#include <iostream> #include <Riostream.h> #include <TROOT.h> #include <TObject.h> #include <TApplication.h> #include <TBranch.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TChain.h> #include <TClass.h> #include <TF1.h> #include <TFile.h> #include <TH1.h> #include <TH2.h> #include <TMath.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TVirtualFFT.h> #include "TEpicData.h" #define DEBUG 0 #define z_bin_length 22.0 // [um] #define Electron_Vdrift 110.0 // [um/ns] #define Convolution_Gaussian_Sigma_ns 10 #define Convolution_Gaussian_Range_nSigma 3 void run() { // === ========== // === input data // === ========== TChain * t = new TChain("SimulatedTree"); t->Add("/media/audrey/DATA1/EPIC/simulation/K11_GEF_240Pfns.root"); t->ls(); // === =================== // === Initialize the data // === =================== TClass *epicClass = TClass::GetClass("TEpicData"); if (!epicClass) { std::cerr << "ERROR: TEpicData Class is not loaded" << std::endl; return; } TEpicData *m_Data = nullptr; t->SetBranchAddress("Epic", &m_Data); // === ========= // === Variables // === ========= double time_bin_width_ns = z_bin_length / Electron_Vdrift ; double time_KtoA_ns = 2500 / Electron_Vdrift ; double time_window_ns; int nbins_QvsT; int nbins_convol; // --- Gaussian Distribution for convolution double range_gauss = Convolution_Gaussian_Sigma_ns * Convolution_Gaussian_Range_nSigma * 1000; // n sigma in ps int nbins_gauss = (2*range_gauss) / (1000*time_bin_width_ns); cout << "nbins_gauss = " << nbins_gauss << " to cover +/- " << Convolution_Gaussian_Range_nSigma << " sigma" << endl; vector<double> gaussian_distribution(nbins_gauss,0.); double normalization_factor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbins_gauss; i++) { gaussian_distribution[i] = TMath::Gaus(-range_gauss+i*time_bin_width_ns*1000, 0, Convolution_Gaussian_Sigma_ns*1000, kTRUE); normalization_factor += gaussian_distribution[i]; } for(int i=0; i<nbins_gauss; i++) gaussian_distribution[i] /= normalization_factor; // === ========== // === Histograms // === ========== TH1D * h1_Qmax = new TH1D("Qmax_per_GEFevent","Qmax_per_GEFevent",100000,0,100000); //// === DRAW #if DEBUG TCanvas * can1D_QvsT = new TCanvas("1D_QvsT","One Event",0,0,2500,2500); #endif // === ============================================================================ // === Loop over the entries unsigned int nentries = t->GetEntries(); std::cout << "nentries = " << nentries << std::endl; #if DEBUG for (unsigned int Entry = 0; Entry < 100; Entry++) { #else for (unsigned int Entry = 0; Entry < nentries; Entry++) { if((Entry%250)==0) cout << "\r === Entry = " << Entry << " ===" << flush; #endif int bytesRead = t->GetEntry(Entry); if (bytesRead <= 0) { std::cerr << "Error : GetEntry failed at Entry #" << Entry << std::endl; continue; } if (!m_Data) { std::cerr << "Error: m_Data is NULL at Entry #" << Entry << std::endl; continue; } #if DEBUG cout << endl ; cout << "***********************************************" << endl; cout << "@ Entry = " << Entry << ", mult = " << m_Data->GetMultiplicity() << endl; #endif if(m_Data->GetMultiplicity()==0) continue; else if(m_Data->GetMultiplicity()!=1) { cout << "Particle Multiplicity = " << m_Data->GetMultiplicity() << endl; time_window_ns = 0; // FIXME : LOOP // loop over the particle multiplicity for(unsigned short pmult=0; pmult<m_Data->GetMultiplicity(); pmult++){ } }// end of if else mult>1 else{ int nsteps = m_Data->GetNumberOfSteps(0); double tfirst = m_Data->GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep(0).at(0); double tlast = m_Data->GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep(0).at(nsteps-1); time_window_ns = max(tfirst+time_KtoA_ns,tlast+(114-nsteps)*time_bin_width_ns); nbins_QvsT = ceil( time_window_ns / time_bin_width_ns ); nbins_convol = nbins_QvsT + 2*nbins_gauss; vector<double> influence(nbins_convol,0); #if DEBUG TH1D * h1_QvsT = new TH1D("influence_vs_time_1D","influence_vs_time_1D",nbins_convol,-2*range_gauss,nbins_QvsT*1000*time_bin_width_ns+2*range_gauss); h1_QvsT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Absolute time [ps] 200ps/bin"); h1_QvsT->SetLineColor(kBlue); h1_QvsT->SetDirectory(0); TH1D * h1_convolution_QvsT = new TH1D("QvsT_convol","QvsT_convol",nbins_convol,-2*range_gauss,nbins_QvsT*1000*time_bin_width_ns+2*range_gauss); h1_convolution_QvsT->SetLineColor(kRed); #endif for(int smult=0; smult<nsteps; smult++){ double t_Step = m_Data->GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep(0).at(smult) ; // [ns] int n_Step = m_Data->GetNumElectronsPerStep(0).at(smult); int b_Step = t_Step/time_bin_width_ns; for(int step=smult; step<114; step++){ if(nbins_QvsT < b_Step+step-smult){ cout << "size of the vector: " << nbins_QvsT << " but index to fill vector is " << b_Step+step-smult << endl; } else { influence[b_Step+step-smult+nbins_gauss] += n_Step * 22. / 2500. ; } }// end of loop over the steps up to anodes }// end of loop over the steps double Qmax = 0; for(int i=0; i<nbins_QvsT+nbins_gauss; i++){ double convolution = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nbins_gauss; j++) convolution += influence[i+j] * gaussian_distribution[j]; #if DEBUG h1_QvsT->SetBinContent(i+1,influence[i]); h1_QvsT->SetBinError(i+1,0); h1_convolution_QvsT->SetBinContent(i+1+0.5*nbins_gauss,convolution); #endif if (convolution>Qmax) Qmax=convolution; } h1_Qmax->Fill(Qmax); influence.clear(); #if DEBUG can1D_QvsT->cd(); h1_QvsT->Draw(); h1_convolution_QvsT->Draw("same"); can1D_QvsT->Update(); can1D_QvsT->WaitPrimitive(); h1_QvsT->Reset(); h1_convolution_QvsT->Reset(); #endif }// end of else mult=1 // //bool kProcess = kFALSE; // //for(int bin=1; bin<=h1_QvsT->GetNbinsX(); bin++){ // // if( kProcess==kFALSE && h1_QvsT->GetBinContent(bin)>0 ){ // // kProcess = kTRUE ; // // } // // if(kProcess==kTRUE){ // // // loop over the 50 ns // // // one bin is 200 ps // // // 50 ns is 250 bins // // double Q1_50ns = 0; // // for(int i=bin; i<=bin+250;i++) Q1_50ns += h1_QvsT->GetBinContent(i); // // h1_Q1_50ns->Fill(Q1_50ns); // // // reinit // // bin += 249; // // Q1_50ns = 0 ; // // kProcess = kFALSE; // // } // //} // } // === End of loop over the entries // === ============================================================================ TCanvas * can_Qmax = new TCanvas("Qmax","Qmax",0,0,2000,1500); can_Qmax->cd(); h1_Qmax->Draw(); // TFile * fsave = new TFile(Form("/media/audrey/DATA1/EPIC/simulation/out_K11_alpha240Pu_window%ius_%i.root",AlphaDecay_TimeWindow,fileno),"recreate"); // h1_Qmax->Write(); // fsave->Close(); }