title: LHPC
permalink: /LHPC/
[Category:Outputs](/Category:Outputs "wikilink") The LHPC spectrum plotter is a small but handy tool to produce plots of the SUSY mass spectrum based on the information given in a SLHA output file .
For the output it is necessary to provide a second control file in addition to the SLHA spectrum file. The control file includes information about the paths to the necessary shell tools (<span>gnuplot</span>, <span>latex</span>, <span>dvips</span>, <span>ps2eps</span>, <span>rm</span>, <span>mv</span>) and the LaTeX name associated with a PDG number. In addition, the color and column used for the different particles are defined in that file. SARAH can provide such a file which works nicely together with the spectrum file written by a SPheno module also created by SARAH . By default it assumes the standard paths under Linux, while the color and column of each particle can be defined in <span>particles.m</span> using the new option <span>LHPC</span>. For instance, to put the gluino in the fourth column and to use purple for the lines, the entry reads
{{ Description -> "Gluino",
LaTeX -> "\\tilde{g}",
LHPC -> {4, "purple"},
... }},
As name for the colors all available colors in <span>gnuplot</span> can be used. The control file for a given set of eigenstates of the initialized model is written via
and saved in the directory
It is used together with a spectrum file to create the figure by the shell command
./LhpcSpectrumPlotter.exe SPheno.spc.$MODEL LHPC_$MODEL_Control.txt |
\ No newline at end of file |