Data analysis framework based on GRU for GANIL Data in MFM and EBYEDAT.
The package reads mfm files and spy NARVAL 1.14 GANIL Data flow.
The T**** are the Detector classes. They only depend on the MFMLibs.
For each TDetector, there is first class unpacking and treating the data and a second Class ("Data") used to define the
structure of the output TTree.
The GUser.C is the main Class managing the data process
These 2 structures are IDENTICAL for online spy or replay to root tree
- AnalysisADNE.exe offline program taking as input "ListRun.txt" and produce spectra and root tree``
- SpyAnalysisADNE.exe online program taking as input "OnlinePath.txt" to spy the online Data flow``
- root [0] .L Replay.C++O
- root [1] Replay kk
- root [2] kk.Loop()
- To read the output TTree
The detectors class have only MFM dependences as the main executables have also GRU dependences, therefore :
The MFM package must be installed from
The GRU package must be installed from
ROOT framework also installed.
Presently, the ADNE package has been valided up to ROOT 5.34/38, and GRU/MFM version 21.07.28
_The GRUSYS and MFMSYS variables must be defined in the cshrs or bashrc_
- export GRUSYS=/home/acqexp/Analysis/GRU/el7.x86_64/R5_v21.07.28
- export MFMSYS=/home/acqexp/Analysis/MFMlib/el7.x86_64/v21.07.28
1. Download the tar ball
2. tar -xvf ADNE.tar
3. cd ADNE/
4. ./ to compile All
5. ./AnalysisADNE.exe to analyse data or ./SpyAnalysisADNE.exe to spy the Narval flow