... | ... | @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The explicit value of the scale *Q* used in *V*<sup>mass</sup> in eq. (\[eq:pot |
### SLHA expression of parameters at different loop orders
The output Block senumerated in the SLHA papers are specified to be in the *{\\overline{\\mathrm{DR}}}* renormalization scheme[2], but some users may prefer a different renormalization scheme. The SLHA does not insist on private Block sadhering to the same standards of those explicitly part of the accord, so Vevacious allows for a certain pattern of private Blocks to give values for a different renormalization scheme. (Again, we strongly advise against using the Block sexplicitly mentioned in to convey values that do not adhere to the definitions in .) The additional renormalization schemes that Vevacious allows are those where the finite parts of Lagrangian parameters are themselves apportioned into loop expansions, *e.g.* *μ* + *δ**μ*, where *δ**μ* is considered to be a parameter already of at least one order higher than *μ*.
The output Block senumerated in the SLHA papers are specified to be in the $'{\\overline{\\mathrm{DR}}}'$ renormalization scheme[2], but some users may prefer a different renormalization scheme. The SLHA does not insist on private Block sadhering to the same standards of those explicitly part of the accord, so Vevacious allows for a certain pattern of private Blocks to give values for a different renormalization scheme. (Again, we strongly advise against using the Block sexplicitly mentioned in to convey values that do not adhere to the definitions in .) The additional renormalization schemes that Vevacious allows are those where the finite parts of Lagrangian parameters are themselves apportioned into loop expansions, *e.g.* *μ* + *δ**μ*, where *δ**μ* is considered to be a parameter already of at least one order higher than *μ*.
To allow for different renormalization conditions of this type, Vevacious first looks for extra (“private”) SLHA Block sthat specify particular loop orders. Since Vevacious deals with one-loop effective potentials, it has two categories of parameters: “tree-level” and “one-loop”. When writing the minimization conditions for the tree-level potential, it uses exclusively the “tree-level” values. When writing the full one-loop effective potential, it uses both sets appropriately to avoid including spurious two-loop terms. With reference to eqs. (\[eq:tree<sub>l</sub>evel<sub>p</sub>otential\]), (\[eq:potential<sub>i</sub>n<sub>p</sub>arts\]), and (\[eq:potential<sub>l</sub>oop<sub>c</sub>orrections\]), Vevacious writes combines the sum *V*<sup>tree</sup> + *V*<sup>counter</sup> by inserting the “one-loop” parameter values into *V*<sup>tree</sup> as part of *V*<sup>1-loop</sup>. (The tree-level potential function that is also written automatically for convenience, as mentioned in sec. \[subsec:features\], uses the “tree-level” values, of course.) The term *V*<sup>mass</sup> is already a loop correction, so “tree-level” values are used in the *M̄*<sub>*n*</sub><sup>2</sup>(*Φ*)functions. If only a single value for any parameter is given, it is assumed to be in a scheme where it has a single value which is to be used in all parts of the effective potential.
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