From d75c95c93428d26ad8b82be4463738842cf6367f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: adrien-matta <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 14:58:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] * fixing warning in annular S1

 NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h           |   8 +-
 NPSimulation/AnnularS1/ |  11 +-
 NPSimulation/AnnularS1/AnnularS1.hh |   4 +-
 NPSimulation/MUST2/    | 718 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 NPSimulation/MUST2/MUST2Array.hh    | 383 ++++++++-------
 NPSimulation/Makefile               |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 882 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h b/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
index 2186439b1..2f9720175 100644
--- a/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
+++ b/NPLib/AnnularS1/TS1Data.h
@@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ class TS1Data : public TObject {
     /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
     // (Th,E)
-    const int   GetS1ThetaEMult()                 const {return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.size();}
+    const unsigned int   GetS1ThetaEMult()                 const {return fS1_Theta_E_DetNbr.size();}
     const int   GetS1ThetaEDetectorNbr(const int& i)   const {return;}
     const int   GetS1ThetaEStripNbr(const int& i)      const {return;}
     const double   GetS1ThetaEEnergy(const int& i)        const {return;}
     // (Th,T)
-    const int   GetS1ThetaTMult()                 const {return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.size();}
+    const unsigned int   GetS1ThetaTMult()                 const {return fS1_Theta_T_DetNbr.size();}
     const int   GetS1ThetaTDetectorNbr(const int& i)   const {return;}
     const int   GetS1ThetaTStripNbr(const int& i)      const {return;}
     const double   GetS1ThetaTTime(const int& i)          const {return;}
     // (Ph,E)
-    const int   GetS1PhiEMult()                const {return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.size();}
+    const unsigned int   GetS1PhiEMult()                const {return fS1_Phi_E_DetNbr.size();}
     const int   GetS1PhiEDetectorNbr(const int& i)  const {return;}
     const int   GetS1PhiEStripNbr(const int& i)     const {return;}
     const double   GetS1PhiEEnergy(const int& i)       const {return;}
     // (Ph,T)
-    const int   GetS1PhiTMult()                const {return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.size();}
+    const unsigned int   GetS1PhiTMult()                const {return fS1_Phi_T_DetNbr.size();}
     const int   GetS1PhiTDetectorNbr(const int& i)  const {return;}
     const int   GetS1PhiTStripNbr(const int& i)     const {return;}
     const double   GetS1PhiTTime(const int& i)         const {return;}
diff --git a/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/ b/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/
index b95bfc272..595d3e2fb 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/
+++ b/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void AnnularS1::VolumeMaker(G4int             DetecNumber,
   // Wafer Shape to be substracted to the PCB
   G4Tubs* solidWaferShapeBase = new G4Tubs("WaferShape", 
-      WaferInnerRadius,
+      0,
@@ -179,17 +179,10 @@ void AnnularS1::VolumeMaker(G4int             DetecNumber,
   // PCB final
-  G4SubtractionSolid* solidPCB1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("AnnularS1_PCB1",
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidPCB = new G4SubtractionSolid("AnnularS1_PCB1",
-  G4Tubs* solidTub = 
-    new G4Tubs("central_hole",0,PCBInnerRadius,PCBThickness,0,360*deg); 
-  G4SubtractionSolid* solidPCB = new G4SubtractionSolid("AnnularS1_PCB",
-      solidPCB1,
-      solidTub);
   G4LogicalVolume* logicPCB = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPCB, Vacuum, "AnnularS1_PCB", 0, 0, 0);
   new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation, G4ThreeVector()),
diff --git a/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/AnnularS1.hh b/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/AnnularS1.hh
index 6b41b5447..5b7fb1aac 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/AnnularS1.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/AnnularS1/AnnularS1.hh
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ namespace ANNULARS1{
    // PCB
    const G4double PCBPointsX[8]={-40,40,60,60,40,-40,-60,-60};
    const G4double PCBPointsY[8]={60,60,40,-40,-60,-60,-40,40};
-   const G4double PCBThickness=2*mm;
-   const G4double PCBInnerRadius=20*mm;
+   const G4double PCBThickness=3.2*mm;
+   const G4double PCBInnerRadius=0*mm;
    // Wafer
    const G4double WaferOutterRadius = 50*mm;
    const G4double WaferInnerRadius  = 23*mm;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/MUST2/ b/NPSimulation/MUST2/
index b8907596e..cd161e8f2 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/MUST2/
+++ b/NPSimulation/MUST2/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : January 2009                                             *
- * Last update    : October 2009                                             *
+ * Last update    : May 2014                                                 *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This file describe the MUST2 charge particle Detector                    *
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
 #include "G4Trd.hh"
 #include "G4Box.hh"
 #include "G4Trap.hh"
+#include "G4ExtrudedSolid.hh"     
+#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh" 
 //G4 various object
 #include "G4MaterialTable.hh"
 #include "G4Element.hh"
 #include "G4ElementTable.hh"
@@ -62,6 +63,13 @@ using namespace MUST2   ;
   m_Event = new TMust2Data() ;
+  // Common vis attribute:
+  m_PCBVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.2, 0.5, 0.2)) ; 
+  m_SiliconVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) ;
+  m_SiLiVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.3, 1, 0.3));
+  m_CsIVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1, 0.5, 0));
+  m_CoolingVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.5, 0.25, 0.25));
@@ -70,7 +78,6 @@ MUST2Array::~MUST2Array(){
   delete m_MaterialCsI;
   delete m_MaterialVacuum ;
   delete m_MaterialMyl;
-  delete m_MaterialHarvar;
@@ -129,6 +136,447 @@ void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(   G4double R,
   m_X1_Y128   .push_back(empty) ;
   m_X128_Y128 .push_back(empty) ;
+G4LogicalVolume* MUST2Array::GetLogicalVolumeMUST2Short(){
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  G4Trd*           solidMM = new G4Trd("MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*Length);
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicMM = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMM, m_MaterialIron, "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0, 0, 0);
+  G4String Name = "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber ;
+  new G4PVPlacement(	G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos),
+      logicMM               ,
+      Name                  ,
+      world                 ,
+      false                 ,
+      0                     );
+  if (m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation){
+    G4VisAttributes* FrameVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.80, 0.80, 0.80));
+    FrameVisAtt->SetForceWireframe(true);
+    logicMM->SetVisAttributes(FrameVisAtt)  ;
+  }
