diff --git a/controllers/plugin_dbui.py b/controllers/plugin_dbui.py
index 0adcd8d0fabbef6201de99d2e862d98a1924bab8..ee2ad06611ac6fe73888c1017b7076f167ce8c31 100644
--- a/controllers/plugin_dbui.py
+++ b/controllers/plugin_dbui.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ API = """
 App.csvUrl = '/%s/plugin_dbui/csv';
 App.config = %s;
 App.debug = %s;
+App.latex2pdfUrl = '/%s/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.pdf';
 App.name = '%s';
     'url': '/%s/plugin_dbui/call',
@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ def dbui_conf():
+                    app,
@@ -360,43 +362,44 @@ def index():
 def latex2pdf():
-    """Convert a LaTeX file into PDF.
+    """Convert a LaTeX string into PDF.
+    It is mandatory to define the request argument 'latex'.
     from subprocess import call
     from tempfile import TemporaryFile
     from uuid import uuid4
-    latex = request.vars.latex
-#     # create the latex file in  the private directory
-#     cwd = os.getcwd()
-#     os.chdir(os.path.join(request.folder, 'private'))
-#     fn = str(uuid4())
-#     fi = open('%s.tex' % fn, 'wb')
-#     fi.write(latex)
-#     fi.close()
-#     # convert the latex file into pdf
-#     cmd = ['pdflatex', '-interaction', 'nonstopmode', '%s.tex' % fn] 
-#     call(cmd, stdout=TemporaryFile())
-#     # copy the pdf in a string
-#     fi = open('%s.pdf' % fn, 'rb')
-#     s_pdf = fi.read()
-#     fi.close()
-#     # clean latex processing
-#     for ext in ('aux', 'log', 'pdf', 'tex'):
-#         f = '%s.%s' % (fn, ext)
-#         if os.path.exists(f):
-#             os.remove(f)
-#     # go back to the web2py main directory
-#     os.chdir(cwd)
-    s_pdf = latex
-    return dict(data=s_pdf)
+    latex_string = request.vars.latex
+    # create the latex file in  the private directory
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(os.path.join(request.folder, 'private'))
+    fn = str(uuid4())
+    fi = open('%s.tex' % fn, 'wb')
+    fi.write(latex_string)
+    fi.close()
+    # convert the latex file into pdf
+    cmd = ['pdflatex', '-interaction', 'nonstopmode', '%s.tex' % fn] 
+    call(cmd, stdout=TemporaryFile())
+    # copy the pdf file into a string
+    fi = open('%s.pdf' % fn, 'rb')
+    pdf_string = fi.read()
+    fi.close()
+    # clean latex processing
+    for ext in ('aux', 'log', 'pdf', 'tex'):
+        f = '%s.%s' % (fn, ext)
+        if os.path.exists(f):
+            os.remove(f)
+    # go back to the web2py main directory
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+    return dict(data=pdf_string)
 def status():
diff --git a/static/plugin_dbui/src/App.js b/static/plugin_dbui/src/App.js
index af7d3a0e0c3f388d728be6be632d97ec03099991..92f3fbe5be7505383f30072955a2a38d21ae3aa0 100644
--- a/static/plugin_dbui/src/App.js
+++ b/static/plugin_dbui/src/App.js
@@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ Ext.define('App', {
     debug: false,
+    /**
+     * @property {String}
+     * The URL of the controller to convert latex string into PDF file,
+     * namely /application/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.pdf.
+     */
+    latex2pdfUrl: undefined,
      * The configuration of the Ext.Direct service.
      * It contains the definition of the remote procedure.
diff --git a/static/plugin_dbui/src/grid/plugin/Export.js b/static/plugin_dbui/src/grid/plugin/Export.js
index 5cbc3cd80b98f07642437ddd218fe299a2ac1093..965bb855c85784071651011033b984d40ac7d2e5 100644
--- a/static/plugin_dbui/src/grid/plugin/Export.js
+++ b/static/plugin_dbui/src/grid/plugin/Export.js
@@ -111,43 +111,6 @@ Ext.define('App.grid.plugin.Export', {
         return value;
-    /**
-     * Download the data as a file using an URI.
-     * The URI is built from the arguments and the data are HTML
-     * encoded to preserve special character like quote, /, ?, ...
-     *
-     * @param {String}
-     * The mine type of the return file, e.g "text/csv".
-     *
-     * @param {String}
-     * The data encoding, e.g. "utf-8".
-     *
-     * @param {String/String[]}
-     * The content of the file, one string per line.
-     *
-     */
-    downloadViaURI: function (minetype, encoding, data) {
-        "use strict";
-        var uri;
-        // build the data string in which special
-        // character like quote, / , ? are HTML encoded
-        if (Ext.isArray(data)) {
-            data = data.join(this.newLine);
-        }
-        data = encodeURIComponent(data);
-        // build the URI
-        uri = "data:" + minetype + ";";
-        uri += "charset=" + encoding +",";
-        uri += data;
-        // stimulate the browser to mimic the field download
-        window.location.href = uri;
-    },
      * Get the content of the cells as rendered by the grid.
      * The method handle the grouping cell as well.
