From c5397581b1da3ac5e7435c7579b283389c94c33a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: legac <>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2013 16:42:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Imorice the documentation of dbsvc using epytext.

 modules/plugin_dbui/ |   2 +-
 modules/plugin_dbui/     | 476 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 302 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/plugin_dbui/ b/modules/plugin_dbui/
index f7a73d3c..0d183a3f 100644
--- a/modules/plugin_dbui/
+++ b/modules/plugin_dbui/
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ def to_gridFilter(table, **kwargs):
     where C{field1} is the name of a field belonging to the C{table}.
     A more elaborate filter rule allows to filter on any foreign field using
     the syntax is C{("table2.field1", "operator", "comments")}.
-    Valid operators are defined in L{Dbsvc._encode_query}.
+    Valid operators are defined in the method L{DbSvc._encode_query}.
     @note: Rules are store in the modifier section C{grid_filters}.
diff --git a/modules/plugin_dbui/ b/modules/plugin_dbui/
index 3f4781e7..3a097b11 100644
--- a/modules/plugin_dbui/
+++ b/modules/plugin_dbui/
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ class DbSvcException(BaseException): pass
 class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     """Interface the database and the client request.
     It is the glue between wep2py and ExtJS library.
-    It relies on the C{Ext.Direct} protocol exposing dbSvc methods on
+    It relies on the C{Ext.Direct} protocol exposing DbSvc methods on
     the client-side.
-    Main methods allows to:
+    The main methods allow to:
         - C{create} a new record in a table.
@@ -48,65 +48,100 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
         - C{destroy} the record of a table.
-    These methods receive transaction data, C{arg}, which are structured in the
-    following ways:
+    These methods receive transaction data dictionary, C{arg}:
-            - C{tableName}
-              the name of the table in the database
-            - C{dbFields}
-              the list of table fields encoded as C{["table1", "field1"]}.
+        - C{tableName}
+          the name of the table in the database
+        - C{dbFields}
+            - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+            - The list of database fields of the table.
+            - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
-            - C{records} (optional)
-              a dictionary containing the new / update values for field.
-              The keys are the database field encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
-              A record can also be a list containing the C{id} of the
-              record to be deleted. 
+        - C{records} (optional)
+              - C{[{"Table1Field1": val1,...}]}
+              - A list of dictionaries containing key, value pairs for fields
+                to be created or updated
+              - Includes foreign key and reference field values.
+              - Contains the C{id} of the record to be updated.
+              - The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+              - The C{records} can also be a list containing the C{id} of the
+                records to be deleted. 
     Each method return a dictionary:
-    C{{success: True, records:{blabla}, msg: 'blalbla'}}
+        - C{{success: True, records:[{blabla}, ..], msg: 'blalbla'}}
-    The keyword C{success} is always present. It is mandatory for 
-    the FormPanel widget of the ExtJS library, but not strictly 
-    required since failure can be propagated through HTTP errors.
+        - The keyword C{success} is always present. It is mandatory for 
+          the C{FormPanel} widget of the Ext JS library, but not strictly 
+          required since failure can be propagated through HTTP errors.
-    In the records dictionary database field are encoded as C{TableField}.
+        - In the records dictionary database field are encoded as C{TableField}.
-    If the action failed an Exception is raised.
-    The exception can be catch to generate an HTTP error.
+        - If the action failed the C{DbSvcException} is raised.
+          The exception can be catch to generate an HTTP error.
     def __init__(self, environment):
+        """
+        @param environment: contains the global variables
+        namely C{db} and C{T}.
+        >>> svc = DbSvc(globals())
+        """
         BaseSvc.__init__(self, environment)
         db = self.environment['db']
     def _check_request(self, arg, keywords=('tableName', 'records')):
-        """Check that the transaction data C{arg} contains the C{keywords}.
+        """Check that the transaction data dictionary C{arg} 
+        contains the C{keywords}.
         @type arg: dict
         @param arg: transaction data
-        @type keywords: dict
-        @param keywords: list of keys which have to be in C{arg}
-        @note: the transaction data dictionary contains the following 
-        information:
             - C{tableName}
               the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              the list of table fields encoded as ["table1", "field1"].
