# usage
# call if option -h, -help or --help, display usage and quit
function usage ()
echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo "--- CLASS Installation options "
echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "- ./ [options]"
echo ""
echo "--- options = -h|-help|--help"
echo "-> Print help! "
echo ""
echo "--- options = --build|-build|build"
echo "-> Build following packages : CLASSpkg_root CLASSpkg CLASSGui "
echo ""
echo "--- options = --gtest|-gtest|gtest"
echo "-> Run google tests"
echo ""
echo "--- options = --clean|-clean|clean )"
echo "-> Clean the repo"
echo ""
echo "--- options = --clean-build"
echo "-> Clean first and then build"
echo ""
echo "--- options = --build-gtest"
echo "-> Build and run Google test"
echo ""
echo "--------------------------------------------"
function build ()
if [ ! -d "bld" ]; then
mkdir bld
cd bld
make -j ${J} CLASSpkg_root CLASSpkg CLASSGui
function clean ()
if [ -d "bld" ]; then
cd bld
make clean
cd ..
rm -rf bld
rm -rf source/src/*Dict.cxx
rm -rf lib
rm -rf bin
if [ "$BUILD" = "false" ]; then
exit 0
### calls of all functions
# Help if no argument
if [ -z "$*" ]; then usage; fi
# loop on all arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
-h|-help|--help )
usage ;;
--build|-build|build )
BUILD=true ;;
--clean|-clean|clean )
CLEAN=true ;;
--clean-build )
CLEAN=true;BUILD=true ;;
--build-gtest )
BUILD=true;GTEST=true ;;
# Test is gtest is already there or if we have an internet connection
if [ "${GTEST}" = true ]; then
echo "An internet connection is required to compile the test"
if [ "${CLEAN}" = true ]; then
if [ "${BUILD}" = true ]; then
# Exit status
In `bash`, a correct exectution of a script return an exit status equals to `0` (that why a *C*/*C++* program end by `return 0;`). There is no standard for other exit status, so I (Josselin Massot) use the list of status code in HTTP for exit status.
* `404` : *Not Found*, a test find a file which doesn't exist.
* `418` : *I'm a teapot*, if only return help (I don't find a correct exit status for this).
* `501` : *Not Implemented*, test a feature which doesn't implemented on OS.
* `505` : *HTTP Version not supported*, the version of a library is not the one is expected.
* `507` : *Insufficient storage*, an error on making a directory, maybe because of the insufficient storage.