mfacq is the PAON4 (BAORadio/21cm) acquisition main program. This program has several main execution modes, with other options being specified through datacards (see acqparam_exemple.d datacard file). the main execution modes, specified as -mode on the command line are described below:
- pci2disk: PCI express DMA read of data stream as BRPaquets, data is saved to disk in FITS files
- pcifft: PCI express DMA read of waveform data as BRPaquets (RAW-firmware), computes FFT on waveforms and optionally save data to disk in FITS files
- pcifft2visib: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet, compute visibilities and save visibility matrices to disk.
- pci2visib: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquets, followed by FFT on RAW-firmware data, then visibility (correlation) computation. The visibility matrices are then saved to disk.
- pci2eth: PCI express DMA read of data from ADC-boards encapsulated in BRPaquets, and sends data over ethernet to other mfacq tasks. Data is sent without being copied to RAcqMemZoneMgr memory manager.
- pcimem2eth: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquets, copied to the RAcqMemZoneMgr memory manager. data is then sent to other mfacq tasks over network links (ethernet)
- pcifft2eth: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquets, (RAW-firmware), computes FFT on data in transferred to memory. The frequency component (FFT) data is then sent to other mfacq over ethernet
- eth2disk: read data (BRPaquet) on network interfaces (ethernet) and save data to disk in FITS files
- eth2visib: read data (BRPaquet) on network interfaces (ethernet), compute visibilities and save visibility matrices to disk (data sent over ethernet should be from FFT-firmware )
- ffteth2disk: read data (BRPaquet) supposed to be from FFTonRAW on network interfaces (ethernet) and save it to disk in FITS
- ffteth2visib: read data (BRPaquet) supposed to be from FFTonRAW on network interfaces (ethernet), ompute visibilities and save visibility matrices to disk
For -ffteth2disk and -ffteth2visib modes, data sent over ethernet should come from FFTonRAW, Fourier Transform perfomed by CPU on RAW-firmware (waveform) data by the sender mfacq task, running in -pcifft2eth mode.
csh> mfacq -h
Usage: mfacq Action DataCardFileName [-dc DataCard -dc DataCard] [TargetMachines]
or mfacq -h (short help message) mfacq -help (long help message)
o Action = -pci2disk, -pcifft, -pci2visib, -pcifft2visib
-pci2eth, -pcimem2eth, -pcifft2eth
-eth2disk, -ffteth2disk -eth2visib. -ffteth2visib
o DataCardFileName : File name for parameters list (DataCards)
o -dc DataCard : datacard appended for DataCardFileName
o TargetMachines : List of target machines for transfert over ethernet (-xxx2eth)
csh> mfacq -help
provides a longer usage description
The additional help message provided by mfacq -help
===========>>>> Operation modes description:
1/ -pci2disk: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet , data saved to disk in FITS files
2/ -pcifft: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet (RAW-firmware), computes FFT on data
and optionally save BRPaquets to disk in FITS files
3/ -pcifft2visib: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet, compute visibilities and save
visibility matrices to disk
4/ -pci2visib: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet, followed by FFT on RAW-firmware data,
then compute visibilities and save visibility matrices to disk
5/ -pci2eth: PCI express DMA read of data from ADC-boards encapsulated in BRPaquets,
and sends data over ethernet to other mfacq tasks. Data is sent without being
copied to RAcqMemZoneMgr memory manager.
6/ -pcimem2eth: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet, copied to the RAcqMemZoneMgr memory
manager, and then sends BRPaquet data over ethernet to other mfacq tasks.
7/ -pcifft2eth: PCI express DMA read of BRPaquet, (RAW-firmware), computes FFT on data
in memory manager, and then sends the FFT data over ethernet to other mfacq tasks.
8/ -eth2disk: read data (BRPaquet) on network interfaces (ethernet) and save data to disk
in FITS files
9/ -eth2visib: read data (BRPaquet) on network interfaces (ethernet), compute visibilities and
save visibility matrices to disk (data sent over ethernet supposed to be from FFT-firmware
10/ -ffteth2disk: read data (BRPaquet) supposed to be from FFTonRAW on network interfaces (ethernet)
and save it to disk in FITS
11/ -ffteth2visib : read data (BRPaquet) supposed to be from FFTonRAW on network interfaces (ethernet),
compute visibilities and save visibility matrices to disk
( For -ffteth2disk and -ffteth2visib , data sent over ethernet is assumed to be from FFTonRAW,
Fourier Transform perfomed by CPU on RAW-firmware data by the sender mfacq task, which