+  else logicMM->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible)               ;
+  G4ThreeVector positionVacBox = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, VacBox_PosZ);
+  G4Trd* solidVacBox = 
+    new G4Trd("solidVacBox", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*VacBoxThickness);
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicVacBox = new G4LogicalVolume(solidVacBox, m_MaterialVacuum, "logicVacBox", 0, 0, 0);
+  new G4PVPlacement(0, positionVacBox, logicVacBox, Name + "_VacBox", logicMM, false, 0);
+  logicVacBox->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /////////////////Si Strip Construction//////////////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // A no rotation matrix is always handy ;) 
+  G4RotationMatrix* norotation = new  G4RotationMatrix();   
+  // Create the front support frame for Si and SiLi
+  vector<G4TwoVector> polygon;
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){   
+    G4TwoVector Point(PCBPointsX[i],PCBPointsY[i]);   
+    polygon.push_back(Point);  
+  } 
+  // The PCB lenth is used to rescale different part of the detector
+  G4double PCBlength = PCBPointsX[0] - PCBPointsX[1];
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidFrontFrameBase = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.5,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameFrontSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidCavityShape1 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Cavity1",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.5+PCBThickness,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),CavityShape1FrontSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),CavityShape1BackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Frame1",
+      solidFrontFrameBase,
+      solidCavityShape1,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))); 
+  G4Box* solidCavityShape2 = new G4Box("Cavity2", 0.5*CavityShape2Width, (0.5+0.5)*CavityShape2Width, 0.5*CavityShape2Thickness);
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Frame2",
+      solidFrontFrame1,
+      solidCavityShape2,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0.5*CavityShape2Width,CavityShape2Center))); 
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidCutOut = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Cutout",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.8,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),1.1*FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),1.1*FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      solidFrontFrame2,
+      solidCutOut,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,FrontFrameBackSize*0.5*1.1+66*mm,0))); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame = new G4SubtractionSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      solidFrontFrame3,
+      solidCutOut,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(-FrontFrameBackSize*0.5*1.1-66*mm,0,0))); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicFrontFrame = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrontFrame,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Front Frame", 0, 0, 0); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,Silicon_PosZ+FrontFrameThickness*0.5+0.5*PCBThickness)),
+      logicFrontFrame, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      0); 
+  // Electronic bloc
+  G4Box* solidMUFEE  = new G4Box("solidMUFEE", 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEEThickness);
+  G4Box* solidCooling = new G4Box("solidCooling", 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*CoolingThickness);
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidElecFrameShort = new G4ExtrudedSolid("SolidElecFrame",
+      polygon,   
+      CoolingThickness*0.5,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicMUFEE   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMUFEE,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 MUFEE", 0, 0, 0); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicCooling = new G4LogicalVolume(solidCooling,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Cooling", 0, 0, 0); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicElecFrame = new G4LogicalVolume(solidElecFrameShort,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Frame", 0, 0, 0); 
+  logicMUFEE->SetVisAttributes(m_PCBVisAtt);
+  logicCooling->SetVisAttributes(m_CoolingVisAtt);
+  G4double CoolingPosition = FrontFrameThickness+Silicon_PosZ+0.5*CoolingThickness;
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition)),
+      logicCooling, 
+      "Must2 Cooling",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      0); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition)),
+      logicElecFrame, 
+      "Must2 Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      0); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition-0.5*MUFEEThickness-0.5*CoolingThickness)),
+      logicMUFEE, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      0); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition+0.5*MUFEEThickness+0.5*CoolingThickness)),
+      logicMUFEE, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      0); 
+  if (wSi) {
+    // Volume containing the Silicon detector
+    G4ExtrudedSolid* solidSilicon = new G4ExtrudedSolid(Name,
+        polygon,   
+        PCBThickness*0.5,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1); 
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSilicon = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSilicon,m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0); 
+    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,Silicon_PosZ)),
+        logicSilicon, 
+        "Silicon",
+        logicMM,
+        false,
+        0); 
+    logicSilicon->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
+    // PCB Base
+    G4ExtrudedSolid* solidPCBBase = new G4ExtrudedSolid("PCBBase",
+        polygon,   
+        PCBThickness*0.5,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1); 
+    // Wafer Shape 
+    G4Box* solidWaferShape = new G4Box("solidWaferShape", 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferSize, 0.6*PCBThickness);
+    // PCB
+    G4SubtractionSolid* solidPCB = new G4SubtractionSolid("PCB",
+        solidPCBBase,
+        solidWaferShape,
+        G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))); 
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicPCB = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPCB, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicPCB", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicPCB, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    logicPCB->SetVisAttributes(m_PCBVisAtt); 
+    // Wafer
+    G4Box* solidWafer = new G4Box("solidWaferShape", 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicWafer = new G4LogicalVolume(solidWafer, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicWafer", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicWafer, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    // Active Wafer
