diff --git a/controllers/reports.py b/controllers/reports.py
index b685aa2edf948acc80f788cce6739a1d66859d01..d5719027e7c9ed389f51424ffb024af41b837c16 100644
--- a/controllers/reports.py
+++ b/controllers/reports.py
@@ -13,30 +13,7 @@ def report_1():
     """First trial
-    # Resolve foreign key
-    query = db.publications.id_collaborations == db.collaborations.id
-    query = (query) & (db.publications.id_publishers == db.publishers.id)
-    query = (query) & (db.publications.id_categories == db.categories.id)
-    # publication with comite de lecture
-    query = (query) & (db.publications.conference_title == '')
-    query = (query) & ((db.categories.code  == 'ACL') | (db.categories.code  == 'ACLN'))
-    # Interrogate the database
-    rows = db(query).select(db.publications.title,
-                            db.publications.authors,
-                            db.publications.id_collaborations,
-                            db.collaborations.collaboration,
-                            db.publishers.abbreviation,
-                            db.publications.year,
-                            db.publications.doi,
-                            db.publications.volume,
-                            db.publications.first_page,
-                            db.publications.last_page,
-                            db.publications.conference_title,
-                            db.categories.code)
-    return {'title': 'Rapport 1', 'publis': rows}
+    return "report_1"
 def report_2():
@@ -45,6 +22,7 @@ def report_2():
     s = ""
+    print request.post_vars
     for k in request.post_vars:
         s += "<br>%s: %s" %  (k, request.post_vars[k])
diff --git a/languages/fr-fr.py b/languages/fr-fr.py
index f1a502287cdee95147df86a9e47f38af9e2abf3e..583ddf00fc32531d90f93bcb51305c3883e5fe97 100644
--- a/languages/fr-fr.py
+++ b/languages/fr-fr.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 'Report Numbers': 'Numéro du rapport',
 'Report type': 'Type du rapport',
 'Reports': 'Rapports',
+'Select': 'Selectionner',
 'Speaker': 'Orateur',
 'Start date': 'Date de début',
 'Table': 'Table',
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
 'report_1': 'report_1',
 'report_2': 'report_2',
 'reports': 'rapports',
+'select': 'select',
 'select publication for a given year': 'selectionne les publication pour une année',
 'select publications for a given CPPM author': 'selectionne les publications pour un auteur du CPPM',
 'select publications for a given project': 'selectionne les publications pour un projet',
diff --git a/models/widgets.py b/models/widgets.py
index 8017f88597648feac877c6f40ae4e2fff690f812..6be3dfade3907844fba3ac2d54c5c07bf34580ca 100755
--- a/models/widgets.py
+++ b/models/widgets.py
@@ -192,13 +192,17 @@ configurator = lambda tablename: cvtSvc.to_grid_panel(db[tablename])
 gridNode.add_children(db.tables, func=configurator) 
 reportNode = dbui.Node(T('Reports'))
-cfg = dbui.to_urlPanel(URL(c="reports", f="report_1"))
-reportNode.add_child(T('report_1'), cfg)
-form_items = cvtSvc.to_form_items(dummy.foo1)
-cfg = dbui.to_panelWithUrlSelector(form_items, 
-                                   baseUrl=URL(c="reports", f="report_2"))
-reportNode.add_child(T('report_2'), cfg)
+node = dbui.to_panel(html='salut ma poule')
+reportNode.add_child(T('report_1'), node)
+panel = dbui.to_panel()
+fields = cvtSvc.to_form_items(dummy.foo1)
+selector = dbui.to_fieldset(fields, title=T('Select'))
+node = dbui.to_panelWithUrlSelector(panel,
+                                    selector,
+                                    controller="reports",
+                                    function="report_2")
+reportNode.add_child(T('report_2'), node)
 viewportModifier = dbui.ViewportModifier()
 viewportModifier.add_node(formNode, gridNode, reportNode)
diff --git a/modules/plugin_dbui/__init__.py b/modules/plugin_dbui/__init__.py
index 260a7f1607693f07652fe616071051828da0e002..1988a8c846673c3290292d5ed233c18ddba12da5 100755
--- a/modules/plugin_dbui/__init__.py
+++ b/modules/plugin_dbui/__init__.py
@@ -28,5 +28,9 @@ from helper import (as_list,
 from mapper import map_default, map_tabpanel
 from modifier import Spacer, Widget
