title: Main Commands
permalink: /Main_Commands/
[Category:General](/Category:General "wikilink") The most important commands to work with SARAH are:
1. `ShowModels`: Shows a list with all installed models
2. `` SARAH`FirsSteps ``: Shows a short introduction to SARAH
3. `CheckModel`: Performs several checks of the implementation of the current model
4. `Vertex[Fields, Options]`: Calculates a vertex for given fields, see [Vertices](/Vertices "wikilink")
5. `MassMatrices[$EIGENSTATES]`: Shows all mass matrices for given eigenstates `$EIGENSTATES`, see [Tree Masses](/Tree_Masses "wikilink")
6. `TadpoleEquations[$EIGENSTATES]`: Shows all tadpole equations for given eigenstates `$EIGENSTATES`, see [Tadpoles Equations](/Tadpoles_Equations "wikilink")
7. `MassMatrix[Field]`: Shows the mass matrix of the field `Field`, see [Tree Masses](/Tree_Masses "wikilink")
8. `TadpoleEquation[X]`: Shows the tadpole equation corresponding to a vev or a scalar particle `X` to the VEV `VEV`, see [Tadpoles Equations](/Tadpoles_Equations "wikilink")
9. `CalcRGEs[Options]`: Calculates the RGEs, see [RGEs](/RGEs "wikilink")
10. `CalcLoopCorrections[Options]`: Calculates one-loop one and two-points functions for given eigenstates `$EIGENSTATES`, see [One-Loop Self-Energies and Tadpoles](/One-Loop_Self-Energies_and_Tadpoles "wikilink")
11. `ModelOutput[$EIGENSTATES,Options]`: Create output defined by options for given eigenstates `$EIGENSTATES`, see [ModelOutput](/ModelOutput "wikilink")
12. `MakeVertexList[$EIGENSTATES,Options]`: Calculates all vertices for given eigenstates `$EIGENSTATES`, see [Vertices](/Vertices "wikilink")
13. `MakeSPheno[Options]`: Writes source code for SPheno, see [SPheno](/SPheno "wikilink")
14. `MakeTeX[Options]`: Writes LaTeX files, see [LaTeX](/LaTeX "wikilink")
15. `MakeCHep[Options]`: Writes CalcHep / CompHep model files, see [CalcHep/CompHep](/CalcHep/CompHep "wikilink")
16. `MakeFeynArts[Options]`: Writes FeynArts model file, see [FeynArts](/FeynArts "wikilink")
17. `MakeWHIZARD[Options]`: Writes model files for WHIZARD and <span>Omega</span>, see [WHIZARD](/WHIZARD "wikilink")
18. `MakeUFO[Options]`: Writes model files in the UFO format, see [UFO](/UFO "wikilink")
19. `MakeLHPCstyle[$EIGENSTATES]`: Writes steering files for the LHPC spectrum plotter, see [LHPC](/LHPC "wikilink")
20. `MakeAll[Options]`: Generates the output for SPheno , WHIZARD , CalcHep , FeynArts and in the UFO format as well as the LaTeX files, see [ModelOutput](/ModelOutput "wikilink") |