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Commit bff5a61d authored by Fanny Courtin's avatar Fanny Courtin Committed by BaM
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Merge branch 'CLASS_V5' into 'CLASS_V5'

Get Reactor Power Evolution

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......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ class Storage;
The aim of these Scenario is to manage the park and its evolution and to lead all Storage, FabricationPlant, Reactor, Pool,...
@author BaM
@author BLG
@version 2.0
......@@ -43,273 +43,336 @@ class Storage;
class Scenario : public CLASSObject
public :
//********* Constructor/Destructor Method *********//
\name Constructor/Desctructor
Use to load a CLASSLogger
\param log : used for the log.
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
Scenario(CLASSLogger* Log, cSecond abstime = 0); ///< Log Constructor.
Use to set the starting time of the Parc
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
Scenario(cSecond abstime);
Use to set the starting time of the Parc
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
\param log : used for the log.
Scenario(cSecond abstime, CLASSLogger* log);
~Scenario(); ///< Normal Destructor.
//********* Get Method *********//
\name Get Function
cSecond GetAbsoluteTime() { return fAbsoluteTime; } ///< Return the Absolute Clock
map<cSecond, int> GetTimeStep() { return fTimeStep; } ///< Return the Time Step vector
vector<Reactor*> GetReactor() { return fReactor; } ///< Return the Reactor vector
vector<Storage*> GetStorage() { return fStorage; } ///< Return the Storage vector
vector<Pool*> GetPool() { return fPool; } ///< Return the Pool Vector
vector<FabricationPlant*> GetFabricationPlant() { return fFabricationPlant; } ///< Return the FabricationPlant vector
DecayDataBank* GetDecayDataBase() { return fDecayDataBase; } //!< Return the Pointer to the DecayDataBank
cSecond GetPrintSet() { return fPrintStep; } ///< Return the print step periodicity
bool GetStockManagement() { return fStockManagement; } ///< Return the StockManagement method (True or False)
string GetOutputFileName() { return fOutputFileName; } ///< Return the Output File name
string GetOutputTreeName() { return fOutputTreeName; } ///< Return the Output ROOT TTree name
IsotopicVector GetWaste() { return fWaste;} ///< Return the waste IsotopicVcetor
//********* Set Method *********//
\name Set Function
/// Set the printing step periodicity
Use to set the periodicity of the output
\param timestep: periodicity of outpout in second
void SetTimeStep(cSecond timestep) { fPrintStep = timestep; }
/// Set the StockManagement method
Use to define the stock managment method : true all fuel are stored individualy and false all fuel are mixed in a stock, and one can separate each isotope as needed
\param val: true or false depending on the stock management method used
void SetStockManagement(bool val) { fStockManagement = val; }
/// Set the DecayDataBank
Use to define Decay DataBank to be used
\param decaydatabase: a DecayDataBank which should contain the evolution of each nuclei of the chart
void SetDecayDataBase(DecayDataBank* decaydatabase) { fDecayDataBase = decaydatabase; }
/// Set the Output File Name
Use to define name of the output file
\param name: a string which correspond to the output file name
void SetOutputFileName(string name) { fOutputFileName = name; }
/// Set the Output TTree Name
Use to define name of the output ROOT TTree
\param name: a string which correspond to the output ROOT TTree name
void SetOutputTreeName(string name) { fOutputTreeName = name; }
void SetLogTimeStep(bool val = true) { fLogTimeStep = true; }
void SetZAIThreshold(int z = 90) { fZAIThreshold = z;}
//********* Add Method *********//
\name Adding Facilities
void AddPool(Pool* Pool); ///< Add a Pool to the Park
void AddReactor(Reactor* reactor); ///< Add a Reactor to the Park
void AddStorage(Storage* storage); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void AddFabricationPlant(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void AddSeparationPlant(SeparationPlant* separationplant);
void Add(Pool* Pool) {AddPool(Pool);} ///< Add a Pool to the Park
void Add(Reactor* reactor) {AddReactor(reactor);} ///< Add a Reactor to the Park
void Add(Storage* storage) {AddStorage(storage);} ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void Add(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant) {AddFabricationPlant(fabricationplant);} ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void Add(SeparationPlant* separationplant) {AddSeparationPlant(separationplant);} ///< Add a Storage to the Park
