diff --git a/NPLib/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/NPLib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
index f2692be7e2b0185daa4128f067559224f0fc6bf2..e90904f6406d8a1e28f2d745f220d7cfa0d74074 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/NPLib/Core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT NPDeltaSpectraDict.cxx COMMAND  ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/sc
 add_custom_command(OUTPUT NPVDetectorDict.cxx COMMAND  ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/build_dict.sh NPVDetector.h NPVDetectorDict.cxx NPVDetector.rootmap libNPCore.so NPCoreLinkdef.h)  
 #add_custom_command(OUTPUT NPVTreeReaderDict.cxx COMMAND  ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/build_dict.sh NPVTreeReader.h NPVTreeReaderDict.cxx NPVTreeReader.rootmap libNPCore.so NPCoreLinkdef.h)  
 #add_library(NPCore SHARED NPCore.cxx NPRandom.cxx NPVAnalysis.cxx NPAnalysisFactory.cxx NPCalibrationManager.cxx NPOptionManager.cxx RootOutput.cxx RootInput.cxx TAsciiFile.cxx TAsciiFileDict.cxx NPDeltaSpectraDict.cxx NPDetectorManager.cxx NPVTreeReader.cxx NPVTreeReaderDict.cxx NPVDetector.cxx NPVDetectorDict.cxx NPVSpectra.cxx NPDetectorFactory.cxx NPSpectraServer.cxx NPInputParser.cxx NPImage.cxx NPElog.cxx NPDeltaSpectra.cxx NPXmlParser.cxx)
-add_library(NPCore SHARED NPCore.cxx NPRandom.cxx NPVAnalysis.cxx NPAnalysisFactory.cxx NPCalibrationManager.cxx NPOptionManager.cxx RootOutput.cxx RootInput.cxx TAsciiFile.cxx TAsciiFileDict.cxx NPDeltaSpectraDict.cxx NPDetectorManager.cxx NPVDetector.cxx NPVDetectorDict.cxx NPVTreeReader.cxx NPVSpectra.cxx NPDetectorFactory.cxx NPSpectraServer.cxx NPInputParser.cxx NPImage.cxx NPElog.cxx NPDeltaSpectra.cxx NPXmlParser.cxx)
+add_library(NPCore SHARED NPCore.cxx NPRandom.cxx NPVAnalysis.cxx NPAnalysisFactory.cxx NPCalibrationManager.cxx NPOptionManager.cxx RootHistogramsCalib.cxx RootOutput.cxx RootInput.cxx TAsciiFile.cxx TAsciiFileDict.cxx NPDeltaSpectraDict.cxx NPDetectorManager.cxx NPVDetector.cxx NPVDetectorDict.cxx NPVTreeReader.cxx NPVSpectra.cxx NPDetectorFactory.cxx NPSpectraServer.cxx NPInputParser.cxx NPImage.cxx NPElog.cxx NPDeltaSpectra.cxx NPXmlParser.cxx)
 target_link_libraries(NPCore ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} -lTreePlayer -lXMLIO) 
-install(FILES NPCore.h NPVAnalysis.h NPAnalysisFactory.h NPRandom.h NPCalibrationManager.h NPOptionManager.h RootInput.h RootOutput.h TAsciiFile.h NPDetectorManager.h NPVTreeReader.h NPVDetector.h NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h NPPhysicalConstants.h NPSystemOfUnits.h NPVSpectra.h NPDetectorFactory.h  NPSpectraServer.h NPInputParser.h NPImage.h NPElog.h NPDeltaSpectra.h NPXmlParser.h DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY})
+install(FILES NPCore.h NPVAnalysis.h NPAnalysisFactory.h NPRandom.h NPCalibrationManager.h NPOptionManager.h RootInput.h RootOutput.h RootHistogramsCalib.h TAsciiFile.h NPDetectorManager.h NPVTreeReader.h NPVDetector.h NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h NPPhysicalConstants.h NPSystemOfUnits.h NPVSpectra.h NPDetectorFactory.h  NPSpectraServer.h NPInputParser.h NPImage.h NPElog.h NPDeltaSpectra.h NPXmlParser.h DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY})
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.cxx b/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.cxx
index a666e1f237e84d22c3616c3dc1686ce9fed007ff..0a379cb8bfb21906e4e61bbe24498ae14e38b76e 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.cxx
@@ -22,93 +22,100 @@
 #include "NPDetectorManager.h"
 //   STL
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdlib>
 #include <limits>
 #include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#if __cplusplus > 199711L
+#if __cplusplus > 199711L 
 #include <chrono>
 // NPL
-#include "NPCalibrationManager.h"
 #include "NPDetectorFactory.h"
-#include "NPInputParser.h"
+#include "RootInput.h"
 #include "NPOptionManager.h"
+#include "NPCalibrationManager.h"
+#include "NPInputParser.h"
 #include "NPSystemOfUnits.h"
-#include "RootInput.h"
 using namespace NPUNITS;
-// Root
-#include "TCanvas.h"
 #include "TROOT.h"
-// double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetThickness    () {return  m_TargetThickness;}
+//double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetThickness    () {return  m_TargetThickness;}
 //   Default Constructor
-NPL::DetectorManager::DetectorManager() {
+  //m_BuildPhysicalPtr = &NPL::VDetector::BuildPhysicalEvent;
+  //m_ClearEventPhysicsPtr =  &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventPhysics;
+  //m_ClearEventDataPtr = &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventData ;
   m_BuildPhysicalPtr = &NPL::VDetector::BuildPhysicalEvent;
-  m_ClearEventPhysicsPtr = &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventPhysics;
-  m_ClearEventDataPtr = &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventData;
+  m_ClearEventPhysicsPtr =  &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventPhysics;
+  m_ClearEventDataPtr = &NPL::VDetector::ClearEventData ;
   m_SetTreeReaderPtr = &NPL::VDetector::SetTreeReader;
   m_InitializeRootInputPhysicsPtr = &NPL::VDetector::InitializeRootInputPhysics;
   m_InitializeRootInputRawPtr = &NPL::VDetector::InitializeRootInputRaw;
   m_InitializeRootOutputPtr = &NPL::VDetector::InitializeRootOutput;
-  m_FillSpectra = NULL;
-  m_CheckSpectra = NULL;
+  m_InitializeRootHistogramsCalibPtr = &NPL::VDetector::InitializeRootHistogramsCalib;
+  m_FillHistogramsCalibPtr = &NPL::VDetector::FillHistogramsCalib;
+  m_WriteHistogramsCalibPtr = &NPL::VDetector::WriteHistogramsCalib;
+  m_FillSpectra = NULL; 
+  m_CheckSpectra = NULL;   
   m_SpectraServer = NULL;
-  if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetGenerateHistoOption()) {
-    m_FillSpectra = &NPL::VDetector::FillSpectra;
-    if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetCheckHistoOption())
-      m_CheckSpectra = &NPL::VDetector::CheckSpectra;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetGenerateHistoOption()){
+    m_FillSpectra =  &NPL::VDetector::FillSpectra ;
+    if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetCheckHistoOption())
+      m_CheckSpectra = &NPL::VDetector::CheckSpectra ;
-  m_CryoTarget = false;
-  m_TargetThickness = 0;
-  m_TargetAngle = 0;
-  m_TargetRadius = 0;
-  m_TargetDensity = 0;
-  m_TargetDensity = 0;
-  m_FrontDeformation = 0;
-  m_FrontThickness = 0;
-  m_FrontRadius = 0;
-  m_FrontMaterial = "";
-  m_BackDeformation = 0;
-  m_BackRadius = 0;
-  m_BackThickness = 0;
-  m_BackMaterial = "";
-  m_FrameRadius = 0;
+  m_CryoTarget=false;
+  m_TargetThickness    = 0   ;
+  m_TargetAngle        = 0   ;
+  m_TargetRadius       = 0   ;
+  m_TargetDensity      = 0   ;
+  m_TargetDensity = 0 ;
+  m_FrontDeformation = 0 ;
+  m_FrontThickness = 0 ;
+  m_FrontRadius = 0 ;
+  m_FrontMaterial = "" ;
+  m_BackDeformation = 0 ;
+  m_BackRadius = 0 ;
+  m_BackThickness = 0 ;
+  m_BackMaterial = "" ;
+  m_FrameRadius = 0 ;
   m_FrameThickness = 0;
-  m_FrontCone = 0;
-  m_BackCone = 0;
-  m_FrameMaterial = "";
-  m_ShieldInnerRadius = 0;
-  m_ShieldOuterRadius = 0;
-  m_ShieldBottomLength = 0;
-  m_ShieldTopLength = 0;
-  m_ShieldFrontRadius = 0;
-  m_ShieldBackRadius = 0;
-  m_ShieldMaterial = "";
-  m_RootOutput = RootOutput::getInstance();
+  m_FrontCone = 0 ;
+  m_BackCone = 0 ;
+  m_FrameMaterial = "" ;
+  m_ShieldInnerRadius = 0 ;
+  m_ShieldOuterRadius = 0 ;
+  m_ShieldBottomLength = 0 ;
+  m_ShieldTopLength = 0 ;
+  m_ShieldFrontRadius = 0 ; 
+  m_ShieldBackRadius = 0 ;
+  m_ShieldMaterial = "" ;
+  m_RootOutput=RootOutput::getInstance();
 //   Default Desstructor
-NPL::DetectorManager::~DetectorManager() {
 #if __cplusplus > 199711L && NPMULTITHREADING
-  if (m_SpectraServer)
+  if(m_SpectraServer)
 //   Read stream at ConfigFile and pick-up Token declaration of Detector
-void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path) {
-  std::cout << "\033[1;36m";
+void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path)   {
+  std::cout << "\033[1;36m" ;
   // Instantiate the Calibration Manager
   // All The detector will then add to it their parameter (see AddDetector)
@@ -126,89 +133,83 @@ void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path) {
   //////////// Search for Target /////////////
-  std::vector<NPL::InputBlock*> starget = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("Target");
-  std::vector<NPL::InputBlock*> ctarget = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("CryogenicTarget");
+  std::vector<NPL::InputBlock*>  starget = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("Target");
+  std::vector<NPL::InputBlock*>  ctarget = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("CryogenicTarget");
-  if (starget.size() == 1) {
-    if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel()) {
+  if(starget.size()==1){
+    if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel()){
       std::cout << "////       TARGET      ////" << std::endl;
       std::cout << "//// Solid Target found " << std::endl;
-    std::vector<std::string> token = {"Thickness", "Radius", "Material", "Angle", "X", "Y", "Z"};
-    if (starget[0]->HasTokenList(token)) {
-      m_TargetThickness = starget[0]->GetDouble("Thickness", "micrometer");
-      m_TargetAngle = starget[0]->GetDouble("Angle", "deg");
+    std::vector<std::string> token = {"Thickness","Radius","Material","Angle","X","Y","Z"};
+    if(starget[0]->HasTokenList(token)){
+      m_TargetThickness = starget[0]->GetDouble("Thickness","micrometer");
+      m_TargetAngle = starget[0]->GetDouble("Angle","deg");
       m_TargetMaterial = starget[0]->GetString("Material");
-      m_TargetX = starget[0]->GetDouble("X", "mm");
-      m_TargetY = starget[0]->GetDouble("Y", "mm");
-      m_TargetZ = starget[0]->GetDouble("Z", "mm");
+      m_TargetX = starget[0]->GetDouble("X","mm");
+      m_TargetY = starget[0]->GetDouble("Y","mm");
+      m_TargetZ = starget[0]->GetDouble("Z","mm");
-    else {
+    else{
       std::cout << "ERROR: Target token list incomplete, check your input file" << std::endl;
-  else if (ctarget.size() == 1) {
-    if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
-      std::cout << "//// Cryogenic Target found " << std::endl;
+  else if(ctarget.size()==1){
+    if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
+    std::cout<< "//// Cryogenic Target found " << std::endl;
     m_CryoTarget = true;
-    std::vector<std::string> CoreToken = {"NominalThickness", "Material", "Density", "Radius", "Angle", "X", "Y", "Z"};
-    std::vector<std::string> FrontToken = {"FrontDeformation", "FrontThickness", "FrontRadius", "FrontMaterial"};
-    std::vector<std::string> BackToken = {"BackDeformation", "BackThickness", "BackRadius", "BackMaterial"};
-    std::vector<std::string> FrameToken = {"FrameRadius", "FrameThickness", "FrontCone", "BackCone", "FrameMaterial"};
-    std::vector<std::string> ShieldToken = {"ShieldInnerRadius",
-                                            "ShieldOuterRadius"
-                                            "ShieldBottomLength",
-                                            "ShieldTopLength",
-                                            "ShieldFrontRadius",
-                                            "ShieldBackRadius",
-                                            "ShieldMaterial"};
-    if (ctarget[0]->HasTokenList(CoreToken)) {
-      // Target
-      m_TargetThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("NominalThickness", "micrometer");
-      m_TargetAngle = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Angle", "deg");
+    std::vector<std::string> CoreToken   = {"NominalThickness","Material","Density","Radius","Angle","X","Y","Z"};
+    std::vector<std::string> FrontToken  = {"FrontDeformation","FrontThickness","FrontRadius","FrontMaterial"};
+    std::vector<std::string> BackToken   = {"BackDeformation","BackThickness","BackRadius","BackMaterial"};
+    std::vector<std::string> FrameToken  = {"FrameRadius","FrameThickness","FrontCone","BackCone","FrameMaterial"};
+    std::vector<std::string> ShieldToken = {"ShieldInnerRadius","ShieldOuterRadius""ShieldBottomLength","ShieldTopLength","ShieldFrontRadius","ShieldBackRadius","ShieldMaterial"};
+    if(ctarget[0]->HasTokenList(CoreToken)){
+       // Target 
+      m_TargetThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("NominalThickness","micrometer");
+      m_TargetAngle = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Angle","deg");
       m_TargetMaterial = ctarget[0]->GetString("Material");
-      m_TargetDensity = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Density", "g/cm3");
-      m_TargetRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Radius", "mm");
-      m_TargetX = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("X", "mm");
-      m_TargetY = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Y", "mm");
-      m_TargetZ = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Z", "mm");
-      m_TargetDensity = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Density", "g/cm3");
-      m_TargetRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Radius", "mm");
+      m_TargetDensity = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Density","g/cm3");
+      m_TargetRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Radius","mm");
+      m_TargetX = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("X","mm");
+      m_TargetY = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Y","mm");
+      m_TargetZ = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Z","mm");
+      m_TargetDensity = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Density","g/cm3"); 
+      m_TargetRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("Radius","mm");
       // Front Window
-      m_FrontDeformation = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontDeformation", "mm");
-      m_FrontThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontThickness", "micrometer");
-      m_FrontRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontRadius", "mm");
+      m_FrontDeformation = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontDeformation","mm");
+      m_FrontThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontThickness","micrometer");
+      m_FrontRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontRadius","mm");
       m_FrontMaterial = ctarget[0]->GetString("FrontMaterial");
       // Back Window
-      m_BackDeformation = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackDeformation", "mm");
-      m_BackRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackRadius", "mm");
-      m_BackThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackThickness", "micrometer");
+      m_BackDeformation = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackDeformation","mm");
+      m_BackRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackRadius","mm");
+      m_BackThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackThickness","micrometer");
       m_BackMaterial = ctarget[0]->GetString("BackMaterial");
       // Cell Frame
-      m_FrameRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrameRadius", "mm");
-      m_FrameThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrameThickness", "mm");
-      m_FrontCone = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontCone", "deg");
-      m_BackCone = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackCone", "deg");
+      m_FrameRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrameRadius","mm");
+      m_FrameThickness = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrameThickness","mm");
+      m_FrontCone = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("FrontCone","deg");
