From e31eebdf14a54d1772e22d6f39194ddca6963b5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas de Sereville <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:47:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] + Hyde2 now supports new MaterialManager facility

 NPSimulation/Hyde2/     | 10 +++
 NPSimulation/Hyde2/Hyde2TrackerModule.hh     | 12 +++
 NPSimulation/Hyde2/    | 83 +++-----------------
 NPSimulation/Hyde2/ | 83 +++-----------------
 NPSimulation/Hyde2/ | 83 +++-----------------
 5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
index db1fa3e85..9cdf74c80 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "Hyde2TrackerModule.hh"
+#include "MaterialManager.hh"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
@@ -63,3 +64,12 @@ void Hyde2TrackerModule::InitializeIndex()
    m_index["Trapezoid1"]  =  2200;
    m_index["Trapezoid2"]  =  2300;
+void Hyde2TrackerModule::InitializeMaterial()
+   m_MaterialSilicon = MaterialManager::getInstance()->GetMaterialFromLibrary("Si");
+   m_MaterialVacuum  = MaterialManager::getInstance()->GetMaterialFromLibrary("Vacuum");
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/Hyde2TrackerModule.hh b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/Hyde2TrackerModule.hh
index 0d6966c04..2b4addf59 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/Hyde2TrackerModule.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/Hyde2TrackerModule.hh
@@ -89,6 +89,18 @@ protected:
    // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
    bool              m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation;
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////// Material //////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //   Declare all material used by Gaspard 
+   void InitializeMaterial() ;
+   // Si
+   G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon;
+   //  Vacuum
+   G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum ;
    // First stage Associate Scorer
    G4MultiFunctionalDetector* m_FirstStageScorer;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
index 4f125886d..a1011fa05 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
@@ -171,78 +171,13 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
    Number << NbrTelescopes                   ;
    DetectorNumber = Number.str()             ;
-   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   G4String symbol                      ;
-   G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0 ;
-   G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0    ;
-   G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" , symbol = "H"  , z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
-   G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   , symbol = "C"  , z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , symbol = "N"  , z = 7  , a = 14.01  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , symbol = "O"  , z = 8  , a = 16.00  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* I   = new G4Element("Iode"     , symbol = "I"  , z = 53 , a = 126.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cs  = new G4Element("Cesium"   , symbol = "Cs" , z = 55 , a = 132.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Co  = new G4Element("Cobalt"  , symbol = "Co" , z = 27 , a = 58.933 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cr  = new G4Element("Cromium"  , symbol = "Cr" , z = 24 , a = 51.996 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Ni  = new G4Element("Nickel"   , symbol = "Ni" , z = 28 , a = 58.69  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Fe  = new G4Element("Iron"     , symbol = "Fe" , z = 26 , a = 55.847 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* W   = new G4Element("Tungsten" , symbol = "W"  , z = 74 , a = 183.5  * g / mole);
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Si
-   a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
-   density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
-   // Al
-   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
-   // Iron
-//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
-   // CsI
-   density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* CsI = new G4Material("CsI", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   CsI->AddElement(Cs , natoms = 1);
-   CsI->AddElement(I  , natoms = 1);
-   //  Vacuum
-   density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
-   G4Material* Vacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(O, .3);
-   //  Mylar
-   density = 1.397 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Myl = new G4Material("Mylar", density, ncomponents = 3);
-   Myl->AddElement(C, natoms = 10);
-   Myl->AddElement(H, natoms = 8);
-   Myl->AddElement(O, natoms = 4);
-   // Havar
-   G4Material* Harvar = new G4Material("Havar", 8.3*g / cm3, 5);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Co , 42);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Cr , 20);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Ni , 13);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Fe , 19);
-   Harvar->AddElement(W  ,  1);
    ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
    G4String Name = "HYD2Square1" + DetectorNumber;
    G4Box*           solidHYD2Square1 = new G4Box(Name, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*Length);
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Square1 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Square1, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Square1 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Square1, m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos), logicHYD2Square1, Name, world, false, 0);
@@ -257,7 +192,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerU = CT*0.98 + MMu*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerU = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , Vacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerU),logicMarkerU,"MarkerU",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerUVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.,0.5));//blue
@@ -265,7 +200,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerV = CT*0.98 + MMv*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerV = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , 1*mm , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , Vacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerV),logicMarkerV,"MarkerV",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerVVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.5,0.5));//green