//********* Evolution Method *********//
\name Evolution Method
void BuildTimeVector(cSecond t); ///< Build the Time Evolution Vector where :
/// \li 1 printing,
/// \li 2 reactor Studown
/// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
/// \li 8 end of Cooling,
/// \li 16 fuel Fabrication
void Evolution(cSecond t); ///< Perform the Evolution
void BackEndEvolution(); ///< Perform BackEnd Evolution
void PoolEvolution(); ///< Perform Pool Evolution
void PoolDump();
void ReactorEvolution(); ///< Perform the Reactor Evolution
void FabricationPlantEvolution(); ///< Perform the FabricationPlant Evolution
void StorageEvolution(); ///< Perform the Storage Evolution
//-------- IsotopicVector --------//
\name IsotopicVector Sum
IsotopicVector GetOutIncome() const { return fOutIncome; } //!< Return the OutIncome Providings IsotopicVector
void AddOutIncome(ZAI zai, double quantity) { AddOutIncome(zai*quantity); } //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to OutIncomeIncome
void AddOutIncome(IsotopicVector isotopicvector){ fOutIncome.Add(isotopicvector); } //!< Add a isotopicVector to OutIncomeIncome
void AddWaste(ZAI zai, double quantity) { AddWaste(zai*quantity); } //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to Waste
void AddWaste(IsotopicVector isotopicvector) { fWaste.Add(isotopicvector); } //!< Add a isotopicVector to Waste
void AddToPower(double power, double elpower) { fParcPower += power; fParcElectricPower += elpower; }
//!< Add power to the installed power in the Parc
void ApplyZAIThreshold();
//********* In/Out related Method *********//
\name In/Out Method
void PrintCLASSPresentation(); //!< CLASS informations when first running the code
void PrintClover(int i); //!< Print a nuclear clover for progression
void ProgressPrintout(cSecond t); //!< Update the prompt output to the time t
void OldProgressPrintout(cSecond t); //!< Update the prompt output to the time t (without nuclear clover)
void SetSoberTerminalOutput(){fOldProgressBar = true;} //!< Dont display animated nuclear clover in terminal
void Print(); //!< Print some information about the Parc
void Write(); //!< Write information in a file
void OpenOutputTree(); //!< Open and define the Ouput ROOT TTree
void CloseOutputTree(); //!< Close and delete the Ouput ROOT TTree
void OutAttach(); //!< Attach the Branch to the Ouput ROOT TTree
void ResetQuantity(); //!< Reset the values of the GLobal IsotopicVector
void UpdateParc(); //!< Update the Global IsotopicVector
protected :
bool fNewTtree; //!< Tru if we want to define a new TTree in the output File
bool fStockManagement; ///< True if real StockManagement false unstead (Default = true)
bool fLogTimeStep;
bool fOldProgressBar; ///< if set to true : no nuclear clover are drawn in terminal
cSecond fPrintStep; ///< Time interval between two output update in [s]
cSecond fAbsoluteTime; ///< Absolute Clock in [s]
cSecond fStartingTime; ///< Starting Time in [s]
map<cSecond, int> fTimeStep; ///< Time Step Vector in [s] for the evolution :
/// \li 1 printing,
/// \li 2 reactor Studown
/// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
/// \li 8 end of Cooling,
/// \li 16 fuel Fabrication
int fZAIThreshold;
int fCloverCount; ///<
vector<Storage*> fStorage; ///< Vector of Storages
vector<Pool*> fPool; ///< Vector of Pool
vector<Reactor*> fReactor; ///< Vector of Reactor
vector<FabricationPlant*> fFabricationPlant; ///< Vector of FabricationPlant
vector<SeparationPlant*> fSeparationPlant; ///< Vector of FabricationPlant
DecayDataBank* fDecayDataBase; //!< Pointer to the Decay DataBase
TFile* fOutFile; ///< Pointer to the Root Output File
string fOutputFileName; //! Name of the Output File
TTree* fOutT; ///< Pointer to the Root Output TTr3ee
string fOutputTreeName; //! Name of the Output TTree
string fOutputLogName; ///< Name of the Ouput log File
IsotopicVector fWaste; ///< Waste IV
IsotopicVector fTotalStorage; ///< Sum of all IV in Storage IV
IsotopicVector fOutIncome; ///< OutIncomeIncome IV
IsotopicVector fTotalCooling; ///< Sum of all IV in Cooling IV
IsotopicVector fFuelFabrication; ///< Sum of all IV in Fabrication IV
IsotopicVector fTotalInReactor; ///< Sum of all IV in Reactor IV
IsotopicVector fIVInCycleTotal; ///< Sum of all IV in the cycle (without Waste) IV
IsotopicVector fIVTotal; ///< Sum of all IV in the parc (including Waste) IV
double fParcPower; ///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc
double fParcElectricPower; ///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc
public :
//********* Constructor/Destructor Method *********//
\name Constructor/Desctructor
Use to load a CLASSLogger
\param log : used for the log.