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
             - C{records} (optional)
-              a dictionary containing the new / update values for field.
-              The keys are the database field encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
-              A record can also be a list containing the C{id} of the
-              record to be deleted. 
+                  - C{[{"Table1Field1": val1,...}]}
+                  - A list of dictionaries containing key, value pairs for fields
+                    to be created or updated
+                  - Includes foreign key and reference field values.
+                  - Contains the C{id} of the record to be updated.
+                  - The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+                  - The C{records} can also be a list containing the C{id} of the
+                    records to be deleted. 
-        @raise DbSvcException: if a keyword is missing or if the table
+        @type keywords: dict
+        @param keywords: list of keys which have to be in C{arg}
+        @raise DbSvcException: when a keyword is missing or when the table
         does not exist in the database.
@@ -120,7 +155,7 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def _encode_query(self, li):
-        """Encode the query send by the client to a web2py Query.
+        """Encode the query send by the client to a web2py l{Query}.
         @type li: list
         @param li: the query send by the client as a list of string.
@@ -166,9 +201,18 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def _get_record(self, table, id):
-        """Helper function to get the record id in a form which can be decoded
-        by the JsonReader running on the client side. Foreign key are resolved.
-        Return a dictionary where key are encoded as TableField.
+        """Get the record C{id} located in the database C{table}.
+        @type table: gluon.dal.Table
+        @param table:
+        @type id: int
+        @param id:
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return: key, value pairs where each key corresponds
+        to a field of the table. Foreign keys are resolved.
+        The key are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
         db = self.environment['db']
@@ -189,19 +233,36 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def _is_field_in_table(self, table, field):
-        """Helper method to check that the field belongs to the table.
-        Return a boolean. 
+        """Check that the C{field} belongs to the C{table}.
+        @type table: gluon.dal.Table
+        @param table:
+        @type field: gluon.dal.Field
+        @param field:
+        @rtype: bool
         return field in self.environment['db'][table].fields
     def _is_fields_values_valid(self, table, fields):
-        """Helper method to check each field value against its validators.
+        """Check each C{field} value against its C{validators}.
+        @type table: gluon.dal.Table
+        @param table:
-        Return an empty dictionary when everything is OK or a dictionary
-        with fields failing check: {field1: error1, field2: error2,...}
+        @type fields: dict
+        @param fields: key, value pairs where each key corresponds
+        to a C{gluon.dal.Field}
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return: key, value pairs for each field with errors.
+        The key is encoded as C{Table1Field1} and the value is a string
+        describing the error message.
         di = {}
         db = self.environment['db']
@@ -223,10 +284,14 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def _is_table_in_db(self, tablename):
-        """Helper method to check that a table exist in the database.
-        The method handles regular and alias tables.
+        """Check that the table exists in the database.
+        @type tablename: str
+        @param tablename: name of the table
-        Raise the  DbSvcException if not.
+        @raise DbSvcException: when the table does not exists
+        @note: The method works with regular and alias tables.
         db = self.environment['db']
@@ -237,45 +302,59 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def _prepare_records(self, arg):
-        """Helper method to prepare the records for their insertion
+        """Prepare the transaction data dictionary, C{arg}, for its insertion
         in the database (create or update).
-        The current transaction is defined in the dictionary C{arg}.
-        It is associated to one table and can contain several records.
+        The method removes fields in the record which do not belong to the
+        table since the JsonStore send the foreign key and the reference field.
+        The latter are not used in create / update transaction.
+        The method also validates each value.
+        @type arg: dict
+        @param arg: transaction data
-            - C{tablename}
+            - C{tableName}
               the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              The list of table fields.
-              It also include pointing field resolving foreign keys.
-              C{[(table1, field1), (table1, field2), (table2, field3), ...]}
-            - C{records (ROOT)}
-              List of dictionary containing the new / update values for field
-              as well as the identifier of the record to be updated (id)
-        The method removes fields in the record which do not belong to the
-        table since the JsonStore send the foreign key and the pointing field.
-        Pointing fields are not used here.
-        The method also validates values.
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
-        Return a Storage::
-            {
-                "errors": [None,...], 
-                "records": [{TableField: value,...}, ..]