-from navtree import Node, to_panelWithUrlSelector, to_urlPanel
+from navtree import (Node,
+                     to_fieldset,
+                     to_panel, 
+                     to_panelWithUrlSelector, 
+                     to_urlPanel)
 from viewportmodifier import ViewportModifier
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/plugin_dbui/navtree.py b/modules/plugin_dbui/navtree.py
index 56f6094b74a08aad411847bee4a981577e61a9ab..b5b9e39cc349d670183d4a1119a3bbffd4a86e40 100644
--- a/modules/plugin_dbui/navtree.py
+++ b/modules/plugin_dbui/navtree.py
@@ -3,74 +3,123 @@
 import locale
+import os
 from gluon import current
 from helper import is_mathjax
-def to_panelWithUrlSelector(formItems,
-                            application=None,
+def to_panel(**kwargs):
+    """Return the configuration dictionary of an Ext.Panel.
+    The keyword arguments are the configuration options of
+    the Ext.Panel widget.
+    """
+    cfg = {'xtype': 'panel'}
+    cfg.update(kwargs)
+    return cfg
+def to_fieldset(fields, **kwargs):
+    """Return the confiuration dictionary of Ext.form.Fieldset.
+    This widget contains list of Ext.form.Field.
+    fields is a list of configuration dictioanry for form.Fields.
+    The keyword arguments are the configuration options of
+    the Ext.form.FieldSet widget.
+    """
+    cfg = {'defaults': {'anchor': '99%'},
+           'items': fields,
+           'xtype': 'fieldset'}
+    cfg.update(kwargs)
+    return cfg
+def to_panelWithUrlSelector(panelCfg,
+                            selectorCfg,
+                            application=None,
+                            function=None,
-                            extField=None, 
-                            title='Configure'):
+                            extField=None,
+                            funcField=None):
     """Return the configuration dictionary for an App.PanelWithUrlSelector.
-    the main panel displays the URL content while the selector panel shows
-    a form allowing to change the URL setting. 
-        application and controller
-            The base URL is: /application/controller.
+    This widget is split in two part a main panel and a selector.
+    The selector display a list of fields organized in fieldset.
+    There values define the URL parameters. The main panel displays 
+    the URL content.
+    Configuration dictionary for the main panel and fieldset are set via:
+        panelCfg
+        selectorCfg
+    In web2py an URL is defined as application/controller/function.extension
+    There are several ways to define it. 
+        application
+            The base URL is: /application
             By default the application is the current application.
-            The argument ctlField and extField allow to extend the base URL to
-            /application/controller/ctlField.extField 
-            Another way to defined the base URL associated to the panel.
-            It should be a well-formed URL string, i.e http://blabla
+            Another way to defined the URL associated to the panel.
+            It should be a well-formed URL string, i.e http://blabla.
+            It is a more general approach where the URL can point to a
+            any links.
+        controller
+            The base URL is: /application/controller.
+        function
+            The base URL is: /application/controller/function.
+    The URL can be modified dynamicaly by extracting the name of the
+    controller, function and/or  extension from the selector fields.
-            Name of the form field defining the name of the controller.
-            When define the URL become baseUrl/ctrlFieldValue
+            Name of the field defining the name of the controller.
+            When define the URL become baseURL/ctrlFieldValue.
-            the url become baseUrl/ctrField.extField
-            Useful to play with different view rendering their content in 
-            html, json, xml, ... 
-        formItems
-            A list of configuration dictionary defining the
-            widget embedded in the form
-        title
-            Title of the box surrounding form widgets
+            Name of the field defining the name of the extension.
