If you are looking for a complete solution with firmware and cloud components, check out [Mongoose IoT Platform](https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose-iot).
Looking for a complete IoT solution with firmware and cloud components?
Check out [Mongoose IoT Firmware and Cloud](https://mongoose-iot.com).
# Support
- [Support Forum - Ask your technical questions here] (http://forum.cesanta.com/index.php?p=/categories/mongoose)
- [Chat - Visit www.cesanta.com for our live chat] (http://www.cesanta.com)
- [Commercial one-to-one support - Available to all commercial license holders] (https://www.cesanta.com/services-support)
-[Study mongoose example code](https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose/tree/master/examples)
-[Read User Guide and API reference](https://docs.cesanta.com/mongoose)
- [Support Forum - ask your technical questions here] (http://forum.cesanta.com/index.php?p=/categories/mongoose)
- [Chat - visit www.cesanta.com for our live chat] (http://www.cesanta.com)
- [Commercial licensing and support available] (https://www.cesanta.com/services-support)
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# Licensing
Mongoose is released under commercial and [GNU GPL v.2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) open source licenses.
Commercial Projects:
Once your project becomes commercialised GPLv2 licensing dictates that you need to either open your source fully or purchase a commercial license. Cesanta offer full, royalty-free commercial licenses without any GPL restrictions. If your needs require a custom license, we’d be happy to work on a solution with you. [Contact us for pricing.] (https://www.cesanta.com/contact)
Mongoose is released under Commercial and [GNU GPL v.2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) open source licenses.
While your project is still in prototyping stage and not for sale, you can use Mongoose’s open source code without license restrictions.
Commercial Projects: [Contact us for commercial license.] (https://www.cesanta.com/contact)