+    G4Box* solidActiveWafer = new G4Box("solidActiveWaferShape", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*WaferThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicActiveWafer = new G4LogicalVolume(solidActiveWafer, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicActiveWafer", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicActiveWafer, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripFront = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0.5*WaferThickness+0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripBack  = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, -0.5*WaferThickness-0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    G4Box*           solidAluStrip = new G4Box("AluBox", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicAluStrip = new G4LogicalVolume(solidAluStrip, m_MaterialAluminium, "logicAluStrip", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripFront, logicAluStrip, "AluStripFront", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripBack, logicAluStrip, "AluStripBack", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    logicAluStrip->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
+    G4ThreeVector  positionSilicon = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, Silicon_PosZ);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, Silicon_PosZ), logicSilicon, "Silicon", logicMM, false, 0);
+    // Set Silicon strip sensible
+    logicActiveWafer->SetSensitiveDetector(m_StripScorer);
+    // Visualisation of Silicon Strip
+    logicWafer->SetVisAttributes(m_SiliconVisAtt);
+    logicActiveWafer->SetVisAttributes(m_SiliconVisAtt);
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //////////////////// SiLi  Construction ////////////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  if (wSiLi) {
+    G4double SiLiSpace = 8 * mm;
+    G4RotationMatrix* rotSiLi = new G4RotationMatrix(0,0,0); 
+    G4Box* solidSiLi = new G4Box("SiLi", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize+0.5*SiLiSpace, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi, m_MaterialAluminium, Name + "_SiLi" , 0, 0, 0);
+    logicSiLi->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
+    new G4PVPlacement(  G4Transform3D(*rotSiLi, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0) ) 	,
+        logicSiLi ,
+        Name + "_SiLi",
+        logicVacBox ,
+        false ,
+        0);
+    // SiLi are placed inside of the VacBox...
+    // Left/Right define when looking to detector from Si to CsI
+    G4double SiLi_HighY_Upper 	= 19.86 * mm;
+    G4double SiLi_HighY_Center = 25.39 * mm;
+    G4double SiLi_WidthX_Left  = 22.85 * mm;
+    G4double SiLi_WidthX_Right = 24.9  * mm;
+    G4double SiLi_ShiftX    	= 0.775 * mm;
+    //	SiLi are organized by two group of 8 Up(9 to 15) and Down(1 to 8).
+    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiUp 	 = G4ThreeVector(-0.25 * ActiveWaferSize - 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
+    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiDown  = G4ThreeVector(0.25  * ActiveWaferSize + 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
+    // SiLi : left side of SiLi detector
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_LT  = new G4Box("SiLi_LT"  , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Left  , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Upper   , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_RT  = new G4Box("SiLi_RT"  , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Right , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Upper   , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_LC1 = new G4Box("SiLi_LC1" , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Left  , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Center  , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_RC1 = new G4Box("SiLi_RC1" , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Right , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Center  , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_LB  = new G4Box("SiLi_LB"  , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Left  , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Upper   , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_RB  = new G4Box("SiLi_RB"  , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Right , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Upper   , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_LC2 = new G4Box("SiLi_LC2" , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Left  , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Center  , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi_RC2 = new G4Box("SiLi_RC2" , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Right , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Center  , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LT    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LT   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LT"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RT    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RT   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RT"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC1  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC1   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC1  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC1" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LB    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LB   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LB"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RB    = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RB   , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RB"  , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_LC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_LC2  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_LC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi_RC2   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi_RC2  , m_MaterialSilicon , "SiLi_RC2" , 0 , 0 , 0);
+    G4double interSiLi = 0.5 * mm;
+    // Top
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_up = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_up = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RT_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_up = G4ThreeVector( -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_up = G4ThreeVector( 0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RC1_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_up = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi ,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_up = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi ,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RB_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_up = G4ThreeVector( -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_up = G4ThreeVector( 0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX ,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi  ,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RC2_up += ShiftSiLiUp ;
+    // Down
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LT_down = G4ThreeVector(   -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RT_down = G4ThreeVector(   0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  + SiLi_HighY_Center + 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RT_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC1_down = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC1_down = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center + 0.5 * interSiLi ,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RC1_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LB_down = G4ThreeVector(   -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RB_down = G4ThreeVector(   0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Upper  - SiLi_HighY_Center - 1.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RB_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_LC2_down = G4ThreeVector(  -0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Left - interSiLi - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_LC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    G4ThreeVector positionSiLi_RC2_down = G4ThreeVector(  0.5 * SiLi_WidthX_Right - SiLi_ShiftX,