-            }
-        There is one to one correspondence between the errors 
-        and the records lists. Error is None when fields are validated.
-        Otherwise the error is a dictionary::
-            {TableField: "error message", ...}
+            - C{records}
+                  - C{[{"Table1Field1": val1,...}]}
+                  - A list of dictionaries containing key, value pairs for fields
+                    to be created or updated
+                  - Includes foreign key and reference field values.
+                  - Contains the C{id} of the record to be updated.
+                  - The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+        @rtype:
+        @return:
+            - C{Storage(errors=[], records=[])}
+            - One to one correspondence between the errors 
+              and the records lists
+            - C{records} is a list of dictionaries containing key value pairs
+              where the key corresponds to a database field. 
+              The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+            - The C{error} is C{None} when the C{record} is validated.
+              Otherwise the error is a dictionary 
+              C{{Table1Field1: "error message", ...}}
-        data = Storage(errors=[], records=[])
         table = arg['tableName']
         for record in arg[ROOT]:        
@@ -305,37 +384,49 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def create(self, arg):
-        """Create new records defined in the transaction C{arg}.
-        The dictionary C{arg} contains the following keys:
+        """Create new records defined by the transaction data C{arg}.
+        Several transactions of the same type are processed together.
+        @type arg: dict
+        @param arg: transaction data
             - C{tableName}
               the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              the list of table fields.
-              It also include pointing field resolving foreign keys.
-              C{[(table1, field1), (table1, field2), (table2, field3), ...]}
-            - C{records} (ROOT)
-              a list of dictionary containing the new values for fields
-              as well as the identifier of the record to be updated (id)
-        Return a dictionary with C{status}, message and the update row::
-            {
-                success: True, 
-                msg: 'blalbla', 
-                records: [{TableId: xxx,....}, ...]
-            }
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
-        When at least a field value is not validated, abort the full transaction
-        and return a dictionary with the error messages for the first bad record::
-            {
-                success: False, 
-                errors: {TableField: error message, ..}, 
-                records:{TableField: xxx, ...}
-            }
+            - C{records}
+                  - C{[{"Table1Field1": val1,...}]}
+                  - A list of dictionaries containing key, value pairs for fields
+                    to be created.
+                  - Includes foreign key and reference field values.
+                  - The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return:
+            - C{{success: True, records:[{Table1Field1: val, ... }, ... ], 
+              msg: 'blalbla'}}
+            - C{records} is a list of dictionary containing the complete
+              key, value pairs for the C{record} created in the database.
+            - The record keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+            - When at least a field value is not validated, abort the full
+              transaction and append the dictionary C{errors}. It contains
+              the error messages for the first bad record, 
+              C{{Table1Field1: error message, ..}}.
         self.dbg("Start DbSvc.create")
@@ -368,37 +459,40 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def destroy(self, arg):
-        """Destroy the record defined in the transaction C{arg}.
-        The dictionary C{arg} contains the following keys:
+        """Delete existing records defined by the transaction data C{arg}.
+        Several transactions of the same type are processed together.
+        @type arg: dict
+        @param arg: transaction data
             - C{tableName}
-              the name of the table in the database.
+              the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              the list of table fields.
-              It also include pointing field resolving foreign keys.
-              C{[(table1, field1), (table1, field2), (table2, field3), ...]}
-            - C{records} (ROOT)
-              a list with id numbers
-        Return a dictionary with C{status}, message and ids of the deleted row::
-            {
-                success: True, 
-                msg: 'blalbla', 
-                records:[{TableId:xx}, ..]
-            }
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
-        When at least one record does not exist, abort the full transaction
-        and return a dictionary with the error messages for the first bad record::
-            {
-                success: False, 
-                msg: 'blalbla', 
-                records:{TableId:xx}
-            }
+            - C{records} the list of C{id} for the records
+              to be deleted, C{[id1, id2, ... ]}. 
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return:
+            - C{{success: True, records:[{Table1Id1: id}, ...], msg: 'blalbla'}}
+            - C{records} is a list of dictionary containing the C{id}
+              of the delete records: C{[{TableId:xx}, ..]}.