+            When define the URL become baseUrl.extFieldValue.
+            Useful to play with different view rendering the same
+            controller/function.
+        funcField
+            Name of the form field defining the name of the function.
+            When define the URL become baseURL/funcFieldValue.
+            To be used with ctrlField. In that case the URL is
+            /application/ctrFieldValue/funcFieldValue.
     url = baseUrl
     if not url:
         if application:
-            url = '/%s/%s' % (application, controller)
+            url = os.path.join('/', application)
-            url = '/%s/%s' % (current.request.application, controller)
+            url = os.path.join('/', current.request.application)
+        if controller:
+            url = os.path.join(url, controller)
+        if function:
+            url = os.path.join(url, function)
     cfg = {'baseUrl': url,
            'ctrlField': ctrlField,
            'extField': extField,
+           'funcField': funcField,
            'isMathJax': is_mathjax(),
-           'panelCfg': None,
-           'selectorCfg':None,
+           'panelCfg': panelCfg,
+           'selectorCfg': selectorCfg,
            'xtype': 'xpanelwithurlselector'}
-    # configuration of the child panel displaying URL
-    cfg['panelCfg'] = {'plugins': [], 
-                       'xtype': 'panel'}
-    # configuration of the selector
-    cfg['selectorCfg'] = {'defaults': {'anchor': '99%'},
-                          'items': formItems,
-                          'title': title,
-                          'xtype': 'fieldset'}
     return cfg
@@ -82,13 +131,11 @@ def to_urlPanel(url):
             well-formed URL string, i.e http://blabla
-    cfg = {'autoLoad': url,
-           'plugins': [], 
-           'preventBodyReset': True, 
-           'xtype': 'panel'}
+    cfg = to_panel(autoload=url,
+                   preventBodyReset=True)
-    if is_mathjax:
-        cfg['plugins'].append('pPanelMathJax')
+    if is_mathjax():
+        cfg['plugins'] = ['pPanelMathJax']
     return cfg
diff --git a/static/plugin_dbui/src/apppanelwithurlselector.js b/static/plugin_dbui/src/apppanelwithurlselector.js
index ac80cc897d9fb065216f33b72686f391075787a6..6f0fdfa442f5be00da19ffec2e5c4a66409865f2 100644
--- a/static/plugin_dbui/src/apppanelwithurlselector.js
+++ b/static/plugin_dbui/src/apppanelwithurlselector.js
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
- * A panel displaying an url content with a collpasible selector.
- * The selector allows to setup the url parameters and to launch the
- * request to the server.
+ * This widget is split in two part a main panel and a selector.
+ * The selector display a list of fields organized in fieldset.
+ * There values define the URL parameters. The main panel displays
+ * the URL content.
- * The url is build as baseUrl or baseUrl/CtrlFieldValue if ctrlField 
- * is defined. The value of the other fields are pass as Field1=Field1Value, 
- * Field2=Field2Value via the POST transfert
+ * Configuration for the main panel and the selelctor are set via
+ * the option panelCfg and selectorCgf.
+ * 
+ * The URL display in the main panel is defined by the baseUrl option.
+ * It can be modified dynamicaly by extracting the name of the
+ * controller, function and/or  extension from the selector fields.
+ * The options ctrlField, extField and funcField associated field
+ * used to determine the value.                    
  * Mathematical symbols will be interpreted, if the javascript library 
  * mathjax is load. Use the isMathJax property.