+        -0.5 * SiLi_HighY_Center - 0.5 * interSiLi,
+        0);
+    positionSiLi_RC2_down += ShiftSiLiDown ;
+    // up
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_up  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad9"   , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_up  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad10"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_up , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad11" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_up , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad12" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_up  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad16"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_up  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad15"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_up , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad14" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_up , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad13" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+    // down
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_down  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad2"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_down  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad1"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_down , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad4" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_down , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad3" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_down  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad7"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_down  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad8"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_down , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad5" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_down , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad6" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+    // Set SiLi sensible
+    logicSiLi_LT->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_RT->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_LC1->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_RC1->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_LB->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_RB->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_LC2->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    logicSiLi_RC2->SetSensitiveDetector(m_SiLiScorer);
+    // Mark blue a SiLi to see telescope orientation
+    logicSiLi_LT->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RT->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LC1->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RC1->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LB->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RB->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LC2->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RC2->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    delete rotSiLi;
+  }
@@ -146,7 +594,8 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
   Number << NbrTelescopes ;
   DetectorNumber = Number.str();
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
   G4Trd*           solidMM = new G4Trd("MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*Length);
@@ -165,49 +614,218 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
     logicMM->SetVisAttributes(FrameVisAtt)  ;
-  else                          logicMM->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible)               ;
+  else logicMM->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible)               ;
   G4ThreeVector positionVacBox = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, VacBox_PosZ);
-  G4Trd*           solidVacBox = new G4Trd("solidVacBox", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*VacBoxThickness);
+  G4Trd* solidVacBox = 
+    new G4Trd("solidVacBox", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*VacBoxThickness);
   G4LogicalVolume* logicVacBox = new G4LogicalVolume(solidVacBox, m_MaterialVacuum, "logicVacBox", 0, 0, 0);
   new G4PVPlacement(0, positionVacBox, logicVacBox, Name + "_VacBox", logicMM, false, 0);
-  G4VisAttributes* SiliconVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) ;
   /////////////////Si Strip Construction//////////////////////////
+  // A no rotation matrix is always handy ;) 
+  G4RotationMatrix* norotation = new  G4RotationMatrix();   
+  // Create the front support frame for Si and SiLi
+  vector<G4TwoVector> polygon;
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){   
+    G4TwoVector Point(PCBPointsX[i],PCBPointsY[i]);   
+    polygon.push_back(Point);  
+  } 
+  // The PCB lenth is used to rescale different part of the detector
+  G4double PCBlength = PCBPointsX[0] - PCBPointsX[1];
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidFrontFrameBase = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.5,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameFrontSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidCavityShape1 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Cavity1",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.5+PCBThickness,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),CavityShape1FrontSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),CavityShape1BackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Frame1",
+      solidFrontFrameBase,
+      solidCavityShape1,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))); 
+  G4Box* solidCavityShape2 = new G4Box("Cavity2", 0.5*CavityShape2Width, (0.5+0.5)*CavityShape2Width, 0.5*CavityShape2Thickness);
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Frame2",
+      solidFrontFrame1,
+      solidCavityShape2,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0.5*CavityShape2Width,CavityShape2Center))); 
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidCutOut = new G4ExtrudedSolid("Cutout",
+      polygon,   
+      FrontFrameThickness*0.8,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),1.1*FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),1.1*FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      solidFrontFrame2,
+      solidCutOut,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,FrontFrameBackSize*0.5*1.1+66*mm,0))); 
+  G4SubtractionSolid* solidFrontFrame = new G4SubtractionSolid("Must2 Front Frame",
+      solidFrontFrame3,
+      solidCutOut,
+      G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(-FrontFrameBackSize*0.5*1.1-66*mm,0,0))); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicFrontFrame = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFrontFrame,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Front Frame", 0, 0, 0); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,Silicon_PosZ+FrontFrameThickness*0.5+0.5*PCBThickness)),
+      logicFrontFrame, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      TelescopeNumber); 
+  // Electronic bloc
+  G4Box* solidMUFEE  = new G4Box("solidMUFEE", 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEEThickness);
