# Macro file for the initialization phase of "exampleN03.cc" # when running in interactive mode # # Sets some default verbose # /control/verbose 0 /run/verbose 0 /cuts/verbose 0 /process/em/verbose 0 /process/eLoss/verbose 0 # # Use this open statement to create an OpenGL view: #/vis/open OGLI 1200x600-0+0 /vis/open VRML2FILE # # Draw geometry: /vis/drawVolume # # Specify view angle: /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 45. 45. # # Specify zoom value: /vis/viewer/zoom 1. # # Specify style (surface or wireframe): /vis/viewer/set/style surface # # Draw smooth trajectories at end of event, showing trajectory points # as markers 2 pixels wide: /vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth # Many other options are available with /vis/modeling and /vis/filtering. # For example, to select colour by particle ID: /vis/modeling/trajectories/create/drawByParticleID #/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/default/setDrawStepPts true /vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/default/setStepPtsSize 2 #/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set e- blue # # To superimpose all of the events from a given run: /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate # # Re-establish auto refreshing and verbosity: /vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh true /vis/verbose 0 # print Option /vis/ogl/set/printMode vectored /vis/ogl/set/transparency true