diff --git a/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.cxx b/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.cxx
index 32a145fccda60abe61a5a6d4154dcf3b8f849a57..fe1966ce3e1daf9375d265852cf3d19ffcf90948 100644
--- a/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/IORoot/RootOutput.cxx
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ void RootOutput::InitAsciiFiles()
    // Run to treat file
    // Get file name from NPOptionManager
-   TString fileNameRT = OptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
    pRunToTreatFile = new TAsciiFile();
-   if (fileNameRT != OptionManager->GetDefaultRunToReadFile()) {
+   if (!OptionManager->IsDefault("RunToTreat")) {
+      TString fileNameRT = OptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
       pRunToTreatFile->SetNameTitle("RunToTreat", fileNameRT.Data());
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
index 51ff1e822ad20bcaf57ca24bfcc8921de362c9b6..11f743eca8e5a5f23bb3815f2e9b5c162092969e 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
@@ -112,13 +112,14 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckEventGenerator()
    else {   // if not, assume config file is in current directory
-      if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, send error and exit program
-         cout << endl;
+      if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, assign default value
+         fReactionFileName = fDefaultReactionFileName;
+/*         cout << endl;
          cout << "**********************************       Error       **********************************" << endl;
          cout << "* No event generator file found in $NPTool/Inputs/EventGenerator or local directories *" << endl;
          cout << "***************************************************************************************" << endl;
          cout << endl;
-         exit(1);
+         exit(1);*/
@@ -144,13 +145,14 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckDetectorConfiguration()
    else {   // if not, assume config file is in current directory
-      if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, send error and exit program
-         cout << endl;
+      if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, assign default value
+         fDetectorFileName = fDefaultDetectorFileName;
+/*         cout << endl;
          cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************" << endl;
          cout << "* No detector geometry file found in $NPTool/Inputs/EventGenerator or local directories *" << endl;
          cout << "*****************************************************************************************" << endl;
          cout << endl;
-         exit(1);
+         exit(1);*/
@@ -160,6 +162,64 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckDetectorConfiguration()
+// This method tests if the input files are the default ones
+bool NPOptionManager::IsDefault(const char* type) const
+   bool result = false;
+   string stype = type;
+   if (stype == "EventGenerator") {
+      if (fReactionFileName == fDefaultReactionFileName) result = true;
+   }
+   else if (stype == "DetectorConfiguration") {
+      if (fDetectorFileName == fDefaultDetectorFileName) result = true;
+   }
+   else if (stype == "Calibration") {
+      if (fCalibrationFileName == fDefaultCalibrationFileName) result = true;
+   }
+   else if (stype == "RunToTreat") {
+      if (fRunToReadFileName == fDefaultRunToReadFileName) result = true;
+   }
+   else {
+      cout << "NPOptionManager::IsDefault() unkwown keyword" << endl;
+   }
+   return result;
+// This method tests if the input files are the default ones
+void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const
+   string stype = type;
+   if (stype == "EventGenerator") {
+      cout << endl;
+      cout << "**********************************       Error       **********************************" << endl;
+      cout << "* No event generator file found in $NPTool/Inputs/EventGenerator or local directories *" << endl;
+      cout << "***************************************************************************************" << endl;
+      cout << endl;
+      exit(1);
+   }
+   else if (stype == "DetectorConfiguration") {
+      cout << endl;
+      cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************" << endl;
+      cout << "* No detector geometry file found in $NPTool/Inputs/EventGenerator or local directories *" << endl;
+      cout << "*****************************************************************************************" << endl;
+      cout << endl;
+      exit(1);
+   }
+   else if (stype == "Calibration") {
+   }
+   else if (stype == "RunToTreat") {
+   }
+   else {
+      cout << "NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndAbort() unkwown keyword" << endl;
+   }
 void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp()
    cout << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << endl ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
index 3265ffb8a7360da4900511e91d52d959ab21f9db..704fbf661af6c7f46f21395159acb635699fc255 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ class NPOptionManager
       void CheckEventGenerator();
       void CheckDetectorConfiguration();
+   public:
+      bool IsDefault(const char* type) const;
+      void SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const;
       // default values
       string GetDefaultReactionFile()     {return fDefaultReactionFileName;}
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc b/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
index 36079094b8fdb27fd6a13d8492a34292303346d9..28880753a47ce958c783f9f2f87514d9bd3331cf 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Initialize NPOptionManager object
    NPOptionManager* OptionManager  = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc, argv);
+   // Test if input files are found. If not, exit
+   if (OptionManager->IsDefault("EventGenerator"))        OptionManager->SendErrorAndExit("EventGenerator");
+   if (OptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) OptionManager->SendErrorAndExit("DetectorConfiguration");
+   // case when input files are here
    G4String EventGeneratorFileName = OptionManager->GetReactionFile();
    G4String DetectorFileName       = OptionManager->GetDetectorFile();