@@ -27,18 +33,24 @@ App.PanelWithUrlSelector = Ext.extend(App.BasePanelWithSelector, {
      * @param {String} ctrFiedl  name of the field defining the controller
-     * When define the url become http://blabla/ctrlFieldValue
+     * When define the url become baseUrl/ctrlFieldValue
     ctrlField: null,
-     * @param {String} extFiedl  name of the field defining the view extension
-     * When define the url become http://blabla/ctrlFieldValue.extField
+     * @param {String} extFiedl  name of the field defining the extension
+     * When define the url become baseUrl.extFieldValue
     extField: null,
+    /**
+     * @param {String} funcFiedl  name of the field defining the function
+     * When define the url become baseUrl/funcFieldValue
+     */
+    funcField: null,
-     * @param {Boolean} isMathJax 
+     * @param {Boolean} isMathJax True is the mathjax library is installed
     isMathJax: false,
@@ -64,33 +76,37 @@ App.PanelWithUrlSelector = Ext.extend(App.BasePanelWithSelector, {
     onGo: function() {
-        var ctrlFunc=null,
-            ctrlExt=null,
-            fields,
+        var fields,
             mainPanel = this.getComponent('mainPanel'),
             params = {},
             selector = this.getComponent('selectorPanel'),
-            url = this.baseUrl;
+            url = this.baseUrl,
+            urlCtrl = null,
+            urlFunc = null,
+            urlExt = null;
         // activate the auto scrolling
-        // basic fields
+        // extract basic parameters
         fields = selector.findByType('field');
         for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) {
             if(fields[i].getName() === this.ctrlField) {
-                ctrlFunc =  fields[i].getValue();
+                urlCtrl =  fields[i].getValue();
             } else if (fields[i].getName() === this.extField) {
-                ctrlExt =  fields[i].getValue();
+                urlExt =  fields[i].getValue();
+            } else if (fields[i].getName() === this.funcField) {
+                urlFunc =  fields[i].getValue();
             } else {
                 params[fields[i].getName()] = fields[i].getValue();    
-        // fields embedded in composite fields 
+        // extract parameters embedded in composite fields 
         fields = this.findByType('compositefield');
         for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) {
             fields[i].items.eachKey(function(key, subfield) {
@@ -98,15 +114,20 @@ App.PanelWithUrlSelector = Ext.extend(App.BasePanelWithSelector, {
-        // build the URL when only the ctrlFunc is defined
-        if (ctrlFunc !== null && ctrlExt === null) {
-            url = url + '/' + ctrlFunc;
-        // build the url when both the ctrlFunc and ctrlExt are defined            
-        } else if (ctrlFunc !== null && ctrlExt !== null) {
-            url = url + '/' + ctrlFunc + '.' + ctrlExt;
+        // build the URL
+        if (urlCtrl !== null) {
+            url = url + '/' + urlCtrl;
+        }
+        if (urlFunc !== null) {
+            url = url + '/' + urlFunc;
+        }
+        if (urlExt !== null) {
+            url = url + '.' + urlExt;
+        // load url in the main panel            
             callback: this.onLoad,
             params: params,
diff --git a/views/reports/report_1.html b/views/reports/report_1.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c35bdc831975a44f1c68da7abcf167f054014f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/views/reports/report_1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
-	<head>
-		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-		<title>{{=title}}</title>
-        <!-- mathjax library -->        
-        <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
-            MathJax.Hub.Config({
-                extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],
-                jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
-                tex2jax: {
-                    inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
-                    displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
-                    processEscapes: true
-                },
-                "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }
-            });
-        </script>
-		<script  type="text/javascript" src="/{{=request.application}}/static/plugin_mathjax/MathJax.js"></script>
-	</head>
-	<body>
-	<h2>Publications avec comité de lecture</h2>
-	<ol>
-		{{for el in publis:}}
-		<li>
-			{{=el.publications.title}}<br>
-			{{=el.publications.authors}}
-			{{if el.publications.id_collaborations > 1:}}, {{=el.collaborations.collaboration}},{{pass}}<br>
-			{{if el.publishers.abbreviation:}}{{=el.publishers.abbreviation}}{{pass}}
-			{{if el.publications.volume:}}{{=el.publications.volume}}{{pass}}
-			{{if el.publications.year:}}({{=el.publications.year}}){{pass}}
-			{{if el.publications.first_page:}}{{=el.publications.first_page}}{{pass}}
-			{{if el.publications.last_page:}}- {{=el.publications.last_page}}{{pass}}
-		</li>
-		{{pass}}
-	</ol>
-	</body>