title: Input parameters of SPheno
permalink: /Input_parameters_of_SPheno/
[Category:SPheno](/Category:SPheno "wikilink")
There are two different ways to define the input parameters which shall be used with SPheno to define a parameter point
1. Scalar valued parameters or parameter which are not part of the model are usually given via the `MINPAR` or `EXTPAR` blocks in the Les Houches input file
2. Parameters which are vectors, matrices or higher rank tensors are given via separated blocks in the Les Houches input file.
### Conventions
The `MINPAR` and `EXTPAR` blocks are part of the Susy Les Houches Accord (SLHA), see Refs. . The conventions for these blocks in the Les Houches input file are as follows:
Block MINPAR #
Integer1 Real1 # Comment1
Integer2 Real2 # Comment2
Thus, each parameter is identified via an Integer (`IntegerX`) and receives a value `Real`. The conventions for `EXTPAR` are exactly the same. While specific conventions for the MSSM and NMSSM for the entries in `MINPAR` and `EXTPAR` exist, SARAH does not make any use of them. It offers the user complete freedom in defining the input according to his/her demands.
#### Complex parameters
In the case of complex parameters, the imaginary parts are given via
Integer1 Real1 # Comment1
Integer2 Real2 # Comment2
### Definition in SARAH
The entries which SPheno expects in `MINPAR` or `EXTPAR` are defined in [SPheno.m](/SPheno.m "wikilink") via
{Integer1, ParameterName1},
{Integer2, ParameterName2},
Again, `EXTPAR` is used in exactly the same way.
#### Remarks
1. There is exactly no strict reason to use `EXTPAR` at all for SARAH generated SPheno versions but all parameters can be defined via `MINIPAR`. This option exists only if one wants to mimic the existing SLHA conventions for some models.
2. The variables `ParameterNameX` **must not** exist in the model. Otherwise, there will be an error message when compiling SPheno that parameters are defined twice. Note, SARAH also auto-generates for each parameter `X` the derived parameters `XIN`, `XMZ`, and `XGUT` which can also not be used in `MINPAR` or `EXTPAT`
3. If [several, different boundary conditions](/Low_or_High_scale_SPheno_version#Several_boundary_conditions "wikilink") shall be defined and the boundary conditions needs different input parameters, one can use
<!-- -->
{Integer1a, ParameterName1a},
{Integer2a, ParameterName2a},
{Integer1b, ParameterName1b},
{Integer2b, ParameterName2b},
In that case the input parameters `MINPAR[ [X]]` can only be used in the [boundary conditions](/Boundary_conditions_in_SPheno "wikilink") `BoundarySUSYScale[ [X]]`, `BoundaryHighScale[ [X]]`, `BoundaryEWSBScale[ [X]]`.
#### Example
1. **CMSSM**: the standard input parameters for the constrained MSSM are defined via
MINPAR = {{1,m0},
in [SPheno.m](/SPheno.m "wikilink"). Thus, the parameter point for the numerical evaluation is given to SPheno via the Les Houches input via
Block MINPAR #
1 7.000000E+01 # m_0
2 2.500000E+02 # M_1/2
3 1.000000E+01 # Tan(beta)
4. 1.000000E+00 # Sign(mu)
5. 0.000000E+00 # A_0
2. **CMSSM and GMSB boundary conditions**. In order to define the CMSSM and GMSB boundary conditions in a single [SPheno.m](/SPheno.m "wikilink"), one can use
(* CMSSM input*)
(* GMSB input parameters *)
In order to switch between both sets of input parameters and the corresponding boundary conditions, the flag `1` in `MODSEL` is used:
- CMSSM input
Block MODSEL #
1 1 # 1/0: High/low scale input
2 1 # Boundary Condition
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 1.5000000E+03 # m0
2 1.5000000E+03 # m12
3 1.0000000E+01 # TanBeta
4 1.0000000E+00 # SignumMu
5 -2.0000000E+03 # Azero
- GMSB input
Block MODSEL #
1 1 # 1/0: High/low scale input
2 2 # Boundary Condition
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 1.0000000E+05 # LambdaInput
2 2.0000000E+05 # MessengerScale
3 1.0000000E+01 # TanBeta
4 1.0000000E+00 # SignumMu
6 1.0000000E+00 # cGrav
7 1.0000000E+00 # n5plets
8 0.0000000E+00 # n10plets
3. **NMSSM boundary conditions**: for the constrained NMSSM, the input parameters beyond those of the CMSSM are defined in EXTPAR:
{1, m0},
{2, m12},
{3, TanBeta},
{5, Azero}};
{61, LambdaInput},
{62, KappaInput},
{63, ALambdaInput},
{64, AKappaInput},
{65, MuEffinput}
Note, that the entry `4` of `MINPAR` is removed because the phase of *μ* is not a free parameter in this model. The blocks in the Les Houches input file are
Block MINPAR # Input parameters
1 1.0000000E+03 # m0
2 1.0000000E+03 # m12
3 1.0000000E+01 # TanBeta
5 -2.5000000E+03 # Azero
Block EXTPAR # Input parameters
61 1.0000000E-01 # LambdaInput
62 1.1000000E-01 # KappaInput
63 -1.5000000E+03 # ALambdaInput
64 -3.6000000E+01 # AKappaInput
65 9.6500000E+02 # MuEffinput
4. **Complex input parameters**: in order to set complex input parameters via `MINPAR` or `EXTPAR` no changes in [SPheno.m](/SPheno.m "wikilink") are necessary. The imaginary parts can directly be defined via
Block IMMINPAR # Input parameters
2 1.0000000E+02 # Im(m12)
Block IMEXTPAR # Input parameters
61 1.0000000E-02 # Im(LambdaInput)
for instance. In that example, the CNMSSM parameters *M*<sub>1/2</sub> and *λ* get an imaginary part of 100 GeV, respectively 0.01.