@@ -280,7 +215,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionFirstStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, FirstStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidFirstStage = new G4Box("solidFirstStage", 0.5*FirstStageFace, 0.5*FirstStageFace, 0.5*FirstStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, Silicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -306,7 +241,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionSecondStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, SecondStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidSecondStage = new G4Box("solidSecondStage", 0.5*SecondStageFace, 0.5*SecondStageFace, 0.5*SecondStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, Silicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -332,7 +267,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionThirdStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, ThirdStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidThirdStage = new G4Box("solidThirdStage", 0.5*ThirdStageFace, 0.5*ThirdStageFace, 0.5*ThirdStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, Silicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -358,7 +293,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionFourthStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, FourthStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidFourthStage = new G4Box("solidFourthStage", 0.5*FourthStageFace, 0.5*FourthStageFace, 0.5*FourthStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, Silicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -384,7 +319,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionFifthStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, FifthStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidFifthStage = new G4Box("solidFifthStage", 0.5*FifthStageFace, 0.5*FifthStageFace, 0.5*FifthStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, Silicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -410,7 +345,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerSquare1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector  positionSixthStage = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, SixthStage_PosZ);
       G4Box*           solidSixthStage = new G4Box("solidSixthStage", 0.5*SixthStageFace, 0.5*SixthStageFace, 0.5*SixthStageThickness);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, Silicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
index bbe75ebba..f40cdc188 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
@@ -168,71 +168,6 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
    Number << NbrTelescopes                   ;
    DetectorNumber = Number.str()             ;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   G4String symbol                      ;
-   G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0 ;
-   G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0    ;
-   G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" , symbol = "H"  , z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
-   G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   , symbol = "C"  , z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , symbol = "N"  , z = 7  , a = 14.01  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , symbol = "O"  , z = 8  , a = 16.00  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* I   = new G4Element("Iode"     , symbol = "I"  , z = 53 , a = 126.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cs  = new G4Element("Cesium"   , symbol = "Cs" , z = 55 , a = 132.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Co  = new G4Element("Cobalt"  , symbol = "Co" , z = 27 , a = 58.933 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cr  = new G4Element("Cromium"  , symbol = "Cr" , z = 24 , a = 51.996 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Ni  = new G4Element("Nickel"   , symbol = "Ni" , z = 28 , a = 58.69  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Fe  = new G4Element("Iron"     , symbol = "Fe" , z = 26 , a = 55.847 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* W   = new G4Element("Tungsten" , symbol = "W"  , z = 74 , a = 183.5  * g / mole);
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Si
-   a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
-   density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
-   // Al
-//   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-//   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
-   // Iron
-//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
-   // CsI
-   density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* CsI = new G4Material("CsI", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   CsI->AddElement(Cs , natoms = 1);
-   CsI->AddElement(I  , natoms = 1);
-   //  Vacuum
-   density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
-   G4Material* Vacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(O, .3);
-   //  Mylar
-   density = 1.397 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Myl = new G4Material("Mylar", density, ncomponents = 3);
-   Myl->AddElement(C, natoms = 10);
-   Myl->AddElement(H, natoms = 8);
-   Myl->AddElement(O, natoms = 4);
-   // Havar
-   G4Material* Harvar = new G4Material("Havar", 8.3*g / cm3, 5);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Co , 42);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Cr , 20);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Ni , 13);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Fe , 19);
-   Harvar->AddElement(W  ,  1);
    ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
@@ -243,7 +178,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                           Length/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                           Height/2, BaseLarge/2, BaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                           Height/2, BaseLarge/2, BaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Trapezoid1 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Trapezoid1, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Trapezoid1 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Trapezoid1, m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos), logicHYD2Trapezoid1, Name, world, false, 0);
@@ -258,7 +193,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerU = CT*0.98 + MMu*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerU = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , Vacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerU),logicMarkerU,"MarkerU",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerUVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.,0.5));//blue
@@ -266,7 +201,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerV = CT*0.98 + MMv*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerV = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , 1*mm , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , Vacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerV),logicMarkerV,"MarkerV",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerVVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.5,0.5));//green
@@ -284,7 +219,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FirstStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, Silicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -313,7 +248,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                             SecondStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, Silicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -342,7 +277,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            ThirdStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, Silicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -371,7 +306,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FourthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, Silicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -400,7 +335,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FifthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, Silicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -429,7 +364,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            SixthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, Silicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
index dda48be05..4253178c1 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Hyde2/
@@ -168,71 +168,6 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
    Number << NbrTelescopes                   ;
