From eef51f28d0fd3383fe79d789322841a43b93c57b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "audrey.chatillon" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:32:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [Epic] ON-GOING need to have one input per TrackID for 1s
 history data

 NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx            |   2 -
 NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h              |  28 +----
 NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx         |  17 +--
 NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/           | 105 ++++++++++--------
 .../Scorers/         |  24 ++--
 .../Scorers/GaseousDetectorScorers.hh         |  10 +-
 6 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
index a97f178a8..955f35ec2 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ void TEpicData::Dump() const {
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mysize ; i++){
     cout << "AnodeNbr: " << GetAnodeNbr(i) 
          << " Q1: " << GetQ1(i)
-         << " Q2: " << GetQ2(i)
-         << " Qmax: " << GetQmax(i)
          << " Time: " << GetTime(i) << endl;
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
index ab3bc580d..4d612196b 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
@@ -36,15 +36,9 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
     struct EpicAnodeData {
         UShort_t    AnodeNbr;
         Double_t    Q1;
-        Double_t    Q2;
-        Double_t    Qmax;
         Double_t    Time;
-        Double_t    Time_HF;
-        Double_t    ToF;
-        Bool_t      isFakeFission;
         // vector of {Zstep, DEstep, DTstep}
         std::vector<string>   ParticleName;
-        std::vector<int>      ParentID;
         std::vector<int>      TrackID;
         std::vector<Double_t> PosZ;
         std::vector<Double_t> DE;
@@ -53,14 +47,8 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
         // Getters
         UShort_t GetAnodeNbr() const { return AnodeNbr; }
         Double_t GetQ1() const { return Q1; }
-        Double_t GetQ2() const { return Q2; }
-        Double_t GetQmax() const { return Qmax; }
         Double_t GetTime() const { return Time; }
-        Double_t GetTimeHF() const { return Time_HF; }
-        Double_t GetToF() const { return ToF; }
-        Bool_t IsFakeFission() const { return isFakeFission; }
         const std::vector<string>&   GetParticleName() const { return ParticleName; }
-        const std::vector<int>&      GetParentID() const { return ParentID; }
         const std::vector<int>&      GetTrackID() const { return TrackID; }
         const std::vector<Double_t>& GetPosZ() const { return PosZ; }
         const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE() const { return DE; }
@@ -95,11 +83,11 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
   // add //! to avoid ROOT creating dictionnary for the methods
     //////////////////////    SETTERS    ////////////////////////
-    void Set(const UShort_t& n, const Double_t& q1,  const Double_t& q2,  const Double_t& qmax,
-             const Double_t& t, const Double_t& thf, const Double_t& tof, const Bool_t& fake,
-             const std::vector<string>& name, const std::vector<int>& pid,   const std::vector<int>& tid, 
-             const std::vector<double>& z,    const std::vector<double>& de, const std::vector<double>& dt) {
-        fEpic_Data.push_back({n, q1, q2, qmax, t, thf, tof, fake, name, pid, tid, z, de, dt});
+    void Set(const UShort_t& n, const Double_t& q1,  const Double_t& t,
+             const std::vector<string>& name,        const std::vector<int>& tid, 
+             const std::vector<double>& z,           const std::vector<double>& de, 
+             const std::vector<double>& dt) {
+        fEpic_Data.push_back({n, q1, t, name, tid, z, de, dt});
     const EpicAnodeData& operator[](const unsigned int& i) const {return fEpic_Data[i];}
@@ -107,14 +95,8 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
     inline UShort_t GetMultiplicity() const                    {return fEpic_Data.size();}
     UShort_t GetAnodeNbr(const unsigned short& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].AnodeNbr; }
     Double_t GetQ1(const unsigned int& i) const         { return fEpic_Data[i].Q1; }
-    Double_t GetQ2(const unsigned int& i) const         { return fEpic_Data[i].Q2; }
-    Double_t GetQmax(const unsigned int& i) const       { return fEpic_Data[i].Qmax; }
     Double_t GetTime(const unsigned int& i) const       { return fEpic_Data[i].Time; }
-    Double_t GetTimeHF(const unsigned int& i) const     { return fEpic_Data[i].Time_HF; }
-    Double_t GetToF(const unsigned int& i) const        { return fEpic_Data[i].ToF; }
-    Bool_t GetFakeFissionStatus(const unsigned int& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].isFakeFission; }
     const std::vector<string>&   GetParticleName(const unsigned int& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].ParticleName; }
-    const std::vector<int>&      GetParentID(const unsigned int& i)     const { return fEpic_Data[i].ParentID; }
