ECFA HiggsTopEW Factories
ECFA e+e- Higgs/Top/EW Factory Study
Main purpose of the ECFA initiative
Based on the recommendations of the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) has decided to organise a series of workshops on physics studies, experiment design and detector technologies towards a future electron-positron Higgs/EW/Top factory. The aim is to bring together the efforts of various e+e- projects, to share challenges and expertise, to explore synergies and to respond coherently to this high-priority strategy item.
Main Meetings and Workshops
- Indico category of all WG1, WG2 and WG3 events:
- Seminars on Physics Potential: once per month Friday 2pm CERN time
Mailing list
- subscription via CERN e-groups
- Archive of the e-group.
Working groups
- E-mail to WG1 Coordinators:
Focus Topics
In order to realize the main purpose, i.e. bring together the efforts of various e+e- projects as detailed above, we have initiated joint work on so-called "focus topics". These 14 topics are briefly sketched here. Detailed descriptions and tasks are being worked out by groups of relevant experts. If you would like to know more about any of these topics, please don't hesitate to contact the coordinators of the study.
A document describing these topics in more detail has been submitted to arxiv:2401.07564, and is saved here (requires login).
Editing these pages
- First you need to log in. Do so by logging in: First select CC-IN2P3 login and then edugain. Select the organisation which gives you your eduroam certificate. Do not fill out the manual account creation form.
- Then go to the project top page and click "request access". One of the project managers will be informed and give you write access.
- In case of problems contact Patrick or Dirk