+      m_BackCone = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("BackCone","deg");
       m_FrameMaterial = ctarget[0]->GetString("FrameMaterial");
       // Heat Shield
-      m_ShieldInnerRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldInnerRadius", "mm");
-      m_ShieldOuterRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldOuterRadius", "mm");
-      m_ShieldBottomLength = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldBottomLength", "mm");
-      m_ShieldTopLength = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldTopLength", "mm");
-      m_ShieldFrontRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldFrontRadius", "mm");
-      m_ShieldBackRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldBackRadius", "mm");
+      m_ShieldInnerRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldInnerRadius","mm");
+      m_ShieldOuterRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldOuterRadius","mm");
+      m_ShieldBottomLength = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldBottomLength","mm");
+      m_ShieldTopLength = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldTopLength","mm");
+      m_ShieldFrontRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldFrontRadius","mm"); 
+      m_ShieldBackRadius = ctarget[0]->GetDouble("ShieldBackRadius","mm");
       m_ShieldMaterial = ctarget[0]->GetString("ShieldMaterial");
-    else {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: CryogenicTarget token list incomplete, check your input file" << std::endl;
+    else{
+      std::cout<< "ERROR: CryogenicTarget token list incomplete, check your input file" << std::endl;
-  else {
+  else{
     std::cout << "ERROR: One and only one target shall be declared in your detector file" << std::endl;
@@ -216,18 +217,23 @@ void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path) {
   /////////// Search for Detectors ///////////
   // Get the list of main token
+  std::cout<< "test detec mana 1" << std::endl;
   std::vector<std::string> token = parser.GetAllBlocksToken();
+  std::cout<< "test detec mana 2 " << token.size() << std::endl;
   // Look for detectors among them
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < token.size(); i++) {
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < token.size() ; i++){
     VDetector* detector = theFactory->Construct(token[i]);
     VTreeReader* Reader = theFactory->ConstructReader(token[i]);
-    if (detector != NULL && check.find(token[i]) == check.end()) {
-      if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel()) {
+    std::cout << "test detec mana 3 " << detector << std::endl;
+    if(detector!=NULL && check.find(token[i])==check.end()){
+      if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel()){
         std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "//// Adding Detector " << token[i] << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "//// Adding Detector " << token[i] << std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "TEST COUCOU" << std::endl; 
-      if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
+    std::cout << "TEST COUCOU 2" << std::endl; 
+      if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
         std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
       // Add array to the VDetector Vector
@@ -235,17 +241,31 @@ void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path) {
       AddDetectorReader(token[i], Reader);
-    else if (detector != NULL) {
+    else if(detector!=NULL){
       delete detector;
       delete Reader;
+    //std::cout << "Reader adress : " << Reader << std::endl;
+    //if(Reader!=NULL && check.find(token[i])==check.end()){
+    //  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel()){
+    //    std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
+    //    std::cout << "//// Adding Reader " << token[i] << std::endl; 
+    //    std::cout << "/////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
+    //  }
+    //  // Add array to the VDetector Vector
+    //  AddDetectorReader(token[i], Reader);
+    //  //check.insert(token[i]);
+    //}
+    //else if(Reader!=NULL)
+    //  delete Reader;
+  std::cout << "Readersize : " << m_DetectorReader.size() << std::endl;
   // Now That the detector lib are loaded, we can instantiate the root input
   std::string runToReadfileName = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetRunToReadFile();
   // If Requiered, they can also instiantiate their control histogramm
-  if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetGenerateHistoOption())
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetGenerateHistoOption())
   // The calibration Manager got all the parameter added, so it can load them from the calibration file
@@ -253,154 +273,207 @@ void NPL::DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(std::string Path) {
   // Start the thread if multithreading supported
 #if __cplusplus > 199711L && NPMULTITHREADING
+  std::cout << "Test init POOL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::SetTreeReader(TTreeReader* TreeReader) {
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator begin = m_Detector.begin();
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator end = m_Detector.end();
-  for (it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::SetTreeReader(TTreeReader* TreeReader){
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator begin=m_Detector.begin();
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator end= m_Detector.end();
+  for (it =begin; it != end; ++it) {
-void NPL::DetectorManager::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::BuildPhysicalEvent(){
+  //std::cout << "Test Build ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
 #if __cplusplus > 199711L && NPMULTITHREADING
-  // add new job
-  m_mtx.lock();
-  m_Ready.flip();
-  m_mtx.unlock();
-  std::this_thread::yield();
+    // add new job
+    m_mtx.lock();
+    m_Ready.flip();
+    m_mtx.unlock();
+    std::this_thread::yield();
-  while (!IsDone()) {
+  while(!IsDone()){
-  }
+    }
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator begin = m_Detector.begin();
-  static std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator end = m_Detector.end();
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator begin=m_Detector.begin();
+  static std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator end= m_Detector.end();
-  for (it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
+  //static std::map<std::string,VTreeReader*>::iterator it;
+  //static std::map<std::string,VTreeReader*>::iterator begin=m_DetectorReader.begin();
+  //static std::map<std::string,VTreeReader*>::iterator end= m_DetectorReader.end();
+  for (it =begin; it != end; ++it) {
-    (it->second->*m_FillSpectra)();
-    if (m_CheckSpectra) {
-      (it->second->*m_CheckSpectra)();
-    }
+    //  (it->second->*m_FillSpectra)();
+    //  if(m_CheckSpectra) {
+    //    (it->second->*m_CheckSpectra)();
+    //}
-void NPL::DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::InitializeRootInput(){
-  if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetDisableAllBranchOption())
-    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("*", false);
+  if( NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetDisableAllBranchOption() )
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus ( "*" , false ) ;
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
-    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
+  //std::cout << "m_DetectorReader size : " << m_DetectorReader.size() << std::endl;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
+    //m_DetectorReader.begin()->second->InitializeRootInputPhysics();
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){ 
+      std::cout << "Test input" << std::endl;
   else // Default Case
-    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
+    //m_DetectorReader.begin()->second->InitializeRootInputRaw();
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){
+      std::cout << "Test input" << std::endl;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::InitializeRootOutput() {
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+void NPL::DetectorManager::InitializeRootOutput(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  if (!NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
-    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
+  if(!NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption())
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){
+      std::cout << "Test output" << std::endl; 
-void NPL::DetectorManager::AddDetector(std::string DetectorName, VDetector* newDetector) {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::InitializeRootHistogramsCalib(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsCalibration())
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){
+      std::cout << "Test calib output" << std::endl; 
+      (it->second->*m_InitializeRootHistogramsCalibPtr)();
+    }
+  else{
+    std::cout << "Warning : IsCalibration not recognized, output file not initialized" << std::endl;
+  }
+void NPL::DetectorManager::FillHistogramsCalib(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsCalibration())
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){
+      (it->second->*m_FillHistogramsCalibPtr)();
+    }
+  else{
+    std::cout << "Warning : IsCalibration not recognized, Fill not working" << std::endl;
+  }
+void NPL::DetectorManager::WriteHistogramsCalib(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsCalibration())
+    for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){
+      std::cout << "Test Write Histograms" << std::endl; 
+      (it->second->*m_WriteHistogramsCalibPtr)();
+    }
+  else{
+    std::cout << "Warning : IsCalibration not recognized, Write not working" << std::endl;
+  }
+void NPL::DetectorManager::AddDetector(std::string DetectorName , VDetector* newDetector){
   m_Detector[DetectorName] = newDetector;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::AddDetectorReader(std::string DetectorName, VTreeReader* newDetector) {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::AddDetectorReader(std::string DetectorName , VTreeReader* newDetector){
   m_DetectorReader[DetectorName] = newDetector;
-NPL::VDetector* NPL::DetectorManager::GetDetector(std::string name) {
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+NPL::VDetector* NPL::DetectorManager::GetDetector(std::string name){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
   it = m_Detector.find(name);
-  if (it != m_Detector.end())
-    return it->second;
-  else {
+  if ( it!=m_Detector.end() ) return it->second;
+  else{
     std::cout << std::endl;
     std::cout << "**********************************       Error       **********************************" << std::endl;
     std::cout << " No Detector " << name << " found in the Detector Manager" << std::endl;
     std::cout << " Available Detectors: " << std::endl;
-    for (std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator i = m_Detector.begin(); i != m_Detector.end(); ++i) {
+    for(std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator i = m_Detector.begin(); i != m_Detector.end(); ++i) {
       std::cout << "\t" << i->first << std::endl;
     std::cout << "***************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
     std::cout << std::endl;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::ClearEventPhysics() {
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it)
+void NPL::DetectorManager::ClearEventPhysics(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
-void NPL::DetectorManager::ClearEventData() {
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+void NPL::DetectorManager::ClearEventData(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
   for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it)
-void NPL::DetectorManager::InitSpectra() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::InitSpectra(){
   bool batch = false;
-  if (gROOT) {
+  if(gROOT){
     batch = gROOT->IsBatch();
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it)
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
-  if (gROOT && !batch)
+  if(gROOT&&!batch)
-void NPL::DetectorManager::WriteSpectra() {
-  std::cout << std::endl << "\r \033[1;36m *** Writing Spectra: this may take a while ***\033[0m" << std::flush;
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it)
+void NPL::DetectorManager::WriteSpectra(){
+  std::cout << std::endl << "\r \033[1;36m *** Writing Spectra: this may take a while ***\033[0m"<<std::flush;
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) 
-  std::cout << "\r                                                  " << std::flush;
+  std::cout << "\r                                                  " << std::flush; 
-std::vector<std::map<std::string, TH1*>> NPL::DetectorManager::GetSpectra() {
-  std::vector<std::map<std::string, TH1*>> myVector;
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+std::vector< std::map< std::string, TH1* > > NPL::DetectorManager::GetSpectra(){
+  std::vector< std::map< std::string, TH1* > > myVector;
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
   // loop on detectors
   for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
@@ -410,10 +483,10 @@ std::vector<std::map<std::string, TH1*>> NPL::DetectorManager::GetSpectra() {
-std::vector<std::string> NPL::DetectorManager::GetDetectorList() {
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
+std::vector<std::string> NPL::DetectorManager::GetDetectorList(){
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
   std::vector<std::string> DetectorList;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) { 
@@ -422,147 +495,154 @@ std::vector<std::string> NPL::DetectorManager::GetDetectorList() {
 #if __cplusplus > 199711L && NPMULTITHREADING
-void NPL::DetectorManager::InitThreadPool() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::InitThreadPool(){
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  m_Ready.resize(m_Detector.size(), false);
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  std::cout << "Test Detector size : " << m_Detector.size() << std::endl;
+  m_Ready.resize(m_Detector.size(),false);
   unsigned int i = 0;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
-    m_ThreadPool.push_back(std::thread(&NPL::DetectorManager::StartThread, this, it->second, i++));
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) { 
+    m_ThreadPool.push_back( std::thread( &NPL::DetectorManager::StartThread,this,it->second,i++) );
   m_stop = false;
-  for (auto& th : m_ThreadPool) {
+  for(auto& th: m_ThreadPool){
-  std::cout << "\033[1;33m**** Detector Manager : Started " << i << " Threads ****\033[0m" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "\033[1;33m**** Detector Manager : Started " << i << " Threads ****\033[0m" << std::endl ;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::StartThread(NPL::VDetector* det, unsigned int id) {
-  // Let the main thread start
+void NPL::DetectorManager::StartThread(NPL::VDetector* det,unsigned int id){ 
+  // Let the main thread start 
-  while (true) {
+  while(true){
     // Do the job if possible
-    if (m_Ready[id]) {
+    if(m_Ready[id]){
+  //std::cout << "Test Build 2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
       // Do the job
-      if (m_FillSpectra) {
-        (det->*m_FillSpectra)();
-        if (m_CheckSpectra)
-          (det->*m_CheckSpectra)();
-      }
-      m_mtx.lock();
-      m_Ready[id].flip();
-      m_mtx.unlock();
-      std::this_thread::yield();
-    }
-    else {
-      //    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
-      std::this_thread::yield();
-    }
+      //if(m_FillSpectra){
+      //  (reader->*m_FillSpectra)();
