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#ifndef _SCENARIO_
#define _SCENARIO_
 \brief Header file for CLASS classes.

#include "CLASSObject.hxx"
#include "IsotopicVector.hxx"

#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
typedef long long int cSecond;

class DecayDataBank;
class FabricationPlant;
class SeparationPlant;
class Reactor;
class Pool;
class Storage;

//!  Defines a Scenario (the whole electro-nuclear system)

 The aim of these Scenario is to manage the park and its evolution and to lead all Storage, FabricationPlant, Reactor, Pool,...
 @author BaM
 @author BLG
 @version 2.0

class Scenario : public CLASSObject
public :

    //********* Constructor/Destructor Method *********//

     \name Constructor/Desctructor
     Use to load a CLASSLogger
     \param log : used for the log.
     \param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
    Scenario(CLASSLogger* Log, cSecond abstime = 0);	///< Log Constructor.

     Use to set the starting time of the Parc
     \param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
    Scenario(cSecond abstime);

     Use to set the starting time of the Parc
     \param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
     \param log : used for the log.
    Scenario(cSecond abstime, CLASSLogger* log);

    ~Scenario();	///< Normal Destructor.

    //********* Get Method *********//
     \name Get Function
    cSecond			GetAbsoluteTime() {
        return fAbsoluteTime;    ///< Return the Absolute Clock
    map<cSecond, int>		GetTimeStep() {
        return fTimeStep;    ///< Return the Time Step vector
    vector<Reactor*>		GetReactor() {
        return fReactor;    ///< Return the Reactor vector
    vector<Storage*>		GetStorage() {
        return fStorage;    ///< Return the Storage vector
    vector<Pool*>			GetPool() {
        return fPool;    ///< Return the Pool Vector
    vector<FabricationPlant*>	GetFabricationPlant() {
        return fFabricationPlant;    ///< Return the FabricationPlant vector
    DecayDataBank*		GetDecayDataBase() {
        return fDecayDataBase;    //!< Return the Pointer to the DecayDataBank

    cSecond			GetPrintSet() {
        return fPrintStep;    ///< Return the print step periodicity
    bool				GetStockManagement() {
        return fStockManagement;    ///< Return the StockManagement method (True or False)
    string				GetOutputFileName() {
        return fOutputFileName;    ///< Return the Output File name
    string				GetOutputTreeName() {
        return fOutputTreeName;    ///< Return the Output ROOT TTree name

    IsotopicVector			GetWaste() {
        return fWaste;   ///< Return the waste IsotopicVcetor


    //********* Set Method *********//
     \name Set Function

    /// Set the printing step periodicity
     Use to set the periodicity of the output
     \param timestep: periodicity of outpout in second
    void	SetTimeStep(cSecond timestep) {
        fPrintStep = timestep;

    /// Set the StockManagement method
     Use to define the stock managment method : true all fuel are stored individualy and false all fuel are mixed in a stock, and one can separate each isotope as needed
     \param val: true or false depending on the stock management method used
    void	SetStockManagement(bool val) {
        fStockManagement = val;

    /// Set the DecayDataBank
     Use to define Decay DataBank to be used
     \param decaydatabase: a DecayDataBank which should contain the evolution of each nuclei of the chart
    void	SetDecayDataBase(DecayDataBank* decaydatabase) {
        fDecayDataBase = decaydatabase;

    /// Set the Output File Name
     Use to define name of the output file
     \param name: a string which correspond to the output file name
    void	SetOutputFileName(string name) {
        fOutputFileName = name;

    /// Set the Output TTree Name
     Use to define name of the output ROOT TTree
     \param name: a string which correspond to the output ROOT TTree name
    void	SetOutputTreeName(string name) {
        fOutputTreeName = name;

    void SetLogTimeStep(bool val = true) {
        fLogTimeStep = true;

    void SetZAIThreshold(int z = 90) {
        fZAIThreshold = z;

    //********* Add Method *********//
     \name Adding Facilities

    void	AddPool(Pool* Pool);						///< Add a Pool to the Park
    void	AddReactor(Reactor* reactor);					///< Add a Reactor to the Park
    void 	AddStorage(Storage* storage);				///< Add a Storage to the Park
    void 	AddFabricationPlant(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant);	///< Add a Storage to the Park
    void	AddSeparationPlant(SeparationPlant* separationplant);

    void	Add(Pool* Pool) {
        AddPool(Pool);   ///< Add a Pool to the Park
    void	Add(Reactor* reactor) {
        AddReactor(reactor);   ///< Add a Reactor to the Park
    void 	Add(Storage* storage) {
        AddStorage(storage);   ///< Add a Storage to the Park
    void 	Add(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant) {
        AddFabricationPlant(fabricationplant);   ///< Add a Storage to the Park
    void 	Add(SeparationPlant* separationplant) {
        AddSeparationPlant(separationplant);   ///< Add a Storage to the Park


