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[#119] Provide Documentation Infrastructure

Dirk HOFFMANN requested to merge feature/119-Documentation_infrastructure into develop

Created by: elbenfreund

This commit provides a basic sphinx based infrastructure to handle our documentation needs. Besides setting up sphinx itself we did the following:

  • Create several new make targets for easy building, opening and testing of the documentation. As we depend on some additional python packages for this, we added a requirements.pip file used by the new make develop target (which is responsible for setting up the entire toolchain.
  • has been converted to rst in order to be in line with the rest of the project. We also updated and reordered some of its content. For that purpose versioning and release related information has been moved to dedicated stub pages.
  • A setup.cfg has been added to store additional settings for some of our tools.

Testing of the documentation is done by building it in a dedicated _test_build directory for now. Once a clear testing/CI process emerges this may be optimised.

We used the opportunity to add bumpversion to the toolchain while we were at it.

Closes: #119 (closed)

Merge request reports
