- See [Case Studies](https://mongoose.ws/case-studies/) from our respected
customers like [Schneider Electric](https://mongoose.ws/case-studies/schneider-electric/)(industrial automation), [Broadcom](https://mongoose.ws/case-studies/broadcom/)(semiconductors), [Pilz](https://mongoose.ws/case-studies/pilz/)(industrial automation), and others
- See [Testimonials](https://mongoose.ws/testimonials/) from engineers that integrated Mongoose in their commercial products
- We provide [commercial licensing](https://mongoose.ws/licensing/), [support](https://mongoose.ws/support/), consultancy and integration
assistance - don't hesitate to [contact us](https://mongoose.ws/contact/)
# Security
@@ -92,7 +88,7 @@ It is a great tool for sharing your files, or for local web or game
development. It has a unique feature - an ability to share your local files via
a global URL.
Visit [download page](https://mongoose.ws/) to try it out.
Visit [download page](https://mongoose.ws/desktop-app/) to try it out.