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CyDet tagger

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    Authored by Matthias Dubouchet
    IEnteredCyDetTagger.cpp 1.44 KiB
    bool IEnteredCyDetTagger::TagTrajectory(const IG4Trajectory& trajectory, ITrajectoryTagList& tags)const{
        // Check whether the particle entered CyDet at any point along the trajectory
        // Get points
        const std::vector<IG4TrajectoryPoint>& points = trajectory.GetTrajectoryPoints();
        IAnalysisUtilities::VolumeNames matchCDC;
        //COMETLog("Entering tag method");
        //COMETLog("" << points.size() << " points to be scanned");
        for (int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i) {
            TLorentzVector pos = points[i].GetPosition();
            //COMETLog("\tPosition: " << pos.X() << " " << pos.Y() << " " << pos.Z());
            if(IAnalysisUtilities::CheckVolumePath(pos.Vect(), &matchCDC)) {
                //COMETLog("Found a particle in CDC");
                int trackId = trajectory.GetTrackId();
                tags[trackId] += fEnteredCyDet;
                return true;
        IAnalysisUtilities::VolumeNames matchCTH;
        for (int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i) {
            TLorentzVector pos = points[i].GetPosition();
            //COMETLog("\tPosition: " << pos.X() << " " << pos.Y() << " " << pos.Z());
            if(IAnalysisUtilities::CheckVolumePath(pos.Vect(), &matchCTH)) {
                //COMETLog("Found a particle in CTH");
                int trackId = trajectory.GetTrackId();
                tags[trackId] += fEnteredCyDet;
                return true;
        return true;
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