diff --git a/static/plugin_dbui/src/basepanelwithselector.js b/static/plugin_dbui/src/basepanelwithselector.js
index 45e28a3001909bc793dc59e61a7cdd18c0b85bd6..a6f6643212403acf57d9309986907bd18a3171dd 100644
--- a/static/plugin_dbui/src/basepanelwithselector.js
+++ b/static/plugin_dbui/src/basepanelwithselector.js
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
  *  A border layout with a panel and a selector.
- *  
- *  The selector is a collapsible panel appearing on the 
- *  left/right/top/bottom side of the central panel. 
+ *
+ *  The selector is a collapsible panel appearing on the
+ *  left/right/top/bottom side of the central panel.
  *  The selector contains a set of Fields usually organized in field sets.
  *  and two buttons Go and Reset.
- *  
+ *
  *  The configuration parameter selectorRegion defined the position
  *  of the selector with respect to the central panel. Value are those
  *  of the border layout: east, west, south and north.
  *  By default the selector is on the east side (right).
- *  
+ *
  *  The size of the selector is determined by selectorHeight and selectorWidth.
  *  The former works when the selectorRegion is north and south while
- *  the latter is for region west and east. 
- *  
- *  The logic between the panel, the selector and the buttons 
+ *  the latter is for region west and east.
+ *
+ *  The logic between the panel, the selector and the buttons
  *  is defined in inherited class.
- *  
+ *
  *  The type of this component is xpanelwithselector.
- *  
+ *
  *  @extend: Ext.Panel
- *  
+ *
 App.BasePanelWithSelector = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
      * @param {Object} panel and selector configurations
     panelCfg: null,
     selectorCfg: null,
      * configuration options for the border layout
-    panelBorder: false,  
+    panelBorder: false,
     selectorCollapsible: true,
     selectorFrame: true,
     selectorHeight: 300,
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ App.BasePanelWithSelector = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
      * constructor
      * @param {Object} config
-    constructor: function(config){
+    constructor: function(config) {
         var cfg,
-            selector;    
+            selector;
         Ext.apply(this, config);
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ App.BasePanelWithSelector = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
             items: [panel],
             region: 'center'
         // configure the selector item
         selector = Ext.ComponentMgr.create(this.selectorCfg);
         itemSelector = {
             buttons: [{
-                ref: '../../goButton', 
+                ref: '../../goButton',
                 text: this.textGo
             }, {
-                ref: '../../resetButton', 
+                ref: '../../resetButton',
                 text: this.textReset
-            }],      
+            }],
             collapsible: this.selectorCollapsible,
             defaults: {anchor: '99%'},
             frame: this.selectorFrame,
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ App.BasePanelWithSelector = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
             items: [selector],
             region: this.selectorRegion,
             split: this.selectorSplit,
-            width: this.selectorWidth,
+            width: this.selectorWidth
         // configure the border layout
         cfg = {
             layout: 'border',
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ App.BasePanelWithSelector = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
         Ext.apply(this, cfg);
         // instanciate the panel