/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 this file is part of the NPTool Project * * * * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence * * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Original Author: N. de Sereville contact address: deserevi@ipno.in2p3.fr * * * * Creation Date : march 2011 * * Last update : * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Decription: * * This class holds all the online spectra needed for Must2 * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Comment: * * + first version (not complete yet) * * * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "TMust2Spectra.h" #include "TString.h" ClassImp(TMust2Spectra) TMust2Spectra::TMust2Spectra() : fMust2Data(new TMust2Data()), fMust2PreTreatedData(new TMust2Data()), fMust2Physics(new TMust2Physics()) { fMust2PreTreatedData = fMust2Physics->GetPreTreatedData(); } TMust2Spectra::~TMust2Spectra() { } void TMust2Spectra::InitRawUserSpectra() { TString name; for (Int_t i = 0; i < NUMBERMUST2; ++i) { // loop on number of detectors // STRX_MULT name = Form("MM%d_STRX_MULT", i+1); MM_STRX_MULT[i] = AddTH1(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, "MUST2/BRUT/MULT"); // STRY_MULT name = Form("MM%d_STRY_MULT", i+1); MM_STRY_MULT[i] = AddTH1(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, "MUST2/BRUT/MULT"); // SILI_MULT name = Form("MM%d_SILI_MULT", i+1); MM_SILI_MULT[i] = AddTH1(name, name, NUMBERSILI, 1, NUMBERSILI+1, "MUST2/BRUT/MULT"); // CSI_MULT name = Form("MM%d_CSI_MULT", i+1); MM_CSI_MULT[i] = AddTH1(name, name, NUMBERCSI, 1, NUMBERCSI+1, "MUST2/BRUT/MULT"); } // end loop on number of detectors } void TMust2Spectra::InitUserSpectra() { TString name; for (Int_t i = 0; i < NUMBERMUST2; i++) { // loop on number of detectors // STRX_E_BRU name = Form("MM%d_STRX_E_BRU", i+1); MM_STRX_E_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/STRXE"); // STRY_E_BRU name = Form("MM%d_STRY_E_BRU", i+1); MM_STRY_E_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/STRYE"); // STRX_T_BRU name = Form("MM%d_STRX_T_BRU", i+1); MM_STRX_T_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/STRXT"); // STRY_T_BRU name = Form("MM%d_STRY_T_BRU", i+1); MM_STRY_T_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/STRYT"); // SILI_E_BRU name = Form("MM%d_SILI_E_BRU", i+1); MM_SILI_E_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSILI, 1, NUMBERSILI+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/SILIE"); // SILI_T_BRU name = Form("MM%d_SILI_T_BRU", i+1); MM_SILI_T_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSILI, 1, NUMBERSILI+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/SILIT"); // CSI_E_BRU name = Form("MM%d_CSI_E_BRU", i+1); MM_CSI_E_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERCSI, 1, NUMBERCSI+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/CSIE"); // CSI_T_BRU name = Form("MM%d_CSI_T_BRU", i+1); MM_CSI_T_BRU[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERCSI, 1, NUMBERCSI+1, 512, 0, 8192, "MUST2/BRUT/CSIT"); // STRX_E_CAL name = Form("MM%d_STRX_E_CAL", i+1); MM_STRX_E_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/STRXE"); // STRY_E_CAL name = Form("MM%d_STRY_E_CAL", i+1); MM_STRY_E_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/STRYE"); // STRX_T_CAL name = Form("MM%d_STRX_T_CAL", i+1); MM_STRX_T_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 500, 0, 500, "MUST2/CAL/STRXT"); // STRY_T_CAL name = Form("MM%d_STRY_T_CAL", i+1); MM_STRY_T_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSTRIPS, 1, NUMBERSTRIPS+1, 500, 0, 500, "MUST2/CAL/STRYT"); // SILI_E_CAL name = Form("MM%d_SILI_E_CAL", i+1); MM_SILI_E_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSILI, 1, NUMBERSILI+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/SILIE"); // SILI_T_CAL name = Form("MM%d_SILI_T_CAL", i+1); MM_SILI_T_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERSILI, 1, NUMBERSILI+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/SILIT"); // CSI_E_CAL name = Form("MM%d_CSI_E_CAL", i+1); MM_CSI_E_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERCSI, 1, NUMBERCSI+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/CSIE"); // CSI_T_CAL name = Form("MM%d_CSI_T_CAL", i+1); MM_CSI_T_CAL[i] = AddTH2(name, name, NUMBERCSI, 1, NUMBERCSI+1, 500, 0, 50, "MUST2/CAL/CSIT"); } // end loop on number of detectors } void TMust2Spectra::FillRawUserSpectra() { } void TMust2Spectra::FillUserSpectra() { // STRX_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMStripXEMult(); i++) { MM_STRX_E_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i) - 8192); } // STRY_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMStripYEMult(); i++) { MM_STRY_E_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i), 8192 - fMust2Data->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)); } // STRX_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMStripXTMult(); i++) { MM_STRX_T_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMStripXTTime(i) - 8192); } // STRY_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMStripYTMult(); i++) { MM_STRY_T_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i), 8192 - fMust2Data->GetMMStripYTTime(i)); } // SILI_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiEMult(); i++) { MM_SILI_E_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)); } // SILI_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiTMult(); i++) { MM_SILI_T_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMSiLiTTime(i)); } // CSI_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMCsIEMult(); i++) { MM_CSI_E_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)); } // CSI_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2Data->GetMMCsITMult(); i++) { MM_CSI_T_BRU[fMust2Data->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2Data->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i), fMust2Data->GetMMCsITTime(i)); } // fill calibrated user spectra // STRX_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEMult(); i++) { MM_STRX_E_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(i)); } // STRY_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEMult(); i++) { MM_STRY_E_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEEnergy(i)); } // STRX_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTMult(); i++) { MM_STRX_T_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTStripNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXTTime(i)); } // STRY_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTMult(); i++) { MM_STRY_T_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTStripNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYTTime(i)); } // SILI_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEMult(); i++) { MM_SILI_E_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEPadNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiEEnergy(i)); } // SILI_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTMult(); i++) { MM_SILI_T_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTPadNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMSiLiTTime(i)); } // CSI_E for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEMult(); i++) { MM_CSI_E_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIEEnergy(i)); } // CSI_T for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITMult(); i++) { MM_CSI_T_CAL[fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITDetectorNbr(i) - 1] -> Fill(fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITCristalNbr(i), fMust2PreTreatedData->GetMMCsITTime(i)); } } TH1* TMust2Spectra::AddTH1(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, const char* family) { // create histo TH1 *hist = new TH1I(name, title, nbinsx, xlow, xup); // fill map fMapHisto[family].push_back(hist); return hist; } TH1* TMust2Spectra::AddTH2(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Int_t nbinsy, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup, const char* family) { // create histo TH1 *hist = new TH2I(name, title, nbinsx, xlow, xup, nbinsy, ylow, yup); // fill map fMapHisto[family].push_back(hist); return hist; }