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
Scenario(CLASSLogger* Log, cSecond abstime = 0); ///< Log Constructor.
Use to set the starting time of the Parc
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
Scenario(cSecond abstime);
Use to set the starting time of the Parc
\param abstime: Starting time of the Parc in second
\param log : used for the log.
Scenario(cSecond abstime, CLASSLogger* log);
~Scenario(); ///< Normal Destructor.
//********* Get Method *********//
\name Get Function
cSecond GetAbsoluteTime() {
return fAbsoluteTime; ///< Return the Absolute Clock
map<cSecond, int> GetTimeStep() {
return fTimeStep; ///< Return the Time Step vector
vector<Reactor*> GetReactor() {
return fReactor; ///< Return the Reactor vector
vector<Storage*> GetStorage() {
return fStorage; ///< Return the Storage vector
vector<Pool*> GetPool() {
return fPool; ///< Return the Pool Vector
vector<FabricationPlant*> GetFabricationPlant() {
return fFabricationPlant; ///< Return the FabricationPlant vector
DecayDataBank* GetDecayDataBase() {
return fDecayDataBase; //!< Return the Pointer to the DecayDataBank
cSecond GetPrintSet() {
return fPrintStep; ///< Return the print step periodicity
bool GetStockManagement() {
return fStockManagement; ///< Return the StockManagement method (True or False)
string GetOutputFileName() {
return fOutputFileName; ///< Return the Output File name
string GetOutputTreeName() {
return fOutputTreeName; ///< Return the Output ROOT TTree name
IsotopicVector GetWaste() {
return fWaste; ///< Return the waste IsotopicVcetor
//********* Set Method *********//
\name Set Function
/// Set the printing step periodicity
Use to set the periodicity of the output
\param timestep: periodicity of outpout in second
void SetTimeStep(cSecond timestep) {
fPrintStep = timestep;
/// Set the StockManagement method
Use to define the stock managment method : true all fuel are stored individualy and false all fuel are mixed in a stock, and one can separate each isotope as needed
\param val: true or false depending on the stock management method used
void SetStockManagement(bool val) {
fStockManagement = val;
/// Set the DecayDataBank
Use to define Decay DataBank to be used
\param decaydatabase: a DecayDataBank which should contain the evolution of each nuclei of the chart
void SetDecayDataBase(DecayDataBank* decaydatabase) {
fDecayDataBase = decaydatabase;
/// Set the Output File Name
Use to define name of the output file
\param name: a string which correspond to the output file name
void SetOutputFileName(string name) {
fOutputFileName = name;
/// Set the Output TTree Name
Use to define name of the output ROOT TTree
\param name: a string which correspond to the output ROOT TTree name
void SetOutputTreeName(string name) {
fOutputTreeName = name;
void SetLogTimeStep(bool val = true) {
fLogTimeStep = true;
void SetZAIThreshold(int z = 90) {
fZAIThreshold = z;
//********* Add Method *********//
\name Adding Facilities
void AddPool(Pool* Pool); ///< Add a Pool to the Park
void AddReactor(Reactor* reactor); ///< Add a Reactor to the Park
void AddStorage(Storage* storage); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void AddFabricationPlant(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void AddSeparationPlant(SeparationPlant* separationplant);
void Add(Pool* Pool) {
AddPool(Pool); ///< Add a Pool to the Park
void Add(Reactor* reactor) {
AddReactor(reactor); ///< Add a Reactor to the Park
void Add(Storage* storage) {
AddStorage(storage); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void Add(FabricationPlant* fabricationplant) {
AddFabricationPlant(fabricationplant); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