     const std::vector<int>&      GetTrackID(const unsigned int& i)      const { return fEpic_Data[i].TrackID; }
     const std::vector<Double_t>& GetPosZ(const unsigned int& i)         const { return fEpic_Data[i].PosZ; }
     const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE(const unsigned int& i)           const { return fEpic_Data[i].DE; }
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
index 1d09de705..1a3015acd 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
@@ -88,13 +88,8 @@ void TEpicPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
     int A = m_EventData->GetAnodeNbr(e);
-    Q2.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetQ2(e));
-    Qmax.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetQmax(e));
-    isFakeFission.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetFakeFissionStatus(e));
-    Time_HF.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetTimeHF(e));
-    ToF.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetToF(e));
@@ -118,18 +113,8 @@ void TEpicPhysics::PreTreat() {
       double TimeOffset = 0;
       TimeOffset = Cal->GetValue("Epic/ANODE"+NPL::itoa(AnodeNumber)+"_TIMEOFFSET",0);
       double Time = m_EventData->GetTime(i);
-      double TimeHF = m_EventData->GetTimeHF(i);
-      double tof = Time - TimeHF - TimeOffset;
-      if(tof < 0){
-        tof += Cal->GetValue("Epic/PULSE_TIMEOFFSET",0) ;
-      }
-      m_PreTreatedData->Set(AnodeNumber, Q1, 
-                            m_EventData->GetQ2(i),
-                            m_EventData->GetQmax(i),
-                            Time, TimeHF, tof, 
-                            m_EventData->GetFakeFissionStatus(i),
+      m_PreTreatedData->Set(AnodeNumber, Q1, Time,
-                            m_EventData->GetParentID(i),
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/ b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/
index a87b151f3..539aa377a 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/
@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ G4AssemblyVolume* Epic::BuildEpic(){
   double posZ_first_cathode = posZ_anode - 0.5*thickness_A*mm - m_Distance_AK*mm - 0.5*m_Thickness_K*mm;
   // build the stack of cathodes / actinide samples / anodes to do build sensitive gas
+  //double step_length_limit = m_Distance_AK*mm / 100.;
+  //G4UserLimits * user_limits = new G4UserLimits(step_length_limit*mm, 33.*mm, 1.*us, 0, 0);
   G4UserLimits * user_limits = new G4UserLimits(25.*um, 33.*mm, 1.*us, 0, 0);
   for(int i=0; i<m_nA; i++){
@@ -535,60 +537,75 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
   // GaseousDetector scorer
   GaseousDetectorScorers::PS_GaseousDetector* Scorer= (GaseousDetectorScorers::PS_GaseousDetector*) m_EpicScorer->GetPrimitive(0);
+  int previous_trackID = -1;
   unsigned int size = Scorer->GetMult();
+  cout << endl << " ================= Epic::ReadSensitive() Scorer size = " << size << endl;
   for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
     vector<unsigned int> level = Scorer->GetLevel(i); 
+    //double Time = RandGauss::shoot(Scorer->GetTime(i),Epic_NS::ResoTime);
     //double Energy = RandGauss::shoot(Scorer->GetEnergy(i),Epic_NS::ResoEnergy);
     double Energy = Scorer->GetEnergy(i);  // Attention Energy of all particles (FF, alpha, e-, ...) 
     vector<string> step_name = Scorer->GetParticleName(i);
-    vector<int>    step_parentid = Scorer->GetParentID(i);
-    vector<int>    step_trackid = Scorer->GetTrackID(i);
+    vector<int>    step_trackID = Scorer->GetTrackID(i);
     vector<double> step_posZ = Scorer->GetStepPosZ(i);
     vector<double> step_DE = Scorer->GetEnergyLossPerStep(i);
     vector<double> step_time = Scorer->GetStepTime(i);
-    double influence = 0 ;
-    if(Energy>Epic_NS::EnergyThreshold){
-      double Time = RandGauss::shoot(Scorer->GetTime(i),Epic_NS::ResoTime);
-      int Anode = level[0];
-      double thickness_A = 2*Epic_NS::Cu_Thickness*mm + Epic_NS::Kapton_Thickness*mm;
-      double posZ_anode = (1-m_nA)*(m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) - std::trunc(0.5*m_nA)*(m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A); 
-      posZ_anode += m_mapping_A[Anode] * (2. * (m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) + m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A) ;
-      vector<string> name;
-      vector<int>    parentid;
-      vector<int>    trackid;
-      vector<double> z;
-      vector<double> de;
-      vector<double> dt;
-      for(int j=0; j<step_name.size(); j++){
-        //cout << "step #" << j << " , particle name = " << << " , z = " << << " , dE = " << << " , t = " << << endl;
-    	  if("e-" ||"anti_nu_e") {
-	        continue;
-        }
-        else{ // FF or alpha
-          //cout << "[FF or alpha]step #" << j << " , particle name = " << << ", z = " << << " , dE = " << << " , t = " << << endl;
-          influence += * TMath::Abs( - posZ_anode);
-          name.push_back(;
-          parentid.push_back(;
-          trackid.push_back(;
-          z.push_back(;