+      // if(m_CheckSpectra)
+      //    (reader->*m_CheckSpectra)();
+      //}
+     m_mtx.lock();
+     m_Ready[id].flip();
+     m_mtx.unlock();
+     std::this_thread::yield();
+   }
+   else{
+//    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+    std::this_thread::yield();
+   }
     // Return if stopped
-    if (m_stop) {
+    if(m_stop){
-    }
-  }
+      }
+  }   
-void NPL::DetectorManager::StopThread() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::StopThread(){
   // make sure the last thread are schedule before stopping;
-  m_stop = true;
+  m_stop=true;
-bool NPL::DetectorManager::IsDone() {
+bool NPL::DetectorManager::IsDone(){
   static std::vector<bool>::iterator it;
-  static std::vector<bool>::iterator begin = m_Ready.begin();
+  static std::vector<bool>::iterator begin = m_Ready.begin(); 
   static std::vector<bool>::iterator end = m_Ready.end();
-  unsigned int i = 0;
-  for (it = begin; it != end; it++) {
-    if ((*it))
+  unsigned int i = 0 ;
+  for( it = begin ; it!=end ; it++){
+    //std::cout << i++ << " " << *it << std::endl;
+    if((*it))
       return false;
   return true;
-void NPL::DetectorManager::SetSpectraServer() {
+void NPL::DetectorManager::SetSpectraServer(){
   m_SpectraServer = NPL::SpectraServer::getInstance();
-  std::map<std::string, VDetector*>::iterator it;
-  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it) {
+  std::map<std::string,VDetector*>::iterator it;
+  for (it = m_Detector.begin(); it != m_Detector.end(); ++it){ 
     std::vector<TCanvas*> canvas = it->second->GetCanvas();
     size_t mysize = canvas.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mysize; i++) {
-    }
-    // m_SpectraServer->AddCanvas(canvas[i]);
+    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mysize ; i++){} 
+    //m_SpectraServer->AddCanvas(canvas[i]);
   // Avoid warning on gcc
   // int r;
-  // r=system("nponline localhost 9092 & ");
-  m_SpectraServer->CheckRequest();
+  //r=system("nponline localhost 9092 & ");
+  m_SpectraServer->CheckRequest(); 
-void NPL::DetectorManager::StopSpectraServer() {
-  if (m_SpectraServer)
+void NPL::DetectorManager::StopSpectraServer(){
+  if(m_SpectraServer)
-    std::cout << "WARNING: requesting to stop spectra server, which is not started" << std::endl;
+    std::cout <<"WARNING: requesting to stop spectra server, which is not started" << std::endl; 
-void NPL::DetectorManager::CheckSpectraServer() {
-  if (m_SpectraServer)
+void NPL::DetectorManager::CheckSpectraServer(){
+  if(m_SpectraServer)
-    std::cout << "WARNING: requesting to check spectra server, which is not started" << std::endl;
+    std::cout <<"WARNING: requesting to check spectra server, which is not started" << std::endl; 
-void NPL::DetectorManager::FillOutputTree() {
+void  NPL::DetectorManager::FillOutputTree(){
+  //std::cout << "Root Output " << m_RootOutput << std::endl;
-bool NPL::DetectorManager::IsCryogenic() const { return m_CryoTarget; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetThickness() const { return m_TargetThickness; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetNominalTargetThickness() const { return m_TargetThickness; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetDensity() const { return m_TargetDensity; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontDeformation() const { return m_FrontDeformation; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontThickness() const { return m_FrontThickness; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontRadius() const { return m_FrontRadius; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontMaterial() const { return m_FrontMaterial; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackDeformation() const { return m_BackDeformation; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackRadius() const { return m_BackRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackThickness() const { return m_BackThickness; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackMaterial() const { return m_BackMaterial; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameRadius() const { return m_FrameRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameThickness() const { return m_FrameThickness; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontCone() const { return m_FrontCone; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackCone() const { return m_BackCone; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameMaterial() const { return m_FrameMaterial; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldInnerRadius() const { return m_ShieldInnerRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldOuterRadius() const { return m_ShieldOuterRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldBottomLength() const { return m_ShieldBottomLength; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldTopLength() const { return m_ShieldTopLength; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldFrontRadius() const { return m_ShieldFrontRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldBackRadius() const { return m_ShieldBackRadius; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldMaterial() const { return m_ShieldMaterial; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetMaterial() const { return m_TargetMaterial; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetWindowsThickness() const { return m_WindowsThickness; };
-std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetWindowsMaterial() const { return m_WindowsMaterial; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetRadius() const { return m_TargetRadius; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetAngle() const { return m_TargetAngle; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetX() const { return m_TargetX; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetY() const { return m_TargetY; };
-double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetZ() const { return m_TargetZ; };
+bool NPL::DetectorManager::IsCryogenic() const {return  m_CryoTarget;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetThickness() const {return m_TargetThickness;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetNominalTargetThickness() const {return  m_TargetThickness;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetDensity() const {return  m_TargetDensity;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontDeformation() const {return  m_FrontDeformation;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontThickness() const {return  m_FrontThickness;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontRadius() const {return  m_FrontRadius;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontMaterial() const {return  m_FrontMaterial;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackDeformation() const {return  m_BackDeformation;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackRadius() const {return  m_BackRadius;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackThickness() const {return  m_BackThickness;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackMaterial() const {return  m_BackMaterial;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameRadius() const {return  m_FrameRadius;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameThickness() const {return  m_FrameThickness;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrontCone() const {return  m_FrontCone;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetBackCone() const {return  m_BackCone;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetFrameMaterial() const {return  m_FrameMaterial;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldInnerRadius() const {return  m_ShieldInnerRadius;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldOuterRadius() const {return  m_ShieldOuterRadius;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldBottomLength() const {return  m_ShieldBottomLength;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldTopLength() const {return  m_ShieldTopLength;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldFrontRadius() const {return  m_ShieldFrontRadius;}; 
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldBackRadius() const {return  m_ShieldBackRadius;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetShieldMaterial() const {return  m_ShieldMaterial;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetMaterial() const {return m_TargetMaterial;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetWindowsThickness() const {return m_WindowsThickness;};
+std::string NPL::DetectorManager::GetWindowsMaterial() const {return m_WindowsMaterial;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetRadius() const {return m_TargetRadius;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetAngle() const {return m_TargetAngle;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetX() const {return m_TargetX;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetY() const {return m_TargetY;};
+double NPL::DetectorManager::GetTargetZ() const {return m_TargetZ;}; 
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.h b/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.h
index a7a4d78d8aac1c547ef41f950dc30c7ccdb7e98b..8a4e65bb5d6146d75ea46a707dfafe9ef43c9f52 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Core/NPDetectorManager.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ typedef void(NPL::VDetector::*VDetector_FuncPtr)(void);
 typedef void(NPL::VTreeReader::*VTreeReader_FuncPtr)(void);
 typedef void(NPL::VDetector::*VDetector_SetReader)(TTreeReader*);
 typedef bool(NPL::VDetector::*VDetector_Unallocate)(void);
+//typedef void(NPL::VTreeReader::*VTreeReader_SetReader)(TTreeReader*);
 // This class manage a std::map of virtual detector
 namespace NPL{
   class DetectorManager{
@@ -56,6 +57,9 @@ namespace NPL{
       void        BuildPhysicalEvent();
       void        InitializeRootInput();
       void        InitializeRootOutput();
+      void        InitializeRootHistogramsCalib();
+      void        FillHistogramsCalib();
+      void        WriteHistogramsCalib();
       void        SetTreeReader(TTreeReader* TreeReader);
       void        AddDetector(std::string,VDetector*);
       void        AddDetectorReader(std::string,VTreeReader*);
@@ -97,6 +101,9 @@ namespace NPL{
       VDetector_FuncPtr m_InitializeRootInputPhysicsPtr;
       VDetector_FuncPtr m_InitializeRootInputRawPtr;
       VDetector_FuncPtr m_InitializeRootOutputPtr;
+      VDetector_FuncPtr m_InitializeRootHistogramsCalibPtr;
+      VDetector_FuncPtr m_FillHistogramsCalibPtr;
+      VDetector_FuncPtr m_WriteHistogramsCalibPtr;
       VDetector_SetReader m_SetTreeReaderPtr;
       VDetector_FuncPtr m_FillSpectra;
       VDetector_FuncPtr m_CheckSpectra;
@@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ namespace NPL{
     public: // Init the Thread Pool
       void StopThread();
       void StartThread(NPL::VDetector*,unsigned int);
+      //void StartThread(NPL::VTreeReader*,unsigned int);
       void InitThreadPool(); 
       bool IsDone();
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.cxx b/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.cxx
index 77d9b17aefc510088b6fbbe29e1d8ba2893f0941..64eb1da35e55e1962a26217be25a0ee7ff2eeca9 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.cxx
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-; /*****************************************************************************
-   * Copyright (C) 2009-2016   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
-   *                                                                           *
-   * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
-   * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
-   *****************************************************************************/
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2016   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
  * Original Author: A. MATTA  contact address: matta@lpccaen.in2p3.fr        *
@@ -21,110 +21,113 @@
 #include "NPOptionManager.h"
-#include "NPCore.h"
-#include "NPInputParser.h"
 #include "NPLibVersion.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
+#include "NPInputParser.h"
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
 #include <vector>
-NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::instance = 0;
+NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::instance = 0 ;
-NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::getInstance(int argc, char** argv) {
-  if (instance == 0)
-    instance = new NPOptionManager(argc, argv);
+NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::getInstance(int argc, char** argv){
+  if (instance == 0) instance = new NPOptionManager(argc, argv);
-  return instance;
+  return instance ;
-NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::getInstance(std::string arg) {
+NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::getInstance(std::string arg){
+  if (instance == 0) instance = new NPOptionManager(arg);
-  if (instance == 0)
-    instance = new NPOptionManager(arg);
+  return instance ;
-  return instance;
-void NPOptionManager::ReadProjectConfigFile() {
-  // check if the file exist
-  std::ifstream ProjectFile;
-  ProjectFile.open("./project.config");
+void NPOptionManager::ReadProjectConfigFile(){
+ // check if the file exist
+ std::ifstream ProjectFile;
+ ProjectFile.open("./project.config");
-  if (ProjectFile.is_open()) {
+ if(ProjectFile.is_open()){
     std::cout << "///// Loading Project Configuration: " << std::endl;
     NPL::InputParser parser("./project.config");
     std::vector<NPL::InputBlock*> blocks = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("Project");
     unsigned int size = blocks.size();
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      if (blocks[i]->HasToken("AnalysisOutput"))
-        m_AnalysisOutputPath = blocks[i]->GetString("AnalysisOutput");
-      if (blocks[i]->HasToken("SimulationOutput"))
-        m_SimulationOutputPath = blocks[i]->GetString("SimulationOutput");
-      if (blocks[i]->HasToken("EnergyLoss"))
-        m_EnergyLossPath = blocks[i]->GetString("EnergyLoss");
+    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
+      if(blocks[i]->HasToken("AnalysisOutput"))
+        m_AnalysisOutputPath = blocks[i]->GetString("AnalysisOutput"); 
+      if(blocks[i]->HasToken("SimulationOutput"))
+        m_SimulationOutputPath = blocks[i]->GetString("SimulationOutput"); 
+      if(blocks[i]->HasToken("CalibrationOutput"))
+        m_CalibrationOutputPath = blocks[i]->GetString("CalibrationOutput"); 
+      if(blocks[i]->HasToken("EnergyLoss"))
+        m_EnergyLossPath = blocks[i]->GetString("EnergyLoss"); 
-  }
-  // else use the standard config
-  else {
-    std::cout << "///// No Project Configuration: " << std::endl;
-    std::string Path = getenv("NPTOOL");
-    m_AnalysisOutputPath = Path + "/Outputs/Analysis/";
-    m_SimulationOutputPath = Path + "/Outputs/Simulation/";
-    m_EnergyLossPath = Path + "/Inputs/EnergyLoss/";
-    std::cout << "AnalysisOutput= " << m_AnalysisOutputPath << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "SimulationOutput= " << m_SimulationOutputPath << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "EnergyLoss= " << m_EnergyLossPath << std::endl;
-  }
+ } 
+ // else use the standard config
+ else{
+  std::cout << "///// No Project Configuration: " << std::endl;
+  std::string Path = getenv("NPTOOL");
+  m_AnalysisOutputPath=Path+"/Outputs/Analysis/";
+  m_SimulationOutputPath=Path+"/Outputs/Simulation/";
+  m_CalibrationOutputPath=Path+"/Outputs/Calibration/";
+  m_EnergyLossPath=Path+"/Inputs/EnergyLoss/";