+  G4Box* solidCooling = new G4Box("solidCooling", 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*MUFEESize, 0.5*CoolingThickness);
+  G4ExtrudedSolid* solidElecFrameShort = new G4ExtrudedSolid("SolidElecFrame",
+      polygon,   
+      CoolingThickness*0.5,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength,
+      G4TwoVector(0,0),FrontFrameBackSize/PCBlength); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicMUFEE   = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMUFEE,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 MUFEE", 0, 0, 0); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicCooling = new G4LogicalVolume(solidCooling,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Cooling", 0, 0, 0); 
+  G4LogicalVolume* logicElecFrame = new G4LogicalVolume(solidElecFrameShort,m_MaterialAluminium,"Must2 Frame", 0, 0, 0); 
+  logicMUFEE->SetVisAttributes(m_PCBVisAtt);
+  logicCooling->SetVisAttributes(m_CoolingVisAtt);
+  G4double CoolingPosition = FrontFrameThickness+Silicon_PosZ+0.5*CoolingThickness;
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition)),
+      logicCooling, 
+      "Must2 Cooling",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      TelescopeNumber); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition)),
+      logicElecFrame, 
+      "Must2 Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      TelescopeNumber); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition-0.5*MUFEEThickness-0.5*CoolingThickness)),
+      logicMUFEE, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      TelescopeNumber); 
+  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,CoolingPosition+0.5*MUFEEThickness+0.5*CoolingThickness)),
+      logicMUFEE, 
+      "Must2 Front Fame",
+      logicMM,
+      false,
+      TelescopeNumber); 
   if (wSi) {
-    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripFront = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, AluStripFront_PosZ);
-    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripBack  = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, AluStripBack_PosZ);
-    G4Box*           solidAluStrip = new G4Box("AluBox", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    // Volume containing the Silicon detector
+    G4ExtrudedSolid* solidSilicon = new G4ExtrudedSolid(Name,
+        polygon,   
+        PCBThickness*0.5,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1); 
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicSilicon = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSilicon,m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0); 
+    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,Silicon_PosZ)),
+        logicSilicon, 
+        "Silicon",
+        logicMM,
+        false,
+        TelescopeNumber); 
+    logicSilicon->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible);
+    // PCB Base
+    G4ExtrudedSolid* solidPCBBase = new G4ExtrudedSolid("PCBBase",
+        polygon,   
+        PCBThickness*0.5,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1,
+        G4TwoVector(0,0),1); 
+    // Wafer Shape 
+    G4Box* solidWaferShape = new G4Box("solidWaferShape", 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferSize, 0.6*PCBThickness);
+    // PCB
+    G4SubtractionSolid* solidPCB = new G4SubtractionSolid("PCB",
+        solidPCBBase,
+        solidWaferShape,
+        G4Transform3D(*norotation,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))); 
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicPCB = new G4LogicalVolume(solidPCB, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicPCB", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicPCB, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    logicPCB->SetVisAttributes(m_PCBVisAtt); 
+    // Wafer
+    G4Box* solidWafer = new G4Box("solidWaferShape", 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferSize, 0.5*WaferThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicWafer = new G4LogicalVolume(solidWafer, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicWafer", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicWafer, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    // Active Wafer
+    G4Box* solidActiveWafer = new G4Box("solidActiveWaferShape", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*WaferThickness);
+    G4LogicalVolume* logicActiveWafer = new G4LogicalVolume(solidActiveWafer, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicActiveWafer", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), logicActiveWafer, Name + "_Silicon", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripFront = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0.5*WaferThickness+0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    G4ThreeVector positionAluStripBack  = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, -0.5*WaferThickness-0.5*AluStripThickness);
+    G4Box*           solidAluStrip = new G4Box("AluBox", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*AluStripThickness);
     G4LogicalVolume* logicAluStrip = new G4LogicalVolume(solidAluStrip, m_MaterialAluminium, "logicAluStrip", 0, 0, 0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripFront, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripFront", logicMM, false, 0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripBack, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripBack", logicMM, false, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripFront, logicAluStrip, "AluStripFront", logicSilicon, false, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripBack, logicAluStrip, "AluStripBack", logicSilicon, false, 0);
     G4ThreeVector  positionSilicon = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, Silicon_PosZ);
-    G4Box*           solidSilicon = new G4Box("solidSilicon", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconThickness);
-    G4LogicalVolume* logicSilicon = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSilicon, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSilicon", 0, 0, 0);
+    new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, Silicon_PosZ), logicSilicon, "Silicon", logicMM, false, 0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(0, positionSilicon, logicSilicon, Name + "_Silicon", logicMM, false, 0);
+    // Set Silicon strip sensible
+    logicActiveWafer->SetSensitiveDetector(m_StripScorer);
-    ///Set Silicon strip sensible
-    logicSilicon->SetSensitiveDetector(m_StripScorer);
-    ///Visualisation of Silicon Strip
-    logicSilicon->SetVisAttributes(SiliconVisAtt)                        ;
+    // Visualisation of Silicon Strip
+    logicWafer->SetVisAttributes(m_SiliconVisAtt);
+    logicActiveWafer->SetVisAttributes(m_SiliconVisAtt);
@@ -217,7 +835,7 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
   if (wSiLi) {
     G4double SiLiSpace = 8 * mm;
     G4RotationMatrix* rotSiLi = new G4RotationMatrix(0,0,0); 
-    G4Box* solidSiLi = new G4Box("SiLi", 0.5*SiliconFace+0.5*SiLiSpace, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiLiThickness);
+    G4Box* solidSiLi = new G4Box("SiLi", 0.5*ActiveWaferSize+0.5*SiLiSpace, 0.5*ActiveWaferSize, 0.5*SiLiThickness);
     G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi, m_MaterialAluminium, Name + "_SiLi" , 0, 0, 0);
@@ -238,8 +856,8 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
     G4double SiLi_ShiftX    	= 0.775 * mm;
     //	SiLi are organized by two group of 8 Up(9 to 15) and Down(1 to 8).
