Projet BAORadio - 21 cm BAO
(C) BAORadio : LAL (IN2P3-CNRS), Univ. Paris Sud, IRFU-CEA, Obs. de Paris 2007-2017
Scripts to launch BAORadio/TACQ acquisition/visibility computations program on
multiple machines
Directory content:
Réza Ansari
cmds_build.cmd : Commands to build the acquisition software (SOPHYA + ExtLibs) and TAcq
and propagate it to other machines
cmds_tst_acquis.cmd : Example of commands to launch acquistion for PAON4
*** shell (csh) scripts :
acqcheck.csh : Checking acquisition by launching mfacq on a remote host
check_time.csh : check time synchronisation between different acq machines (to be adapted using host names)
checkfiball.csh : check fiber lock on a set of remore acquisition hosts
remove_data.csh : remove acquired data directories on a set of remote hosts
pci2disk.csh : launches mfacq on a remote host to acquire data from PCIexpress and writes it to disk
pci2eth.csh : launches mfacq on a remote host to acquire data from PCIexpress and send it to other
host(s) through ethernet
eth2disk.csh : launches mfacq on a remote host reads in data from ethernet and writes it to disk
eth2visib.csh : launches mfacq on a remote host reads in data from ethernet and compute visibilities
pci2fft.csh : launches mfacq on a machine with option to perform FFTonRAW
pcifft2eth.csh : launches mfacq on a machine with option to perform FFTonRAW and sending the FFT coeffs over ethernet
allacqcheck.csh : launches acqcheck.csh for a set of remote hosts
allpci2disk.csh : launches pci2disk.csh for a set of remote hosts
allpci2eth.csh : launches pci2eth.csh for a set of remote hosts
alleth2disk.csh : launches eth2disk.csh for a set of remote hosts
alleth2visib.csh : launches eth2visib.csh for a set of remote hosts
allpci2fft.csh : launches mfacq on a BAO8 and BAO9 with option to perform FFTonRAW
allpcifft2eth.csh : launches mfacq on a BAO8, BAO9, BAO10 and BAO11 with option to perform FFTonRAW and sending the FFT coeffs over ethernet
allmfacqkill.csh : kills (stops) mfacq on a set of remote hosts
allxtermkill.csh : kills (stops) the xterm's launched on remote hosts
*** associated datacard files
acqfftc6.d eth2disk_bao5.d eth2visib_bao5.d pci2eth.d pci2fft_bao8.d redmonit.d
acqrawc5.d eth2disk_bao6.d eth2visib_bao6.d pci2eth_bao8.d pci2fft_bao9.d visispeed.d
check.d eth2visib.d monitor.d pci2eth_bao9.d pcispeed.d
eth2disk.d eth2visib_2.d pci2disk.d pci2fft.d redcheck.d pcifft2eth.d