+  std::cout << "AnalysisOutput= " << m_AnalysisOutputPath << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "SimulationOutput= " << m_SimulationOutputPath << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "CalibrationOutput= " << m_CalibrationOutputPath << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "EnergyLoss= " << m_EnergyLossPath << std::endl;
+ }
-void NPOptionManager::ReadTheInputArgument(int argc, char** argv) {
-  if (argc == 1)
+void NPOptionManager::ReadTheInputArgument(int argc, char** argv){
+  if(argc==1)
   // Default Setting
-  fDefaultReactionFileName = "defaultReaction.reaction";
-  fDefaultDetectorFileName = "defaultDetector.detector";
-  fDefaultOutputFileName = "SimulatedTree.root";
-  fDefaultOutputTreeName = "NPTool_Tree";
-  fDefaultRunToReadFileName = "defaultRunToTreat.txt";
+  fDefaultReactionFileName    = "defaultReaction.reaction";
+  fDefaultDetectorFileName    = "defaultDetector.detector";
+  fDefaultOutputFileName      = "SimulatedTree.root";
+  fDefaultOutputTreeName      = "NPTool_Tree";
+  fDefaultRunToReadFileName   = "defaultRunToTreat.txt";
   fDefaultCalibrationFileName = "defaultCalibration.txt";
-  fDefaultG4MacroPath = "defaultG4MacroPath.txt";
+  fDefaultG4MacroPath         = "defaultG4MacroPath.txt";
   // Assigned values
-  fReactionFileName = fDefaultReactionFileName;
-  fDetectorFileName = fDefaultDetectorFileName;
-  fOutputFileName = fDefaultOutputFileName;
-  fOutputTreeName = fDefaultOutputTreeName;
-  fRunToReadFileName = fDefaultRunToReadFileName;
-  fCalibrationFileName = fDefaultCalibrationFileName;
-  fG4MacroPath = fDefaultG4MacroPath;
+  fReactionFileName           = fDefaultReactionFileName;
+  fDetectorFileName           = fDefaultDetectorFileName;
+  fOutputFileName             = fDefaultOutputFileName;
+  fOutputTreeName             = fDefaultOutputTreeName;
+  fRunToReadFileName          = fDefaultRunToReadFileName;
+  fCalibrationFileName        = fDefaultCalibrationFileName;
+  fG4MacroPath                = fDefaultG4MacroPath;
   fIsSplit = false;
-  fLastSimFile = false;
+  fLastSimFile = false; 
   fLastPhyFile = false;
   fLastResFile = false;
   fLastAnyFile = false;
-  fIsAnalysis = false;
-  fIsSimulation = false;
-  fVerboseLevel = 1;
-  fNumberOfEntryToAnalyse = -1;
-  fFirstEntryToAnalyse = 0;
-  fSpectraServerPort = 9092;
-  fRandomSeed = -1;
-  fRecordTrack = 0;
+  fIsAnalysis  = false;
+  fIsSimulation= false;
+  fVerboseLevel               = 1;
+  fNumberOfEntryToAnalyse     = -1;
+	fFirstEntryToAnalyse        = 0;
+  fSpectraServerPort          = 9092;
+  fRandomSeed                 = -1;
+  fRecordTrack                = 0;
   fDisableAllBranchOption = false;
   fInputPhysicalTreeOption = false;
-  fGenerateHistoOption = false;
+  fGenerateHistoOption = false ;
   fCircularTree = false;
   fOnline = false;
   fG4BatchMode = false;
@@ -140,206 +143,160 @@ void NPOptionManager::ReadTheInputArgument(int argc, char** argv) {
   fSharedLibExtension = ".dylib";
   for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
     std::string argument = argv[i];
-    if (argument == "-H" || argument == "-h" || argument == "--help")
-      DisplayHelp();
+    if (argument == "-H" || argument == "-h" || argument == "--help") DisplayHelp();
-    else if (argument == "--event-generator" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fReactionFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--event-generator" && argc >= i + 1)    fReactionFileName    = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-E" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fReactionFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-E" && argc >= i + 1)                   fReactionFileName    = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "--detector" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fDetectorFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--detector" && argc >= i + 1)           fDetectorFileName    = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-D" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fDetectorFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-D" && argc >= i + 1)                   fDetectorFileName    = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "--output" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fOutputFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--output" && argc >= i + 1)             fOutputFileName      = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-O" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fOutputFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-O" && argc >= i + 1)                   fOutputFileName      = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "--tree-name" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fOutputTreeName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--tree-name" && argc >= i + 1)          fOutputTreeName      = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "--run" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fRunToReadFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--run" && argc >= i + 1)                fRunToReadFileName   = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-R" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fRunToReadFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-R" && argc >= i + 1)                   fRunToReadFileName   = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-T" && argc >= i + 2) {
-      std::string file = argv[++i];
-      std::string tree = argv[++i];
-      CreateRunToTreatFile(file, tree);
-    }
+    else if (argument == "-T" && argc >= i + 2)                   { std::string file = argv[++i] ; std::string tree = argv[++i]; CreateRunToTreatFile(file,tree);}
-    else if (argument == "--cal" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fCalibrationFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "--cal" && argc >= i + 1)                fCalibrationFileName = argv[++i] ;
+    else if (argument == "-S" && argc >= i + 1)                   fIsSplit=true; 
-    else if (argument == "-S" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fIsSplit = true;
+    else if (argument == "-C" && argc >= i + 1)                   fCalibrationFileName = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-C" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fCalibrationFileName = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-M" && argc >= i + 1)                   fG4MacroPath = argv[++i] ;
-    else if (argument == "-M" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fG4MacroPath = argv[++i];
+    else if (argument == "-B" && argc >= i + 1)                   {fG4MacroPath = argv[++i] ;fG4BatchMode=true;}
-    else if (argument == "-B" && argc >= i + 1) {
-      fG4MacroPath = argv[++i];
-      fG4BatchMode = true;
-    }
+    else if (argument == "-V"  && argc >= i + 1)                  fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[++i]) ;
-    else if (argument == "-V" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "--verbose" && argc >= i + 1)            fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[++i]) ;
-    else if (argument == "--verbose" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "-P"  && argc >= i + 1)                  fSpectraServerPort = atoi(argv[++i]) ;
-    else if (argument == "-P" && argc >= i + 1)
-      fSpectraServerPort = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "--disable-branch")                      fDisableAllBranchOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--disable-branch")
-      fDisableAllBranchOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "--input-physical")                      fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--input-physical")
-      fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "-IP")                                   fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "-IP")
-      fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "-GH")                                   fGenerateHistoOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "-GH")
-      fGenerateHistoOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "-CH")                                   fCheckHistoOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "-CH")
-      fCheckHistoOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "-check-histo")                          fCheckHistoOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "-check-histo")
-      fCheckHistoOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "--generate-histo")                      fGenerateHistoOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--generate-histo")
-      fGenerateHistoOption = true;
+    else if (argument == "-L")                                    fNumberOfEntryToAnalyse = atoi(argv[++i]) ;
-    else if (argument == "-L")
-      fNumberOfEntryToAnalyse = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "--random-seed")                         fRandomSeed = atoi(argv[++i]) ;
-    else if (argument == "--random-seed")
-      fRandomSeed = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "--record-track")                        fRecordTrack = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--record-track")
-      fRecordTrack = true;
+		else if (argument == "-F")                                    fFirstEntryToAnalyse = atoi(argv[++i]);
-    else if (argument == "-F")
-      fFirstEntryToAnalyse = atoi(argv[++i]);
+    else if (argument == "--last-sim")                            fLastSimFile = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--last-sim")
-      fLastSimFile = true;
+    else if (argument == "--last-phy")                            fLastPhyFile = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--last-phy")
-      fLastPhyFile = true;
+    else if (argument == "--last-res")                            fLastResFile = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--last-res")
-      fLastResFile = true;
+    else if (argument == "--last-any")                            fLastAnyFile = true ;
-    else if (argument == "--last-any")
-      fLastAnyFile = true;
+    else if (argument == "--online")                              {fOnline = true ;fGenerateHistoOption=true;}
-    else if (argument == "--online") {
-      fOnline = true;
-      fGenerateHistoOption = true;
-    }
+    else if (argument == "--circular")                            {fCircularTree = true;}
-    else if (argument == "--circular") {
-      fCircularTree = true;
-    }
-    else if (argument == "--definition" && argc >= i + 1) {
-      std::string def = argv[++i];
-      fDefinition.insert(def);
-    }
+    else if (argument == "--definition" && argc >= i + 1)         {std::string def= argv[++i];fDefinition.insert(def);}
-    else {
-      SendErrorAndExit(argument.c_str());
+    else{
+    SendErrorAndExit(argument.c_str()); 
-  if (argc != 0)
+  if(argc!=0)
-void NPOptionManager::CreateRunToTreatFile(std::string file, std::string tree) {
-  char buffer[1024];
-  sprintf(buffer, "/tmp/RunToTreat_%d.txt", getpid());
-  std::ofstream run(buffer);
-  if (!run.is_open())
+void NPOptionManager::CreateRunToTreatFile(std::string file, std::string tree){
+  std::ofstream run(".RunToTreat.txt");
+  if(!run.is_open())
   run << "Tree " << tree << std::endl;
   run << " " << file << std::endl << std::endl;
-  fRunToReadFileName = buffer;
+  fRunToReadFileName=".RunToTreat.txt";
+  }
-void NPOptionManager::DisplayVersion() {
-  if (fVerboseLevel > 0) {
+void NPOptionManager::DisplayVersion(){
+  if(fVerboseLevel>0){
     std::string line;
-    line.resize(80, '*');
+    line.resize(80,'*');
     std::cout << line << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "***********************************  NPTool  ***********************************" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "***********************************  NPTool  ***********************************"<< std::endl;
     std::cout << line << std::endl;
-    std::cout << " NPLib version: nplib-" << NPL::version_major << "-" << NPL::version_minor << "-" << NPL::version_deta
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << " Copyright: NPTool Collaboration " << std::endl;
-    std::cout << " Gitlab: https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/np/nptool" << std::endl;
-    ;
+    std::cout << " NPLib version: nplib-"<< NPL::version_major <<"-" << NPL::version_minor << "-" << NPL::version_deta <<std::endl;
+    std::cout << " Copyright: NPTool Collaboration "<<std::endl;
+    std::cout << " Gitlab: https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/np/nptool"<<std::endl; ;
     std::cout << line << std::endl;
-NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv) {
+NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv){
   // Start by reading the project configuration
-  ReadTheInputArgument(argc, argv);
+  ReadTheInputArgument(argc,argv);
-NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(std::string arg) {
+NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(std::string arg){  
   // add dummy string in front of arg string
   arg.insert(0, "ignore ");
-  std::vector<char*> args;
+  std::vector<char *> args;
   std::stringstream iss(arg);
   std::string token;
-  while (iss >> token) {
-    char* arg = new char[token.size() + 1];
+  while(iss >> token) {
+    char *arg = new char[token.size() + 1];
     copy(token.begin(), token.end(), arg);
     arg[token.size()] = '\0';
-  ReadTheInputArgument(args.size() - 1, &args[0]);
+  ReadTheInputArgument(args.size()-1, &args[0]);
   /*  for(size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
       delete[] args[i];
-void NPOptionManager::CheckArguments() {
+void NPOptionManager::CheckArguments(){
-void NPOptionManager::CheckEventGenerator() {
+void NPOptionManager::CheckEventGenerator(){
   bool checkFile = true;
   // NPTool path
@@ -353,14 +310,14 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckEventGenerator() {
   if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {
-    if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) { // if not, assign standard path
+    if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, assign standard path
       checkFile = false;
     else {
       fReactionFileName = StandardPath;
-  if (!checkFile && fReactionFileName != fDefaultReactionFileName) { // if file does not exist
+  if (!checkFile && fReactionFileName != fDefaultReactionFileName) {   // if file does not exist
@@ -369,7 +326,7 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckEventGenerator() {
-void NPOptionManager::CheckDetectorConfiguration() {
+void NPOptionManager::CheckDetectorConfiguration(){
   bool checkFile = true;
   // NPTool path
@@ -383,69 +340,66 @@ void NPOptionManager::CheckDetectorConfiguration() {
   if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {
-    if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) { // if not, assign standard path
+    if (!ConfigFile.is_open()) {  // if not, assign standard path
       checkFile = false;
     else {
       fDetectorFileName = StandardPath;
-  if (!checkFile && fDetectorFileName != fDefaultDetectorFileName) { // if file does not exist
+  if (!checkFile && fDetectorFileName != fDefaultDetectorFileName) {   // if file does not exist
   // close ConfigFile
-void NPOptionManager::CheckG4Macro() {
-  if (IsDefault("G4MacroPath"))
-    return;
+void NPOptionManager::CheckG4Macro(){
+  if(IsDefault("G4MacroPath"))
+    return ;
   // ifstream to configfile
-  std::ifstream MacroFile(fG4MacroPath);
+  std::ifstream MacroFile( fG4MacroPath );
   if (!MacroFile.is_open()) {
 // This method tests if the input files are the default ones
-bool NPOptionManager::IsDefault(const char* type) const {
+bool NPOptionManager::IsDefault(const char* type) const{
   bool result = false;
   std::string stype = type;
   if (stype == "EventGenerator") {
