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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 8cc6e446 authored by ebusato's avatar ebusato
Browse files


parent d14c2d13
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Tags v3.1
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......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ func main() {
dotree2 = flag.Bool("dotree2", false, "If specified, treeMult2 is written")
dotreeLOR = flag.Bool("dotreeLOR", false, "If specified, treeLOR is written")
//wGob = flag.String("wgob", "dqplots.gob", "Name of the output gob file containing dq plots. If not set, the gob file is not produced.")
rfcutmean = flag.Float64("rfcutmean", 7, "Mean used to apply RF selection cut.")
rfcutwidth = flag.Float64("rfcutwidth", 5, "Width used to apply RF selection cut.")
......@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ func main() {
// event.PlotPulses(pulse.XaxisCapacitor, false, pulse.YRangePedestal, true)
// }
// dq
dqplots.FillHistos(event, *rfcutmean, *rfcutwidth)
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