-    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiUp 	 = G4ThreeVector(-0.25 * SiliconFace - 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
-    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiDown  = G4ThreeVector(0.25  * SiliconFace + 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
+    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiUp 	 = G4ThreeVector(-0.25 * ActiveWaferSize - 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
+    G4ThreeVector ShiftSiLiDown  = G4ThreeVector(0.25  * ActiveWaferSize + 0.5 * SiLiSpace, 0, 0)	;
     // SiLi : left side of SiLi detector
     G4Box* solidSiLi_LT  = new G4Box("SiLi_LT"  , 0.5*SiLi_WidthX_Left  , 0.5*SiLi_HighY_Upper   , 0.5*SiLiThickness);
@@ -397,17 +1015,16 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
     // Mark blue a SiLi to see telescope orientation
-    G4VisAttributes* SiLiVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.3, 1, 0.3));
-    logicSiLi_LT->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_RT->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_LC1->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_RC1->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LT->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RT->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LC1->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RC1->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_LB->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_RB->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_LC2->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
-    logicSiLi_RC2->SetVisAttributes(SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LB->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RB->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_LC2->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
+    logicSiLi_RC2->SetVisAttributes(m_SiLiVisAtt);
     delete rotSiLi;
@@ -532,15 +1149,14 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
     //Mark blue a CsI corner crystal to see telescope orientation
-    G4VisAttributes* CsIVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1, 0.5, 0));
-    logicCristal1  ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal2  ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal3  ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal4  ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal1s ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal2s ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal3s ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
-    logicCristal4s ->SetVisAttributes(CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal1  ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal2  ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal3  ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal4  ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal1s ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal2s ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal3s ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
+    logicCristal4s ->SetVisAttributes(m_CsIVisAtt);
@@ -1274,8 +1890,8 @@ void MUST2Array::InitializeScorers() {
   G4VPrimitiveScorer* Energy 									= new OBSOLETEGENERALSCORERS::PSEnergy("StripEnergy","MUST2Telescope", 0);			
   G4VPrimitiveScorer* TOF 										= new OBSOLETEGENERALSCORERS::PSTOF("StripTime","MUST2Telescope", 0);          					 		 
-  G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionX							= new PSStripNumberX("StripNumberX", 0, SiliconFace, 128);
-  G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionY							= new PSStripNumberY("StripNumberY", 0, SiliconFace, 128);  		
+  G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionX							= new PSStripNumberX("StripNumberX", 0, ActiveWaferSize, 128);
+  G4VPrimitiveScorer* StripPositionY							= new PSStripNumberY("StripNumberY", 0, ActiveWaferSize, 128);  		
   G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesX 				= new OBSOLETEGENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesX("InterCoordX","MUST2Telescope", 0);
   G4VPrimitiveScorer* InteractionCoordinatesY				= new OBSOLETEGENERALSCORERS::PSInteractionCoordinatesY("InterCoordY","MUST2Telescope", 0);
@@ -1332,12 +1948,7 @@ void MUST2Array::InitializeMaterial(){
   G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , symbol = "O"  , z = 8  , a = 16.00  * g / mole);
   G4Element* I   = new G4Element("Iode"     , symbol = "I"  , z = 53 , a = 126.9  * g / mole);
   G4Element* Cs  = new G4Element("Cesium"   , symbol = "Cs" , z = 55 , a = 132.9  * g / mole);
-  G4Element* Co  = new G4Element("Cobalt"  , symbol = "Co" , z = 27 , a = 58.933 * g / mole);
-  G4Element* Cr  = new G4Element("Cromium"  , symbol = "Cr" , z = 24 , a = 51.996 * g / mole);
-  G4Element* Ni  = new G4Element("Nickel"   , symbol = "Ni" , z = 28 , a = 58.69  * g / mole);
   G4Element* Fe  = new G4Element("Iron"     , symbol = "Fe" , z = 26 , a = 55.847 * g / mole);
-  G4Element* W   = new G4Element("Tungsten" , symbol = "W"  , z = 74 , a = 183.5  * g / mole);
   /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
@@ -1377,13 +1988,6 @@ void MUST2Array::InitializeMaterial(){
   m_MaterialMyl->AddElement(H, natoms = 8);
   m_MaterialMyl->AddElement(O, natoms = 4);
-  // Havar
-  m_MaterialHarvar = new G4Material("Havar", 8.3*g / cm3, 5);
-  m_MaterialHarvar->AddElement(Co , 42);
-  m_MaterialHarvar->AddElement(Cr , 20);
-  m_MaterialHarvar->AddElement(Ni , 13);
-  m_MaterialHarvar->AddElement(Fe , 19);
-  m_MaterialHarvar->AddElement(W  ,  1);
diff --git a/NPSimulation/MUST2/MUST2Array.hh b/NPSimulation/MUST2/MUST2Array.hh
index 11b1868ca..e55837658 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/MUST2/MUST2Array.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/MUST2/MUST2Array.hh
@@ -31,183 +31,224 @@
 #include <vector>
-namespace MUST2
-   // Resolution
-   const G4double ResoTimeMust = 0.212765957    ;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
-   const G4double ResoSiLi     = 0.055          ;// = 130 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoCsI      = 0.08           ;// = 188 kev of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoStrip    = 0.022          ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   // Geometry
-   const G4double FaceFront = 11.*cm ;
-   const G4double FaceBack = 16.5*cm ;
-   const G4double Length  = 7.2*cm ;
-   const G4double AluStripThickness = 0.4*micrometer ;
-   const G4double SiliconThickness  = 300*micrometer ;
-   const G4double SiliconFace       = 98*mm ;
-   const G4double VacBoxThickness   = 3*cm ;
-   const G4double SiLiThickness     = 5.1*mm;  // Must be checked
-   const G4double SiLiFaceX         = 48.25*mm;
-   const G4double SiLiFaceY         = 92*mm;
-   const G4double MylarCsIThickness = 3*micrometer;
-   const G4double CsIThickness      = 4.*cm + 2*MylarCsIThickness ;
-   const G4double CsIFaceFront      = 12.2*cm;
-   const G4double CsIFaceBack       = 16*cm;
-   const G4double DistInterCsI      = 0.2*mm;
-   // Starting at the front and going to CsI
-   const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ   = Length* -0.5 + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