+            - The record key are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+            - When at least one record does not exist, abort the full transaction
+              and add the dictionary C{errors}. It contains
+              the error messages for the first bad record, 
+              C{{Table1Field1: error message, ..}}.
         self.dbg("Start DbSvc.destroy")
@@ -428,43 +522,61 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def read(self, arg):
-        """Read the content of a table as specified in the transaction C{arg}.
+        """Read the content of a table as specified in the transaction data C{arg}.
         The C{arg} dictionary contains the following keys:
+        @type arg: dict
+        @param arg: transaction data
             - C{tableName}
-              name of the database table
+              the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              a list of field to be read.
-              It also include pointing field resolving foreign keys.
-              C{[(table1, field1), (table1, field2), (table2, field3), ...]}
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
-            - C{where} (optional)
-              define the inner join when handling foreign key.
-              The syntax follows the web2py convention:
-              C{['db.table1.field1  ==']}.
-              An AND is performed between the different 
-              elements of the list.
+            - C{where} (optional) 
+                - C{['db.table1.field1  ==', ... ]}
+                - a list of string to build the inner join 
+                  when handling foreign key.
+                - The string syntax follows the web2py convention:
+                  C{db.table1.field1  ==}.
+                - An AND is performed between the different 
+                  elements of the list.
             - C{orderby} (optional)
-              order directive
-              A list of fields C{[(table1, field1, dir), (table2, field3, dir), ...]}
-              where C{dir} is either C{"ASC"} or C{"DESC"}
+                - C{[("table1", "field1", "dir"), ("table2", "field3", "dir"), ...]}
-        The dictionary can also contains parameters useful for paging.
+                - a list of tuples to build the order directive.
+                - the third argument is equal to C{"ASC"} or C{"DESC"}.
+        The transaction data can also contains parameters useful for paging.
         For more detail see  Ext.PagingToolbar:
             - start
             - limit
             - sort
             - dir
-        The method return a list of records::
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return:
+            - C{{success: True, records: [{TableField: value, ...}, ...]}}
+            - C{records} is a list of dictionary containing the key value
+              pairs for the record found in the database.
+            - the record keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
-            {
-                success: True, 
-                records: [{TableField: value, ...}, ...]
-            }
@@ -519,37 +631,51 @@ class DbSvc(BaseSvc):
     def update(self, arg):
-        """Update records defined in the transaction C{arg}.
-        The C{arg} dictionary contains the following keys:
+        """Update records defined by the transaction data C{arg}.
+        Several transactions of the same type are processed together.
+        @type arg: dict
+        @param arg: transaction data
             - C{tableName}
               the name of the table in the database
             - C{dbFields}
-              the list of table fields.
-              It also include pointing field resolving foreign keys.
-              C{[(table1, field1), (table1, field2), (table2, field3), ...]}
-            - C{records} (ROOT)
-              a list of dictionary containing the update values for field
-              as well as the identifier of the record to be updated (id)
-        Return a dictionary with status, message and the update row::
-            {
-                success: True, 
-                msg: 'blalbla', 
-                records: [{TableId: xxx,....}, ...]
-            }
-        When at least a field value is not validated, abort the full transaction
-        and return a dictionary with the error messages for the first bad record::
-            {
-                success: False, 
-                errors: {TableField: error message, ..}, 
-                records:{TableField: xxx, ...}
-            }
+                - C{[["table1", "field1"], ... ]}
+                - The list of database fields of the table.
+                - Include foreign keys and reference fields.
+            - C{records}
+                  - C{[{"Table1Field1": val1,...}]}
+                  - A list of dictionaries containing key, value pairs for fields
+                    to be updated
+                  - Includes foreign key and reference field values.
+                  - Contains the C{id} of the record to be updated.
+                  - The keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+        @rtype: dict
+        @return:
+            - C{{success: True, records:[{Table1Field1: val, ... }, ... ], 
+              msg: 'blalbla'}}
+            - C{records} is a list of dictionary containing the complete
+              key, value pairs for the C{record} updated in the database.
+            - The record keys are encoded as C{Table1Field1}.
+            - When at least a field value is not validated, abort the full
+              transaction and append the dictionary C{errors}. It contains
+              the error messages for the first bad record, 
+              C{{Table1Field1: error message, ..}}.
         self.dbg("Start DbSvc.update.")