-          de.push_back(;
-          dt.push_back(; 
-	      }
-      }
-      m_Event->Set(m_mapping_A[Anode],              // set anode number
-                   influence / m_Distance_AK*mm,    // set Q1 FF or alpha only 
-                   Energy,                          // set Q2
-                   Energy,                          // set Qmax
-                   Time,                            // set Time
-                   0.,                              // set TimeHF
-                   0.,                              // set ToF
-                   0,                               // status FakeFission
-                   name,parentid,trackid,z, de, dt);
-    }
-  }
+    int Anode = level[0];
+    double thickness_A = 2*Epic_NS::Cu_Thickness*mm + Epic_NS::Kapton_Thickness*mm;
+    double posZ_anode = (1-m_nA)*(m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) - std::trunc(0.5*m_nA)*(m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A); 
+    posZ_anode += m_mapping_A[Anode] * (2. * (m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) + m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A) ;
+    //// FIXME : need a fixed binning in dz of 25*um
+    //// FIXME : one input per TrackID -> change the TEpicData TrackID and name should not be a vector anymore
+    //vector<string> name;
+    //vector<int>    trackID;
+    //vector<double> dz;
+    //vector<double> de;
+    //vector<double> dt;
+    //double influence_pertrackID = 0   ;
+    //bool   end_of_new_trackID = false ;
+    //cout << "step_name.size() = " << step_name.size() << endl;
+    //for(int j=0; j<step_name.size(); j++){
+    //  cout << "j = " << j << " : TrackID = " << << " [previous is " << previous_trackID  << "]. Particle = " << << " Actual m_Event mult : " << m_Event->GetMultiplicity() << endl;
+    //  if(!="e-" ||"anti_nu_e"){
+    //    continue;
+    //  }
+    //  else if("alpha"){ // FF or alpha // to be fixed !
+    //   
+    //   cout << "j = " << j << " : TrackID = " << << " [previous is " << previous_trackID  << "]. Particle = " << << " Actual m_Event mult : " << m_Event->GetMultiplicity() << endl;
+    //    
+    //    if( != previous_trackID){
+    //      //if(m_Event->GetMultiplicity()>0) end_of_new_trackID = true;
+    //      if(previous_trackID != -1) end_of_new_trackID = true;
+    //      previous_trackID = ;
+    //    }
+    //    
+    //    if(end_of_new_trackID == true) {
+    //      m_Event->Set(m_mapping_A[Anode],    // set anode number
+    //                   influence_pertrackID,  // set Q1 FF or alpha only 
+    //         ,       // set Time
+    //                   name,trackID, dz, de, dt);
+    //      name.clear();
+    //      trackID.clear();
+    //      dz.clear();
+    //      de.clear();
+    //      dt.clear();
+    //      end_of_new_trackID = false;
+    //    }
+    //    double dz_anode = TMath::Abs( - posZ_anode) - 0.5*thickness_A ; // need to remove half thickness of Anode
+    //    influence_pertrackID += ( * dz_anode) / m_Distance_AK*mm;
+    //    
+    //    name.push_back(;
+    //    trackID.push_back(;
+    //    dz.push_back(dz_anode);
+    //    de.push_back(;
+    //    dt.push_back(; 
+	  //  }// end of else
+    //}// end of loop over j
+  }// end of loop over i
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Scorers/ b/NPSimulation/Scorers/
index 7cf09f69d..cc1bc635a 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Scorers/
+++ b/NPSimulation/Scorers/
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ vector<GaseousDetectorData>::iterator
 GaseousDetectorDataVector::find(const unsigned int& index) {
   for (vector<GaseousDetectorData>::iterator it = m_Data.begin();
        it != m_Data.end(); it++) {
-    if ((*it).GetIndex() == index)
-      return it;
+    if ((*it).GetIndex() == index) // comparison of the current index with the argument index
+      return it;                   // return immediatly the iterator
-  return m_Data.end();
+  return m_Data.end();             // return m_Data.end() if index is not found
@@ -73,46 +73,45 @@ G4bool PS_GaseousDetector::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*) {
   // Contain Particle Id, Energy, Time and as many copy number as nested volume
   unsigned int mysize = m_NestingLevel.size();
   string particlename = aStep->GetTrack()->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName();
-  int parentID = aStep->GetTrack()->GetParentID();
+  //if (particlename != "alpha") return TRUE;
   int trackID  = aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
   double step_posZ = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition().z(); 
   t_Energy = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
   t_Time   = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime();  // DeltaT [ns] since the begining of the simulated event up to the begining of the step
-  t_ParentID.push_back(parentID);
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mysize; i++) {
   // Check if the particle has interact before, if yes, add up the energies and update the track
