Lionel GUEZ authored
0ce6b1b4. Write extr_map in test_read_snapshot since extr_map has been defined. So create a procedure write_extr_map because now we want to write extr_map both in test_local_extrema and in test_read_snapshot. Preparing to take into account periodicity in successive_overlap: add argument periodic to read_snapshot and extend s%extr_map in longitude if periodic. In program extraction_eddies, constraint on max_radius(1) is necessary only if periodic. Make read_snapshot more general: add argument step. In procedure get_snapshot, remove definition of s%number_eddies because this is already done in read_snapshot. Promote dist_lim from local constant of successive_overlap to constant of module successive_overlap_m because we need it in read_snapshot (and test_successive_overlap and test_read_snapshot).
Lionel GUEZ authored0ce6b1b4. Write extr_map in test_read_snapshot since extr_map has been defined. So create a procedure write_extr_map because now we want to write extr_map both in test_local_extrema and in test_read_snapshot. Preparing to take into account periodicity in successive_overlap: add argument periodic to read_snapshot and extend s%extr_map in longitude if periodic. In program extraction_eddies, constraint on max_radius(1) is necessary only if periodic. Make read_snapshot more general: add argument step. In procedure get_snapshot, remove definition of s%number_eddies because this is already done in read_snapshot. Promote dist_lim from local constant of successive_overlap to constant of module successive_overlap_m because we need it in read_snapshot (and test_successive_overlap and test_read_snapshot).