diff --git a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis b/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis
deleted file mode 100755
index 3138112caa7c4f7fda0464ade61011ab76749be6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.cxx b/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aa4edd55a780db45172aa28a0f08d78df872a92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#include "Analysis.h"
-using namespace std;
-#include "TTriggerData.h"
-int main(int argc, char** argv){
-  // command line parsing
-  NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
-  // Instantiate RootInput
-  string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
-  RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName);
-  // if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
-  if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
-    string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
-    myOptionManager->SetDetectorFile(name);
-  }
-  // get input files from NPOptionManager
-  string detectorfileName    = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
-  string calibrationfileName = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
-  string OutputfileName      = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
-  // Instantiate RootOutput
-  RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/"+OutputfileName, "AnalysedTree");
-  // Instantiate the detector using a file
-  NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager();
-  myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
-  double EGammaDC[4];
-  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("EGammaDC", &EGammaDC,"EGammaDC[4]/D");
-  double GATCONF[16];
-  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("GATCONF",&GATCONF,"GATCONF[16]/I");
-  float beta=0.18441; //This beta is used in "EGammaDC" ----- the beta used in "DopplerCorrectedEnergy" is definded in ./config/beta.txt  !!!!!!!!!
-  // Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
-  TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
-  TExogamPhysics *Exo 	 = (TExogamPhysics*)  myDetector -> GetDetector("EXOGAM")	;
-  // Branching Gatconf
-  TTriggerData* trigger = new TTriggerData();
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("TRIG", true); 
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("fTRIG_1", true);
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("fTRIG_2", false);
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("fTRIG_3", false);
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("fTRIG_4", false);
-  Chain->SetBranchStatus("fTRIG_5", false);
-  Chain->SetBranchAddress("TRIG", &trigger);
-  // Get number of events to treat
-  cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
-  int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
-  cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
-  clock_t begin = clock();
-  clock_t end = begin;
-  // main loop on entries
-  for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
-    if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
-      cout.precision(5);
-      end = clock();
-      double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-      double percent = (double)i/nentries;
-      double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
-      cout  << "                                                                                                "<< flush;
-      cout  << "\r Progression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" <<  TimeToWait <<"s"<< flush;
-    }
-    else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
-    // get data
-    Chain -> GetEntry(i);
-    int gatconf_integer = trigger->GetTRIG1();
-    // Create a bitset of 16 bit,
-    // each bit is set to one if the corresponding GMT entry has been fired
-    bitset<16> gatconf(gatconf_integer);     
-    // Fill the GATCONF array:
-    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
-       GATCONF[i]=gatconf[i];
-    // example of usage:
-    // Let say I want to perform an action if TiaraBarrel has been fired
-    // and that Tiara Barrel is wired to entry 8 of GATCONF
-    // Then I just have to take the entry 8th element (index 7) of the Gatconf
-    // array
-    if(GATCONF[7])
-      cout<<"Entry 8 of GMT has been fired" << endl;
-    myDetector->ClearEventPhysics();
-    myDetector->BuildPhysicalEvent();
-    /************************************************/
-    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) 
-      EGammaDC[i]=0;
-    for(int i=0; i<Exo->TotalEnergy_lab.size(); i++){
-      float mytheta=Exo->GetSegmentAngleTheta(Exo->CloverNumber[i], Exo->CristalNumber[i], Exo->SegmentNumber[i]);
-      float myphi=Exo->GetSegmentAnglePhi(Exo->CloverNumber[i], Exo->CristalNumber[i], Exo->SegmentNumber[i]);	
-      //myv(Exo->TotalEnergy_lab[i]*sin(mytheta)*sin(myphi),Exo->TotalEnergy_lab[i]*sin(mytheta)*cos(myphi) , Exo->TotalEnergy_lab[i]*cos(mytheta),(Exo->TotalEnergy_lab)[i]); 
-      //cout<<Exo->TotalEnergy_lab[i]<<endl;
-      EGammaDC[i]=Exo->TotalEnergy_lab[i]*(1-beta*cos(mytheta*TMath::DegToRad()))/sqrt(1-beta*beta);
-      //TVector3 boost= imp4.BoostVector(); 
-      //myv.Boost(-boost);
-      //DopplerCorrectedEnergy.push_back(myv.T());
-      //h_DopplerCorrectedEnergy->Fill(myv.T());
-    }
-    /************************************************/
-    RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill();
-  }
-  cout << "A total of " << nentries << " event has been annalysed " << endl ;
-  RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
-  RootInput::getInstance()->Destroy();
-  NPOptionManager::getInstance()->Destroy();
-  return 0 ;
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.h b/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ca8c305a8f3b7d788651234860e30edb569327..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// You can use this file to declare your spectra, file, energy loss , ... and whatever you want.
-// This way you can remove all unnecessary declaration in the main programm.
-// In order to help debugging and organizing we use Name Space.
