#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TApplication.h"

#include "boost/program_options.hpp"

#include "math.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "KVEnv.h"
#include "KVString.h"
#include "MFMFileReader.h"

#include "KVDataRepositoryManager.h"
#include "KVDataSetManager.h"
#include "KVMultiDetArray.h"
#include "KVINDRADetector.h"
#include "KVNameValueList.h"
#include "KVINDRA.h"

#include "TRandom3.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include "zmq.hpp"
#include "MergerInfo.pb.h"

#include "merger_spy.h"

#include "MFMMergeFrame.h"
#include "MFMFaziaFrame.h"
#include "MFMMesytecMDPPFrame.h"

namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::string hostin, portin, urlin;
   std::string hostout, portout, urlout;
   std::string path_to_mesytec_conf;
   bool simu = false;

   po::options_description desc("\nindra-scaler - allowed options");
         ("help", "produce help message")
         ("hostin"     , po::value<std::string>() , "[optional] NARVAL publisher hostname to contact (default: ganp548)")
         ("portin"     , po::value<std::string>() , "[optional] NARVAL merger publisher port (default: 9098)")
         ("hostout"     , po::value<std::string>() , "[optional] this publisher hostname to contact (default: *)")
         ("portout"     , po::value<std::string>() , "[optional] this publisher port (default: 9099)")
         ("config-path"     , po::value<std::string>() , "[optional] path to Mesytec config files (/home/eindra/ganacq_manip/e818_test_indra)")
         ("simu"     , "[optional] simulation mode");

   po::variables_map vm;
   po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

      std::cout << desc << "\n";
      return 0;

   if (vm.count("hostin")) hostin = vm["hostin"].as<std::string>();
   else  hostin = "ganp548";

   if (vm.count("portin"))  portin = vm["portin"].as<std::string>();
   else portin = "9098";

   if (vm.count("hostout")) hostout = vm["hostout"].as<std::string>();
   else  hostout = "*";

   if (vm.count("portout"))  portout = vm["portout"].as<std::string>();
   else portout = "9099";

   if (vm.count("simu"))  simu = true;

   if (vm.count("config-path")) path_to_mesytec_conf = vm["config-path"].as<std::string>();
   else path_to_mesytec_conf = "/home/eindra/ganacq_manip/e818_test_indra";

      cerr << "ERROR: you forgot to give path to Mesytec config files (crate_map.dat & detector_correspondence.dat)" << endl;
      cerr << "ERROR: use option --config-path=[path]" << endl;

   urlin = "tcp://" + hostin + ":" + portin;
   std::cout << "trying to connect to : " << urlin << std::endl;

   urlout = "tcp://" + hostout + ":" + portout;
   std::cout << "histo published on   : " << urlout << std::endl;

   TApplication* rootapp= new TApplication("MERGER SPY", &argc, argv);

   merger_spy spy(1,simu); //once fixed Dt, use the same value in the merger-gui rate display xaxis


   return 0;

//void FillSimulatedBuffer(myprotobuf::merger_info &minfo, vector<TH1F> &histos)
//   TF1 ff("ff","gaus",0,10);
//   ff.SetParameters(1,3,1);

//   auto hf = minfo.add_histo_frames();
//   std::string fname = "Merger";
//   hf->set_name(fname.c_str());

//   for(int ih=0; ih<10; ih++){
//      auto hh = hf->add_histos();
//      std::stringstream tmp;
//      tmp << "Histogram #" << ih;
//      std::string name = tmp.str();
//      hh->set_name(name.c_str());
//      hh->set_labelx("time (ns)");

//      auto& dist = histos[ih];
//      for(int ip=0; ip<10; ip++) dist.Fill(ff.GetRandom());

//      for(int ib=0; ib<dist.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ib++)
//      {
//         auto pp = hh->add_points();
//         pp->set_x(dist.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ib));
//         pp->set_y(dist.GetBinContent(ib));
//      }
//   }
//   auto rf = minfo.add_rate_frames();
//   fname = "Rates";
//   rf->set_name(fname.c_str());

//   for(int ih=0; ih<3; ih++){
//      auto hh = rf->add_rates();

//      std::string name = "";
//      switch(ih){
//         case 0: name = "Merged"; break;
//         case 1: name = "INDRA"; break;
//         case 2: name = "FAZIA"; break;
//      }
//      hh->set_name(name.c_str());
//      double val = gRandom->Rndm()*100;
//      hh->set_value(val);
//   }