void Add(SeparationPlant* separationplant) {
AddSeparationPlant(separationplant); ///< Add a Storage to the Park
//********* Evolution Method *********//
\name Evolution Method
void BuildTimeVector(cSecond t); ///< Build the Time Evolution Vector where :
/// \li 1 printing,
/// \li 2 reactor Studown
/// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
/// \li 8 end of Cooling,
/// \li 16 fuel Fabrication
void Evolution(cSecond t); ///< Perform the Evolution
void BackEndEvolution(); ///< Perform BackEnd Evolution
void PoolEvolution(); ///< Perform Pool Evolution
void PoolDump();
void ReactorEvolution(); ///< Perform the Reactor Evolution
void FabricationPlantEvolution(); ///< Perform the FabricationPlant Evolution
void StorageEvolution(); ///< Perform the Storage Evolution
//-------- IsotopicVector --------//
\name IsotopicVector Sum
IsotopicVector GetOutIncome() const {
return fOutIncome; //!< Return the OutIncome Providings IsotopicVector
void AddOutIncome(ZAI zai, double quantity) {
AddOutIncome(zai*quantity); //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to OutIncomeIncome
void AddOutIncome(IsotopicVector isotopicvector) {
fOutIncome.Add(isotopicvector); //!< Add a isotopicVector to OutIncomeIncome
void AddWaste(ZAI zai, double quantity) {
AddWaste(zai*quantity); //!< Add a ZAI*quantity to Waste
void AddWaste(IsotopicVector isotopicvector) {
fWaste.Add(isotopicvector); //!< Add a isotopicVector to Waste
void AddToPower(double power, double elpower) {
fParcPower += power;
fParcElectricPower += elpower;
//!< Add power to the installed power in the Parc
void ApplyZAIThreshold();
//********* In/Out related Method *********//
\name In/Out Method
void PrintCLASSPresentation(); //!< CLASS informations when first running the code
void PrintClover(int i); //!< Print a nuclear clover for progression
void ProgressPrintout(cSecond t); //!< Update the prompt output to the time t
void OldProgressPrintout(cSecond t); //!< Update the prompt output to the time t (without nuclear clover)
void SetSoberTerminalOutput() {
fOldProgressBar = true; //!< Dont display animated nuclear clover in terminal
void Print(); //!< Print some information about the Parc
void Write(); //!< Write information in a file
void OpenOutputTree(); //!< Open and define the Ouput ROOT TTree
void CloseOutputTree(); //!< Close and delete the Ouput ROOT TTree
void OutAttach(); //!< Attach the Branch to the Ouput ROOT TTree
void ResetQuantity(); //!< Reset the values of the GLobal IsotopicVector
void UpdateParc(); //!< Update the Global IsotopicVector
protected :
bool fNewTtree; //!< True if we want to define a new TTree in the output File
bool fStockManagement; ///< True if real StockManagement false unstead (Default = true)
bool fLogTimeStep;
bool fOldProgressBar; ///< if set to true : no nuclear clover are drawn in terminal
cSecond fPrintStep; ///< Time interval between two output update in [s]
cSecond fAbsoluteTime; ///< Absolute Clock in [s]
cSecond fStartingTime; ///< Starting Time in [s]
map<cSecond, int> fTimeStep; ///< Time Step Vector in [s] for the evolution :
/// \li 1 printing,
/// \li 2 reactor Studown
/// \li 4 start/End of reactor cycle,
/// \li 8 end of Cooling,
/// \li 16 fuel Fabrication
int fZAIThreshold;
int fCloverCount; ///<
vector<Storage*> fStorage; ///< Vector of Storages
vector<Pool*> fPool; ///< Vector of Pool
vector<Reactor*> fReactor; ///< Vector of Reactor
vector<FabricationPlant*> fFabricationPlant; ///< Vector of FabricationPlant
vector<SeparationPlant*> fSeparationPlant; ///< Vector of FabricationPlant
DecayDataBank* fDecayDataBase; //!< Pointer to the Decay DataBase
TFile* fOutFile; ///< Pointer to the Root Output File
