! Libraries:
use jumble, only: get_command_arg_dyn, read_opcol, new_unit, ediff1d, assert
use shapelib_03, only: dbf_read_attribute_03
use config_graph_m, only: config_graph, copy, max_delta, cyclone
use derived_types, only: snapshot, shpc_slice_handler, shpc_slice_meta
use read_grid_m, only: read_grid, uniform_lon_lat
use read_snapshot_m, only: read_snapshot
use shpc_close_m, only: shpc_close
use shpc_open_m, only: shpc_open
use unit_edge_m, only: open_edge_file, unit_edge
implicit none
integer:: k_test_1 = 0, k_test_2 = 1, i_slice = 0
type(snapshot), allocatable:: flow(:) ! (max_delta + 1)
integer e_overestim ! over-estimation of the number of eddies at each date
namelist /main_nml/ k_test_1, k_test_2, i_slice
call get_command_arg_dyn(1, shpc_dir, "Required argument: SHPC-directory")
call read_grid(shpc_dir, rank = 0)
write(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
print *, "Enter namelist main_nml."
read(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
write(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
with_proj = .not. uniform_lon_lat, pszaccess = "rb")
call dbf_read_attribute_03(ssm%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
call read_opcol(ssm%ishape_last, hshp%unit, my_lbound = ssm%d0)
n_dates = size(ssm%ishape_last)
call assert(ssm%d0 <= [k_test_1, k_test_2] .and. [k_test_1, k_test_2] &
< ssm%d0 + n_dates, "test_overlap k_test_1, k_test_2")
e_overestim = maxval([ssm%ishape_last(ssm%d0) + 1, ediff1d(ssm%ishape_last)])
open(unit, file = "e_overestim.txt", status = "replace", action = "write")
write(unit, fmt = *) e_overestim
call read_snapshot(flow(1), [hshp], [ssm], k_test_1, copy)
call read_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), [hshp], [ssm], k_test_2, copy)
print *, "Enter flow(1)%list%delta_out (array with ", &
read *, flow(1)%list%delta_out
print *, "Enter flow(max_delta + 1)%list%delta_in (array with ", &
flow(max_delta + 1)%number_extr, " values)):"
read *, flow(max_delta + 1)%list%delta_in
call overlap(flow, e_overestim, k = k_test_2, delta = max_delta, &
j = max_delta + 1)
print *, 'Created file "edgelist.csv".'
if (flow(1)%list(i)%delta_out == huge(0)) &
write(unit = *, fmt = "(i0, 1x)", advance = "no") i
end do
print *
do i = 1, flow(max_delta + 1)%number_extr
if (flow(max_delta + 1)%list(i)%delta_in == huge(0)) &
write(unit = *, fmt = "(i0, 1x)", advance = "no") i
end do