   vector<GaseousDetectorData>::iterator it;
   it = m_Data.find(GaseousDetectorData::CalculateIndex(t_Level));
   if (it != m_Data.end()) {
-    // update the m_Data vector at each step
+    // update the m_Data vector at each step corresponding at the same sensitive volume
-    it->SetParentID(parentID);
   else {
-    // first step: initialize a new m_Data vector
+    // first step: initialize a new m_Data vector<GaseousDetectorData>
     // t_Time [ns] is the time at first step
-    m_Data.Set(t_Energy, t_Time, t_Level, t_ParticleName, t_ParentID, t_TrackID, t_StepPosZ, t_EnergyLossPerStep, t_StepTime);
+    m_Data.Set(t_Energy, t_Time, t_Level, t_ParticleName, t_TrackID, t_StepPosZ, t_EnergyLossPerStep, t_StepTime);
   return TRUE;
@@ -127,7 +126,6 @@ void PS_GaseousDetector::clear() {
-  t_ParentID.clear();
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Scorers/GaseousDetectorScorers.hh b/NPSimulation/Scorers/GaseousDetectorScorers.hh
index 21e813707..f403a4d92 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Scorers/GaseousDetectorScorers.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/Scorers/GaseousDetectorScorers.hh
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
                             const double& Time,
                             const vector<unsigned int>& Nesting,
                             const vector<string>& name,
-                            const vector<int>&    pID,
                             const vector<int>&    tID,
                             const vector<double>& posZ, 
                             const vector<double>& DE,
@@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
-          m_ParentID=pID;
@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
         double         m_Energy;
         double         m_Time;
         vector<string> m_ParticleName;
-        vector<int>    m_ParentID;
         vector<int>    m_TrackID;
         vector<double> m_StepPosZ;
         vector<double> m_EnergyLossPerStep;
@@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
         inline double GetEnergy() const {return m_Energy;}
         inline double GetTime() const {return m_Time;}
         inline vector<string> GetParticleName() const {return m_ParticleName;}
-        inline vector<int>    GetParentID() const {return m_ParentID;}
         inline vector<int>    GetTrackID() const {return m_TrackID;}
         inline vector<double> GetStepPosZ() const {return m_StepPosZ;}
         inline vector<double> GetEnergyLossPerStep() const {return m_EnergyLossPerStep;}
@@ -91,7 +87,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
         void Add(const double& DE) {m_Energy+=DE;}; 
         // add specific information at each step
         inline void SetParticleName(const string& name){m_ParticleName.push_back(name);}
-        inline void SetParentID(const int& id){m_ParentID.push_back(id);}
         inline void SetTrackID(const int& id){m_TrackID.push_back(id);}
         inline void SetStepPosZ(const double& z){m_StepPosZ.push_back(z);}
         inline void SetEnergyLossPerStep(const double& DE){m_EnergyLossPerStep.push_back(DE);}
@@ -120,12 +115,11 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
                       const double& Time, 
                       const vector<unsigned int>& Nesting, 
                       const vector<string>& name, 
-                      const vector<int>& pID, 
                       const vector<int>& tID, 
                       const vector<double>& z, 
                       const vector<double>& DE,
                       const vector<double>& t) {
-        m_Data.push_back(GaseousDetectorData(Energy,Time,Nesting,name,pID,tID,z,DE,t));
+        m_Data.push_back(GaseousDetectorData(Energy,Time,Nesting,name,tID,z,DE,t));
       const GaseousDetectorData* operator[](const unsigned int& i) const {return &m_Data[i];};
@@ -161,7 +155,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
         double t_Time;   // time at first step
         // all these vectors are used to accumulate info at each step
         vector<string> t_ParticleName;
-        vector<int>    t_ParentID;
         vector<int>    t_TrackID;
         vector<double> t_StepPosZ;
         vector<double> t_EnergyLossPerStep;
@@ -173,7 +166,6 @@ namespace GaseousDetectorScorers {
       inline double GetEnergy(const unsigned int& i) {return m_Data[i]->GetEnergy();};
       inline double GetTime(const unsigned int& i) {return m_Data[i]->GetTime();};
       inline vector<string> GetParticleName(const unsigned int& i) const {return m_Data[i]->GetParticleName();}
-      inline vector<int>    GetParentID(const unsigned int& i) const {return m_Data[i]->GetParentID();}
       inline vector<int>    GetTrackID(const unsigned int& i) const {return m_Data[i]->GetTrackID();}
       inline vector<double> GetStepPosZ(const unsigned int& i) const {return m_Data[i]->GetStepPosZ();}
       inline vector<double> GetEnergyLossPerStep(const unsigned int& i) const {return m_Data[i]->GetEnergyLossPerStep();}