Using parameter specific blocks for the input
### Input Conventions
With `MINPAR` and `EXTPAR` it is hardly possible to define the input value for an entire vector or matrix. For this purpose, in SPheno generated SARAH versions always the option exists to give entire blocks in the Les Houches input file as input. The name of the blocks to define parameters are the same as used in the output (see [parameters.m](/parameters.m "wikilink")) together with a suffix `IN`. Thus the input values for a matrix *M* could be given as input via
Block MIN # Input for M
1 1 Real11 #
1 2 Real12 #
1 3 Real13 #
2 1 Real21 #
If the matrix is diagonal, one can skip all values which a zero:
Block MIN # Input for M
1 1 Real11 #
2 2 Real22 #
3 3 Real33 #
### Imaginary parts
The imaginary parts can be defined if the additional prefix `IM` is used, e.g.
Block IMMIN # Input for Im(M)
1 1 Real11 #
2 2 Real22 #
3 3 Real33 #
### Applied boundary conditions
By default, if parameters receive numerical values in that way, these values are applied at the highest considered scale:
1. In High-scale SPheno versions this is the GUT scale
2. In Low-scale SPheno versions this is the renormalisation scale
See also [Low or High scale SPheno version](/Low_or_High_scale_SPheno_version "wikilink"). One can change this behaviour by using the keyword `LHInput` in the [defined boundary conditions](/Boundary_conditions_in_SPheno "wikilink"). With
{X, LHInput[X]}
*X* the input values are applied at the scale corresponding to the used boundary conditions (`BoundaryCondition`=`BoundaryEWSBScale` or `BoundaryRenScale` for instance), but not at the High scale (`BoundaryCondition`=`BoundaryHighScale` corresponds to the default choice).
One can also make use of this option to overwrite default boundary conditions, see [Boundary conditions in SPheno](/Boundary_conditions_in_SPheno "wikilink").
### Example
1. **Neutrino Yukawa coupling in Seesaw 1**: input values for $Y_\\nu$, whose SLHA block is called `YV`, are given via `YVIN`
Block YVIN #
1 1 1.000000E-03 # Yv(1,1)
1 2 2.000000E-04 # Yv(1,2)
1 3 3.000000E-05 # Yv(1,3)
2 1 0.000000E+00 # Yv(2,1)
2 2 1.000000E-03 # Yv(2,2)
2 3 0.000000E+00 # Yv(2,3)
3 1 0.000000E+00 # Yv(3,1)
3 2 0.000000E+00 # Yv(3,2)
3 3 1.000000E-03 # Yv(3,3)
(Note, these are just random values as example and won't explain any neutrino data).
2. **Flavour violating squark soft masses** can be defined via
Block MSQ2IN #
1 1 1.00000E6 # msq2(1,1)
1 2 2.00000E4 # msq2(1,2)
1 3 2.00000E4 # msq2(1,3)
2 1 2.00000E4 # msq2(2,1)
2 2 1.00000E6 # msq2(2,2)
3 1 2.00000E4 # msq2(3,1)
3 3 1.00000E6 # msq2(3,3)
Two remarks:
1. All entries which are not defined ((2,3) and (3,2)) are set automatically to zero
2. SPheno doesn't make use of the symmetry of the parameters, i.e. it is necessary to define (consistently!) the entire matrix
3. **Input at SUSY scale**: if one want to set in a non-minimal SUSY model a new coupling $Y_x$ at the SUSY instead of the GUT scale, this can be done via `LHInput`.
1. Define in [SPheno.m](/SPheno.m "wikilink")
BoundarySUSYScale = {
{Yx, LHInput[Yx]}
2. The input parameters are given as usual
Block YXIN #
1 1 1.000000E-01 # Yx(1,1)
2 2 1.000000E-01 # Yx(2,2)
3 3 1.000000E-01 # Yx(3,3)
See also
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