From f6f4c0fef2c225b83701c4003f69cb0460012aef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: deserevi <deserevi@nptool>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 12:47:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Update documentation for the Gaspard project    + finish
 the NPSimulation part of the documentation

 NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 README                      |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex b/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
index 1e226e9d3..5f0ccce02 100755
--- a/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
+++ b/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-\usepackage [isolatin]{inputenc} % fontes avec caracteres accentues
-\usepackage{graphicx} % inclusion de figures
+\usepackage [isolatin]{inputenc}
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
-\tableofcontents % la table des matieres
 The Gaspard project is developed within the NPTool framework. For the 
 moment only the tracker of charged particles is currently under study.
-Coupling of the tracker with a gamma-ray calorimeter such as AGATA or
-PARIS will be considered in the future. 
+Coupling the tracker with a gamma-ray calorimeter such as AGATA or
+PARIS will be considered in the near future. 
 NPTool is a modular package allowing to perform Geant4 simulations and to 
 analyse the results of the simulations. It is strongly encouraged to read 
@@ -28,20 +28,144 @@ the general NPTool documentation that you can find in this directory.
 \subsection{Specificity of Gaspard}
-The Gaspard tracker detector, even if it is made of several types of detectors, 
-is considered as {\it one} detector from the NPTool point of view.
+The Gaspard tracker detector, even if it is made of several detectors of
+different shapes (square, trapezoid, annular, ...), is considered as {\it one} 
+detector from the NPSimulation point of view. The Gaspard tracker detector 
+is described in the GaspardTracker class defined in the 
+GaspardTracker.\{hh,cc\} files. Since the Gaspard tracker detector is 
+registered in the file it is available for NPSimulation.
+In order to manage the different detector shapes (square, trapezoid, annular, 
+...) of the Gaspard tracker, the GaspardTracker class holds a vector of 
+GaspardTrackerModule objects from which are, and should be, deriving all 
+the different shapes (GaspardTrackerSquare, GaspardTrackerAnnular,
+GaspardTrackerTrapezoid and GaspardTrackerDummyShape classes).
 \subsection{Running the simulation}
+To run NPSimulation the following command line should be executed: 
+   Simulation xxx.reaction yyy.detector
+where xxx.reaction is an input file describing the event generator and
+yyy.detector is an input file describing the detector geometry. All these
+input files are based on keywords and can be found in the 
+\$NPTool/Inputs subdirectories.
+\subsubsection{Event Generators}
+All the different kind of event generator files as well as their 
+respective keywords are described in the general NPTool documentation. 
+\subsubsection{Detector Configurations}
+The keywords associated to the detector geometry file are different for 
+each detector. In case of the Gaspard tracker detector an example with 
+all the detector shapes available at the moment is given in the following:
+   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   GaspardTracker
+   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   GPDAnnular
+           Z=      -156.5
+           RMIN=   16
+           RMAX=   52
+           FIRSTSTAGE= 1
+           SECONDSTAGE= 0
+           THIRDSTAGE= 1
+           VIS= all
+   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   GPDTrapezoid
+           X1_Y1=           45.64   34.43  -146.50
+           X128_Y1=         91.09   79.82   -91.36
+           X1_Y128=        120.84    8.00   -91.36
+           X128_Y128=       56.59    8.00  -146.50
+           FIRSTSTAGE= 1
+           SECONDSTAGE= 0
+           THIRDSTAGE= 1
+           VIS= all
+   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   GPDSquare
+           X1_Y1=          49.1    66.08   -135.41
+           X128_Y1=        -48.9   66.22   -135.41
+           X1_Y128=        -48.8   135.51  -66.1
+           X128_Y128=      49.2    135.36  -66.1
+           FIRSTSTAGE= 1
+           SECONDSTAGE= 0
+           THIRDSTAGE= 1
+           VIS= all
+   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   GPDDummyShape
+           THETA= 90
+           PHI= 90
+           R= 100
+           BETA= 0 0 0
+           FIRSTSTAGE= 1
+           SECONDSTAGE= 1
+           THIRDSTAGE= 1
+           VIS= all
+In order to declare a Gaspard tracker detector in NPSimulation, the key
+word {\it GaspardTracker} should be specified in the geometry file. It
+should then be followed by other keywords concerning the different
+detectors present in the tracker. Such keywords available at the moment
+   \item {GPDAnnular}
+   \item {GPDTrapezoid}
+   \item {GPDSquare}
+   \item {GPDDummyShape}
+Each keyword corresponds to a detector shape which have its own set of
+keywords which is used to position the detector in the world volume
+and to define the structure of the detector (basically the number of 
+layers of the detector).
+To position the detectors two possibilities exist. Either the cartesian 
+coordinates (x,y,z) of each detector's corner are specified with the 
+keywords {\it X1\_Y1}, {\it X1\_Y128}, {\it X128\_Y1} and {\it X128\_Y128}
+(case of GPDTrapezoid), either the spherical coordinates of the detector's 
+center are specified with the keywords {\it R}, {\it THETA} and {\it PHI} 
+(case of GPDDummyShape). While the first solution is very helpful when 
+working with the mechanical engineers, the second solution is useful when 
+investigating new geometries.