-    if (fReactionFileName == fDefaultReactionFileName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fReactionFileName == fDefaultReactionFileName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "DetectorConfiguration") {
-    if (fDetectorFileName == fDefaultDetectorFileName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fDetectorFileName == fDefaultDetectorFileName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "Calibration") {
-    if (fCalibrationFileName == fDefaultCalibrationFileName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fCalibrationFileName == fDefaultCalibrationFileName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "RunToTreat") {
-    if (fRunToReadFileName == fDefaultRunToReadFileName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fRunToReadFileName == fDefaultRunToReadFileName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "OutputFileName") {
-    if (fOutputFileName == fDefaultOutputFileName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fOutputFileName == fDefaultOutputFileName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "TreeName") {
-    if (fOutputTreeName == fDefaultOutputTreeName)
-      result = true;
+    if (fOutputTreeName == fDefaultOutputTreeName) result = true;
   else if (stype == "G4MacroPath") {
-    if (fG4MacroPath == fDefaultG4MacroPath)
-      result = true;
+    if (fG4MacroPath== fDefaultG4MacroPath) result = true;
   else {
     std::cout << "NPOptionManager::IsDefault() unkwown keyword" << std::endl;
@@ -453,9 +407,10 @@ bool NPOptionManager::IsDefault(const char* type) const {
   return result;
 // This method tests if the input files are the default ones
-void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const {
+void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const{
   std::string stype = type;
   if (stype == "EventGenerator") {
     std::cout << std::endl;
@@ -467,12 +422,9 @@ void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const {
   else if (stype == "DetectorConfiguration") {
     std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************"
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "* No detector geometry file found in $NPTool/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration or local directories *"
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "*****************************************************************************************"
-              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "* No detector geometry file found in $NPTool/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration or local directories *" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "*****************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
     std::cout << std::endl;
@@ -482,12 +434,9 @@ void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const {
   else if (stype == "G4MacroPath") {
     std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************"
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "*                  No Geant4 macro file found in the provided path                      *"
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "*****************************************************************************************"
-              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "***********************************       Error       ***********************************" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "*                  No Geant4 macro file found in the provided path                      *" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "*****************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
     std::cout << std::endl;
@@ -498,75 +447,73 @@ void NPOptionManager::SendErrorAndExit(const char* type) const {
-void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp() {
+void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp(){
-  std::cout << std::endl << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << std::endl << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "List of Option " << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--help -H -h\t\t\tDisplay this help message" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--detector -D <arg>\t\tSet arg as the detector configuration file" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--event-generator -E <arg>\tSet arg as the event generator file" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--output -O <arg>\t\tSet arg as the Output File Name (output tree)" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--tree-name <arg>\t\tSet arg as the Output Tree Name " << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--definition <definition> \tAdd <definition> to the list of definition" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-S \t\t\t\tOne tree output per detector" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--verbose -V <arg>\t\tSet the verbose level, 0 for nothing, 1 for normal printout." << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t\t\t\t\tError and warning are not affected" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << std::endl << "NPAnalysis only:" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--run -R <arg>\t\t\tSet arg as the run to read file list" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-T <name> <file>\t\tTree <name> from root file <file>" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--cal -C <arg>\t\t\tSet arg as the calibration file list" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--disable-branch\t\tDisable of branch of Input tree except the one of the detector (faster)"
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--generate-histo -GH\t\tInstantiate the T*Spectra class of each detector" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--check-histo -CH\t\tCheck if the Histogram looks ok and change there color if not" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--input-physical -IP\t\tConsider the Input file is containing Physics Class." << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-L <arg>\t\t\tLimit the number of events to be analysed to arg" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-F <arg>\t\t\tSet the first event to analyse to arg (analysis goes from F -> L+F)" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-P <arg>\t\t\tSet the Spectra Server Port for online analyis" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--last-sim\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last simulated file"
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--last-phy\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last Physics file"
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--last-res\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last Result file"
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--last-any\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last generated root file"
-            << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--online  \t\t\tStart the spectra server" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--circular \t\t\tSet the output tree a circular one" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << std::endl << "NPSimulation only:" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-M <arg>\t\t\tExecute Geant4 macro <arg> at startup" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t-B <arg>\t\t\tExecute in batch mode (no ui) with Geant4 macro <arg> at startup" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--random-seed <arg>\t\tSet the random generator seed to <arg> (unsigned int)" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "\t--record-track\t\t\tRecord the track of every simulated particle to the ouput tree" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+  std::cout << std::endl << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << std::endl << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "List of Option " << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--help -H -h\t\t\tDisplay this help message" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--detector -D <arg>\t\tSet arg as the detector configuration file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--event-generator -E <arg>\tSet arg as the event generator file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--output -O <arg>\t\tSet arg as the Output File Name (output tree)" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--tree-name <arg>\t\tSet arg as the Output Tree Name " << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--definition <definition> \tAdd <definition> to the list of definition" << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t-S \t\t\t\tOne tree output per detector" << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t--verbose -V <arg>\t\tSet the verbose level, 0 for nothing, 1 for normal printout."<<std::endl;
+	std::cout  << "\t\t\t\t\tError and warning are not affected" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << std::endl << "NPAnalysis only:"<<std::endl;
+  std::cout << "\t--run -R <arg>\t\t\tSet arg as the run to read file list" << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t-T <name> <file>\t\tTree <name> from root file <file>" << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t--cal -C <arg>\t\t\tSet arg as the calibration file list" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--disable-branch\t\tDisable of branch of Input tree except the one of the detector (faster)" << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t--generate-histo -GH\t\tInstantiate the T*Spectra class of each detector" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--check-histo -CH\t\tCheck if the Histogram looks ok and change there color if not" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--input-physical -IP\t\tConsider the Input file is containing Physics Class." << std::endl  ;
+  std::cout << "\t-L <arg>\t\t\tLimit the number of events to be analysed to arg" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t-F <arg>\t\t\tSet the first event to analyse to arg (analysis goes from F -> L+F)" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t-P <arg>\t\t\tSet the Spectra Server Port for online analyis" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--last-sim\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last simulated file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--last-phy\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last Physics file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--last-res\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last Result file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--last-any\t\t\tIgnore the list of Run to treat if any and analysed the last generated root file" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--online  \t\t\tStart the spectra server" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--circular \t\t\tSet the output tree a circular one" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << std::endl << "NPSimulation only:"<<std::endl;
+  std::cout << "\t-M <arg>\t\t\tExecute Geant4 macro <arg> at startup" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t-B <arg>\t\t\tExecute in batch mode (no ui) with Geant4 macro <arg> at startup" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--random-seed <arg>\t\tSet the random generator seed to <arg> (unsigned int)" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << "\t--record-track\t\t\tRecord the track of every simulated particle to the ouput tree" << std::endl ;
+  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl ;
   // exit current program
-void NPOptionManager::Destroy() {
+void NPOptionManager::Destroy(){
   if (instance != 0) {
     delete instance;
     instance = 0;
-std::string NPOptionManager::GetLastFile() {
+std::string NPOptionManager::GetLastFile(){
   std::string path = getenv("NPTOOL");
-  if (fLastSimFile)
-    return (path + "/.last_sim_file");
+  if(fLastSimFile)
+    return (path+"/.last_sim_file");
-  else if (fLastPhyFile)
-    return (path + "/.last_phy_file");
+  else if(fLastPhyFile)
+    return (path+"/.last_phy_file");
-  else if (fLastResFile)
-    return (path + "/.last_res_file");
+  else if(fLastResFile)
+    return (path+"/.last_res_file");
-  else if (fLastAnyFile)
-    return (path + "/.last_any_file");
+  else if(fLastAnyFile)
+    return (path+"/.last_any_file");
     return "VOID";
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.h b/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.h
index f7e3417846a9466d3522bcaf2ad3685cc6b9191d..4caa6cdaa6874b9cfe7411343a35519932d8ca8f 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Core/NPOptionManager.h
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class NPOptionManager{
       bool   GetCircularTree()             {return fCircularTree;}
       bool   IsAnalysis()                  {return fIsAnalysis;};
       bool   IsSimulation()                {return fIsSimulation;}
+      bool   IsCalibration()               {return fIsCalibration;}
       bool   IsReader()                    {return fReader;}
       bool   IsSplit()                     {return fIsSplit;}
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ class NPOptionManager{
       std::string GetLastFile();                 
       std::string GetAnalysisOutputPath(){return m_AnalysisOutputPath;};
       std::string GetSimulationOutputPath(){return m_SimulationOutputPath;};
+      std::string GetCalibrationOutputPath(){return m_CalibrationOutputPath;};
       std::string GetEnergyLossPath(){return m_EnergyLossPath;};
       // Setters
       void SetReactionFile(const std::string& name)  {fReactionFileName = name;CheckEventGenerator();}
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ class NPOptionManager{
       void SetVerboseLevel(int VerboseLevel)         {fVerboseLevel = VerboseLevel;}
       void SetIsAnalysis(bool val=true){fIsAnalysis=val;};
       void SetIsSimulation(bool val=true){fIsSimulation=val;}
+      void SetIsCalibration(bool val=true){fIsCalibration=val;}
       void SetReader(bool reader=false){fReader=reader;}
    public: // user definition
@@ -163,6 +166,7 @@ class NPOptionManager{
       bool   fCircularTree;
       bool   fIsAnalysis;
       bool   fIsSimulation;
+      bool   fIsCalibration;
       bool   fReader;
       int    fVerboseLevel; // 0 for not talk, 1 for talking
       int    fNumberOfEntryToAnalyse; // use to limit the number of analysed in NPA
@@ -176,6 +180,7 @@ class NPOptionManager{
       std::set<std::string> fDefinition; // a set of user defined definition 
       std::string m_AnalysisOutputPath;// output path of analysed tree
       std::string m_SimulationOutputPath;// output path of simulated tree
+      std::string m_CalibrationOutputPath;// output path of calibration histograms
       std::string m_EnergyLossPath;// input/output path of energy loss table
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/NPVDetector.h b/NPLib/Core/NPVDetector.h
index 072d7288f55bf7a61486742f438f062fc26a2271..1e587764d542148f49ce605d22e032daa51de3f6 100644
--- a/NPLib/Core/NPVDetector.h
+++ b/NPLib/Core/NPVDetector.h
@@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ namespace NPL {
     //  Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
     virtual void InitializeRootOutput(){};
+    //  Create folders and histograms for calibration
+    virtual void InitializeRootHistogramsCalib(){};
+    //  Fill histograms for calibration
+    virtual void FillHistogramsCalib(){};
+    //  Write histograms for calibration
+    virtual void WriteHistogramsCalib(){};
     //  This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aime is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract
     //  physical parameter.
