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[CURATE] Dockerfile to extract Gravitational Wave data from the ESCAPE datalake

CI requested to merge 5742052 into master

=== Record #5742053 ===
Title: Dockerfile to extract Gravitational Wave data from the ESCAPE datalake
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5742053
This is a container to extract Gravitational Wave (GW) data from the datalake using Rucio and feed 1 second GW frames to the GW pipelines. To run this container it first needs to be built: (sudo) docker build -t rucio-gwf-shared-vol-writer-public . Then it can be run using the following command:   (sudo) docker run -e RUCIO_ACCOUNT= -v /path/to/client.crt:/opt/rucio/etc/client.crt -v /path/to/client.key:/opt/rucio/etc/client.key -v /path/to/output/frames:/dataout rucio-gwf-shared-vol-writer  

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Edited by Vuillaume

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