    DetectorNumber = Number.str()             ;
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Element  Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   G4String symbol                      ;
-   G4double density = 0. , a = 0, z = 0 ;
-   G4int ncomponents = 0, natoms = 0    ;
-   G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" , symbol = "H"  , z = 1  , a = 1.01   * g / mole);
-   G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   , symbol = "C"  , z = 6  , a = 12.011 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , symbol = "N"  , z = 7  , a = 14.01  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxigen"   , symbol = "O"  , z = 8  , a = 16.00  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* I   = new G4Element("Iode"     , symbol = "I"  , z = 53 , a = 126.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cs  = new G4Element("Cesium"   , symbol = "Cs" , z = 55 , a = 132.9  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Co  = new G4Element("Cobalt"  , symbol = "Co" , z = 27 , a = 58.933 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Cr  = new G4Element("Cromium"  , symbol = "Cr" , z = 24 , a = 51.996 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Ni  = new G4Element("Nickel"   , symbol = "Ni" , z = 28 , a = 58.69  * g / mole);
-   G4Element* Fe  = new G4Element("Iron"     , symbol = "Fe" , z = 26 , a = 55.847 * g / mole);
-   G4Element* W   = new G4Element("Tungsten" , symbol = "W"  , z = 74 , a = 183.5  * g / mole);
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   // Si
-   a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
-   density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
-   // Al
-//   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-//   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
-   // Iron
-//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
-   // CsI
-   density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* CsI = new G4Material("CsI", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   CsI->AddElement(Cs , natoms = 1);
-   CsI->AddElement(I  , natoms = 1);
-   //  Vacuum
-   density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
-   G4Material* Vacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, ncomponents = 2);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
-   Vacuum->AddElement(O, .3);
-   //  Mylar
-   density = 1.397 * g / cm3;
-   G4Material* Myl = new G4Material("Mylar", density, ncomponents = 3);
-   Myl->AddElement(C, natoms = 10);
-   Myl->AddElement(H, natoms = 8);
-   Myl->AddElement(O, natoms = 4);
-   // Havar
-   G4Material* Harvar = new G4Material("Havar", 8.3*g / cm3, 5);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Co , 42);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Cr , 20);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Ni , 13);
-   Harvar->AddElement(Fe , 19);
-   Harvar->AddElement(W  ,  1);
    ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
@@ -243,7 +178,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                           Length/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                           Height/2, BaseLarge/2, BaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                           Height/2, BaseLarge/2, BaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Trapezoid2 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Trapezoid2, Vacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
+   G4LogicalVolume* logicHYD2Trapezoid2 = new G4LogicalVolume(solidHYD2Trapezoid2, m_MaterialVacuum, Name, 0, 0, 0);
    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos), logicHYD2Trapezoid2, Name, world, false, 0);
@@ -258,7 +193,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerU = CT*0.98 + MMu*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerU = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , Vacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerU = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerU , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerU",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerU),logicMarkerU,"MarkerU",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerUVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.,0.5));//blue
@@ -266,7 +201,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
          G4ThreeVector positionMarkerV = CT*0.98 + MMv*SiliconFace/4;
          G4Box*          solidMarkerV = new G4Box( "solidMarkerU" , 1*mm , SiliconFace/4 , 1*mm )              ;
-         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , Vacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
+         G4LogicalVolume* logicMarkerV = new G4LogicalVolume( solidMarkerV , m_MaterialVacuum , "logicMarkerV",0,0,0)       ;
          PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*MMrot,positionMarkerV),logicMarkerV,"MarkerV",world,false,0) ;
          G4VisAttributes* MarkerVVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.5,0.5));//green
@@ -284,7 +219,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FirstStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, Silicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFirstStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFirstStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFirstStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -313,7 +248,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                             SecondStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, Silicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSecondStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSecondStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSecondStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -342,7 +277,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            ThirdStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, Silicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicThirdStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidThirdStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicThirdStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -371,7 +306,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FourthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, Silicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFourthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFourthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFourthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -400,7 +335,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            FifthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, Silicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicFifthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidFifthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicFifthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,
@@ -429,7 +364,7 @@ void Hyde2TrackerTrapezoid2::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
                                            SixthStageThickness/2, 0*deg, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg, 
                                            FirstStageHeight/2, FirstStageBaseLarge/2, FirstStageBaseSmall/2, 0*deg);
-      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, Silicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
+      G4LogicalVolume* logicSixthStage = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSixthStage, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSixthStage", 0, 0, 0);
       new G4PVPlacement(0,