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.cxx b/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff6ed9a3134473cb8f994a72104108ecb782285b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2021   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: N. de Sereville  contact address: deserevi@ipno.in2p3.fr *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : 21/07/09                                                 *
+ * Last update    : 10/05/21                                                 *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription: This class is a singleton class which deals with the ROOT     *
+ *             output file and tree both for NPSimulation and NPAnalysis.    *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *   + 03/02/11: Add support for TAsciiFile objects (N. de Sereville)        *
+ *   + 10/05/21: Add support for split tree output (A. Matta)                *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "RootHistogramsCalib.h"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+using namespace std;
+RootHistogramsCalib* RootHistogramsCalib::instance = 0;
+RootHistogramsCalib* RootHistogramsCalib::getInstance(std::string fileNameBase){
+  // A new instance of RootHistogramsCalib is created if it does not exist:
+  if (instance == 0) {
+    instance = new RootHistogramsCalib(fileNameBase.c_str());
+  }
+  // The instance of RootHistogramsCalib is returned:
+  return instance;
+void RootHistogramsCalib::Destroy(){ 
+  if (instance != 0) {
+    delete instance;
+    instance = 0;
+  }
+RootHistogramsCalib::RootHistogramsCalib(std::string fileNameBase){
+  cout << endl << "/////////// ROOT Output files ///////////" << endl;
+  cout << "Initializing ouput files " << endl;
+  pCurrentDirectory= gDirectory;
+  bool calibration=false;
+  if(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsCalibration()){
+    calibration= true;
+  }
+  // Setup the base name
+  if(calibration)
+    pBaseName = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetCalibrationOutputPath();
+  else
+    pBaseName="./";
+  pBaseName += "/"+fileNameBase;
+  if (fileNameBase.find("root")==std::string::npos) 
+    pBaseName += ".root";
+  CreateFile("global");
+void RootHistogramsCalib::CreateFile(std::string name){
+  // Create the tree only if does not exist already
+  string file_name=pBaseName;
+  cout << " - Creating output file " << file_name.c_str() << endl;
+  pRootFile = new TFile(file_name.c_str(), "RECREATE");
+  pRootFile->SetCompressionLevel(1);
+  gDirectory->cd(pCurrentDirectory->GetPath()); 
+  //
+  /*
+     for(auto it = m_DetectorMap.begin() ; it!=m_DetectorMap.end() ;++it){
+     string insertion = "_"+it->first;
+     master << filebase << insertion << ".root" << std::endl;
+     string filename=path+"/"+filebase+"/"+filebase+insertion+".root";
+     auto file = new TFile(filename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
+     string treename = "RawTree_"+it->first;
+     auto tree = new TTree("RawTree",treename.c_str());
+     m_TreeMap[it->first]=tree;
+     m_FileMap[it->first]=file;
+     tree->SetDirectory(file);
+     std::cout << "Splitting tree: " << filename << std::endl;
+     it->second->InitBranch(tree);
+     }
+     master.close();
+void RootHistogramsCalib::Fill(){
+// for(auto it = pRootTrees.begin();it!=pRootTrees.end();it++){
+//  it->second->Fill();
+// } 
+  // The data is written to the file and the tree is closed:
+  /*if (pRootFiles.size()>0) {
+    cout << endl << endl << "Root Output summary" << endl;
+    TDirectory* pCurrentDirectory= gDirectory;
+    for(auto it = pRootFiles.begin(); it!=pRootFiles.end();it++){
+      cout << " - " <<it->first << " tree and file " << endl;
+      gDirectory->cd(it->second->GetPath());
+      // write TAsciiFile if used
+      // EventGenerator
+      if (!pEventGenerator->IsEmpty()) pEventGenerator->Write(0,TAsciiFile::kOverwrite);
+      // DetectorConfiguration
+      if (!pDetectorConfiguration->IsEmpty()) pDetectorConfiguration->Write(0,TAsciiFile::kOverwrite);
+      // CalibrationFile
+      if (!pCalibrationFile->IsEmpty()) pCalibrationFile->Write(0,TAsciiFile::kOverwrite);
+      // RunToTreatFile
+      if (!pRunToTreatFile->IsEmpty()) pRunToTreatFile->Write(0,TAsciiFile::kOverwrite);
+      // Analysis ConfigFile
+      if (!pAnalysisConfigFile->IsEmpty()) pAnalysisConfigFile->Write(0,TAsciiFile::kOverwrite);
+      cout << "  -> Number of entries in the " << it->first << " Tree: " << pRootTrees[it->first]->GetEntries() << endl;
+      cout << "  -> Number of bites written to file: " << pRootTrees[it->first]->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite) << endl;
+      it->second->Flush();
+      it->second->Purge(1);
+      gDirectory->cd(pCurrentDirectory->GetPath());
+      it->second->Close();
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    cout << "\033[1;31mNo histograms and Tree !\033[0m" << endl;
+  }
+TFile* RootHistogramsCalib::GetFile(std::string name)  {
+  if(pRootFile!=nullptr)
+    return pRootFile;
+  else{
+    std::cout << "Error: Requested file for detector " << name << " does not exist" << std::endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.h b/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db79d9b85a2e156599b455961c6d9aee14fff004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Core/RootHistogramsCalib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2021   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: N. de Sereville  contact address: deserevi@ipno.in2p3.fr *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : 21/07/09                                                 *
+ * Last update    : 10/05/21                                                 *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription: This class is a singleton class which deals with the ROOT     *
+ *             output file and tree both for NPSimulation and NPAnalysis.    *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *   + 03/02/11: Add support for TAsciiFile objects (N. de Sereville)        *
+ *   + 10/05/21: Add support for split tree output (A. Matta)                *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// STL
+#include <map>
+// NPL headers
+#include "TAsciiFile.h"
+// ROOT headers
+#include "TH1F.h"
+#include "TH2F.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TList.h"
+#include <string>
+class RootHistogramsCalib{
+  // The analysis class is designed to be a singleton (i.e. only one instance
+  // can exist). A member function called Instance is defined, which allows
+  // the user to get a pointer to the existing instance or to create it if
+  // it does not yet exist:
+  // (see the constructor for an explanation of the arguments)
+  static RootHistogramsCalib* getInstance(std::string fileNameBase = "Calibration");
+  // The analysis class instance can be deleted by calling the Destroy
+  // method (NOTE: The class destructor is protected, and can thus not be
+  // called directly):
+  static void Destroy();
+  // Constructor (protected)
+  RootHistogramsCalib(std::string fileNameBase);
+  // Destructor (protected)
+  virtual ~RootHistogramsCalib();
+  // Prevent copying
+  RootHistogramsCalib(const RootHistogramsCalib& only);
+  const RootHistogramsCalib& operator=(const RootHistogramsCalib& only);
+  // The static instance of the RootHistogramsCalib class:
+  static RootHistogramsCalib* instance;
+  void InitAsciiFiles();
+  void CreateFile(std::string name);
+  TFile*      GetFile(std::string name="global") ; 
+  std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH1F*>>*  GetTH1Map(){return TH1Map;}; 
+  std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH2F*>>*  GetTH2Map(){return TH2Map;}; 
+  void        Fill();
+  std::string                   pBaseName;
+  std::string                   pMasterFile;
+  TDirectory*                   pCurrentDirectory;
+  TFile* pRootFile = nullptr;
+  std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH1F*>>* TH1Map = new std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH1F*>>;
+  std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH2F*>>* TH2Map = new std::map<TString,std::map<TString,TH2F*>>;
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.cxx
index 5db6fe8d21e3aafcbee03a6e36b7224073882f9a..448d049ce88ad70235f60a432e82bb4dd7db1e22 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.cxx
@@ -43,31 +43,21 @@ TExogamData::~TExogamData()
 void TExogamData::Clear()
-   fEXO_Clover.clear();
-   fEXO_Cristal.clear();
-   fEXO_Energy.clear();
-   fEXO_Time.clear();
-   // ECC / E
-   fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.clear();
-   fEXO_ECC_E_Cristal.clear();
-   fEXO_ECC_E_Energy.clear();
-   // ECC / T
-   fEXO_ECC_T_Clover.clear();
-   fEXO_ECC_T_Cristal.clear();
-   fEXO_ECC_T_Time.clear();
-   // GOCCE / E
-   fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_E_Cristal.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_E_Segment.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_E_Energy.clear();
-   // GOCCE / T
-   fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_T_Cristal.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_T_Segment.clear();
-   fEXO_GOCCE_T_Time.clear();
-   //GeFill
-   fEXO_Fill = -1;
+  fEXO_E.clear();
+  fEXO_E_CrystalNbr.clear();
+  fEXO_E_TS.clear();
+  fEXO_HG.clear(); 
+  fEXO_HG_CrystalNbr.clear();
+  fEXO_HG_TS.clear();
+  fEXO_TDC.clear();
+  fEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr.clear();
+  fEXO_TDC_TS.clear();
+  fEXO_Outer.clear();
+  fEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr.clear(); 
+  fEXO_BGO.clear();
+  fEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr.clear();
+  fEXO_CSI.clear();
+  fEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr.clear();
@@ -75,38 +65,29 @@ void TExogamData::Clear()
 void TExogamData::Dump() const
-   // RealValues (for simulation purposes)
-   cout << "EXO_Mult = " << fEXO_Clover.size() << endl;
-   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_Clover.size(); i++) {
-      cout << "CloverE: " << fEXO_Clover[i] << " CristalE: " << fEXO_Cristal[i]; 
-      cout << " Energy: " << fEXO_Energy[i];
-      cout << " Time: " <<  fEXO_Energy[i] << endl;
+   cout << "Inner6MV Mult = " << fEXO_E.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_E.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_E[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_E_CrystalNbr[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fEXO_E_TS[i] << endl;
-   // ECC
-   // Energy
-   cout << "EXO_ECC_MultE = " << fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.size() << endl;
-   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.size(); i++) {
-      cout << "CloverE: " << fEXO_ECC_E_Clover[i] << " CristalE: " << fEXO_ECC_E_Cristal[i] << " Energy: " << fEXO_ECC_E_Energy[i] << endl;
+   cout << "Inner20MV Mult = " << fEXO_HG.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_HG.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_HG[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_HG_CrystalNbr[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fEXO_HG_TS[i] << endl;
-   // Time
-   cout << "EXO_ECC_MultT = " << fEXO_ECC_T_Clover.size() << endl;
-   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_ECC_T_Clover.size(); i++) {
-      cout << "CloverT: " << fEXO_ECC_T_Clover[i] << " CristalT: " << fEXO_ECC_T_Cristal[i] << " Time: " << fEXO_ECC_T_Time[i] << endl;
+   cout << "OutersV Mult = " << fEXO_Outer.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_Outer.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_Outer[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr[i] << endl;
-   // GOCCE
-   // Energy
-   cout << "EXO_GOCCE_MultE = " << fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover.size() << endl;
-   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover.size(); i++) {
-      cout << "CloverE: " << fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover[i] << " CristalE: " << fEXO_GOCCE_E_Cristal[i] << " SegmentE: " << fEXO_GOCCE_E_Segment[i] << " Energy: " << fEXO_GOCCE_E_Energy[i] << endl;
+   cout << "DeltaTV Mult = " << fEXO_TDC.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_TDC.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_TDC[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fEXO_TDC_TS[i] << endl;
-   // Time
-   cout << "EXO_GOCCE_MultT = " << fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover.size() << endl;
-   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover.size(); i++) {
-      cout << "CloverT: " << fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover[i] << " CristalT: " << fEXO_GOCCE_T_Cristal[i] << " SegmentT: " << fEXO_GOCCE_T_Segment[i] << " Time: " << fEXO_GOCCE_T_Time[i] << endl;
+   cout << "BGOV Mult = " << fEXO_BGO.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_BGO.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_BGO[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr[i] << endl;
+   }
+   cout << "CSIV Mult = " << fEXO_CSI.size() << endl;
+   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < fEXO_CSI.size(); i++) {
+      cout << "Energy: " << fEXO_CSI[i] << " Cristal Numb: " << fEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr[i] << endl;
-   //GeFill
-   cout << "EXO_GeFill =" << fEXO_Fill << endl;
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.h
index 5163d0b67f12ac6ed7329f9f7ecdad21ce252821..eb2e8c1be05f1ac01c54bb4f98e06149c06f6b1d 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamData.h
@@ -17,113 +17,92 @@
  *  This class hold Exogam Raw data                                          *
  *                                                                           *
- * Comment: Added vectors for real energy/time values (double) (T.Goigoux CEA)                                                                 *
+ * Comment: Added vectors for real energy/time values (double) (T.Goigoux CEA) *
  *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
 // STL
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
 #include "TObject.h"
+#include <vector>
 class TExogamData : public TObject {
-  // real energy value (for npsimulation)
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_Clover;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_Cristal;
-  vector<double> 	fEXO_Energy;
-  vector<double> 	fEXO_Time;
-  // ECC / Energy
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_E_Clover;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_E_Cristal;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_E_Energy;
-  // ECC / Time
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_T_Clover;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_T_Cristal;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_ECC_T_Time;
-  // GOCCE / Energy
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_E_Cristal;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_E_Segment;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_E_Energy;
-  // GOCCE / Time
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_T_Cristal;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_T_Segment;
-  vector<UShort_t>	fEXO_GOCCE_T_Time;
-  // GeFill
-  UShort_t             fEXO_Fill;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_E;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_E_CrystalNbr;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_E_TS;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_HG; // Same as Energy but with High Gain (for Low Energy events) 
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_HG_CrystalNbr;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_HG_TS;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_TDC; // Internal TDC of EXOGAM
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_TDC_TS;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_Outer;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr; 
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_BGO;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_CSI;
+  std::vector<UShort_t> fEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr;
   virtual ~TExogamData();
   void Clear();
-  void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+  void Clear(const Option_t*){};
   void Dump() const;
   /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
-    void	SetClover(UShort_t clo)	{ fEXO_Clover.push_back(clo);}
-    void	SetCristal(UShort_t cris)	{ fEXO_Cristal.push_back(cris);}
-    void	SetEnergy(double ener)	{ fEXO_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-    void	SetTime(double time)	{ fEXO_Time.push_back(time);}
-   // ECC / Energy
-    void	SetECCEClover(UShort_t clov)	{ fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.push_back(clov);}
-    void	SetECCECristal(UShort_t cris)	{ fEXO_ECC_E_Cristal.push_back(cris);}
-    void	SetECCEEnergy(UShort_t ener)	{ fEXO_ECC_E_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-    // ECC / Time
-    void	SetECCTClover(UShort_t clov)	{ fEXO_ECC_T_Clover.push_back(clov);}
-    void	SetECCTCristal(UShort_t cris)	{ fEXO_ECC_T_Cristal.push_back(cris);}
-    void	SetECCTTime(UShort_t time)	{ fEXO_ECC_T_Time.push_back(time);}
-    // GOCCE / Energy
-    void	SetGOCCEEClover(UShort_t clov)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover.push_back(clov);}
-    void	SetGOCCEECristal(UShort_t cris)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_E_Cristal.push_back(cris);}
-    void	SetGOCCEESegment(UShort_t seg)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_E_Segment.push_back(seg);}
-    void	SetGOCCEEEnergy(UShort_t ener)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_E_Energy.push_back(ener);}
-    // GOCCE / Time
-    void	SetGOCCETClover(UShort_t clov)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover.push_back(clov);}
-    void	SetGOCCETCristal(UShort_t cris)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_T_Cristal.push_back(cris);}
-    void	SetGOCCETSegment(UShort_t seg)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_T_Segment.push_back(seg);}
-    void	SetGOCCETTime(UShort_t time)	{ fEXO_GOCCE_T_Time.push_back(time);}
-    //GeFill
-    void SetGeFill(UShort_t Fill)        {fEXO_Fill = Fill;}
-    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