-   const G4double Silicon_PosZ      = AluStripFront_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5*SiliconThickness;
-   const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ = Silicon_PosZ + 0.5*SiliconThickness + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
-   const G4double VacBox_PosZ    = AluStripBack_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5* VacBoxThickness;
-   const G4double CsI_PosZ       = VacBox_PosZ + 0.5*VacBoxThickness + 0.5*CsIThickness;
+namespace MUST2{
+  // Resolution //
+  const G4double ResoTimeMust = 0.212765957    ;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
+  const G4double ResoSiLi     = 0.055          ;// = 130 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+  const G4double ResoCsI      = 0.08           ;// = 188 kev of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+  const G4double ResoStrip    = 0.022          ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+  // Geometry //
+  // Si
+  const G4double PCBPointsX[4]={52.25*mm,-61.75*mm,-61.75*mm,52.25*mm};
+  const G4double PCBPointsY[4]={61.75*mm,61.75*mm,-52.25*mm,-52.25*mm};  
+  const G4double PCBThickness = 3.2*mm; 
+  const G4double WaferSize = 100.6*mm ;
+  const G4double WaferThickness = 300*micrometer;
+  const G4double ActiveWaferSize = 100.5*mm ;
+  const G4double AluStripThickness = 0.4*micrometer ;
+  // Supporting Front Frame
+  // The Si is screw on this frame 
+  // The SiLi slide into it
+  // The front face of the frame is same size as the PCB
+  const G4double FrontFrameBackSize = 144*mm;
+  const G4double FrontFrameThickness = 27*mm;
+  const G4double FrontFrameFrontSize = 120*mm;
+  const G4double CavityShape1FrontSize = 103*mm;
+  const G4double CavityShape1BackSize  = 121*mm;
+  const G4double CavityShape2Thickness = 18*mm; 
+  const G4double CavityShape2Width     = 115*mm; 
+  const G4double CavityShape2Center    = 4.25*mm;
+  // SiLi
+  // CsI
+  // Frame
+  // Electronic and cooling
+  const G4double MUFEESize = 120*mm;
+  const G4double MUFEEThickness = 2*mm;
+  const G4double CoolingThickness = 20*mm;
+  const G4double CoolingDistanceShort = FrontFrameThickness;
+  const G4double CoolingDistanceLong  = 113.5*mm;
+  const G4double FaceFront = 11.*cm ;
+  const G4double FaceBack = 16.5*cm ;
+  const G4double Length  = 7.2*cm ;
+  const G4double VacBoxThickness   = 3*cm ;
+  const G4double SiLiThickness     = 5.1*mm; 
+  const G4double SiLiFaceX         = 48.25*mm;
+  const G4double SiLiFaceY         = 92*mm;
+  const G4double MylarCsIThickness = 3*micrometer;
+  const G4double CsIThickness      = 4.*cm + 2*MylarCsIThickness ;
+  const G4double CsIFaceFront      = 12.2*cm;
+  const G4double CsIFaceBack       = 16*cm;
+  const G4double DistInterCsI      = 0.2*mm;
+  // Starting at the front and going to CsI
+  const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ   = Length* -0.5 + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
+  const G4double Silicon_PosZ      = AluStripFront_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5*WaferThickness;
+  const G4double AluStripBack_PosZ = Silicon_PosZ + 0.5*WaferThickness + 0.5*AluStripThickness;
+  const G4double VacBox_PosZ    = AluStripBack_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5* VacBoxThickness;
+  const G4double CsI_PosZ       = VacBox_PosZ + 0.5*VacBoxThickness + 0.5*CsIThickness;
-class MUST2Array : public VDetector
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////// Default Constructor and Destructor /////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   MUST2Array()   ;
-   virtual ~MUST2Array()   ;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //////// Specific Function of this Class ///////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // By Position Method
-   void AddTelescope(   G4ThreeVector  TL       ,
-                        G4ThreeVector  BL       ,
-                        G4ThreeVector  BR       ,
-                        G4ThreeVector  CT       ,
-                        bool           wSi      ,
-                        bool           wSiLi    ,
-                        bool           wCsI     );
-   // By Angle Method
-   void AddTelescope(   G4double    R        ,
-                        G4double    Theta    ,
-                        G4double    Phi      ,
-                        G4double    beta_u   ,
-                        G4double    beta_v   ,
-                        G4double    beta_w   ,
-                        bool        wSi      ,
-                        bool        wSiLi    ,
-                        bool        wCsI     );
-   // Effectively construct Volume
-   // Avoid to have two time same code for Angle and Point definition
-   void VolumeMaker( G4int             TelescopeNumber   ,
-                     G4ThreeVector     MMpos             ,
-                     G4RotationMatrix* MMrot             ,
-                     bool              wSi               ,
-                     bool              wSiLi             ,
-                     bool              wCsI              ,
-                     G4LogicalVolume*  world             );
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////  Inherite from VDetector class ///////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
-   // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-   void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
-   // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
-   // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
-   // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
-   // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-   void InitializeRootOutput();
-   // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
-   // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-   void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   ///////////Event class to store Data////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   TMust2Data* m_Event;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   ///////////////Private intern Data//////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // True if Define by Position, False is Define by angle
-   vector<bool>   m_DefinitionType  ;
-   // Used for "By Point Definition"
-   vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X1_Y1     ; // Top Left Corner Position Vector
-   vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X1_Y128   ; // Bottom Left Corner Position Vector
-   vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X128_Y1   ; // Bottom Right Corner Position Vector
-   vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X128_Y128 ; // Center Corner Position Vector
-   // Used for "By Angle Definition"
-   vector<G4double>  m_R      ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_Theta  ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
-   vector<G4double>  m_Phi    ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_beta_u ; //  |
-   vector<G4double>  m_beta_v ; //  > Tilt angle of the Telescope
-   vector<G4double>  m_beta_w ; //  |
-   // If Set to true if you want this stage on you telescope