+In case of GPDAnnular only the position on the z-axis is given through
+the keyword {\it Z}. Other keywords such as {\it RMIN} and {\it RMAX} 
+are defined but have no effect. This should be changed in the future.
+Concerning the structure of the detector, all the detectors have the 
+possibility to have up to three layers of silicon. Each layer can be 
+activated independently using the keywords {\it FIRSTSTAGE}, 
 \subsection{Results of the simulation}
 The results of the simulation are in the ROOT format and the output file 
-is stored in \$NPTool/Output/Simulation. The output ROOT file contains
-three classes:
+is stored in the \$NPTool/Output/Simulation directory. The output ROOT file 
+contains three classes:
-   \item {\it TInitialConditions:}
-   \item {\it TInteractionCoordinates:}
-   \item {\it TGaspardTrackerData:}
+   \item {TInitialConditions:}
+      This class records all the information concerning the event generator
+      such as the vertex of interaction, the angles of emitted particles in 
+      the center of mass and laboratory frames...
+   \item {TInteractionCoordinates:}
+      This class mainly records the cartesian and spherical coordinates of 
+      interaction between a particle and a detector.
+   \item {TGaspardTrackerData:}
+      This class stores the results of the simulation for the tracker part 
+      of the Gaspard detector. Independently of the number and shape of the 
+      detectors involved in the geometry, only {\it one} class is created for 
+      the whole Gaspard tracker detector. For each event the strips number 
+      are recorded as well as the energy and time for the layers which are 
+      involved in the telescope.
 \subsection{Adding a new detector shape to Gaspard}
 A special class (GaspardTrackerDummyShape) has been created to show how
 to define a new module for the Gaspard Tracker. This class describes a
@@ -49,7 +173,7 @@ simple 5x5 cm2 square telescope made of three layers of silicon which
 has been used for some preliminary studies of the tracker. So, when 
 considering adding a new module to the Gaspard Tracker, please do not use
 this class but create you own instead. However, for the explanations the 
-GaspardTrackerDummyShape case will bed considered.
+GaspardTrackerDummyShape case will be considered.
 When adding a new detector you need to follow several steps:
@@ -69,17 +193,61 @@ method a line such as:
 \subsubsection{Definition of the geometry and its readout}
-This is done in two files GaspardTrackerDummyShape.{h,cxx}. The geometry 
-is defined in the {\it VolumeMaker()} method, the placement of the 
-module is defined in the {\it ConstructDetector()} method, the readout
-of the geometry is done in the {\it ReadSensitive()} method and the 
-scorers are declared in the {\it InitializeScorers()} method.
+This is done in the GaspardTrackerDummyShape.\{h,cxx\} files. Concerning
+the geometry it is defined in the {\it VolumeMaker()} method and the 
+the positioning of the module is done in the {\it ConstructDetector()} 
+Concerning the readout of the geometry it is done in the {\it ReadSensitive()} 
+method and it is based on the method of the scorers available in G4. The 
+scorers associated to the Gaspard tracker are declared in the {\it 
+InitializeScorers()} method.
 \subsubsection{Definition of the scorers}
+If the scorers are declared in the {\it InitializeScorers()} method they should
+be defined in the GaspardScorers.\{hh,cc\} files. All basic scorers to record
+energy, time of flight and detector number are already implemented so when a new
+detector is added to Gaspard tracker there is nothing to add from this point
+of vue. However scorers determining the strip number for the front and back
+side of the silicon detector's first stage (if double-sided) should be implemented.
+In case of the GaspardTrackerDummyShape class this corresponds to the two classes
+GPDScorerFirstStageFrontStripDummyShape and GPDScorerFirstStageBackStripDummyShape.
+\subsubsection{Integration in GaspardTracker}
+In order to make the GaspardTracker detector aware of the GaspardTrackerDummyShape
+module it has to be registered in the {\it ReadConfiguration()} method of the 
+GaspardTracker class. Don't forget to include the GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh 
+header in the file. Then, in the GaspardTrackerDummyShape class 
+the keywords used when the geometry file is read should be defined in the {\it 
+ReadConfiguration()} method.
-To be documented...
+A set of general ROOT macros are available in the \$NPTool/NPAnalysis/macros 
+directory. You can for example obtain some control plots about the shooting
+conditions of the random variables. You can also calculate the geometrical 
+efficiency of your setup.
+The macros in this directory should be independant of the setup which is simulated.
+Specific macros to Gaspard tracker should be placed in the 
+\$NPTool/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/macros directory.
+The main analysis tool for the Gaspard tracker is in the \$NPTool/NPAnalysis/Gaspard
+directory. For the moment the main feature is the reconstruction of the excitation 
+\subsubsection{Running the analysis}
+******* to be documented *********
+\subsubsection{Results the analysis}
+******* to be documented *********
+\subsubsection{Structure of the analysis}
+******* to be documented *********
diff --git a/README b/README
index 2a19cddc0..a0cad80d2 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ IV) Inputs
 	Inputs / CrossSection
 	       / DetectorConstruction
 	       / EventGenerator
-	       / dEdx 
+	       / EnergyLoss
 V) Outputs
 	This directory contains the ROOT ouput files of the 