-      UShort_t	GetClover(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_Clover[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetCristal(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_Cristal[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_Energy[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetTime(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_Time[i];}
-      // ECC / Energy
-      // UShort_t	GetCloverMult()		{return fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.size();}       
-      UShort_t	GetECCEMult()		{return fEXO_ECC_E_Clover.size();}             
-      UShort_t	GetECCEClover(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_E_Clover[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetECCECristal(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_E_Cristal[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetECCEEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_E_Energy[i];}
-      // ECC / Time
-      UShort_t	GetECCTMult()		{return fEXO_ECC_T_Clover.size();}
-      UShort_t	GetECCTClover(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_T_Clover[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetECCTCristal(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_T_Cristal[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetECCTTime(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_ECC_T_Time[i];}
-      // GOCCE / Energy
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCEEMult()			{return fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover.size();}    // multiplicity of segments hit in one clover
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCEEClover(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_E_Clover[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCEECristal(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_E_Cristal[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCEESegment(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_E_Segment[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCEEEnergy(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_E_Energy[i];}
-      // GOCCE / Time
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCETMult()			{return fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover.size();}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCETClover(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_T_Clover[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCETCristal(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_T_Cristal[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCETSegment(Int_t i)	{return fEXO_GOCCE_T_Segment[i];}
-      UShort_t	GetGOCCETTime(Int_t i)		{return fEXO_GOCCE_T_Time[i];}
-      //GeFill
-      UShort_t     GetGeFill()               {return fEXO_Fill;}
+  inline void SetInner6MV(UShort_t& Energy, UShort_t& DetNumb, UShort_t& TimeStamp) {
+    fEXO_E.push_back(Energy);
+    fEXO_E_CrystalNbr.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fEXO_E_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }
+  inline void SetInner20MV(UShort_t& Energy, UShort_t& DetNumb, UShort_t& TimeStamp) {
+    fEXO_HG.push_back(Energy);
+    fEXO_HG_CrystalNbr.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fEXO_HG_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }
+  inline void SetDeltaTV(UShort_t& Time, UShort_t& DetNumb, UShort_t& TimeStamp) {
+    fEXO_TDC.push_back(Time);
+    fEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fEXO_TDC_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }
+  inline void SetOutersV(UShort_t& Energy, UShort_t& OutersNumb) {
+    fEXO_Outer.push_back(Energy);
+    fEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr.push_back(OutersNumb);
+  }
+  inline void SetBGOV(UShort_t& Energy, UShort_t& BGONumb) {
+    fEXO_BGO.push_back(Energy);
+    fEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr.push_back(BGONumb);
+  }
+  inline void SetCSIV(UShort_t& Energy, UShort_t& CSINumb) {
+    fEXO_CSI.push_back(Energy);
+    fEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr.push_back(CSINumb);
+  }
+  /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_E(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_E[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_E_CrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_E_CrystalNbr[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_E_TS(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_E_TS[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_HG(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_HG[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_HG_CrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_HG_CrystalNbr[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_HG_TS(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_HG_TS[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_TDC(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_TDC[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_TDC_CrystalNbr[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_TDC_TS(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_TDC_TS[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_Outer(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_Outer[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_Outer_SubCrystalNbr[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_BGO(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_BGO[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_BGO_CrystalNbr[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_CSI(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_CSI[i]; }
+  inline UShort_t GetEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr(UShort_t& i) { return fEXO_CSI_CrystalNbr[i]; }
-      ClassDef(TExogamData,1)  // ExogamData structure
-	};
+  ClassDef(TExogamData, 1) // ExogamData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
index 9216efef3317ed9827b9a8cf269fb5e4092dae1b..58ea53a90b9a04c7c64b08164514dbe759c27777 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
 void TExogamPhysics::PreTreat()	
-  ClearPreTreatedData();
+  /*ClearPreTreatedData();
@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ void TExogamPhysics::PreTreat()
   //cout << "EXOGAM pretreat ok!" << endl;
+  */
 void TExogamPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent()
-  PreTreat();
+  /*PreTreat();
   if(PreTreatedData -> GetECCEMult() != PreTreatedData -> GetECCTMult()) cout << PreTreatedData -> GetECCEMult() << " " <<  PreTreatedData -> GetECCTMult() << endl;
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent()
   CloverMult = GetClover_Mult();
   //cout << "Exogam fine" << endl;	
+  */
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamSpectra.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamSpectra.cxx
index b7d9b9ff6dd4443f307183bf01e19b8bdaf4b29e..bb2b500238ce3033be43340878c53cb8645b4d48 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamSpectra.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamSpectra.cxx
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void TExogamSpectra::FillRawSpectra(TExogamData* RawData){
   string family;
   // Energy 
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RawData->GetECCEMult(); i++){
+  /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RawData->GetECCEMult(); i++){
     name = Form("ExogamEnergyRaw_Clover%d_ECC%d", RawData->GetECCEClover(i)+1,RawData->GetECCECristal(i)+1);
     family = "Exogam/ERAW/ECC";
@@ -156,11 +156,12 @@ void TExogamSpectra::FillRawSpectra(TExogamData* RawData){
 void TExogamSpectra::FillPreTreatedSpectra(TExogamData* PreTreatedData){
-  string name ;
+/*  string name ;
   string family;
   // Energy 
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PreTreatedData->GetECCEMult(); i++) {
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ void TExogamSpectra::FillPreTreatedSpectra(TExogamData* PreTreatedData){
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.cxx
index e1885d22c0e6ecdb26f2032e40a704571eb129de..b41cd81ce9a624bd4fe2df910fa5ea31b64babfb 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.cxx
@@ -44,29 +44,17 @@ TZDDData::~TZDDData() {
 void TZDDData::Clear() {
-  // Drift_Chambers
-  fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr.clear();
-  fZDD_DriftTime.clear();
-  // Energy
-  fZDD_E_DetectorNbr.clear();
-  fZDD_Energy.clear();
-  // Time
-  fZDD_T_DetectorNbr.clear();
-  fZDD_Time.clear();
-  // IC Energy
-  fZDD_E_IC_Nbr.clear();
-  fZDD_IC_Energy.clear();
-  // IC Time
-  fZDD_T_IC_Nbr.clear();
-  fZDD_IC_Time.clear();
-  // Plastic Energy
-  fZDD_E_Plastic_Nbr.clear();
-  fZDD_Plastic_Energy.clear();
-  // Plastic Time
-  fZDD_T_Plastic_Nbr.clear();
-  fZDD_Plastic_Time.clear();
+    fZDD_IC_E.clear();
+    fZDD_IC_N.clear();
+    fZDD_IC_TS.clear();
+    fZDD_PM_E.clear();
+    fZDD_PM_N.clear();
+    fZDD_PM_TS.clear();
+    fZDD_DC_N.clear();
+    fZDD_DC_TS.clear();
+    fZDD_EXO_E.clear();
+    fZDD_EXO_N.clear();
+    fZDD_EXO_TS.clear();
@@ -76,21 +64,20 @@ void TZDDData::Dump() const {
   // This method is very useful for debuging and worth the dev.
-  // Energy
-  size_t mysize = fZDD_E_DetectorNbr.size();
-  cout << "ZDD_E_Mult: " << mysize << endl;
-  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mysize ; i++){
-    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_E_DetectorNbr[i]
-         << " Energy: " << fZDD_Energy[i];
+  cout << "ZDD_ICE Mult: " << fZDD_IC_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < fZDD_IC_E.size(); i++){
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_IC_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_IC_E[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_IC_TS[i] << endl;
+  }
+  cout << "ZDD_PME Mult: " << fZDD_PM_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < fZDD_PM_E.size(); i++){
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_PM_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_PM_E[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_PM_TS[i] << endl;
-  // Time
-  mysize = fZDD_T_DetectorNbr.size();
-  cout << "ZDD_T_Mult: " << mysize << endl;
-  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mysize ; i++){
-    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_T_DetectorNbr[i]
-         << " Time: " << fZDD_Time[i];
+  cout << "ZDD_DCE Mult: " << fZDD_DC_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < fZDD_DC_E.size(); i++){
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_DC_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_DC_E[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_DC_TS[i] << endl;
+  cout << "ZDD_EXOE Mult: " << fZDD_EXO_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < fZDD_EXO_E.size(); i++){
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_EXO_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_EXO_E[i] << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_EXO_TS[i] << endl;
+  }  
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.h b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.h
index 6ac5e4bfa6cc23ebcd775b49aa12c132ea483083..b03959fe43c09c97f3d4d60d053619af609ba1c8 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDData.h
@@ -36,34 +36,26 @@ class TZDDData : public TObject {
   // data members are hold into vectors in order 
   // to allow multiplicity treatment
-    double counter = 0; 
-    // Energy IC
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_E_IC_Nbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_IC_Energy;
-    // Time IC
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_T_IC_Nbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_IC_Time;
+    // IC
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_IC_E;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_IC_N;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_IC_TS;
+    // Plastic
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_PM_E;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_PM_N;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_PM_TS;
-    // Energy Plastic
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_E_Plastic_Nbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_Plastic_Energy;
+    // DC
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_DC_E;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_DC_N;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_DC_TS;
-    // Time Plastic
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_T_Plastic_Nbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_Plastic_Time;
-    // Energy
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_E_DetectorNbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_Energy;
+    // EXOZDD
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_EXO_E;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_EXO_N;
+    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_EXO_TS;
-    // Time
-    vector<UShort_t>   fZDD_T_DetectorNbr;
-    vector<Double_t>   fZDD_Time;
-    // DriftTime in DC
-    vector<UShort_t> fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr;
-    vector<Double_t> fZDD_DriftTime;
   // Constructor and destructor
@@ -88,128 +80,40 @@ class TZDDData : public TObject {
     //////////////////////    SETTERS    ////////////////////////
     // Energy
-    inline void SetEnergy(const UShort_t& DetNbr,const Double_t& Energy){
-      fZDD_E_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);
-      fZDD_Energy.push_back(Energy);
+    inline void SetZDDIC(const UShort_t& DetNumb,const UShort_t& Energy, const UShort_t& TimeStamp){
+      fZDD_IC_E.push_back(Energy);
+      fZDD_IC_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+      fZDD_IC_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
-    // Time
-    inline void SetTime(const UShort_t& DetNbr,const Double_t& Time)	{
-      fZDD_T_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);     
-      fZDD_Time.push_back(Time);
+    inline void SetZDDPM(const UShort_t& DetNumb,const UShort_t& Energy, const UShort_t& TimeStamp){
+      fZDD_PM_E.push_back(Energy);
+      fZDD_PM_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+      fZDD_PM_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
-    // IC Energy
-    inline void Set_IC_Energy(const UShort_t& IC_Nbr,const Double_t& IC_Energy){
-      fZDD_E_IC_Nbr.push_back(IC_Nbr);
-      fZDD_IC_Energy.push_back(IC_Energy);
-    };//!
-    // IC Time
-    inline void Set_IC_Time(const UShort_t& IC_Nbr,const Double_t& IC_Time)	{
-      fZDD_T_IC_Nbr.push_back(IC_Nbr);     
-      fZDD_IC_Time.push_back(IC_Time);
+    inline void SetZDDDC(const UShort_t& DetNumb,const UShort_t& Energy, const UShort_t& TimeStamp){
+      fZDD_DC_E.push_back(Energy);
+      fZDD_DC_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+      fZDD_DC_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
-    // Plastic Energy
-    inline void Set_Plastic_Energy(const UShort_t& Plastic_Nbr,const Double_t& Plastic_Energy){
-      fZDD_E_Plastic_Nbr.push_back(Plastic_Nbr);
-      fZDD_Plastic_Energy.push_back(Plastic_Energy);
+    inline void SetZDDEXO(const UShort_t& DetNumb,const UShort_t& Energy, const UShort_t& TimeStamp){
+      fZDD_EXO_E.push_back(Energy);
+      fZDD_EXO_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+      fZDD_EXO_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
-    // Plastic Time
-    inline void Set_Plastic_Time(const UShort_t& Plastic_Nbr,const Double_t& Plastic_Time)	{
-      fZDD_T_Plastic_Nbr.push_back(Plastic_Nbr);     
-      fZDD_Plastic_Time.push_back(Plastic_Time);
-    };//!
-    // Position DriftTime and X in DC
-    inline void Set_DC_Time(const UShort_t& DetNbr, const Double_t& DriftTime) {
-        fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr.push_back(DetNbr);
-        fZDD_DriftTime.push_back(DriftTime);
-    }; //!
     //////////////////////    GETTERS    ////////////////////////
-    // Energy
-    inline UShort_t GetMultEnergy(std::string Detector) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_E_IC_Nbr.size();
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_E_Plastic_Nbr.size();
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    inline UShort_t GetE_DetectorNbr(std::string Detector, const unsigned int &i) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_E_IC_Nbr[i];
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_E_Plastic_Nbr[i];
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    inline Double_t Get_Energy(std::string Detector, const unsigned int &i) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_IC_Energy[i];
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_Plastic_Energy[i];
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    // Time
-    inline UShort_t GetMultTime(std::string Detector) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_T_IC_Nbr.size();
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_T_Plastic_Nbr.size();
-      else if(Detector == "DC")
-        return fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr.size();
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC, DC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    inline UShort_t GetT_DetectorNbr(std::string Detector, const unsigned int &i) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_T_IC_Nbr[i];
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_T_Plastic_Nbr[i];
-      else if(Detector == "DC")
-        return fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr[i];
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC, DC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    inline Double_t Get_Time(std::string Detector, const unsigned int &i) const
-      {if(Detector == "IC")
-        return fZDD_IC_Time[i];
-      else if(Detector == "Plastic")
-        return fZDD_Plastic_Time[i];
-      else if(Detector == "DC")
-        return fZDD_DriftTime[i];
-      else{
-        std::cout << "Detector should be either IC, DC or Plastic" << std::endl;
-        return -1;
-      }
-      }
-    // Position
-    inline UShort_t GetMultDrift() const { return fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr.size(); }
-    inline UShort_t GetDrift_DetectorNbr(const unsigned int& i) const {
-        return fZDD_Drift_DetectorNbr[i];
-    } //!
-    inline Double_t Get_DriftTime(const unsigned int& i) const {
-        return fZDD_DriftTime[i];
-    } //!
