diff --git a/src/dataprovider/conductcalibprovider.py b/src/dataprovider/conductcalibprovider.py
index 185a859dd9de3ee7b5f18c9b9ced2a651b0a475c..b6ec1fe9beb20e8e5df724115360b65d7bac39ae 100644
--- a/src/dataprovider/conductcalibprovider.py
+++ b/src/dataprovider/conductcalibprovider.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import datetime
 import os
 import re
-import utils
 class ConductCalibProvider:
     used_channels = ["C1", "C2"]
@@ -22,7 +21,12 @@ class ConductCalibProvider:
         return calib_run
-    def export_set_as_file(self, filename: str):
+    def export_set_as_file(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        # Test if filename already has a extension ('.' followed by 3 letters) ; if not: append '.csv'
+        if not re.match(".*\.[a-zA-Z]{3}$", filename):
+            filename += '.csv'
+        # Concatenate the data of all runs of the calibration set in a single pd.Dataframe
         set_df = pd.DataFrame()
         for run_id in self.calib_runs:
             calib_run = self.calib_runs[run_id]
@@ -31,9 +35,26 @@ class ConductCalibProvider:
             run_df["run_id"] = run_id
             set_df = set_df.append(run_df)
-        set_df.to_csv(path_or_buf=filename,
-                      sep="\t",
-                      index=False)
+        # Fix column order. Otherwise they can be randomly set.
+        column_order = ["run_id",
+                        "standard_cond",
+                        "channel",
+                        "step",
+                        "start_datetime",
+                        "end_datetime",
+                        "stable_start_datetime",
+                        "stable_end_datetime",
+                        "frequency",
+                        "excite",
+                        "headgain",
+                        "mean",
+                        "std",
+                        "valid_auto",
+                        "valid_manu"]
+        set_df[column_order].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename,
+                                    sep="\t",
+                                    index=False)
 class CalibRun: