The generic results for all of these diagrams in Landau gauge have been presented in Ref. and SARAH makes heavily use of these results. However, not all topologies are implemented so far but *V**V*, *V**V**S*, *V**V**V*, *S**V*, and *G**G**V* are neglected. The reason is that these only lead to non-zero contributions if massive vector bosons are involved. Working in the gaugeless limit, all contributions stemming from broken gauge groups are neglected so far because of the many complications that they entail.
The generic results for all of these diagrams in Landau gauge have been presented in Ref. and SARAH makes heavily use of these results. However, not all topologies are implemented so far but *V**V*, *V**V**S*, *V**V**V*, *S**V*, and *G**G**V* are neglected. The reason is that these only lead to non-zero contributions if massive vector bosons are involved. Working in the gaugeless limit, all contributions stemming from broken gauge groups are neglected so far because of the many complications that they entail.