Compiling and running the nt10 to nt22 converter 1) Compile: The directory has a single source code for e1dvcs1/2 eg1dvcs part a/b/c and 3 different Makefiles. Each run group should choose their Makefile. ex. to compile eg1dvcs > make -f Makefile.eg1dvcs this will create an exe file skimallc_ichb.eg1dvcs The makefile uses the env variable CERN_ROOT, so make sure it is set (ex. CERN_ROOT=/apps/cernlib/i386_fc8/2005) 2) exe files as before read the nt file name from env variable NTUPLE or read the file ./histfile (default). Link an existing nt10 file to histfile. 3) to read the MC (only data will be processed by default) from nt10 and include it in nt22 use the command line option --mc 1 to add the MC PART bank info or --mc 2 to add MC PART and MCEVENT (MCTK) info. ex: >skimallc_ichb.eg1dvcs --mctype 1 Some other command line options (available using --help). electron cleanup cuts: --e2p value will use e/p>[value] default is 0.12 --pmin value will use p>[value] default 0.5 --c2cut value will use cc_c2<[value] default 0.15 To use the env variable NTUPLE command line option --peter should be used. The list of common blocks are following: ! define the nt10 structure ! define the mc part and mcevent structures in nt10 * ! command line options ! nt22 part and mcevent structures ! nt22 data structures structures Main changes in the structures: 1) header is generic integer svevntid, svihel common/svhead/svevntid, svihel 2) raster appears only for eg1dvcs INTEGER rastr1,rastr2 COMMON /SVHDRST/ rastr1,rastr2 3) delayed reporting only in part-c INTEGER helstat,onlineihel COMMON /SVHDDEL/ helstat,onlineihel 4) new variables in the nt22 tl3_x,tl3_y,tl3_z -> dc_xsc,dc_ysc,dc_zsc from nt10 tl3_cx,tl3_cy,tl3_cz -> dc_cxsc,dc_cysc,dc_czsc from nt10 et,egl,ich_xgl,ich_ygl -> deposited energy and the coordinate of the central block in IC