string fOutputFileName; //! Name of the Output File
TTree* fOutT; ///< Pointer to the Root Output TTr3ee
string fOutputTreeName; //! Name of the Output TTree
string fOutputLogName; ///< Name of the Ouput log File
IsotopicVector fWaste; ///< Waste IV
IsotopicVector fTotalStorage; ///< Sum of all IV in Storage IV
IsotopicVector fOutIncome; ///< OutIncomeIncome IV
IsotopicVector fTotalCooling; ///< Sum of all IV in Cooling IV
IsotopicVector fFuelFabrication; ///< Sum of all IV in Fabrication IV
IsotopicVector fTotalInReactor; ///< Sum of all IV in Reactor IV
IsotopicVector fIVInCycleTotal; ///< Sum of all IV in the cycle (without Waste) IV
IsotopicVector fIVTotal; ///< Sum of all IV in the parc (including Waste) IV
double fParcPower; ///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc
double fParcElectricPower; ///< Sum of the Power of all reactor in the parc
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ Reactor::Reactor(CLASSLogger* log, PhysicsModels* fueltypeDB, FabricationPlant*
fReactorScheduler = new ReactorScheduler(log);
fReactorScheduler->AddEntry(creationtime, new ReactorModel(fueltypeDB), fBurnUp, fPower, fHeavyMetalMass);
fSchedulePowerEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fPower));
fScheduleHMMassEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fHeavyMetalMass));
CheckListConsistency(fueltypeDB, fabricationplant);
......@@ -220,6 +222,8 @@ Reactor::Reactor(CLASSLogger* log, PhysicsModels* fueltypeDB,
fReactorScheduler = new ReactorScheduler(log);
fReactorScheduler->AddEntry(creationtime, new ReactorModel(fueltypeDB), fBurnUp, fPower, fHeavyMetalMass);
fSchedulePowerEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fPower));
fScheduleHMMassEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fHeavyMetalMass));
CheckListConsistency(fueltypeDB, fabricationplant);
......@@ -280,6 +284,8 @@ Reactor::Reactor(CLASSLogger* log, EvolutionData* evolutivedb,
fReactorScheduler = new ReactorScheduler(log);
fReactorScheduler->AddEntry(creationtime, new ReactorModel(evolutivedb), fBurnUp, fPower, fHeavyMetalMass);
fSchedulePowerEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fPower));
fScheduleHMMassEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fHeavyMetalMass));
INFO << " A Reactor has been define :" << endl;
INFO << "\t Fuel Composition is fixed ! " << endl;
......@@ -329,10 +335,12 @@ Reactor::Reactor(CLASSLogger* log, EvolutionData* evolutivedb,
fIVBeginCycle = fEvolutionDB.GetIsotopicVectorAt(0);
fIVInCycle = fEvolutionDB.GetIsotopicVectorAt(0);
fIVOutCycle = fEvolutionDB.GetIsotopicVectorAt( (cSecond)(fCycleTime/fEvolutionDB.GetPower()*fPower) );
fReactorScheduler = new ReactorScheduler(log);
fReactorScheduler->AddEntry(creationtime, new ReactorModel(evolutivedb), fBurnUp, fPower, fHeavyMetalMass);
fSchedulePowerEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fPower));
fScheduleHMMassEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(creationtime, fHeavyMetalMass));
INFO << " A Reactor has been define :" << endl;
INFO << "\t Fuel Composition is fixed ! " << endl;
......@@ -545,10 +553,11 @@ void Reactor::Dump()
ScheduleEntry* NextFuel = fReactorScheduler->GetEntryAt(fInternalTime);
fPower = NextFuel->GetPower();
fHeavyMetalMass = NextFuel->GetHeavyMetalMass();
fElectricPower = fPower * fEfficiencyFactor;
fElectricPower = fPower * fEfficiencyFactor;
SetBurnUp( NextFuel->GetBurnUp() );
fPowerEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(fInternalTime, fPower));
fHMMassEvolution.insert( pair<cSecond, double>(fInternalTime, fHeavyMetalMass));
if( NextFuel->GetReactorModel()->GetPhysicsModels() )
fFixedFuel = false;
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