    //********* Evolution Method *********//
     \name Evolution Method

    void	BuildTimeVector(cSecond t);		///< Build the Time Evolution Vector where :
    /// \li 1 printing,
    /// \li 2 reactor Studown
    /// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
    /// \li 8 end of Cooling,
    /// \li 16 fuel Fabrication

    void	Evolution(cSecond t);			///< Perform the Evolution
    void	BackEndEvolution();			///< Perform BackEnd Evolution
    void	PoolEvolution();			///< Perform Pool Evolution
    void	PoolDump();

    void	ReactorEvolution();			///< Perform the Reactor Evolution
    void	FabricationPlantEvolution();		///< Perform the FabricationPlant Evolution
    void	StorageEvolution();			///< Perform the Storage Evolution


    //-------- IsotopicVector --------//

     \name  IsotopicVector Sum

    IsotopicVector GetOutIncome() const {
        return fOutIncome;    //!< Return the OutIncome Providings IsotopicVector

    void AddOutIncome(ZAI zai, double quantity) {
        AddOutIncome(zai*quantity);    //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to OutIncomeIncome
    void AddOutIncome(IsotopicVector isotopicvector) {
        fOutIncome.Add(isotopicvector);    //!< Add a isotopicVector to OutIncomeIncome
    void AddWaste(ZAI zai, double quantity) {
        AddWaste(zai*quantity);    //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to Waste
    void AddWaste(IsotopicVector isotopicvector) {
        fWaste.Add(isotopicvector);    //!< Add a isotopicVector to Waste
    void AddToPower(double power, double elpower) {
        fParcPower += power;
        fParcElectricPower += elpower;
    //!< Add power to the installed power in the Parc

    void ApplyZAIThreshold();

    //********* In/Out related Method *********//

     \name  In/Out Method

    void	PrintCLASSPresentation();	//!< CLASS informations when first running the code
    void	ProgressPrintout(cSecond t);		//!< Update the prompt output to the time t

    void	Print();				//!< Print some information about the Parc
    void	Write();				//!< Write information in a file

    void	OpenOutputTree();			//!< Open and define the Ouput ROOT TTree
    void	CloseOutputTree();			//!< Close and delete the Ouput ROOT TTree
    void	OutAttach();				//!< Attach the Branch to the Ouput ROOT TTree

    void	ResetQuantity();			//!< Reset the values of the GLobal IsotopicVector
    void	UpdateParc();				//!< Update the Global IsotopicVector


protected :
    bool			fNewTtree;		//!< True if we want to define a new TTree in the output File
    bool			fStockManagement;	///< True if real StockManagement false unstead (Default = true)
    bool			fLogTimeStep;

    cSecond			fPrintStep;		///< Time interval between two output update in [s]
    cSecond			fAbsoluteTime;		///< Absolute Clock in [s]
    cSecond			fStartingTime;		///< Starting Time in [s]
    map<cSecond, int>	fTimeStep;		///< Time Step  Vector in [s] for the evolution :
    /// \li 1 printing,
    /// \li 2 reactor Studown
    /// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
    /// \li 8 end of Cooling,
    /// \li 16 fuel Fabrication

    int			fZAIThreshold;
    int			fCloverCount;		///<

    vector<Storage*>		fStorage;		///< Vector of Storages
    vector<Pool*>		fPool;			///< Vector of Pool
    vector<Reactor*>		fReactor;		///< Vector of Reactor
    vector<FabricationPlant*>	fFabricationPlant;	///< Vector of FabricationPlant
    vector<SeparationPlant*>	fSeparationPlant;	///< Vector of FabricationPlant
    DecayDataBank*		fDecayDataBase;		//!< Pointer to the Decay DataBase

    TFile*		fOutFile;		///< Pointer to the Root Output File
    string		fOutputFileName;	//! Name of the Output File
    TTree*		fOutT;			///< Pointer to the Root Output TTr3ee
    string		fOutputTreeName;	//! Name of the Output TTree
    string		fOutputLogName;	///< Name of the Ouput log File

    IsotopicVector	fWaste;			///< Waste IV
    IsotopicVector	fTotalStorage;		///< Sum of all IV in Storage IV
    IsotopicVector	fOutIncome;		///< OutIncomeIncome IV
    IsotopicVector	fTotalCooling;		///< Sum of all IV in Cooling IV
    IsotopicVector	fFuelFabrication;	///< Sum of all IV in Fabrication IV
    IsotopicVector	fTotalInReactor;	///< Sum of all IV in Reactor IV

    IsotopicVector	fIVInCycleTotal;	///< Sum of all IV in the cycle (without Waste) IV
    IsotopicVector	fIVTotal;		///< Sum of all IV in the parc (including Waste) IV
    double		fParcPower;		///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc
    double		fParcElectricPower;	///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc