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[CURATE] ESCAPE Science Projects for EOSC-Future

CI requested to merge 6390606 into master

=== Record #6390607 ===
Title: ESCAPE Science Projects for EOSC-Future
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6390607
The ESCAPE project is building a virtual research environment (VRE) for the Astronomy, Astro- Particle, Particle, and Nuclear Physics communities, as a prototype of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It is intended that the developments of tools and services made in ESCAPE will eventually be contributed to the EOSC implementation. The mechanism for that migration will be the EOSC-Future project, within which the 5 science cluster projects (including ESCAPE) will be the science drivers. Within engESCAPE it has been agreed that two large “Science Projects” (SP) will be deployed with a number of high-level objectives:

To demonstrate new cutting-edge science capabilities, in particular those involving inter-RI collaboration and science outcomes;

To validate on behalf of the science communities, that the software, tools, services, and infra- structure developed within ESCAPE are what is required by the science use cases;

To provide feedback to the ESCAPE project, and ultimately to the EOSC community, that will help guide the future direction and development of the EOSC.

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