ClearEventPhysics() {} ;
+            virtual void ClearEventData() {} ;
+         private:   //   The list below is here to help you building your own detector
+         /*
+            //   GRU and Simulated Tree output are made of Data Object wich contain all the RAW parameter output by Detectors during an experiment.
+            //   You need to add a pointer to those kind of object in order to received data from the Tree at each getEntry call. Just replace Detector
+            //   by your Detector name, like Must2Data for Must2
+            DetectorData* EventData   ;
+            //   Aime of analysis is to treat those raw data and output some physical data, during this process, Raw data will be calibrated, threshold applied,
+            //   and whatever you need to do. Those Physical data are output in a DetectorPhysics object, attached in the output Tree
+            DetectorPhysics* EventPhysics ;
+            //   Position of detector: An array which held geometric information of detector, such as Strip position,...
+            //   Dimension must be suited for your need
-				vector< vector <double > >	DetectorPosition	;
-				//	Calibration are passed to the EventPhysics Object, so you don't need to store them here
-				nothing	noCalibration	;
-			*/
-		};
+            vector< vector <double > >   DetectorPosition   ;
+            //   Calibration are passed to the EventPhysics Object, so you don't need to store them here
+            nothing   noCalibration   ;
+         */
+      };
-	}
+   }
diff --git a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
index d9b407e2a3b59a615dad5bbbd3f023155925868e..de11d61cc6552311b66e5b55a099794ca28a3672 100644
--- a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.cxx
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ void TW1Physics::PreTreat()
       if (IsValidChannel("Front", m_EventData->GetW1FrontEDetectorNbr(i), m_EventData->GetW1FrontEStripNbr(i)) &&
            m_EventData->GetW1FrontEEnergy(i) > m_FrontE_Raw_Threshold) {
          double E = fW1_Front_E(m_EventData , i);
-         if (E > m_FrontE_Calib_Threshold)	{
+         if (E > m_FrontE_Calib_Threshold)   {
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ void TW1Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
diff --git a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
index 988a7b4aa4c2915e33ffa4cd0a768f755827faf3..c7fbd2f7b7ec408554306c5a0269d9bb19ae0536 100644
--- a/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
+++ b/NPLib/W1/TW1Physics.h
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
  *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
-//	STL
+//   STL
 #include <vector>
 using namespace std ;
-//	ROOT
+//   ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
 #include "TVector2.h"
 #include "TVector3.h"
-//	NPL
+//   NPL
 #include "TW1Data.h"
 #include "../include/VDetector.h"
 #include "../include/CalibrationManager.h"
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ using namespace std ;
 class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
- public:	//	Constructor and Destructor
+ public:   //   Constructor and Destructor
    void Clear();
    void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
  private: // data obtained after BuildPhysicalEvent() and stored in ROOT output file
    vector<Int_t>     fEventType;
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    Int_t    GetBackStrip(Int_t i)            {return fBackStrip.at(i);}
- public:	//	inherrited from VDetector
+ public:   //   inherrited from VDetector
    // Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
    void ReadConfiguration(string);
    // Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();		
+   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
    // Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
    // In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
    void InitializeRootInput();
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
    void BuildPhysicalEvent();
    // Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
    // This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
    // NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    void ClearEventData()      {m_EventData->Clear();}
- public: //	Specific to W1
+ public: //   Specific to W1
    // Remove bad channel, calibrate the data and apply threshold
    void PreTreat();
    // Clear The PreTeated object
-   void ClearPreTreatedData()	{m_PreTreatedData->Clear();}
+   void ClearPreTreatedData()   {m_PreTreatedData->Clear();}
    // Return false if the channel is disabled by user
    // Frist argument is either "Front" or "Back"
    bool IsValidChannel(string Type, int detector, int channel);
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class TW1Physics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
    // ie: all channel enable, maximum multiplicity for strip = number of telescope
    void InitializeStandardParameter();
-   //	Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
+   //   Read the user configuration file; if no file found, load standard one
    void ReadAnalysisConfig();
    // Add detector using cartesian coordiantes