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_ICE(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_IC_E[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_ICN(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_IC_N[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_ICTS(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_IC_TS[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_PME(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_PM_E[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_PMN(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_PM_N[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_PMTS(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_PM_TS[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_DCE(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_DC_E[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_DCN(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_DC_N[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_DCTS(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_DC_TS[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_EXOE(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_EXO_E[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_EXON(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_EXO_N[i]; }
+    inline UShort_t GetZDD_EXOTS(UShort_t& i) { return fZDD_EXO_TS[i]; }
   // Required for ROOT dictionnary
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
index ab4d6319ec1be05c79c52d9cc2c7e2faba5df00a..8d8387a3108a66b3eb210451bb32bf5a030e397e 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ void TZDDPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
 void TZDDPhysics::Treat_DC(){
-  // Dont have anything to modify for the moment
+ /* // Dont have anything to modify for the moment
   unsigned int mysizeDC = m_PreTreatedData->GetMultDrift();
   for(int i = 0; i < mysizeDC; i++){
-  }
+  }*/
 void TZDDPhysics::Match_E_T(std::string Detector){
-  unsigned int mysizeE = m_PreTreatedData->GetMultEnergy(Detector);
+  /*unsigned int mysizeE = m_PreTreatedData->GetMultEnergy(Detector);
   unsigned int mysizeT = m_PreTreatedData->GetMultTime(Detector);
   for (UShort_t e = 0; e < mysizeE ; e++) {
     for (UShort_t t = 0; t < mysizeT ; t++) {
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ void TZDDPhysics::Match_E_T(std::string Detector){
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ void TZDDPhysics::PreTreat() {
 void TZDDPhysics::PreTreatEnergy(std::string Detector, CalibrationManager* Cal){
-  unsigned int mysize = m_EventData->GetMultEnergy(Detector);
+  /*unsigned int mysize = m_EventData->GetMultEnergy(Detector);
   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < mysize ; ++i) {
     if (m_EventData->Get_Energy(Detector, i) > m_E_RAW_Threshold) {
       Double_t Energy = Cal->ApplyCalibration("ZDD/ENERGY"+NPL::itoa(m_EventData->GetE_DetectorNbr(Detector, i)),m_EventData->Get_Energy(Detector, i));
@@ -168,11 +169,12 @@ void TZDDPhysics::PreTreatEnergy(std::string Detector, CalibrationManager* Cal){
 void TZDDPhysics::PreTreatTime(std::string Detector, CalibrationManager* Cal){
-  unsigned int mysize = m_EventData->GetMultTime(Detector);
+/*  unsigned int mysize = m_EventData->GetMultTime(Detector);
   for (UShort_t i = 0; i < mysize; ++i) {
     Double_t Time= Cal->ApplyCalibration("ZDD/TIME"+NPL::itoa(m_EventData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i)),m_EventData->Get_Time(Detector,i));
     if(Detector == "IC")
@@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ void TZDDPhysics::PreTreatTime(std::string Detector, CalibrationManager* Cal){
     else if(Detector == "DC")
       m_PreTreatedData->Set_DC_Time(m_EventData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Time);
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDSpectra.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDSpectra.cxx
index 37e9f081a9440eaf119b0eccd25cd6bcf7219fcb..f81ca27962f502d3def2a295cfe7fa3609d9801a 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDSpectra.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDSpectra.cxx
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ void TZDDSpectra::FillRawSpectra(TZDDData* RawData) {
   static string name;
   static string family;
   // Energy 
   unsigned int sizeE = RawData->GetMultEnergy("Plastic");
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeE; i++) {
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ void TZDDSpectra::FillRawSpectra(TZDDData* RawData) {
     FillSpectra(family,name,RawData->Get_Time("Plastic", i));
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ void TZDDSpectra::FillPreTreatedSpectra(TZDDData* PreTreatedData) {
   static string name;
   static string family;
-  // Energy 
+  /*// Energy 
   unsigned int sizeE = PreTreatedData->GetMultEnergy("Plastic");
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeE; i++) {
     name = "ZDD"+NPL::itoa(PreTreatedData->GetE_DetectorNbr("Plastic", i))+"_ENERGY_CAL";
@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ void TZDDSpectra::FillPreTreatedSpectra(TZDDData* PreTreatedData) {
     FillSpectra(family,name,PreTreatedData->Get_Time("Plastic", i));
diff --git a/NPLib/Utility/CMakeLists.txt b/NPLib/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
index 73568d9f786cc939dd6e5f88aca45f349bd69370..1c57054b063ea73dc6b1319d75a3999cf1e5fd13 100644
--- a/NPLib/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/NPLib/Utility/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ add_executable(npreader npreader.cxx)
 target_link_libraries(npreader ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} -lThread -lGraf -lTreePlayer -lHist -lMatrix NPCore) 
 add_executable(nponline nponline.cxx)
 target_link_libraries(nponline ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} NPCore NPOnline) 
+add_executable(npcalibration npcalibration.cxx)
+target_link_libraries(npcalibration ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} -lThread -lGraf -lTreePlayer -lHist -lMatrix NPCore) 
 add_executable(npspectra_test npspectra_test.cxx)
 target_link_libraries(npspectra_test ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} NPCore NPOnline) 
-install(PROGRAMS nptool-installer npanalysis nponline npreader DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY})
+install(PROGRAMS nptool-installer npanalysis nponline npreader npcalibration DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY})
 install(SCRIPT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/scripts/post_install.cmake ${DETLIST})
diff --git a/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration b/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5480250b7ac633e92ab894a9b5c17dd7ede49d33
Binary files /dev/null and b/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration differ
diff --git a/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration.cxx b/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f5f76a9635568098ed0db78d40e9347123f6544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Utility/npcalibration.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// NPL
+// STL
+// Root
+void ProgressDisplay(clock_t&,clock_t&,unsigned long&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&, double&, unsigned long&, int&, int&);
+void ProgressDisplay(struct timeval& begin, struct timeval& end, unsigned long& treated,unsigned long& inter,unsigned long& total,double& mean_rate,unsigned long& displayed, int& current_tree, int& total_tree);
+int main(int argc , char** argv){
+  // command line parsing
+  NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
+  myOptionManager->SetIsCalibration();
+  myOptionManager->SetReader(true);
+  std::string inputfilename = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
+  // if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
+  if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
+    std::string name = RootInput::getInstance(inputfilename)->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
+    if(name!="fail"){
+      myOptionManager->SetDetectorFile(name);
+     std::cout << "\033[1;33mInfo: No Detector file given, using Input tree one \033[0m" << std::endl;;
+    }  
+  }
+  if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("EventGenerator")) {
+    std::string name = RootInput::getInstance(inputfilename)->DumpAsciiFile("EventGenerator");
+    if(name!="fail"){
+    myOptionManager->SetReactionFile(name);
+    std::cout << "\033[1;33mInfo: No Event file given, using Input tree one \033[0m" << std::endl;;
+    }
+  }
+  // get input files from NPOptionManager
+  std::string detectorfileName    = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
+  std::string OutputfileName      = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
+  // Instantiate RootOutput
+  //std::string TreeName="NPTool_Tree";
+  //// User decided of the name
+  //if(!myOptionManager->IsDefault("TreeName")){
+  //  TreeName=myOptionManager->GetOutputTreeName();
+  //}
+  // Case of a Physics tree produced
+  //else if(!myOptionManager->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption()){ 
+  //  TreeName="PhysicsTree";
+  //  if(myOptionManager->IsDefault("OutputFileName"))
+  //    OutputfileName="PhysicsTree";
+  //}
+  //// Case of Result tree produced
+  //else{
+  //  TreeName="ResultTree";
+  //  if(myOptionManager->IsDefault("OutputFileName"))
+  //    OutputfileName="ResultTree";
+  //}
+  RootHistogramsCalib::getInstance(OutputfileName);
+  // Instantiate the detector using a file
+  NPL::DetectorManager* myDetector = new NPL::DetectorManager();
+  myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
+  myDetector->InitializeRootInput();
+  // Attempt to load an analysis
+  // NPL::VAnalysis* UserAnalysis = NULL;
+  //std::string libName = "./libNPAnalysis" + myOptionManager->GetSharedLibExtension();
+  // dlopen(libName.c_str(),RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
+  // char* error = dlerror();
+  TTreeReader* inputTreeReader = RootInput::getInstance()->GetTreeReader();
+  std::cout << "Checking TreeReader adress: " << inputTreeReader << std::endl;
+  myDetector->SetTreeReader(inputTreeReader);
+  //if(error==NULL){
+  //  UserAnalysis = NPL::AnalysisFactory::getInstance()->Construct(); 
+  //  UserAnalysis->SetDetectorManager(myDetector);
+  //  UserAnalysis->Init();
+  //  //UserAnalysis->InitTreeReader(inputTreeReader);
+  //} 
+  //else{
+  //  std::string str_error=error;
+  //  if(str_error.find("image not found")!=std::string::npos ||str_error.find("No such file or directory")!=std::string::npos )
+  //    std::cout << "\033[1;33m**** INFO: No User analysis found, building Physical tree ****\033[0m" << std::endl;
+  //  else{
+  //    std::cout << "\033[1;31m**** ERROR: Failure to load libNPAnalysis ****" << std::endl << error << "\033[0m" <<std::endl;
+  //    exit(1);
+  //  }
+  //}
+  std::cout << std::endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< std::endl;
+  TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain();
+  myOptionManager->GetNumberOfEntryToAnalyse();
+	unsigned long first_entry = myOptionManager->GetFirstEntryToAnalyse(); // defaults to zero
+  unsigned long nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
+  if(nentries> myOptionManager->GetNumberOfEntryToAnalyse() && myOptionManager->GetNumberOfEntryToAnalyse()>0)
+    nentries = myOptionManager->GetNumberOfEntryToAnalyse() ;
+	if(nentries + first_entry > Chain->GetEntries()) {nentries = first_entry+Chain->GetEntries();}
+  TString ChainName = Chain->GetName();
+  std::cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << " on chain " << ChainName << std::endl;
+  unsigned long inter = 0;
+  unsigned long treated = 0;
+  double mean_rate =0;
+  unsigned long displayed=0;
+  clock_t end;
+  clock_t begin = clock();
+  struct timeval tv_end;
+  struct timeval tv_begin; gettimeofday(&tv_begin,NULL);
+  unsigned long new_nentries = 0 ;
+  int current_tree = 0 ;
+  int total_tree = Chain->GetNtrees();
+  bool IsCalibration = myOptionManager->IsCalibration();
+  std::cout << IsCalibration << "\n";
+  if(IsCalibration){
+    myDetector->InitializeRootHistogramsCalib(); 
+    while(inputTreeReader->Next()){
+      myDetector->FillHistogramsCalib();
+      current_tree = Chain->GetTreeNumber()+1;
+      ProgressDisplay(tv_begin,tv_end,treated,inter,nentries,mean_rate,displayed,current_tree,total_tree);
+    }
+    myDetector->WriteHistogramsCalib();
+  }
+  else{
+    std::cout << "Error, IsCalibration Option not well configured !\n"; 
+  }
+  std::cout << "test core dumped 1\n";
+#if __cplusplus > 199711L && NPMULTITHREADING
+  myDetector->StopThread();
+  current_tree = Chain->GetTreeNumber()+1;
+  //ProgressDisplay(begin,end,treated,inter,nentries,mean_rate,displayed,current_tree,total_tree);
+  std::cout << "test core dumped 2\n";
+  ProgressDisplay(tv_begin,tv_end,treated,inter,nentries,mean_rate,displayed,current_tree,total_tree);
+  std::cout << "test core dumped 3\n";
+  RootInput::Destroy();
+  RootHistogramsCalib::Destroy();
+  std::cout << "test core dumped 4\n";
+  return 0;
+void ProgressDisplay(struct timeval& begin, struct timeval& end, unsigned long& treated,unsigned long& inter,unsigned long& total,double& mean_rate,unsigned long& displayed, int& current_tree, int& total_tree){
+  gettimeofday(&end,NULL);
+  long double elapsed= end.tv_sec-begin.tv_sec+(end.tv_usec-begin.tv_usec)*1e-6;
+  if(elapsed>1||treated>=total ){
+    displayed++;
+    double event_rate = inter/elapsed;
+    mean_rate += (event_rate-mean_rate)/(displayed);
+    double percent = 100*treated/total;
+    double remain = (total-treated)/mean_rate;
+    char* timer;
+    double check;
+    int minutes = remain/60.;
+    int seconds = remain -60*minutes;
+    if(remain>60)
+      check=asprintf(&timer,"%dmin%ds",minutes,seconds);
+    else
+      check=asprintf(&timer,"%ds",(int)(remain));
+    static char star[10];
+    if(displayed%2==0 || treated==total)
+      sprintf(star,"*******");
+    else
+      sprintf(star,"-------");
+    if(treated!=total)
+      printf("\r \033[1;31m %s Progress: \033[1;36m%.1f%% \033[1;31m| Rate: %.1fk evt/s | Remain: %s | Tree: %d/%d %s   \033[0m         ", star,percent,mean_rate/1000.,timer, current_tree,total_tree,star);
+    else{
+      printf("\r \033[1;32m %s Progress: %.1f%% | Rate: %.1fk evt/s | Remain: %s | Tree: %d/%d %s   \033[0m         ", star,percent,mean_rate/1000.,timer, current_tree, total_tree,star);
+    }
+    fflush(stdout);
+    inter=0;
+    gettimeofday(&begin,NULL);
+  }
+  treated++;
+  inter++;
+void ProgressDisplay(clock_t& begin, clock_t& end, unsigned long& treated,unsigned long& inter,unsigned long& total,double& mean_rate,unsigned long& displayed, int& current_tree, int& total_tree){
+  end = clock();
+  if((end-begin)>CLOCKS_PER_SEC||treated>=total ){
+    displayed++;
+    long double elapsed =(long double) (end-begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    double event_rate = inter/elapsed;
+    mean_rate += (event_rate-mean_rate)/(displayed);
+    double percent = 100*treated/total;
+    double remain = (total-treated)/mean_rate;
+    char* timer;
+    double check;
+    int minutes = remain/60.;
+    int seconds = remain -60*minutes;
+    if(remain>60)
+      check=asprintf(&timer,"%dmin%ds",minutes,seconds);
+    else
+      check=asprintf(&timer,"%ds",(int)(remain));
+    static char star[10];
+    if(displayed%2==0 || treated==total)
+      sprintf(star,"*******");
+    else
+      sprintf(star,"-------");
+    if(treated!=total)
+      printf("\r \033[1;31m %s Progress: \033[1;36m%.1f%% \033[1;31m| Rate: %.1fk evt/s | Remain: %s | Tree: %d/%d %s   \033[0m         ", star,percent,mean_rate/1000.,timer, current_tree,total_tree,star);
+    else{
+      printf("\r \033[1;32m %s Progress: %.1f%% | Rate: %.1fk evt/s | Remain: %s | Tree: %d/%d %s   \033[0m         ", star,percent,mean_rate/1000.,timer, current_tree, total_tree,star);
+    }
+    fflush(stdout);
+    inter=0;
+    begin = clock() ;
+  }
+  treated++;
+  inter++;