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[WIP] xrootd: add support for multiple sessions and redirect response

Sebastien Binet requested to merge EgorMatirov:xrootd-sessions-redirect into master

Created by: EgorMatirov

Brief overview of redirect response (specs):

  1. It may occur at any time. Connection failures and server errors are treated as a redirect to the initial XRootD server (spec).
  2. Redirection may contain token which needs to be passed during Login request.
  3. Redirection may contain opaque which need to be added to the filename associated with the operation.
  4. Redirection may occur during request with a file handle. In that case, open request should be re-issued before proceeding with the current request. Also, probably, in that case, we should update the handle we have in File.
  5. It looks to me like we can end up with multiple files being opened on different servers.

Sorry, WIP branch again, I would like to hear your opinion on the current direction.

Btw, it's now able to cp the file from eospublic:

C:\Users\ematirov\Documents\tmp>xrd-cp  root:// .


Updates #170.

Merge request reports