 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
 *                                                                           *
 * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
 * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *

 * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
 *                                                                           *
 * Creation Date  : January 2009                                             *
 * Last update    :                                                          *
 * Decription:                                                               *
 *  This event Generator is used to simulated Radioactive Ion beam           *
 *  Emmitance, Energy spread and dispersion are taken into account           *
 * Comment:                                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 *                                                                           *

// C++
#include <limits>

// G4 header
#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"

// G4 headers including CLHEP headers
// for generating random numbers
#include "Randomize.hh"

// NPTool header
#include "EventGeneratorBeam.hh"
#include "RootOutput.h"

using namespace CLHEP;

   m_InitConditions = new TInitialConditions();
   m_Target         = NULL    ;
   m_beamA          = 0       ;
   m_beamZ          = 0       ;
   m_particle       = NULL    ;

   delete m_InitConditions;

void   EventGeneratorBeam::SetTarget(Target* Target) 
            m_Target = Target;
void EventGeneratorBeam::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
   ////////General Reading needs////////
   string LineBuffer;
   string DataBuffer;

   ifstream ReactionFile;

   bool ReadingStatus       = false ;
   bool check_Z             = false ;
   bool check_A             = false ;
   bool check_Energy        = false ;
   bool check_EnergySpread  = false ;
   bool check_FWHMX         = false ;
   bool check_FWHMY         = false ;
   bool check_SigmaThetaX   = false ;
   bool check_SigmaPhiY     = false ;
   if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {} else {

   while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
      //Pick-up next line
      getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);

     if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "Beam") == 0) {
         G4cout << "Beam Found" << G4endl ;
         ReadingStatus = true ;

          ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
            //Search for comment Symbol %
            if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}

           else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleZ=") == 0) {
               check_Z = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_beamZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
                     G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ParticleA=") == 0) {
               check_A = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_beamA = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
                     G4cout << "Beam Particle: Z:" << m_beamZ << "  A:" << m_beamA << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamEnergy=") == 0) {
               check_Energy = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
               G4cout << "Beam Energy: " << m_BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEnergySpread=") == 0) {
               check_EnergySpread = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_BeamEnergySpread = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
               G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread: " << m_BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
               check_FWHMX = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
               G4cout << "Sigma X: " << m_SigmaX / mm << " mm" << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
               check_FWHMY = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
               G4cout << "Sigma Y: " << m_SigmaY / mm << " mm" << G4endl;

            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
               check_SigmaThetaX = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
               G4cout << "Sigma Theta X: " << m_SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 10, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
               check_SigmaPhiY = true ;
               ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
               m_SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
               G4cout << "Sigma Phi Y: " << m_SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
         //   If no Beam Token and no comment, toggle out
               {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
         //   If all Token found toggle out
            if( check_Z && check_A && check_Energy && check_EnergySpread && check_FWHMX && check_FWHMY && check_SigmaThetaX && check_SigmaPhiY )
               ReadingStatus = false ;   
   if( !check_Z || !check_A || !check_Energy || !check_EnergySpread || !check_FWHMX || !check_FWHMY || !check_SigmaThetaX || !check_SigmaPhiY )   
         {cout << "WARNING : Token Sequence Incomplete, Beam definition could not be Fonctionnal" << endl ;}
  cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////" << endl << endl ;
void EventGeneratorBeam::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent, G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
   //--------------write the DeDx Table -------------------
  if( anEvent->GetEventID()==0)
          m_particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_beamZ, m_beamA , 0.);
         if(m_Target!=0 )
            m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(m_particle ,0, m_BeamEnergy+4*m_BeamEnergySpread);
   ///// Calculate the incident beam direction as well as the vertex /////
   ///// of interaction in target and Energy Loss of the beam within /////
   ///// the target.                                                 /////
   G4ThreeVector InterCoord;
   G4double Beam_thetaX = 0, Beam_phiY = 0;
   G4double Beam_theta  = 0, Beam_phi  = 0;
   G4double FinalBeamEnergy = 0 ;
   G4double InitialBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
   m_Target->CalculateBeamInteraction( 0, m_SigmaX, 0, m_SigmaThetaX,
                                       0, m_SigmaY, 0, m_SigmaPhiY,
                                       InterCoord, Beam_thetaX, Beam_phiY,
                                       Beam_theta, Beam_phi,
   // write vertex position to ROOT file
   G4double x0 = InterCoord.x();
   G4double y0 = InterCoord.y();
   G4double z0 = InterCoord.z();

   // write emittance angles to ROOT file
   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Beam_thetaX / deg);
   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Beam_phiY / deg);

   // Store initial value
   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentAngleTheta(Beam_theta / deg);
   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentAnglePhi(Beam_phi / deg);

   /////Now define everything for light particle/////


   G4double particle_energy = RandGauss::shoot(m_BeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread);
   // Direction of particle, energy and laboratory angle
   G4double momentum_x = sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi) ;
   G4double momentum_y = sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi) ;
   G4double momentum_z = cos(Beam_theta) ;
   //Set the gun to shoot
   particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(momentum_x, momentum_y, momentum_z)) ;
   particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(particle_energy) ;
   particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0)) ;

   //Shoot the light particle
   particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;

void EventGeneratorBeam::InitializeRootOutput()
   RootOutput *pAnalysis = RootOutput::getInstance();
   TTree *pTree = pAnalysis->GetTree();
   pTree->Branch("InitialConditions", "TInitialConditions", &m_InitConditions);