-// -------------------------------------- VARIOUS INCLUDE ---------------------------------------
-// NPA
-#include "DetectorManager.h"
-#include "NPOptionManager.h"
-// STL C++
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdlib>
-// ROOT
-#include <TROOT.h>
-#include <TChain.h>
-#include <TFile.h>
-#include <TLeaf.h>
-#include <TVector3.h>
-#include <TRandom.h>
-// NPL
-#include "RootInput.h"
-#include "RootOutput.h"
-#include "NPReaction.h"
-#include "TInitialConditions.h"
-#include "TPlasticData.h"
-#include "TMust2Data.h"
-#include "TMust2Physics.h"
-#include "TExogamPhysics.h"
-#include "TSSSDPhysics.h"
-#include "TPlasticPhysics.h"
-#include "GaspardTracker.h"
-// Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
-#include "NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
-#include "NPPhysicalConstants.h"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B) ;
-// ----------------------------------- DOUBLE, INT, BOOL AND MORE -------------------------------
-namespace VARIABLE
-	{
-		//	Declare your Variable here:
-			double X1,Y1,Z1				;
-			int N1,N2 = 0				;
-			bool check= false			;
-		//	A Usefull Simple Random Generator
-			TRandom Rand;
-	}
-using namespace VARIABLE ;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------GRAPH------------------------------------------------------
-#include <TObject.h>
-#include <TH1.h>
-#include <TH1F.h>
-#include <TH2.h>
-#include <TH2F.h>
-#include <TGraph2D.h>
-namespace GRAPH
-	{
-		//	Declare your Spectra here:
-			TH1F *myHist1D = new TH1F("Hist1D","Histogramm 1D ; x ; count", 1000 , -5 , 5 )					;
-			TH2F *myHist2D = new TH2F("Hist2D","Histogramm 2D ; x ; y ", 128 , 1 , 128 , 128 , 1 , 128 )	;
-	}
-using namespace GRAPH ;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------CUT------------------------------------------------------
-#include <TCutG.h>
-namespace CUT
-	{
-		//	Declare your Cut here:
-	}
-using namespace CUT ;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------ENERGY LOSS----------------------------------------------
-#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
-using namespace NPL ;
-namespace ENERGYLOSS
-	{
-		//	Declare your Energy loss here	:
-	/*		EnergyLoss ProtonTarget = EnergyLoss 	(	"CD2.txt" 	,
-														100 		,
-														1,
-														1			);
-	*/
-	}
-using namespace ENERGYLOSS ;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.o b/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a3bb88acdbc22e86397c660b0628c0b2d5b827..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/NPAnalysis/e628/Analysis.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
index 1b88707861cb547d611edf89c3dbf8d007264827..0b28af5d03207b14784b6aa94d6294dc69ec7d6a 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
 #include "TSpegPhysics.h"
 #include "TExlPhysics.h"
 #include "TTacPhysics.h"
+#include "TSiLiPhysics.h"
+#include "TSiResPhysics.h"
+#include "TLaBr3Physics.h"
 #include "TChio_digPhysics.h"
 #include "TChio_anPhysics.h"
 #include "NPOptionManager.h"
@@ -84,9 +87,12 @@ void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)   {
    Bool_t ChateauCristal      = false;
    Bool_t Exogam              = false;
    Bool_t ScintillatorPlastic = false;
+   Bool_t SiLi		      = false;
+   Bool_t SiRes		      = false;
+   Bool_t LaBr3		      = false;
    Bool_t IonisationChamber   = false;
    Bool_t Trifoil             = false;
-	Bool_t Charissa = false;
+   Bool_t Charissa 	      = false;
    Bool_t GeneralTarget       = false;
    Bool_t GPDTracker          = false;
    Bool_t HYD2Tracker         = false;
@@ -401,7 +407,61 @@ void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)   {
       AddDetector("Plastic", myDetector);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////// Search for LaBr3 ///////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 5, "LaBr3") == 0 && LaBr3 == false) {
+      LaBr3 = true;
+      cout << "//////// Plastic ////////" << endl << endl;
+      // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
+      VDetector* myDetector = new TLaBr3Physics();
+      // Read Position of Telescope
+      ConfigFile.close();
+      myDetector->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+      ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str());
+      // Add array to the VDetector Vector
+      AddDetector("LaBr3", myDetector);
+    }    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////// Search for SiLi ///////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "SiLi") == 0 && SiLi == false) {
+      SiLi = true;
+      cout << "//////// Plastic ////////" << endl << endl;
+      // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
+      VDetector* myDetector = new TSiLiPhysics();
+      // Read Position of Telescope
+      ConfigFile.close();
+      myDetector->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+      ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str());
+      // Add array to the VDetector Vector
+      AddDetector("SiLi", myDetector);
+    }    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ///////////// Search for SiRes ///////////
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////
+    else if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 5, "SiRes") == 0 && SiRes == false) {
+      SiRes = true;
+      cout << "//////// Plastic ////////" << endl << endl;
+      // Instantiate the new array as a VDetector Object
+      VDetector* myDetector = new TSiResPhysics();
+      // Read Position of Telescope
+      ConfigFile.close();
+      myDetector->ReadConfiguration(Path);
+      ConfigFile.open(Path.c_str());
+      // Add array to the VDetector Vector
+      AddDetector("SiRes", myDetector);
+    }
     ///////////// Search for Ionisation Chamber ///////////