-   vector<bool>      m_wSi    ; // Silicium Strip 300um 128*128 Strip
-   vector<bool>      m_wSiLi  ; // Si(Li) 2*4 Pad
-   vector<bool>      m_wCsI   ; // CsI 4*4 crystal
-   vector<bool>      m_wAddSi ; // Additionnal Thin Silicium Strip
-   // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
-   bool m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   ///////////////////// Scorer ///////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
-   void InitializeScorers() ;
-   //   Silicon Associate Scorer
-   G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_StripScorer ;
-     //   SiLi Associate Scorer
-     G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_SiLiScorer ;
+class MUST2Array : public VDetector{
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /////// Default Constructor and Destructor /////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  public:
+    MUST2Array()   ;
+    virtual ~MUST2Array()   ;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //////// Specific Function of this Class ///////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  public:
+    // By Position Method
+    void AddTelescope(   G4ThreeVector  TL       ,
+        G4ThreeVector  BL       ,
+        G4ThreeVector  BR       ,
+        G4ThreeVector  CT       ,
+        bool           wSi      ,
+        bool           wSiLi    ,
+        bool           wCsI     );
+    // By Angle Method
+    void AddTelescope(   G4double    R        ,
+        G4double    Theta    ,
+        G4double    Phi      ,
+        G4double    beta_u   ,
+        G4double    beta_v   ,
+        G4double    beta_w   ,
+        bool        wSi      ,
+        bool        wSiLi    ,
+        bool        wCsI     );
+    // Effectively construct Volume
+    // Avoid to have two time same code for Angle and Point definition
+    void VolumeMaker( G4int             TelescopeNumber   ,
+        G4ThreeVector     MMpos             ,
+        G4RotationMatrix* MMrot             ,
+        bool              wSi               ,
+        bool              wSiLi             ,
+        bool              wCsI              ,
+        G4LogicalVolume*  world             );
+    // Return the logic volume associate to different MUST2 Geometry:
+    G4LogicalVolume* GetLogicalVolumeMUST2Short();
+    G4LogicalVolume* GetLogicalVolumeMUST2NoSiLi();
+    G4LogicalVolume* GetLogicalVolumeMUST2Full();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /////////  Inherite from VDetector class ///////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  public:
+    // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
+    // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
+    void ReadConfiguration(string Path);
+    // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
+    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+    void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+    // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
+    // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+    void InitializeRootOutput();
+    // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
+    // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
+    void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////Event class to store Data////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private:
+    TMust2Data* m_Event;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////////Private intern Data//////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private:
+    // True if Define by Position, False is Define by angle
+    vector<bool>   m_DefinitionType  ;
+    // Used for "By Point Definition"
+    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X1_Y1     ; // Top Left Corner Position Vector
+    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X1_Y128   ; // Bottom Left Corner Position Vector
+    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X128_Y1   ; // Bottom Right Corner Position Vector
+    vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_X128_Y128 ; // Center Corner Position Vector
+    // Used for "By Angle Definition"
+    vector<G4double>  m_R      ; //  |
+    vector<G4double>  m_Theta  ; //  > Spherical coordinate of Strips Silicium Plate
+    vector<G4double>  m_Phi    ; //  |
+    vector<G4double>  m_beta_u ; //  |
+    vector<G4double>  m_beta_v ; //  > Tilt angle of the Telescope
+    vector<G4double>  m_beta_w ; //  |
+    // If Set to true if you want this stage on you telescope
+    vector<bool>      m_wSi    ; // Silicium Strip 300um 128*128 Strip
+    vector<bool>      m_wSiLi  ; // Si(Li) 2*4 Pad
+    vector<bool>      m_wCsI   ; // CsI 4*4 crystal
+    vector<bool>      m_wAddSi ; // Additionnal Thin Silicium Strip
+    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
+    bool m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////////////// Scorer ///////////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private:
+    //   Initialize all Scorer used by the MUST2Array
+    void InitializeScorers() ;
+    //   Silicon Associate Scorer
+    G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_StripScorer ;
+    //   SiLi Associate Scorer
+    G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_SiLiScorer ;
     //   CsI Associate Scorer 
     G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_CsIScorer ;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //////////////////// Material //////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //   Declare all material used by the MUST2Array
-   void InitializeMaterial() ;
-   // Si
-   G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon;
-   // Al
-   G4Material* m_MaterialAluminium;
-   // Iron
-   G4Material* m_MaterialIron;
-   // CsI
-   G4Material* m_MaterialCsI;
-   //  Vacuum
-   G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum ;
-   //  Mylar
-   G4Material* m_MaterialMyl;
-   // Havar
-   G4Material* m_MaterialHarvar;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //////////////////// Material //////////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  private:
+    //   Declare all material used by the MUST2Array
+    void InitializeMaterial() ;
+    // Si
+    G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon;
+    // Al
+    G4Material* m_MaterialAluminium;
+    // Iron
+    G4Material* m_MaterialIron;
+    // CsI
+    G4Material* m_MaterialCsI;
+    //  Vacuum
+    G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum ;
+    //  Mylar
+    G4Material* m_MaterialMyl;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //////////////// Visual Attribute //////////////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    G4VisAttributes* m_PCBVisAtt;
+    G4VisAttributes* m_SiliconVisAtt;
+    G4VisAttributes* m_SiLiVisAtt;
+    G4VisAttributes* m_CsIVisAtt;
+    G4VisAttributes* m_CoolingVisAtt;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Makefile b/NPSimulation/Makefile
index c837a7c22..e937069e0 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Makefile
+++ b/NPSimulation/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ NPSIM		= NPSimulation
+DelIncSrcFiles: $(NPTOOL)/NPLib/liblist
 CopyIncSrcFiles: DelIncSrcFiles