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GRASLAND Hadrien / Formation git
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalSupports de ma formation au gestionnaire de version git. Les rendus sont sur https://grasland.pages.in2p3.fr/formation-git/
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IPSL / Projets / dynamico / DYNAMICO
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Source code of the DYNAMICO global dynamical core. Documentation: https://ipsl.pages.in2p3.fr/projets/dynamico/dynamico/
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Les documents, les énoncés et les images utilisés par les participants de l'ANF école informatique 2019
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cosmotools / CAMEL
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCAMEL is a high quality C++ software for performing Cosmological Parameters Estimations using the latest cosmological data and various statistical techniques (best fits, MCMC, profile likelihoods)
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DUBOIS Antoine / euclid-profiling-script
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Updated -
The pre-processor for ORCHIDEE's routing scheme
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CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
kaliveda-dev / KaliVeda
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyKaliVeda heavy-ion analysis toolkit
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RI3 / Ecoles Info / 2020 / ANF Machine Learning pour Informaticiens
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDépot de cours et de code pour l'ANF "Concepts et utilisation du Machine Learning pour Informaticiens" ayant lieu du 21 au 25 septembre 2020 à Orsay
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Tools and methodologies to write code that is easier to understand and maintain. Practicals are live at https://informatique-des-deux-infinis.pages.in2p3.fr/pheniics/robust-programming/ .
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CTA-LAPP / PHOENIX_LIBS / PhoenixControl
CeCILL-C Free Software License AgreementUpdated -
Tools for the regional climate modelling framework at IPSL