@@ -364,7 +327,7 @@ Ext.define('App.grid.plugin.Export', {
         "use strict";
         var data = this.getCSV();
-        this.downloadViaURI("text/csv", "utf-8", data);
+        this.save("text/csv", "utf-8", data);
@@ -410,70 +373,26 @@ Ext.define('App.grid.plugin.Export', {
         "use strict";
         var data = this.getLaTeX();
-        this.downloadViaURI("application/x-latex", "utf-8", data);
+        this.save("application/x-latex", "utf-8", data);
      * Export the content of the grid as a PDF file.
+     * The latex file is generated on the client side and transfer to
+     * the server where the conversion take place.
-    downloadViaIFRAME: function (panel, url) {
-        "use strict";
-        var frameId = 'mainPanelIframe',
-            iframe;
-        // destroy IFRAME previously embedded in the panel
-        iframe = Ext.getBody().getById(frameId);
-        if (iframe) {
-            Ext.destroy(iframe);
-        }
-        // launch a progress bar
-        Ext.MessageBox.show({
-            msg: 'Preparing your file, please wait...',
-            progressText: 'Saving...',
-            width: 300,
-            wait: true
-        });
-        // append the IFRAME to the panel therefore
-        // the browser will launch the downloading.
-        //
-        // NOTE: the IFRAME cover almost the full space.
-        // this is useful when the PDF is embedded in the panel.
-        //
-        // NOTE: keep the background colour to white
-        //
-        iframe = Ext.getBody().createChild({
-            tag: 'iframe',
-            id: frameId,
-            frameborder: 0,
-            width: '100%',
-            height: '99%',
-            style: 'background: #00FF00;',
-            src: url
-        });
-        // when the download is finish hide message box
-        iframe.on('load', function () {
-            Ext.MessageBox.hide();
-        }, this, {single: true});
-    },
     onPdfExport: function () {
        "use strict";
-        /*
         var data,
-            form,
-            url;
+            form;
         data = this.getLaTeX().join(this.newLine);
-        url = '/plugin_dbui/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html';
+        // send the latex data to the server.
+        // the method used standardSubmit using a form.
         form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
             items: [{
                 name: 'latex',
@@ -481,35 +400,49 @@ Ext.define('App.grid.plugin.Export', {
             standardSubmit: true,
-            url: url
+            url: App.latex2pdfUrl
-        console.log(form);
-        */
+    },
+    /**
+     * Save the data as a file using an URI.
+     * The URI is built from the arguments and the data are HTML
+     * encoded to preserve special character like quote, /, ?, ...
+     *
+     * @param {String}
+     * The mine type of the return file, e.g "text/csv".
+     *
+     * @param {String}
+     * The data encoding, e.g. "utf-8".
+     *
+     * @param {String/String[]}
+     * The content of the file. Either a string of a list of string,
+     * one string per line.
+     *
+     */
+    save: function (minetype, encoding, data) {
-        var url,
-            vars = {latex: undefined};
+        "use strict";
-        // build the url
-        vars.latex = this.getLaTeX().join(this.newLine);
+        var uri;
-        url = '/plugin_dbui/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html' + '?' + Ext.Object.toQueryString(vars);
+        // build the data string in which special
+        // character like quote, / , ? are HTML encoded
+        if (Ext.isArray(data)) {
+            data = data.join(this.newLine);
+        }
+        data = encodeURIComponent(data);
-        this.downloadViaIFRAME(this.getCmp(), url);
+        // build the URI
+        uri = "data:" + minetype + ";";
+        uri += "charset=" + encoding +",";
+        uri += data;
-        /*
-        // trigger the latex to pdf conversion on the server side
-        Ext.Ajax.request({
-            url: '/plugin_dbui/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html',
-            params: {latex: data},
-            scope: this,
-            success: function (response) {
-                console.log(response.responseText);
-                this.download("application/pdf", "utf-8", response.responseText, "my_data.pdf");
-            }
-        }); */
+        // stimulate the browser to mimic the field download
+        window.location.href = uri;
+    },
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/plugin_dbui/src/panel/WithUrlSelector.js b/static/plugin_dbui/src/panel/WithUrlSelector.js
index 048c792fa742115f39a54a39cffbb680e4539874..9f43045f91d9012664e754fa8eb9a6b07a5e57c5 100644
--- a/static/plugin_dbui/src/panel/WithUrlSelector.js
+++ b/static/plugin_dbui/src/panel/WithUrlSelector.js
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Ext.define('App.panel.WithUrlSelector', {
         // NOTE: keep the background colour to white
-        iframe = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(this.mainPanel.getEl(), {
+        iframe = this.mainPanel.getEl().createChild({
             tag: 'iframe',
             id: 'mainPanelIframe',
             frameborder: 0,
@@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ Ext.define('App.panel.WithUrlSelector', {
         // when the download is finish hide message box
-        iframe = this.mainPanel.getEl().getById('mainPanelIframe');
         iframe.on('load', function () {
         }, this, {single: true});
diff --git a/views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html b/views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.pdf
similarity index 98%
rename from views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html
rename to views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.pdf
index ec25db31f3cf0872504d632d6a66b9721f9aa09f..b2782698cd99e3e7318825882ec95344a3aeeff6 100644
--- a/views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.html
+++ b/views/plugin_dbui/latex2pdf.pdf
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         response.write(data, escape=False)
         raise HTML(405, T('LaTeX to PDF conversion failed.'))