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    The snippet can be accessed without any authentication.
    Authored by Matthias Dubouchet
    IUnpacker.cxx 6.01 KiB
    #include "IUnpacker.hxx"
    #include "args.hxx"
    #include "ICOMETEvent.hxx"
    #include "IG4Trajectory.hxx"
    #include "IG4VHit.hxx"
    #include "IHitSelection.hxx"
    #include "IDigitContainer.hxx"
    #include <TFile.h>
    #include <TTree.h>
    using namespace COMET;
    IUnpacker::IUnpacker() {
    IUnpacker::~IUnpacker() {
        // Free memory associated with args::Flags
        // allocated in RegisterArgs.
        for (auto& it: fFlags) {
            delete it.second.arg;
            if (it.second.oaEvent_obj_ptr)
                delete it.second.oaEvent_obj_ptr;
    void IUnpacker::SetOutputFile(TFile* f) {
        fOut = f;
    void IUnpacker::AddArgFlag(const std::string& flag_name,
                               const std::string& flag_description)
        flag_info info;
        info.description = flag_description;
        info.tree = nullptr;
        info.oaEvent_obj_ptr = nullptr;
        fFlags[flag_name] = std::move(info);
    void IUnpacker::RegisterArgs(args::Group& group) {
        /// Register all our args in the order they were added.
        for (const auto flag_name: fOrder) {
            auto& info = fFlags[flag_name];
            // Prefix will go before all arg commands, e.g. for 'cdc-hits',
            // the result will be '--[prefix]cdc-hits'.
            std::string prefix = ""; //"save-";
            // Assign to the command-line flag its name and description
            // This will register the command-line argument, which will
            // appear when we execute the program, and show its description
            // when we specify the -h or --help flag.
            info.arg = new args::Flag(group, flag_name,
                    info.description, // (description)
                    {prefix + flag_name} // (actual command-line argument)
    bool IUnpacker::CheckAllFlagsRegistered() {
        for (const auto it: fFlags) {
            // To check if a function was registered, we can check the 
            // value of the container name. If it is empty, then the user did
            // not call IUnpacker::RegisterFunction.
            const auto container_name = it.second.container_name; 
            if (container_name == "") {
                std::cout << "No unpacking function registered for flag '" <<
                    it.first << "'.\n";
                return false;
        return true;
    void IUnpacker::ProcessEvent(const ICOMETEvent& event) {
        /// We need to do some work to get the right containers
        /// out of the event and then pass them to the unpacking functions.
        /// The main difficulty here, is to evaluate the type of 
        /// container that we're accessing, so that we can properly
        /// obtain its elements.
        /// The four main container types (IG4TrajectoryContainer,
        /// IG4HitContainer, IHitSelection and IDigitContainer) are actually not
        /// compatible with each other. We cannot use them without explicitly
        /// knowing their type. Hence, this method needs to infer their type from
        /// their name, which makes it probably the least flexible method
        /// in the whole program. 
        /// If new containers are introduced that don't respect the current
        /// naming conventions, this method will not be able to infer their type
        /// and someone will need to come in and hard-code them in here.
        // Iterate through all flags and apply functions to containers
        for (const auto it: fFlags) {
            const auto info = it.second;
            // Break if the flag wasn't activated (tree is nullptr)
            if (info.tree == nullptr) continue;
            // Container name
            const auto name = info.container_name;
            TTree* tree = info.tree;
            // Unpacking function
            const auto f = fFunctions[name];
            if (name.find("G4Trajectories") != std::string::npos) {
                // We're dealing with the trajectory container
                IHandle<IG4TrajectoryContainer> tc =
                if (tc) {
                    for (const auto traj: *tc) {
                        // Set pointer to oaEvent object to the address of
                        // object inside the container
                        *info.oaEvent_obj_ptr = &(traj.second);
                        // Execute the bound function, which will do the extraction
                        // and place the results inside the object that we gave ROOT
                        // when we branched
                        bool save = f();
                        // And now we can happily fill the tree.
                        if (save)
            else if (name.find("g4Hits/") != std::string::npos) {
                // We're dealing with a (truth) hit container
                IHandle<IG4HitContainer> hc =
                if (hc) {
                    for (const IG4VHit* hit: *hc) {
                        *info.oaEvent_obj_ptr = hit;
                        bool save = f();
                        if (save)
            else if (name.find("hits/") != std::string::npos) {
                // We're dealing with a hit selection
                IHandle<IHitSelection> hs =
                if (hs) {
                    for (const IHandle<IHit> hit: *hs) {
                        *info.oaEvent_obj_ptr = &(*hit);
                        bool save = f();
                        if (save)
            else if (name.find("digits/") != std::string::npos) {
                // We're dealing with a digits container
                IHandle<IDigitContainer> dc =
                if (dc) {
                    for (const IDigit* digit: *dc) {
                        *info.oaEvent_obj_ptr = digit;
                        bool save = f();
                        if (save)
    void IUnpacker::Write() {
        for (const auto it: fFlags) {
            const auto info = it.second;
            if (info.tree)
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