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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Feb1916Jun20Sep111030Aug2527Jul26Image donemastermasterAdd doxygen in alpine dev imageMerge branch 'add_alpine_image' into 'master'Add alpine imageMerge branch 'add_tbb_ubuntu_2204' into 'master'v1.8.7v1.8.7Add tbb ubuntu 2204Merge branch 'add_centos' into 'master'v1.8.5 v1.8.6v1.8.5 v1.8.6Add centosMerge branch 'add_inkscape' into 'master'Add inkscape image (with imagemagick) to fix imagemagick backend trouble (will...Disable imageUpdate minimal image to ubuntu 22.04Merge branch 'add_image_minimal' into 'master'Add image minimalDisable all imagesDisable new png buildAdd recipe to create Ubuntu and Fedora with linpngFix releasev1.8.4v1.8.4Fix CIAdd CI to make release automaticallyAdd CI to make release automaticallyAdd fedora 36 zmq/hdf5 and bothDisable imageAdd fedora 36 recipeDisable imageAdd curl in python imageDisable imageAdd recipe to create python 3 imageMerge branch 'add_package_image' into 'master'Add package imageMerge branch 'fix_yml' into 'master'Fix ymlInitial commit