Fluid forces computation validation
It seems that fluid forces computation is correct when taking the complete hull (no cut). It remains to validate forces computation for a cut. This can be done with "fFluid.dat".
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It seems that fluid forces computation is correct when taking the complete hull (no cut). It remains to validate forces computation for a cut. This can be done with "fFluid.dat".
assigned to @Sabrine.Akkari
added 3 designs
You mean that the provided forces : forces.dat and fFluid.dat are already calculated for the complete hull?
forces.dat is for the complete hull. fFluid.dat values have still to be validated and they correspond to x,y,z forces at the reference point of each section.
added 4 designs
removed 4 designs
Great!, sorry I was working on stg else and didn't have the time to look throughly on what you have done.
Do you have a conclusion on this ?
Do you think this is a good alternative to the vbm/internal loads function object ?
Yes definetly ! I want to extend its usage to flexible case but with Sopheak Seng we do not agree 100% on the verification to be done.